Examples of phrases and messages for saying goodbye to a guy that will make him come back

Hello, dear readers! Probably everyone has experienced the fact that while lying in bed at night, you begin to pronounce your monologue to the offender, he loses the power of speech, understands that he was wrong. But the quarrel has already happened, the opponent turned out to be more talkative, and it was you who forgot the words. The same situation often occurs during a disagreement in a couple. It would be good to prepare in advance and know what to say to a guy goodbye when breaking up so that he comes back. Of course, you shouldn’t memorize the templates, but there is a point in learning them. Then, in a state of emotional shock, there will be something to build on.

If they leave you...

It is more painful and offensive to find yourself in the role of an abandoned party. The more you want to be collected, proud and desired at the moment of parting. Here are some options that will tell you what to say to a guy when breaking up so that he regrets:

  • “You deserve a kind, sweet and shy girl. I am completely different, purposeful and strong. Therefore, it is good that our paths diverge. Goodbye!"
  • “Initially, I was not ready to build a future together with you! But your persistence prevailed... And what came of it?”
  • “Leave quickly and don’t look back! Everything will be great for you, I wish you happiness!”
  • “I respect your decision! It really will be better for us separately. Although I am still in love with you..."
  • “Don’t blame yourself for anything, none of us are perfect. If you want to leave, go, I won’t keep you...”
  • “Thank you for the time we spent together, but you’re right, we’d be better off apart!”
  • “You were right when you said that we have little in common. And I kept thinking that opposites attract. It's time to part ways."
  • “Our love was too ideal to turn into infinity. Thank you for the days spent together"
  • “I’m sad and hurt not because we’re breaking up. But because you still found a reason to break up. But I still wish you happiness.”

The main thing is to be sincere, but not to show the withering negativity pressing from within. Pleas, threats, accusations will be unnecessary in any case. They won’t keep him and won’t return him, but at the same time they will become a reason to isolate himself from any contacts, or even a topic for jokes among his friends. Pride and self-sufficiency must come to the fore.

Farewell SMS to your beloved man

If the word WE no longer exists in your relationship, it means that this half was definitely not yours. Drive away the annoying sadness, and send your ex-beloved your last farewell SMS.

  • No matter how much it pains me to let you go, I have already decided everything. Our boat of love has stopped sailing on the waves of sublime feelings!
  • We will no longer wake up in each other’s arms and everyone now has their own sun!
  • It’s very sad to realize that this is the end of our relationship, but my heart’s emptiness will definitely be filled over time!
  • Breaking up now would be the best way out of this difficult situation. I command my heart to forget your name!
  • The shine of our eyes towards each other was replaced by a dull expression. The love story crumbled into small beads and fate destined us to live separately.
  • The future no longer exists for us, and the past is too painful to remember. Tomorrow I will wake up and take a different path towards my happiness!

If you quit...

If this is not a mental impulse, then the idea of ​​breaking up has been nurtured for a long time. Words, actions are considered, and even responses to a possible reaction are prepared. But the problem is that the interlocutor, no matter how close he is, can still behave unpredictably. Therefore, you should choose simple phrases that will be said goodbye without pretense, easily and in your own words:

  • “I fell in love with the kindest and most gentle man, but now in front of me is an embittered and indifferent man whom I don’t recognize. I get suffocated when we're close. I want freedom."
  • “Our love was built on a deep and pure feeling, which spread into separate streams. There is no more “us” and nothing in common. There are two acquaintances who are not on the same path.”
  • “I ask you to let me go, give me freedom and access to air. Our union brings me suffering and pain, I can’t take it anymore.”
  • “Every day you are further away from me. By withdrawing and withdrawing, you push feelings out of our lives. So it's time to part ways."
  • “I want to find the right words when breaking up, but my feelings are overwhelming me. I probably still love you, but being with you is comparable to being branded with a hot iron every day.”
  • “It’s time for everyone to find their own path. Let respect and sincere gratitude remain between us for the time spent together.”

With any outbursts of emotions, especially negative or aggressive ones, it is worth maintaining composure. If possible, words of farewell should be said in person; you should not write a long, heartbreaking letter. It is worth maintaining maximum goodwill, trying to smooth out the moment of leaving, and not stooping to insults and humiliation.

Girls' mistakes

This, of course, is not about grammatical errors, although their absence speaks in your favor. But even a farewell letter can become not a point in a relationship, but a meaningless ellipsis. To prevent this from happening, keep a few points in mind.

  • Don't write a letter if you'd rather talk. Still, it is difficult to convey all the intonations and nuances in writing. It may happen that a man will see in your message a completely different meaning than you intended. If you want to sort things out once and for all, do it in person.
  • Don't wait for an answer to your farewell letter. The point is for them to end the relationship. If you want to use it to attract a man’s attention, to interest him, to show that you are offended, do not hope for results. Men think straightforwardly, but not even every woman will understand such a veiled hint.
  • Don't threaten or blackmail. There is no need to turn the letter literally into a farewell message. Sending a guy notes in which you threaten to do something to yourself because of him is mean and pathetic on your part.


If you changed...

There is no desire to even prepare for this, so we will consider examples for sending a message, after the fact, so that after reading, the words will move the ex-boyfriend to tears. You should not expect curses for the rest of your life or any other atrocities in the templates. Of course, awareness of the fact of betrayal makes you think about how to take revenge. But this will not bring satisfaction; no threats, physical violence or persecution of a rival will bring happiness and will not change what happened. But years later you will bitterly regret this incident.

