Esoterics What is spiritual growth and how to achieve it

The article explains:

  1. Concept of spiritual development
  2. Basics of spiritual development
  3. Obstacles to spiritual development
  4. Positive aspects of spiritual development
  5. 13 Tips for Spiritual Development
  6. 9 techniques for spiritual development for every day

Spirituality is an important component of human life. It is directly related to both the psycho-emotional state and the physical one. Manifesting in everyone in its own form, spirituality has amazing energy. It can restore faith in ourselves and others, gives hope, instills a sense of unity, strengthens our goals and gives meaning to life.

It is not so easy to follow this path, because it is incredibly difficult. Sometimes doubts arise: should we leave everything as it is, because our usual life is comfortable, although sometimes we are not satisfied with much in it. But, having chosen growth, you will no longer be able to return to your previous life, you will go up the steps of development. Read our tips on how to begin to develop spiritually, and you will understand that in the modern world this is exactly what many of us lack.

Spiritual growth. Basics

  1. Acceptance is complete internal agreement with what is. You allow something to be as it is. You stop the internal struggle with yourself and with other people, you allow yourself to be yourself and others to be different.
  2. Mindfulness - tracking your thoughts, states, emotions. Being in the “Now” moment, without being distracted by thoughts about the future or past. Total experience of the present moment.
  3. Peace of mind - Everyone is looking for it, it's balance. There comes harmony of spirit, soul and body.
  4. Unconditional love is the absence of selfishness. You love everything around you unconditionally, just like that, without wanting anything in return. Unconditional love is enlightenment.
  5. Faith is knowledge of the truth.

Universal human values ​​and how to develop them

The basis of human essence is formed by such values ​​as Truth (intellectual aspect), Peace (emotional aspect), Love (moral aspect), Righteousness (physical aspect) and Non-violence (spiritual aspect). They do not depend on race, nationality, religion or environment. There is an undeniable interdependence and interconnection between universal human values.

The growth of spirituality depends on the development of its fundamentals. Faith develops as a result of getting rid of beliefs that inhibit, absorb internal energy and motivate those that increase resources.

If beliefs are real and not self-deception, they must be cultivated. For example, a person is deceived if he believes that he is the smartest. The reality may be the belief that he is able to improve his level of self-education.

You can achieve peace of mind thanks to an external source of strength (belief in the help of God, higher powers). What is important is the individual’s confidence that he can overcome any difficulties and trials. This question is closely related to the search for the meaning of life and other questions of existence.

When the processes of awareness are turned on, it becomes important for the subject to know who he is, why he is here and what mission he carries. A person must understand that everything that happens is not in vain and has a purpose.

So he acquires faith, knowledge and realizes the external source of strength and finds this source within himself.

Love shapes personality

Love is a factor in the formation of personality, the development of its spiritual qualities, the breakthrough of everyday life, the experience of the uniqueness of another person, the escape from loneliness, the replacement of revenge and evil with tender affection and sympathy.

Finding true love is not an easy process, but it is worthwhile. First of all, a person learns to perceive others as they are, studies society, learns to understand the nature of human actions and thoughts. As a result, he begins to treat others not with prejudice and wariness, but with sympathy, respect and love.

This process is associated with personal self-development and self-knowledge. The more a person knows himself, the better he understands others

At the second stage, the individual learns to shift attention from himself to others. She reaches a certain level of awareness in order to move away from the ego and consider not only herself, but also the feelings of other people, taking into account their interests

The highest degree of spirituality is the awareness that all people are connected to each other and constitute one living organism, and that by harming another, we harm ourselves and the entire planet. At this stage of spiritual self-development, the subject lives in harmony and love with himself and with the outside world.

To learn to live consciously, you need to determine your desires, pay attention to unresolved problems and internal fears, and understand your purpose. The answers will not appear immediately, but gradually, but if a question arises, then the answer already exists

Therefore, it is important to understand the issues that really concern

What is spirituality?

