What do men want from women in relationships and sex?

Every loving girl or wife always tries to be closer to her life partner. This is facilitated by many factors, such as the ability to listen, support in difficult times and much more. But first of all, you need to know well what is on your man’s mind, how he thinks, how he thinks. In this article you will find the most popular male desires, familiarization with which will help you become even closer to your boyfriend.

It’s worth mentioning right away that issues that will be considered here are more related to male psychology than sexual preferences, and this article is aimed more at understanding men.

Sometimes he wants to be small

Traditionally, it is believed that men should always be strong, always serious, focused solely on making money and protecting the family. But this is not always the case. Judge for yourself, it’s simply unrealistic to walk around with a straight face all seven days a week; sometimes you want to be distracted and relax. Not finding such an opportunity, your beloved may become depressed, or he may develop neurosis.

A woman should appreciate if the man next to her can at least briefly fall into childhood. Indeed, in our time, many of the male representatives desperately need a person who will understand him in everything, even in some small pranks. You shouldn’t blame a man if he wants to buy himself a banal radio-controlled helicopter.

Let his hobby not last long, let you get the feeling that money and time were wasted. But if you can support your young man in such a small endeavor, perhaps even fool around with him, then he will have a subconscious understanding that you are his close friend, that his woman will always be by his side, that he can rely on her.

Therefore, before you say to your betrothed: “Why are you so little?”, think about the fact that he may need this, and your participation in his little prank will help you understand him.

Male psychology in love and relationships

Every man wants to be a hunter and conqueror. It is very important for him to conquer the woman he likes, claim her and securely tie her to himself. But at the same time, men are very sensitive to their independence and do not tolerate manipulation from women.

At the very beginning of a romantic relationship, they do not think about how long it will be; it is important for him that the relationship does not limit freedom. A man wants to make his own decisions regarding his future life, taking into account his own principles.

He needs to feel like a winner2

Another of the needs that is inherent in all men, regardless of whether he is a strong or weak person. Initially, nature instilled in a man the idea that he must be successful in order to continue the family line. If a man was weak, then he died, but the strongest won. Life is full of problems, and many that your man will encounter can unsettle him for a long time.

Be it a demotion at work, or simply the success of a neighbor against the backdrop of personal failures. A friend bought a new car, but your earner doesn’t have the money for the same one? Reassure him that he is not deprived of beauty, unlike his friend. Got a bad haircut? Praise his slender and beautiful body, admire his pumped up muscles and torso. Have you gained a few extra pounds?

Tell him how attentive and charming he is to you, and that you can’t think of anyone else. Although it is traditionally believed that only women love with their ears, in fact this is not entirely true. Many men love to be comforted, no less. They especially love it when they are proven that they are winners in everything.

If you are able to instill such a thought in your partner’s head, help him to always be confident in himself, then believe me, the result will not take long to wait, and you will see the first fruits very soon.

Valery Afanasyev, actor

The great matriarchy has begun

Photo: RIA Novosti/Ekaterina Chesnokova

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- Today, many girls are distinguished by their boyishness - there is less and less femininity, more and more angularity, sometimes they dye their hair green or pink, they dress like boys... But there are also very pretty girls who are similar to those in my youth. The ideal woman for me is my wife. Smart, beautiful, wise, quite modest, diplomatic, will remain silent when there is no need to speak. As for beauty... There are women who are ugly by some general standards, but with such an inner world, with such shining eyes. For me, eyes are generally very important - you can see everything in them: soul, kindness, sexuality - everything. It always seemed to me that a gentle and lyrical woman is more attractive than strong businesswomen. It’s not that I’m ashamed of the latter, I rather distance myself. Still, business leaves the imprint of a certain prudence on them.

What upsets me is the fashion for plastic surgery among girls. I especially often meet girls with pumped lips and “bumblebees” in their eyes - 25 rows of eyelashes. It's horrible. Girls, there is nothing better than natural! I adore women in the morning when they don't have any makeup on. This purity and purity attracts.

He needs your affection and care3

Let's say your man is a serious and confident person who achieves a lot. But when he comes home from work, the first thing he does is receive a new batch of tasks. “Feed the baby, walk the dog, go to the store, finally make that damn socket” - all these seemingly insignificant responsibilities accumulate day by day into one big problem - your man will not feel comfortable and cozy next to you.

