A spiritual person is... Concept, personal qualities, inner essence and influence on society

An increasing number of our contemporaries are beginning to show interest in spirituality, self-development and are asking questions about the Universe, about the higher mind, about the universe, about the power of the soul... Answers are sought and found in literature, religion, various esoteric knowledge and other sources. From the Bible we know that the soul is the breath of God into the physical body of a person. Having received this breath, the body gains Life. Having lost it, it dies. What the human soul is, its qualities, strength and manifestations will be discussed in the article.

Soul and Spirit

The concepts of soul and spirituality are closely interrelated, but have very serious differences.

The first is enclosed in the body at the moment of birth or conception. The power of the soul gives motivation to a person for existence and knowledge of the world. Three lines of action - feelings, desires and thoughts - connect the personality of its owner with the world. They are like blood, permeating the entire body and penetrating into its smallest components. The power of the soul allows a person to continue to live. And besides, feel, see, breathe, speak, desire, dream... A person has a soul as well as a body. The soul is the essence of man.

The Spirit is called to give life to the soul. And cannot belong to the body. He strives for the Highest and calls the soul behind him. He is not attracted by earthly joys; he easily leaves the human body and returns just as easily. It is his presence that places a person at the highest level in the hierarchy of all living things.

Spirituality Brings Responsibility

A spiritually mature person realizes that along with the freedom to do what he considers right comes responsibility for the use of this freedom. Regarding this, there is the following example: an airplane can roll on the ground, but that is not what makes it an airplane. When it is already in the sky, then it becomes obvious that it is an airplane. Likewise with spirituality, there is still no situation in which a person’s spiritual qualities will manifest themselves; it is not visible. But when the decisive moment comes, his high moral essence becomes obvious to everyone - it manifests itself in this situation.

Psychology considers spirituality, freedom and responsibility as the most important components of personality. They are closely related. An unspiritual person will not want to take responsibility for his actions and will begin to look for someone to blame. A spiritual person, having made a mistake, admits it.

Spiritual qualities

Psychologist Oleg Gadetsky states:

All higher qualities are a manifestation of the soul, all lower ones belong to material nature.

Positive spiritual qualities are virtues inherent in her from the creator. They are most easily recognized through the actions that a person performs:

  1. Help your neighbor.
  2. Respect and care for the elderly and infirm.
  3. Charity.
  4. Hospitality.
  5. Internal and external cleanliness of one’s own body and its environment.
  6. The ability to celebrate and rejoice.
  7. Keeping promises and vows.
  8. Taking care of children. Taking care of pets.
  9. Compliance with moral and ethical standards.

The power of the soul directs the consciousness to perform good, pious deeds and deeds that help develop the best spiritual qualities in oneself.

And people are coming...

It is also worth remembering the statement of St. John Chrysostom:

Nothing gives the soul so much strength as freedom from worries, and nothing makes it weak as much as the burden of worries.

Many people do not think about their soul. They are more concerned about acquiring various kinds of material values, receiving bodily pleasures and other things. And it's not their fault. Social standards and life values ​​of society impose on us from early childhood that a person needs to acquire as many things as possible and achieve a prestigious position.

And only when experiencing suffering or going through difficult times, we think about the strength of the soul and body. We turn to the Supreme for help and support.

Few people consciously go in search of their spirituality. Fortunately, there are more and more of them. Those who complete the spiritual search come to know their own soul. They talk about the path they have traveled, convey Great Knowledge, which provides invaluable assistance to those who are going on a quest again.

The spiritual sphere of social life

Human society is divided into spiritual and material spheres. Of course, the material sphere is important - it ensures physical existence. But in order to manifest himself as a spiritual person, he also needs a corresponding sphere.

The spiritual sphere of man includes religion, science, morality, culture, art, and law. Pedagogy has established that instilling the foundations of culture from an early age makes it possible to raise a harmonious, responsible personality. Doctors have found that the connections in the brain that are formed when playing musical instruments expand a person’s mathematical abilities. The development of creative abilities that art provides expands the scope of freedom and teaches you to make innovative decisions.

The spiritual realm has a powerful influence on the individual. The conclusion is obvious: man, as a social being, cannot fully develop without society.

Find your soul

The soul has an invisible connection with the body. In some teachings it is described as a silver thread, which, at the moment of physical death of the body, releases the soul to freedom.

Is it possible to give a material description of the soul? Some practices use their own tools to describe its color, size, and flaws. Time will prove the veracity of such information.

We believe that the soul is invisible, because it is consciousness. And it belongs to a dimension where only true Light and Sound exist.

The outer expression of the soul is our attention. The mind is constantly busy commenting on life's report and distracts attention from the door leading to the Highest. The endless stream of thoughts can be stopped using various techniques (prayer, meditation, trance, etc.) and look inside yourself, discovering the power of the soul and the coordination of the will.