Many existing interpretations and definitions carry a single meaning: spirituality is a harmonious combination and set of qualities such as peace of mind, awareness and unconditional love.

Spirituality includes all manifestations of the material nature of humanity, therefore this concept reflects more than morality and religiosity. This is a vector of vertical aspirations, while morality is horizontal. They intersect and form an invisible cross - the basis of personality.

Spiritual self-improvement of an individual should be based on a base of theoretical materials and spiritual practice that would contribute to the formation of universal human values.

Spirituality is the understanding and discovery of one’s inner capabilities through one’s “I”. This is when a person’s moral self-improvement is at such a level that under any circumstances he is the highest manifestation of virtue. As a result of bodily, spiritual and mental transformation, the personality moves to the next level of consciousness.

The concept of spirituality includes: determining the essence of one’s own “I”, positioning oneself in the world and society, choosing the meaning of activity and goals, limits and opportunities for personal growth. And this is not the entire list.

In life strategy, the subject learns personal organization of time, self-regulation and satisfaction with results, acquires volitional qualities (responsibility, initiative), and experiences emotional experiences of himself in time. These questions are eternal for people of any historical era.

In the process of understanding the listed problems, spiritual development is carried out, a person acquires spirituality. It is important for an individual not only to acquire knowledge and enter a certain social environment, but to understand the meaning and purpose of this knowledge for human development. Spirituality is the acquisition of the meaning of life and existence, as well as the construction of oneself as an individual.

Stages of Spiritual Development

Freed from the burden of past mistakes and grievances, a person gains lightness and self-confidence. The surrounding world begins to create favorable conditions for a person, fills space with guiding signs, life becomes joyful and transforms right before our eyes. Having felt inner peace and the desire to live, a person in the future will never be able to repeat the mistakes of the past and will not make new ones.

Reading philosophical literature, spiritual practices, and meditation will help speed up evolution. Religious literature contains too many conjectures and falsehoods, so a person ignorant of such matters can easily accept anything on faith. There are a lot of ancient and modern literary artifacts that can acquaint the traveler with the structure of the universe, with cosmic and spiritual laws, with concepts that reveal the very essence of a human being and much more.


E.P. Blavatskaya, D.L. Andreev, Roerichs, C. Castaneda, Sri Aurobindo, Osho, ancient Indian epics - “Mahabharata” and “Ramayana”, Bhagavad Gita, Vedas, Philokalia, AllatRa and many other books that are recommended for deep reading study by those who have chosen the path of the spirit.

Spiritual development of personality

A person who has managed to become an individual is not immune from the fact that, thanks to willpower and the ability to “step over the line,” he chooses the path of a destroyer rather than a creator.

Even if a person is an individual, his willpower is very great, allowing him to implement large-scale business projects with fabulous profits, but his egoism pushes his mind into the far corner, clearing the territory for the activity of a strong mind, this person is still fast asleep spiritually

And perhaps he will break more than one someone’s life before the law of retribution and justice knocks on his contaminated window of the soul with the most difficult trials, pushing a strong personality to the beginning of a spiritual search, and it does not matter whether he is a man or a woman

We will try to answer what the spiritual development of the individual consists of.

Why does a person need this?

First of all, in order to evolve and move on. Even if a person has extraordinary strong-willed qualities, has managed to make a dizzying career, but does not really take into account the world around him, often contributing to the destruction of life not only within himself, but also outside himself, it is possible that he is not even standing at the doors of his inner temple . To tell the truth, there is no temple yet; perhaps even the foundation is missing. And even if he donates to some parish, but in his head there is self-interest with the intention of getting solid dividends from the investment - such a “believer” is difficult to rank even among the spiritually oriented.

The path of creation and deep awareness begins with the first step. Inner teachers can first allow a person to go down the road of passions and temptations, allowing him to commit crooked actions, perhaps even large-scale mistakes, and sometimes even crimes. After all, sometimes a person, in order to realize the level of his spiritual fall, needs to repent very deeply.

