How to make friends with anyone and where to look for new friends

We try to attract attention to ourselves all our lives. It is very important for us that our parents, friends, loved ones and other people pay attention to us. Because with their love, our lives are filled with colors.

We constantly dream and imagine situations in which we are a unique person, about whom other people constantly think, and with whom it is pleasant to communicate. We always want our opinion to be taken into account and to always be in first place. But unfortunately, dreams remain dreams, because we put ourselves above others.

When we make decisions on our own, people often try to help us by giving their advice. As egoists, we reject and criticize any advice, and sometimes we turn a deaf ear, considering it useless. And at the same time, we want attention from them. But how can we get it if we refuse it ourselves?

To attract the attention of people dear to you, first of all, stop rejecting other people's attention. You should always have a sincere attitude towards people trying to help you, and listen to their opinions. And when they understand that their opinions are important to you, they will begin to take yours into account.

If you want to attract attention to yourself, you need to try to maintain friendly relations with the one from whom you want it. If you need the attention of friends and colleagues, try to spend as much time as possible with them. If you lack the attention of your family, try to trust them and listen to their advice. If you want to attract the attention of your loved one, then love him sincerely, trust him.

These are all general recommendations, but to achieve really strong results you will have to work on each group separately. Therefore, use the list of rules compiled for the group you need.

How to attract more friends

If you find it difficult to find good friends, ask magic for help.
Most of these conspiracies belong to the rituals of white magic.

They are harmless if you follow some recommendations:

  1. Even if we are talking about a white magic ritual, you still influence a person’s energy. Therefore, without pure intentions and confidence in your desire, you should not play with higher powers.
  2. You can’t try to bewitch a person. Friendly affection is a feeling that should be mutual.
  3. You should resort to the power of magic only if you suffer from loneliness and need a soul mate.
  4. If with the help of a ritual you want to make friends, improve your relationship with one person, then remember that the object of the ritual cannot be unfamiliar people, idols, or celebrities.
  5. A conspiracy is not a love spell. It will increase people’s interest in you, create an additional incentive for them to build friendly relationships, but will not be able to impose something on others against their will.

Are you getting down to business?

When you are in love, what kind of friendship can you talk about? This is already passion. A person is constantly in your head, in your thoughts. He appears there more often than others. So what should I do? Should you talk about your feelings or immediately try to seduce? Both are adventures. The man you choose may not be interested in you at all. Assess the situation soberly. You're taking a risk. Realize that any outcome is possible. You can lose a friend, or you can gain a strong relationship!

In principle, it is possible to seduce a friend. The main thing is to help him realize that you are sexy, feminine, charming and gentle. Well, are you going to take risks? Write in the comments!

How friendship spells can help

Such spells help not only cope with loneliness and find new interesting acquaintances, but also strengthen relationships with existing friends.

After the ceremony, you will notice how the situation around you changes: people appear who show interest in you, invite you to visit, and offer help. But the methods of white magic only make you more attractive to others, increase your self-esteem and give you confidence - you will have to build relationships and gain trust on your own.

Types of rituals

There are different types of rituals:

  1. Some conspiracies are designed to bring many new acquaintances into a person’s life, people with whom you can chat, have fun, or go on vacation. This method is often used by single people.
  2. There are spells that are used to strengthen existing friendships.
  3. Some rituals are designed to find one friend you can always rely on.

The choice depends on the person's ultimate goal.

For a new friend

It is better to direct conspiracies to people you know with whom you are going to make friends. But there are also spells to attract public attention. This ritual will give you more charm and self-confidence, and awaken genuine interest in those around you. It is better to read the text of the conspiracy after sunset.

After the sun has set, you can read this plot.

There is another simple ritual that is suitable for people who want to win the favor of the team and relieve stress at work. During the week, in the morning before leaving the house, you need to read the words of the conspiracy.

Say the spell before leaving the house.

These words will help you become the soul of the team and improve relations with your superiors.

If you are in doubt about whether to use spells, you can perform a simpler and safer ritual. To do this, you will need a pot for house plants filled with soil, and a piece of paper with the name of an acquaintance written on it, in whom you see a potential friend.

You need to plant the seeds or bulb of any flower (for example, daffodil or tulip) in the soil along with a note. As the plant grows, so will your friendship.

To improve relations

Sometimes disagreements arise between friends, as a result of which they communicate less and spend almost no time together. You can strengthen your friendship with a girl using magic. It is better to learn the text of the conspiracy by heart.

To reconcile with a girl, learn this spell and read it twice a day.

The spell must be repeated for a week, morning and evening.

If you need to make friends with a man, you will need a different ritual. In the evening, take a piece of paper and write your names next to it. The note must be set on fire from a candle flame and the plot must be read while the paper is burning.

