Why does a girl talk to other guys even though she is in a relationship?

  • Why is your girlfriend talking to other guys?
  • How do loved ones deprive each other of happiness?
  • How to react to a girl talking to other guys?
  • Don't be jealous!
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All people strive for a love relationship. But it often turns out that people create relationships not out of mutual love, but because of other reasons. When a guy notices that his girlfriend is talking to other guys while being in a relationship with him, he begins to doubt her loyalty. Naturally, in such a situation, various thoughts can creep into your head. Let's try on the men's website masculino.ru to understand why a girl behaves this way.

Why is your girlfriend talking to other guys?

There are many reasons why your girlfriend can communicate with other guys without breaking up with you. Let's look at the most basic ones:

  1. She continues to look for her loved one, so you are not the prince of her heart.
  2. She just talks to guys and makes friends.
  3. She is looking for a lover. Of course she will deny it. In fact, the girl is missing something in her relationship with you, so she is trying to find a second partner who will give her what she needs.

In the latter case, it is not always about sex. A girl may feel good in bed with a guy, but, for example, he earns little or does not pay much attention to her. Perhaps, guys also cheat not with the goal of replacing girls, but in order to supplement what is missing. Unfortunately, people are not perfect, so you, the reader, may not give a girl something, which is why she will compensate for it when communicating with other guys.

How do loved ones deprive each other of happiness?

How do loved ones deprive each other of happiness? It's actually very easy to make another person unhappy. And people who love each other often begin to deprive each other of happiness.

  • Desire to control.

Do you think that quarrels and scandals destroy relationships? In fact, all this is a consequence of one simple desire - to control another person. When you were little, your parents controlled you, then your neighbors, teachers, and educators got involved in this. As a teenager, you seemed to start defending your boundaries, but you didn’t notice how you changed your “supervisors” from parents and teachers to your own friends. Now your friends dictate the rules of your life until you grow up and begin to build a serious relationship with your loved one.

And what is happening here, since you have been waiting for love for so long, which, in theory, should give freedom to partners? And here the following happens: people often themselves do not know what love is, but they know what kind of partners they want to see next to them. And since ideal partners cannot be found, they take just anyone, “whoever they meet,” and then they begin to “sculpt” from him the partner they would like to see next to them.

Here you remember all the internal grievances due to the fact that someone has been controlling you all your life. And now you yourself want to control someone, to command someone (especially if you work in a job you don’t like, where your boss constantly reprimands you for any mistakes). You want the other person to be the way you want them to be. And, unfortunately, this is not love. Moreover, in this case, a person forgets that he is building his relationship with an already formed personality, and not with a child who needs to be raised. And this takes away the happiness of the one who is being controlled, because he wanted to be loved for who he is, but for some reason he is constantly corrected, educated, criticized.

  • The desire to force you to do everything just for your own sake.

Every person wants to live happily. But since the mentality of the Russian people is not ideal, from childhood people are taught the idea that someone or something can make them happy. “You are not responsible for your own happiness, but other people who surround you and the things you possess make you happy.” And people believed it. That's why they buy themselves a lot of clothes, cars, luxury things, in order to somehow please themselves. But somehow happiness doesn’t come! Then people make friends, crowds of fans, beloved partners, but they, as it turns out, are not always pleasing. And since a person cannot even think that only he can make himself happy, he continues to stubbornly look for people or things that will finally constantly please him.

What happens to your loved one? And for some reason he becomes obliged to please his partner, who wants to be happy. The partner himself is not engaged in somehow pleasing himself, but waits for his loved one to begin to amuse him. And here the instructions begin: “Do this, bring that. Why don't you do this? etc. A person started a love relationship so that finally someone would make him happy. That is, you need a partner not to love him, but to please him, to help and give him everything you have. It turns out that a partner is needed so that he loves, pleases, helps and gives everything he has to the one who chose him. The result was a relationship in which a person fell into slavery: he owes his partner only because he agreed to date him. This is not happy!

  • “Why can’t I do what I like?”

Women constantly criticize their men for drinking and smoking. Men constantly laugh at how carelessly women spend money on clothes. But why can't your loved one do what makes him happy? It turns out that you are criticizing the activity that gives your partner a feeling of happiness. Please note that your loved one does not require you to make him happy. He just wants to do what he enjoys doing. But since you don’t do this or consider it an unnecessary matter, you begin to criticize your partner’s hobby, demanding that he stop doing it. It turns out that you yourself are robbing your loved one of what brings him happiness!

In such a situation, you need to think about why your loved one cannot find another interesting activity that would make him happy. Moreover, ask yourself the question: is your partner happy in his relationship with you? After all, people often become drunkards or get carried away with shopping (as well as other activities) only because they are unhappy in love. What will happen if your loved one is happy? He will probably then want to hear your wishes regarding health and savings, so as not to harm the relationship with someone who is ready to please him.