Her tongue

What do we feel when we say: “the soul hurts or aches,” “the soul grows cold,” “the soul screams,” and so on. Anxiety, fear, pain. Where does this come from? How else can the Universe or God communicate with us? We ask them for protection and help, but often we do not pay attention to the signs that are sent to us.

We are constantly cared for and protected. The language of the soul is different from ours. This is the language of subtle feelings that describes our emotional and energetic state. It is important to listen to what they want to tell us. It is important to look closely at what signs are being sent to us.

If a person is calm or joyfully excited, then he is on the right path. And his soul sings! If, on the contrary, the feeling of depression and anxiety persists, it is worth reconsidering your path. Perhaps they want to protect a person from something.

  1. The language of kicks. These are incredible random events. For example, you stumbled, broke something, or you were “touched to the quick” by a phrase accidentally dropped by someone.
  2. Language of the situation. Example: being late, an important meeting was disrupted, a violation of an agreement, and so on.
  3. The language of failure. In this case, the most important attachment for him is “taken away” from the person. For example, money, relationships, career.
  4. Language of direct contact. In search of an answer, a person goes to grandmothers, clairvoyants. Or suddenly he receives a book, or an invitation to classes. With this help, he finds the reason for the negative things happening to him.
  5. The language of dependency. From bad habits, slot machines and so on.
  6. Language of choice. Serious illness, accidents.

The Creator is like a wise parent. Starts with a little shake. But if a person rejects the information, does not change his attitude to what is happening, does not want to take lessons, the punishment becomes more severe, up to the cessation of any independent choice.


Words from the famous writer Erich Maria Remarque:

If your soul reaches out to someone, don’t resist... She’s the only one who knows exactly what we need!

It is impossible for a person to live without love. Each of us feels the need to satisfy emotional and sensory needs.

But how often is he deceived, mistaking for a true feeling simply physical dependence on another person, the opportunity to possess someone else’s will and feelings. Personal love makes a slave out of a person, who is attached to the object of desire and sees the meaning of life in his beloved, and only connects his future with him.

True love is the achievement of the strength of the soul. Unconditional, quiet, filled with trust, freedom, warmth and wisdom. She gives wings to her loved ones and does not impose any stereotypes or opinions.

The power of the human soul is capable of hearing the thoughts of other people's hearts and seeing their unity. And find real happiness in this unity.

Spiritual guidelines

Society has always had accepted norms that were considered spiritual guidelines. The Holy Scripture played a huge role in their formation. The two largest religions based on it - Christianity and Islam - are professed by 33% and 23% of the world population, respectively. Social, economic and criminal laws and the Constitutions of many countries are drawn up on the basis of the Ten Commandments.

The Golden Rule, found in Matthew 7:12, encourages people to do as they would like to be treated. This is not just maintaining neutrality according to the formula “do no harm to anyone, so that no harm will be done to you” and not a common saying calling for retribution “as you do to me, so I will to you.” This was taught by many ancient philosophers. Christ taught to actively do good, so that you yourself would be rewarded with good. And he added that this is the whole law and the prophets.

A person's spiritual orientation as an individual is even more closely tied to Scripture, even if he has never read it. Thanks to public morality, the concepts of good or bad, decent or dishonest, acceptable or unacceptable keep the individual within certain limits. Literature is built on the basis of public morality - a powerful means of cultivating spirituality. The author’s detailed description of the deep motives of the hero’s actions makes it possible to gain one’s own experience. Among the great writers who indicated spiritual guidelines are L. N. Tolstoy, F. M. Dostoevsky, A. P. Chekhov, C. Dickens, E. M. Remarque.


Our own health and the health of our loved ones is the most precious and important thing for a person. This is something that is difficult to buy, but very easy to lose. This is a state that allows you to do what is planned or realize what you feel. The strength of the soul and human health depend on two main components:

  1. Maintaining a balance between actions of filling with strength and actions of cleansing from unnecessary things.
  2. Unity of body, soul and spirit.

The second - the unity of the physical, mental and spiritual - is manifested:

  • in the feelings that a person is capable of experiencing;
  • and what emotions these experiences evoke; what is their manifestation?

The greater the strength of the soul and the stronger its health, the higher the feelings that its owner experiences and, accordingly, the brighter and more positive the emotions he displays.

The influence of a socially spiritual person on society

No man has influenced history more than Jesus Christ. He taught his followers to spread what they learned. How many times have they been tried to destroy them, like Christ himself! But they still brought the truth to the world. The religion is named after their teacher, and the beginning of a new era is considered to be from his birth.

John Gutenberg invented the printing press to disseminate the Holy Scriptures, and it had a huge impact on culture around the world. Books became much cheaper and everyone could afford to buy them. Cyril and Methodius, Greek missionaries, created the Slavic alphabet for translating the Holy Scriptures and this enriched our language. Many Russian proverbs are actually taken from the Bible.

