How to humiliate a person morally and without swearing - the psychology of humiliation

People at all times tried to protect their honor and dignity. First it was weapons, then words. There are many other ways to protect yourself, but humiliating another is often considered a universal method of solving any problem.

Humiliation is reducing the importance of someone

There are many techniques for humiliating a person, but they are recommended to be used only in extreme cases.

Reasons for humiliating a person

All the reasons described here are subjective, because other people may not have the desire to humiliate someone in a similar situation. It is much wiser to draw conclusions from an unpleasant situation than to try to cause harm to another without any real benefit from it. Humiliation of another in moderation can be useful in political competitions, where the moral suppression of an opponent can be a good foundation for the upcoming elections. It is also important to maintain a balance here.

Codependency is one of the reasons for the desire to humiliate another

Here are several reasons for desire to humiliate another:

  1. Emotional dependence. When a person wants to harm another to make him feel bad, he allows the offender to influence his opinion.
  2. The desire to assert oneself. It can be done in two ways: constructive and destructive. Humiliation of another is an example of a destructive method. It is practiced only by people with low self-esteem who have not been able to realize themselves in life.
  3. The ability to defend only by attacking. There are people whose only strategy for defending themselves is to belittle the dignity of others. It seems to them that they are always right, and the bearer of a different opinion a priori has no right to it. May try to humiliate others to hide his weaknesses. As a rule, aggressive people are afraid of everything inside and are so overgrown with thorns that others try to avoid them.
  4. Devaluation of feelings. Often people are afraid to feel warm emotions towards others, so they try to behave more aggressively.
  5. Negative example. When parents in difficult situations try to blame the other and make him wrong, it seems to the child that this is the most reasonable thing to do.

In most situations, it is unreasonable to humiliate other people, especially when it comes to relatives. It’s just that often people don’t think about the consequences. You can become a successful master of cynicism and moral suppression, but ruin your relationships with all the people with whom such a person communicates.

Manipulative techniques with which a person humiliates others are still worth listing, but it is not recommended to use them yourself. They are useful in stopping manipulation by another.

Still from the movie Class

A humiliated person can go to great lengths. An example is the film “Class”, where one student was very harshly pressed, after which he staged a shootout at school. But this happens not only in films. Due to bullying of children in educational institutions in different countries, many children have died.

Important ! A sharp tongue can only be useful to protect the honor of your relatives, boyfriend or girlfriend. Under no circumstances should it be used against them. Sometimes even bringing another person to tears at once can ruin a relationship for life. Then the attacker may regret it, but it will be too late.

Humiliation of Macron

Alexander Zhelenin Journalist, Rosbalt news agency

Probably the main conspiracy mystery of the upcoming political week, at least until the start of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz's visit to Russia, scheduled for February 15, will now be the question of whether he will be provided with a motorcade upon arrival at Moscow airport.

French President Emmanuel Macron, who arrived in the Russian capital on the evening of February 7, was given a motorcade in such cases, despite any diplomatic etiquette (after all, the head of a great European state, a nuclear power, one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, after all ), for example, they were not brought to the plane.

Macron, tormented by doubts about what this could mean, sat on the plane for half an hour, waiting for the due official honors. Without waiting, he set off from the plane to the airport building on his own two feet, accompanied by members of the French delegation. To be honest, I don’t even remember when and where the last time a European head of state was humiliated in the same way...

We must understand that this is not just a random and insignificant fact. For example, in April 1941, Stalin, after concluding a neutrality treaty with Japan, personally came to the station to see off the Minister of Foreign Affairs of this country, Yosuke Matsuoka. And here the head of state was not even provided with a motorcade...


When generals forbid fighting

It is clear in what circumstances and for what purpose the current visit of the French President to Moscow was undertaken. In order to reduce tensions around Ukraine and the Russian ultimatum to the West. The day before, the media reported that the French leader intended to get “at least a signal” from Putin to de-escalate the conflict...

In my opinion, the signal has been received. What does the reception Macron received in Moscow say? What options? Nothing other than the Kremlin’s ardent desire to come to an agreement with the West, reduce tension, establish a mutually beneficial dialogue... Just kidding.

