Love between two men: reasons for same-sex love, scientific facts

Elton John, Boris Moiseev, Nero, George Gordon Byron - men who are easy to describe in one word. It’s no secret that this category includes the somewhat unconventional “stronger sex.”

Recently, the ranks of homosexuals have been joining the regiment every year. Women are in despair, because among the crowd of sexual minorities there are a huge number of muscular handsome men who, unfortunately, are wearing oversized stockings under their rough jeans. Why does a man love a man?

And God created Man

Humanity came into being through the many efforts of Adam and Eve. However, the latter was created specifically for a man, for pleasure and the continuation of the human race. Man and woman are created differently, therefore they arouse great interest, lust, attraction and love in each other. Brutal males need a seductive female.

However, something went wrong, and subsequently the bearded man, instead of the gentle woman, began to feel the desire to hug and caress another, no less bearded guy. A man loves a man... sounds strange, wild, but modern. The girls are perplexed: previously they had to fight with each other for the right to be called someone’s girlfriend, but now their beloved guy must be won from the stronger, and at the same time, “fair” sex.

Should I tell my children?

If the husband communicates with another man, then solving this problem is not at all easy. When he leaves the family for his new lover, and you have children, you have to decide what to tell them. Should we initiate them or not into their father’s secret? How to explain to them the appearance of someone else’s uncle on the horizon, because of which their mommy and daddy want to separate? Of course, this issue must be resolved with the father of your children. You must together choose the optimal version of what is happening and not change it, so as not to confuse your offspring. Please note that the age of the children directly affects the amount of truth in your revelations.

Children under a certain age generally find it difficult to understand the issue of sexual orientation. A child aged 3–4 years has just learned to speak clearly, so it is better for such children not to know anything and to come up with some kind of story. For example: “Your dad and I can no longer live together because we are very different. We still love you and will never leave you. Dad will stay with his friend for now, and you will see him whenever you want.”

Between the ages of 7 and 10, the truth about your father's orientation should be revealed at your discretion. You can talk about this in a playful way, speaking respectfully about dad. If your husband does not hide his inclinations from society, it is better to illuminate the true state of affairs to the child. Otherwise, “well-wishers” will tell the truth, which will alienate the child from you and provoke the emergence of psychological problems.

Remember that if you learn about your father's homosexuality only in adolescence, the child will receive a much greater blow. After all, it is teenagers who take such news the hardest, as they immediately begin to develop complexes and even hate their parents.

Take the question of whether or not to tell your child that your husband loves other men as seriously as possible. The responsibility for conveying information to your children about their father's sexuality rests solely on your shoulders. But you can contact a psychologist so that he can tell you how to do this competently and not cause mental trauma to your child.

“Disease” of the modern world2

A society that condemns same-sex relationships expresses vehement condemnations and assumptions about the coming Apocalypse. Where have you seen a guy marry a guy? This fact is blamed on the lack of morals, perverted views on love and the rapid development of the 21st century, when humanity is trying to try everything: technology, gourmet dishes, the taste of freedom and other excesses. People seem to run one in front of the other, trying to surprise others, impress, and talk about themselves. As a result, they are inclined to do the most amazing things: conquer space, invent a truth serum, change their sexual orientation.

However, for a guy who loves a man, he doesn’t care about the opinions and condemnation of others. He feels good and calm with a loved one, and it doesn’t matter at all what gender he belongs to.

Attitudes towards homosexuality

As it has already turned out, earlier such a phenomenon, although it was rare, still occurred, but, as a rule, they tried to hide such relationships from prying eyes. The love of same-sex couples was not made public, since this is not the norm, which means that other people could laugh at them, beat them, or even execute them. In the modern world, every person has the right to their own point of view, even if it does not coincide with the opinions of others. Although homosexuals today have a much easier life than in ancient times, they can become an object of discussion. Someone shuns them, tries to protect them from themselves, making same-sex couples outcasts. Others, trying to demonstrate that they are right, may be extremely negative towards them and even try to cause them physical harm and injury. Well, still others simply try not to notice them, and if they still have to communicate, then they put homosexuals on an equal footing with themselves, without belittling them morally and talking to them as with ordinary people without any deviations.

Reasons for gay orientation3

For many years, homosexual love was considered a mental disorder. While one man is groping another in a secluded corner, bright minds are making assumptions about why this fact is taking place:

  • Mental illness.
  • Esotericists suggest that the “lost” soul at conception ended up in the wrong body.
  • First sexual experience with someone of the same sex.
  • Saturation with sexual life, desire to experience new sensations.
  • Great disappointment in women.