Leo Tolstoy highly valued the Word of God and in his works comprehensively considered good and evil. His novels were highly appreciated by M. Gandhi, who led the struggle for the liberation of India. He spoke about the importance of Christian teaching, that all the world's problems would be solved if people actually adhered to it.

As can be seen from these examples, even one spiritual person is an undoubted benefit to society.

Filling and cleansing

John Holland opined:

Your soul is very wise and always attracts to itself what you need to learn in life.

To maintain mental health, serious work with the body and thoughts is necessary. It is thoughts that cause us to express both positive and negative emotions. And thoughts are born from experienced feelings.

The strength of the soul weakens from anger, envy, anger, hatred, resentment and the like that destroy it. And vice versa, it becomes greater when a person experiences joy, admiration, gratitude, sympathy, love, tenderness.

Experts recommend a unique set of “tools” for cleansing the body and filling it with strength, which will help get rid of negative thoughts and, as a result, lead to mental health.

Cleansing Tools:

  • proper therapeutic fasting;
  • fast;
  • physical activities and exercises;
  • bath practices;
  • massage;
  • hardening of the body.

Filling Tools:

  • proper, healthy nutrition;
  • trips;
  • walks in the open air;
  • creation;
  • hobby.

In a healthy body healthy mind. Trite, but simple and true.


The soul goes through certain stages of development and growth.

The birth of a child is a real miracle. Communication with children brings a colossal amount of positive emotions and evokes high feelings. How can this be explained?

The baby's soul is pure. And the same pure soul of an adult is drawn to her. But she was imprisoned by strong walls consisting of past negative experiences, which contain grievances, failures and losses, anger and intolerance towards others.

Freeing the forces of the soul to achieve a state of love and peace, trust in the world and the Highest, and obtaining joy in life is the goal of many seekers.

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All properties inherent in a person, which manifest themselves to one degree or another throughout her life, are related in pairs, and have a positive and negative component in their direction. The direction of manifestation, in relation to the existence of a personality, in this case, is called the quality of personality, as a certain tendency in the properties of the personal structure, which are not explicitly observed, but reflect the processes occurring in the surrounding world and the human body.

Personality qualities can be arranged as follows, in accordance with the definitions given to them here. (The terms used to name qualities are selected according to the degree of greatest correspondence between their interpretation existing in society and the definitions given to them here, according to which they are divided among themselves).

The belonging of qualities to one or another subplane is not arbitrary, but reflects the relationships that exist between them, which is expressed in the definitions given to them.

The total number of qualities used to describe any personality is 192. The names of qualities (the terms used) are quite conventional and serve as some labels for convenience of presentation (each name is assigned a definition, which is the “content” of a specific quality used in building a personal structure).

The possible intensity of manifestation of these qualities is associated with the moment of birth (the beginning of the formation of an independent personality structure) as a potential opportunity for one or another personality to form and further develop within such limits. Whether it will be fully realized depends mainly on the educational influence of others (primarily parents) and the state of the environment.

Personality Qualities - Spiritual Plan

Inner Sphere (qualities reflecting intrapersonal properties)

Qualities that reflect the positive manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

REAMY - the ability to perceive new spiritual states that are not currently being realized in the environment.

WILL - the ability to distinguish one’s spiritual states, resolve spiritual conflicts, influence the spiritual state, thoughts and feelings of others.

COURAGE - the ability not to be afraid to perceive something new, maybe tragic, based on a strong state of mind.

RESPONSIBILITY - empathy and response to the state of others, all living things, the emergence of a desire to help, alleviate the suffering of the unfortunate, etc.

JOY is the internal state of “the soul sings” and its manifestation in the process of communication with others and internal life.

SENSITIVITY - the ability to perceive the spiritual state of others.

KINDNESS is the desire and constant need to do good to others, caused by a spontaneously arising internal state.

CONSCIENCE is the ability to have a spiritual response to what is happening, manifested, among other things, as “love for one’s neighbor,” even in the presence of negative emotions.

Qualities that reflect the negative manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

PASSIVITY - the desire to remain invisible for fear of causing an unfavorable response from the outside, often associated with spiritual fatigue or weakness of spirit

SELFISHNESS is the desire to satisfy one’s spiritual needs at the expense or to the detriment of others.

STABILITY - the impossibility of changes in the spiritual state when the environment changes.

DISAPPOINTMENT - inability to perceive personally significant values, internal immediacy.

IMITATION - susceptibility to external influences leading to changes in internal “landmarks”.

INTENSITY is the desire to convey one’s spiritual state to others, often accompanied by the hope of some kind of help or support.

