Misogyny - what is it and is there life with a misogynist?

Misogyny in a general sense is misogyny. A misogynist is a person, usually a man, who hates women (misogynist). In a relationship, he is a domestic tyrant who hates the woman he lives with, her friends and other female representatives. He strives to destroy his partner’s personality, hates girls he knows even if he values ​​relationships with them, and feels the need to control and dominate them. Misogyny – what is it really? How to protect yourself from hostility and prejudice, what to do if a woman is influenced by a misogynist? The psychology of misogyny and advice from psychologists are discussed in the publication.

What is misogyny?

Misogyny – hatred of women, misogyny. Psychologists note that despite the long history of the phenomenon and the presence of religious roots, which should be noted, it is more fair to talk about a psychological disorder. It develops gradually, can be caused by complexes and find expression not only in hatred, but also in cruelty towards girls and women.

The phenomenon has several well-founded and rational reasons.

Causes of misogyny

Scientists, including psychologists and sociologists, believe that misogyny as a disorder can be caused by the objective reasons listed below. This:

  • complex relationships that a person develops with his mother, grandmothers or sisters in the family;
  • negative sexual experience;
  • long-term experience of separation from a loved one (girlfriend or woman);
  • bullying by girls at school, by girls at college, by women at work;
  • harsh upbringing in the family, including instilled excessive religiosity;
  • lack of love from the mother.

It can be seen that most often misogyny as a disorder is rooted in childhood. However, it may be a consequence of negative experiences in adolescence, bullying during adolescence and during the period when an individual gains autonomy and independence.

Regardless of the reasons for its occurrence, it should be noted that misogyny is a negative phenomenon in every sense. In some cases, this disorder is expressed not just in hatred or abnormal attitudes towards women, but also in acts of physical cruelty. Misogyny is characteristic not only of men, but also of some women who do not accept or recognize themselves in female roles or statuses (future mother, the fairer sex, homemaker, and others).

Do you consider the reasons given to be objective?

Yes, it seems to me that negative experiences and difficult relationships with women are an objective reason.


No, I think it all depends on how stable the inner core is. If a person is weak, he chooses hatred in any case.


I can’t answer because I haven’t had to deal with the phenomenon in practice.


Voted: 12

Next, we’ll look at 4 types of misogyny that are unique to men.

Modern manifestations of misogyny

Today, classic misogyny has spilled over into social media. Misogynists anonymously accuse feminists and businesswomen of lack of femininity, outwardly attractive girls of promiscuous behavior, and mothers of “mothering.” There will always be a reason for bullying.

veiled misogyny is much more common . Here are some examples of its manifestations:

  1. Sexist jokes . Statements like “A woman driving is like a monkey with a grenade” are demeaning. As a rule, they make fun of stupidity, greed, bitchiness and other supposedly feminine traits. Sexist jokes are broadcast on the Internet and on TV. Thus, in the popular Russian television show Comedy Club they occupy 14% of the total.
  2. Blaming victims of violence . “The bitch doesn’t want it, the dog won’t jump up,” “If he hits you, it means he loves you” are the main arguments of misogynists who justify physical violence. Such people believe that a “normal” woman is not capable of finding herself in a situation where her integrity is threatened. In particular, he does not dress vulgarly and spends his evenings at home.
  3. Labor discrimination.

    Pregnant women and mothers with small children are often reluctant to be hired by reputable organizations. And in some areas (in particular, politics and public administration) it is easier for men to get promoted up the career ladder.

    Formally, gender discrimination is prohibited in the Constitution and international human rights conventions. However, in practice it is difficult to stop this phenomenon and bring the perpetrators to justice. Thus, the employer can refer to the low level of qualifications of the employee, justifying his decision.

  4. Sexual objectification . It means perceiving a woman solely as an object to satisfy carnal desires. Her emotions and personality traits are not taken into account. Classic examples of sexual objectification are the legalization of prostitution and the use of photographs of half-naked beauties in advertising.

