Esoterics and self-knowledge - how to find the meaning of life in 30 minutes

Esotericism is the path of personal self-development. Sometimes people strive to lead everyone around them, to teach and guide, while it is important to strive to be the master and master of their own life, and not someone else’s. It is extremely difficult and deeply wrong to insert yourself into the life of another person and explain to him how he should live.

Every person is a mystery, this whole universe that needs to be respected and accepted as it is. If communicating with someone becomes unbearable for you, just walk away.

Esotericism and self-knowledge

It is not possible to change the past, it is only possible to rethink it. All events of the past are a series of lessons that sometimes you did everything right, and sometimes you made mistakes.

It is important to remember that at the time of making a decision you are always right. You started a family, and then a divorce happened. You created a company that began to produce an uncompetitive product and you went bankrupt. You sent as part of a religious community, and then it turned out that they were scammers. You went to study at the institute, and then realized that this profession is not at all interesting to you.

In any case, at the time of making the decision you were right, because based on the level of your information at that time, in accordance with the level of your understanding of life at that time, you made the only possible decision for yourself.

Stop reproaching and blaming yourself. Blaming yourself is as stupid as blaming the people around you. If you blame other people and circumstances for your problems, then you are afraid to take responsibility. If you blame yourself, then you are not recognizing the God who lives in your heart. In any case, by blaming yourself or others, you block your development.

A few years later, after starting a family or starting a business project, you realized that this was not the right decision. First of all, get out of this situation as quickly as possible, because the longer you are in a situation that is wrong for you, the more you lose energy, money and time.

As soon as you realize that you once made a mistake, look for ways out of this situation as quickly as possible, learn from your mistake and move on in life.

The esotericism of relationships and the harmonization of family life is an important part of esoteric practices. The deeper you begin to understand your inner world, the more you will be able to build balanced relationships in your family. Of course, it is always ideal if a husband and wife practice self-knowledge and self-improvement, meditation and yoga, together.

Esoterics and society, these relationships are built in the sphere of a correct understanding of life in general. A properly developing person strives to build his life at all levels and in all aspects of his life: spiritual self-improvement and material well-being, family happiness and good health. That is why a correctly developing esotericist demonstrates harmony in everything in his life.

Kailash School

Website: Phone: Cost: from 0 rub. per course

The philosophy of the Kailash school is a healthy attitude towards oneself, family and society. Andrey Duiko's school helps a person discover previously hidden abilities that he did not even suspect about, including telepathy and clairvoyance.


Special Life Changing Meditation Videos! A 5-minute viewing of these videos will replace several hours of reading mantras and performing practices. Exercise machines are the easiest method of adjusting your destiny to the energies of health, wealth, luck and happiness! Absolute alignment of fate. This noise is unique and evens out a person’s destiny. It turns out to do things, earn money, poverty disappears. It feels as if the whole world is creating only good events for you. It will be useful for those people who are haunted by total bad luck in life. Finding marriage, gaining material well-being, finding your own home, finding happiness in life, finding positive thoughts, getting rid of illnesses, getting rid of poverty, getting rid of spiritual weakness, these are not all of the listed effects of this noise on a person.

Esoterics of life

Gratitude is completeness. It is not possible to change the past, but it is possible and needs to be rethought, only then can you move on without endlessly turning back. Depressed people constantly live in crises, failures, conflicts and mistakes of the past. Analyze, realize, rethink and learn from the past and move, move into the future.

You cannot be the master of another person because the consciousness, soul, intellect and mind of another person are something immaterial. You can control the body of another person, his movements, actions, but it is impossible to control his inner world.

Nowadays, technologies for manipulating consciousness are constantly being improved, they are becoming more subtle and sophisticated. In parallel with this, methods of self-development, self-improvement, and meditation are being developed that provide inner freedom. This also reveals the struggle between good and evil.

Esotericism is the essence

At the level of interpersonal relationships, business, friendships, stop trying to control and manipulate other people, it will only confuse you.

Try to become a master and master of your life, rethink your past, feel gratitude for the events of bygone days. Think about the meaning of your life, about what your mission is in this beautiful universe. Perhaps the word mission sounds too global, but I would still risk pronouncing this big word.

You and only you have power over your thoughts and feelings, you control and distribute your time. By becoming conscious, with clear goals and priorities, you have the opportunity to continue building your beautiful and harmonious life.

Discovering love on the path of self-knowledge

Love is the main driving force that gives birth to life. Man is born for love. His main goal and mission on Earth is to learn to love. Love is the key to many doors, it gives understanding to many aspects of human life. Love is inseparable from a person; it flows like a river through the world and all living beings that inhabit it. It is the basis of existence, not distorted by fictitious values ​​and ideals.

