How to find your purpose or what is most important in life?

The most important things that should be valued most in life often go unnoticed. For this reason, it is necessary to appreciate more often the aspects that affect your happiness and your personal well-being.

Although everyone has different needs and priorities, we very often find that without certain things, life would be incomplete for all of us. Whether it's a life-changing accident or an event that causes irreparable harm, there are some things that only become important after you've lost them.

What is the importance of answering the question asked?

Research by psychologists has long proven that what the perception of life will be depends specifically on each person. We know that people react differently to the same events. Therefore, different people have different life values, different concepts of what is important in life.

But how can you find the answer to this question specifically for yourself? After all, love is important for a lonely person, a poor person dreams of wealth, a sick person wants to regain his health, and the one who has all this suffers from a feeling of incomprehensible dissatisfaction.

Still, there is a way out of the situation. You can find out what is most important in a person’s life if you understand yourself, your feelings, your attitude to a particular situation.

Harmony with oneself is the main criterion of human happiness. Therefore, by understanding what exactly gives you a feeling of harmony with yourself (in other words, a feeling of inner comfort), you will be able to understand for yourself what is important in life.

How to survive the loss of meaning and regain harmony

Often a person goes through a period when it seems that everything is in vain and there is no point in further existence. The cause of this condition can be either a tragedy that has occurred or simple fatigue. Surprisingly, it can be easier to get out of a difficult situation that occurred under the influence of external factors than in the case of internal devastation.

You can pull a person out of the “moral hole” that arose as a result of loss by filling life with a different meaning. A simple example of this statement would be the following situation:

The woman's only child died. It seems to her that everything has lost its significance. This woman can be pulled out of such a state either by herself or by someone else who needs her help and support. Often mothers who have lost children decide very quickly to have a baby. Many couples, after a tragedy has occurred in the family, give birth to or adopt children at the age of 45-55.

It is more difficult to get out of depression, since a person drives himself into a corner with his own hands and, in response to offers of help, hides even more stubbornly into his shell. The most important thing is that you should never leave such a person alone. Many people in difficult situations go crazy or take their own lives.

If you force a person to put on a smile every morning for at least a few seconds, after a while the facial muscles will begin to “smile” on their own as soon as he opens his eyes.

Therefore, in order to quickly cope with despondency, you need to carry out a set of daily activities in a disciplined manner. The required minimum might look like this:

  1. Climb.
  2. Smile.
  3. Charger.
  4. Morning shower.
  5. Light breakfast.

By performing these manipulations daily, the body will tune in not only to conserve energy, but also to increase it.

What is the most important thing in life for you personally?

The answer to this question is easy to find in yourself. To do this, you don’t need to listen to the sayings of others about this, it’s enough just to listen to yourself.

Psychologists advise: retire, relax and calm down. Having found a sense of calm and harmony, write a list in which you include everything that you consider the most important for yourself. Then from this list, select one item - the one you need most. This will be the answer to the question: “What is the most important thing in life for you?”

Let's look at the most popular answers to this question point by point.


Happiness is a rather loose and abstract concept. It has long been proven: everyone understands happiness in their own way. In addition, what can make a person happy in childhood will not have any effect with age.

If in childhood, receiving a brand new bicycle was enough to feel happiness, then with age, a prosperous family, a car and solid capital appear on the wish list. It often happens that, having achieved what was planned, a person feels happiness for only a moment, then priorities change, and everything starts all over again. You yourself know many people who constantly strive for something new, without feeling the joy of what they have. This pursuit of happiness can last indefinitely.

You should understand that the most important thing in a person’s life is the feeling of happiness “here and now.” To do this, you just need to learn to enjoy what you have: the sun, the smile of a loved one, delicious coffee, an interesting book, a walk in the fresh air.


Thanks to this, I gave up some harmful behavior patterns . For example, the habit of watching TV in order to relax (we so often do this automatically). But it freed up time in my life to remember old interests and acquire new ones. I started drawing again, playing the piano, and later the harp.

New hobbies have appeared in my life. The television was replaced by a piano, harp and pencils.

By focusing on mindfulness, it became easier for me to make the right decisions . I started eating healthier, going to exercise regularly, meditating, taking cold showers in the morning and no longer letting stress bring my life to a standstill.

