Moral and volitional qualities: examples and their characteristics. What kind of person can be called a strong personality?

Philosophers from different times have constantly tried to understand what will is in human life, but there is still no clear point of view on this issue. Here is the most common definition of this concept. Will is, in psychology, the desire of an individual to achieve a desired goal, overcoming internal and external opposition. According to L.S. Rubinstein, volitional effort streamlines activity, sets a goal in life, changes consciousness, and corrects reality in accordance with a person’s desire.


The Greek thinker Aristotle first tried to define what will is.
The scientist believed that the term formulates the foundation of morality and the result of human activity. In his opinion, everyone is responsible for their own destiny, making a choice of life direction. If an individual independently decides what to do or what to change in the present or future, then actions change according to his desire. So, being good or not depends entirely on the person. According to the teachings of Aristotle, the status of good will lies in the free choice of actions and deeds with a focus on reasonable intentions.

Conscious management of one's actions and behavior encounters obstacles along the way, which are characterized by internal or external motives and force the use of willpower inherent in the structure of character. In this case, the function of the will is expressed as an activating or inhibiting key. As a result of volitional effort, the action accelerates, changes direction, stops, or acquires a different characteristic.

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Examples of developed will

Everyone who studies foreign languages ​​has at least once heard about the polyglot Heinrich Schliemann. Every day he memorized several pages of printed text in the language he was studying. Such persistence helped Schliemann achieve a good level of proficiency in a new language within the first few months.

No less interesting in this regard is the biography of the domestic scientist A. A. Lyubishchev. During his life, he was able to write about 12 thousand pages of scientific works devoted to biological and philosophical research. Careful saving of life's time helped him do this - for modern time management gurus, Lyubishchev is one of the most important examples.

Development methods

Will in the structure of character is not genetically determined. Everyone has the opportunity, through the use of restraining and stimulating levers, to develop strong-willed qualities in order to overcome obstacles that delay the realization of personal well-being and happiness.

Important! The earlier a child develops the expression of will: determination, discipline, courage, perseverance, the more often they will manifest themselves in adulthood.

The following activities are useful for developing the ability to use volitional effort:

  • drawing up a plan for the current day;
  • visiting clubs, the gym;
  • maintaining a routine throughout the day: getting up, playing, exercising.

Adults should monitor how the child completes assigned tasks. Examples: if a child does not respond to a call to remove scattered toys, then his volitional quality is not developed. The child makes a negative choice in his favor. If a student does not succeed in something, and he does not want to make efforts to solve this problem, it means that he does not have willpower, and he needs guidance from adults.

The child must follow a daily routine

Volitional types, to describe them briefly, are based on:

  • on physiological processes expressed in the reaction of the nervous processes of the brain;
  • laid down by the family during upbringing;
  • change in adults by regulating their behavior, moral qualities, and principles of life;
  • The development of this function is influenced by the external circumstances of a person’s life.

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In people, 3 types of manifestation of will are more common:

  1. Spiritual (free type) manifests itself among believers in God. For example, a monk who decides to devote his life to the Creator consciously renounces the comfort and pleasures of worldly existence by strengthening his will. Christians limit their diet during Lent and devote a significant part of their free time to prayer.
  2. The choice of natural expression of will allows you to adhere to your principles in life and control your behavior.
  3. Forced characteristic of will: a person has to obey social laws and moral guidelines.

Spiritual type of manifestation of will among believers

Why do we need self-control?

Psychologist Roy Baumeister, who studies willpower, says: “One of the main reasons for the difficulties that modern society is constantly forced to deal with - multiple addictions, domestic violence, lack of education, unwanted pregnancies and, of course, debt - is poorly developed self-control skills. in people. Psychologists have been able to identify two types of qualities that give a person undeniable advantages - the level of mental abilities and self-control skills. Many facts have been determined about the level of intelligence, but it is still unclear how it can be increased. But everyone can develop the ability to control themselves.”

