A strong personality – qualities, actions, examples, traits and behavior.

“What a pity that I don’t have the same fortitude as him!” - a thought that periodically visits those who cannot cope with any difficulties. It happens that you look at a person and are amazed at his psychological stability, endurance, patience, thinking that Mother Nature has endowed him with incredible strength.

What is the strength of personality? Everyone understands it in their own way: some evaluate strength by actions and actions, some are sure that even movements reveal a strong-willed character, while others identify it with worldly wisdom, the ability to correctly perceive the world around us and adapt to its changes, and all of them are right.

In this article we will tell you what qualities a strong personality has, give some interesting examples and give some tips on how to become a strong person.

Strength = toughness?

A strong personality is, first of all, characterized by a stable psyche in stressful situations. Such a person perceives leaving his comfort zone as an incentive for development, and not as a reason for worry. It is characterized by endurance, durability and maturity. These qualities, according to scientists, are formed in childhood.

Psychologists believe that it is impossible to determine for sure whether a person is persistent or not using any tests. Resilience is only developed by those who have faced obstacles in their lives.

Norman Garmezy, a psychologist at the University of Minnesota, has done a lot of research on this topic. He watched the children, but one boy made a special impression on him: he grew up in a dysfunctional family and always brought a sandwich to school that consisted of only two pieces of bread. But the boy did not want to be pitied or thought badly of his mother so much that he did not show it and always came to school with a smile. Garmezi calls such children successful, because they have a special personality trait - resilience.

Emmy Werner, a specialist in developmental psychology, conducted an experiment that lasted thirty-two years. She observed a group of approximately seven hundred children, from the time their mothers carried them in the womb until they were thirty years old. Emmy studied the influence of stress on the formation of the personality of each of them. Two thirds of those studied grew up in stable conditions, which cannot be said about the rest.

As a result, it turned out that children from the risk zone reacted differently to the stress that was happening in their lives: some began to develop behavioral problems by the age of ten; by the age of majority, many of the children became delinquents and mentally ill, while others grew up confident in life. themselves, caring young people who took advantage of every opportunity to develop.

Children's resilience was explained by the strong support of parents and guardians, but in most cases the development of resilience was directly dependent on the reaction to the environment. Resilient children, from an early age, willingly interacted with the world, showed independence and had a positive outlook on things. They were confident that they were shaping their own lives.

But Emmy Werner has found that resilience can weaken over time if a person is faced with greater stress that outweighs their level of endurance.

George Bonanno, a clinical psychologist at Columbia University, has spent nearly twenty-five years studying resilience. He tried to find out why some people cope with obstacles easily and others don’t. One of the influencing factors, in his opinion, is perception: a person may perceive a stressful situation as a trauma or an opportunity for growth.

For example, the passing of a loved one from life is certainly stressful. But if you find some special meaning in this sad event that will lead to an understanding of illness or religion, then the event will not be so traumatic. By the way, persistent people are more likely than others to talk about religious support.

According to George Bonanno, a positive reaction to what is happening can be learned, but human nature is so amazing that he can achieve the opposite effect with his own hands: strengthen his reaction to stress factors [M. Konnikova, 2016].


The tendency to strengthen our personality is not only about working for ourselves or for our own benefit. A true social commitment and sense of community is considered a hallmark. This complete desire for altruism and social service often makes them the basis of inspiration for others. Moreover, often their very presence and languid appearance at certain moments reduce the degree of stress.

For many psychology experts, a strong person is a reflection of a real person, one who looks confidently into the future, without selfishness and is driven by the desire for social good.

What are your personal strengths?

What distinguishes a strong and a weak personality is well described by Amy Morin, a practicing psychotherapist, in her book “13 Things Strong People Don’t Do.”

According to the author, a person can be destroyed by self-pity, to which he succumbs in case of bad luck. Development is also greatly hampered by the desire to keep everything under control, constant soul-searching and reasoning about what a person has never been able to achieve. This focus on the negative aspects takes a lot of energy and reduces productivity.

Often people care about what others think of them, thereby making themselves vulnerable and allowing themselves to be manipulated. It turns out that a person forgets about himself and acts as others would like.

