How to find yourself and your purpose in life: what does it mean and where to start

Each of us has our own path in life, our own trials, various problems. The choices we make along this journey and the changes that happen to us along the way affect us. Our future path depends on how we look at it.

Human life can be compared to a road on which there are many crossroads and forks; at each fork, a person has to make a decision which way to go - this is the search for his path and his purpose in life. Some people choose the easiest path, the widest road without obstacles, and live like this, under the slogan: “Let everything go as it goes,” others climb into the wilds, breaking new paths in them. It is difficult to determine in advance which path will be correct; everyone decides for himself: “Which road to choose? What decision should I make? Take a step towards happiness or let your life take its course?

When faced with another failure in their life, every person thinks: “Is it possible to change something? How to solve problems correctly and correct the consequences of mistakes?”

After all, people attribute failures to fate, and chalk up every success to their own account. Maybe it's time to analyze the failures?

Conversation in a cafe

— How many years have you been working as an assistant lawyer? - I asked.

- Five years.

— How often have you been praised for doing your job well?

“Very rarely...” she thought for a moment, “maybe once or twice.”

— You said that you performed a little on stage in dramatic performances. How often have you been praised?

- Every time. After every performance they told me that I was playing very well.

— During your five years of working as an assistant lawyer, you were praised several times. You played a little in the theater, and every performance was admirable.

“Yes,” she thought.

— Do you need any comments about which path is right for you?

- No. All clear.

This dialogue between me and one of my friends perfectly illustrates the first sign of the right path, which we will now talk about.

Where to start your search

In order to understand what attracts you most. The main thing is to do it honestly, without embarrassment:

  1. Take a piece of paper and list everything you like and enjoy in life. Call this opus: “Looking for myself.” Reflect the points in the order in which you thought of them. Take this seriously. There should be at least 30 points.
  2. Cross out everything that is done only out of mood, that you would not want to do professionally for the rest of your life. Analyze all points carefully.
  3. On the other side of the paper, list your abilities, skills, and what you are most proud of, what makes you different from other people.
  4. Compare both lists and make a third one, in which you indicate in which types of activities your skills and desires coincide. Try to come up with several options.
  5. Separately indicate the reasons why the implementation of these points is difficult or impossible. Be honest with yourself. If the issue is your inaction or lack of funds, then write it down.
  6. Conduct a detailed analysis of opportunities to improve the situation. You will be surprised at how few obstacles stand in the way of your goal. By eliminating one reason, you will gradually get rid of others. For example, by improving your qualifications, you will get a good job, which will give you the opportunity to improve your financial situation and go on a trip or purchase a long-desired item. It turns out that the topic “Looking for myself” has found a logical solution - you need to pull the thread so that the ball unwinds.
  7. If a lack of skills prevents you from realizing your desire, don’t be discouraged. This can be fixed, you can buy them.
  8. Search - try and make mistakes. To answer the question “what does it mean to find yourself” means to find, among all the others, exactly that business to which you will be happy to devote your life.
  9. Start small and positive events will follow one after another. Your life will change.

After some time, when all the items on this list have been completed, it will become clear what exactly your purpose is.

When working on the topic “Looking for myself,” do not try to add anything unnecessary to the list; it should reflect only what you like. The connection with the actual state of affairs and existing work may not be visible.

Experts have proven that each of us can have many such hobbies. This means that everyone has a chance to find themselves, become happier and more successful than many celebrities.

The first sign of the right path

If you are on the right path, the result of your work evokes a positive reaction from people: admiration, gratitude and recognition. Of course, if you show your results.

When the path is not suitable, people rarely praise and thank more out of politeness than from a pure heart. You can engage in activities that are wrong for you for years, but rarely will anyone say: “This is yours! Keep up the good work!”

But, you will object, the first results of a beginner cannot impress anyone, even if this is the right path for him. It is unlikely that the first works of a talented artist will cause delight. He needs to improve to impress.

I agree only partly.

If you have talent, the first works will be done especially, with feeling. This is immediately noticeable. When you see the first results of a talented photographer, it becomes clear: the person has a good feel for photography.

I know a photographer who has mastered all the secrets of photography and uses professional equipment, but his work is still not impressive. Even after many years, I look at his photographs without emotion.

Yes, you need to improve, but when there is no talent in any area, the admiration of others will not come with experience.

How not to make a mistake in choosing a life path?