For friendship with a man.

Ashes from burnt paper should be scattered to the wind.

For strong friendship

To strengthen your relationship with a friend, you need to find his photo or personal item. Wait until the waxing moon phase begins - then you can begin the ritual. It is carried out at the window: you need to take a photo and position yourself so that the moonlight falls on your hands.

We pronounce the spell on the waxing moon.

There is another powerful ritual for strong friendship. But this ritual belongs to black magic and, if performed incorrectly, will do more harm than good.

The plot is best read after midnight. Buy 2 black candles, light them, and place a treat for your potential friend on the table between them (chocolate is a good option).

The next day, the charmed treat must be offered to the person (only the object of the ritual should eat it, no one else).

For reconciliation

Sometimes, despite strong feelings, misunderstandings still arise between friends, which can lead to the gradual destruction of relationships. In such cases, you can also use magic.

A gift plot will be effective. You need to buy some kind of souvenir or thing that will please your friend. Pack the gift beautifully, and after sunset read the text of the conspiracy over it.

We carry out a conspiracy for a gift for a friend.

The next day, the charmed souvenir should be presented as a gift to a loved one, but this should be done with sincere faith in strengthening relationships and hope for a better future.

To renew friendly relations

If at some point the friendship was interrupted, it can be returned with the help of a conspiracy. In the evening, you need to light a candle brought from church, peer into the flame, concentrate and read the simple text of the spell.

To perform another ritual you will need 3 church candles. They need to be placed on the table in a triangle, and a cosmetic mirror should be placed behind them. Concentrating on the flame, you need to cast a spell.

The candles should burn out almost completely. The cinders and the mirror should be wrapped in a clean cloth or handkerchief, hidden in a secret place and not touched unless necessary.

What needs to be done to get your loved one back?

How to get your ex boyfriend back

  1. Maintain friendly relations
  2. Disappear from the horizon
  3. Take a pause to think
  4. Rise from the ashes
  5. Please him when you meet him
  6. Hide your emotions about his new girlfriend
  7. Disguise your interest
  8. Show progress

Oct 18
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What prayers can be used

If your relationship with a friend is not going well, you can try to correct the situation through prayer.

We cast the spell over the fire of candles.

You need to repeat the prayer with 12 burning candles brought from church, 3 times in the morning and evening until the relationship returns to normal.

People suffering from loneliness can also correct the situation with the help of sincere prayer. You need to buy a bouquet of flowers (the type and quantity do not matter) and go to the temple with them. In the church, look for the “Taming of Evil Hearts” icon and place flowers near it. Buy and light a candle, then say a prayer.

A prayer to the Mother of God will be heard if the request comes from a pure heart.

Pros and cons of friendship before love

Huge advantages if you want to interest a close friend:

  • You don’t have to come up with reasons for meetings and topics for conversation;
  • You know his tastes and you will try to match;
  • You can always please;
  • You can spend enough time together and not feel like you are intruding.

One of the psychological tips: “how to make a friend fall in love with you” is to try to start a conversation, where you carefully try to find out his attitude towards the transition from friendship to love, whether he is considering such an option. Close friendship even allows you to ask directly.

Disadvantages of close acquaintance:

  1. A guy simply may not perceive his girlfriend as a girl and view her as a sister;
  2. In the company of friends you become so “your guy” that turning into a girl is almost impossible;

If a direct question is answered with a vague answer: “Everyone has a chance,” will it be possible to remain close friends?

When can you use spells?

Like all rituals, it is better to plan rituals to attract friendship for any day during the waxing moon - at this time the celestial body emits powerful energy that enhances all magical effects.

It is worth preparing for reading the plot, because its success largely depends on the emotional state of the person. It is important to concentrate on your own desire, clearly understanding the end goal, imagining what your life will look like when you have friends nearby. Meditation, prayer, and visiting church will help you cleanse yourself of unnecessary negative emotions.

An important condition is a sincere belief that higher powers will help you find a soul mate. And you shouldn’t tell anyone (especially the object of the conspiracy) about the ritual performed - this can lead to a lack of results.

Using white magic to make new friends is the best solution.

Keep a positive attitude

A positive attitude is one of the most important requirements of friendship. It determines whether we will feel the desire to spend time with a person or not. Think about whether people enjoy communicating with you, and decide what needs more work.

Simple rules: say “thank you,” be supportive, ask questions, don’t be secretive, smile.

People don't like to be around negative people all the time. Researchers have found that when you speak well of someone, people tend to attribute those positive qualities to you, too. For example, if you tell a colleague that your boss is friendly and considerate, he or she will likely think that you are friendly and considerate. Conversely, if you complain that your boss is a narcissistic jerk, a coworker may notice some of these unpleasant qualities in you.

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