A strong personality knows how to recognize the presence of his weaknesses and constantly works on them. In short, these people don't do the following:

  • don't live in the past;
  • are not afraid to take risks;
  • do not feel sorry for themselves;
  • not amenable to manipulation;
  • do not try to please anyone;
  • do not step on the same rake;
  • are not afraid to be alone;
  • do not experience negative emotions if they are unlucky in some way;
  • do not give up after failures;
  • they don’t think that everyone owes them;
  • do not hope for quick results;
  • do not waste energy on what they cannot change;
  • are not afraid of change [E. Morin, 2019].

There is no universal interpretation of what constitutes a strong personality, but, of course, when we talk about strength of character, we automatically mean self-confidence, the ability to take responsibility and adapt to any changes.

What other traits are inherent in strong people?

Psychologists identify the following signs of strong people:

  1. Self-control: someone who knows how to manage their feelings easily experiences stressful situations and controls the process without succumbing to emotions.
  2. Coolness: The ability to “switch on a cool head” is one of the ways to demonstrate self-control.
  3. Listening: This is an important prerequisite for effective communication. It is especially important to be able to listen when it comes to communicating with those who have a different view of what is happening. This quality helps you look at the situation from a different angle and even open your eyes to some things.
  4. Flexibility: the world is changing so quickly that not everyone can keep up with the changes, and for some, any change is stressful. Those who know how to adapt to the situation achieve great success.
  5. The ability to say “no”: setting your own boundaries is a manifestation of self-respect and healthy self-esteem. People who cannot refuse become victims of manipulators.
  6. Thoughtfulness: A strong personality always uses logic when making decisions. Such people analyze the situation, weigh the pros and cons, and do not give in to emotions [T. Chursina, 2019].
  7. The ability to forgive : resentment is a destructive feeling, it takes away energy and does not allow you to move on. Anyone who knows how to forgive feels much freer and happier.
  8. The ability to admit one's mistakes: blaming others for personal failures is a weak point in personality. Strong people will always analyze, first of all, their actions, and only in extreme cases will they look for reasons in external factors. They easily admit their mistakes and apologize if they were wrong towards others.
  9. The ability to not give up even in the most difficult situations: life is an unpredictable thing. Each of us experiences difficulties from time to time, but only a strong-willed person will not break down and will be able to learn a lesson and even benefit from any situation. Many successful people had difficult childhoods, which strengthened their character.
  10. Courage to take on difficult tasks: the fear of making a mistake is common to everyone, but only some listen to it and remain in the same place, while others willingly take on difficult tasks, which helps them develop and acquire new useful skills.
  11. No need for constant approval: the one who strives to be everyone's favorite forgets about his own interests and goals, because... all energy goes into meeting the expectations of others.
  12. Determination: a strong personality will not look for reasons not to do something. She will look for opportunities to achieve her goals. She is not characterized by procrastination and postponing life “for later.”
  13. Ability to stand up for your values: those who follow their beliefs and feelings show respect for themselves. But this does not mean that a strong person steps over the feelings of others, but means that he knows how to stand up for himself [I. Balmanji, 2019].

Of course, this list can be continued indefinitely, because everyone has their own criteria for strength. The main thing that distinguishes strong people from weak ones is the ability to go to the end, no matter what obstacles may be encountered along the way. And in this they are helped by self-confidence, determination and other qualities and skills listed earlier.

What else would you include in the list of characteristic signs of a strong personality?


To summarize, this human profile includes several internal characteristics and processes that lack resistance or effective practices. They help maintain internal balance and harmony, both external and external. So let us not hesitate to work for the changes that are so needed in our lives.

If we cannot choose our life circumstances, let us at least try to work on our thoughts and attitudes to improve the reality around us.

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What does Raskolnikov have to do with this?

The issue of classifying individuals into strong and weak was often raised in the works of classics and modern writers. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky in his work “Crime and Punishment” paid special attention to this and highlighted the current problem of modern society at that time.

Raskolnikov's theory is a theory about a strong personality. The main character of the novel divided humanity into two categories: “trembling creatures” and “those who have the right.” Simply put, in his opinion, some people are the chosen ones: they can do great things, decide destinies and, like Napoleon, commit crimes for the sake of their goal, i.e. the leader's life and ideas cost people's lives; others are created only for procreation.