DISTRUST - a spiritual lack of perception of others due to fear of showing one's feelings or sharing thoughts, often based on previous negative experiences.

SINCERE is an open manifestation of one’s condition, associated with a desire for self-soothing, often due to the inability to take on too much responsibility for what is happening.

Interpersonal Sphere (qualities responsible for “mutual resonance”)

Qualities that reflect the positive manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

SENSITIVITY - unconditional perception of the partner’s states and the emergence of an internal spiritual response.

CONGRUENCE - the ability to be yourself, the ability to express your spiritual state to your partner.

CONFRONTABILITY - readiness to express one’s spiritual state, with the hope of establishing sincere relationships.

GENEROSITY - caring about the spiritual state of a partner more than about one’s own.

ALTRUISM is a selfless acceptance of a partner’s autonomy, contributing to the expansion of his spiritual capabilities.

IMMEDIATENESS - the ability to perceive the spiritual world of children and participate in their games “on an equal footing.”

EMPATHY is the ability to perceive “on the fly” the changing spiritual states of a partner, and manifest this in communication.

OPENNESS is an open manifestation of one's spiritual state to a partner to improve relationships, but not exhibitionism.

Qualities that reflect the negative manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

DEPRESSION is the desire to “withdraw into oneself,” usually based on an inadequate perception of reality and, as a consequence, the lack of hope to change anything, self-immunity.

ATTACHMENT - the desire to limit oneself to maintaining a once established spiritual connection with a partner, not noticing changes in oneself and the partner.

SARCASM is the desire to isolate oneself from a partner due to his lack of perception and loss of faith in the possibility of improving relations.

Vanity is a manifestation of the internal instability of one’s own “I” in relationships with a partner.

ALIENATION is a manifestation of the enslavement of the spirit in communication with a partner, reliance on the schematic nature of relationships.

FROZEN - living in past spiritual states, often idealized, the desire to “adjust” your relationship with your partner to them.

JEALOUSY is a manifestation of spiritual self-torture, often based on an inferiority complex and internal self-doubt.

OBSESSION - artificially playing out “childishness” in order to gain internal stability, fear of being left with oneself.

External Sphere (qualities that reflect the properties of a person in relationships with others)

Qualities that reflect the positive manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

GENERITY - the ability to free yourself from unpleasant spiritual states, and not transfer them to the source that may have caused them.

CHARM - the ability to create spiritual comfort for others.

DELICITY - the ability to communicate without conflict with others, helping to resolve possible disharmonies.

TOLERANCE - the ability to perceive the environment as it is, and not try to immediately transform it.

SENSITIVITY is the ability to provide spiritual support at the right time to someone who needs it.

HONESTY is the ability to objectively perceive the environment and show this in relationships.

GENERALITY - the ability to perceive misfortunes in the world around us as our own and “root for everyone with our soul.”

PARTICIPATION - the ability to perceive the misfortunes of others as one’s own and provide appropriate assistance.

Qualities that reflect the negative manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

ALERT - fear of influence from others that can unsettle you, usually based on internal conflicts with yourself.

UNCONTAINMENT is the inability to behave adequately with others, excessive manifestation of one’s own “I”.

DIPLOMATICITY is a conformity of relationships, freeing one from any active actions, somewhere akin to “my house is on the edge.”

Arrogance - self-affirmation through emphasizing one’s, usually imaginary, superiority in relation to others.

Schadenfreude - obtaining satisfaction from the spiritual discomfort around, often associated with envy - life “vampirism”.

CRUELTY - influence on the environment with the aim of destroying existing relationships for self-satisfaction.

arrogance is an attitude towards the environment as a “second class”, associated with one’s own internal failure.

NEGATIVISM is a manifestation of inadequate perception of the environment for personal self-affirmation.

Personality Qualities - Intellectual Plan

Inner Sphere (qualities reflecting intrapersonal properties)

Qualities that reflect the positive manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

AWARENESS - the ability to observe, compare, analyze phenomena and processes in the surrounding reality and their interrelations.

MEMORY - the ability to remember and retrieve necessary information from memory in the process of thinking, the ability to use accumulated experience.

PERSISTENCE - the desire for results in solving emerging tasks and problems. The ability not to abandon the conclusions received on the spur of the moment.

METHODICALITY - the ability for long-term concentration, systematicity, scrupulousness. Having sustainable interests.

RESPONSIBILITY - the ability to determine the place and meaning in life for new information about the surrounding reality.

CURIOSITY - the presence of a conscious interest in the surrounding reality, the desire to understand the World.

PASSION - the ability to “disconnect” from the environment in the process of thinking, the ability to concentrate attention and focus on achieving a goal.

INDEPENDENCE - the ability to resolve contradictions in incoming information without relying on generally accepted opinion or authorities, its practical application.

