20 social psychology lessons that will be useful to everyone

Human psychology is a science that studies people, their behavior, thinking, and reasons for their actions. Knowing the motives according to which an individual acts in a given situation, you can achieve what you want, for example, a positive resolution to your issue or simply improve relationships with others. Psychology accumulates all the most important knowledge about a person. People who want to achieve heights in society must not only know them, but also be able to apply them in practice. After all, our life is a constant struggle with current circumstances for the sake of the victory of personal interests. People fight for a higher-paid position, to start a family with the person they like, to attract attention, to achieve popularity, recognition, and to earn more money. It is psychological knowledge that helps an individual achieve the desired results.

Applied psychology and its tasks

The science of the laws of the human soul and the functioning of mental activity has formed a separate branch - psychology. It develops in two directions. Practical is applied directly to solving problems of a group of people or one person. The theoretical is replenished with new discoveries and developments by scientists.

Applied psychology is improving along with the development of social relations and its individual branches. It is believed that this direction does not have a clear, complete structure. But the main directions can be identified.

First, it is worth understanding the directions in which applied psychology operates.

What is human psychology, its main directions

Psychology studies the individual’s psyche, the peculiarities of its manifestation and functioning, as well as patterns of development. Translated from Greek, it is the science of the human soul. This teaching has come a long way in its development, having absorbed a lot of useful knowledge. In the 19th century, psychology became an independent discipline. Thanks to this science, people have learned to understand the nature of mental phenomena. There are various areas of human psychology that study a variety of behavioral, moral, mental, unconscious, and personal issues. Such systematization allows us to examine and understand the nature of mental phenomena in more detail.

Main directions of human psychology:

  1. Cognitive - studies the form and content of cognitive activity. Thinking and intelligence determine the behavior of an individual. This section explores how various types of knowledge are acquired, retained and used.
  2. Associative - studies the psyche on the basis of associations. According to this teaching, consciousness is formed under the influence of sensations and feelings. Complex concepts are more easily perceived due to their identification with simpler ones. The consolidation of associations is influenced by the frequency of their repetition.
  3. Gestalt psychology is an attempt to explain mental processes through the existence of certain integral formations - “gestalts”. Through perception and thinking, surrounding objects are perceived by the senses as whole forms.
  4. Humanistic - studies the personality of a person and his capabilities. People live in the world of their experiences and, depending on situations, perform different role functions. The main task of an individual's life is self-improvement. A person thinks about high things only after satisfying his lower needs.
  5. Deep - studies unconscious processes. This science considers unconscious phenomena to be the driving forces of human behavior. The founder of psychoanalysis is S. Freud. The psyche of an individual includes unconscious and repressed forms. The basis of personality is made up of irrational, emotional, instinctive processes. Thanks to psychoanalysis, scientists are able to find out the causes of mental phenomena.

Task levels

Each science develops in two directions: enrichment of the theoretical part with new discoveries and practical application, from which each user benefits. Psychology in this regard takes a leading position, since its aspects directly affect every person: problems in relationships with other people, reactions to certain situations, personal failures of a person, etc.

If a person can obtain a certain part of knowledge on his own, then for a deeper and more detailed analysis a specialist with extensive knowledge will be required. Based on these features, the principles of practical psychology are identified.

  1. Practice questions are an individual challenge that arises when a person visits a specialist and shares their problem.
  2. Applied problems are relevant for the full functioning of individual societies. For example, when drawing up training programs, introducing recommendations and training programs.
  3. Research activities are aimed at developing a methodological basis for the work of specialists in the field of psychology.

The importance of psychology in human life

Already in early childhood, personality formation occurs. Each person absorbs information from the world around him. Under the influence of this knowledge, a person’s character is formed. On the path of life, every individual encounters many problems. Depending on character and desire, a person can cope with difficulties or, conversely, submit to fate.

Self-control is of great importance in all kinds of problematic situations. If an individual knows how to control his emotions, it is difficult to unbalance him. Such a person knows how to behave in society, how to please people, and achieve the desired result.

There are simple rules, following which you can easily achieve success:

  • you need to learn to understand people;
  • You need to maintain good relationships with everyone around you;
  • it is always necessary to respect the interests of other members of society;
  • you cannot give up in the face of difficulties;
  • you need to fight for your interests in any situation;
  • Don’t constantly blame yourself for mistakes and often remember your failures;
  • to achieve success, you need to constantly do something;
  • You can’t be afraid to take action and take responsibility.

