Knowledge, skills, abilities and habits in the second year of life

What determines a person’s life outcome and success? Of course, these are the skills and abilities that he possesses. At the same time, it is extremely important to understand that they can and should be mastered and developed at any age, because the more we are able to do, the more different goals we can achieve. Today we want to talk about how skills and abilities are formed and what stages this process consists of, as well as give several recommendations for their development that everyone can use.

Dynamics of formation of skills and habits in a child

is a generalized experience that reflects the objective reality of the surrounding world. For example, a baby, when exposed to rain for the first time, discovers the property of water - making objects wet. So, practically, the child learns the properties of objects, as well as objective reality in natural phenomena, in the actions of people in a given situation. This means that the first thing where everything begins for a baby is observation and acquisition of the first knowledge about the environment. Knowledge allows the child to come to an understanding of the appropriateness of the skills that an adult teaches him.


- an automated component of conscious action that arises as a result of repeated repetition. In other words, the skill does not immediately become automated, but develops as a result of repeated repetitions.


- a method of action designed for use in any conditions. A skill is a pattern of performing an action, i.e. its technical side. Skill allows you to use the acquired skill not only in the conditions in which it was formed. For example, if a baby uses a handkerchief only at home and his mother constantly reminds him of this, then this is a skill. And if he takes out a handkerchief and applies it to his nose everywhere, if necessary, then we can say that the skill has turned into skill.


- an established way of acting with an object or a form of behavior that in a certain situation acquires the character of a need. This is something that a person can no longer do without in everyday life, and cannot do otherwise. Unlike a skill, what is decisive here is not the action itself, but the skills that determine the culture of behavior that make up the spiritual side of a person’s life (careful, respectful attitude towards the environment).

Habits are formed based on the cultural traditions of society. Therefore, when developing cultural and hygienic skills in a child, the behavior of an adult is of great importance - he is an example to follow.

The acquisition of an initial culture of behavior is not a spontaneous process, but a gradual transition from the first generalized knowledge to the formation of skills that are transformed into skills and habits.

A little about skills and abilities

Scientific minds around the world are still engaged in serious debate about what constitutes the top of the hierarchy in the system of developing new knowledge, skills and abilities in a person that characterize his intellectual development. Some researchers say that skills are more important, while others say that skills are more important. Let's look at the differences.

A skill can be called the highest level of formation of any action - when it is performed automatically and a person does not need to be aware of the intermediate stages. A skill is the ability to act, which is performed consciously and has not yet reached the highest level of formation.

For example, when a person learns to perform some action with a specific goal, he first does it as consciously as possible, focusing on each intermediate step, and each step is stored in consciousness. The process of mastering the action is realized and developed. This means that skill is formed first.

Further, when a person systematically trains and continues to work on himself, his skill improves. The time to perform an action is reduced, and some of the intermediate stages begin to be performed unconsciously, automatically. And here we can already say that a full-fledged skill in performing an action is being formed.

Based on the above, we can conclude that a skill is an improved form of skill. If, for example, a child learns to read, it is initially difficult for him to “make” words from individual letters, and mastering this skill takes a lot of effort and time. But an adult, in the process of reading, reads letters and words automatically, controlling only the semantic aspect.

This means that thanks to long and persistent exercises and training, the ability to read has turned into a skill. The development of speech skills in preschoolers, the development of creative and social skills, the formation of business writing skills, etc. occur in exactly the same way.

A skill is an activity formed through repeated repetition and bringing it to automatism. An indicator that a person has a skill is that before performing an action, he does not think in advance about how exactly he will perform it, but when performing it, he acts accurately and quickly.

The formation and development of skills and abilities is a fairly long process that takes a lot of time. This often takes several years if we are talking about a complex action. As for improving skills and abilities, this generally occurs throughout a person’s entire life. This is what psychology says about skills and abilities.

How does a baby develop a skill?

Knowing that a skill is a semi-automated and then automated action, the term “automated” should be clarified. No, the baby is not an automaton or a mindless mechanism. However, you must agree: if every time we walked we solved the problem of how to place our foot, then we would not have enough energy and strength to master the more meaningful patterns of the world around us. This means that automated, memorized actions play a huge role: having them, a person becomes more skillful, dexterous and even lucky. Such skills only begin to develop in early childhood.

— How to effectively use development methods.


1) Self-study - independent study of information about models of successful behavior. Here we can include reading literature, independent study of various materials (articles, blogs, training manuals), and listening to webinars.

2) Seeking feedback - receiving feedback from colleagues, managers, mentors and experts from the open market about the success of your behavior in the aspect of a specific skill.

3) Learning from the experience of others and mentoring - identifying models of successful behavior in the work of a person with a high level of development of this competence and working with a mentor.