Not only those who are just beginning to take independent steps along the road of life, but also those who have already traveled a very significant part of it, think about the right choice of life path. Someone realized that they were going in the wrong direction, someone was attracted by side paths, showing other opportunities for realizing their talents... What to do? How to determine which path is right for you? How to understand what God's Providence is for you? What to do to ensure that the road of life opens in a clear perspective? And who can help if you are at a crossroads?

The pastors of the Russian Orthodox Church give their advice.

The Lord reveals His will to those who live according to His will

Hegumen Nektary (Morozov):

– No person is born just like that, as a result of some random circumstances. Each of us is called into existence by the will of God. We can say that even before the existence of the world, before the existence of this entire Universe, each of us was already present in God’s plan. And, therefore, there was a certain Divine plan for each of us. And, of course, the Lord wants us to fulfill this plan in our lives, so that each of us, as far as possible, lives a full life, a happy life. And I realized all the talents with which the Lord awarded us.

Therefore, we can only trust Him in everything and ask Him to show us this path. Of course, a person can say: “Here, I pray to God, I ask Him to open this path for me, but I do not receive an answer. Why?" There is always an answer to this question, and the answer is very simple, which, however, is very difficult to understand. When a person strives to fulfill the will of God in everything in which it is obvious, the Lord reveals His will to him in those situations where it seems hidden. If a person does not fulfill the obvious will of God, then it is even more hidden from him at some moments when we especially need to know it. And the answer, indeed, turns out to be very clear: if you strive to fulfill the will of God every day in your everyday life, then the Lord will definitely reveal it to you when you especially need to know it, and will also show you your path.

When turning to the Lord, do not force your desires on Him, but ask Him to reveal His will to you.

And one more thing: when we ask God for something, we often conceal within ourselves the following thought: “Here, Lord, I ask for this and that, but in reality I want it to be so that". I ask the Lord to reveal His will to me, but at the same time I have a clear idea of ​​what I want. But you need to refuse this and offer yourself to God, as if completely naked of all desires, and say: “Lord, as You please, so be it.” And at the same time, understand that in fact, what God pleases may not be pleasing to us at all, and that we give God the freedom to do with us whatever He wants, and this can be difficult, unpleasant, and even painful for us , and painful.

But there is something else that needs to be remembered: if we understand all this and ask for it, the Lord not only reveals His will to us, but also helps us fulfill it, and Himself builds our whole life. And the path to this lies through trust - that which is so difficult and so necessary.

When choosing a path, you must also have the determination to follow it

Hegumen Luka (Stepanov):

– When choosing your good path, you must, first of all, take into account the determination of your will to remain on this path irreversibly! We need to pray about this, so that clarity appears in the heart of what the heart is tending towards. This can be seen both from past successful experiences of encounters with this ministry, and from heartfelt inspiration in studying the possible prospects for your gradual ascent to perfection in it.

A profession may not coincide with a calling, but it provides the means to fulfill it

Hieromonk Dimitri (Pershin):

If an opportunity arises to learn something new, to learn something else, it’s worth taking advantage of it.

– I have no answer to this question, other than general considerations that

  1. the profession should not contradict the commandments (a killer, a porn actor, etc. have nothing to do with what we can choose from). That is, before making a positive choice, it would be good to immediately cut off everything that is not necessary;
  2. a profession may not coincide with a vocation, being a means for realizing the latter. Let's say a person can earn money as a businessman, but invest his soul in the creation of a gallery, which later became known as the Tretyakov Gallery;
  3. chance is the nickname of Providence, and if you have an unplanned opportunity to gain some skills, learn some language, take part in some good deed (without detriment to other deeds), it is better to try. Because from these seemingly random options a tree of life can grow that is very different from the one we have designed for ourselves;
  4. in some cases, our profession is given to us so that we step over it and move on. How this happens is described in Tolkien’s deathbed and very small narrative, “A Leaf by Niggle,” or “A Leaf by Melkin,” depending on the translation into Russian.

You need to consult with your confessor correctly

Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko:

– If we are talking about doubts about whether the existing profession has been chosen correctly, then let us remember what people say: “They don’t seek good from good.” You have a job, you are happy with it, well, thank God. As they say: “The best is the enemy of the good.” If you have it, have it and thank God.