People behave differently when they find themselves in an unfamiliar situation. Some are starting to take active action. More timid and suspicious individuals, on the contrary, may lose heart. Different reactions to the same situation are explained by individual personality characteristics, upbringing, education, and moral training.

A morally unprepared individual does not know how to behave correctly when faced with danger. Instead of acting or running away, he may lose clarity of thought, become completely motionless and vulnerable.

In order for an individual to be able to cope with various troubles that are likely to come his way along the path of life, he needs to prepare for negative situations, strengthen his psyche and will. This task can be accomplished with the help of knowledge from the field of psychology. If a person is psychologically prepared for any trouble, nothing can scare him; he can adequately react to danger and act correctly in any situation.

The main task

A person, constantly being in society and interacting with other people, needs psychological support. Experts say that such assistance is not inferior to the social and economic needs of a person in terms of relevance. Subjectively, the level of psychological support is considered by a person as a criterion for determining the quality of life.

The main sector in society is people. Its development has a direct impact on progress in other spheres of society. The highest goal of society is the development of human creative potential. From this point of view, applied psychology is aimed at solving the following specific problems:

  • Providing psychological assistance in crisis situations.
  • Recommendations for further independent growth.
  • Psychological support at certain stages of life or social path.
  • Identifying problematic aspects in the psyche and helping to overcome them.
  • Development of psychological culture of the broad masses.
  • Improving work systems in these areas.
  • Improving the professional skills of the specialist himself.

These and other important tasks require diverse activities in areas that will be discussed below.

Are there differences?

So, what to choose when some difficulty arises that you can’t figure out on your own? Pour out your soul to your beloved friend over a glass of wine, have a nice walk with friends until the morning, or still sign up for a consultation? The choice is entirely yours.

But I want to bring to your attention the differences in the work of a specialist and an everyday psychologist. Knowing the difference in their approach, it will be easier to navigate your needs

That is, what exactly is important to get in the end?

Sometimes get-togethers with loved ones really turn out to be life-saving.

When it’s important to just talk to someone who has known you for “a thousand years.” You can hardly feel such trust in a couple of meetings with a psychotherapist.

But there are times when a friend simply doesn’t know how to listen, or a decision needs to be made, and he gives advice based on his own history. And they may “work” differently in your situation than in his

Yes, and it is important to understand where the problem comes from, then it is possible to cope with it


The famous psychotherapist Carl Jung believed that a psychologist for a patient is like someone who leads him along an unknown route, relying entirely on his professionalism. For these purposes, he carries out extensive work of a diagnostic, analytical and therapeutic nature. All these areas are closely interconnected. The main ones are:

  1. Prevention. Work at this stage is aimed at preventing disorientation in educational institutions and in the team. In this aspect, applied psychology and pedagogy must work together. The essence of the activity comes down to creating a favorable psychological climate, uniting group members and relieving psychological stress.
  2. Diagnostics involves collecting information about the object or group being studied and drawing up a psychological picture.
  3. Correction is a set of influences on certain areas of the object’s psyche.
  4. In applied tasks of psychology, the priority is counseling, the purpose of which is to develop a person’s skills for orientation in problem situations.
  5. Psychotherapy, the purpose of which is to provide medication and correctional assistance in the presence of significant psychological problems.

Main differences between psychological branches

Any aspiring psychologist should know the main differences between these industries. Many experienced researchers highlight their list of differences. Having analyzed their opinions, several different points can be identified:

  1. Ways to obtain new data. To scientifically explain facts, experts use various tools. Everyday experience is gained only through one’s own observation.
  2. Object of study. The scientific direction studies psychological processes in general, the everyday direction studies exclusively for one individual.
  3. Options for transmitting information. To convey wisdom gained from personal experience, a conversational method or through a creative approach is used. To obtain scientific data, it is necessary to study the relevant documents, textbooks, and articles.
  4. Language features. Wisdom is conveyed through simple expressions and words. When describing official materials and documented information, certain terms and concepts are used.
  5. Options for explaining events. The everyday direction implies a lack of point-by-point explanations regarding individual situations. The scientific approach describes what senses are involved in different processes, what hormones play a role, what mental properties are involved.
  6. Scientific psychology generalizes data and applies it to individuals or groups of people. Wisdoms are the experience of one person.