However, all this clearly did not dampen the optimism of the French president. Before negotiations with Putin, he said: “Today’s conversation for me can begin the path that we must take - the path of de-escalation. <…> Therefore, I am glad that I will be able to discuss these issues in depth and we will be able to find a collective useful answer for Russia and for all of Europe. A useful answer is an answer that avoids war."

Moreover, on the eve of the Putin-Macron talks in Moscow, French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, who flew to Kiev together with his German counterpart Annalena Berbock, unexpectedly canceled the planned meeting with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky. Apparently, as a gesture of goodwill towards Russia. But, as we have seen, the Kremlin made another gesture in response... And not only towards France and its president, who, two months before the presidential elections in his country, so unsuccessfully decided to try on the laurels of a peacemaker, which will probably reduce his chances of re-election. This is a clear signal from the Kremlin to the West as a whole: either complete surrender or war.

In general, Macron is a fairly typical example of a European politician from the era of “new thinking,” in which naivety and simple-minded idealism are combined with conformism and a willingness to sacrifice one’s own principles. Previously, it seemed that there were practically no limits to the latter, but today it turned out that this policy has hit a high brick wall with battlements.


“The military-technical response to the West is not the occupation of Donbass at all”

Following the talks in Moscow, from which some apparently expected a lot, Putin did not say anything new, simply listing all his previous positions regarding Ukraine and its current leadership. According to him, “NATO members, to the accompaniment, continue to pump Ukraine up with modern types of weapons... They are sending military specialists and instructors,” and “today’s authorities in Kyiv have set a course for dismantling the Minsk agreements. There is no progress on such fundamental issues as constitutional reform, amnesty, local elections, legal aspects of the special status of Donbass.”

Putin, of course, like no one else, is well aware that strict implementation of Minsk-2 for Ukraine means the actual loss of “certain areas of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions” that have not been under the control of Kyiv since 2014. Macron, of course, knows this well too. Moreover, at a joint press conference with his Russian colleague following the negotiations, the French leader said: “We continue our efforts within the framework of the Normandy format in order to fully implement the Minsk agreements.” The specification “completely” here is clearly intentional.

It must be said that in the light of these words, the failed meeting between the head of the French Foreign Ministry and the President of Ukraine no longer seems like an unfortunate misunderstanding.

In other words, Macron’s “bold” ideas, which he brought to Moscow and which he thought would likely bring peace to Europe, were for Ukraine’s territorial integrity and national sovereignty to be sacrificed on the altar of Western capitulation to the Kremlin. In general, not very original. In 1938, in Munich, France already participated in a similar multilateral deal, trying to “establish a lasting peace” by buying off foreign territory and foreign sovereignty. What came out of this idea is well known...

Here Macron’s statement about “NATO’s brain death” somehow naturally comes to mind. It seems that this was what is called “projection” - a psychological defense mechanism when a person attributes to external forces what is happening inside himself. After all, the latest actions of the North Atlantic Alliance just indicate that everything is in order with its “brain”. The same cannot be said about the successes of French foreign policy, no matter how much Macron now says that with his visit to Moscow he achieved his goal of preventing war.

Alexander Zhelenin

What are the ways

How to become a rich and successful person in life - the psychology of achieving success

Often the first thought that arises in a person who wants to insult someone is to go to Google and find phrases to humiliate a person that will allow you to defeat any opponent in a verbal skirmish. There is no such. Moreover, templates can only belittle the person using them. It is necessary to approach this issue creatively. Here are several ways to humiliate a person morally :

  1. Satire, irony and sarcasm. Methods based on mocking exposure of the weaknesses of the person at whom they are directed. The difference between them is the intensity. The weakest method is satire, sarcasm is harsh ridicule.
  2. Metaphors. The humiliated person is compared to an object or item that he associates with something negative. The technique is based on analogy. A classic example of a metaphor intended to insult is calling a person a pig. When using a metaphor, it is very important to understand who comparison with can cause negative emotions. For example, some will find the comparison to a bull offensive, while others will straighten their shoulders with pride.
  3. Intonation. The same words spoken in different tones can lead to different results. Therefore, one of the possible ways to humiliate a person is to tell him “you are the best” with a mocking intonation.
  4. Put a person in a situation where he will be humiliated by others. This method is difficult to perform, but very effective because it can hide the humiliating person.
  5. Verbal Aikido. The most optimal and environmentally friendly option. We must try to elegantly redirect all the negativity that the other person emits towards him. This is an art that requires a lot of practice. But the result is simple - a person humiliates himself with his own words. The person against whom all the negativity is directed turns out to be out of business. A truly strong man or girl does not use ready-made quotes from classmates, but knows how to fend off the attacks of another.