Misogyny in men

Speaking about misogyny as a psychological disorder, we should highlight 4 possible types:

  1. Inactive misogyny . It can be expressed by acts of neglect towards women under the influence of mild forms of psychosis, due to selfishness. An example is a man who does not consider it necessary to give up his seat to a pregnant woman on public transport.
  2. Active . It is expressed in neglect, in bullying of women, and sometimes in rudeness of men. An example is the same man, but reacting to a woman’s polite request to give way to verbal criticism (“Wait, you won’t fall apart,” “I’m tired, and you’re getting in the way, woman”).
  3. Latent misogyny . This is a hidden disgust that can be expressed in psychological pressure to suppress a woman’s personality. An example is a man who is a manipulator and does everything to morally and psychologically suppress a girl or woman. Techniques of suppression can be very different from instilling negative thoughts and instilling attitudes to outright prohibitions on the manifestation of feminine principles under subjective pretexts (“I don’t like it when you dress up before going to the cinema”, “I don’t like the fact that you wash the dishes too slowly”, “You clean very rarely and poorly”, “Dresses don’t suit you”).
  4. Open . This is a direct and obvious disgust, it is accompanied by attempts at self-expression and self-affirmation by a man by causing harm to a woman (or women). An example is a man who openly insults all women without exception, not considering them worthy of at least some respect. Such a man can even hate his female relatives.

What type of misogyny in men do you think is the most dangerous?

She is dangerous in any form. I believe that one follows from the other.


I don't see any danger. Let men criticize and hate whatever and whoever they want.


I cannot speak objectively, because I believe that there is not danger in all cases.


Voted: 11

Signs of misogyny

Signs that a man is a misogynist are:

  • passion for talking about how women are inferior. During such conversations, the male misogynist becomes imbued with special interest and even some excitement, and begins to present subjective arguments (physical weakness, low moral stability, and others);
  • the presence of prejudices and prejudices against women, the predominance of subjective negative opinions, negative attitudes towards female representatives;
  • fear of the possibility of being in female company. Even if a misogynist insults and humiliates women in the company of friends or acquaintances, he may fall into a stupor if he finds himself in a company exclusively of girls and women;
  • often a misogynist in the presence of women seeks to show them that they are an empty place for him (ignoring, lack of obvious attention or interest);
  • the desire to make comments even to unfamiliar girls and women;
  • in a family, a sign of misogyny is greater love for sons than for daughters;
  • justifying male actions and condemning female ones even when they are the same (male or female violence);
  • the desire to suppress a woman, the manifestation of extreme selfishness in relationships;
  • the desire to infringe on a woman, to hurt her (both morally and physically).

In rare cases, the mental condition in question becomes the cause of domestic violence that affects innocent women. For this reason, the problem of misogyny deserves special attention.

It has already been noted that the disorder may not be unique to men. Sometimes some women are hated by other women.

Types of misogyny

Various types of misogyny can be observed from almost all people in the Russian Federation, even from women themselves. This phenomenon is too ingrained in society.

Misogyny can be expressed in different ways.

A type of misogyny.Description.Example.
Inactive.Weakly expressed, situational manifestation. Often occurs under the influence of emotions. “You’re such a fool, I told you to divorce him!”
Active.Open contempt, disrespect.“A woman shouldn’t drive a car, her place is in the kitchen.”
Latent.Hidden humiliation under the pretext of good intentions.“Why do you need to become a physicist-engineer? This is not a woman’s profession, it’s better to stay at home and have children.”
Open.It is expressed very viciously and can lead to the development of nervous instability.Misogynists incite hostility on social networks towards women, create offensive comments, thematic groups, and memes.

Have you ever encountered examples of misogyny in your life? Do you use misogynistic phrases, expressions, jokes? Share your experience in the comments.

Additionally, we invite you to watch a video about misogyny between a mother and her daughter.

Misogyny within sorority

Internal misogyny is a phenomenon accompanied by hatred of women towards women. It is customary to distinguish 4 types of individuals with this disorder:

  1. Puritans . They are characterized by complexes and condemnation of girls, women who are not domestic, submissive, and who do not show care, affection and kindness. Puritans especially condemn those female representatives who do not preserve their virginity until marriage; in any case, they consider themselves almost ideal, although they are not always so. Puritanism can be the result of upbringing, the influence of men.
  2. Critics . They despise girls who are not very feminine, those who demonstrate more traits that are considered traditionally masculine (pumped up, big, loud, aggressive ones cause particular irritation among critics).
  3. Haters . They often hate all women and consider their gender disgusting. Haters are characterized by the attitude that women are illogical, stupid, dirty, and more. At the same time, they may not feel contempt for themselves.
  4. She-devils . Any she-devil, first of all, considers herself excellent in everything. She believes that all the girls and women she knows are not worthy of being them. The reason for this may be envy, for example, complexes due to appearance. For the sake of competition, devils are ready to do anything: they undergo plastic surgery, dress provocatively, and emphasize their “feminine” side with all their might and means. There are additional reasons for a woman becoming a devil: the desire to get the attention of men, hatred of friends and acquaintances, narcissism.