If you are at the beginning of your journey, have graduated from school, college, and are choosing your path in life, then, of course, this is the most important and complex problem, but for a church person it is resolved in some ways easier, because you can consult with your confessor. Of course, you need to consult with your parents. And pray, search. The confessor also needs to offer options, and not like this: “Tell me, father, what should I do?” - “What do you want to do, what is your soul for?” - “No, you, father, tell me!” So, perhaps, one can contact him if he is truly a spirit-bearing elder to whom the Lord reveals His will. But are there such elders now? Somehow the Lord hides them from us, or maybe we just don’t know these wonderful people, because the world is supported by the prayers of the righteous and the righteous will never become poor with the Lord. Another thing is how to find an elder...

Well, if you yourself cannot yet lean toward something specific, then think, pray, consult, look for options, and if there are several options, choose the best one, the one that attracts you most. Let’s say the work there is more interesting, but they pay more elsewhere. You must understand what is more important to you. And although, perhaps, you are attracted to an interesting job, but you have a family, you need to support it, earnings are important, even at a “boring” job, what can you do... Or, on the contrary, you see that the work is so interesting, you are so interested you are passionate about it, and there is a chance that after some time you will achieve success and have material well-being... There are a lot of pros and cons, they need to be weighed and, of course, discussed with people who love you, know you, they pray to you and help you. Then you will find the right solution.

A person should do what he likes

Archpriest Konstantin Parkhomenko:

– I am deeply convinced that a person should do what he likes. Earthly life is too short to spend it on activities that are uninteresting to us, unless, of course, you are the head of a large family and simply must be able to feed it. But even in this case, you can look for something you like.

People come to the conclusion that they need to do what they want when they find out that they have... a terminal (or terrible) diagnosis. I've encountered this many times. Only a person who has been told that he has, for example, cancer, suddenly says to himself: stop! Why am I selling sausage if I’ve dreamed of taking up photography all my life?! or all my life I wanted to sing, so why not learn now?!

And these people do what they love. And they often recover or receive support in illness, because the activity that they like is a huge potential and resource, thanks to which a person’s entire being is restored and feels better. And I think that it seems that a person in such circumstances intuitively senses what he needs to survive.

It is, of course, easier for a Christian than for an unbeliever to make the right choice.

And that's why.

First: we understand that there is eternity, therefore acquisition and earning cannot be an end in itself for us. Just understanding this is an incentive to do what you want, and not something more profitable.

Second: a Christian knows (from the Holy Scriptures) that God has measured out his talents and gifts to each of us. And everyone can serve the Church in their own way. The Apostle Paul said this beautifully: “There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit; and the services are different, but the Lord is the same; and the actions are different, but God is one and the same, producing everything in everyone. But everyone is given the manifestation of the Spirit for their benefit. To one is given the word of wisdom by the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; to another faith by the same Spirit; to others gifts of healings by the same Spirit; to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another divers tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. Yet one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He pleases” (1 Cor. 12:4-11).

Each of us has our own gifts, and this is from God! How amazing it is that we can implement them

Just think: each of us has our own gifts, and this is from God! How wonderful it is that we can realize the precious potential that God has given us, and all this for the benefit of the Body of Christ - the Church and for our salvation!

Therefore, you need to listen to yourself and try to decide what you want to do, what your soul is about. And try yourself. Even if you don’t guess right the first time, I don’t see anything wrong with that.

When choosing a path in life, look into your heart

Priest Valery Dukhanin:

– Perhaps, choosing a life path is one of the most difficult and painful. Even in the elementary grades of school, they are given the opportunity to write an essay on the topic: “What am I going to become?” But the soul, as a rule, rushes from one to another over the course of many years. For example, for a long time I wanted to become an investigator, to solve crimes, but in the end I became a priest, and now, in a sense, crimes also have to be solved, or rather, people themselves reveal their sins in confession, and my task is not to imprison those who have fallen into spiritual crimes, but, on the contrary, to help them find true freedom of heart.

The most important thing that I personally would advise is to choose a profession not according to the principle of “how much they will pay,” but according to the principle of “how inspiring and pleasing it is.” If you look for a job just to earn money, you will never be satisfied. In our corrupt soul there is no clear criterion for security. Experience shows that no matter how much a person strives to earn, he still wants more. In fact, the wealthiest is the one who is less attached to money than others, who is least dependent on its accumulation.

Work should be enjoyable and enjoyable. Therefore, I will offer the most basic advice: think about it, what would you like to do? So try to master this.

The choice of a profession should be approached in the same way as the choice of a life partner. In order not to be mistaken, it is important to feel a kinship in your heart, that this is yours, corresponding to your inner world, dear to your heart. Then you can avoid unnecessary mistakes in advance.