This can be the root cause of nights out, get-togethers with friends, and then even delays at work and strange trips in the evenings. Especially if, after a hard day of work and household chores, he receives a dry “I’m tired” from his wife, then he will not want to be near her and will avoid her. You shouldn’t allow this to happen if the person is truly dear to you.

Look at everything from the other side: yes, it’s difficult for you with children and your back hurts from cleaning the house, and also these neighbors with their hammer drill, which gives you a headache, but your partner is also tired at work. And when he comes home, he expects to be relieved of stress and to be greeted with warmth and care.

So give your man something that will make him smile, maybe for the first time all day. Hug him, tell him how much you missed him during the day, how much you were waiting for him to return, kiss him and pat him on the head. After all, what could be better than the warm look of your beloved after a busy day at work? Probably nothing.


Men rarely open up and when this happens, they expect solidarity from us. His secrets now become yours and you need to be able to keep them even from your friends.

Checking your mail and messages on your phone means humiliating yourself with the possibility of suspicion of your chosen one, in addition, think, would it be nice for you to open all your correspondence on the Internet, phone and computer to your man? Surely there is no cause for concern? And the word written to a friend in your heart? What about innocent flirting with a childhood friend and an invitation for a cup of tea? Are you planning to remember your youth, but how might it look from the outside? That's it.

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He loves when people trust him4

One of the main male desires is for his companion to trust him as she trusts herself, not hide anything, and tell everything that is in her soul. Indeed, it really helps you feel like you are needed, a truly important link in the family. And such interaction perfectly helps to establish even closer relationships between each other.

Even if your man doesn't know how to calm you down, tell him something from your life so that he will at least listen. Listen to his advice, if he gives it to you, thank him for his help and support. Firstly, when a person shares something, he involuntarily feels better, and secondly, the one who listens feels useful, feels trust in himself.

A little about appearance

When it becomes clear what a man expects from a woman in a relationship, questions inevitably arise that relate to the lady’s appearance. An intelligent and well-mannered guy will never make comments about excess weight, greasy hair and a dirty robe. However, this does not mean at all that he is satisfied with everything.

Yes, a woman has periods (especially after the birth of a baby) when it is incredibly difficult to find at least a couple of minutes for herself. But when this drags on for many years, a man ceases to see a woman as a sexual goddess, in front of him is just a housekeeper. That's the same attitude towards her.

He wants a hot and beautiful woman5

No matter how trivial it may sound, but according to statistics, most men after 30 years old lack fire in relationships. Every time, looking back, he remembers hot kisses, sudden sex in the kitchen, right on the table, your bath together, with caresses turning into foreplay, new underwear on his girlfriend, and how nice it is to take off this underwear from her.

Yes, over time, everyday life takes you into its tenacious clutches and doesn’t let you go back. Work, constant problems, and then also children - all this does not contribute to the mood to be beautiful, much less hot. All you want to do during the day is sleep. However, at least on the weekend, try to please your man, if not with a new outfit that costs money, then at least with a beautiful dress that you haven’t worn for a long time.

If not mind-blowing sex with simultaneous orgasm, then a relaxing massage that turns into caresses of explicit areas. Come up with ways to brighten up your life. After all, from ancient times it was the woman who was the keeper of the hearth. And if you don’t ignite the fire in your man, then at one moment another one can do it.

Sometimes he needs to fight for something6

It is clear that a man wants a beautiful woman. But many also still want his betrothed to be truly desirable. You shouldn’t go too far – your partner shouldn’t feel like they’re playing with him or making him jealous. This can hurt him and make him doubt you. However, sometimes it’s worth showing what a girl is capable of, just so that your boyfriend doesn’t get bored. After all, many of the men are quite flighty creatures.

If they become uninterested, they simply look for a new object for attention. It's a shame when this happens after several years of marriage. In order to prevent this, you need to be able to show your partner that you are still as desirable as before and that he needs to fight for you. Many, by the way, secretly want this, they just don’t know how to present it correctly.

Signs of a man's love

Men are generally not used to showing their emotions openly. Of course, upbringing also plays some role in this, but mainly it’s about the peculiarities of male psychology. But nonverbal signals will perfectly help you sort out his feelings. You can understand that a man loves you and values ​​you by his following actions and actions:

  • he strives to spend his free time with his beloved as much as possible;
  • a man in love calmly reacts to a woman’s attempts to use his personal belongings, be it a phone or a computer;
  • takes the first step towards reconciliation in case of conflict;
  • readily introduces you to friends and relatives;
  • always ready to help if necessary.

