What is the harmony of human life and how to achieve it

Have you ever had restless or anxious thoughts? We are sure that this has happened to every person more than once. And most often in such situations, a person wants to have the ability to control his mind, mood and reactions to events happening around him. This ability can be acquired if you come to inner harmony. This is what we will talk about today. But, looking ahead, we note that internal harmony is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, we recommend that you take our “Healthy Lifestyle” course, where you will form your own healthy lifestyle system and learn how to maintain your mental health. So…

What it is

Harmony is an equal combination of all spheres of an individual’s life. This is an internal state accompanied by sensations of events independent of surrounding people and external circumstances.

In ancient times, thinkers and philosophers thought about the concept of harmony, among whom was Pythagoras, who put forward the idea of ​​​​the harmony of the spheres, which became the basis of idealism, which still exists today in the philosophy of Kepler, Leibniz, Giordano Bruno and Shaftesbury.

Human harmony is the merging of individual components of one personality into a single whole. We can talk about it when all areas of life are balanced. We can say about a harmonious person that he is happy.

Why is life harmony needed? The answer is determined by the following basic provisions:

  • this is a way to feel complete inner peace;
  • the opportunity to make your path easier on the way to achieving your goal;
  • better understanding of your needs and the essence of your partner;
  • the opportunity to improve personal qualities and relationships;
  • the ability to feel inner freedom.

Changing lives for the better

Learning self-respect

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A happy life will be possible only when we recognize some of our characteristics and abilities, as well as a sense of the importance of our personality. You shouldn’t blindly repeat other people’s actions; you need to learn to discover your own potential, and also learn to use your abilities in life.

You can usually achieve incredible results if you have sufficiently high self-esteem. According to psychologists, it is very important to respect and love unconditionally, to accept your personality in everything in order to receive a response from the public.

A person who is insecure is unlikely to be able to reveal any of his specific qualities and talents, attract the attention of people around him, and also gain the respect of other people in society. Such a process directly depends on the internal state of a person, his own assessment.

Farewell to grievances


In order for happiness to follow you relentlessly, you need to learn to forgive all insults and disappointments. You need to look only forward and never regret what has already passed. The past is no more, it is gone forever. That's why it's the past, so you can never return to it again.

If someone offended you, forgive and move on; if suddenly you missed some good opportunity, forget about it. If you don't do this, there is a risk that you will miss an even better opportunity.

It is necessary to clearly understand that a person who carries resentment and disappointments in life will never become happy, since any experiences will corrode him from the inside. As a result, a person, as a rule, develops various diseases, and a bad mood is his constant and faithful companion.

Organizing your day correctly

It is very good if every person learns to properly organize their upcoming day. To do this, you should implement the habit of creating a plan for the next day in the evening.

This way it will be very easy to understand which things are most important to you and which ones are not so important. And most importantly, your energy will not be wasted on something that was not in your plans. Statistics show that the most successful people always carefully plan their next day in the evening.

Choosing a path

Each person always independently chooses his own path along which he intends to follow. If you feel unhappy, then you should admit that you are moving in the wrong direction and it is better to change this path.

You shouldn’t blame yourself for anything and look for various problems that will undoubtedly only destroy your life. Don't do any soul-searching. You are where you are, but you can change the situation and the place you will be in a year from now and in the future.

Why does it disappear

Everyday problems do not allow you to feel harmony in life.
Not every person can boast of absolute well-being, the presence of cloudless thoughts, and complete faith in upcoming success. People can be depressed, grumpy, whiny, and short-tempered. While suffering, a person can withdraw into himself, conflict with his loved ones, thereby aggravating his situation. In most cases, harmony is destroyed at turning points in life, when a person is in an uncomfortable situation:

  • adolescence, retirement, midlife crisis;
  • sudden loss of material assets (for example, fire in the house, dismissal from work);
  • interpersonal conflicts (unfair attitude of superiors, tarnished reputation, unhappy love);
  • unbearable living conditions (an antisocial partner, sick parents who need care, a problem child, poverty);
  • serious physical illnesses (less often mental), injuries;
  • loss of a loved one;
  • sexual dissatisfaction;
  • feeling of loneliness;
  • unrealization.

Very often, disharmony is the result of the accumulation of small problems that remain unsolved, lie as a heavy burden on a person, and put pressure on his subconscious.

Spread your wings: how a woman can become free

Many people will ask me: “How can a woman become free if she is in a relationship?” I’ll say right away that marriage does not limit internal freedom. In a harmonious relationship, a woman develops, blossoms and spreads her wings, and a man supports her with all his might, since the more internal freedom a woman has, the more energy her partner receives from her.