There is also such a thing as a calling. The Lord has placed some gifts in the soul of every person. After all, someone is called to become a surgeon, and someone is a teacher, someone is a military man, and someone is called to become a singer in the choir of a parish church. We can recognize a calling as a special inner call that tells us what to strive for and what to look for, and is accompanied by special creative inspiration. This is a new understanding of life, when guidelines appear and you try to achieve a goal that suddenly arises and is important to you. This is the inner voice that needs to be heard, and this requires sensitivity to what is happening inside.

It is important to look inside your own heart, to listen to its inner call. And let the choice of life path correspond to the search of the heart, then this choice will not oppress, but nourish and strengthen the soul.

The Lord hears the prayers of seeking people and always helps them

Sometimes a person is still lost and does not know what step to take. At the very least, we can pray that the Lord will enlighten, enlighten and Himself direct our lives for good. The Savior said: “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7). The main thing is not to sit idly by. He who does not seek anything will find nothing, but he who seeks will certainly find it. The Lord hears the prayers of seeking people and always helps them.

A person will not know the will of God unless he acts

Priest Dimitry Shishkin:

– One thing can be said: a person will not know the will of God if, firstly, he does not wholeheartedly seek the fulfillment of God’s will, and secondly, if he does not act. Mistakes are not scary. Precisely mistakes, not conscious sins. Because when a person truly seeks to fulfill God’s will and acts, the Lord finds the opportunity to reveal to a person what he is right about and what he is wrong about, what he needs to grow and establish himself in, and what he needs to leave behind. Moreover, perhaps there is no other way. And when a person seeks an experienced confessor to ask him the will of God about himself, this is good, of course, and correct, but even here a lot depends on the faith of the person himself, on the intensity of his prayer. Because if a person is serious and prays with faith, the Lord will definitely reveal His will to him, and if he is careless and relaxed, then no elder, even a truly spirit-bearing one, will help him.

Life is a creative process, and the Lord wants us to live a full, creative life, using all our strength to avoid sin and consciously practice God’s commandments. If we have such an attitude, then no matter what we do, the Lord will definitely help us find our place in life, go on our own path.

The main thing is to remain a Christian

Priest Leonid Kudryachov:

You need to carefully consider: can you maintain Christian beliefs in this profession?

– Standing at a crossroads, you need, first of all, to be confirmed in the decision that you will follow the chosen road as a Christian. First of all, you will be a Christian, second - a doctor, or a lawyer, or an athlete. You need to carefully weigh and evaluate: can you withstand this prioritization? Will sports, or business, or something else swallow up your Christian beliefs? Will you be forced, within the framework of your professional activity, to act contrary to the commandments, as, say, doctors who perform abortions do?

The main thing is to consult, think, pray and make a decision on your own.

There is also a lot of evidence of people making radical changes in their lifestyle when they realized that something was going wrong. And they did it! Was a businessman - became an artist. Was a builder - became a livestock breeder. Was a livestock farmer - became a priest! Who doesn't make mistakes? That's right: someone who does nothing.

But what about non-creative professions?

Everything is clear with artists, photographers, writers and musicians. What about accountants, plumbers, bartenders or directors? The principle is the same.

If you are a God-given leader, your employees will tell you so repeatedly. You can tell by their facial expressions and words that they admire you.

Accountants. They say about some: “This is a very good accountant!” We were lucky to have him,” but they don’t say anything at all about others. Do you feel the difference?

A good doctor learns from his patients that he was recommended by friends. A good hairdresser has regular clients who are always happy.

Whatever you do, if the path is right, you will definitely get positive feedback from people. You won't have to wait long.

About the influence of determinants

A person can intuitively understand his recognition - this information about this is embedded in our subconscious, but generally accepted stereotypes and the opinions of others often prevent an individual from realizing himself.

It turns out that a person, talking about how to find himself in life, does not feel responsible for it. That is why he allows the determination of his path to be influenced by the opinions of others and generally accepted conventions.

If a person is looking for himself and at the same time strives to be better than others, then competition is the determining factor for him. Even if he gets a good result, he will be dissatisfied, because there will always be that person who has achieved more in life.

The result is a feeling of emptiness and meaninglessness of existence.

How to exclude the influence of extraneous settings:

  • Those who seek themselves must give up the pursuit of leadership. Stop striving to surpass others and the beauty of your essence will emerge. She will find a way out through love, the desire for development and creativity. Then your opinion will not depend on other people's assessments. Such a person is busy doing what he loves and receives satisfaction from it. His goal is to create, and not to strive for results.