And sometimes it is with repentance that a gradual spiritual ascent begins for someone who has managed to become a person, but has not yet mastered even the basics of spiritual life.

In our materially oriented world, there are certain patterns for achieving personal growth that are not at all oriented towards spiritual values. And it is all the more valuable for the spiritual development of a person to follow true, enduring guidelines. For only thanks to them, a person will be able to get rid of the ballast that pulls him to the bottom with vicious attachments, destructive habits, obsessions and other burdens of excess materiality.

Where to start

You need to start by rethinking your life, accepting that we are not only the body.

You must not be afraid to take a step forward - towards the unknown and the far shore that has not yet been discovered by you. When the winds of change begin to blow in your life, be prepared for the beginning of trials, because this is where your real development will begin.

Let's go with the flow

Life is not always fair: every now and then it presents us with surprises, sometimes pleasant, and sometimes not so pleasant. No matter how hard we try, it is impossible to keep absolutely everything under control. We inevitably encounter losses, disappointments, powerlessness and misunderstanding, we experience events, the meaning of which remains a mystery to us. You shouldn’t take everything so harshly - sometimes you should accept the situation and go with the flow. There is nothing wrong with this, it happens to everyone from time to time. If you stumble, do not scold or reproach yourself; learn from your mistake to avoid it in the future

If something doesn't go as planned, don't panic or get upset: refocus your attention on new opportunities that are probably already in front of you. Rest assured, every event in our life has its own specific prerequisite, cause-and-effect relationship

If something happens in our life, it means that it is necessary for something. Do not give in to despondency and despair, because if one door is closed in front of you, then there is nothing left to do but find and open another.

From Alcoholic to Millionaire

Usually in the world it is customary to degrade rather than develop. Especially with today's modern gadgets. But there is a real story of a person that Norbekov talked about. As far as I remember back in the 90s. There was one alcoholic working in the assembly hall, I don’t remember who. Well, I worked and worked. It’s just in this hall that Norbekov often held seminars.

The man became interested and began to do this to everyone from his closet. So I finished it and became a millionaire. It’s hard to believe, of course, but such cases do happen. But, unfortunately, they usually tend to deteriorate. But what can you do, such is life.

Religious education

When a person hears the concept of “spiritual development,” the first thing he thinks about is religion. This is natural, since from childhood a person is instilled with the dogma that the spirit is God’s creation. And religious education is completely based on the scriptures. Despite differences in history, forms of worship, traditions and customs, all three monotheistic religions preach the same thing - the principle of monotheism and following God's word.

Religious spiritual development begins with the personal example of parents - if adults follow religious dogmas, then the child will follow their example. But sometimes this is not enough for a child, and he demands an explanation. Then you can tell him that this or that action is permitted or prohibited by God, and He rewards for good deeds pleasing to Him, and He punishes for bad deeds. In addition to explanations, the following means of religious education will help:

  • joint reading and discussion of religious literature;
  • visiting places of worship;
  • observing fasting and holy days;
  • celebration of religious holidays.

If a child goes to school, then regular and religious schools come to the aid of parents. In the regular school they teach the subject “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics,” which is divided into 6 areas:

  • foundations of world religions;
  • secular ethics;
  • Orthodoxy;
  • Judaism;
  • Islam;
  • Buddhism.

The main feature of religious education is that parents can choose for themselves in which direction to raise their child, since the course was developed by a group of scientists of different faiths.

In religious studies, in addition to the basics, you can study the Holy Scriptures and get to know your religion better.

Intention - determining the direction of movement

The direction of the path along which this journey takes place is determined by the intention - the desire that drives us.

- I want to go home!

- I want to be loved... so that there is love everywhere. I want my life to be filled with peace,” Michael paused. “I don’t want to fuss and participate in banal relationships.” I don't want to worry about money. I want to be FREE! Tired of being alone. I want to mean at least something to other entities in the Universe. I want to know that there is meaning in my life, and to fulfill my task in heaven - or whatever you call it. I want to be part of God's plan. I don't want to be human anymore. I want to be like you! “He was silent again. “That’s what it means to me to come home.”

