All about pickup: history, pickup basics, seduction courses

The word “pickup artist” comes from the English Pick Up Artist (PUA).

A pick-up artist is a man or guy who studies the art of communication, seduction, attracting women and practices dating women.

  • This could be an ordinary adequate normal guy who simply doesn’t have a good relationship with girls and with a desire to close all his questions, he can start studying pickup.
  • Moreover, this does not mean that he necessarily wants to make love to a woman, drag her into bed and then leave her - this is a stereotypical illusion.

Synonyms : player, pepper, seducer, casanova, etc.

It would not be entirely correct to call a person who studies social dynamics, the psychology of communicating with people in order to choose the most comfortable and least energy-consuming way to communicate with people, a pick-up artist.

What is the name of the maestro of this business?

A pickup master is a man who has upgraded his seduction skills to such a high level that he is a master of seduction and attraction of women, a master of communication and quick rapprochement with girls.

For such a man, communication and meeting girls is his lifestyle. He lives it completely, is a master of his craft and gets results easily and without stress.

Now you know everything about who a “pickup master” is.

Why don't everyone like them?

Not all people treat pick-up artists well.

There are the following reasons for this:

  1. The stereotypical and herd mentality of people, supposedly pick-up artists only want one thing - to make love, and then he leaves the girls.
  2. Hatred from other men comes from the fact that they do not have such an abundance of girls to choose from.
  3. Here lies deep envy, because they come to the understanding that they are limited by fears, complexes and cannot do anything about it.
  4. People don't like those who stand out from the crowd and always criticize those who allow themselves more than the average person.
  5. People mistakenly believe that all pick-up artists use some kind of technique, template, routine or any kind of manipulation. This is a big misconception.

Here is a simple answer to the question of who a pickup artist is and why they sometimes don’t like him.


The following real-life examples demonstrate the basic principles of pick-up for guys in action:

  1. In the flower pavilion we choose a woman who evokes sympathy. We approach her and ask her for help in choosing a bouquet for her grandmother’s birthday. Let us make it clear that we have no problems with finances: we can purchase a bouquet of any cost, grandmother’s birthday will be celebrated in the most expensive restaurant in the city at the expense of her loving grandson, etc. After purchasing a bouquet, we suggest you take a walk in the park together. If a woman is busy at the moment, the date is postponed to a time convenient for her. During communication, we build the conversation around her person, not forgetting to ask leading questions and obtain the necessary information. We “openly” talk about ourselves, share our “most secret”. Don't forget about unobtrusive touches and constant eye contact. If she shows interest and disposition, we suggest moving to a suitable place.
  2. We select the object we like on the dating site. We carefully study the page for interests, hobbies, and views. We begin our acquaintance by mentioning her interest. In the communication process, we focus on common ground. We openly talk about ourselves and ask her leading questions.
    If she is reluctant to respond, you should increase the time it takes to respond to her message. The need to wait will cause slight irritation and impatience, and this, in turn, will fuel interest.

    When her responses to messages become prompt and detailed, you can suggest a meeting. During the date, act in the same way as in the previous case.

What are they really like: are they all the same or not?

In fact, among the so-called pick-up artists there are both very conscious and wonderful people and routine unpleasant individuals.

  • Just as there are both good and bad people in the world , the same is true among pickup artists. There is no point in reproaching and denouncing them all and sweeping them under the same brush.
  • And among them there are bad ones, not because they study pickup , but because inside they themselves are such individuals. Not self-sufficient, selfish or rotten inside - that’s not the point.
  • If a person is wise, conscious and pleasant to talk to, then studying a pickup truck only makes him more attractive.
  • And if a person has everything black inside , he is angry at the whole world and this suits him, then studying a pickup truck will not change him in any way! Personality always comes out.
  • All the negativity towards the whole pickup truck as a whole is based precisely because of such sad, unpleasant people.
  • People don't want to see the difference between people who approach pickup more consciously and wisely, and people who only want to satisfy their desires without self-development.

Understanding the difference, you will not ask questions about who these pickup artists are.

Ten-point rating system for young ladies

The ten-point rating system for women, used by a significant part of pick-up artists, is needed primarily for an adequate assessment of one’s own behavior and desires. A word from unknown authors:

“This whole ten-point system is good for subsequent feedback. When working in the field or meeting by chance, there is no need to highlight the nuances. It is enough to determine whether you are ready to fuck this girl. Ready - go get acquainted. Everything else comes later. Most pick-up artists set the filter to 5. That is, five and above is “Yes” (we get to know each other, communicate, fuck). Everything below is “No”. Particularly finicky peppers supposedly work from six, but this is not entirely true. In reality, they work from fives with potential. For this purpose, in fact, this auxiliary gradation was introduced. She divides girls into “yes”/“no”.