The second sign of the right path

If you are on the right path, you move forward quickly. There are either no external obstacles at all, or they are overcome naturally and without much effort. All events work out perfectly, and opportunities fall into your hands.

If the path is not yours, you move slowly and encounter one obstacle after another. Obstacles are not easy and prevent you from getting quick results. Overcoming them takes time and effort.

We are talking only about external obstacles: an official’s refusal, lack of materials, a freelancer takes a long time to complete the work, and so on. If the path is yours, such obstacles will be overcome naturally. Otherwise, the path is not yours.

How do external barriers differ from internal ones?

Internal barriers are fears, doubts, lack of experience, etc. They do not belong to the second sign and still arise on the right path. They can be eliminated either by experience or by working with negative emotions.

So, the second indicator of the right path is quick intermediate results that are not caused by external obstacles.

How to find your way

It’s rare that someone manages to recognize themselves and their path in their early years, and then follow it. There are cases when a person betrays his ideals due to important circumstances: he changes his place of work because of the need to earn more, changes his place of residence, and so on. What does it mean to find yourself - to deal with the reasons that prevent you from hearing your inner voice and starting to act in your own interests.

The main reasons that prevent you from searching for yourself in life:

  1. Lack of self-confidence. When a person doubts that he has enough abilities to achieve what he wants, he quickly gives up and becomes lack of initiative. Gets an unwanted job and communicates with the wrong circle of people, although greater potential lurks within, which requires more confidence to reveal.
  2. Extol the value of money. There are times when people build a great career, but the work they do does not bring satisfaction. A profession that brings money is not always a calling in life.
  3. False settings. Upbringing leaves a big imprint on a person’s consciousness. The picture that the child observes, he then projects onto his life. So, if parents imposed the idea that first of all you need to try for others, then for yourself, then it will be difficult to decide on your interests.

Why is moving forward quickly the right path?

Imagine trying to skate through the snow on roller skates. Will the movement be fast? No. You can just as easily ski on the asphalt.

The incompatibility of the surface and the vehicle makes it difficult to move forward.

Now take your snowboard. The movement will be smooth and fast. The only possible obstacle is fear or lack of experience, which can be overcome with practice. But this is an internal barrier, not an external one.

The surface in the metaphor is your base, your foundation. This is the sum of all innate abilities and talents. A vehicle is a type of activity: profession, position, occupation, specialty, craft.

When the vehicle is compatible with the surface, movement will be easy. Your talents resonate with the type of activity, enhancing the quality and amplitude of the results.

You can choose different means of transportation: skates, skis, bicycles, skateboards, and so on. But the surface cannot be changed. And it's not necessary.

Development of a person’s personal qualities along the path of life

Finding a path in life implies self-actualization, which, in turn, means that a person reveals and uses his talents, abilities, and opportunities to the maximum. All you need for this is faith in your strength, an adequate concept of your “I” and appropriate self-esteem, as well as self-regulation skills. The main actions through which a person finds his place, what a person’s life path consists of, are self-knowledge and self-respect.

A. Maslow drew up a portrait of a self-actualized person:

  1. he has self-love and self-acceptance;
  2. he accepts others, the world, nature;
  3. adequately perceives reality;
  4. natural, open, independent;
  5. knows how to objectively assess reality;
  6. feels cohesiveness with other people;
  7. builds deep interpersonal relationships;
  8. distinguishes between means and ends, good and evil;
  9. has a democratic character;
  10. has an adequate sense of humor and self-irony.

Our thinking, worldview, habits and actions are what guide a person on the path of life. Some prefer to create, others prefer to destroy. Some are pessimists and prone to victimization, others are leaders and winners. Not everyone is able to build a happy path if they encounter traumas, neuroses, or have complexes.

How to identify your core talent set?

When you know what kind of surface you have to ride on, choosing a vehicle is not difficult at all. The difficulty arises if you don’t know what kind of coating you are dealing with.

Your core of personal qualities and talents can be revealed by remembering all the things you enjoyed doing from early childhood to the present.

To do this, I created several different techniques. Be sure to take advantage of them. Now let's move on to the most important indicator of the right path...

Finding a place in life

How to change your life for the better and where to start

In order to understand how to find yourself, you can use effective psychological techniques.


Finding meaning in life may not be so easy if your thoughts are confused, but usually the answer always lies on the surface. You just need to ask the right questions and answer them thoughtfully and honestly yourself.