Relationships are always an equal exchange, a partnership. A man gives a woman what he has - support, financial stability, protection. In response, the woman gives the energy of love, affection, care, support, thanks to which he becomes even stronger and more muscular. Wise men understand this, so they do everything so as not to interfere with a woman’s development.

How a woman can gain inner freedom:

  • live in accordance with your heart;
  • choose activities that fill you and inspire you;
  • be creative more often;
  • dream more often;
  • set goals for yourself;
  • love yourself.

Inner freedom begins with doing for yourself. Not for children, husband, parents, but first for yourself. Many women set their priorities incorrectly, which is why they are in a state of energy deficiency. This leads to discord in the family, since the man does not receive female energy, which means both partners are in deficit.

Remember that you always come first, your husband comes second, your children come third, and nothing else. An unhappy woman will not be able to make anyone happy, especially children, who very keenly feel any changes in their parents’ mood.

How does harmony manifest itself?

A person may not experience pleasure in his life. And all because there is no spiritual harmony in her. Let's look at what manifestations may indicate a harmonious personality.

  1. Trying on his essence. Such an individual will not be oppressed by feelings of guilt for previously committed mistakes. He analyzes them and becomes wiser.
  2. A harmonious personality accepts all its shortcomings and corrects what is possible. He makes peace with the others. Concentrates on his strengths.
  3. Such a person has no problems with self-esteem. He is confident in his abilities.
  4. He has a harmonious relationship with the world that surrounds him.
  5. Harmonious people are not vindictive. They forgive insults.
  6. Such an individual knows how negative information affects the psyche. He does not communicate with people who can poison his life.
  7. To be in harmony is to do good to people, knowing that it will come back to you.
  8. To achieve harmony, an individual monitors his body and health. He will not start diseases, hoping that everything will go away.

A person who has found harmony in his life has four main spheres balanced: material, spiritual, physical and social.

Signs of harmony in women:

  • skillfully combines external and internal beauty;
  • has flexibility, she can easily adapt to the situation;
  • is able to surround herself with order, the care of loved ones, their love;
  • knows how to create and create.

Characteristics of a harmonious man:

  • confidence in the actions taken;
  • the ability to be grateful and sincere;
  • has respect for the opinions of others, their preferences and tastes;
  • has good relationships with loved ones;
  • restrained in his emotions;
  • has a solid, persistent character;
  • stress-resistant;
  • patient with his wife and child.

Who is a harmonious person and how to become one?

It may seem that such a number of demands for one person is a utopia, a call for a mythical, unattainable perfection in life. Excessive load and just a burden. But only as long as we consider them as presented to a person from the outside by society or others. But harmony is agreement, consonance. In a person, it is balance and correspondence with each other of his abilities, goals and aspirations, capabilities and desires, feelings and consciousness

. The body, emotions, mind, soul and spirit of a harmonious person are one. He is not torn apart by internal contradictions. He gained confident balance and stability - within himself and without.

There is always some kind of balance in a person. But it can be healthy, beautiful, confident, joyful. Or maybe shaky, pathetic, ugly. When a person’s professional and social development is not balanced by an individual view, one’s own position, understanding, and conviction. When the hopes placed on your personal life overshadow the whole world. When inflated pride screams and torments a person. And even being a socially significant and prominent figure, he often barely crawls through life, literally forcing himself to live - by an effort of will, and often by external incentives - duties, responsibility to others.

The means of implementation do not seem to work, but only because they are the wrong means. A distorted consciousness is a bad helper for a person. “The wind is bad that always blows in one direction” (R. Heinlein)

. A professional, a worthy person, a successful person are not synonymous with a happy person. A defective balance causes harm to a person, helping in particulars, but destroying the integrity of existence and self-perception as capable, interesting, necessary, loved, happy.

You can entangle yourself hand and foot in the networks of many arguments, opinions, rules, disputes and drown in this noisy discord. While “knowledge of some principles easily compensates for ignorance of some facts” (C. Helvetius)

. You can rush to fulfill an infinite number of necessary, good and useful things, but fail to do the main thing.

We learn to achieve small, specific goals, but we don’t get around to combining these individual successes and achievements into a stable and stable reality, worthy of a deep intuitive sense of ourselves, the world and life as a beautiful and amazing miracle, which are especially strong in childhood.

Is the childhood confidence of each of us in our exclusivity, significance, and value so naive and groundless?

Maybe it is not an illusion - the feeling is true, but requires correct application and implementation?
“Nature created us for something greater” (Cicero).
And everyone really feels that they are capable of more, that they deserve better, that the world around them is small and does not correspond to its scale.