On topic: How my intention came true last Thursday


First of all, you need to understand what exactly your

spirituality. To do this, explore your inner world, study your personality. Take time to ask yourself questions such as: where do you get your inner strength? What do you find beautiful? What is comfort for you? what do you admire? What gives you peace of mind? What is the most important thing for you in life and in people? What do you see as the meaning of your existence? What can make you sad and what can make you happy? who is the most important person in your life? What connects you to this world and the people in it? Only by understanding your internal characteristics can you move on. Based on them, you will independently form those methods of spiritual development that will be most suitable for you personally.

Spirituality is one of the components of self-development

When studying this issue, we can safely say that the very concept of “spirituality” is essentially a real adherence to internal principles, the main purpose of which is to help distinguish black from white, that is, good from evil. But at the same time, the meaning of this term carries a part of abstraction, because when using this word, everyone implies something. But with all this, it is still possible to determine its semantic meaning.

Spiritual development is a complete transformation of a person’s essence, his desire for self-knowledge, the manifestation of which helps to interact fruitfully with the inner world of a person. The very understanding of spirituality is the perception and implementation of knowledge about presence as positive, but also negative aspects in our world, awareness of their necessity for the complete formation of personality.

How to start spiritual development

First, as I said above, is the development of awareness. Life exists only here and now. (Be sure to read this book). Find time, at least sometimes, for silence. A time when you can listen to yourself. Hear the breath, feel what is happening inside the body, dissolve in the present moment.

The best solution would be to start practicing meditation. In the article “Why meditate or what is the meaning of meditation?” and “What are the benefits of meditation and simple breathing meditation” I talk in detail and clearly about why it is needed, what its meaning and benefits are. You will learn everything you need about this wonderful spiritual practice, about the technique of getting to know yourself.

And if you are completely tired and don’t want anything, then before going to bed, when you are already in bed, listen to yourself. Don't fall asleep right away, go inside yourself for a few minutes.

Secondly, to hear the voice of the soul, you need to give up your body. This is, of course, an exaggeration. But succumbing to temptations, lust, gluttony, you will not be able to discover your own soul, and this will close the opportunity for you to live a happy life in peace with yourself and the surrounding space.

Again, this is a moment of control.

Pay attention to when you are really just indulging your body and its endless desires, and when this is a real need

Remember, we are the eternal soul. The body is there, then it’s gone. No matter how much you care for it, it will grow old and die. Take care of your soul. And the most interesting thing is that then your body will thank you.

The spiritual development of a person is a very extensive and comprehensive process. This is the development of love, compassion, kindness. This is a fight against indifference and indifference, against anger, aggression, greed and hatred. This is cultivating in oneself the idea of ​​the unity of all people. There is one God in all of us.

We are all very different, but at the same time we are very similar. And if our differences are most obviously expressed in appearance and character, what unites us remains somewhere deep. And if you don’t think about it, then in principle you can not notice anything and not have the slightest idea about it. Our life, as it seems to us at first glance, will not change from the awareness of this unity

This is where human spiritual development is very important.

Lee Carroll and Kryon

This book completely captured my consciousness. Having escaped from reality, I swallowed it literally in one day.

Being strongly impressed by what I read, I decided to find out more about the authors - who are these people who managed to capture my attention so much?

I asked Wikipedia about this, and this is what it told me:

Lee Carroll is an American contactee, metaphysician, and writer. One of the creators and main popularizers of the term “indigo children” and one of the popularizers of channeling.

Kryon is ... a certain astral entity, a higher, or “angelic” being from a “higher dimension”, an incorporeal being that has been present on Earth “from the very beginning”...