One of the ways to find yourself in life is as follows: imagine yourself in a magical place where everything you wish can come true. It is necessary to determine: what existence will be like here, who a person wants to be in this place, what he will do, and what wealth will give him. Knowing the answers to all these questions, you can begin to figure out your life purpose.

Another way involves working on your thoughts for three days. There are three questions, and every day we work on one of them. During the day, they mentally return to it and try to find an answer or thoughts that lead to a solution. Everything that comes to mind is written down on a piece of paper.

A list of questions:

  1. What do you like to do? What does a person get pleasure from? What would he like to do in life?
  2. What are your best qualities? What abilities and talents do you have? What comes out better than others?
  3. How can an individual be useful to others? What can he give to this world?

Once all responses are received, they are carefully examined for matches. It is those fragments that match that have true meaning.

Honest answers are the key to finding your life path

Childhood memory

Children perceive the world as it is, without embellishment. Their thoughts and desires are always on the surface. Therefore, one of the good ways to understand yourself is to remember yourself as a child: what you dreamed of becoming in adulthood, what to do, what qualities to acquire.

After remembering their childhood desires, they project them onto the present, adult life. If your feelings suggest that it would be comfortable and easy in this role, this is your life purpose. If these ideas seem inappropriate, then you just need to listen to your desires.

The role of hobby

For some, their calling in life may be their favorite activity: needlework, cooking, drawing, crafts, collecting, etc. Today, there is ample evidence that handcraft is increasingly valued in a world where generic products have become widely available. With the right approach to developing your business, you can learn to make money doing what you love. At the same time, you should not limit yourself to one skill; you can expand your hobby. For example, if a girl likes to cook, she can open her own kitchen.

The Internet is becoming a great help in developing your own business. Social networks offer the use of personal pages as trading platforms for online sales.

Tenacity and Passion

How to understand your purpose in life - by analyzing what you do best. There are several methods that are based on motivating yourself. A person is struck by a question and answers himself.

A favorite activity can become a profession

Questions for motivation

What do I want to do?They write out a list of things to do, the results of which they feel pleasure from. Every interesting activity from birth to now can be a clue to the answer. It’s worth doing something that resonates inside.
What can't I live without?If there is some type of activity that regularly arouses interest, it is worth thinking about how it can be turned into a profession.
What do you want to learn?The two previous questions may make some people doubtful. Some people can’t remember what interests them or what it would be hard for them to do without. But everyone has an activity option that piques their interest. There is no age limit for learning new things. You can make a list of attractive activities and choose the one that suits you best.
What should we do next?Some are frightened by the thought that the chosen path may turn out to be wrong and will lead nowhere. Such thoughts will not give impetus to development. If the chosen business is a calling, in the future there will be no doubt about where to put your knowledge base. If a new activity doesn't get a response, it will remain a rewarding experience.
What don't you want to do?It is important to take into account not only your preferences, but also those actions that cause antipathy. These activities should be crossed out first.
What can I do best?To determine your best qualities, you can involve your loved ones. Sometimes positive qualities are more visible from the outside.
What is your area of ​​interest?Pay attention to which branch of occupation interests you most. This can apply not only to skills, but also to everyday industries: books, cinema, countries - all this can be united by one interest.

Note! Making money may not motivate you for long. A good technique in psychology is to imagine yourself as a rich person who can do any business. When there is no need to find a means of living, it is easier to find something you like.

Money is not the main motive in finding a goal

The third sign of the right path (key)

When you think about the right path, your body will definitely respond with a pleasant feeling. The thought of going the wrong way will cause discomfort or a complete lack of any reaction.

We are talking about sensations, not emotions. Emotions can be joy, enthusiasm, inspiration. The sensations are warmth, lightness, movement of energy, pleasant expansion.

Why does this indicator work flawlessly?

Your subconscious mind knows about your foundation. Knows about your talents and innate abilities. He knows what will bring you recognition and money, and what will only bring you disappointment.

Consciousness does not have direct access to this information. Otherwise, you would not be reading this article now. But the mind can always turn to bodily reactions in order to receive the correct answer from the subconscious.

Lower your attention into your body, observe the sensations from your head to your stomach and think about the chosen path. Do you feel any pleasant sensations? Congratulations! You have made the right choice of profession, started the right project or business. Success awaits you.

Be sure to use this! I strongly and categorically recommend it. People who ignore this principle are usually in the wrong place, with the wrong people, and doing the wrong thing for them.

Life path of a person

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