Have you experienced misogyny within your sorority?

Yes. Everywhere you spit, there are puritans and critics. There are even more haters and devils.


No. All the girls and women who surround me are excellent representatives of their gender.


Can not say. Sometimes I come across typical cases, but I can’t draw clear conclusions.


Voted: 8

Signs of misogyny in women

Why do women criticize and humiliate and hate each other? There are many reasons for this. These are complexes, the adoption of negative attitudes towards women as reality and more. Often, a female misogynist is a girl or woman who has no friends and does not seek to communicate with members of her own sex.

Let's consider the signs of female misogyny, characteristic of open and hidden forms. This:

  • misogynistic language. We are talking about words starting with “b”, “s”, “sh”, the words “woman”, “klusha”, “purse”, used in relation to friends and girls they simply know. Such vocabulary is also typical for men who are misogynists;
  • endorsement of violence against women. Often it is justified by the ladies by the behavior of the victims (“She spread her legs,” “Long tongue,” “Deserved it by her behavior”);
  • supporting stereotypes about women. Slogans like “I am a woman!”, “I am a dumb blonde. And I like it!”, “I cannot be trusted with responsible work” are typical, as psychologists say, for any female misogynist;
  • doubting the professionalism of other women. A misogynistic woman does not want to be controlled by another woman. She needs a man behind the wheel of a taxi or at the helm of an airplane; she sees a man as a plumber, as well as a builder, a surgeon, and more;
  • contrasting oneself with other women. The simplest example is the opinion of a girl like this: “I’m not like all these fools around”;
  • reluctance to make friends with women. This has already been discussed.

Have you noticed signs of misogyny in yourself?

Yes, most of the signs presented are about me.


No, I can’t say that at least one is suitable.


About half of the symptoms are characteristic of me. I'm almost a misogynist.


About half of the signs are about me. But I can't say that I hate women.


Voted: 6

The threat of misogyny to relationships

Misogyny prevents people from building strong, harmonious, trusting relationships. Often, because of this phenomenon, relationships turn into abuse:

  1. A misogynistic man does not consider it necessary to ask for forgiveness and never repents of his actions.
  2. The girl stops believing in herself and increasingly tries on the image of a victim.
  3. A man strives to control his wife in everything.
  4. Doesn't consider her a full-fledged partner in a relationship, puts her in dependent roles.

You need to fight misogyny, change your own behavior and way of thinking.

Psychological characteristics of women who attract misogynists

If we talk about misogynists not only as quiet misogynists, but also as psychopaths and tyrants with unstable and aggressive characters, we can note that they are attracted to certain categories of women.

First, let's note an important point. Psychiatrists have made a discovery while working with victims who lived with psychopaths who exhibit signs of misogyny: they all share common traits. And it’s not just about timidity or weakness. Some people, having certain inclinations, deliberately choose aggressors and rapists as partners and husbands.

Here are the psychological characteristics of women who attract misogynists:

  • activity, independence. The goal of misogyny is oppression;
  • desire for development and acquisition of new knowledge. The goal of the misogynist is the same;
  • generosity in relationships. The misogynist uses the victim, literally sucks all the juice out of her, and is proud of it;
  • excessive femininity (kindness, tenderness, sentimentality). Misogyny destroys the best principles in the victim and instills in her the idea that “in fact” women are evil in the flesh;
  • tendency towards dominance on the part of men. In this case, for both the misogynist and the victim, as psychologists note, an alliance can be a way to satisfy needs. One partner (man) dominates, the other (woman) receives protection and “pointer”.

It is customary to highlight such traits as enterprise, responsibility, and popularity among members of the opposite sex. In any case, the misogynist will either use the victim or suppress him by all available means.

Why is misogyny dangerous?