The work of an applied psychologist

The ultimate goal of this specialist is to help the patient make a decision. Professionals in applied psychology use a variety of approaches to help people adapt their emotional reactions and decision-making behavior.

The priority goal of a psychologist depends on the direction of activity. For example, counselors in this field usually talk to patients to help them improve their daily life situations, work with couples, families or groups. They also help patients with alcohol and drug abuse problems. Often their clients are young people.

More advanced applied psychologists use non-traditional approaches to their work.

Corporate psychologists help their clients not only improve mental health, but also stabilize their work. Legal professionals offer their opinions on the offender's mental health, behavior and motives.

Tendency to cope in unhealthy ways

Some people respond to stress by starting to drink and use illegal substances. This is an unhealthy reaction that will eventually lead to physical health complications.

If you do not seek help in time, then in the long term a full-fledged addiction may develop.

At this stage, you will have to contact a specialized psychiatrist or psychotherapist.

But not only alcohol, smoking and drugs are considered “unhealthy” methods of solving problems.

If a person goes to the gym and works out to the point of complete exhaustion, he also needs the help of a psychologist. A specialist will help you find healthy methods of coping with difficulties, as well as understand the true reasons for using alcohol and illegal substances.

Areas of activity

The central object in psychology is the person. Accordingly, science can be applied in any area where human participation is required. True, there is a branch that deals with animal psychology, but this is a separate topic. Applied social psychology in Russia has been widely used and developed only over the last 15 years. Currently, this science needs special attention, since for too long it has been only an academic subject and has not served specific people to solve their problems.

Today, applied psychology is widely used in various sectors of public life. Below will be a quick description of these industries.

Suspicions that a mental illness has developed

Everyone knows that mental illnesses are treated by a psychiatrist. But the stigma associated with psychiatry in Russia prevents people from going directly to a neuropsychiatric clinic. Those who suspect they have symptoms of a mental illness can start with a psychologist.

Even if the fears are confirmed, the psychologist can obtain the contact information of a private psychiatrist who receives anonymously. Specialists usually keep in touch with each other and can refer their patients.

Don't be afraid of psychologists.

Sometimes a few sessions are enough to change the quality of life.
But even if it takes several months to build new habits and ways of thinking, the time spent will definitely pay off! 841 0.0 Rate this article Published: 05/28/2021

In politics

Attracting the attention of the masses to your person, convincing yourself that you are right, and turning your followers into loyal comrades are just some of the tasks of applied psychology in the field of politics. Other tasks are no less global in nature:

  • Formation of a positive image of a political figure.
  • Attracting public attention in the election race.
  • Influencing public opinion through the media.
  • Examination of laws, programs and other large-scale measures adopted in the country aimed at preventing mass unrest in the country.

It is difficult to imagine a politician who has poor command of psychological techniques and methods. If the above-mentioned tasks relate to the more public part of his activity, then behind the scenes there is also no need to use practical and applied psychology, since it is always important to keep a team around you, control many processes and at the same time not lose ratings.

Power makes us obedient and can force us to do things we could never imagine.

In Milgram's famous experiment, participants were asked to give shocks of increasing intensity if a subject in the next room gave incorrect answers to questions asked. The role of the victim was played by the experimenter's assistant. The participant initially delivered weak shocks, but in the second part of the experiment he was asked to press the "Danger: High Current" button, ignoring the victim's requests to stop the experiment. As a result, 63% of the subjects pressed the button with the maximum discharge, which, if it had not been staged, could have been fatal to another person.

In economics and business

If we consider the psychological component of economics and business, then numerous commercial trainings and coaching sessions aimed at setting a person up for success immediately come to mind. Everyone knows that motivation is the engine of any process. An entire industry of methodological training has been built around it. But the applied aspect of psychology in the field of economics and business is much deeper:

  • Adaptation of personnel to new working conditions.
  • Helping a specific person when economic conditions change.
  • Assistance in creating an effective management structure at the enterprise.
  • Training managers in effective ways of communication both with clients and in relation to subordinates.
  • Conflict resolution skills.
  • Applied social psychology in commercial and social advertising.