Why can't your loved one make himself happy? Let him do whatever makes him happy. At least he will be happy and you will not become an enemy to your partner who is taking away his happiness.

How to react to a girl talking to other guys?

It is a mistake to react negatively to absolutely all your friends of the stronger sex if they communicate with your girlfriend. Here they really can be just friends. Just because a girl is dating you doesn't mean she has to say goodbye to all her friends. In the same way, a guy is not obliged to say goodbye to his girlfriends if he is really only friends with them.

How to react to your girlfriend's friends? Calm, neutral or positive, as you wish. The main thing is that the girl is really friends with these guys. You can test this by offering to introduce them to you, sometimes even going with her to meetings with these guys. Friends do not hide from the other halves of their friends. If the guys really communicate with your girl, then they will be happy to get to know you and even chat.

Guys who are not actually friends with your girlfriend, but are interested in her and even want to take her away from you, will behave completely differently. They may tell her that they are friends with her, but in fact they may have a completely different attitude. Invite your girlfriend to chat with all her friends in her presence, go out with them whenever you want. If your friends don’t mind, then everything is fair. If someone does not want to get to know you or is against communicating with you, especially when you have not yet communicated with the person and have not yet become enemies, then something is unclean here.

Understand that a girl can communicate with other people of any gender. Your worries are understandable when a girl talks to guys. But what kind of relationship they have can be easily found out if you are not afraid to declare yourself and communicate with all her friends.

How to behave if you catch a man chatting with someone else

We understand that you really want to throw a scandal, throw a tantrum and throw away plates. But in order not to be branded as a woman with an unstable nervous system, you should, first of all, calm down and prepare yourself for an adequate conversation.

When you are ready, carefully ask the man what exactly is going on in his phone and carefully monitor his reaction.

A person who has nothing to hide will easily tell you with whom and what they are corresponding with. If he is nervous, behaves aggressively, accuses you of being overly curious, then he is definitely texting other women. And he hardly discusses the weather or work issues with them.

Don't be jealous!

If your girlfriend communicates with other guys, you probably have a feeling of jealousy. However, if there are no reasons for jealousy, the girl is faithful to you, then you definitely need to get rid of your feelings.

Why is a person jealous of a partner towards other people of the same sex? Why is a person jealous even of those who are just drawn, photographed or filmed? This also includes the question of why you might be jealous of your ex-partner for his new passion?

All these questions include one feature: is a person jealous of a partner for another person who belongs to the same gender? That is, a woman is jealous of women, and a man is jealous of men. And here it no longer always plays a role whether you are jealous of your current or former partner. Why is this happening?

Jealousy towards members of the same sex manifests itself when a person is not confident in himself. In such cases, they often say: “He is more beautiful”, “He is the best”, “He is richer”, etc. That is, they compare themselves with the person who can claim to be your partner’s loved one. And jealousy occurs not because you are afraid of losing your partner, because in this case completely different emotions would manifest themselves, but because you consider yourself worthless, lower, less worthy of your partner than the other person.

So, why consider yourself unworthy? Why consider lack of wealth or less attractiveness as a reason to quit? Jealousy in this case is akin to fear, which simply forces you to protect yourself and your loved one. Your comparison with another person is a certain balance of power between two enemies, the results of which will show you exactly how to defend yourself. But should you wage a war where the decision is made by the person you are jealous of - your partner. After all, no matter what military position you take, it’s still up to him to decide with whom to build relationships. And it is much more interesting to have an alliance with a person who is confident that he is worthy of love and does not fight, fighting for a partner as if for a trophy.

Better show your girlfriend that you are confident and worthy of being loved. There is no need to wage war with other guys, as you will not present yourself in the best light (this will show your insecurity). Be calm and know that if your girlfriend loves you, she won't do anything that could ruin your relationship. After all, who would want to refuse an alliance with a person who is confident in himself!?

She needs her lover's reaction

Some representatives of the fair sex deliberately communicate with other men to see how their partner will react to this. These ladies are sure that the greatest manifestation of love is jealousy. A woman is ready to flirt with anyone.

For her, there is nothing more important than the reaction of her beloved. It is worth noting that such a partner will drive her partner crazy until he starts yelling at her. It seems that they really like it.

The best proof of their love on the part of a man for them is a violent reaction to her defiant behavior. A woman needs to be careful with this, otherwise she can drive her lover to the point where he will raise his hand against her.

The consequences may not be the most pleasant. After this, the woman will definitely no longer intentionally communicate with other men.

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