“I don’t want to solve anything”: infantilism as a problem for others

Mental infantilism is a fairly uniform developmental delay with a predominant delay in the emotional sphere and volitional qualities, behavior characteristic of representatives of younger age groups. It manifests itself most clearly during school years. As you grow older, it is leveled out or integrated into the structure of borderline personality or psychopathy.

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general information

In ICD-10, the disease is included under the code F60.8. In young children, identifying emotional-volitional lag and a decrease in the level of motivation is difficult, so the disorder in most cases becomes clear from the beginning of education, and then is clearly visible during puberty. The most noticeable distinctive features are a penchant for games with little interest in learning, misunderstanding and the inability to comply with teachers’ requirements, including with regard to discipline. The prevalence is just over 1.5%.

Despite the difficulties in diagnosing developmental delay as a type of mental infantilism in young children, scientists were able to identify the corresponding signs when observing a group of patients who were in hospital for a long time, underwent repeated operations and, thus, “missed” certain stages. Experts note that in such cases, along with the psycho-emotional component, motor functions and intelligence suffer.

Despite the study of various forms and age-related manifestations, researchers still have insufficient understanding of the dynamics and outcome of the disorder as a whole. In adults, the pathological condition is detected in the presence of mental illness.

What does the development of infantility lead to?

It is not enough to understand the term of what infantilism is. To begin to understand this problem, you also need to know the basic manifestations of the problem. The most common of them is a reluctance to make important decisions and a fear of communicating with adults. Often such people try to shift important tasks to others, avoiding even such things as doing their own laundry or ironing things. Although it has been proven in practice that often such people earn money themselves and can have very good material wealth.

In many ways, representatives of this social category are selfish and pay more attention to their own problems and concerns. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to get out of this state on your own.


The main factor is considered to be damage to cerebral structures in the prenatal and infant periods: chronic intoxication and infectious diseases of the mother, fetal asphyxia, birth injuries, severe somatic diseases of the child. Adverse effects are particularly important during the third trimester of pregnancy and childbirth.

Probably, the presence of infantile traits in the absence of mental retardation is explained by isolated damage to those areas of the brain that were most intensively formed during the period of influence of the negative factor. Experts also point out the great importance of genetic predisposition and upbringing, which cause or intensify excessive childish manifestations. Possible reasons include despotic upbringing, hyper- and hypo-custody.


Infantile children are characterized by increased suggestibility, carelessness, lack of independence, inability to accept responsibility and lack of understanding of its essence. Patients prefer gaming to any other type of pastime (studying, participating in family affairs, helping elders, independently learning new things, studying in clubs and sections). It is difficult for them to make volitional efforts, restrain their feelings, and subordinate their behavior to the demands of teachers and parents.

Characteristic features are low interest in exploring the world, weak motivation, a tendency to excessively merge with the mother, and lack of need for independence. At an early age, delayed maturation of the brain regions responsible for the emergence and control of emotions is indicated by a tendency to generalize reactions to irritability, disinhibition and hyperactivity with insufficient formation of fine motor acts. Details of the clinical picture are determined by the type of disorder.

Psychological fusion with the parental family

The cause of infantilization of young people is often incomplete separation from their parents. This term refers to separation from a loved one with whom a person was in psychological fusion.

Most often it is about the mother. If a growing child separates from his parents, personality formation occurs. He gradually begins to take independent actions and takes decisions upon himself.

Photo by kelli mcclintock on Unsplash

If the separation is completed successfully, the young man gains self-sufficiency and becomes an adult. “The child grew up, but the parents didn’t even notice.” This can be said today in relation to young people in our country.

After all, there are many conditions that prevent separation from being completed. Low incomes, difficulties in finding employment, uncertainty - all this hinders development. Children reach adulthood but remain dependent on their parents.

In some families, the child is the “center of the universe,” and all other relatives revolve around him, like planets around a star. But the time comes to release the child from its native nest.

Photo by Daniel H. Tong on Unsplash

For example, to go to study in another city or perform military service. For the sake of work, after all. The whole family is acutely experiencing this moment. A “syndrome of a nest from which the matured chick has flown away” occurs.

Modern culture does not have traditions that initiate the acquisition of a new status in society. There are often situations when the mother continues to interfere in the life of an already married “child”; or the father of an adult woman dictates to her how to dress and who to date.


Harmonic simple mental infantilism is characterized by a fairly uniform lag, affecting social adaptation. The average delay is 1-3 years. Patients look younger than their age. They are lively, inquisitive, but easily distracted, fickle, incapable of long-term concentration even in their area of ​​interest.

Children play for a long time, but quickly get tired when they have to complete tasks that require patience, willpower and intellectual tension. When starting school, they have difficulty responding to standard tasks. Due to overload, neuroticism is possible.