Rodion Raskolnikov, a poor student dreaming of a great future, decided to prove that he was one of the chosen ones by killing an old woman, thinking that he would not face any remorse and was easily capable of committing a crime. As a result, the hero, after committing an act, plunges into terrible torment and admits that he killed not the old woman, but himself. And only admitting his guilt and turning to God gives him peace of mind.

The writer, using the example of Raskolnikov, wanted to show how social inequality pushed people to such illegal acts, and that it is not the right to kill that makes a person strong, but his ability to remain kind and merciful despite various circumstances [V. Kiroptin, 1986].


The desire to achieve. In this period of time, achieve what you want, despite all the difficulties and despite unsuccessful attempts. This is the desire to achieve a goal at any cost. An example of a moral-volitional quality: an athlete who is not given a difficult element. If he doesn’t give up after the first to tenth unsuccessful attempt, then he is showing perseverance.

This quality also has a negative manifestation - stubbornness. This is a manifestation of persistence against common sense. Often a person exhibits this quality because the decision belongs to him, and refusal to achieve a goal undermines his authority. Speaking about children is a form of protest caused by the desire to show independence and initiative. Sometimes this is rude treatment by adults, ignoring their needs, or, conversely, indulging all children's whims.

This is also a consequence of the desire to assert oneself, although rationally it is a waste of resources. Stubbornness is based on a person’s conviction that a goal is achievable, contrary to other people’s opinions.

It must be taken into account that the opinion on the advisability of working in a certain direction is also subjective. In fact, it also shows the stubbornness that this is impossible “just because.”

Stubbornness is confused with a negative manifestation of perseverance, when it is a negative manifestation of persistence. These concepts are not identical.

Now let's look at examples

If earlier, when speaking about strength, we meant, first of all, physical data, but now this concept is much broader. In ancient times, to be considered such, a person only had to kill a mammoth, but now this quality is measured by mental, intellectual and other abilities that make many people not just strong, but unique and great personalities.

Let's get acquainted with examples of strong people who have already made history or are just starting their journey, motivating others to succeed.

Peter I

Peter I is an outstanding ruler who made a significant contribution to the development of the state. He was his father's fourteenth child and his mother's first-born. Peter I's father passed away when the future tsar was not even four years old.

As Tsar, Peter I set himself the goal of raising Russia to the level of successful countries. The ruler divided the country into ten provinces, subordinated the church to the state, founded an army and navy, and also reformed the sphere of education and culture: new educational institutions began to open, and the opportunity to study abroad became available. Thanks to the innovations of Peter I, Russia became an empire, and the ruler received the title of “Great Emperor”.

Some interesting facts: Peter I was a little over two meters tall, but at the same time he had small feet. To correct for this difference, he wore shoes several sizes larger. The emperor was against drunkenness and fought against it with the help of a cast iron medal: it was hung on those who abused alcohol so that it was impossible to remove it, and you had to wear it for seven days. Peter I was versed in various crafts; he mastered the skills of a mason, carpenter, etc.

The king had a stern character, the formation of which was probably influenced by a tragic situation in childhood: in front of the eyes of a little boy, rebels dealt with his relatives. The personality of Peter I still arouses interest, but the fact that he determined the course of Russia's development for many years to come made him one of the great personalities who gave strength to the state.

Yuri Gagarin

Could one day a boy from a simple family have thought that he would become the first person to conquer space? Probably not.

Yuri Gagarin lived in the village of Klushino. In 1941, little Yura was preparing to go to school, but instead of happy days at his desk, he was forced to fight for life, coming face to face with the war. The Germans kicked his family out of their house, where they later set up a workshop. He lived in a dugout with his family for a year and a half without the opportunity to stand up to his full height and move freely.

Despite all the troubles, Yuri Gagarin was able to succeed in his studies, graduated from college, an industrial technical school and entered a sports flying club, where he made his first flight. Once he was almost expelled from school due to the fact that he could not land the plane correctly. In the end, it turned out that his short stature was to blame. The problem was solved by placing a thick pad on the chair.