This creature is credited with public speaking sessions conducted by Lee Carroll in different countries of the world, and a significant part of the literature (published in print and published on the Internet) written by him. Lee Carroll claims that Kryon communicates with a number of other earthlings at the same time. Kryon, according to Lee Carroll, seeks to promote “the ascension of humanity to a higher energy level.

In other words, it turned out that Lee Carroll is a completely ordinary person, but Kryon is a disembodied spirit!

To believe or not in such a curious co-authorship is a personal matter for everyone. But the book is definitely worth reading. And now I will explain why.

Components of personal and spiritual development.

Self-knowledge, self-development and self-improvement are the three pillars of a person’s spiritual development, the source of his personal, creative achievements and the support of spirituality. And spirituality is the evolution of human will, consciousness and love. This is the desire to make your own life and the lives of your fellow humans better, happier and more harmonious. Today, spirituality is not monastic or yogic asceticism, but tireless joyful work in the thick of events and people, allowing one to discover in familiar strangers the spirit of kinship, co-creation, mutual assistance and creation. Self-knowledge is the knowledge of one’s true essence, its changeable nature and limitless possibilities.

Self-knowledge is the search for life purpose and the meaning of existence, correlation with the outside world and the internal motivating need to know.

Self-development is an evolutionary procession through the stages of knowledge that brings a person closer to the solution to existence and the determination of his main place in life.

Self-improvement is personal improvement in the direction of improving the quality of life, conscious control and management of its processes with an understanding of one’s role and purpose.

By filling your every action, even the most trivial, with love, and responsibly performing your daily duties with a sense of joy and excitement for life, you will certainly contribute to your development, regardless of age, religion and social status.

Each person has his own path of self-knowledge and spiritual self-improvement. For some it is a slow climb up the steps to the Portal of Knowledge. Some people have an “easier”, in terms of understanding, movement on the road, without long stops. And for someone, an illuminated, enlightened state of mind occurs almost instantly, when the person’s personality begins to listen to his Soul, comprehending and listening to the mysteries of the Spirit.

In any case, if a person is committed to self-development and self-improvement, he will one day be able to connect the world of the soul with the spirit in an evolutionary journey of self-knowledge.

Sergei Kolesha, with the creative participation of Elizaveta Babanova.

What can lead to degradation?

Psychologists give the following recommendations on the path of spiritual development of the individual:

  • Unnecessary stressful situations should be avoided;
  • Don't let yourself fall into apathy;
  • Make sure that everyday problems do not take up your entire day;
  • Work on the correct expression and direction of emotions;
  • Set aside time for yourself every day, pay attention to the feelings of the subconscious “I” and intuition.

Spiritual self-improvement can be compared to the process of developing the body. If people stop developing physically, they age or degrade at an accelerated rate. It’s the same with spirituality: if a person gets stuck at one of the stages, he degrades.

Spiritual self-improvement of any person is an individual and difficult path. It lasts a lifetime. Everyone chooses for themselves whether to accept the idea of ​​developing spirituality or not. But we should not forget that the quality of our life depends only on us.

Topic: Personal growth, Self-realization

The essence of Spiritual improvement

The most important thing on the path of Spiritual development is to find the integrity of your views and aspirations with the desires of your soul, and then it is possible to become like God not only in image, but also in content. Love is the key to unlocking limitless possibilities within yourself.

Love is the language of God. Learning to truly love is not easy and many have no idea what it is. Their understanding does not extend beyond carnal friction against each other and a possessive attitude towards their lovers.

We must learn to give love to the entire world around us, without expecting anything in return, because God has already rewarded a person with everything he could have dreamed of even at birth. However, for some this is not enough and they rush from one extreme to another. Hence wars, rivalry, and fornication... This is the path of suffering and dissatisfaction, which destroys the body and destroys the soul.

But how, by what means and methods do you come to an agreement with yourself? Perhaps prayer will be a consolation for someone, but it is not capable of providing an impetus for evolutionary growth. Religion is an unnecessary intermediary between man and God. Nowadays, it increasingly serves as a tool for manipulating people, a means of profit and dirty machinations on the part of the church or higher authorities.