Qualities that reflect the negative manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

BIAS - an approach to emerging issues and problems from a subjective, evaluative position, the impossibility of leaving the usual “framework”, a black and white alternative.

FORGETTING - inability to remember and accumulate experience.

INDECISIBILITY - fear of drawing conclusions in the process of thinking, abandoning untenable decisions and making new ones.

Scatteredness is the simultaneous occupation of many issues, for the solution of which there is not enough energy and time, the inability to determine the main thing and concentrate on it.

ABSORPTION - failure to grasp incoming information, its essence, inability to divide information by degree of importance.

CURIOSITY - the desire to obtain new information - as an end in itself, change for the sake of change.

ABSOLUTION - jumping from problem to problem, inability to complete a solution to an issue, susceptibility to external influences.

CARELESS - inability to concentrate, self-withdrawal from attempts to influence tomorrow, living in the present moment.

Interpersonal Sphere (qualities responsible for “mutual resonance”)

Qualities that reflect the positive manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

SELF-UNDERSTANDING is an understanding of one’s own essence and level of personal value, awareness of decisions made and choices made.

UNDERSTANDING - perception of the essence and personal value of a partner, the ability to explain his actions and actions.

REVENUE - the ability to find a way out of difficult situations, relying on accumulated experience, interpret it correctly and use it to improve mutual understanding with a partner.

INFLUENCE - the ability to influence a partner, promoting his development, based on an understanding of objective laws.

ACCEPTANCE - the ability to accept the reasons and motives of a partner’s behavior, the absence of an unreasonable desire to threaten or defend.

SELF-SACRIFICATION - the ability to sacrifice, experiment with oneself, not claim the freedom and independence of a partner.

ADEQUACY - revealing oneself and one’s understanding of what is happening in a relationship with a partner, the desire for dialogue.

KINDNESS - the ability to meet halfway, showing your disposition and sympathy for your partner, readiness to support him.

Qualities that reflect the negative manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

MISUNDERSTANDING - addiction to an internally fixed way of thinking, failure to perceive information that contradicts the stereotypes of relationships with a partner.

ILLUSION - a far-fetched perception of the image of a partner and existing relationships.

BOREDITY is a manifestation of dependence on current stereotypes in planning joint activities.

NAIVITY - the desire for a fictitious, simplified ideal of relationships, selective perception of what is happening and the partner.

SELF-LOVE - ignoring a partner for the purpose of self-affirmation, often based on the fear of debunking the image of one’s own “I”.

SELF-SUFFERING is a conscious desire for emotional release through a certain interpretation of a partner’s behavior.

IMMUNITY - the inability to understand the reasons and motives of a partner’s behavior, lack of readiness to search, often due to lack of confidence in one’s own abilities.

LACK OF ALTERNATIVES - rejection of other people's opinions, imposition of strict demands on a partner (often inflated), lack of flexibility in relationships.

External Sphere (qualities that reflect the properties of a person in relationships with others)

Qualities that reflect the positive manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

PRACTICALITY - the ability to determine the best way to act to achieve a personally important goal.

CONFIDENCE - having one’s own opinion, immunity to manipulation of consciousness by others, but not dogmatism.

LEARNING ABILITY - the ability to perceive information and the ability to use existing methods of knowledge transfer.

PATIENCE - the ability to “not give up” when something doesn’t go well, the ability to carry out preparatory work.

DISCIPLINE - the ability to self-organize in the process of practical activity.

SERIOUSNESS is the ability to deeply comprehend what is happening and its manifestation in communication with others.

HARDWORK - the ability and satisfaction from the process of intellectual and practical activity. Constant work of the mind.

RESPONSIBILITY - consciously taking on obligations and directing efforts towards their implementation.

Qualities that reflect the negative manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

Cunning - manipulation of the perceptions of others for the purpose of self-preservation or self-satisfaction, perhaps unconsciously.

FLIRTTHOUGHT is a superficially scattered perception of the environment, often with the goal of “not noticing” problems and the need to solve them.

RIGIDITY - inability to concentrate and difficulty in “switching” thinking when new information appears.

AGGRESSIVENESS - protection of internal limitations in development and existing stereotypes by eliminating the source of danger.

ADventURISM - insufficient understanding of reality combined with an active nature, reliance on chance.

ENVY - orientation towards simplified, fictitious or imposed values.

LAZINESS is an inability to engage in practical activity, usually based on a lack of understanding of its personally significant meaning.

RECESSITY - being carried away by the moment, resulting in the commission of ill-considered actions.

Personality Qualities - Emotional Plane

Inner Sphere (qualities reflecting intrapersonal properties)

Qualities that reflect the positive manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

IMAGINATION is the ability to create a complex of sensations that do not clearly follow from what is happening and serve as the basis for associative thinking and fantasy.

EMOTIONALITY - perception of the environment and oneself by changes in internal sensations and their emotional expression, sometimes unconscious.