4) Special tasks (background trainings) - independent exercises that develop certain competencies, cultivate selected personal qualities in you or, conversely, utilize bad habits.

5) Development in the process of work - searching and mastering more effective models of behavior when solving problems included in your professional functionality.

Also read about success skills.


Stages of skill development

  1. A general understanding of the direction of the adult’s actions develops. The first knowledge arises on an emotional, sensory and indicative basis as a result of demonstrations and explanations.
  2. The child develops a pattern of action, a pattern of its execution is formed, i.e., the technique is honed. At this stage, demonstration and adherence to the exact sequence of actions are necessary.
  3. A sequence of actions is being formed, but the skill is still fragile and semi-automated.
  4. A practiced, stable, automated skill. The child performs the action independently.

An automated skill should become a habit, but given the age of the child, an adult should observe him and control his actions, because without constant correct reinforcement, the skill may disappear.
So, the more semi-automated and automated actions a child has, the easier and more interesting life is for him, and he has more time to learn about the meaningful side of the world around him. Indeed, a one and a half year old baby will not endlessly take off and put on a ring on a stick - this action is already automated. Now he assembles a pyramid in a certain sequence, mastering the size of objects, their quantity and ratio. Or he makes his own pyramid not only from rings, but also from balls and cubes, building a tower of unprecedented beauty. And by the age of two he will be proud: “It’s me!” This is how an automated skill helps you move towards creativity. Habits, like skills, are very stable. Therefore, it is easier to prevent the formation of a bad habit than to get rid of it once it has already formed. To successfully develop a skill, you should teach your child to follow the sequence of actions that make up the skill and monitor the accuracy of their implementation.

What is knowledge?

Knowledge determines our abilities and skills; they represent the basis of a person’s moral qualities, form his worldview and views on the world. The process of formation and assimilation of knowledge, skills, and abilities is fundamental in the works of many scientists and psychologists, but the concept of “knowledge” is defined differently among them. For some, it is a product of cognition, for others, it is a reflection and ordering of reality or a way of consciously reproducing a perceived object.

Representatives of the animal world also have elementary knowledge; it helps them in their life activities and the implementation of instinctive acts.

Knowledge acquisition is the result

The assimilation of knowledge largely depends on the chosen path; the completeness of the student’s mental development depends on it. Knowledge itself cannot provide a high level of intellectual development, but without it this process becomes unthinkable. The formation of moral views, strong-willed character traits, beliefs and interests occurs under the influence of knowledge, therefore they are an important and necessary element in the process of developing human abilities.

What types of knowledge are there?

  • The everyday type of knowledge is based on worldly wisdom and common sense. This is the basis of human behavior in everyday life; it is formed as a result of a person’s contact with the surrounding reality and the external aspects of existence.
  • Artistic is a specific way of assimilating reality through aesthetic perception.
  • Scientific knowledge is a systematic source of information based on theoretical or experimental forms of reflecting the world. Scientific knowledge may contradict everyday knowledge due to the limitations and one-sidedness of the latter. Along with scientific knowledge, there is also pre-scientific knowledge that preceded it.

The child receives his first knowledge in infancy

Knowledge acquisition and its levels

The assimilation of knowledge is based on the active mental activity of students. The whole process is controlled by the teacher and consists of several stages of assimilation.

  1. At the first stage - understanding, the perception of an object occurs, that is, its isolation from the general environment and the determination of its distinctive qualities. The student has no experience in this type of activity. And his understanding informs about his ability to learn and perceive new information.
  2. The second stage - recognition, is associated with the comprehension of the received data, the understanding of its connections with other subjects. The process is accompanied by the execution of each operation, using hints, a description of the action, or hints.
  3. The third level – reproduction, is characterized by active independent reproduction of previously understood and discussed information; it is actively used in typical situations.
  4. The next level of the process of acquiring knowledge and developing skills and abilities is application. At this stage, the student includes the perceived knowledge into the structure of previous experience and is able to apply the acquired set of skills in atypical situations.
  5. The final fifth level of assimilation is creative. At this stage, the scope of activity for the student becomes known and understandable. Unforeseen situations arise in which he is able to create new rules or algorithms for resolving the difficulties that have arisen. The learner's actions are considered productive and creative.

The formation of knowledge continues almost throughout one’s life.
Classification of levels of knowledge formation allows one to qualitatively assess the student’s mastery of the material.

Student development occurs starting from the first level. It is clear that if the student’s level of knowledge is characterized by the initial stage, then their role and value is small, however, if the student applies the information received in unfamiliar situations, then we can talk about a significant step towards mental development.

Thus, the assimilation and formation of skills is realized through comprehension and repetition of information, understanding and application in familiar or new conditions or areas of life.