Disadvantages of marriages and relationships in which the man is older

Older man
Relationships and marriages with a large age difference also have their downsides. If the man is much older, then the young woman may end up a widow. Moreover, no matter how young he gets, quite often men after 60-65 cannot physically satisfy young girls. Such wives begin to cheat with young secretaries, deputies, and bodyguards. Moreover, quite often older men themselves know about these connections. But they don’t want to deprive themselves of the happiness of life with a young woman. After all, this is a second youth.

In this case, older men are divided into 2 types:

  • Ardent jealous people who are ready to kill their young lover, but cannot catch him in the act.
  • Those who endure for the sake of prolonging their youth, pretending that they do not notice how they are cheating on them.

Another disadvantage of a relationship with an older man is the condemnation of society. People immediately begin to think that there can be no love an 80-year-old and a 20-year-old Few people believe in love in this case. Of course, if a girl is 20 and a man is 40 (and at the same time, outwardly you can’t tell him to be more than 30 years old), then the situation is viewed differently. Although this is also an age difference.

In fact, the older the man and the younger the girl next to him, the greater the condemnation. However, mature ladies with young boys cause the same reaction. Suffice it to recall the many situations that arose around show business stars.

Scientific view of homosexuals4

Recently, society has been loyal to guys who kiss. What in the old days was called “the shame of the Lord” in modern times is allowed, approved, and, in some corners of the world, encouraged. Scientists are inclined to think that “homosexuality” is a genetic trait. There are several interesting versions that “explain” the factor in the appearance of “blueness” in the blood of a seemingly ordinary child:

  • A specific mutation in the X chromosome gives the heroes of Hollywood films unusual superpowers, when an ordinary “nerd” turns into the formidable Hulk or Superman. In real life, this chromosome transforms an ordinary man into a “cute girl”, not without balls and stiff stubble.
  • Scientists who have been observing pistils, stamens and bugs for a long time have discovered a funny thing: an infertile male is prone to distorted sexuality. The conclusion suggests itself: a man who is unable to produce offspring seeks solace in the strong embrace of a man.
  • An interesting legend came from midwives that a hormonal disorder during the second trimester of pregnancy has an impact on the sexual preferences of the future man.

Type 3. Intimophobe, aka eternal bachelor

The man is cheerful, cheerful, good-looking, fairly wealthy, surrounded by friends. He also regularly goes to the mountains, goes down a mountain river, and goes horseback riding. He is well over 30, or even 40.

What's the catch, you ask? And the fact is that there is no place for you in the life of such a man. Yes, women and entertainment with them are an integral part of his leisure time. But only as long as they do not encroach on the bachelor’s “territory” - freedom.

You can hear from your friends that you can tame any bachelor. Yes, but the probability is slim. Unless the chosen one is really the love of his life, like the heroine of Sparks’ novel “The Choice.”

Why does a man become a bachelor?

Most often, bachelors are such because it is convenient for them.

Or they are simply afraid of serious, close, trusting relationships. That is, we are dealing with intimate phobias.

As a rule, bachelor men are selfish and self-absorbed. With them, wonderful sex and romantic weekends are possible, but nothing more.

Intimophobes are not capable of the emotional intimacy that girls crave so much with the man they love.

Bachelors have a knack for mysteriously disappearing at the most unexpected moment in a poor girl’s life. While she is already mentally choosing the style of her wedding dress.

Is it easy to spot an intimophobe?

On first dates, this type is difficult to identify.

It’s another matter if you’ve already met enough to decide on the future. Meanwhile, the man avoids direct answers to the question, hesitates, and increasingly does not appear to be there exactly when he is needed.

This means this is the peak of his capabilities. Don't expect more.

Man of blue blood5

From an early age, women dream of a handsome prince, but what a disappointment they become when in reality there is an abundance of not so much royal offspring as other persons of “blue blood.” Contrary to public opinion, these guys look courageous and attractive.

Most fans of sodomy have an image of an athletic, muscular guy, with a handsome, masculine face and stylish clothes. But modern ladies also look beautiful: chiseled figures, eyelash extensions, silky hair, fashionable clothes. But this “heavy artillery” remains powerless when a man loves a man.

Loneliness is the price for love

Despite all the advantages of same-sex relationships, they are all doomed to collapse and collapse in the future, and people are doomed to loneliness. Why does a guy love a guy? Yes, just like that, because he just loves. But for ordinary, traditional couples, sooner or later the “candy-bouquet” period ends, they begin to think about family, about children, which same-sex couples cannot boast of. They just have to enjoy each other, but like all good things, over time it will just get boring. In order not to be left alone, a man will find a new partner, and then a second, and a third, and a fourth... But in his old age, most likely, he will have no one - no partner, no wife, no children, no grandchildren. And the surrounding society will often bypass him.