Only evolution matters now. Therefore, by choosing a voluntary, firm and conscious intention to know and change yourself, you can achieve the desired result. As they say, there are many who seek the Creator, but not many find Him. The Creator lives in each of us, but without awakening him, we turn away from ourselves. He does not hear the voice of our desires, requests or laudatory odes - he responds only to manifestations of the spirit expressed in actions.

Doubts in one’s abilities and fear of an unknown future and, most importantly, an unconscious choice of the Spiritual path will very quickly return an immature person to a familiar and comfortable way of life. To remain faithful to your choice, especially at the initial stage, you need to be vigilant, listen to yourself and stop whenever the ego begins to dictate its terms - complete control of thoughts and actions.

You need to accept yourself, having understood your delusions, mistakes, grievances, albeit not immediately, but over time. First of all, you should learn to always remain honest and be yourself under any circumstances. There is no need to blame anyone for the current situation, or even yourself - after all, this is a school where we all undergo training and grow our souls with each class.

Dangers on the way

Before you begin reading and thereby perhaps take the first steps of your spiritual development, I must warn you about the serious dangers that await you along this path.

The first danger, which is often not realized even by those who have been moving in this direction for a long time, is that once you take the path of self-knowledge, you will no longer be able to leave it!

Your human consciousness only reveals to you those aspects of reality that you want to comprehend. When you change, new facets of it open up before you, and you comprehend and use them at will. However, there is no turning back.

And if you can, then changing the direction of movement will entail a deterioration in your situation, a decrease in your standard of living and other unpleasant events and situations.

- You said that I have a free choice. Why then cannot I return if that is my choice? What if I want to give up the new reality and return to a simpler world? Isn't this a free choice?

“There is an axiom of spiritual physics that states that it is impossible to return to a less conscious state.

Of course, you can try, but if you reject the enlightenment you have gained, you will lose your balance. In fact, you can try to come back. And this would also be a manifestation of free will. However, the fate of those who ignore the perceived truth is unenviable, for they are not able to withstand the duality of vibrations associated with this for long.

There is a second danger. The fact is that by undergoing vibrational shifts at the level of the subtle and physical body in the process of spiritual development, we are immersed in not the most pleasant experiences. Apathy, sadness, and a decadent mood can periodically overtake us. Rollbacks during vibrational growth are temporary phenomena, but necessary. You need to learn to recognize them in time and experience them correctly.

“Everything you said is true, my wise friend.” In order to rise to a higher level, you need to go through a test. During this period, we must all withdraw so as not to interfere with the changes taking place in you. We are unable to help, and our energy would actually create interference, disrupting the process. You have enough spiritual resources to get through all this on your own. You missed your family sorely, Michael. You felt lonely and empty during the short period of time you were alone. The only thing that helped you pull yourself together was love, and I, the manager and mentor of this house, could not give it to you. You yourself found her in the pitch darkness. And I’m proud that you had the maturity and awareness to do this,” Green paused to let Michael take in the compliment. — Do you have any more questions?

- Yes. Will this happen again?

- Yes, this will be repeated every time you move to a higher level of vibration.

— What should I do to make it easier to endure this experience?

Green looked Michael straight in the eyes and said very seriously:

“Realize what’s happening and keep yourself busy with something.” Don't focus on difficult experiences. Remember that this is a temporary condition. Develop a special ceremony for such occasions! While in the embrace of darkness, honor what is happening! Do exactly what you did, Michael Thomas, with Pure Intent - feel the love that is behind this gift!

Michael understood and remembered everything.

Sexy spiritual healer

Recently, at an informal meeting with friends in a cafe, I met a girl. Just my type - a slender blonde with soft features. Thin hands, long hair, charming smile. Chest, butt - everything is in place! We were introduced to each other. Me as a psychologist, her as a spiritual healer.