DETERMINATION is the ability to expand and change one’s emotional state, which serves as the basis for making decisions for practical activities.

RELAXEDNESS - the desire to obtain new emotional states caused by internal or external influences.

AESTHETICS - the ability to perceive and create completeness, harmony and beauty of forms.

INTUITION is the ability to understand the picture of what is happening and the ways of its development based on the available fragmentary data and the emotional state they cause.

INDEPENDENCE - perception of the environment without relying on existing stereotypes or external manipulation.

LIVABILITY - the ability to perceive unexpected emotions and feelings, the absence of “obsession” with anything.

Qualities that reflect the negative manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

DEPRESSION is a state of hopelessness due to the inability to understand one’s feelings and emotions or what is happening around.

VANITY - ambition, development to unreasonable proportions.

AMBITIOUSNESS is the perception of the environment through the prism of self-affirmation, the need for which is constantly growing and determines decision-making and behavior.

EDITION - resolution of internal conflict, emotional release, through a sharp transition to another state that has become the usual norm.

Pickiness - the desire to “find the straw in the eyes of another”, “to make a molehill out of a molehill”, usually for the purpose of personal satisfaction or self-preservation.

ANXIETY is a state of internal uncertainty about the correct assessment of the environment or one’s own actions, fear of the unexpected.

SELF-AGGREGATION is the inability to “look at oneself from the outside,” based on the fear of debunking one’s own, usually invented, image.

TOUCHING - the desire to evoke a feeling of self-compassion, for the purpose of emotional satisfaction or release.

Interpersonal Sphere (qualities responsible for “mutual resonance”)

Qualities that reflect the positive manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

RESTRAINT – conflict-free perception of a partner’s emotional states, acceptance of his individuality.

CREATIVITY - the willingness to change your emotional perception of the environment depending on the state and needs of your partner.

COMPASSION - emotional unity with a partner, help in overcoming a difficult or restless mental state.

TENDERNESS is the ability to create for a partner an atmosphere conducive to receiving emotional satisfaction.

PERSPECTIVENESS - the ability to find a mutual positive emotional connection and anticipate the development of the present and its trends.

INITIATIVE - the desire to search and experiment, the ability to look at the ordinary with a fresh look.

AUTHENTICITY is an open demonstration of one’s emotional state to a partner, the ability to be oneself in a mutual relationship.

Courtesy - the ability to give compliments, create conditions for a partner to express themselves emotionally.

Qualities that reflect the negative manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

UNPREDICTABILITY is the formation of a state of uncertainty that allows one to renounce any type of responsibility for what is happening.

MASOCHISM - obtaining emotional satisfaction or emotional release from suffering of any kind

RUDE - ignoring the emotional state of a partner or one’s own and manifesting this in words, actions, and deeds.

Shyness is the economical use of one’s positive emotions by “fencing” oneself away from one’s partner.

BELLIOUSNESS - the desire to dominate by manipulating the partner’s emotional state, rejection of the partner’s right to be himself.

FALSEY - the use of tricks to keep a partner at a safe distance for oneself, often leading to a breakdown in contact with oneself.

Maliciousness is a subtle attack on a partner by creating a certain emotional state in the latter, usually as a way of self-affirmation or self-preservation.

STATICITY - rejection of the new, conventional correctness, adherence to clearly defined boundaries and frameworks in the manifestation of one’s state and demanding the same from the partner.

External Sphere (qualities that reflect the properties of a person in relationships with others)

Qualities that reflect the positive manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

BALANCE - the ability to restrain, control the manifestation of one’s feelings and emotions depending on external conditions.

ENERGY - the presence of the necessary “vital force” to achieve what is planned and the ability to use it.

ARTISTICITY is the ability to transform, “transition” into different states of human nature and perception of what is happening.

TACTICITY is a manifestation of a sympathetic attitude towards the emotional state of others.

RELIABILITY - the stability of internal states during significant changes in the surrounding reality, the manifestation of this in communication and teamwork.

COURAGE is an unconscious sense of one’s capabilities that does not clearly follow from previous experience and their use in critical situations.

LUCK is the ability to anticipate trends in the world around us and unconsciously use them for personally important purposes.

ENTREPRENEURSHIP is the ability to sense and use a situation conducive to the realization of internal aspirations.

Qualities that reflect the negative manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

SUSPICIOUSNESS - the desire to see a “backward meaning” in the actions of others that poses a threat to the internal state, often associated with past negative experiences.

INSTRUCTION - the desire to obtain emotional release at the expense of others, often associated with the presence of internal complexes.

TIMITY is the desire to protect oneself from all possible and impossible consequences of one’s activities, based on reluctance or fear to change anything about oneself.

LOVE OF POWER - the desire to realize one’s undertakings with the help of others, often due to a lack of one’s own strength or time.

