How men achieve women: secrets of a man's pickup

In this article we will tell you:

  1. How men easily achieve women: examples from life
  2. Signs of serious intentions on the part of a man
  3. How men pursue women depending on their zodiac sign
  4. 7 tips for women that a man is trying to woo

Everyone should know how men pursue women in the modern world in order to be able to distinguish the true hero of their novel from a skilled manipulator. After all, the desire to charm does not always indicate serious intentions on the part of the guy.

In order not to get burned and be able to choose the right prince to whom you could surrender your fortress, you need to know some of the behavioral features of modern hunters. This is exactly what we will discuss in our article today.

How men easily achieve women: examples from life

Surely you have met men who can win the heart of any girl. Even the most modest and reserved ladies melt from the sweet speeches and charm of such a gentleman. But the secret lies not only in charm and confidence, but in something else.

To understand how men pursue women, pay attention to their behavior. Most of them use the same approach to win a lady's heart.

At the very beginning, they make the lady think that she is unique and inimitable. The true ideal in their understanding. A man immerses a girl in a real fairy tale, giving her desired gifts, making pleasant compliments and arranging fantastic dates. And when their chosen one comes to the conclusion that this is the very man of their dreams, he lets her go. No, it doesn’t disappear at all, as you most likely thought.

Only a beginner in seducing women who has not yet realized the essence of a woman’s character can disappear. An experienced man will act more thoughtfully; he understands that a sudden disappearance will look unnatural and theatrical.

So the man, instead of disappearing, simply moves away a little. He immerses himself in work or business, while maintaining communication with the lady, but no longer paying as much attention to her as before.

The gentleman does not grab any opportunity to see his chosen one, does not show his feelings as clearly as before. And, it seems, he’s not even afraid of losing her anymore. Thus, a man wooes a woman by aging her like fine wine.

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The man seems to give the woman a choice: to develop this relationship or not. He himself steps aside, does not insist or impose himself.

This behavior of the chosen one makes a woman think. She is tormented by the thought of what could have gone wrong, maybe she is not good enough for him? Lack of self-confidence leads to the fact that the lady begins to be afraid of losing such a chic gentleman. After all, who else is capable of this?

A girl who was previously captivated by a man’s behavior will not pay attention to his minor shortcomings for a long time. After all, the idea that he was ideal was firmly ingrained in her head.

Memories of romantic meetings constantly pop up in her head, and the girl thinks about the further development of their life together. It won't be long before she realizes that she's fallen in love and won't let this relationship just fall apart.

Not wanting to let go of her chosen one, the woman decides to fight for him. Allow yourself to be abandoned? Of course not. She wants to decide for herself when to start a relationship and when to end it. So the fair sex decides to take matters into her own hands and get the man she desires. At the same time, she falls in love with him even more.

After all, the more effort we put in, the more valuable it becomes for us. This law also works in relationships. And when a girl achieves the “return” of a man, he becomes even more loved and desired for her. She gives her all in the relationship, afraid of making a mistake or offending him.

Here is the answer to the question of how men achieve women. This trick allows them to make a minimum of effort so that the girl herself wants to see him next to her. Moreover, the chosen one will begin to try to please her gentleman, devote a lot of time and attention, for fear of losing him.

What you can't get a girl without


Be sincere and don't deceive the girl. The weaker sex always feels a lie, therefore, you should not embellish your merits and personal qualities. Everything secret sooner or later becomes clear and you shouldn’t let the beginning of your relationship be overshadowed by lies. Try to be yourself, without masks and pretense, do not try to pretend to be someone you are not at all. They will love you for who you are, and not at all as an image, even a painstakingly rehearsed one.

You need to admire a girl, respect her opinion, you need to become a reliable protection and support for her, because... girls are the weaker sex and they need a strong shoulder.


You should behave confidently and assertively. You must clearly know what you want.

Guys who have a goal in life attract girls, but do not confuse persistent behavior with importunity. Having seen how you are able to overcome obstacles, the girl will draw conclusions for herself, this is much more important than words.


The ability to listen is the most valuable quality. It will be useful to you in the future and not only in communicating with girls. Try to show genuine interest in her words and everything she tells you. If this only causes you irritation, then you should not try to achieve reciprocity and love.

If you try to understand the inner world of a woman, you will find common ground, learn methods of influencing the object of your adoration, and also find an approach to a woman.

When you show attention and care to a woman, she will be eternally grateful to you for it.


To woo a girl, try to look the girl in the eyes. If you look closely into the eyes, it is mesmerizing, and also has sexual overtones. All the passion is reflected in your eyes when you look at the girl you love.

Feeling that someone is attracted to you and excites you is a very pleasant feeling. the girl will definitely notice your attraction.


Touch her with your lips, hands and body every time you get the chance.

The language of touch can tell a lot. Whether it's a light touch or a tight hug, it brings pleasure

A woman really likes it when they show their feelings to her in this way, with the help of touches.

Now you know how to woo a girl and your outbursts of tenderness and love will be appreciated.

Signs of serious intentions on the part of a man

If you observe a man in love, you can identify several features in his behavior that indicate that he wants to win a lady.