At the words “spiritual healer,” I noticed how her spine slightly stretched upward, giving its owner 5 mm of height. I smiled at this nuance. She thought I smiled at her. The chin of this young and graceful doe leaned forward, simultaneously raising her nose above the horizon line. She sat down opposite me. The podium position for admiring was taken and now it was possible to start talking.

However, I have difficulty communicating. The fact is that if a woman in a conversation categorically ignores the fact that she is a woman, I get upset and am forced to start communicating with her in the context of the image that she herself brings to the fore. In this case, this was her “spiritual healing.” By and large, I wasn’t interested in what all this crap meant. Because I feel when a person in front of me is experienced, and when he is an imitator of experience. Therefore, it was more pleasant for me to imagine her naked to the waist, think about the silkiness of her skin and the smell of shiny hair, see how she arches her back...

But alas...

She did not react to my attitude towards her as a woman. For a woman this is very bad! This means that her connection with her femininity is broken. And so that she wouldn’t flirt too much with spirituality, I had to turn on the psychologist and put her under my microscope, starting to ask uncomfortable logical questions. By the end of the conversation, the “healer” had a dry throat, his posture had collapsed, his hands reflexively calmed himself, and his smile was no longer so charming. Well, you know, a forced smile is not charming...

Signs - preparing for travel

When the path vector is designated, everything helps us find the treasured evolutionary path. We begin to listen to ourselves, intuition sharpens, fear goes away and faith appears.

On the fifth day after returning from the hospital, Michael realized that preparations for the trip were nearing completion. He didn't know exactly what to do next and where to go. It was a quiet evening. Michael was sure that the angel knew that he was ready to set out on his journey, and that tomorrow would bring something new. Michael had no doubt that the upcoming journey was completely real. And he firmly believed that they would tell him what to do next.

We fully tune in to the desired wave frequency that will lead us to a new life and begin to see more.

- Look ahead, you are standing at the very gate.

Michael stood in front of a tall hedge, beyond which a small canyon began.

- I can not see anything.

- Take a closer look, Michael Thomas.

Michael peered into the thicket and actually saw the outline of a gate. He didn’t notice them right away, because they seemed to merge with the bushes, as if woven from branches and leaves. Now Michael couldn't NOT see the gate even if he wanted to. They have become something obvious! He turned away for a moment, and then looked at the bushes again with new eyes. Now the gate was visible even more clearly than a second ago.

- What's happening? Michael asked, realizing his perception was changing.

“When the invisible becomes obvious,” said a gentle voice, “you can no longer return to ignorance.” From now on you will clearly see all the gates, since you have revealed the intention to see these.

Very soon I will continue my story.

And right now I suggest you download one small book, with which my journey to the land of fulfilled desires began. I'm sure you will find it useful too >>>

Spiritual development of man. Rules of growth

Don't expect anything from spirituality.

Because your expectation leads to the fact that you start looking for something specific and are distracted from the practice of growth. It is better to look for specific things in personal development, and even better in social achievements (read about the differences between spiritual growth and personal growth in the article “Spiritual growth or personal development, what to choose?”). Here, most often, we step on the path of thorns and hardships. This is where the following paradox awaits you: the result always lives up to expectations, but as soon as you start expecting, you don’t get any results.

The misconception that the more you practice, the more you will develop something, does not lead to anything. Because any practice should lead to personal changes, and therefore to internal maturation. Therefore, the usual contemplation of a candle makes someone spiritually advanced, and someone just a statue.

Growth is a continuous search for what goes beyond the conscious. And any person who accepts this simple truth - “I don’t know what I will find out, I don’t know what I will find, but I am ready to look”, as a rule, gets better results than a person who expects something and practices .

Losing the meaning of life and your actions is normal.

We periodically lose not only the meaning of life, but the meaning of our search, the meaning of our actions, the meaning of our studies, etc. As a rule, this just means that all the schemes that have been used so far have either died out or have been exhausted, and completely new points of support must be sought. Only after this is a breakthrough and spiritual growth possible.