To experience this feeling, you must go beyond the ordinary, become more aware and deep. It should be recognized that without love the meaning of life is lost. Without it, humanity cannot exist.

Meditation practice

Why should you practice meditation? The answer is very simple, we have already discussed this topic, but it is so important that it is very useful to be reminded of it as often as possible.

The first questions on the path to success are: who sets the goals? Who strives for success? What picture and image of success do you personally have? These are all important questions. You have two choices: the wisdom of the soul or the ignorance of the ego.

It is meditation that will ensure you are on the right path. If goals are set by a wise soul, then you will move along the path of happiness and self-realization. However, if the ignorant ego comes into play, then the constructed system of goals will be false and will lead you to a dead end, disappointment and depression.

The soul, as the basis for building goals, pays attention to happiness, creativity, love, joy. Therefore, when building goals based on the wisdom of your soul, you will set goals for yourself, and immediately ask yourself: will this make me a deeply happy person? Will this bring me joy and harmony?

By building goals based on ego, you will ask primitive questions: How can I get more power and money? It is obvious that such an approach leads to suffering, fear, and stress. Only one who practices meditation can find this subtle but crucial difference between the soul and the ego.

Clear Goal System

We also talked about this in detail in previous lessons. The most ancient knowledge indicates that building a positive intention, a system of goals and priorities according to the Chakras is the most perfect way to build goals.

Chakras, energy-informational points of the head and spine, describe all aspects of your life: spiritual evolution, working with information, leadership and teamwork, intellectual sphere, creative self-realization, financial well-being, family happiness, excellent health.

Kaizen Academy

Website: Cost: from 199 rubles. per course

An Internet project dedicated to personal development is based on the Japanese practice of Kaizen. This philosophy permeates all the academy’s training programs for the qualitative improvement of life, the development of the financial sector, and health.

Academy events:

  • Video practice “TOTAL self-confidence”
  • Mini Course in the recording “TOTAL self-confidence”
  • Special offer. Card "Sun"
  • Meditation. Remember the past.
  • Meditation. Health: Symptom Remodeling
  • Course in the entry “Shadow sides of the BEST cards”
  • Course in the recording “Secrets of Court Cards”
  • Recording the Money Course

Resource planning and analysis

The planning stage is extremely important; it is the most important intermediate link between goals and the implementation of systemic actions.

When going on a trip, you probably first collect information about the place where you are going. When investing in a new project, it is obvious that it is necessary to collect information, assess potential risks and possible profits, and consult with a financial expert.

The saying goes that one hour of planning will save you ten hours of wasted activity. Planning also helps to understand and analyze resources, which we will talk about a little later. Essentially, there are an endless amount of resources and opportunities around you, but sometimes you may not notice them.

Planning concerns absolutely all aspects of life: spiritual development, creative projects, financial growth, self-education and advanced training, family development.

A classic example of planning is building a house. First there must be a project, and then an estimate and budget, planning the timing and pace of construction. It is impossible to start building a house without a serious project and preliminary planning of the process.

It is impossible to create a perfect plan, life constantly adjusts the circumstances of life, but it is still better to get involved in the thick of events with a preliminary plan and understanding of the situation.

Performing a systemic action and achieving results

Any ideal fantasies about your goals in life, working with positive intentions, praying and meditating on your goals will not help if you forget to take action. It is important not only to work hard, but to do it smartly, systematically, structurally, and efficiently. It is important to be able to be flexible and be able to adjust the direction of your activities, change tactics and strategy, methods and techniques.

Life will show you which of your actions are right and which are wrong. It is important to be detached and flexible, changing the way you work, easily abandoning methods that do not work, and quickly comprehend and implement new, more effective technologies.

The science of taking action includes many aspects, working with time, working with feedback, team building, interacting with the energy of money, discipline, working with information flows and much more.

Art transformation

Website: Phone: , Price: from 2500 rub. per course

Yantra is a symbolic image of a certain Divine energy, it looks like an intricate geometric pattern and has enormous mystical power. If the image of the Deity, or its murti, is simply the appearance, that is, the body, then the yantra of this Deity is its consciousness.

Since ancient times, yantras have been used for meditation, for immersing consciousness in a state of detachment from the outside world, for harmonizing the influence of a particular planet on a person, in Ayurveda and astrology.

What does the course consist of?

Every day of the week you will find special practices for harmonizing one or another area of ​​life, recommendations on nutrition, appearance and mood that day, video recordings of practices, audio meditations, mantras, video lessons on yantra therapy for each planet!

Serving people

Ganapati Satchidananda Swamiji

A person is designed in such a way that at the highest peak of success he begins to think about how to help other people, how to change the world for the better, what spiritual legacy he will leave behind.

Probably, God created man with this wonderful program, which is located in the depths of his soul. The essence of this program is that when a person discovers a new level of knowledge, approaches the infinite truth one more step, then there is a desire to share his discoveries and realizations with other people.