A man in love does not hide his gaze, tries to touch his chosen one, strives to make the best impression on her and her environment. It is important for him that his beloved is proud of him and brags to others about how lucky she is with her partner. So a man in love will try to behave confidently and show only the most advantageous sides of his character.

Sometimes he still wants to be alone or with friends7

Yes, many people need support. Yes, many people love to be shown their love and their passion. But sooner or later you can get tired of everything. Feelings become boring in the same way. If you pay excessive attention to your partner every day, watching his every move, then he will simply get tired of it. Put yourself in his shoes. Would you rather not have your own space? Few will answer positively.

Let your man go to a bar with friends, go fishing, or just hang out with old company. Naturally, these trips should not turn into a daily one-way trip, but many men sincerely want to be alone, or with friends, to take a break from family life. You shouldn’t be offended by this, and you shouldn’t put pressure on your man either.

You just need to take everything as given and give your partner a choice of how to spend this or that evening.


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A man has the right to live a full life, be it fishing with friends or a conference in a neighboring city for the whole weekend, evening gatherings in the bathhouse, or maybe round-the-clock forays into the garage to see an old car or an hour at the computer with an exciting toy. It is common for all people to periodically seek solitude, this is how we restore mental strength after particularly debilitating events. “Husband and wife are one Satan,” which does not mean going everywhere as a couple. Two self-sufficient individuals have the right to be interested in different things and there is no need to force each other to participate in someone else’s affairs against their will. Would you be interested in spending the whole day in the garage, lifting heavy pieces of iron, getting dirty in oil? So your partner prefers not to go to Swan Lake, but to take a steam bath in the sauna.

He wants to be respected8

Most of the male population are (or want to be) the head of the family. And authority for such an individual is one of the main things in life. Any man loves to be treated with respect, listen to his advice, and behave as he considers correct. Some, of course, go too far, but this is not a reason to immediately stop obeying your partner, but indulging every whim is also not a good idea. It is important to find a middle ground in this matter.

After all, many of the girls forget that they, too, are, first of all, individuals, and their opinion should be taken into account. And some, on the contrary, make their man look like a doormat and a heel, when in front of everyone they take the reins of power for themselves, literally urging their boyfriend on. It is worth paying attention to all the requirements that a man puts forward, adhering to them if possible, while not forgetting about your own importance. Then trusting relationships will be established in the family for a long time, and peace and order will reign in the house.

Seeing a well-groomed woman nearby

It varies, but most guys don't like unkempt girls. The husband wants to be proud of his wife, to understand that there is a real beauty nearby. And the point here is not in external data: no one forces girls to go to plastic surgeons. We are talking about banal care, hygiene, neatness. A woman who has neglected herself causes a feeling of rejection even after marriage.

He wants to feel sexy and desired9

Nothing pleases a man's ego more than popularity with the opposite sex. Neither a high salary, nor a prestigious job, nor an expensive car can replace the excited look of a girl for a man, especially when she is already with him. To have the reputation of an excellent lover is one of the main desires of all men, without exception.

For some, you need to win as many hearts as possible; usually such men do not quickly create families. And for some, one is enough, but forever, to please only her for the rest of their lives. But be that as it may, any male representative loves to feel the burning gaze on him, with which he is stripped naked. Not only is it incredibly exciting, but it also perfectly raises the self-esteem of all guys, without exception.

Mark Vdovin, actor

The great matriarchy has begun

Photo: RIA Novosti/Vladimir Fedorenko

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“I appreciate it when a girl is purposeful and does what she loves. I think that she should have her own interests, even if it is a business, why not? This is great. They attract girls who love sports recreation, and not just lying on the couch. From the banal, of course, beauty attracts. I love natural beauty, like Julia Roberts, for example - she was one of the first to advocate naturalness. It seems to me that there is no point in girls changing anything about themselves - believe me, there will be a man who will like your butt, your breasts. There is some unnaturalness in this approach: “I’m with a man now, he likes these types, but I’m not that type, so I’ll change myself.” This is some kind of theater and cinema, not life. I jokingly call my eyelash extensions “two fans” and wonder if the people standing in front of these girls are cold.

The girl’s manipulative behavior and lack of honest dialogue can push me away. When, instead of directly saying what she doesn’t like, the girl starts some games that make me feel awkward and feel guilty. The increased jealousy is also disappointing. This indicates a lack of self-confidence, internal problems and complexes that a person projects onto a partner.

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