The current is quite favorable. Symptoms level out or disappear upon reaching 10 years of age. However, some experts believe that the observed dynamics do not necessarily indicate complete harmonization of the psyche. In adults, there is an increased likelihood of developing character accentuations.

An infantile person is...

So, what does an infantile character mean, by what signs can we conclude that this is a person of a similar “cut”? It is characterized by the following features:

  1. dependency – living at the expense of others (you’ve probably come across “children” sitting on the necks of their parents or spouses at 30, 40 or more years old);

  2. selfishness – preoccupation with oneself, one’s comfort and well-being, concern with one’s own problems and indifference to others, inability to self-sacrifice and help others;
  3. unwillingness to be responsible for one’s words, actions and deeds. The infanta’s speech is filled with expressions such as “I was provoked,” “I was forced,” “I was forced.” Thus, the infant tells the world: “It’s not me, it’s all of them, I have nothing to do with it”;
  4. game-oriented behavior He is cheerful, carefree, easy to talk to;
  5. lack of goals, aspirations for development and self-realization;
  6. stereotypical thinking , narrow outlook, ignorance of oneself, one’s needs and, as a result, lack of self-criticism and self-esteem;
  7. Infantilism manifests itself most clearly in helplessness in the face of negative realities: any problems are not solved, but are avoided - ignored or transferred to loved ones.


The syndrome of uncomplicated organic mental infantilism is observed with brain lesions. In many patients, damage occurs in utero, the signs of pathology are combined with the stigmas of embryogenesis: abnormal hair growth, malocclusion, high palate, short stature, etc. Manifestations are extremely diverse, depending on the volume and location of damage to cerebral structures.

As with the children from the previous group, naivety, suggestibility, and a penchant for games are noted. Thinking is characterized by inertia and difficulties when switching. Emotions are often smoothed out, not sufficiently lively and bright, imagination is poor, attachments are superficial. Children do not feel the need for approval and evaluation of the results of games and learning, which indicates a low level of aspirations. Disinhibition and elements of pathological behavior are possible.

Within the framework of the complicated organic variant, disproportionate, neuropathic and cerebrasthenic types are considered. In the first case, there is a significant discrepancy between the levels of various aspects of personality. The second type is characterized by timidity, timidity, uncertainty, and problems adapting to a team. In the third case, irritable weakness and slight intellectual decline are observed.

Diagnostic methods

The psychiatrist conducts a conversation with the patient, assesses his adequacy, ability to maintain a dialogue, and intellectual capabilities.

  1. When diagnosing psychophysical infantilism in children, tests are used. They are asked to draw an animal, a tree, a flower according to certain criteria. If there is a problem, the child simplifies the elements of the drawing and does not follow the recommendations.
  2. For schoolchildren and teenagers, tests are used in pictures that depict different life situations. The doctor asks the patient to explain the actions and feelings of the drawn people.
  3. To identify psycho-emotional instability in adults and children over 10 years of age, special questionnaires are used. People must answer questions truthfully. The doctor analyzes the answers and uses them to determine pathologies of thinking and behavior.

The doctor determines the level of biological maturity of the child: evaluates external characteristics, comparing them with children of the same age. Then it compares the results with chronological data. If they are approximately equal, this indicates optimal maturity. When the biological age is less than the actual age, a delayed (retarded) development option is stated.

To diagnose physiological infantilism, a general examination is carried out, including:

  • gynecological examination;
  • laboratory tests of blood and urine.

To find out age characteristics, an anthropological study is carried out. The condition of internal organs is studied using ultrasound.

Cost of services

Initial consultation with a psychiatrist (60 min.)6,000 rub.
Repeated consultation5,000 rub.
Consultation with a psychiatrist-narcologist (60 min.)5,000 rub.
Consultation with a psychologist3,500 rub.
Consultation with Gromova E.V. (50 minutes) 12,000 rub.
Psychotherapy (session)7,000 rub.
Psychotherapy (5 sessions)30,000 rub.
Psychotherapy (10 sessions)60,000 rub.
Group psychotherapy (3-7 people)3,500 rub.
Psychotherapy session with E.V. Gromova (50 minutes) 12,000 rub.

This list does not contain all prices for services provided by our clinic. The full price list can be found on the “Prices” , or by calling: 8(969)060-93-93. Initial consultation is FREE!


This option arises against the background of improper upbringing and has been studied less than others. It is formed as a result of deprivation of important emotional and intellectual needs due to inattention, abandonment, too strict requirements or, on the contrary, connivance and a complete lack of discipline.

Depending on the parenting style, egocentrism, passivity, decreased initiative, indecision, inability to withstand stress, and lack of ideals and ethical guidelines necessary for the normal functioning of a mature personality are possible. Treatment involves long-term psychotherapy.

For diagnosis and quality therapy, call 8(969)060-93-93 and make an appointment.

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