Feelings of failure as a parent

Parenting is hard work. Raising your first child is especially difficult.

On the one hand, modern adults have access to a huge amount of educational information. On the other hand, there are ideal pictures on social networks, which are not always possible to follow. Many women feel a pressing sense of guilt that is difficult to cope with.

How do you know that everything is going according to plan? Of course, you can go to an online forum and ask for advice there. But it must be borne in mind that on the other side of the screen there are often inexperienced advisers who can maliciously ridicule or condemn naive questions.

In the ranking of those who need a psychologist, young parents should take first place.

A psychologist will help you decide on the distribution of roles in the family and tell you how to achieve balance in relationships. But the main advantage of turning to professionals: no value judgments. Even if the parents have really reached an impasse with raising a child, the psychologist will not scold or reproach, but will provide working tools and methods for correcting the situation.

But most often the specialist has to convince parents that they are on the right track and raising an emotionally healthy child. After all, the main problem of our time is the desire to correspond to inflated, often non-existent, ideals.

In the field of jurisprudence

In classical psychology, a special role is assigned to the legal direction, since its application in this area differs from all other cases. The essence of the work lies in diagnostic and expert areas. It is important to consider that communications in this area are often established against the will of the person (criminal, victim, witnesses, etc.). In such conditions, experimental applied psychology must draw up a detailed psychological portrait of a person based on minimal information.

In addition, there is often a need to verify the authenticity of the information provided. But the main tasks of applied legal psychology should be considered:

  • Analysis of the human condition for criminogenicity.
  • Assistance in professional adaptation of law enforcement officers.
  • Their psychological rehabilitation.
  • Correction of personality structure and its traits.

Thus, psychological aspects in jurisprudence and in the entire law enforcement system play leading roles.

About everyday psychology or why psychology needs to be studied

There is an opinion that every person is a psychologist. And the richer a person’s experience, the more professional a psychologist he is. And if so, then maybe it’s not worth studying psychology, and a diploma should be issued after confirmation of life experience?

The answer lies in defining the differences between everyday psychology as a set of personal ideas and scientific psychology as expert knowledge.

Everyday psychological knowledge is specific and limited to strictly defined situations. Psychology as a science strives for generalization, trying to see behind the abundance of particulars the general trends in the development of mental processes, behavior of individuals and groups.

An example of everyday psychology: a child knows how to behave with each family member in order to achieve what he wants. But he will not be as insightful if he finds himself in the company of strangers.

Everyday perception is extremely selective, and from all possible characteristics of the external world, a person selects those that fall into the zone of personal interest. The remaining properties of objects and phenomena are discarded as secondary. The expert approach is based on attention to every detail in order to identify essential properties and characteristics as a result of the study.

An example of scientific psychology: studying the psychological aspects of family life, psychologists examine the life experiences of partners, and the characteristics of their upbringing, education, and the circumstances of various situations, etc.

Everyday knowledge is obtained by itself, without explicit awareness of the process of its acquisition. Moreover, it is often not clearly formulated, existing at a certain sensory-intuitive level.

The knowledge itself is formed into a certain theoretical base, on which a professional psychologist builds his activities.

Let's look at the differences in everyday and expert approaches using a specific example: a small child draws only with his left hand, he does not use his right. Should he be taught to draw and write with his right hand (retrained)?

What is the answer from everyday psychology? It all depends on the experience of the participants in the situation. If a grandmother lives in the house, in whose memory left-handers were retrained, then, most likely, she will insist on the same thing now. A professional psychologist will give a definite answer - a child cannot be retrained. The argument will not be everyday experience (“but my sister has...”), but the principles of organizing interhemispheric connections.

In the field of education

The effectiveness of education systems depends on many factors, an essential one of which is communication. Building effective communication with teenagers requires a special approach. The activities of psychology and pedagogy in this regard are multifaceted:

  • Studying and eliminating the causes of low student performance.
  • Study and analysis of teaching methods used by teachers.
  • Working with teenagers with deviant behavior.
  • Collaboration with small informal groups.

Also, do not forget about another type of social and educational institutions - orphanages and institutions for the disabled.

A smile is contagious and says a lot about you.

In a movie theater, a person will laugh more if the people around him are laughing. Another situation: bowling, a man hit a strike, but only started smiling when he turned to his friends. This is a smile for social approval, and not from the joy of having done something successfully.

