What is social psychology and why does a person need this knowledge in life?

Few disciplines go beyond mere professional development and enrich us as people, allowing us to grow and have a much broader vision of our reality. Although it is not an easy subject to study, it is still worth studying, if only because it is interesting.

You are what you do, not what you say.


Some people feel stressed and even frustrated when faced with the ever-challenging but interesting world of statistics and experimental projects. However, it is daily work and contact with each of the fields that make up this science that ultimately awakens us to its fascinating universe and helps guide us on our path.

On the other hand, it's fair to say that studying psychology is unlikely to make us rich or even guarantee us a job right after graduating. Today's society and job market conditions are what they are, and sometimes we have to balance talent with ingenuity, motivation with opportunity, and persistence with patience.

Whether we are at a crucial point in our lives where we need to choose what we would like to work in, or if we think it is time for a change and learn something different, studying psychology will always be a good option. Everyone needs to think about two important things: what they are looking for and what they would like to offer to others. Psychology is a subject where we can grow through learning to bring out the best in ourselves for the benefit of others.

Psychology helps us understand ourselves better

As we delve into other theories, different approaches to personality, human development, or how culture influences our behavior, we are forced to look at our lives and the lives of others.

Studying psychology will force us to ask ourselves many questions. Questions that don't always have an answer. It will be an adventure where we get to know ourselves and other people a little more, where we can leave behind certain views and ideas that used to be so important to us.

Subject and object of psychology

These concepts are studied in the process of obtaining professional education. And also when receiving medical education (a psychologist is not always a doctor, but a psychotherapist and psychiatrist have the status of doctors who can prescribe medication treatments for clients).


The subject of psychology is the study of how various mental phenomena are formed, develop and cease

An object

The object is much wider than the subject. The object is the psyche as a whole and everything connected with it. The object includes elements of the subject

The objects of psychology as a science include the following elements and processes:

  1. Mental processes (feelings and emotions, relationships, connections, love, friendship, manipulation, abusive and codependent relationships, etc.);
  2. Conditions (also feelings and emotions, anxiety, nervousness, paranoia, perfectionism, empathy, melancholy, depression, bipolar disorder, nostalgia, schizophrenia, hedonism, conformism, frustration, sublimation, time pressure, misanthropy, etc.);
  3. Properties (these include a person’s character, including egocentrism, psychotype, personality types, introversion and extraversion, cynicism, altruism, etc.);
  4. Education (knowledge and skills, as well as habits of a particular person. For example, reflection, addictions, etc.)

We will learn to appreciate the scientific method

Psychology is not magic. We are not mentalists, and we do not have a radar in our minds that allows us to grasp in 5 seconds what trauma a person is suffering from , what he is afraid of, or what his strengths are.

Psychology, as we know, has many false myths associated with it, and we will have to confront them in many situations, whether we like it or not. However, there is one aspect that we must make clear from the very beginning: psychology is a social science based on the scientific method.

We must understand that in order to come to certain conclusions and certain views, we need to go through a lot of objective and patient work. This work is always based on a series of research methods and is the path to success as a psychology major. On the other hand, “pop psychology”, which the general public loves so much, and which we see every day in magazines or social networks, has nothing to do with reality.

Practical psychology

You've probably heard about this direction of psychology. It is practical psychology that allows you to work with a person “here and now.” Truly high-quality therapy can improve a person’s life and helps to work through various psychological traumas (which all people have).

Concept, subject, object and methods of psychology

There are several sections in practical psychology:

  • Psychotherapy – work is carried out at the request of the client, aimed at changing the personality. Most often associated with deep internal discomfort.
  • Psychological counseling - work is also carried out at the request of the client, aimed at changing the life circumstances of the individual.
  • Psychological correction is a certain impact on the human psyche in order to bring it into line with the norm.
  • Psychodiagnostics is generalized information about an individual or group of people.

The main task of practical psychology is to help people. Any person, regardless of his age. As you know, crises exist almost from birth (crisis of the first year of life, third, midlife crisis, etc.).

To begin with, parents need to understand the crisis moments of the baby; in adulthood, the adult himself needs help to survive the crisis stage. Practical psychology works with all these and other cases.