0 – unattainable maximum of disgusting external data

Everything is clear here; fortunately, it does not occur in nature.

1 – disgusting

Well, very ugly. As an example, the most terrible and dirty homeless woman at the Kursk station.

2 – ugly

Ugly means ugly. Ugh. This means that it is impossible to look at her calmly. There is an urge to either turn away or vomit. The worst thing that can happen on the path of life. God forbid such colleagues and business partners. We'll have to communicate.

3 – ugly

That's better. The most terrible girl who has not yet caused disgust. That is, you can communicate without problems. She's not scary, just scary. By the way, girls are usually very good in character (unless, of course, they are embittered by their bitter fate).

4 – ugly

Just an ugly girl. You could say ugly. Well, God forbidden external parameters, it happens.

By the way, as practice shows, ratings, starting with fours, depend on the personal preferences of the pickup artist. That is, the “four” of one may well be the “six” of another. If you dug a “six”, have no doubt that someone will consider it a “four”, and someone else will consider it an “eight”.

5 – neutral, zero impression

The most common category. A zero, neutral impression is created not only if the girl has an erased appearance, neither fish nor fowl, but also based on a combination of parameters. For example: a beautiful face and a lousy figure. Or something else. Just evaluating it all, you understand that there is no impression. It happens that you look at a girl and you can’t call her pretty, but you are drawn to her. You understand that she is ugly (you can’t fool yourself), but there is some zest in her. A solid "five". What else can you say.

6 – pretty

The main thing is to understand and remember: “six” is good. This is a really sweet and pretty girl with whom you want to hang out and communicate on all (or some) levels. If everyone decides for themselves individually about “threes”, “fours”, “fives”, then we fuck “sixes” with pleasure and without fail. The vast majority of pick-up artists start fucking from 4 or 5, especially picky ones from 6. Those who fuck at least 8 are simply calibrated incorrectly.

7 – very pretty

Everything is clear here: the girls are getting better and better, but this is the real maximum that occurs in everyday life. There are only a few beautiful ones, and they are rare. “Seven”, with an “eighth” figure (as well as with a “seventh”), is a cool girl who you can be proud of and take with you to really boost your image at any party. “Six” and “seven” are the maximum that can be found in public walking areas.

8 – beautiful

But here the girl is already really beautiful. One or two per thousand. The phrase “some women are lousy, only “eights” come across” does not make sense.

Beauty is a rare quality; only a few deserve this title. Beauty is when you look at it and you don’t want to look away. Of course, everyone’s criteria are different, but the word “beautiful” in the classical sense means some uniqueness that sets a girl apart from the crowd of her kind.

When determining points, we advise you to proceed from the following natural proportion: for one “seven” there are 10 “sixes”, for one “eight” there are 5 “sevens”, for one “nine” there are 20-40 “eights”. Accordingly, for one “nine” there are a couple of thousand “sixes”. Draw your own conclusions. And the personal card has nothing to do with it, tastes are different, but the concepts and terms are common.

9 – very beautiful

The number of “nines” was mentioned above, but let’s repeat. “Nine” – one in ten to twenty thousand! Of course, you can declare each of your girlfriends a “nine,” but no matter how you call a small motorcycle a jeep, it won’t become anything more than that. To make calibration easier, there is a simple rule.

“Nine” is someone who at first glance seemed like a “ten”, an unattainable ideal. Super. Don't call just anyone "nine". If the girl is beautiful, this is an “eight”. “Nine” is already beyond beautiful. Save this point by rating the girls. The word “nine” replaces an enthusiastic swearing tirade of thirty to forty words.

10 – unattainable maximum of attractive external data

To emphasize the unreality, let’s describe it like this: “ten” is a primer from a mythical spherical guru in a vacuum.”

There are 2 types of seducers

1 type Conscious natural seduction, where a man meets a girl by being his best self

Conscious seduction is far from a pickup truck and cannot be called such.

Conscious seduction includes such sciences as social dynamics, esotericism, communication psychology, Buddhism, and the topic of gender relations.

The social dynamics really stand out from the others.

But people still don’t want to see the difference, because they don’t know anything about who a male pickup artist is.

Type 1 includes almost all the men on the planet who sincerely love women, do not hide it and get to know them, being themselves.