Such fashionable love6

They say that sexual minorities are fashionable and relevant. Every guy can touch and kiss a busty girl, but not everyone will dare to squeeze an unshaven, sweaty man in a steely embrace! But, unfortunately, the crowd of applicants is growing. First one or the other guy proclaims in an interview about his “unusual preference”, with such pride, as if he had climbed Everest, and not in the chambers of his own kind.

Among creative personalities there is a huge percentage of the “blues of this world”: stylists, designers, musicians, actors and singers. No one is embarrassed to show “feelings” for what is “laid by nature by the stepmother.” Some teenagers and young men take the thorny path of homosexuality in pursuit of unusual status and fame.

Same-sex love

The very concept of same-sex love appeared in ancient times. Love between a guy and a guy was mentioned back in Ancient Egypt. During one of the archaeological excavations, a papyrus scroll was found, which spoke about the warm homosexual relationship of Garus and Fet, they were gods, which means that such relationships were quite acceptable. According to other studies, it was found that later such unconventional love began to be found in Asia, America, and Africa. But in Ancient Rome, Babylon, Greece and India, the so-called male love was very popular. But such relationships were allowed only to the highest strata of social society. In the East, homosexuality did not manifest itself in the form of permanent relationships between two same-sex people; there it was different - young gay boys satisfied the sexual needs of their masters. Both girls and men can be homosexuals; the former are popularly called “pink”, and the latter “blue”.

Male mansion7

Among the famous musical figures in the past, there is a rather talented composer Pyotr Ivanovich Tchaikovsky. One might say – the pride of the “blue” sex. Petya was born an ordinary boy, but his long stay in a mixed-sex school gave him the idea of ​​classmates who were handsome and rosy-cheeked. My heart started beating out of boredom and my hands reached out to the guys.

One of the reasons for a homosexual breakthrough may be a long stay in the company of men. Many of the prisoners are inclined to have sexual relations with same-sex jailers.

Type 8. Collector, pick-up artist, pathological womanizer

I want to warn you that we are talking about pathological cheaters, and not a standard man. Before us are handsome men who take quantity, not quality. They assert themselves through this.

Such a macho man is an actor and a skilled manipulator.

He is handsome, witty, relaxed, knows how to approach a girl and knows 1000 and 1 ways to surprise, make her laugh, and give a non-trivial compliment.

It is very difficult to resist the charms of a collector of ladies' hearts. A woman is just a trophy for him.

Or such a man is too spoiled by his parents and women. Having conquered one peak, he immediately goes in search of another and is not able to experience deep feelings.

Can a macho man pull himself together?

Hollywood has made more than one film about how the rake finally settled down thanks to HER, the only one. But in life this rarely happens. A pathological cheater is unlikely to stop cheating after marriage.

And the pickup artist will not calm down until he grows up or raises his self-esteem. And after that he will prove his worth to the world in other ways.

Identification of a womanizer - mission possible?

Ask yourself or a suspicious macho man a question: why has such a smart and handsome guy still not chosen a companion?

Check his true intentions: don't have sex with him on the first 5-7 dates and look at his reaction. Accustomed to easy victories, he is not very patient.

Consequences of being raised by an abusive mother8

Sigmund Freud, who also belonged to the category of “mood color blue,” nevertheless carefully understood the secrets of male psychology that generate love feelings for another man. He came to the conclusion that the reason for the boys’ same-sex love could be a very despotic mother, who tyrannized her son from early childhood and treated him cruelly. The boy developed a powerful aversion to the female sex. Years go by, body and soul are looking for love, but the girls are disgusting. But the young men are not. They are courageous, kind, understanding, just like himself. Bottom line: a man loves a man.

What to do for a perplexed wife: a psychologist analyzes the situation

Reactions to news of a spouse's homosexuality may vary. The desire to hit him with something heavier, to cut off the wound with rusty scissors, or to shoot both him and his lover is a normal phenomenon, but it’s not worth bringing a fictitious crime to life. Save the man's life at least for the sake of the years of marriage that he gave you. Do not tell your friends, and especially your parents, about a sensitive problem. Your spouse’s inclination towards same-sex love must remain a secret, otherwise neither you nor he can avoid condemnation and stupid questions. In order not to aggravate the situation and not to regret, try to take into account these recommendations:

  1. Let your husband have his say. You can yell and call names at any time, but the word is not a sparrow, and subsequently it will be difficult to hear your spouse’s unbiased version of his inclinations. Let him explain, show respect. Perhaps he hid his attraction to men from you because he valued you and did not want to offend you. Or he really loves you, but can’t help his passion for the toned torsos of athletes.
  2. Don't see your husband's partner as a rival. You are generally from different planets, you shouldn’t think about which of you is more beautiful and smarter, and who is a worse cook. You are a woman, and your husband’s lover is a man, and comparing your appearance and character traits is simply stupid. Don't attack your femininity, otherwise you'll get a bunch of complexes.
  3. Accept the situation. You are powerless to change anything, no matter how hard you try. The sexual orientation of your spouse cannot be controlled, as it is embedded in his psyche. Your husband is turned on by other men, not because you are bad or ugly. This happened not through your fault, but because of a combination of many circumstances and your spouse’s predisposition to same-sex love.
  4. Discuss the future with your spouse. After you find out that your husband has a male lover, you cannot just pick up and continue family life in the usual rhythm. We will have to decide something, and we need to do it together. Ask your spouse how he sees your future relationship. He may want to give up his inclinations and be with you in love and fidelity. If your husband still leaves for another man, don’t keep it. There is no need to make him suffer and live with you through force. Fate decreed in such a strange way: let your spouse go with a light heart and wish him happiness.
  5. Contact a family therapist if you decide to save your marriage. If a husband lives with a man or simply dates him, then there is a high probability that he may come to his senses and want to return to the family. Are you ready to take him back? Then it is better to undergo a joint course of therapy with a psychologist and resolve all issues to the end, so as not to return to them later and spoil the family idyll.

Be prepared for difficulties if you decide to go further through life with your spouse. It is quite difficult to forgive betrayal, and even more so adultery with a same-sex lover. If the husband had simple correspondence with men, albeit of an erotic nature, then look at it more simply, as ordinary words that have no weight. Fantasies do not always come true. Look at the actions of your half: if he regrets what he did and atones for his sins, then change your anger to mercy.

Heal a wounded heart9

There is an opinion that most homosexuals in the past were ordinary guys who happily squeezed their classmates and ran after their skirts. Then a woman appeared in their lives - a predator, an evil bitch, who broke the fragile male soul and broke his fragile wounded heart. The couple was in strong conflict situations, falling into the trap of complete misunderstanding.

The partner brought pain and humiliation to a man of such a powerful character that she completely changed his character, worldview and orientation. The guy began to understand that it was more difficult to chase skirts than men's pants, and instead of girls, he began to pay attention to the stronger sex.

Is it worth becoming a “bitch”?

If girls with such a nature don’t have problems from men, then maybe it’s worth becoming such a bitch? You know, although men choose bitches, they want to live with a completely different personality. They will not like quarrelsomeness, self-sufficiency, etc. That is why it is wise not to take this step if you dream of a happy family.

You just need to learn to “pamper” your husband or boyfriend with attacks so that he is not drawn there. Also, some aspects of a bitch need to be adopted by an ordinary, “flexible” girl. For example, it is very important to learn to love yourself. This is immediately noticeable. There must be women's pride. By the way, in the video below, a relationship psychologist explains this issue perfectly.

The main thing is not to lose yourself and remain yourself. If the same one is not nearby today, this does not mean that you will never meet him. Most likely life will bring you down. You just need to give it time. Love to all, our dear readers. Don't despair. And one more thing... It’s easy to become a bitch, but it’s difficult to go back. But men do not choose this type of woman for marriage.

We updated this article on February 5, 2022.

Men's joys10

Why does a man love a man? Probably it’s a matter of internal insecurity and discomfort. Next to a guy, a representative of the stronger sex experiences a feeling of warmth and understanding. It’s like he’s behind a “strong wall” where he won’t be offended or pushed away, but will be hugged and caressed. The same large, calloused hands.

Next to such a person, a man does not have to be strong and confident. He can indulge in weaknesses and sorrows, become despondent, cry, express feelings. It’s more difficult with women: they are insidious, sarcastic, too mysterious and incomprehensible. A guy needs to have a third eye and a sixth sense to determine where his partner’s erogenous zones are, how an orgasm is achieved, and why an annoying facial expression appears during sex. It's easier with men. His body is the same as his partner’s, there is more than enough understanding of each other: as they say - a soul mate.

From a physiological point of view, the erogenous zones in men are located in the anus. Anal sex, caressing this area with the tongue, gives the guy unearthly pleasure. Not every young lady has the desire and ability to caress a man the way he wants, and a “gay boy” knows all the secrets about secret pleasure.