In this situation, you need to write words that would confuse him and make him flare up like a match. Therefore, you need to hit subtly, sharply, thoughtfully and at what hurts most, pride:

  • “You were everything to me, the most important and powerful. I was proud of your judgment and experience. But lately, you have lost a lot, become indecisive, hasty, stumble in your words... I was your source of strength, which you can’t replace with anything else.”
  • “You promised me the world at my feet, the moon and the whole Universe. Saying this, you glowed with your omnipotence. Stop, look at yourself... Today you woke up as a loser, because I gave you all the self-confidence.”
  • “I wasn’t happy with you, there were too many tears and pain. Only underdeveloped copies of real men are capable of such an attitude. Unfortunately, you're just a bad line."

Don't wait for a response message or call. You need to realize that the message may not be read at all, but immediately go to the deleted ones. Also, the guy may read it, but decide not to engage in a lengthy debate and will not respond. In any case, control your desires to send another “smart” thought. Don't become a spam mailer on his phone. 2-3 messages are enough. If you haven't answered, it's better to let him go.

If you changed...

Female infidelity has long been included in the 7 deadly sins for modern society. Therefore, you have to pay much harder. If a man is unfaithful, many may complain about his male freedom or midlife crisis, and in general, they have forgotten and forgiven. Then, if the wife turned out to be unfaithful, everyone who finds out about the offense will be branded with shame and dissuade the betrothed from reconciliation.

In this case, you should act wisely, weighing your actions and words. In order for him to still consider the sincerity of his repentance and eventually return, his beloved should write a sincere, long and piercing letter as a farewell, here are a few examples:

  • “In all family troubles, both are always to blame. But not in this situation. This is entirely my fault, my mistake and my sin. I succumbed to my emotions, and after that there was not a minute that I did not regret what I had done. It hurts me to breathe, realizing with each awakening that you are not with me and cannot forgive me. Accept my repentance and know that I love you with all my heart.”
  • “My mistake has taken everything from me, the air that I breathe, the earth that gives me support, the water that saves me from thirst. But I am ready to accept all these hardships, if only you would be near me again. Having stumbled, the criminal receives a prison sentence. So tell me, how much is measured out for me? I love you and am ready to wait for your forgiveness.”
  • “I am very sorry that I made you suffer. Every day before going to bed and immediately after waking up, I reproach myself for my mistake. Guilt in front of you does not allow me to move, breathe and feel this world again. Please listen to me, give me a chance to fix everything. I love you!"

Honesty is the best policy

This should be a good, honest letter so that he, imbued with your mood, understands that you have serious intentions and the decision is irreversible.

Next, indicate the reason. Again, it has to be fair. If there is already another one, say so. Then his pride will not allow him to insist on further explanations.

If you are in love, you need to report this too. It is clear that without names and surnames. It is more difficult with the formulations “we are too different”, “I had a good time with you, but...”, “we are not a match for each other”, “I am unworthy of you” (or “you are me”), “I don’t love you anymore” . It is advisable to never use the last thesis at all. It’s very offensive for a person to hear this; it’s easier to even hear about another man. You can somehow soften it, for example, plagiarize: “our love’s battery has run out.” A little humor won’t hurt, after all, the moment is difficult, we need to defuse the situation.

Well, it’s better not to list the full list of simmering grievances, firstly, your now ex-boyfriend will have a desire to argue with each point, and secondly, why spoil your nerves?

Advice from psychologists

Only understanding the situation that happened will help you use phrases correctly. In order for him to return, you must first properly say goodbye to the guy, saying his sparkling phrase, and then let him go. By letting a person go, we break the energetic connection, without which he becomes less strong, charming, and sociable. And he intuitively reaches back to recharge.

Psychologists recommend following a set of rules immediately after a breakup:

  1. Sociability. You can’t isolate yourself, delete your profile on social networks and hide in a corner. On the contrary, you need the support of friends and acquaintances. The more emotions, the easier it is to survive the breakup. Let Him see through mutual acquaintances that life did not stop without him.
  2. Appearance. When going out into the world, you need to create not only make-up on your face, but also a radiant smile. Sparkling positivity, stylish clothes, fashionable hairstyle, let him see how attractive a girl he missed.
  3. Responsiveness. Selfless help to other people is valued above ostentatious politeness. Many guys sacrifice external qualities, seeing true humanity and openness in their partner.
  4. Sense of humor. It's important to know the boundary. Looking funny while humiliating another person is wrong. It’s good to lift the spirits of those around you with a well-spoken phrase.
  5. Patience. Nothing happens overnight. Immediately after the breakup, the guy is also raging with emotions, worries, maybe resentment or anger. You should take the first steps towards resuming communication no earlier than a month after the breakup.


Having written touching words to your ex-boyfriend, you should not expect him to instantly change his mood and behavior. Do not forget to focus on the correct presentation of thoughts, the rules of punctuation and grammar. Don’t overdo it with the number of messages; it’s nice to receive everything in moderation. As Shakespeare said: “...so sweet is the honey that at last it is bitter. Too much taste kills the taste...”

Share your stories of your loved one's return in the comments. Did you receive farewell messages and what emotions did they evoke?

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