How a man changes by practicing type 1 of meeting girls

  1. A person who studies social dynamics does a lot of work on himself
  2. Great leaps are being made in terms of internal transformation, personal growth and self-improvement.
  3. First, a conscious person in this topic works through his inner fears and limiting beliefs, gets rid of social conditioning and stereotypes, and approaches girls to develop social skills.
  4. First of all, conscious seduction is the ability to be an attractive and attractive person for yourself, to love yourself and not depend on external factors.
  5. In social dynamics, a person is attractive in himself , and he takes his condition from within, he becomes like a walking emotion, where people themselves are drawn to him on a natural level.
  6. A person develops the ability to create a conversation out of nothing , and can always find common ground with people of any status, without using any routines or templates. He knows everything about how to communicate with the girl he likes by simply being himself.
  7. He removes his flaws, phobias and fears by meeting them halfway.
  8. If a person is afraid to communicate with women, then he challenges this fear and begins to approach and communicate. And this does not mean at all that he sets a goal to have sex with her.
  9. For type 1 men, sex during acquaintance is not the main goal at all and does not play a primary role.
  10. Sex in conscious seduction occurs in the most natural and natural way, where a man and a woman are attracted to each other like yin and yang. No one is pulling anyone's ears.
  11. Having completed a complete transformation and achieved harmony with himself, a person can find one girl and be in a monogamous relationship with her, or choose the path of polygamy.
  12. In the conscious attraction of women, there is only complete sincerity and honesty, inner freedom, openness , love for oneself and for others.
  13. A person develops the ability to be himself everywhere, regardless of who he is with and in what place. It covers all questions about how to meet a girl on the street, in a club or any other social place.

At first glance, he is an ordinary cool guy who is also socially savvy.

Type 2 Manipulative pickup: routine and stereotyped dating methods

This type of pick-up artist is the saddest and most hated.

  1. Their priority and main goal is to get them into bed, not self-improvement. This type of people sets the goal of having sex with a woman, forgetting about self-development and working through beliefs and fears.
  2. Sometimes they use routines and all sorts of non-working techniques , trying to beat the situation to their advantage. And why all? Because they have the courage to be their best and true selves, which cannot be said about type 1.
  3. Often, communication with such people causes the interlocutors to feel discomfort and tension. The person begins to think that the problem is in him. Although in fact he doesn’t know what pick-up artists are like when communicating.
  4. Using routines and patterns , type 2 guys turn into robots and unattractive individuals. Routines and learned patterns are like a patch on their wounds. They have no faith in their own words.
  5. They crave the approval of every girl , using any deceitful manipulative techniques. As a rule, type 2 pick-up guys are very dependent on the reactions of girls when they meet.
  6. Setting the goal of making love , these pick-up artists only push girls away and they fail to show their true essence.
  7. Most people of type 2, as a rule, have few personal boundaries , an emphasis is placed on external attributes, and there is no basic confidence. That is why there is such an attitude towards them. We have an article on our website that contains advice from a psychologist on how to love yourself.
  8. When meeting people, the 2nd type of men focuses on appearance, clothes and words. This is also a clear sign of a pickup artist. Supposedly they will help you get closer. Which is funny and absurd at the same time.
  9. Magic pills , manipulative techniques, dancing with a tambourine, NLP, hypnosis, prepared phrases and other nonsense - this is all the second type.

There are many examples of people with indirect approaches who teach what to say and what to do.

How to spot the 2nd type of seducers

Let's take a closer look at the question of how to recognize a pick-up artist in life.

  • Tries to fake non-reactivity by trying to get reactions from other people. For example, he is often silent and pretends to be busy with something so that they will react to him more.
  • Creates a feeling of discomfort and tension in many interlocutors.
  • Complete incongruity. Often words and actions are at odds with the human condition itself. For example, he talks about some things, but inside he is trembling and shaking.
  • The look is usually strange, lifeless. There is some emptiness inside.
  • When communicating even with men, lies and insincerity emanate from him. Not knowing what to talk about on a first date with a girl forces them to resort to strange things.
  • He doesn’t know how to take wealth from himself, so he often tries to suck it out of the people around him.
  • Tries to play with people's emotions, play with their reactions.
  • Filled with their fears and limitations.
  • Some base needs: the desire to assert oneself in the eyes of others, to show one’s superiority, to compare oneself with others, and others.

As you understand, the 2nd type of seducers is not very remarkable.

In the Internet

On the question of how to recognize a pick-up artist on the Internet or social networks.

On social networks it is much harder to understand that a man is from this topic.

We can say that all men on the Internet become pick-up artists. Almost every guy has once tried to meet a girl on social networks. And this is normal.