But, alas, many people remain at this point of emptiness, and if they do not deal with this issue, their entire life eventually turns into a feeling of worthlessness and disappointment. Because what happened before is no longer interesting, and they don’t believe that something awaits them ahead.

All rules, rituals, practices first help, and then hinder.

They become crutches for a completely healthy person and make movement difficult. The result of spiritual growth should be constant contact with mystery and mysticism.

And the mystery of life, it turns out, is quite simple - this is the ability to see the mystery in everything. And come into contact with this mystery. Alas, no practice, no ritual, no meditative things can lead to this. And sometimes the most ordinary janitor or pensioner is more advanced in contemplation and understanding of life than people who practice, practice, and practice again.

This is the path of loss. When you take this path, you don't know what you will gain, but you always know what you will lose. Many people stop at this stage, because everything acquired through back-breaking labor needs to be thrown away, and what will be acquired in the future is a kind of “pig in a poke.”

It often happens that we have to give up our social status, our merits, our talents - everything that prevents us from moving forward. And we can say that the spiritual development of a person is

This is constant work without fatigue and without restrictions.

The spiritual development of a person is always a path beyond the possible and beyond the usual. Therefore, anyone who has taken this path is simply obliged to work constantly spiritually and mentally. There are very few opportunities to rest here, because stopping means going back. And those people who stop to enjoy and be in what attracts them are like a child who stared at a flower at the station, and the train left.

Pleasures and satisfactions get in the way.

For the desire to enjoy is the desire to stay, or stop. And this desire is always less than comprehending something new. The comprehension of the mystery of existence and, especially, of God. Therefore, pleasures and satisfactions of any kind interfere with the path.

But the great mystery of comprehending the world and God within oneself remains.

Opportunities - the beginning of the journey

Entering this door, leaving your comfort zone and starting your progressive transformation, or being afraid of something new and degenerating is everyone’s personal choice. One thing is clear: from now on, changes are inevitable, and only we can decide what they will be.

Opportunities for growth are not always obvious. The Universe selects something different for everyone: someone meets the right people, someone finds themselves in the right place at the right time, and someone, like our hero, has a significant dream in which an angelic essence shows him the future path.

- I died? - he asked. His voice sounded courageous and at the same time respectful.

“Not at all,” the entity replied, “it’s just a dream, Michael Thomas.”

It is from this moment that a global and very important period begins in his life (and in the life of every person), which can be called the journey home.

The journey home has several stages, my Friend. First, you need to show intention. Then comes the preparation. Then invariably comes self-discovery and the understanding that the changes you are undergoing are necessary in order to get home. And finally, you need to know the structure of our world in order to feel comfortable in it. Opening the last door marked "Home" means passing all the exams and receiving graduate status, Michael. An incomparable feeling!

About finding the meaning of life

The spirituality of a person is always determined by the extent to which he thinks about the meaning of life. Austrian psychiatrist Viktor Frankl argued that such reflections are the spiritual core that distinguishes normal people from those who suffer from any pathologies.

A person discovers the problematic nature of his existence and experiences the ambiguity of his life. During certain periods of life, these issues become the most “acute”, which speaks of spiritual quests.

A deep mental shock can lead to a search for the meaning of life. Regardless of the reasons and the chosen path of spiritual development of the individual, such quests are an indicator of the meaningfulness of life and personal development. The existence of a person is not meaningless, and until consciousness leaves him, he must realize his values ​​and bear responsibility.

A person’s “justification” of his true destiny occurs through experience, through trial and error. The conditioning of mental programs is eliminated when certain experiences and emotions and feelings associated with them arise. Until a person curbs his mind and learns to be aware of the games of the mind, unity with the spirit will be incomplete.

It is equally important to establish a connection with your own body, learn to hear it, develop feeling and purposefully use the mind. These skills will help you get rid of dissonance in feelings and self-perception, and will help you achieve complete spiritual harmony.

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