Willpower as a result of adaptation.

Ancient people could withstand harsh natural conditions only if they united in communities. An individual could not survive in those days. It is believed that willpower as a quality inherent in a person arose precisely then - after all, in order to get along with others, our ancestors had to constantly restrain internal impulses. And the ability of a modern person to manage his condition is the result of adaptation to constantly changing and sometimes quite harsh environmental conditions.

What depletes volitional reserve?

One of the most surprising discoveries that has amazed scientists is that willpower is a lot like a muscle and can be trained just as well. Even if the muscle is flabby, with regular training it gradually grows. The situation is exactly the same with the ability to control oneself. In addition, the researchers were able to discover another interesting fact: our reserves can be depleted by factors that we could not even think about.

A dull morning meeting, a failed attempt to impress on a first date—such factors quickly consume our willpower. Whenever we have to make any decision - even the most banal one - we use part of the energy from our volitional “reservoir”, thereby depleting it. Researcher Kathleen Vaughns emphasizes that we are no different from our ancestors in having low levels of self-control. Not at all, the willpower of a modern person is the same as it was centuries ago. But the difference is that today we are surrounded by too many different temptations.

Fuel for the development of will: meditation.

Willpower can be developed by doing brain training on a regular basis. Scientists who have studied this phenomenon claim that after just three hours of meditation, the ability to concentrate attention on one subject increases significantly.

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Kelly McGonigal, a professor at Stanford University and one of the leading researchers in the phenomenon of will, claims that meditation can significantly improve blood circulation in the prefrontal cortex of the brain. And this allows you to increase self-control and maximize your brain potential.

How to develop strong-willed qualities

In childhood, difficulties in developing strong-willed characteristics are caused by excessive spoiling. Getting rid of an acquired habit can be quite difficult.

Important! Also, the child’s parents provide a “disservice” by harshly suppressing any of his initiatives. With such upbringing, children grow up weak-willed.

Develop will:

  • the concept of necessity of action;
  • planning what is planned;
  • conscious determination;
  • motivation;
  • the help of other mental processes: attentiveness, emotionality, memorization, thinking, logic..

To begin the stage of improving volitional qualities, it is necessary to briefly develop the following definitions, on the basis of which the will is formed:

  • motivation of actions;
  • personal control of the process;
  • development of initiative, properties that show the child’s independence;
  • stimulating action or inaction.

Parents should encourage their child's initiative

At the same time, the act of will itself causes a stressful state in a person, mental tension:

  • the impulse can be clearly recognized or beckoning with its uncertainty;
  • the difficulty of choosing the main motive if you have to choose from several;
  • determining the priority of motivation;
  • The behavioral motive may differ significantly; a feeling of uncertainty causes anxiety when choosing a behavior model.


In a general sense, this is a long-term counteraction to undesirable factors (usually physiological (fatigue, hunger, pain, fatigue)) that prevent one from achieving a goal within the allotted period of time. This quality begins to manifest itself when a person experiences internal discomfort, an obstacle to completing a task, and begins to experience it.

If we are talking about mental or physical work, then there is a feeling of fatigue, which in turn is associated with a state of fatigue. Patience can be demonstrated by overcoming fatigue. In this case, to continue to work effectively, a person needs to apply additional resources.

The time during which he can do this is an indicator of his endurance, it characterizes his patience. This is a general volitional characteristic that does not depend on the type of difficulty overcome. If we talk about strengthening physical qualities and moral-volitional qualities, then will also depends on the mental parameters of a person.

Motivation and purpose

The motive and result of a volitional action do not always correspond to the desired result.

There are 4 final types of will in psychology:

  • a positive motive is expressed after a similar action (deed);
  • a negative motive causes the same outcome;
  • good intentions under unfavorable circumstances or carelessness lead to a negative result;
  • negative motivation is imitated under a positive characteristic according to the type of end justifies the means.