The more fully you embody your destiny, the closer you approach God; in a sense, you begin to become like God and become a God-man. This is the state where you become a perfect devotee of God, embodying His wise, loving will in this manifested world.

Perhaps it may seem to you that I have gone into the religious jungle in my reasoning and think about God too often. It is not so important what to call eternity: God, Consciousness or the Absolute.

The highest level of success is the level at which you have not only achieved success for yourself, but are ready to share it with other people. Having discovered a treasure, your desire becomes to share this treasure with everyone who is ready to use it correctly. The joy of creativity and the happiness of service is the pinnacle of success.


After a person has realized his true purpose and achieved the unity of body, soul and mind, he feels a surge of strength and energy, becomes active and purposeful. Meditative practices lead to a state of peace and mental balance. A person begins to easily adapt to various stressful situations and does not react to stimuli that previously brought him out of balance.

A person becomes the arbiter of his own destiny, the master of life. He does not seek to change the outside world and does not wait for the mercy of nature; he changes himself, improves, develops, and achieves his goals. He easily accepts failures and defeats, quickly restoring emotional balance.

Meditation and other spiritual practices help heal the soul and strengthen physical and mental health. After using these techniques, a person stops withdrawing into himself and expands the horizons of his knowledge.

In esotericism there is such a postulate: know yourself, and you will know God. The soul will have to go through many incarnations, after which it will find itself and find peace, which is a sign that the path has been chosen correctly.

To develop and know yourself, you need to be open to everything new, not cling to outdated beliefs and dogmas, face your fears and defeat them. In this way, you can lift the veil of secrecy and find your own niche in this world. By listening to our inner voice, which guides us in the right direction, we can achieve a lot.

Practical esotericism: meditation

Many people assume that meditation is something incomprehensible and mysterious, and most importantly, completely impractical and far from so-called real life. Quite a lot of people use the word meditation nowadays, sometimes without understanding what it really is.

It may seem that meditation is practiced exclusively by hermits living in Himalayan caves. Is meditation relevant to modern Westerners living in large cities?

In fact, meditation is a system of techniques based on a person’s ability to concentrate his attention on different parts of the brain and spine, feel energetic vibration in different parts of the body, and consciously work with breathing.

In the practice of meditation, we use concentration, the creation of visual images, and relaxation. As you can see with quite clear methods, meditation is not such a mysterious thing. Modern man is quite capable of understanding what meditation is and learning it.

Why do you need to practice meditation and is it necessary at all? Meditation is a system of techniques that allows you, through concentration on different parts of the body, to reveal energy points, thereby revealing your energetic and spiritual potentials.

Whether we're talking about spiritual development or working with positive intention, meditation is a foundational practice. The practice of meditation relieves stress, increases performance, and harmonizes emotional states.

A person who practices meditation, plunging into the depths of his inner world, is able to know the true aspirations of his soul. In this article we will look at one of the many meditation techniques that is quite simple and effective. This entire system of meditation is called Kriya Yoga.

Kriya yoga is an ancient system of meditation, a technique that allows you to reveal the dormant potentials of consciousness, open and cleanse your chakras, and awaken your capabilities. Kriya Yoga consists of a large number of exercises that are based on visualization, concentration and conscious breathing.

Over the centuries, meditation techniques have been passed down from Masters to disciples; traditionally, training took place in small, secluded ashrams.

Fully learning Kriya Yoga meditation is a long process; spiritual seekers study for many years. Serious techniques and knowledge require a serious approach. Now we will look at a simple meditation technique that will help you unlock your potentials.

Online project “Lakshmi-Ameya”

Website: Cost: from 0 rub. for studying

The online project “Lakshmi-Ameya” is an institute that teaches Vedic astrology, numerology and palmistry. Teachers include hereditary astrologers, gurus and Brahmins from India. Since 2022, 4,000 students have successfully completed training in the online school. The latter today apply the acquired knowledge in practice or earn money by consulting other people.

Graduates of the school have improved their lives, financial levels, relationships, many have become successful astrologers, conduct marathons and webinars, and conduct consultations with famous people. The school trains professional astrologers, teaches how to consult and make money, tells how to improve life, encourages helping people and changing the world around them.

Description of Meditation Technique

Feel the relaxation of your whole body. The mouth should be closed, but it is important to relax the lower jaw because this will relax the brain.

Start observing your breathing, don’t try to change it, just watch. Let every inhalation and exhalation be conscious. The more you relax, the shallower your breathing will become.

Observing your breathing will calm the flow of thoughts and harmonize the circulation of vital energy. Watching your breath has a healing and calming effect.