In 1961, he was included in a group of six candidates for space flight. Yuri Alekseevich successfully passed all the tests and training, leaving no doubt that he should be the chosen one.

Yuri Gagarin died in a plane crash, the cause of which is still controversial. In his note, which he wrote to his wife before flying into space, there was the following: “Once in childhood I read the words of Valery Chkalov: “If there is to be, then to be the first.” So I’m trying to be that and will be until the end.” The spouse received the note only after the pilot’s death [Anews.com, 2020].

Elon Musk

This name is probably on everyone’s lips, but few people know that in childhood, today’s American entrepreneur, engineer and billionaire was a withdrawn child and was even subjected to violence from his peers, and once, after another beating, he had to repair a broken nose.

Elon's parents divorced, and the boy decided to live with his father, who had a difficult character. As a child, Elon Musk helped his father at work, which was related to construction. At the age of ten, Musk was given a computer, and at the age of twelve he sold his first program, a video game, for five hundred dollars. In 1995, he entered Stanford, which he left exactly two days later to start his first company.

Today, Elon Musk is the founder of several companies, such as X.com and PayPal (personal money transfers), SpaceX (development of launch vehicles), Tesla (production of electric vehicles), etc. He was awarded the title of the best entrepreneur of the year and included in the list of the most influential people of the twenty-first century, and was also awarded the Heinlein Prize for achievements in the commercialization of space [Biography.com, 2021].

Some more inspiring stories

Nick Vujicic has no arms since birth, and a small foot with two toes protrudes directly from his thigh. Despite his rare disease, Nick leads a full life that can be the envy of those who are completely healthy. He swims, surfs, plays football and golf. Moreover, he graduated from college and received a diploma in two specializations.

Nick Vujicic gives lectures where, by his example, he motivates people not to give up and believe in themselves. By the way, he is married and has four children who were born absolutely healthy. Isn't this happiness?

Jessica Cox is not just a female pilot, but a pilot without arms. She has a birth defect. The most interesting thing is that during pregnancy, all tests for Jessica’s mother indicated that the baby was developing without pathologies.

Despite her peculiarity, the girl drives a car and combs her own hair, she does all this with the help of her legs. She also trained as a psychologist, dances, and has a double black belt in taekwondo.

To train as a pilot, the girl took a three-year course in airplane driving, where she was taught by three instructors. This is what willpower and determination mean!

Andrea Bocelli is a singer from Italy who is known throughout the world. Andrea's talent for music manifested itself in childhood, but, unfortunately, he experienced vision problems due to glaucoma, and being hit on the head by a ball while playing football completely made the boy blind.

Despite this, he received a musical education and was able to attract attention: he was invited to various performances. Andrea Bocelli was one of the first who was able to combine opera music with pop style.

As you can see, personal strength, first of all, manifests itself in indomitability in the face of difficulties, perseverance of character, powerful self-motivation and fortitude. Such different stories, but they all prove that each of us is the creator of our own destiny.


The ability to suppress rash, impulsive and emotional reactions, as well as strong desires and drives, aggression, which can incite conflict. Such actions of a strong-willed person include:

  • physical attack (start a fight);
  • passive-aggressive attack (the person slams the door when leaving);
  • verbal attack (insult, altercation, barbs);
  • indirect verbal (anger and dissatisfaction are expressed to third people, behind the offender’s back).

Self-control is also defined as composure and self-control in conflict. Although the first may be associated with a person’s insensitivity and emotional inexcitability. Another manifestation of endurance is stoicism, the ability to endure unpleasant influences or even suffering for a long time, life’s adversities for a long time.

This quality can be found when inappropriate or harmful desires are suppressed. Self-control is the inhibitory component of will (moral stability). It is also a suppression of spontaneity and inhibition of reaction and action. However, endurance is not patience or insensitivity. The first is related to performing an action and maintaining activity. The second is with the psychological structure of the individual.

Intemperance is the opposite of restraint. It may be caused by a corresponding psychological illness or bad character.

How to become a strong personality

More and more people are saying that you need to be strong. This has been talked about since school, because even students are often given the task of writing an essay on the topic of a strong personality.