WILLIESS - rejection of other people's opinions and changes in reality that contradict a previously developed attitude towards the environment.

DICTATORSHIP - the desire and practical activity to dominate others by using one’s capabilities in relation to others.

CAREERISM is a pragmatic approach to life and self-realization, self-restraint in the manifestation of one’s states in connection with a chosen or imposed lifestyle.

CONSERVATISM is the rejection of new things that require changes in the perception of the environment.

Personality qualities of the Physical plane

Inner Sphere (qualities reflecting intrapersonal properties)

Qualities that reflect the positive manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

HEALTH - stability of the “physical states” of the body under external and internal negative influences, longevity.

STRENGTH - great physical capabilities, withstanding overloads.

REACTION - the ability to “instantly” respond in the state of the body to external or internal influences.

EXPLOSIVENESS - the ability to physically concentrate.

RECOVERABILITY - the ability to endure extreme overloads without damage to the body and return to a normal state.

AGILITY - rhythmic work of the body, absence of fuss and unnecessary movements.

ENDURANCE - the ability to be exposed to prolonged external influences and the monotony of life on the physical plane without damage to the body.

TRAINABILITY - the ability to develop physically.

Qualities that reflect the negative manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

SOLENESS - susceptibility to external or internal influences on the body, leading to disruption of its vital functions.

WEAKNESS - inability to withstand overload, low level of physical development.

INERTIA - a long-term attitude towards ongoing changes in the environment, the impossibility of rapid restructuring in the functioning of the body.

Slowness - inability to concentrate for a sudden change in physical activity.

FATIGUE - inability to restore physical strength in the process of life.

UNCOORDINANCE - the inability to establish the rhythmic functioning of the body, leading to excessive consumption of physical and other types of energy.

FATIGUE - inability to live a monotonous life and the associated physical activity.

UNTRAINABILITY - inability to develop physically.

Interpersonal Sphere (qualities responsible for “mutual resonance”)

Qualities that reflect the positive manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

CHARM - cuteness, physical attractiveness, expressed in manners and behavior.

PASSION is an emotional and physiological interdependence that manifests itself in behavior and sexual relationships.

GRACE - ease and coordination of movements and behavior.

FREEDOM - experimenting with oneself, the opportunity to rebuild the interdependence of the mental and physical.

SEXUALITY - the ability and need to satisfy sexual needs.

CONSIDERATION - the ability to non-violently transition one’s body into a state that suits the partner.

Playfulness is the ability and need to create a sexual mood and its satisfaction, based on the physical properties of the body.

ACTIVITY - the ability to lead in sex, based on the physical capabilities of the body.

Qualities that reflect the negative manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

INTENSITY - lack of “zest” in manners and behavior.

COLDNESS - lack of need for physical relationships.

CLUSHNESS - awkwardness manifested in movements and behavior.

DOMINANCE - inability to yield to a partner, suppression on the physical plane during sexual relationships.

COMPLEXITY - the presence of stable psychophysical relationships and the impossibility of changing them.

INDIFFERENCE - sexual infantility, inability to play during sexual relationships

WILLINGNESS - the need for special conditions for the connection between emotional and physical states.

FRIGIDNESS - lack of relationship through the physical plane.

External Sphere (qualities that reflect the properties of a person in relationships with others)

Qualities that reflect the positive manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

COMPOSITION - the ability to mobilize the body to perform work, manifested in hard work and conscientiousness.

STABILITY - an adequate response to external influences, the ability to family life and relationships in a team.

GRACE - refined beauty, flexibility, cheerfulness, something that “pleases the eye.”

ATTRACTIVENESS - harmony, manifested in wisdom, eloquence, etc., helping to captivate others.

SWITCHABILITY is the ability to change the type or rhythm of activity, which is also manifested in public leadership.

CONTROL - the ability to change your physical and physiological needs in different conditions.

ELEGANCE - presence of taste, ability to behave in society, to be a companion, sex appeal and intelligence.

AFFECTIVITY - likability for others, based on norms of behavior and methods of communication.

Qualities that reflect the negative manifestation of personality traits in the process of its formation and development

UNBALANCE - inability to perform work, sometimes causing parasitism and personal gain.

Philistinism - difficulties in development and creativity, sometimes leading to pettiness, litigiousness, and routine in life.

AWFULNESS - inability to control oneself and one’s body in the process of life.

DISHARMONY - unevenness in development and needs, possibly fanaticism.

OBSESSION is a constant concern and inability to change the way of activity, manifested in conservatism, cynicism, hypocrisy.

UNMANAGEMENT - inability to self-govern, manifested in gourmetism, epicureanism, dependence on praise and flattery.

UNATTRACTABLE - lack of taste, unnecessary.