There are simple and complex actions. Simple ones consist of a goal and an action, which often coincide. Example: an athlete approached the horizontal bar and decided to do a pull-up. Action requires no further thought or doubt. He came up and pulled himself up.

When a complex decision is made, planning serves as an intermediate step. For example, studying at a university, preparing for a hike, sports competitions.

Before doing anything, it is necessary to set a goal - the intended result of the future manifestation of will. Achievement satisfies some human need (motive). If the goal and motive fully or partially coincide, less volitional effort is expended. Example: a person wanted to cool off in the river (goal), because it was too hot outside (motive). No volitional effort is required, the goal and motivation coincide.

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Often the motive does not coincide with the intended goal: the boy enrolls in the sports section. In this situation, the motive may not be volitional effort, but other reasons.

A boy can enroll in a section because he has a desire:

  • become strong and agile;
  • increase authority among peers;
  • yield to the will of the parents;
  • just do something interesting.

In accordance with the motive and goal, volitional tension occurs to achieve a result.

A conflict of motives arises if you want to do several things at once:

  • prepare for exams;
  • to visit;
  • relax on the river;
  • watch an interesting film.

Conflict of motives

A person makes choices in life consciously, comparing what is more important now. The event planning stage is also characterized by significant volitional effort. At the same time, a person looks for the most favorable ways to accomplish his plans.

The final phase is the execution of the action, in which the significance of the whole event is considered. It can be difficult for a person to bring a task to the final result and get a better result if he does not have a certain volitional preparation.

The following are noted:

  • endless postponement of the process of starting activities;
  • difficulties in completing the work started;
  • the inability to deviate from the implementation of the plan, even under changed circumstances, prompts one to stop work without completely finishing it, because it is more profitable.

Refusal to continue work in some cases requires much more volitional effort than continuing in vain.

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Story 1. I am Malala

“In some parts of the world, students go to school every day. This is their ordinary life. But in some places people are starving for the sake of studying. She is like a precious gift, like a diamond.”

It’s hard to believe that such words could be uttered by a young girl who just yesterday was playing with dolls. But often children turn out to be wiser than adults, especially when circumstances force them to show their hidden willpower and strength of character.

Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani girl who, at age 17, became the youngest ever Nobel Peace Prize laureate for her work advocating for girls' right to education.

Yousafzai became famous at the age of 11, when, first under a pseudonym and then under her own name, she began blogging for the BBC about life in the Taliban-occupied city of Mingora. She wrote notes by hand and then gave them to a reporter, who digitized them and emailed them to the BBC website. Malala was especially vocal against the Taliban ban, which prevented girls from attending classes.

“Today there are 57 million children out of school in the world; 31 million of them are girls. There are many girls in Pakistan and all over the world who are forced into marriage at a young age, into family life and without any thought of education. We must invest in girls' education and protect those who fight for their right to education."

So says Malala. The young human rights activist received her name in honor of the Pakistani heroine Malalai, a participant in the Battle of Maiwand during the second Anglo-Afghan War. The name Malala translates to “stricken with grief.” Perhaps this is mysticism, or maybe a simple coincidence, but very soon trouble itself looked into the bright world of the little girl.

On October 9, 2012, a Taliban militant stopped a school bus in which Malala Yousafzai was traveling with her classmates and began shouting: “Who is Malala here? Speak or you will all die." “I am Malala,” the girl said, stepped forward - and then a shot rang out.

The bullet went straight through Malala's head, neck and shoulder. The girl was taken to the hospital in critical condition, but, thank God, everything turned out okay. And now Malala continues her human rights work, despite the threats that continue to come.

“And I said to myself: Malala, you have already faced death face to face. This is your second try. Don’t be afraid, because if you are afraid, you will not be able to move forward.”

Examples of situations

The will and its main features are best examined through specific examples.