You will develop critical thinking

Much of the material, theories, approaches, and fields that make up psychological research help us develop critical thinking . Whether we like it or not, this is very important if we want to be good professionals and truly want to be useful to people without losing our integrity. Only then will we be able to distinguish wood from trees and clarity from deception.

Never think you know everything. No matter how highly you value yourself, always have the courage to say to yourself: I don’t know.

Ivan Pavlov

Transform yourself!

As paradoxical as it may sound, the inner world is the reverse side of the outer world. Start working on yourself by transforming your appearance. Many of a woman’s internal problems are related to the fact that she simply doesn’t like herself. And self-love is an integral component of happiness.

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Better understanding of human relationships

Studying psychology will not spontaneously transform us into psychologically healthier, more successful, or happier people. Psychologists also suffer from depression and anxiety. They are not immune to disruptions in emotional relationships and even have minor phobias and limitations.

However, having all this knowledge makes them much more aware of what is happening to them and around them . This helps them better understand the dynamics of the relationship. This helps them know when to ask for help and how best to help themselves or others.

Greater adaptability in social groups

With an increased ability to empathize with others, you will be able to adapt better in any social group, be it at school, college, work or other social groups where there are different types of people. Many times, you may feel out of place in one or more of these groups because you cannot relate to others. When we realize that there are many others like us, we can adapt better. Teamwork is important in most professions, and knowledge of psychology will help in creating team spirit.

You will appreciate human development

Understanding how we develop and how we as humans change throughout life provides us with valuable knowledge. Typically, it also makes us more sensitive and open to the problems of others, as well as their suffering or doubts.

There is a fact that psychology reveals features associated with certain stages of our development , such as childhood or old age. We may also get caught up in these stages of life and decide to dedicate our time to a particular group.

Directions in psychology

In the science of “psychology” there are many areas that work in certain techniques, for example:

  • Family psychology

Considers the family as a system and as individuals. This includes the model of interaction between family members, their relationships and ways out of crisis situations.

  • Art therapy

A direction that works through creativity. Can be expressed through drawings and crafts. Disclosure and exploration of personality through creativity.

  • Gestalt therapy

The basic principle of integrity works in this direction. The relationship between perception, thinking and personality is explained.

  • Psychoanalysis

The main emphasis is on exploring the unconscious. For its great role in human life. Psychiatric treatment has been developed based on this method.

  • Hypnosis

Weakening of self-control and the possibility of instilling certain information in a client in a short period of time.

  • Positive psychotherapy

Quite a new direction. Associated with the study of well-being in a person’s life and positive thinking.

There are other directions and there are quite a lot of them. If you want to undergo psychotherapy, it is very important to choose the most attractive approach for yourself. And for this it is important to study it in advance and choose a competent specialist.

The same psychologist cannot work in all directions. They usually specialize in one or more species.

You will develop a new perspective on mental illness

Studying psychology will allow you to bust many of the myths people believe about mental illness . For example, you will understand the difference between a syndrome, a disorder and a disease. You will understand that medicine does not cure certain diseases, it only “cures” them . You will discover the complexities of diagnosis and the many nuances associated with depression, anxiety disorder or schizophrenia.

Improving communication skills

Psychology explains how people communicate and what works best. Once you understand this, you can use appropriate gestures and a technique that will help you improve your communication skills and make it more persuasive and effective. Understanding the psychology of human communication will also make it easy for you to avoid mistakes that lead to communication breakdowns. Improved communication skills result in healthier relationships with people. Moreover, in some professions, like sales; where human resources, media and many others are involved, where communication is key, a knowledge of psychology can be especially useful.

For every passion there is a specialty

Not all psychologists are psychoanalysts or follow Freud's principles; in fact, many more do not. Studying psychology gives us the opportunity to subsequently study in a wide range of specialties so that we can choose the one we like best. There are many options:

  1. Clinical psychology.
  2. Educational psychology.
  3. Sports psychology.
  4. Criminal psychology.
  5. Psychology of health.
  6. Organizational psychology.
  7. Child and adolescent psychology.
  8. Social or community psychology.