The disorder is dangerous for both men and women. It doesn't matter who takes what role. In any case, family relationships and relationships that develop between people suffer from its manifestation. The danger is expressed in the fact that, taking on the image of a victim, a woman begins to suffer. Especially when power is exercised by a misogynist against her will. The tyranny that occurs in misogyny oppresses the victims and makes them morally weak.

Misogyny can also have dire consequences for misogynists. According to some reports, in the worst case it can develop into serious deviations. Misogynists with unstable psyches can become maniacs.

Thus, all parties to relationships built on the principles of misogyny suffer. The danger of the disorder, as has already been noted, requires increased attention from the psychological and sociological communities. We must live in mutual understanding and respect each other. We need to learn to love.

The fix cannot be undone

A man in Sweden can hardly get a job as a nurse or kindergarten teacher, even if he really wants to and is sufficiently qualified. They are also unlikely to consider his candidacy for the position of cleaner and most likely simply will not call him for an interview. Researchers from Linköping and the University of California drew attention to this problem.

Scientists studied discrimination in the labor market for the Swedish Research Council and found that the vast majority of traditionally “female” professions are not available to men here. At the same time, a Swedish woman can easily find a job as a mechanic, a warehouse worker, a mechanic - in other words, any typically “male” job.

It's not just Swedish men who face discrimination in employment. Thus, in 2022, the court fined the Paris City Hall 90 thousand euros: with the arrival of Anne Hidalgo as mayor, most leadership positions in the city administration were occupied by women, despite the fact that, according to the law on gender parity, representatives of the same gender cannot occupy more than 60 percent of leadership positions .

Another discrimination scandal broke out in 2022 at Google. The company ordered a salary study to identify cases of infringement of the rights of women and minorities in favor of men, but found exactly the opposite picture. It turned out that men are paid less than women for the same work. As a result of the proceedings, more than 10 thousand employees received compensation. Moreover, this is the second such scandal at Google: a year earlier, former employees filed a lawsuit against the company and accused it of “discriminating against white-skinned men with conservative views.” Programmers fired for criticizing Google's gender policies claimed that management was resorting to illegal quotas to hire as many women and representatives of minorities as possible.

University of Michigan-Flint professor Mark Perry, a men's rights activist, says that American educational institutions provide many more advantages to female students and teachers compared to male ones. We are talking about scholarships, grants, research funding, financial assistance - such support is increasingly being provided to women or representatives of minorities. The scientist notes that on average, US universities have 60-70 special scholarships for girls and most often none for boys.

There is a very hypocritical double standard in higher education. The Administration does not tolerate discrimination against women, but approves and actually sanctions discriminatory programs against men.

Mark Perry Professor at the University of Michigan-Flint, USA

According to Perry, such programs appear when the leadership of educational institutions, companies, politicians and government institutions make concessions to femactivists. “It is unethical and dishonest to treat men and women differently, to provide special scholarships and programs only for women, and to deny men equal educational opportunities,” he concluded.

The scientist believes that feminism often appeals to the concepts of inclusiveness and equality, but in practice it is precisely their destruction.

Such a statement seems controversial, since in this case the professor makes an inappropriate generalization. Modern feminism has many directions and continues to develop rapidly, because women around the world still face injustice and the inability to protect their rights and even lives. There is only one branch of feminism that sets itself more ambitious goals than universal gender equality and calls for a fundamental change in the world order.

How to behave with such people?

Some misogynists can be re-educated. For example, those who have received psychological trauma due to lack of love from their parents (mothers) or who are painfully experiencing a breakup. The negative principles in them calm down when they meet women or girls who are “healing” their wounds. They quickly forget that they once hated all women. Such misogynists need sympathy, love and understanding.

There are other misogynists about whom it is better to remain neutral, maintain distance and avoid them. These are potential psychopaths. A relationship with a woman-hater who exhibits signs of mental abnormalities will almost certainly lead to dire consequences for a morally healthy partner.

If you are already in a relationship with a misogynist, but you can't do anything about him if he doesn't change, try visiting a psychologist together. If necessary, more than once.

If a relationship brings you more sadness than joy, we recommend getting rid of it. This is difficult, but in this case it is necessary.

What is the best way to deal with misogynists?

Answer in kind. If a misogynist decides that he has the right to hate and condemn, then he deserves the same.


Ignore. Let this pathetic bundle of complexes choke on his hatred. Alone.