Let's try to break down the process of drinking water into its components:

  • a man approaches the refrigerator;
  • opens the door;
  • takes out a bottle of water;
  • uncorks the cork;
  • takes an empty glass with his hand;
  • pours water from a bottle, tilting the neck;
  • brings the glass to his mouth and tilts it so that the water comes to the edge;
  • makes a sucking movement with his mouth;
  • swallows water;
  • puts the bottle back in the refrigerator.

At the same time, the characteristic of the will into voluntary (requiring control of consciousness) and involuntary (swallowing) manifests itself at the level of instinct; the body responds to the sight of a glass of water. The remaining actions occur automatically, without focusing on their implementation.

Involuntary manifestation of will

The will and its main features clearly manifest themselves when analyzing the character of a person:

  • purposefulness, determination;
  • perseverance, self-control;
  • endurance, independence.

The intensity of willpower in life depends on the following personality characteristics:

  • views on the structure of the surrounding world;
  • moral character established by upbringing;
  • the significance of the goal and its achievement;
  • a person’s attitude to the upcoming activity;
  • properties of personal controllability and organization.

The role of will in a critical situation is a psychological impulse supported by emotional components. At this moment, feelings are heightened, all the reserves of the human body are mobilized, and the maximum amount of energy is consumed. Sometimes this brings “magical results” that cannot be achieved under normal conditions.

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The systematic and long-term emergence of will on a person’s path to achieving a goal, despite difficulties and obstacles. To a greater extent, this quality reflects the purposefulness of the individual and represents focus.

Persistence is realized through the constant manifestation of perseverance and patience, which leads to confusion of these two volitional qualities. Intelligence tests actually reveal perseverance, while persistence depends on:

  • human motivation (to a much greater extent than persistence);
  • the degree of confidence in the ability to achieve a distant goal;
  • the presence of strong-willed attitudes to overcome difficulties;
  • nervous system (as opposed to the same persistence).

And it begins with moral and volitional education in childhood.

Examples from literature

Many writers have created works about people who, thanks to their inner core, survived difficult events. Famous examples of fortitude from literature:

  • G. Baklanov “Military Tales”;
  • B. Polevoy “The Tale of a Real Man”;
  • L. Ovchinnikova “An incident during the blockade winter”;
  • V. Kaverin “Two Captains”;
  • Tea.

In Ovchinnikova’s text “An Incident in the Siege Winter,” the main characters are two sisters, Raya and Nyura. The girls were able to survive the death of their mother, hunger and cold. They had a strong spirit, because even in difficult years they began to engage in creativity, supported the sailors with their performances, their courage inspired the military to new exploits.

The pilot from Polevoy’s work “The Tale of a Real Man” showed unprecedented courage even after health problems arose. His plane was shot down by German soldiers, and due to frostbite, Meresyev lost both legs. But he did not give up - he learned to walk on prosthetics, and after some time he was again at the helm. Thanks to his internal energy, the pilot was able to overcome his physical limitations.

Usually, the strength of spirit in the works of Russian writers is told in such terms that the reader can be inspired by the example of the heroes. In “Military Tales” by Baklanov, attention is paid to the state of mind and behavior of the characters in difficult situations.

The battle not only did not break the spirit of literary heroes, it tempered their spirit, made them stronger and more resilient.

Kaverin’s novel “Two Captains” describes the fate of Sanya Grigoriev, who survived the death of his parents and a journey from one shelter to another. The child, contrary to the opinion of adults, was able to achieve his goal - he became an Air Force captain and found the remains of the expedition, revealing the circumstances of Tatarinov’s death. This work is useful to read to children at school; it allows you to draw useful conclusions - you cannot give up your desires because of the opinions of others.

What is willpower

Willpower is a person’s ability to achieve goals set for himself, despite various circumstances, physical capabilities, environment, laziness and mood.

Volitional human behavior

A strong-willed person has an inner core, is very disciplined and is capable of actions that do not always correspond to his desires and capabilities. Willpower helps to refrain from actions caused by rash decisions that can cause harm in a given situation. Thanks to this, a strong personality achieves his plans with enviable consistency.