So, what does inner strength give:

  1. Anyone who has a strong-willed character easily overcomes any difficulties and endures psychological trauma.
  2. Resilient people achieve their goals faster.
  3. Strong personalities have fortitude, do not become victims of manipulators and do not allow themselves to be offended.
  4. Such people have a more stable psyche and easily adapt to any changes.
  5. They always attract the attention of employers and move up the career ladder faster.

And this is only a small part of what inner strength gives a person. If you read our article and realized that not all traits of a strong personality apply to you, do not be discouraged. Firstly, your strength already lies in the fact that you have recognized your weaknesses, and secondly, there are many techniques that will help you build character on your own.

Here are some tips on how to become a strong person:

  1. Determine your “inhibiting” qualities: maybe you are afraid to tell the truth and rarely refuse anyone? Or are you too shy and find it difficult to fight back against bullies? Analyze your behavior in various situations (especially those where you failed) and think about what exactly prevented you from achieving the desired result.
  2. Make your shortcomings your advantage: if you are too anxious and suspicious, that’s good! You will not make mistakes that are typical of those who are used to acting without looking. Take on work that requires special care and preliminary analysis; this is where you will achieve the greatest success.
  3. Form your point of view: all great people have their own opinion and are not afraid to express it, even if it contradicts everyone's beliefs. You yourself know that truth is born in a dispute, so analyze whether all the attitudes are really yours or whether some were imposed on you. Support your opinion with arguments when you enter into a conversation with your opponent, this will add confidence to you.
  4. Set goals for yourself: life without goals is existence. You must know what you really want to achieve, and then you will have the strength and energy to achieve the desired result.
  5. Don't be afraid of failures: unpleasant situations happen in everyone's life from time to time, and that's normal. The one who does nothing makes no mistakes, and if there are mistakes, it means there is room for improvement. Do you agree?
  6. Strengthen your strengths: it is a mistake to believe that you only need to work on your weaknesses. Analyze what you can do best, and improve in this, achieve success in an area close to your spirit - this will increase your self-esteem. If Elon Musk had focused on his shyness and introversion instead of studying programming, it is unlikely that he would be the person he is today.
  7. Analyze your surroundings: be more often in the company of strong personalities, communicate with those who are stronger than you in some ways, and take their example.
  8. Get rid of negative thinking: a positive assessment of the present helps shape a happy future. Notice the good things around you - this will fill you with energy and always be in a great mood.
  9. Play sports: moral and physical strength are closely interconnected. Sport fosters the will to win, makes a person resilient and purposeful.
  10. Broaden your horizons: when they talk about personal strength, they mean not only endurance and strong-willed character, but also high intellectual abilities. Develop yourself, read more books, study your rights, don’t be afraid to try yourself in different fields of activity. Believe me, self-education can be fun, effective and not take up much time. Take our online program “Best Self-Education Techniques” and see for yourself!
  11. Manage your emotions: Weak people tend to succumb to anger and worry. Authoritative individuals maintain a cool head and restraint even in the most unusual situations.
  12. Train willpower: strong people are able to refuse various temptations in order to achieve their goal and perfectly understand the meaning of the word “must” if circumstances force them to do something that they may not really want.
  13. Learn to refuse: those who do not know how to say “no” often become victims of manipulators. It is easy to manage such people and impose your point of view on them. Do not be afraid to refuse if the request contradicts your beliefs, and its implementation threatens a serious loss of your own resources.
  14. Be inspired by the examples of great people: everyone who has made a certain contribution to the development of science, the country, and humanity is undoubtedly a strong individual. Get to know their biography, watch a documentary instead of mindlessly watching another TV series.
  15. Work on all areas of life: a person is strong and full of energy when all his needs are satisfied. Don’t forget about hobbies, health and family, completely devoting yourself to work. One day there will come a time when you won’t have enough strength to do what you love, because there will simply be nowhere to draw it from.

A strong personality is formed through daily work on oneself. Yes, nature gives us certain character traits at birth; each of us has strengths and weaknesses, which means that everyone has an equal chance of becoming someone whose strong-willed character and fortitude will lead to cherished goals, despite obstacles.