Answer objectively and adequately to reality, but without aggression. Facts baffle anyone.


Voted: 7

Is it possible to get rid of misogyny?

Yes. But sometimes it's difficult. Treatment methods are selected based on the characteristics of a particular case. If the patient does not recognize the problem, is sexist, and shows signs of psychosis or other mental disorders, psychotherapy alone will be useless. Based on the severity of psychosis, a specialized doctor (psychiatrist) will recommend drug treatment.

A doctor’s help may also be required in the simplest case, for example, if a misogynist experiences hatred towards women due to attitudes that have developed as a result of incorrect upbringing. With the help of a psychologist, these attitudes can be eliminated.

We recommend that if you suspect the disorder in question, you immediately contact at least psychologists. The doctor, after consultation and clarification of details, if necessary, will involve a psychiatrist in solving the problem.

Ways to get rid of misogyny

Here are some ways:

  • seeking help from a specialist in psychology or psychotherapy . Doctors can give useful recommendations that are not obvious at first glance, but valuable from the point of view of treating the disorder;
  • working with negative attitudes . If you don’t have the strength to overcome the problem on your own, we recommend going to a psychologist. He will tell you where to look for strength and why misogyny is a great evil;
  • searching for causes and working with them . If, for example, you are faced with a lack of love from your mother or are going through a painful breakup, this is not a reason to hate all women. Yes, there are those who do not deserve respect and the title of “real woman,” but not everyone is like that. This needs to be learned and understood. Otherwise, there is a risk of causing psychological harm to yourself.

Speaking about how to treat the disorder, it should be noted once again: in some cases, the help of a psychologist will be sufficient, but sometimes the participation of a psychiatrist is required (if you need to get rid of psychosis and other disorders with the help of drug therapy).

How to overcome internal and external misogyny - practice

Misogyny or misogyny is a pretty serious issue. As a rule, this condition is supported by psychological trauma. To combat the condition, a person can do the following:

  1. Read articles about gender studies, study scientific data. This will help you understand that girls can also achieve and achieve a lot.
  2. Look around, take a closer look at your friends, colleagues, relatives. Surely among them there are wonderful, interesting and erudite women. Some are raising two children on their own, others occupy leadership positions, and others have achieved success in science.
  3. Give women a chance more often. For example, use the services of a female doctor.

It is almost impossible to cope with the condition on your own. Usually the situation is complicated by the fact that the man is not aware of the problem. In his opinion, he thinks absolutely correctly and is not ready to change anything.

Only a psychologist or psychotherapist can help get rid of misogyny. First, you will need to work through old traumas and change your attitude towards them, and only then begin to fight misogyny.

Thank you for reading the article. Have you encountered misogynistic women or men in your life? How did you interact with them and what kind of relationship did you have? Tell us about your experience in the comments.

Share the article with family and friends, repost on social networks. We advocate for the kindness of both genders and believe that all people deserve respect.


Below are answers to the most common questions on the topic.

Who were the most famous misogynists?

They were, oddly enough, some of the most outstanding personalities in the history of mankind. This is Aristotle (believed that women should be slaves), Friedrich Nietzsche (noted that education is for men, said that if a girl wants to study, then she has problems with sexuality), Boccaccio, Thomas Aquinas. Even the brightest of minds, Albert Einstein, was in some sense a misogynist: his wife lived by the rules written by him. His “code” included everything from behavior to household chores. We do not call for aggression against women and do not denigrate men. We provide objective information and confirmed facts. We are for love and mutual respect. The information presented in the publication is for informational purposes only. Be human!

Are there differences between a sadist and a misogynist?

Often sadists experience sexual or emotional satisfaction from the suffering of their partners. However, this is not always typical for a misogynist, who simply demonstrates his own “superiority” through his actions. The concepts can be considered partly identical, but not completely.

How to get along with a misogynist?

If he is incorrigible, there is no need to try to get along. The danger is that any misogynist, having acquired a loving partner, will almost certainly sooner or later become many times more dangerous. He will pour out all his aggression, all his discontent within the union. Even if he thinks that he sincerely loves, even if he is attached to his partner.

Can a misogynist be changed?

Can. We recommend that you read the sections of the article “Is it really possible to get rid of misogyny?” and “Ways to overcome misogyny.”

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