What kind of women do men like?

A successful girl has a whole set of qualities. Of course, men have different priorities, but most often they are impressed by versatile ladies. What kind of dream girl is she?

Well-groomed and beautiful

Women's beauty consists not only of natural data. Every girl is beautiful in her own way, and there is also someone who likes a long nose or thin lips. Therefore, in order to look good, it is not at all necessary to run to a plastic surgeon for help. Go to a stylist and makeup artist if it seems that your appearance is far from ideal. They will teach you how to emphasize your strengths and disguise the flaws of your face and figure, which will make you self-confident.

A more important component of female attractiveness is grooming. A beauty queen with her hair unwashed for several days will give way to a cleaner girl with a down-to-earth appearance. Enjoy self-care. And when leaving the house, carefully look at yourself - is everything okay?

The figure also matters. The notorious saying “It is better to swim on the waves than to hit the rocks” is very loved by owners of impressive clothing sizes. But even a large figure has some kind of limit. It’s easy to transform from a seductive plump girl into a sumo wrestler, but it’s quite difficult to fight for your beauty and elasticity with the help of exercise and proper nutrition. Guys who like to hold on to soft feminine charms also want to be able to hug you so that their hands are closed.

What kind of women do men love? Those they consider beautiful and those who take care of themselves. Well, everyone’s concept of beauty is different. So, sooner or later, on the way of any girl, she will meet a prince on a white horse.


Which girl do you think men will like more:

  1. Sullen, with an angry look, quickly walking across passers-by and spewing curses towards the bus that drove away from under the nose.
  2. Smiling, light, accepting the world as it is.

The answer is obvious: a negatively inclined lady repels even at the stage of the first eye contact, but a woman happy with life attracts with her positivity like a magnet.

You ask: “How can I be happy, because I don’t have a man?” Only the light did not fall like a wedge on the guys, and the law of the universe says: you attract what you yourself emit into this world. So try to change your worldview if you are used to getting up in the morning as black as a cloud and heading off to work with a dissatisfied look.

Men are like children, they want to communicate with kind and happy girls. Such women seem to glow from within. I want to live next to them and enjoy every day. Therefore, in order for your rating among the stronger sex to increase, learn to look at life positively.

How to feel happy:

  1. Try to rest more often: a busy schedule, stress and problems make us see life in black.
  2. Watch less TV, especially political and crime programs.
  3. Read positive classics and motivating psychological literature.
  4. At least do exercises, and ideally, sign up for a gym: physical activity provokes the release of happiness hormones.
  5. Take care of yourself and your body to be beautiful and increase your self-esteem.


What men don’t like about women is their unreasonable hysterics. But just emotional outbursts really attract them. For example, you are watching a romantic film and cannot hold back your tears. Or you rejoice at a man’s gift, squealing like a little girl. Guys like such displays of emotion. They love the intensity of passions.

What kind of girls do men like? A little eccentric. For many guys, abuse from a woman acts like Viagra. You can tell that a man has this fetish by his Cheshire cat smile during quarrels. Sometimes husbands of this type provoke their wives into conflict, so that they can then voluptuously make peace after a showdown. They like the volcano of passions - with its help, life ceases to be insipid.

A woman’s coldness and inaccessibility is often perceived from the outside as a reluctance to communicate. Do not overdo it with pride; self-esteem is not the same thing as contempt for your interlocutor. Be lively, sociable, react adequately to current events, and men will be drawn to you.

In general, don’t restrain your feelings in male society, but don’t go too far either. Everything needs moderation. If you want to show your displeasure, do it, but in a feminine way. Pout, be offended, but don’t swear like a shoemaker and don’t use physical force. Then you will be desired and sooner or later you will hear such a sexy phrase: “I love it when you’re angry!”

Needing help

A Russian woman, as is known from Nekrasov’s poem, will enter a burning hut and stop a galloping horse. However, in modern life, independent women are not particularly popular. It seems that such ladies do not need a defender nearby at all. After all, she copes with everything very well herself. Psychology tells us that men love their weakness in women.

How does a guy want to feel next to a girl? A strong, brave defender, provider and warrior. Therefore, when a lady constantly solves all problems on her own, the guy gradually loses his masculine grip and fades away before our eyes. His inner core bends under the pressure of the iron lady, which negatively affects life and self-esteem. The motivation to perform feats and self-realization disappears.

What should wealthy, strong and single women do? After all, they do not need anything material, and a man with a more modest income may feel out of place next to him. If you have a good income and have your own business, it is clear that you are more than independent. But your behavior can be supple and feminine. There is no point in flaunting your achievements. Don’t be afraid to appear weak and ask for support from the stronger sex. They are so flattered by the opportunity to be strong and noble.