This is one of the types of independence, expressed in the implementation of such actions that will be the beginning of something new or will serve as a means of changing the existing way of life.

If you develop this quality, it turns into enterprise. This is social courage, overcoming the fear of responsibility. This is also a volitional characteristic of a person’s behavior and is motivation. Developed initiative makes a person energetic, searching and creative. It develops leadership and entrepreneurial qualities.


The realities of today's life are such that, willy-nilly, a person has to cultivate a strong personality. This is understandable: someone who has a strong character, perseverance and knows how to stand up for themselves, achieves results more easily and adapts to circumstances faster than someone who constantly complains about life, shifting responsibility for their actions to others, and is subject to the fear of any changes.

Man by nature is a unique creation. Each of us has our own pros and cons, character traits, beliefs. You should not think that strong people do not have shortcomings; they also have weaknesses, but they know how to work on them.

Remember, everything is under your control. You can overcome any obstacles, make your most cherished dreams come true, the main thing is to work on yourself every day, improve your advantages, turn disadvantages into advantages, respect yourself and your opinion and not be afraid to move forward. A tree does not become strong immediately; it, too, was once a thin stem with a weak root system, like the rest of us. We are not born with inner strength. We ourselves generate this strength within ourselves.

Good luck!

We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Psychosocial development theory
  • Factors in a child’s intellectual development
  • How to cope with stress
  • How to Achieve Emotional Maturity
  • Marshmallow experiment
  • Strong Personality Skills
  • Spheres of personality
  • Stress: is there any benefit from it and how to get it?
  • Ability to take a punch
  • Anniversary syndrome: what is it and how to avoid it

Key words: 1 Communication, 1 Self-knowledge


To understand what kind of person can be called a strong personality, let’s highlight the main character qualities by which it can be identified. And let’s immediately make a reservation that it is not possible for one person to have all the characteristics well developed. Although each one can be trained individually, and at any stage of development.

Moral and volitional qualities are divided into:

  • Commitment to the goal (tenacity, perseverance, initiative).
  • The ability to control oneself (discipline, endurance, seriousness of intentions).
  • Courage (principle, courage and selflessness).

Let us consider moral and volitional character traits and their characteristics in more detail.

What personal positive qualities of a person should be included in a resume?

If there are usually no difficulties with listing places of work in a resume, then it is often difficult to name your positive qualities. A person does not know how to evaluate himself objectively, which can be an obstacle. Another reason is that the applicant feels that he needs to be more modest and not paint himself in bright colors. This is a misconception, because your resume is a kind of presentation. Therefore, do not be shy and think carefully about which positive qualities you would most like to include in your resume.

The enumeration should be based on several rules:

  • be restrained in your presentation;
  • Don't make an overly long list;
  • get away from the stereotypes;
  • choose positive qualities for your resume in accordance with the requirements of the vacancy.

You should not be ironic or make jokes if you are applying for a position that requires a serious approach. You can show your humor only in cases where the proposed work requires exclusively creative qualities. In addition, try to show that you are exactly the person the employer is waiting for. Avoid terms such as communication skills: this is found in almost every resume and has long become a template.

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This is the quality of a person who consciously follows some chosen principles (beliefs, views), which are the norm of behavior for him.

Integrity is based on confidence in one’s own rightness and the fairness of the accepted order. There is a set of laws before which everyone is equal. And there are people who are ready to circumvent laws and regulations. They may offer more favorable conditions in exchange for some benefit for themselves. The ability to resist temptation and adhere to generally accepted order is a manifestation of integrity and moral stability.

And this manifestation becomes a volitional act when adherence to principles threatens a person’s life, health and well-being, while a deviation from beliefs for the sake of profit will indicate a person’s unprincipledness.

Special professional qualities

Each of these properties is considered in accordance with professional significance. For example, driving is contraindicated for a person who is unable to distinguish colors (color blindness). A person with low numerical ability will not be hired as a leading economist.