Sequence and pattern of skill acquisition

It would be wrong to assume that the baby masters all skills sequentially throughout the year. No, he masters them at the same time: every day he uses a spoon, washes his face, washes his hands before eating... And yet, there is a conventionally identified sequence that allows you to gradually teach your baby to be independent. This sequence is dictated by the age characteristics of the child. Thus, the ability to dress independently is formed in a child by the age of two to two and a half years, and he can be taught to use a spoon by the age of one and a half years.

The following patterns of skill acquisition can be identified:

  • the formation of skills is a long process (the entire second year of life the baby gradually masters the independence skills necessary for life);
  • skills can be formed only on the basis of age capabilities (features of hand actions, general movements, etc.);
  • As skills and habits develop, the child has more opportunities to creatively explore the world around him.

So, the second year of life is a platform for the child’s overall development, an ideal period to begin the formation of many automated actions, skills and habits.

The most useful skills a person can develop

The list of skills that a person can develop is huge. Looking at this diversity, one feels powerless, because life is not enough to master everything. But there is basic knowledge that will be decisive for a person’s development both as an individual and as a professional. It's worth starting with them.

Ability to learn

This experience will become the most important on the path to self-improvement. The more developed this skill is, the faster new material is absorbed. This means it will be easier to learn other skills.

To make studying easier, you need to study the laws by which new information is absorbed, understand effective methods and understand how to choose a teacher for yourself.



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Proactive Thinking

Proactivity is a conscious choice of reactions to stimuli. A person understands his deepest values, has life principles and subordinates his reactions to them, regardless of conditions and circumstances. In other words, he is able to subordinate the reaction and choose how to perceive the world around him.

By the way, Stephen Covey in the famous bestseller “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” considered proactivity to be the main skill and put it in first place.

Critical thinking

Allows you to analyze all the data received, draw conclusions and make decisions based on them, and not guided by emotions. Such a person almost always has his own opinion and knows how to defend his position, sees different options for the development of the situation and their dependence on the environment.

Critical thinking questions everything. Inconsistencies and contradictions become visible, and the ability to see distorted and misinterpreted information develops.

Creative thinking

It will perfectly complement critical thinking, as it allows you to see the world differently, expand your inner horizons and find alternative and innovative solutions. In other words, it is openness of thinking and rejection of prejudices.

Everyone has creative inclinations, but for some they are clearly visible, while for others they are clogged with other mechanisms. The good news is that they can be stimulated and trained, while achieving great success.



How to develop creativity: detailed instructions

Advice from psychologists and experts on developing creativity and creative thinking


Oratory is useful not only for public speaking, but also for simple communication with other people. Well-constructed oral speech, clear diction and precisely formulated and beautifully expressed thoughts will only decorate any person.

6. Empathy

Empathy is empathy for the emotional state of other people, the ability to understand and sympathize. The skill is necessary when building relationships because it helps us put ourselves in the other person’s shoes and understand their position.

This is a very difficult job that requires a lot of internal resources. But pumping it up is achieved by regularly performing special exercises.

Financial management

This is a whole set of skills necessary for competent money management. They teach you to analyze and keep track of income and expenses, find gaps in the budget, save and save. Financial literacy also implies the ability to choose banking products and loans, understand tax issues and investments.

Time management

There is a separate article on time management on our blog. There you can read more about what it is and how to master it. Let me just briefly say that this is the art of time management aimed at increasing the efficiency of its use. Helps set goals, set priorities, organize work and personal time.

Setting goals

Goal setting is part of time management practice. But I will highlight it as a separate paragraph so that in the process of drawing up a to-do list and organizing working time, goal setting does not get lost. It is what creates the basis for effective activity, since it allows you to determine where you are moving and why all other steps are being taken.

Ability to rest

This is an absolutely necessary component of life, without which it is impossible to study and work effectively. But this must be done correctly so as not to cause even more harm to the body than from work.

It is advisable to learn how to properly spend time on vacation, how to relax after a working day and how to restore strength in 10 minutes.


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Habit Formation Skill

We have already said that good habits can be an excellent help for the formation of new competencies. So first, learn to reinforce good habits. There is a technique for this, following which will help you go through the stage of introducing innovations quickly and almost painlessly.

And, of course, along the way, get rid of bad habits that interfere with happiness and self-improvement.

12. Meditation

It could be considered one of the ways to relax, but in fact, meditation is much more than just relaxation. Practice heals the soul and body, allows you to find harmony within yourself and transmit it to the world. Having mastered meditation, rarely does anyone give it up, because the effect is truly impressive. Give it a try.