But the true resolution of this contradiction is in real, healthy growing up, which does not consist in rejecting a child’s feeling of happiness and labeling it as naive, but in making it a reality, putting a vague feeling and premonition into the flesh and blood of a bright, living, rich reality.

A small shift in emphasis in a person’s system of influences and expectations can change his life

beyond recognition! If he perceives intuitive confidence in his own abilities not as a justification for his needs, but as a support and starting point for activity. Not “the world is small for the great me,” not “I stand above it,” but “I am able to transform my surrounding world, space and time according to my will and my choice.” Not only that, the person always does it! He always influences, even if his choice is inaction, he always participates, even while remaining indifferent.

A person is not free to choose - should he act? He is only free to choose what his participation will be. To plod through life or enjoy it. Enmity with neighbors or cooperation. Complain or create. “I am able to communicate myself to others so that they understand and appreciate me. I am able to choose and find interesting and valuable people for myself and gain their respect. Capable of becoming happy, and not pretending to be happy.”

For this, the most important thing is desire. But the right methods of working on yourself and your life are also important. A lot of problems on which attention is fixed, and “advices” for solving them not only do not help a person, but further fetter him. Social standards, without achieving which it seems that access to what is desired is closed, upon attaining them they often reveal a terrible reality: what is truly desired has not come one iota closer!

Negative advice and “don’t be a failure” attitudes don’t work because, in essence, they affirm emptiness. “Positive” but overly generalized ones also don’t help much – “be confident”, “be happy”. All this needs to be experienced, felt, and therefore learned, acquiring a certain skill. This cannot be achieved only by the force of desire, by a decision made.

Confidence and happiness are achieved through overcoming one's own insufficiency, which everyone has - one or another. And only in this way, on this path, a person every day begins to feel more and more free from the power of his own weaknesses. More and more happy. The road to oneself and self-knowledge is the most rewarding work for a person. From determining what is most important for yourself to finding it.

A healthy personality needs a skeleton of its own values ​​and beliefs that are significant enough specifically for itself. To lean on them. These are your own, internal goals and values ​​that can breathe life into generally accepted standards or reduce their significance for a particular person to nothing. And achieving such goals will not bring true satisfaction to a person, will not become an incentive for further development, and can only disappoint! A person also needs the power of knowledge and practical skills - this is the ability of his personality to move and act. Will gives him energy and determination. Reason is the best guide. Emotions are the breath and pulse of his life, the ability to feel and convey living experiences to the outside.

Everyone has their own path to a harmonious self: what is as easy and natural as breathing for one person is an (yet) insoluble problem for another. But it is necessary to remember that a person is a single and complex whole. And the development of all his abilities, skills, functions is beneficial only when balanced. When some of its sides do not absorb or displace others.

The development of one quality does not negate the need to maintain the others; one area of ​​life is not able to replace another or make up for its absence or deficiency. The full life of a harmonious person cannot be reduced to achieving one goal, solving one problem. Therefore, choosing the right goals and effective methods for achieving them for everyone begins with understanding oneself - at least in a first approximation and in general terms.

Tags: self-improvement, introspection, personal growth, person, harmony, personality, psychological problems

Steps to finding it

It is important to be able to determine the problem area and replenish it.
To achieve harmony, balance is required in four main areas:

  • bodily - physical components of life, health, sports, intimacy;
  • spiritual – dreams, plans, fantasies, creativity;
  • social - contacts with friends and relatives, surrounding people;
  • material – everything related to money, work, hobbies.

If an individual has a deficiency in one of his areas, there can be no question of a harmonious personality. To determine the balance of spheres, psychologists suggest using a piece of paper on which you need to draw a circle, divide it into four parts corresponding to each sphere. Next, you need to determine for yourself how full each of them is. This should be done intuitively, without thinking for a long time. When problem areas are identified, you need to work on them:

  • if there are problems with the material sphere, it may be necessary to change jobs;
  • if it’s physical, give yourself a day off more often, accompanied by a visit to the gym, massage or sauna;
  • if it’s spiritual, it would be nice to develop your creative potential, start writing, drawing or sculpting;
  • if socially, spend more time with loved ones and make new acquaintances.

Inner harmony and personal freedom: what is it and why are they so important

Internal harmony should be understood as a special state when you are calm, filled with energy and live in peace with yourself and others. Along with internal harmony, one should also consider personal freedom - the ability to act in accordance with one’s goals and desires. Without this, you cannot be happy, you will not be able to give and receive love, and therefore build strong, happy relationships.

What else does internal harmony give us:

  • understanding your goals and desires;
  • taste for life;
  • creative energy;
  • independence from other people's opinions;
  • integrity of personality;
  • creative potential;
  • inner strength;
  • emotional stability.