ANNOYING - capriciousness, pretentiousness, moralizing, leading to negative reactions from others.


Man, created by God in his own image and likeness, is a powerful being. It contains colossal forces of the spiritual and energetic sphere of the universe. But, unfortunately, the majority leave without knowing their higher nature, without awakening the hidden powers of the soul.

But it’s not difficult. Look around! There are so many people around who need your help or participation. Do good. Provide support to your loved ones and friends. Sometimes someone really needs to be simply told: “It’s so good that you exist!”

The great strength of the human soul was demonstrated by those who, without fear of death, saved others. From fire, from water, from bullets, hunger, cold. Those who defended their country and people.

What is a spiritual person?

If you turn to dictionaries, you can see the emergence of the modern concept of “spiritual person”. At a time when there were few atheists, society was built on faith in God, and a divine spark was recognized in man. V.I. Dal did not include this concept in the dictionary at all (1863), and interpreted the word “spiritual” as “belonging to the spirit.” Regarding the use of the word “spiritual” in relation to a person, he gives the following interpretation: “Everything in him that relates to God, the soul, moral strength, mind and will.”

D. N. Ushakov also does not include the concept of “spiritual person” in the dictionary (1935-1940). He points to the colloquial use of the adjective in the combination “a person of clergy,” making a distinction between the spiritual and the secular. S.I. Ozhegov in 1949 described the word “spiritual” as relating to religion (music, academy, school).

S. A. Kuznetsov in 1998 distinguishes two understandings: the first - related to religion and the second - having a philosophical view of the world. It is interesting that the definition of a spiritually undeveloped person in the Dictionary of Synonyms looks more than unpresentable: redneck, backward, wretched.

Three ways to live

Pay attention to the words of St. Maximus the Confessor:

When the three forces of the soul: rational, irritable and desirable - from the simplicity of the one and only good turn to the consideration and distinction of evil and good things that exist here in the world. Then desire, thought, and feeling inseparably rush towards that which is contrary to the will of God. For then the irritable force moves only towards these and among these things.

A person combines three ways of life:

  • plant life;
  • life of animals;
  • life of Angels.

The plant (lower) component manifests itself in the awareness of the physiological functions of the body - nutrition, breathing, reproduction. The bodily state is characterized by ego-mind (emotions, desires).

Animal (intermediate) - in the emergence of sensual desires, the implementation of voluntary activity. The state of mind is characterized by moral reason (feelings, will).

Angelic (highest) rewards a person with the ability to spiritual life, to communicate with God. She has a spiritual mind (experiences, intentions).

Soul Recognition

Probably, everyone has ever found themselves in a situation where, when meeting a stranger, it seems that you know him very well. He is so close, painfully dear. This meeting awakens you to experience the strongest emotions and feelings that shake you to the core. This phenomenon is called soul recognition.

It is unlikely that this person will “recognize” you. But this fact serves as proof that our souls communicate and are closely connected with one another. And this does not depend on our consciousness.

Esoteric science describes two types of connections that lead to each other and unite them with one destiny:

  • karmic;
  • and space.

Karmic connection is part of the normal order of evolution. Cosmic communication is supernormal in that it belongs to a completely different set of laws. This is one of the Great Mysteries. It is the lot of the initiated and is mentioned only for the reason that so many try to approach it without being initiated. That is, they experiment with the great forces of nature in complete ignorance of their character and power, which is very unsafe.

Material desires

Desires are always associated with material objects: gross or subtle.

Gross material objects are perceptible objects that we can enjoy through our senses . That is, it is taste, smell, sound, sight and tactile sensations. Perceived objects produce various states of mind that can be described as “pleasure.” For example, when eating a tasty dish a person experiences one form of pleasure, and when touching a person for whom there is sympathy, another form of pleasure will be felt. But overall it's a pleasure. So, the interaction of the organs of perception with certain material objects gives rise to pleasure.

Subtle material objects are ideas that, when located in a person’s mind, bring him pleasure . The source of pleasure is no longer interaction with material objects, but the state of mind that arises as a result of the activity of the mind. Ideas can be: superiority, honor, possessiveness, rightness, and so on. That is, having proven a certain idea within oneself, a person experiences pleasure. For example, having gained respect for something, a person will enjoy this state, which will cause him to have a certain state of mind. These are the states that a person enjoys as a result of the emergence of a state of mind.

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Also, subtle material objects are emotions, which are also a source of pleasure for a person if they are positive. Negative ones, accordingly, bring suffering to a person.

Emotions and ideas are material because they are in the mind. The mind is made of subtle matter and is material, although not tangible. There are enough material, but not tangible objects in the world, for example, sound or light.

Understanding material desires will greatly help determine which quality predominates in a person by identifying his main desires. The most manifest quality of everything is very clearly expressed in a person - in his words, actions and habits, as well as goals and plans.

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