True, some people get into trouble and are just learning and scaring all the girls with their correspondence, while others are already easily getting a girl out on a date via the Internet.

A guide to some terms for men on the topic

  • Opening up a girl means starting communication and conversation with her.
  • Close (close) – bring to the result.
  • Kiss close - kiss a girl passionately.
  • Shit test – female protective checks. The girl checks the guy for congruence, sincerity and lice.
  • The field is a place to meet and communicate with women.
  • A mixed set is a group of people where there are both boys and girls.
  • Calibration is the ability to determine from a person’s body language, gaze, empathy, and words what state he is in and what he is thinking about.
  • Fast
    – close quickly.
  • The game is everything that relates to seduction and meeting girls, as well as the process of seduction itself.
  • Instant date – an instant date with a girl immediately after meeting, without an early agreement.
  • Rapport is mutual understanding between a man and a woman, understanding and agreement with each other.
  • Congruence is the correspondence of thoughts, words, desires and actions to each other. The concept of “congruence” is also written here.
  • The friend zone is when a girl views a guy just as a friend and nothing more.
  • Escalation – increasing the intimacy of physical touch.

Basis of teaching

The founder of the teaching is considered to be the American writer Ross Jeffries , who wrote the book “How to Get the Woman of Your Dreams into Bed” in 1992.

It was Jeffries who founded the very first seminar on seduction. He later held a conference on a similar topic.

The writer to some extent justified the consumer attitude towards women by the inherent inequality between the sexes .

In his opinion, even the most unattractive woman who demonstrates her readiness for sexual intercourse will find herself a partner without any problems.

This may not be the most handsome or the most successful man, but in any case he will be found.

For a man to quickly enter into an easy relationship with a woman in the absence of an attractive appearance, wealth and charm, he has to work hard .

Is there a difference between an ordinary man and a pickup artist?

Nonsense that not everyone notices

There are men who denounce and condemn pick-up artists just because of the word itself.

Well, that's their business. But it’s interesting to notice a funny nuance here.

  1. The pick-up artist and the same ordinary judgmental guy have the same intention in their heads: they like girls, they want them!
  2. BUT : the first realizes this desire and acts, and the second is inactive and only hates those who go towards their goal. Not every man is able to admit to himself that he is bad with women and he knows absolutely nothing about how to learn to flirt with a girl.
  3. We come to the conclusion that the difference between an ordinary man and a pick-up artist is that an ordinary man is inactive and despises those who can do what he cannot.

The hatred of an ordinary man for a pickup artist lies in the fact that it is easier for him to judge and point fingers at people moving towards a goal than to admit to himself his problems and begin to change himself.

What does it mean to pick up a girl or woman?

Picking up means seducing, making acquaintances for a specific purpose. As a rule, this does not happen spontaneously, although it does happen. But still, the pickup artist usually goes “into the field” to add to his list of victories. Most often, the goal of such a guy is sex, but if he is just at the beginning of his journey in this science, then he may well limit himself to getting a phone number. “Picking up” the girl, the young man tries to put the received theory into practice and determine which schemes are the most effective for him.

Popular myths and stereotypical false beliefs of girls

Women and girls have many stereotypical and illusory beliefs about pick-up artists.

Here are some of the girls' absurd beliefs:

  • “It’s as if pick-up artists absolutely have to get a phone number.”
  • “They all just want one thing. Lucy, he’ll fuck you up and leave you.”
  • “There are so many girls around him, and everyone is running after him. Don't fall for him, Lucy! I’ve seen and know everything about how pick-up artists behave.”
  • “He only recently met me, and now he’s talking to someone else in front of me. He's definitely one of them! Don’t trust him, Lucy!”
  • “Lucy, they all have the same memorized phrases and patterns that they say to all the girls.”

And the girls are convinced of what they themselves do not know. This is stereotypical thinking among girls who do not know how to think with their own heads.

Feminists are ready to see signs of a pick-up artist in almost all a man’s actions and words.

Working pickup phrases and schemes for tackles

Each pick-up artist tries to find his own scheme according to which he tries to attract this or that girl. However, we will highlight two main ones.


Derived from the English word “fast”. As is probably clear from the definition, with this scheme the guy tries to get the girl into intimacy as quickly as possible. The ideal option for him is sex on the day you meet. If this option does not work, then the maximum that a follower of this scheme adheres to is sex after the first date. Fast operates most successfully in nightclubs.

Three date

A classic scheme, and its name speaks for itself. It is worth noting that many girls are quite loyal to such a scheme if they are really interested in a young man.