Psychology is a great complement to other disciplines

Few fields of study complement other disciplines as much as psychology. For example, education in the field of journalism, medicine, philology, anthropology, art or economics and at the same time you can decide to start studying psychology in order to receive a richer and more complete training.

Even when it is not completely achievable, we become better people by trying to reach a higher goal.

Victor Frankl

Studying psychology enriches us, understand human behavior much better with all its social skills, language, communication, motivation, emotions and decision making. These processes are often necessary in order to have a more complete understanding of other sciences.

Basic methods in science

In order to have a good understanding of science and apply it correctly in the study of the human psyche, various methods are used. Let's look at some of them:

  • An experiment is a certain experience that comes in two types: laboratory and natural.
  • Observation - using this method, specialists gain knowledge and experience based on observation. Namely, in the process of observing the life process and various kinds of human behavior.
  • Testing is a frequently used method in psychology, but it does not always give accurate results and cannot show the depth of a person’s thinking.
  • Interview – question and answer between a specialist and a client. The questions are clearly formulated and the answers are recorded.

These methods allow specialists in the field of psychology to competently approach each client, as well as the very process of studying and researching science. Psychology is still a researched science, in which new facets are being discovered every year.

You will learn to communicate much better

This is an aspect that we don't always talk about. However, something that a psychologist learns in his daily studies is that acquiring skills in managing emotions or a deeper understanding of body language, along with all its nuances , actually provides tremendous ability in interpersonal communication.

We're not only talking about improving our ability to speak in public, but also how we'll become better at communicating with people. We will understand the person in front of us through their non-verbal communication, their tone of voice and expressions, and we will be able to have a more sensitive and effective dialogue with them.

What is the role of this science

Social psychology is extremely important in modern society; the knowledge possessed by specialists in this field helps in resolving conflicts and difficult situations both within very small groups (families, employees of a small office) and quite global ones - interethnic, interracial.
Also, the basics of social psychology help managers of large companies to effectively manage people, state leaders to manage the population, etc. The groups that are being studied may have different composition and size, but they must be united by one common action.
These can be family groups, work teams, as well as larger associations - nationalities or nations, races. Within each group there are special mechanisms and methods of interaction that psychologists study. This knowledge is then needed in solving various situations - optimizing work, resolving difficult situations, establishing new connections. Often it is the intervention of specialists that helps in correcting difficult situations, finding the optimal solution and creating a comfortable environment within the group. 12/27/2016 13:44

Studying psychology can be the first step to a better stage in your life

There are 1000 reasons to study psychology, but there is one that surpasses all others - it is a fascinating science that can open up a whole new stage in our lives. You will always find something that touches you in the moment in a way that makes you say to yourself “this is me” , this is what I want to delve into, this is the area in which I want to help people.

In some cases it will be neuroscience and all its mysteries. Other times it will be a specific type of therapy. Sometimes it is a desire to help children or to focus on a more experimental area of ​​research. The world of psychology is so broad that everyone will find at some point in which specific aspect they want to work in. And it is at this moment that everything changes and everything makes sense.

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About psychology

Photo by Darina Belonogova: Pexels
It is impossible to imagine modern society without psychology. Everyone who wants to develop for themselves comes into contact with this science in one way or another. Yes, at the moment the line between scientific psychology and everyday psychology can be invisible.

You've probably noticed how bloggers start talking about certain psychological issues. But is this always valid information?

In ancient times, psychology was associated with philosophy; sages studied what they could not see or touch. Therefore, the study was connected with something mysterious.

This science stands on the border between the humanities and the exact sciences. Therefore, it contains both philosophical and medical aspects.

It is very difficult to study psychology without paying attention to brain development. And the latter, in turn, is the most complex organ of the human body.

What else is important to know about psychology:

  • The name "psychology" is associated with Greek mythology. On behalf of the peasant woman Psyche.
  • Psychology studies the uniqueness of mental phenomena
  • Explores the psychophysiological characteristics of a person
  • Psychology studies the world of subjective phenomena, processes, states
  • The object of psychology is man
  • The subject of psychology is the human psyche
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