Thanks to greater awareness , I was finally able to see the problems in my business , re-open my life's work, improve family relationships , better understand the needs of children, and strengthen friendships with the people I love in my life.

I rediscovered my business - it became stronger, more useful for humanity and much more fun for the team and clients

The habit of mindfulness has truly transformed my entire life.

But here's what's surprising. I realized how important this habit is and how much it affects everything in my life by devoting 4 days to rethinking and planning all 12 categories. I realized the importance of this one habit by looking at my entire life.

Love and relationships

When asked what is most important in life, many will confidently answer – love. This feeling inspires, gives a feeling of joy, warmth and comfort. Those who do not experience love often suffer from various complexes and psychological problems.

But love is in everything. Love yourself first, not with selfish love, but simply accept yourself as you are. And you will notice that this wonderful feeling will begin to fill your life.

Many people note that children and family are the most important things in a person’s life. And they are right in their own way.

The support of loved ones, the feeling that someone needs you, the joy that a loved one is doing well are incomparable sensations that give a person a feeling of inner comfort. But what if many families break up due to conflict situations? Then this life value can only bring pain and disappointment? Or maybe it's just a life lesson? Everyone decides for themselves. After all, everything depends only on the person himself, on his perception of the situation.

The ancient sages taught: “Treat others the way you would like them to treat you.” A lonely person is almost never happy. You can be lonely even when you are among people. Following the ancient recommendation can protect any person from the oppressive feeling of loneliness and dissatisfaction associated with communicating with other people.


Maria Ivanova is an experienced housewife. Moreover, her mother also took care of the housework, not attending services for a day. Maria Ivanovna's husband works tirelessly. Well, of course, because he needs to provide not only for his wife and two sons, but also for his retired mother-in-law, who lives with them. Therefore, Sergei Petrovich disappears at work from morning to evening. Also, on even days he attends Chinese language courses, and on odd days he goes to the gym. On weekends, workaholic Petrovich goes alone to his dacha to take a break from the city noise and do his favorite thing - growing fruit crops. Maria Ivanovna's passion is cooking, but she won't give up shopping either.

Let's imagine the most important thing for Maria Ivanovna in the form of a pyramid:

Let us present the spheres of Sergei Petrovich’s life in the form of a diagram:

The most important thing for him is work; it is necessary to provide for his family and realize his desires.

Having compared the components of the life systems of both participants, one might think that the existence of Maria Ivanovna is boring and uninteresting, and the woman herself is extremely unhappy. This may be true, or it may indicate the opposite. Still, the scale of values ​​is a very individual concept.

What is the most important thing in life? Self-realization

For many people, self-actualization is important for a complete feeling of spiritual comfort. Philosophers have long been trying to convey to humanity an important idea - there is nothing accidental in this world, every person has his own calling, to fulfill which every effort must be made. Anyone who succeeds in fulfilling his life mission will be happy.

Remember, you will not have a second chance, you choose your own path in life. Try to live in such a way that you never have the feeling that you are living wrong. After all, the most important thing is satisfaction from what you do; a person’s purpose is often connected with what he does.

How to find focus?

Life is multifaceted, wouldn’t you agree? It is very difficult to single out just one thing. Love, career, personal interests, family, health, and connection with God are important. But it’s impossible to cover everything at once. It is much easier to achieve success if you focus all your attention on one thing.

What is this “one thing” in your life?

What can you continually focus your attention on so that life continues to become better, happier, more abundant and simply more remarkable? What is the KPI in your life?

Material values

It would seem that everything is clear here, but still there is a category of people who believe that wealth is the main thing in life, the possession of material values ​​can give a person happiness. Alas, this is a big misconception. And there are plenty of examples of this: often a poor man from a slum is much happier than a rich man, because he lives a free life, he is a sick person, he understands that you cannot buy health, and tired of loneliness sometimes discovers that it is not him who is loved, but his money.

And yet... What is the most important thing in a person’s life? Look for the answer to this question in yourself. Your life will gain meaning if you stop giving preference to those activities that do not bring you moral satisfaction. Act, analyze your feelings, listen to yourself, feel comfort and harmony - and then you can experience true happiness.

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