So, the first step is an unusual acquaintance, during which the guy becomes the owner of the treasured phone number. A few days later (5 on average) he calls the “potential victim” and, without much conversation, offers to meet.

The third date involves "roof-blowing". Having received vivid emotions, the girl becomes more open and more available for sex. After this, events for the pick-up artist can develop in different ways - serious relationships (this is the least common), periodic meetings for intimacy, complete disappearance from the life of the conquered girl.

What phrases can you use to impress a girl, start an acquaintance and put her in the right mood:

  • Are you a fashion model?
  • If we met in a restaurant, the waiter would bring you a bottle of wine from me.
  • It seems to me that you are stalking me.
  • You have incredible eyes, it’s like the whole cosmos is in them!

What's happening to the whole pickup truck now?

  • Now the pickup is undergoing harsh criticism and condemnation. Especially from feminists.
  • Pick-up artists continue to be accused of manipulation and other unhealthy nonsense.
  • Pick-up artists cause particular indignation among women, believing that the pick-up artist necessarily wants something from her, when in fact a person is learning to socialize and improve his social skills.

“There is no war of the sexes and never has been. This is true because every woman dreams of finding a man, and every man dreams of meeting a woman.” - Johnny Soporno.

Even the diligent Vasya from your work can study this topic for a long time

Many women don’t even realize that diligent, smart and pleasant Vasya from your work can have been studying pickup for a long time and deeply.

And it’s normal that an ordinary guy Vasya is studying a pickup truck!

Because today’s society does not teach anyone how to properly communicate, meet and get close to girls.

How to communicate with girls without tension and effort is not taught either at school or at university.

Some men close their eyes to their ignorance, lack of experience and walk around the world with their eyes closed like a blind man.

And someone doesn’t like being incompetent and always making mistakes, and the person makes the choice to learn pickup and change.

“They are all unhappy” – is it true or false?

  1. For some reason, it is believed that pickup artists are all unhappy. A very strange misconception.
  2. If a person belongs to type 1 and approaches seduction consciously, then he has no fears, he lives his own life, he does not have depression or stress. For him, the world is pure love and harmony.
  3. The same cannot be said about type 2. For men of type 2 with patterns, dependence on the result will be both unhappiness and lack of internal harmony.
  4. But this again depends on the person’s level of awareness and self-understanding.

How it all began

Uninitiated people may think that we are talking about such a car with a small body. In our case, pickup is a set of techniques and methods that allow you to effectively “pick up” girls.

The doctrine originated in the USA at the end of the last century, which is why it received such a name. Around the same time, seduction masters began giving pickup lessons to guys.

The fundamentals of the doctrine are generally believed to have been developed by Gregory Madison and Eric von Markowicz, known under the pseudonym "Mystery."

In Russia, one of the gurus is Philip Bogachev, who simply used the information of foreigners, slightly adapting it to our reality.

There are a large number of people who have written books on pickup trucks. There are foreign and domestic authors. Each of them has their own view on dating and seducing women. But many similar thoughts are also presented.

Literature can be easily found on the Internet. It is possible to read online, buy and download the book. Different prices. It all depends on the online store and the specific book. You can get literature for free if you search hard enough.

Let us formulate the basic principles on which the art of seduction is based.

How angry women campaigned against one seduction coach in 2015

Feminists protested against pickup coach Julian in the winter of 2015.

  • Disgruntled feminists from all over the world signed a petition to ensure that Julian could not conduct his free tour at any of the three hotels in Australia.
  • Signatures were collected from all over the world, exposing the coach as a manipulator and rapist who threatens social well-being.
  • Of course, this was complete absurdity and a lie, but the dissatisfied women did not want to listen to anyone.
  • As a result, the coach was refused by all hotels and his visa was taken away, which is why he was forced to leave Australia.
  • Gloating feminists, in a fit of joy, started a rumor that Julian was allegedly permanently banned from entering Australia.
  • Having replaced the headings in the old petitions, they continued to collect new signatures for the old ones with the aim of banning entry into other countries.
  • Fake accounts have also appeared on social networks, where he allegedly promotes violence and other nonsense.
  • This rumor about a ban on entry into Australia was believed by several other countries, which also blocked his entry into their country. The governments of Brazil and England listened to the feminists and decided that “Well, we won’t lag behind Australia either” and decided to follow the non-existent example.
  • Famous newspaper headlines featured Julian as "The Most Hated Man in the World."
  • Now the storm has subsided, feminists have calmed down, and their condemnation remains like a malicious whisper behind their backs. This is what a pickup artist means to offended women and what they are willing to do to stop him.
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