Everyone comes to this state sooner or later, but the sooner you find harmony, the happier your life will be.

What to change in yourself if there is no harmony

  1. Quitting bad habits. For example, if a person sleeps little, goes to bed late, eats before bed or smokes, abuses alcohol, destroys himself from the inside.
  2. Stop focusing on your shortcomings. Focus on the strengths.
  3. If there are those nearby who are worse off than you, help them. Be able to sympathize with other people.
  4. Limit communication with individuals who complain about their lives.
  5. Don't expect anything in return from the people you give your love to.
  6. Find time for physical activity.
  7. Expand your horizons, read books, listen to different music, attend exhibitions.
  8. Learn to resolve conflicts and avoid them.
  9. Receive as much positive information as possible and share it with others. Avoid watching news and films with scenes of violence.
  10. Decide on a hobby and devote your free time to it.

Now you know the definition of such a thing as harmony. As you can see, a harmonious life makes a person happy, and happy people achieve more, their health is stronger, their nerves are intact. Strive to find harmony in your life, do everything necessary for this.

Follow the “threshold rule”

When crossing the threshold of the office, do your work as responsibly and conscientiously as possible. When you cross the threshold of your home, forget about all your work responsibilities and worries. I realized how important this method is when I started working with dying patients.

When faced with a serious illness, many people realize that they have not lived at all. We got caught up in the whirlwind of work and everyday affairs, forgetting how interesting and multifaceted life can be. In this race, it is difficult to understand what you really want, what gives you pleasure.

When we follow the Threshold Rule, we learn to pay attention to everything around us and live in the moment without focusing on our career.

Pessimists and optimists - what's the difference?

In life, you often have to decide what is more important: health or money, love or freedom. Some cannot refuse any of the opportunities, and as a result are not happy about having all the others, which makes them deeply unhappy. After all, you want to have everything at once!

And some people are completely deprived of the opportunity to choose. God (life circumstances, fate, other people) have already made a choice instead of them. The inaccessibility of pleasures and any blessings in life makes them dissatisfied with their lives and gives rise to envy of those who have it all.

And there are those who simply have nothing to choose from. They are deprived of all the joys of life, they wander through it sadly, they are haunted by failures and they look sadly, with envy, and sometimes with anger, at the “lucky ones” from the first two categories.

There is an expression: if God wants to punish a person, he deprives him of his mind. If we translate it into modern language, it might sound like this: if life wants to punish a person, it deprives him of optimism. The pessimist takes everything else from himself. And in this case there is no question of any harmony. The pessimist refuses it, from happiness, he revels in his misfortune.

At first, the pessimist gives up his desires. Not because there are no opportunities to implement them - he simply does not have faith in this possibility. He joins the ranks of people dissatisfied with life. Thus, he allows other people or life circumstances to control his life.

When a person buries his capabilities, he stops noticing them at all. He moves into the category of unfortunate people who eke out a miserable existence, are angry with the whole world and mourn their fate. There is no time for harmony with the world and people...

But in real life there is no such thing that a person cannot find a reason for joy. It's just that each of us looks at the world differently. Someone got into an accident and laments that he dented his car, while another in the same situation is glad that he is alive and did not harm anyone.

Someone ended up in the hospital and is sad that they lost a lot of time in vain, and even the scar from the operation will remain ugly, while another, in the same circumstances, thanks God and the doctors that he remained alive.

Someone’s wife left him, and he became the most unhappy person in the world and decided that life was over, and someone thanks God that He took the unfaithful man away from him in time.

That is, an optimist will always find something positive in any situation, although perhaps not immediately, but over time. Only real grief unsettles him, but even in such a situation he will recover faster.

A pessimist sees only the “dark” sides of life, and in order to bring him to a happy state, something very positive must happen. But everything in the world is relative, so an optimistic outlook on life is more suitable to real life and brings a person closer to harmony.

Although there are few absolute optimists and pessimists in life. We all often succumb to a bad mood and see the world in faded colors, and sometimes, on the contrary, everything seems bright and colorful to us, we rejoice, happiness and harmony come into life. You just need to learn how to get rid of negative thoughts in time.

“Change and change, leave and let go”

If you don't like something about yourself, make a plan on how you can change it. There is no need to be ashamed and close yourself off: each of us is unique, remember this and learn to accept your characteristics.

“Leaving and letting go” means being honest with yourself, understanding what you want and who you like to be around. Change your unloved job to one that inspires you, communicate with those who are truly interesting.

The ability to follow your true desires is the best way to maintain inner balance and feel happy and fulfilled.

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