Reminder . These methods are used only in extreme cases. For the most part, they only bring harm, although it may seem to a person that they are of some use, because the suffering of the offender brought moral satisfaction to the offended, but the latter will remain offended.

Phrases and verbal humiliation

Using ready-made expressions or statements may be inappropriate and lead to the opposite effect. In addition, many patterns are already known, so it will not be possible to demonstrate the ability to subtly suppress another person.

Humiliated girl

A competent person is always able to independently come up with a caustic phrase that allows him to reduce an overly inflated heart rate. Here are several templates of cool phrases for humiliation in VK correspondence or in personal conversation, which can be used in certain situations:

  1. Reduce the insulter to the same level. For example, to the phrase “you are an idiot,” you can answer “yes, I have a certificate, but is it wise to prove something to an idiot”?
  2. Reduction to the point of absurdity: “Are you kidding me?”, answer “Are you a rabbit or a dog”?
  3. Press lightly. For example, to the phrase “Are you so smart” can you answer “Do you have difficulty communicating with smart people”? This method is especially good in public discussions, when it is shameful to simply send a message in front of people; you need to ensure that the “interlocutor” shows his weaknesses. Naturally, he will not want to show them and falls into a trap.


The ideal action to humiliate a person is that there is no action, but the function is performed. The main thing is not to lower yourself to the level of the one whom the insulter is trying to humiliate. Moreover, any actions are doomed to failure (as well as words) if the one to whom they are directed does not feel humiliated.

Humiliation process

The well-known terrorist Salman Raduev was imprisoned with a very strict regime: prisoners were forced to walk in an absurd position and were humiliated in every possible way. When journalists interviewed him before his death, they asked how he was feeling, to which he replied: “Fine.” They were surprised how they could humiliate him so much, to which he replied: “Well, I don’t feel humiliated.” He did everything to maintain self-esteem even in such harsh conditions, and he succeeded. Those who want to humiliate, as a rule, have a very vulnerable psyche, and it is easy to humiliate them.

Important ! We must cultivate psychological immunity in ourselves so as not to allow others to humiliate ourselves.

All the techniques described above are an example of cultural humiliation of a person. They require high intelligence. It is not recommended to humiliate a person in an uncivilized way, because this way you can only lower yourself in the eyes of others.

“Let them apologize publicly.” Vyalbe declared a boycott of the Norwegians. What is all the scandal about?

The ski confrontation between Russia and Norway has reached a new level.

What's happened?

President of the Russian Ski Federation Elena Vyalbe said that she refuses to give any comments to the Norwegian media:

“I declared a boycott of the Norwegian media,” the head of the FLGR told reporters. — Yesterday they wanted to do an interview, but I said that I would never give interviews to the Norwegian media.

— This is after the NRK article that there should be no Russians here?

- Yes. This exceeds all imaginable and inconceivable rules. I told them why I or none of my athletes remembered that the Norwegians also had disqualified athletes. Why don't we talk about this? They make it up as they go. Didn't expect it from NRK! I said I don't communicate anymore. Sasha (Bolshunov) correctly said: “Come and watch me train.” Let them apologize publicly because someone decided to be read in the country in order to cover up the failure in the first race.

Elena Vyalbe / Photo: © picture alliance / Contributor / picture alliance /

Where did it all start?

In the men's skiathlon at the Beijing Olympics, Alexander Bolshunov won a super confident victory. Denis Spitsov won silver, Finn Ivo Niskanen took bronze. Thus, the favorites in each type of program - the Norwegians - were left without medals. The best among the Scandinavians was Hans-Christer Holund, who took fourth place, but was 2.5 minutes behind Bolshunov. And the main star of the Norwegian national team, Johannes Klebo, generally finished 40th, 9 minutes behind the Russian.