There are several signs that are found in most males:

  1. First of all, this is, of course, a look . It’s not for nothing that they say that “the eyes are the mirror of the soul.” Watch how he looks at other women and compare this look with the one you catch on yourself.
  2. He communicates more and more often than with others, trying to find out your interests and plans for life.
  3. A man who pursues a woman behaves like a real prince from fairy tales. He showers her with many compliments , tries to surprise her with nice gifts, takes an interest in her life and arranges romantic dates.
  4. Wanting to make a woman fall in love with him, a man tries to look perfect , especially before a date. He has well-groomed hair, polished shoes and a pleasant aroma. Also, a man is constantly looking for tactile contact, inadvertently running his fingers along the lower back or straightening your hair.
  5. Being in the same company with his chosen one, a man will try to stand out from others in order to prevent the possibility of her meeting and communicating with someone else from the stronger sex.

It is this behavior that we described above that will help you understand whether a man really wants to be with you. But that's not all.

The gestures of a man who pursues a woman differ, as does his general behavior. For example, when communicating with friends, he keeps his hands in the chest or waist area, but when communicating with an attractive woman, his hands reflexively lower to the level of the pelvis (which indicates the man’s thoughts).

When talking with the lady you are interested in, the timbre of your voice also changes. The man tries to speak more softly and politely.

A representative of the stronger sex who wants to win a woman will show his advantages and strengths in every possible way. In this way he is trying to prove to his chosen one that he can take care of her.

Among other things, a male representative in love tries to show his sense of humor. After all, this way he will not only be able to get to know his chosen one better, but also achieve the desired smile. The man uses various jokes to test the reaction of his beloved. The ladies themselves know very well that if a young man can really make her laugh, this will allow her to look at him from a different perspective and bring her even closer.

Chronic loser

Such men subconsciously choose a suitable woman for themselves - so strong that she can feed two. The loser will grab onto such a loser with his teeth, hands, feet and everything he can, realizing that she is the very opportunity thanks to which he can exist. Tearful persuasion to go on a date and then become his wife will do the trick. And then he will calmly dangle his legs and live happily ever after.

How men pursue women depending on their zodiac sign

  • Aries.

Aries are distinguished by their eternal youth and enthusiasm. Behind such spontaneity and ardor lie strong and powerful people. Men born under this sign pursue a woman like true knights - fearlessly and nobly. Thanks to such self-confidence and the desire to be the best in everything, they are in demand among women.

  • Calf.

Representatives of the stronger sex, born under the sign of Taurus, give the impression of the most calm and patient people. Despite their pragmatism, they have a subtle mental organization and can be very romantic. They are confident in their abilities and clearly know how events will develop, because they have everything planned in advance for a long time.

  • Twins.

Representatives of the Gemini sign have a flexible mind and incredible charm. A restless character and fickle interests contribute to their mental growth. They are sociable and active, they approach life and relationships with ease.

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  • Cancer.

Cancer men are extremely emotional and sensitive. On the one hand, they are very gentle and kind, but on the other, they can be hot-tempered and jealous. Cancers live life on an emotional level and want to see this in others. Such men often occupy management positions and achieve success at work.

  • A lion.

The Leo man wants to be a leader in life, and he does it very well. For him, life is a game where he is the main character. Charming, strong, brave and sympathetic. It is important for him to keep everything under control and be the master of his own life path. In relationships he takes a leadership position and gives beautiful care.

  • Virgo.

Representatives of the stronger sex, born under the sign of Virgo, are smart and rational. They strive for financial well-being and always realistically assess the situation. Being extremely careful in communication, they know how to adapt to any person and at the same time remain polite. Despite the fact that such men pursue a woman rather shyly, like teenagers, they are a reliable support for the lady. These guys are loyal and caring.

  • Scales.

The Libra man is distinguished by his courtesy and restraint. It's quite difficult to piss him off. People born under this sign love to engage in self-development and do not forget about rest. They have fun with pleasure and easily go on adventures. To achieve what they want, Libra will have to overcome laziness and indecision.

  • Scorpion.

Male representatives born under the zodiac sign of Scorpio have incredible power. They are confident in themselves and their abilities, independent. Sometimes they seem selfish, but in fact this is only one of the many sides of their character. In relationships with girls, a man is ardent and varied. Not every woman can cope with such versatility.

  • Sagittarius.

Sagittarius men look at the world with wide open eyes. When in company, they see only the best sides of their interlocutors. They are honest and do not like excessive control. It is quite difficult to force them into the framework of obligations. Even after entering into a relationship, they will try to diversify their own lives with various hobbies and entertainment.

  • Capricorn.

The Capricorn man is a businesslike, pragmatic, arrogant person with a high level of responsibility. Representatives of this sign evoke a feeling of secrecy and coldness, but this is simply an inability to express their emotions. Capricorns are in an eternal search for a measured and calm life, which sometimes makes them look too harsh.

  • Aquarius.

Aquarius men love to express their individuality. They are talented from birth and have many hobbies in different areas of life. Despite their democratic nature, representatives of this sign are quite sociable and charming. They try not to complicate the relationship, valuing the freedom of both partners.

  • Fish.

Representatives of the stronger sex, born under the sign of Pisces, directly envelop you with their mystery and extravagance. The behavior of an adult individual is directly related to the experiences experienced in youth. Lacking enviable tenacity, they prefer to choose creative professions. Such men woo women both with romantic actions and with nobility and stability.

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