One study found that students who showed Duchenne smiles (the most genuine smiles that use the muscles around the eyes and mouth) in album photos were more likely to be married and more likely to describe themselves as happy 30 years later. And students with less pronounced smiles were much more likely to get divorced.

Family psychology

The family is the unit of society. In psychology and the psychological sciences, many problems are considered in close connection with the client's family atmosphere. Applied branches of psychology help in solving the following problems:

  • Educational assistance in raising children.
  • Diagnosis of family relationships, correction of behavior of family members.
  • Regulation of marital relations.
  • Help in overcoming suicidal tendencies.
  • Help in developing skills to independently overcome crisis situations.
  • Formation of a positive attitude towards life.

In other words, theoretical and applied psychology in family matters is used to form harmonious relationships between all family members, maintaining the boundaries of everyone’s personal space.

Chronic stress that yoga and your favorite movie can’t help you cope with

Life is full of stress, and that's completely normal. Problems cannot be completely avoided. Moreover, small jolts are good for the body, as they help mobilize strength and look at the routine from a new angle.

But if one stressful situation flows into another, and the feeling of relaxation does not occur, you should seek help. Otherwise, stress will result in neurosis, depression or complete apathy.

A psychologist will help you find healthy ways to solve problems and eliminate triggers of stressful situations.

In military and sports life

In this industry, an important task is to develop a spirit of confrontation and competition. A number of measures are being taken in this direction:

  • Formation of behavior skills in extreme situations.
  • Predicting human actions in conditions of struggle and competition.
  • Criteria for selecting athletes for competitions.
  • Creation of conditions favorable for achieving goals.
  • Rehabilitation skills after defeats, treatment of psychological injuries arising from a competitive state.
  • Development of diagnostic methods and research base.

Myth No. 1: A psychologist is a friend for money.

Unexpected wording, right? But one way or another, some people are even two hundred percent sure of this. In their understanding, a psychologist is a person who receives money for simply listening to them and, as a friend, giving them psychological stroking.

  • It is this myth that causes potential clients to reject psychologists out of indignation. A person thinks: “Why would I pay money to someone unknown, if I have a friend to whom I can talk for free, and I can also get good advice.”

Penitentiary sector

This area of ​​psychology is not practiced in all countries, although its role in the development of society is invaluable. The essence of the direction is the re-education and adaptation of convicted persons. However, in many government systems this industry has not been developed or implemented. Measures of interaction with convicted persons result in imprisonment.

This approach continues to produce negative results. Years of keeping convicts under conditions of moral and psychological pressure do not lead to comprehension of their actions. The personality breaks down completely, and in the future only a small percentage is able to arrange their lives within the framework of social norms. For most convicts, a violent form of relationship becomes the norm, so some time after their release they return to prison walls.

If we organize this industry as an independent professional structure, forming specific tasks, if we attract appropriate specialists, then such a step will become a significant contribution to the development of society.

Myth No. 4: A psychologist has been consulting for years.

This myth is being spread by dishonest, so to speak, “specialists.” They use a marketing ploy to sell you their services profitably. They say, look, someone will be consulting you for years (hidden subtext - defrauding you of money for years), and I’m such a great specialist, I’ll help in just a couple of sessions.

Let's break it down into components:

  • Firstly, there is psychological counseling. And it does involve short-term work.
  • Secondly, there is psychotherapy, so it involves long-term work, which lasts for years. If the client has had a severe trauma, or you need to “dig” deep to get to the true root of the problem, and then work through it, as you yourself understand, this is a labor-intensive and long-term process.

That is, the formulation itself is quite streamlined; it seems to exclude the option of psychotherapy. And, in fact, it already implies inaccuracies. A true professional will never resort to such formulations, because he understands that counseling can be transformed into psychotherapy.

Each case is very individual. A psychologist cannot know one hundred percent, just like that, right away, what will “be revealed” in the process of work.


Problems of applied psychology also have their place in the environmental sphere. In this industry, the applied part of psychology is aimed at finding the inner potential of a person aimed at caring for the environment. If we are talking about specific actions, then they are carried out when environmental conditions change due to natural disasters and other force majeure circumstances.