Willpower is also determined by the presence of certain character qualities in a person. Courage is one of its main manifestations. In addition, strong-willed is a person who is courageous, patient, determined and believes in his own capabilities. These are his main features that allow him to achieve his goals, be successful and respected in society.

For people who are used to going with the flow and are afraid to leave their comfort zone, the manifestation of willpower is always associated with tension and discomfort.

How willpower helps you achieve your goals

Popular wisdom says: “The city takes courage.” A timid person is not able to achieve goals; he is even afraid to set them for himself. To dream, dare and accomplish is the lot of strong people. However, only that courage is reasonable, which is mixed with fear as a protective function of the body.

Another popular wisdom says that “patience and work will grind everything down.” In the process of achieving the desired result, patience is an important quality to overcome the fatigue, monotony and discomfort that arise along the way.

It is very important to mention such qualities as perseverance and stubbornness. They have nothing to do with patience. Perseverance or the desire to immediately achieve one’s goal, at any cost, can, as a rule, destroy the forward movement towards achieving what is planned. This also applies to stubbornness, a property that excludes analysis of the situation and its correct assessment. But the manifestation of perseverance is a system of actions with repeated repetition of steps to overcome difficulties and move forward. This trait is characteristic of strong-willed, properly organized and motivated people to achieve goals. She helps you achieve what you want.

Determination is another quality of strong-willed people. But it should not be confused with courage, since the decision made is based on the thoughtfulness of certain actions. The correctness of the decision made is based on thoughtfulness and doubt - the “whisper of truth”. If there is no knowledge, there is no courage.

How to develop and strengthen willpower

A person does not immediately become ready to carry out various tasks, achieve goals and achieve victories. The qualities of a winner, the qualities of a strong-willed and integral person are formed by him throughout his life. By cultivating willpower, a person lays down a program for success in life.

The most obvious example of developing willpower is sports. A high jumper reaches a goal, raises the bar, and repeats the process until new records are set. This process occurs constantly, there is no place for chance, there are no weekends or holidays, here it is unacceptable to be lazy and show weakness. This is the will to win.

Paralympians are a separate category of strong and strong-willed people. They deserve respect!

Willpower is the inner strength of the individual

Developing willpower is both simple and incredibly difficult. Everyday life is a challenge in itself. Regulating the daily routine and adamantly implementing it means the manifestation of strong-willed qualities.

A person may feel tired every day from the monotony of everyday life, urgent matters or obligations. Their implementation seems impossible. Besides this, there are so many temptations around. A person who can overcome these moods and sensations can be called a strong-willed person.

To become successful, to occupy a position in society that everyone considers worthy for themselves, you need to feel within yourself the strength that is capable of achieving this. Understand your own capabilities and advantages, know the shortcomings and problem areas that you should get rid of.

Daily routine, study, development of talents, expansion of horizons and physical improvement are the goals with the achievement of which willpower develops. All of the above must be done in an organized and regular manner.

Getting organized to develop willpower

If you really decide to master strong-willed qualities, then the first thing you should start with is to plan your day wisely. Think carefully about your daily routine. Unlearn being late, always do everything on time, don’t put things off until later. Learn to manage your time. Get to know the principles of time management.

Train yourself to wake up early. The healthy habit of getting up early energizes you and gives you strength to achieve your goals. Plus, you have extra time.

Regularity to develop willpower

The first step is always the most difficult. So start with small actions. It's better than nothing. It is necessary to devote time to your goal every day, at least 30 minutes. Agree that this is not much. In this way, you will begin to show volitional efforts, which will become stronger every day, thanks to the habit and the release of the hormone dopamine.

Laziness and will always fight in a person. The main thing is to start taking action!

As soon as you feel that your willpower has strengthened, then begin to achieve more global goals.

Courage, determination, patience and self-confidence are the best trainers for people who have set themselves the task of developing willpower.

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