At a press conference after the race, Alexander Bolshunov was asked a question by a journalist from the United States: “Is your performance at the Olympics clean, given the past of the Russian team?” The newly-crowned Olympic champion’s answer was harsh:

“You don’t just become an Olympic champion.” Over the past years, I have been proving my strength in every race, always showing decent results, fighting to the end. As for doping, it really makes me a little sick, I don’t accept it. I don't even want to hear about it! For me this is something incomparable with sports. Here are clean athletes who are tested regularly and constantly fill out the ADAMS application, which includes their location. Asking such questions in our direction is wrong. This result does not fall out of the sky; it is backed by years of training. If you want to see how we train, then come and watch. These are really hard workouts. After you watch how we train, you will no longer have such questions.

Alexander Bolshunov / Photo: © REUTERS / Marko Djurica

What is the NRK article that caused Välbe to boycott?

Later that day, NRK journalist Jan Petter Saltvedt, one of the main publications in Norway, wrote that Bolshunov, like the entire Russian team, should not be at this Olympics at all. According to the Norwegian, Alexander had to wait until 2026 for his gold:

“Alexander Bolshunov took gold at the Olympics. But the problem is that he, like all Russians, should not be on it at all. At the finish line, Bolshunov waved a large flag, but this flag was not Russian. This is the flag of the Russian Olympic Committee with the Olympic rings, although the colors of the Russian tricolor are visible there. And it's confusing. Russia still cannot be itself at the Olympics, at least almost. That is why the organizers, the Russians and the IOC are working as closely as possible within the limits of what is permitted. This little theater is a light parody of the verdict, which is constantly laughed at.

The CAS verdict against Russia is a stain on sporting history as the IOC does everything it can to reassure everyone. This sentence seems serious - Russia does not have a flag or anthem - but in fact it has no real force. The IOC wanted to see a major power at the Olympics. But the Russians could not be allowed there.

The only signal that should have been given after such serious and systematic doping cheating, even under state auspices, was a complete ban for four years. But now everything has come to the point that Bolshunov is celebrating his first personal gold in Beijing 2022, although he, like his entire team, could have waited for this medal until the 2026 Olympics. And then everyone would congratulate him. But the discomfort still does not disappear. At the press conference after the race, Bolshunov was also asked about doping, at which he was indignant and said that he was “sick.” However, this will continue,” Saltvedt wrote.

Alexander Bolshunov / Photo: © RIA Novosti / Pavel Bednyakov

This is not the first negative statement from an NRK journalist about the Russian team. Here's what Saltvedt said last year about the design of our team's uniform:

“It’s like a middle finger to the rest of the world. Nobody notices the differences with what happened before, except Russia itself. This shows that sanctions against Russia are a travesty. Russia was allowed to have clothes in the colors of the flag. With this collection she mocks the rest of the world with the approval of a smiling IOC.”

What do they say here?

Dmitry Guberniev: “There are always high-flyers. We cannot fail to be at the Olympics. Norwegians need to sort out their problems. Either their skis don’t work, or they have the consequences of Covid. They perform clearly below their capabilities, especially in skiing. That is why there is talk on their part so that there are no Russians. They need to sort out their house first; Baba Yaga will always be there. We are at this Olympics, we cannot be absent. We will beat the Norwegians more than once in both skiing and biathlon. It’s a sign of weakness when people start talking about their opponents like that,” Guberniev told Match TV.

Denis Spitsov (in an interview with NRK): “I perceive this as a provocative question. It's difficult for me to say anything about this. The (Russian) athletes who are now competing at the Olympics are absolutely clean. We take more tests than anyone in the world. It’s very stupid to suspect us of anything.”

Moral humiliation of a guy or girl who abandoned

The methods are the same as described above. Doing this is strictly not recommended, because the other person has the right to terminate the relationship unilaterally if he is not satisfied with it. Emotions have nothing to do with this. Everyone is free to do what they want, being responsible for the consequences.

In addition, the desire to morally humiliate a guy or girl who has been abandoned is a sign of addiction. A psychologically mature person easily breaks up a relationship and does not want to take revenge. The logic of a dependent abandoned person is this: “If he feels bad, I feel good.” And it should be like this: “I feel good, regardless of the emotions of the other and what they do to me.” Psychological immunity is very important.

Thus, in most cases, humiliating another is an unproductive method, which speaks of the psychological immaturity of the one who wants to humiliate. It may be unpleasant, but it's true. Even if you humiliate someone, then only in a beautiful, cultured and elegant way, without using swearing, physical force and other methods that characterize the person using them from the bad side.

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