As in other areas of applied psychology, in this aspect the tasks are of a diagnostic, correctional, therapeutic and rehabilitation nature.

Difficulty controlling emotions

Some people cannot cope with emotions, especially sadness and anger. Sometimes it’s enough to breathe deeply, draw mandalas, and your mood returns to normal. But if mood swings negatively affect your work or personal life, it’s time to deal with the problem.

An experienced psychologist will help you deal with emotions and tell you how to properly control anger and malice. People who tend to cry in response to every attack from their colleagues are also recommended to talk to a specialist. Emotions should not interfere with building a career and personal relationships.

Due to constant mood swings, some people cannot eat or sleep normally. In the end, the person becomes exhausted and cannot concentrate on the really important things.

For people who cannot control their emotions, a psychologist will help:

  • develop unique self-soothing strategies;
  • get rid of the negative consequences of breakdowns;
  • understand why mood swings occur and how they affect life.

In rare cases, such changes are a symptom of a real illness (bipolar disorder, cyclothymia). In this case, early contact with a psychologist can literally save you from a neuropsychiatric hospital.

Myth #7: Psychologists should work for free

A fairly common myth. Its fundamental basis is that the psychologist is perceived as a volunteer. They say that if he is a helping profession, there is no need to pay for his services.

Now let’s simulate a situation: the lock on your bracelet or chain has broken, or you’ve lost weight and your favorite ring has become too big and you can no longer wear it.

You go to the jeweler with your product. And as soon as the work is ready, you pay for it without question.

You won’t even think about not paying for this service.

Unlike the work of a jeweler, when a breakdown is visually eliminated, the results of working with a psychologist manifest themselves over time, as he works with a person’s inner world, with his beliefs, attitudes and patterns.


Therefore, a stereotype is formed: if the service is not of a material nature, then it does not need to be paid for.

Myth No. 9: Every person is a psychologist

Only with one caveat: some have a diploma, others do not. It's the same thing, to give a sarcastic analogy: if I can cut bread, then I can be a surgeon.

It sounds absurd. But often, people, having a superficial understanding of psychology, begin to consider themselves great psychologists.

A psychologist, in addition to a diploma, has also received a very large amount of special knowledge. This is what allows him to understand in-depth processes and manage them effectively.

Myth No. 6: A psychologist is the same as a listener

And again - a misconception. There is such a film, it’s called “The Listener”. True, it has nothing to do with the true semantic component, since the hero is more like a whipping boy than a listener.

The listener, unlike the psychologist, does not use special techniques and methods. It does not rely on any branch of psychology. Its task is to help a person reduce their emotional temperature. Essentially, a listener is an empath, someone you turn to when you just need to talk.

There are different situations when people cannot tell their family and friends about something, but they really need to talk it out. Just talk it out.

At the initial stage, the psychologist collects anamnesis. Asks questions, conducts diagnostics, which can make the client nervous, since he just needed to speak out.

Therefore, it is very important not to confuse the psychologist and the listener.

Studying Psychology: What Skills You Need

Clearly, psychologists must be interested in other people. What other qualities do aspiring psychologists need?

  • Interest in communicating with people.
  • Interest in research and scientific work, basic knowledge of scientific work.
  • Communication skills, language skills.
  • Ability to reflect and criticize, critical thinking.

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  • Social skills, empathy, emotional intelligence
  • abstract, logical, analytical thinking.

Myth No. 5: A psychologist is the same as a psychotherapist

The psychotherapist was educated in medical institutions. His clients are people with borderline disorders. A psychologist was educated in the discipline “Psychology” and is not considered a doctor. The subjects of his work are the inner world and state of mind.

A psychologist works with mentally healthy people. Does not make diagnoses or prescribe medications. His task is to help the client harmonize relationships with himself and others.

For example, a psychologist cannot work with clients who have somatogenic or endogenous depression.

Myth No. 8: A psychologist is an astrologer, esotericist, or x-ray man

It happens that when some clients turn to a psychologist for help, they sincerely believe that he, like a fortune teller, will immediately tell about all their problems and map out possible solutions.

It sounds comical, but believe me, it happens. Moreover, when the psychologist begins to ask questions, the indignant client says: “You are a psychologist! You must understand this!” It’s as if a psychologist, none other than a clairvoyant: is able to scan the client’s past and knows his present.

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