Concentrate in the center of your forehead, at a point slightly above the eyebrow. Feel the energetic vibration and warmth there and visualize a point of light in the center of your forehead. If you have difficulty feeling this point, rub it with your fingertips for one minute and then concentrate on this sensation.

Practice observing your breath and concentrating on a point in the center of your forehead at the same time. Correct meditation begins with observing the breath and concentrating on the center of the forehead.

Breathing is associated with two important functions: harmonizing the flow of thoughts and strengthening energy potential. This technique may seem simple, but attention is not so easy to maintain, thoughts will constantly lead you to the side, do not try to fight them, observe and return to conscious breathing, the technique is simple, but it is very strong and effective.

This technique will help you accumulate energy and harmonize the flow of thoughts, and this is the starting point for spiritual development and working with positive intention.

Master Vision

Website: Phone: 8-499-346-79-46 Cost: from 485 rub. per course

Master Vision is an academy of esoteric practices. They teach esotericism, psychology, extrasensory perception, astrology and other practices that are aimed at self-development and improving the quality of human life.

  • The training takes place online, which means you have access from anywhere in the world!
  • Feedback. You will be able to ask questions to the trainers, receive an analysis of completed tasks and recommendations for further steps.
  • Orientation. Specially designed development programs are focused on each student, taking into account his predispositions.
  • Teachers care about your results. During consultations, you can identify your own strengths and areas of growth, which will make your training even more effective.

Regularity of Meditation Practice

Any practice gives results only if you do it constantly. It is important to practice regularly, every day. It is best to practice meditation every morning, because it is sunrise that is the time when a person’s consciousness is most receptive to spiritual practices.

If your social rhythm and schedule allows you to devote time for meditation only in the evening, then you can also practice in the evenings. It is important to practice at the same time every day, then you can ensure consistency in your practice.

To practice this technique, it is enough to allocate 10-15 minutes. If you have the desire and opportunity to practice longer, that’s also good. The secret of success is not in the duration of practice, but in its regularity.

Make a decision for yourself that you will practice every morning, then you can get significant spiritual and energetic results.

ALTEN Personal Development Center

Website: Phone: Cost: from 0 rub. for studying

New unique seminar - “Code of Destiny!”

You will have 6 hours of developing practical skills to penetrate the “fabric of fate” and human paths. By understanding how mental regulators in the mind work, you will understand the key and code to your destiny.

Training seminar by Alexander Panfilov “Your own healer”

A seminar for those who want to learn practical techniques for healing the body, for cleansing the energy and subtle bodies of blocks and negativity. You will discover how easily and simply you can regulate your body and your biochemistry.

The Magic of Pure Consciousness

Return of the unique seminar by Alexander Panfilov All the best of 10 years and a lot of new and even more effective ones.

Results of Meditation Practice

It is impossible to expect good results from the practice of meditation if you are not willing to practice regularly and efficiently. Over time, you will be able to achieve a high degree of concentration and deep relaxation.

By practicing for several weeks or months, you can achieve harmonization of your internal state and saturation with vital energy, achieve relief from stress and chronic fatigue.

Meditation leads to an understanding of one’s purpose in life and awareness of the ways to realize it, liberation from depression, fears and stress.

Regular practice leads to the development of intuition and concentration, increased performance and efficiency, calming thoughts and gaining clarity in the process of making vital decisions.

Esotericism is different from science

Scientific knowledge is based on a mathematical system of evidence and the results of laboratory experiments. Essentially, science is based on the workings of the mind and logic, and on what can be felt and recorded by the five senses. Esotericism has much greater potential for understanding both the inner world of man and the nature that surrounds us.

Esotericism does not deny scientific methods, but has additional capabilities: clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairaudience, astral travel, lucid dreaming, sensory sensations, intuitive knowledge.

Types of esoteric teachings

There is a developed belief that esotericism is based on witchcraft and mysticism, but this is only partly true. There are many types of esoteric teachings, their basic principles differ:

  • Yoga. Originates in Ancient India. Yoga is based on physical, spiritual practices that allow you to develop self-awareness in order to achieve a higher emotional, mental, spiritual level;
  • Kabbalah is a mystical religious movement of Jews. The goal is constant improvement to understand purpose in the spiritual, material world;
  • Sufism is an Islamic movement. The goal is to educate a perfect personality, who will be free from worldly desires, to stand above the negative qualities inherent in everyone;
  • Occultism is a combined concept of esoteric traditions and teachings. The direction is based on the belief that there are people with unique abilities, secret knowledge that can influence the surrounding reality. This includes many movements, such as shamanism, astrology, spiritualism, alchemy, magic, fortune telling;
  • New Age is a set of religious and mystical teachings. The main idea is the transition of human consciousness, its gradual merging with God.

The list can go on forever. Esotericism is a very broad concept that includes non-traditional religious movements and the occult.

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