Be a muse for men, someone who wants to help and carry you through puddles in your arms. Every guy is a hero at heart, your task is only to support his aspirations.


What do men like most about women? The answer to this question is not so complicated: the ability to conquer them. The more unapproachable the girl, the more interesting the courtship process becomes.

Pay attention to the behavior of the ladies you know. Surely there are girls in your circle who have a crowd of fans running and running after them. These ladies seem to beckon men with just their gaze, but never let them get close enough. Such women are fraught with mystery and act like a millionaire. They are not necessarily arrogant, on the contrary, they are sociable and kind. But they have a zest that catches you. When you look at such a lady, you immediately feel that she is of the highest class.

There is another type of woman. They laugh out loud at every joke of the guy they like, constantly take the initiative, without even allowing the man to come to his senses, and talk about their feelings. These ladies can give themselves to a guy on the very first day of their acquaintance, without regretting their action at all. Often such girls are very amorous; it is easy for them to shift their attention to a more accommodating man if the first object does not reciprocate. With this behavior they want to attract a partner, fearing to lose his interest. Unfortunately, easily accessible women do not know how to behave differently or do it out of desperation after several unsuccessful romances.

Have you decided what type of girl you are? Know that the second type often evokes frivolous associations among guys. Inaccessibility is exactly that feminine quality that men usually like in women and fuels their interest.

Soft and feminine

Do you like brutal men who keep their word and are behind them like a stone wall? But such characters are exactly attracted to soft girls. Everything is logical here: opposites attract. And strong men love gentle and slightly childish girls.

Which women do men most often fall in love with? Feminine, calm, which you want to carry in your arms. And it’s not just about the external manifestations of femininity. The lady bodybuilder has slanting shoulders and can be a hundred times more tender than her petite, quarrelsome and hysterical competitor, dressed in ruffles and heels.

Femininity is manifested by internal energy and demeanor. Appearance in this matter fades into the background. Men are not looking for their patroness, but for the one they want to hug and warm under their wing. Dominance and a guardian instinct are inherent in their nature. Guys want to be in charge and courageous. And it is against the backdrop of a feminine young lady that these qualities are most clearly manifested.

To please men, you need to watch your behavior. Do not raise your voice when the situation does not require it, do not splash saliva, proving that you are right. Masculinity and a loud, cheerful laugh after drinking two liters of beer will make you only your boyfriend in a company of men, but not an object of desire. Bring out your nature: gentleness and charming charm will help you become popular in male society.


A quality like self-confidence helps not only in building a career. A girl who carries herself with dignity, who believes in her strength in any field, will be successful with the most worthy representatives of the stronger sex.

A confident woman clearly understands what she wants in a relationship. She immediately makes it clear how to treat her and that she will never tolerate it. It's easy for guys to understand her, but difficult to win her over. And most importantly, they have to comply. Chic, courageous representatives of the stronger sex are drawn to a confident woman, whom she motivates to great achievements. Such ladies often become the wives of generals, politicians and other significant personalities.

A girl with such a character will not wobble from side to side if a controversial issue arises. She does not change her mind, does not bend under the weight of problems and has a clear position on any life issue. She also has her own and unshakable look at guys. Even if she loves, but the man betrayed her or greatly offended her, the lady will break up with him without the slightest delay. Because she knows what her true path is.

What kind of women are weak men afraid of? Self-confident. So cultivate this quality in yourself in order to weed out unworthy applicants at a very early stage. If you exude confidence and know your worth, then surround yourself with the appropriate gentlemen quickly enough.


Do men like brunettes or blondes the most? The color of the hair on the head is not as important as its content. The mind is sexy and interesting. This feminine quality is loved by the vast majority of men. Stupid cute girls are not deprived of their attention, but it does not have long-term prospects. Mostly they are simply used as mistresses.

Why do men like smart women? Guys with an average level of erudition find in them an incentive for development and a source of new knowledge. Highly intelligent men want to have a pleasant interlocutor on a level. Any representative of the stronger sex sees advantages in an intelligent woman. She can help in many matters: become a wise adviser, tell an interesting story, judge a dispute. You can open your own business with it. There is no shame in taking her out into society and introducing her to her parents. She will manage the family budget wisely, and not spend all the money on trinkets. And someone should help future children do their homework?

Those men who look to the future are sure to pay attention to smart girls. And intelligence manifests itself not only in the presence or absence of education, but also in everyday experience and wisdom given by nature. Try to develop intellectually, have a diverse outlook on life, and look at problems more broadly. Not only is this highly valued by men, but a smart girl herself will never disappear.