It is also necessary to list the following personality qualities, without which mastering a profession will in principle be impossible:

  1. Properties of an individual-typological nature (endurance, physical strength, lability of the nervous system) - in other words, stress resistance.
  2. Analytical properties that allow you to acquire unique abilities over time. Example: “technical hearing” is the ability to understand the cause of a mechanism malfunction without instruments, only relying on experience.
  3. Attentiveness directly depends on a person’s interest and desire to have up-to-date information about reality and to adequately evaluate it.
  4. Psychomotor skills are the special properties and perceptions of a person that guide him when choosing a course of action to achieve his goals. It also includes the speed of analysis and the ability to quickly analyze a situation and make decisions. As practice shows, this skill can be trained well.
  5. Mnemonic qualities. Associated with memory. Professional memory is also freely trained.
  6. Imaginative features - the ability to imagine and complex thought processes
  7. Strong-willed qualities - they are not required for every profession, but they are always necessary to overcome difficulties in the process of work.


This is the desire and conscious desire to follow order. The concept includes restraint (restraining impulses that come at the wrong time).

It has a moral and intellectual component, as it includes generally accepted norms of behavior and rationality applicable in situations of choice. The behavior of a disciplined person is ordered and in conjunction with all other systems.

This is the ability and desire to manage one’s behavior in such a way as to accomplish assigned tasks. It is based on the ability to control one’s desires and subordinate one’s behavior to the requirements of necessity. Once formed, it turns into self-discipline.

Too strict discipline can lead to passive thinking and an inability to adapt to changing environmental conditions. Initially, discipline is achieved by motivation either to avoid punishment or for one’s own benefit (the carrot and stick method).

Traits of people that characterize their temperament

The innate qualities of a person shape him as a social being. Behavioral factors, type of activity and social circle are taken into account. The category is divided into 4 concepts: sanguine, melancholic, choleric and phlegmatic.

  • A sanguine person is a strong and balanced person who easily adapts to a new environment and overcomes obstacles. Sociability, responsiveness, openness, cheerfulness and leadership are the main personality traits.
  • A melancholic person is a weak and sedentary person. Under the influence of strong stimuli, behavioral disturbances occur, manifested by a passive attitude towards any activity. Isolation, pessimism, anxiety, tendency to reason and resentment are characteristic features of melancholic people.
  • Cholerics are strong, unbalanced, energetic personality traits. They are quick-tempered and unrestrained. Touchiness, impulsiveness, emotionality and instability are clear indicators of a restless temperament.
  • A phlegmatic person is a balanced, inert and slow person, not prone to change. Personal indicators show how to easily overcome negative factors. Reliability, goodwill, peacefulness and prudence are the hallmarks of calm people.


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Life can be changeable, you need to be able to go beyond your comfort zone and be ready for change. If a person knows how to adapt to changing conditions, learn new things, and not get attached to what pulls him to the bottom, he will always be on top.

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To become independent, you need a strong character, and for this you need to do two things:

  • Give up your own addictions. Often young people prefer to live at the expense of their parents. Some are looking for themselves until they are 40, others justify themselves by saying that their parents need them because they give them the meaning of life. You need to leave your comfort zone and try to achieve something on your own.
  • Remove "parasites". There is another situation when a person is openly manipulated and pulled down. For example, an alcoholic husband, an irresponsible adult child.


Synonyms for the concept: courage, dedication, integrity. This is fearlessness, courage and valor - a person’s ability to suppress the body’s instinctive defensive reactions that arise in extreme situations and manage their behavior effectively.

Three forms can be distinguished separately:

  • Courage. A situation where a person knows about the danger, but still completes the task.
  • Bravery. A person experiences emotional arousal from a sense of danger.
  • Courage. When fear is replaced by a sense of duty, and a person strives to achieve a socially significant goal.

These are different states and goals for a person and society, and they do not relate to a person’s personal characteristics.


The ability to control your emotions and behavior is an important quality. It should not be confused with the desire to wear masks and be a hypocrite. Balance and self-control help you weather storms, be flexible, and achieve your goals.

In stressful situations, you can physically feel anxiety - your heart beats faster, your body tenses or you feel dizzy and powerless, your appetite disappears or the feeling of hunger overwhelms you. To regain control of your body, you need to be able to calm down. Slow counting, breathing exercises, and self-hypnosis will help with this.

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