Another, forbidden love11

When a man loves a man, his feelings are more physiological and friendly in nature. Experiments and stormy scenes in bed, mixed with intimate conversations and courtship, make homosexuals happy and satisfied with their own choice. However, nature inherent in every human nature is an attraction to the opposite sex. The absence of a woman in a guy's life brings a feeling of emptiness that a gay man may not realize. “Darlings” get married, have families, and even try to raise adopted children.

Reasons for same-sex love

There are many reasons why a guy loves a guy, it’s simply impossible to list them all, especially since in order to turn from a heterosexual to a homosexual, there must be several reasons at once, but they can be divided into groups:

  • Frustration in ordinary relationships. First of all, thoughts about changing orientation come after an unsuccessful experience in a relationship with the opposite sex. Having once stumbled upon failure, men often do not want to build everything over again, which is why they either try to avoid serious relationships with women, or are increasingly thinking about changing their orientation.
  • Absolute understanding. It is no secret that only a woman is able to understand another woman one hundred percent; it is on this understanding that friendship is built; apparently, the same is true for men.
  • Curiosity. 50 percent of all homosexuals came to this lifestyle solely because of their excessive curiosity. When intimate intimacy with women does not bring the former delight and admiration, all the wonderful feelings decline, and the man begins to look for new, sharper sensations. Some people renew and transform their relationships with women, while others prefer to change everything radically, increasingly thinking about why a guy loves a guy, and over time, even becoming bisexual or homosexual.
  • Psychological disorders. Same-sex male love can arise due to ordinary (or not so common) psychological disorders, such as stress, depression, apathy, since during such conditions a healthy mind is slightly dulled, which can lead to rash actions.

Conqueror of men's hearts12

What attracts the stronger sex to each other and why does a man love a man? A social survey among special representatives of the “fairer sex” names several points:

  1. Beautiful buttocks. The elastic part below the back attracts both women and men. Full bulges just beg for a vigorous spanking. When a “sweet object” has such a body part, it is a desirable tidbit for a homosexual.
  2. Masculine facial features. Hetero guys prefer the gentle oval features of a woman, while guys of sexual minorities who have felt the sweetness of men’s hands feel weak when stroking the muscular faces of the stronger sex. Cute “blue faces” are drawn to “real” men, with a strong character and a “solid core” that emerges in the guy’s face.

Private opinion

The desire to love and be loved is not just a desire or a whim, it is a vital need. Man is a social being, he simply needs a partner on whom he can rely in difficult times, who will support him, and vice versa, in good times will rejoice with him. If there are no such people among the representatives of the opposite sex, then there is nothing to worry about. The main thing is to find your “soul mate” and be mutually happy. But it should be remembered that children are born only to opposite-sex couples, this is how nature works, and it cannot be changed. Therefore, homosexual couples should not have children, and the issue of adoption should be resolved with a firm refusal. There is nothing wrong with sincere mutual love, it’s wonderful, but raising children, traumatizing them, making them like yourself is fundamentally wrong.

What else to give on February 23: 30 proven options

Universal gift ideas for Defender of the Fatherland Day will please any man and leave a good impression on the giver:

  • favorite perfume of the defender you are going to congratulate;
  • poker set;
  • Graphics tablet;
  • cufflinks and tie clip;
  • name belt;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • electric corkscrew;
  • personalized power bank;
  • umbrella;
  • home minibar;
  • Electric Toothbrush;
  • damask for drinks with engraving;
  • personalized frame for license plate;
  • PC video card;
  • electric jigsaw or router;
  • buff with camouflage or any other print;
  • smartphone stand;
  • eBook;
  • video game;
  • thermal underwear;
  • fitness bracelet;
  • phone battery case;
  • headphones;
  • office chair;
  • skewers;
  • laptop bag;
  • decorative tabletop biofireplace;
  • tickets to the cinema, theater, concert;
  • homemade cake, cookies or other sweets;
  • an art portrait that a man will assemble himself according to the principle of assembling a construction set.

Choose gifts for your protectors with love and care. And then the man will be so happy about your gift, as if it was the best thing he has ever been given!

Inexpensive gifts for February 23rd for colleagues

Gifts to colleagues on February 23 are a tradition in many teams. In some places, a short formal congratulations to employees is customary; in other organizations, real celebrations are held on Defender of the Fatherland Day. But almost everywhere male employees are given gifts - inexpensive, but pleasant.

Gift ideas for colleagues on February 23 worth up to 500 rubles:

  • beautiful alarm clock with iridescent lighting;
  • car phone holder;
  • a lamp designed for reading - will illuminate documents or a book, even if a colleague has to read in complete darkness;
  • anti-stress pillow;
  • USB vacuum cleaner for computer keyboard - a miniature device that will remove even the tiniest debris stuck between the keys;
  • a themed key holder, for example, stylized as a grenade;
  • gift jar of honey;
  • cool ice trays - in the shape of a gun or an airplane;
  • a cooking apron with a funny inscription: “Boss in the kitchen”, “General of the kitchen”;
  • optical computer mouse in the shape of a ring for your finger - with an optical mouse it is convenient to work on a computer anywhere: even in transport, even without getting out of bed.

If the budget allows or there are few men in the team, consider gift options in the price range of 500-1000 rubles:

  • Warm scarf;
  • tie - if this accessory is appropriate for your work;
  • wrist watch;
  • army rations, which may include special army biscuits, pate, jam and other classic food for military personnel;
  • folding mini umbrella in a case;
  • thermos mug;
  • set of car cosmetics;
  • isothermal bag;
  • a bottle of wine;
  • case for plastic cards.

Gifts for February 23rd for male teachers

Congratulating male teachers on February 23 is a good way to thank teachers for their work and attentive attitude towards children. On Defender of the Fatherland Day, you can give a teacher a thematic gift related to the subject taught by the teacher, or you can give a universal gift if you are not sure that a thematic surprise will please a male teacher.

Gift ideas for subject teachers on February 23:

  • an original wall clock - for example, in the form of an electric lamp or with formulas on the dial instead of the usual numbers - for a teacher of mathematics, physics or chemistry;
  • a scratch map of the world or a wall clock with a world map on the dial - for a geography or history teacher;
  • sports water bottle or ball for the physical education teacher.

Options for universal gifts for male teachers:

  • high-quality office supplies: desktop stationery organizer, stylish pencil holder, expensive pen;
  • pointer: a laser pointer will appeal to young teachers; for older teachers it is better to choose a classic wooden model;
  • a flash drive in a shape corresponding to the spirit of the holiday: for example, in the shape of a grenade;
  • books: fiction or methodological literature (or you can give a certificate to a bookstore so that the teacher can choose the right edition);
  • table lamp - classic or with personalized engraving;
  • pen stand with photo frame and clock functions;
  • a spacious document bag that can easily fit many student notebooks;
  • small office equipment: mouse, mouse pad, wireless keyboard;
  • a certificate for an active or creative event depending on the teacher’s preferences: go-karting, paintball, a spa with men’s grooming procedures;
  • sweet gift: high-quality chocolate, chocolate figurines, a set of different types of honey.

Type 9. Redneck, aka miser

It is normal for a man to express his feelings towards a woman in material form: gifts, surprises, flowers.

Is the man stingy with money? This means that in 99% of cases he is also stingy with feelings, emotions and returns in relationships.

If you don’t want to be a woman who is constantly being saved, don’t choose such a man.

Recognizing the eternal “economist”

You will recognize him immediately.

  • Did he take you out to a restaurant on your first dates or take you for a walk in the park?
  • Did you at least spend money on a bouquet?
  • Did you leave a tip at the restaurant?
  • Did he call you a taxi?

February 23rd gift for dad

Parents do not expect extra-valuable gifts from their children, but they will certainly be happy to receive a sign of attention from their daughter or son. A gift for dad on February 23 could be like this:

  1. Perhaps the father repeatedly mentioned that he lacked a specific tool for repairs. Defender of the Fatherland Day is an excellent occasion to donate the missing tool.
  2. Organizer for tools. Even if your dad has all the necessary tools, an organizer for them will definitely come in handy.
  3. Portable radio for listening to your favorite radio stations anywhere: at home, in the country, in the car.
  4. Beer of different varieties that dad might not have tried yet: for example, Belgian or Irish.
  5. Sweets that your father likes: This could be a selection of good cakes or chocolates.
  6. Waterproof watch with backlight and chronograph or GPS watch (if dad is already an elderly person, you can choose a special GPS watch for the elderly).
  7. A weather station that shows the weather more accurately than a telephone. An inexpensive but useful device for older people for whom it is important to dress for the weather.
  8. Comfortable slippers for home. You can choose regular house slippers or a more expensive option - massage slippers.
  9. Things that will be useful in the country, fishing or just relaxing in nature. For example, a folding chair, a tent, a cooler bag.
  10. A case for glasses is a budget-friendly and necessary gift.
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