The ability to negotiate is one of the key skills in professional activity. The successful outcome of the transaction depends more on how confidently and convincingly you present your statements. Even the essence of the arguments is not as important as the tone, demeanor and disposition towards the interlocutor.

And don’t think that negotiations are only relevant at work. Convincing your husband that you simply need those shoes, or agreeing with your three-year-old to leave the playground without hysterics are also negotiations.

Computer skills

They are especially useful for those whose work involves a computer. But they are also useful for household needs. The following skills come to mind:

  • knowledge of Word tools (Office, Excel, PowerPoint) will help you print a report, do home accounting, and make a slide show of photos for your mother’s birthday;
  • touch typing will significantly speed up time, improve the quality of typing and protect your eyes from overstrain;
  • hot keys - instead of searching for a command in the menu for a long time, you simply press a couple of buttons and, voila, the task is completed;
  • graphic editors - you will beautifully process photographs for the family archive.


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Writing craft

Business correspondence, posts for social networks, and even a message to your daughter’s teacher must be written correctly and clearly. Who knows, maybe you want to publish a book or a fairy tale. Or, conversely, mastering the art of writing will push you to create your own work.

And if the work is directly related to texts, for example, copywriting, journalism, coaching, then this is one of your professional competencies.

What skills and habits should be cultivated first?

There are three main categories: hygiene skills (eating, washing and washing hands, using the potty, etc.); skills of cultural behavior (formation of a positive attitude towards surrounding adults and children); basic self-service skills (feasible independence).

In the second year of life, the baby’s relationship with the surrounding social world develops on the basis of the formation of leading skills and habits. That is why he reacts so negatively to any changes: moving the crib, table or chair, the absence of his favorite toy. He is unhappy if someone takes his toys and does not give them to another child. This is not greed or whim, but an established habit of seeing familiar objects in their places. They are unique signs that allow one to navigate the environment, which is not at all easy for a small child. In addition, this is an already established world of early childhood, and it should not be disturbed. On the contrary, adults should help make it bright and interesting.

Violation of existing living conditions - the usual daily routine, conditions of feeding and food processing - can lead to more serious consequences: refusal of food, sleep disturbances, and decreased comfort in the emotional and mental state of the child. Therefore, adherence to the regime is the first and most important habit for a child of the second year of life.

AgeMastery skillManifestations of skill
1 year 3 monthsEats thick food independently with a spoonThe child independently eats thick food from a plate with high edges. An adult feeds him if necessary
1 year 6 monthsEats thick food independently with a spoon, has a semi-automated skill in using it for the first courseA child eats liquid food (soup) from a deep plate, holding a spoon in his fist
1 year 9 monthsAble to partially undress with a little help from an adultThe child takes off his shoes (the laces are untied by adults), shoes, socks or tights. The adult helps by giving the child as much independence as possible.
2 yearsAble to partially dress with a little help from an adultThe adult provides the child with all possible independence; encourages the child if he himself puts on a hat, boots, socks; teaches sequences of actions

— Basic recommendations for personal development.


1) Make your learning and development a continuous process: gain new experience, meet new professionals, take on more complex tasks, use new tools in life and, most importantly: do it constantly.

2) Learn to effectively plan and organize your development.

3) Approach your own development comprehensively: use different formats of development and training.

4) Be curious about the information around you: study the business processes around you, constantly learn about new trends, and be interested in achievements in your areas of interest. Curious and inquisitive people are interesting, successful, exciting, fascinating and open-minded!

5) Develop skills gradually: choose those areas that will really help you achieve success in your work, study or business.

6) Make it a habit to read literature and information resources in your field every day, constantly increasing your level of expertise. Build it up not only in professional areas, but also in personal and personal effectiveness.

7) Develop your personal and professional skills while working, constantly taking on new tasks and projects;

8) Find people you want to learn from and look up to (both personally and professionally).

9) Learn to effectively use the feedback you receive (others' reactions to your actions or inactions) and determine its value.

10) Use the opportunities of alternative education organizations in your city to the maximum: attend all events that are useful and interesting to you: master classes, trainings, seminars. Determine their quality and level of speakers in advance. Read Stephen Covey's book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.


Formation of cultural and hygienic skills

For a child accustomed to personal hygiene from an early age, hygiene procedures are a necessity, a habit. Hygiene skills training begins with familiarization with personal hygiene items: a towel for the face and hands, a towel for the body, a towel for feet, a bath sheet, a small comb with blunt teeth, a cup for rinsing the mouth, a toothbrush, handkerchiefs, a brush for washing nails, sponge for body.

Hygiene education after one year is aimed at introducing the child to the following hygienic skills:

  • wash your hands before eating and after each contamination;
  • wash your face after a night's sleep and after each contamination;
  • take a daily hygienic shower before going to bed at night, and in the summer - before going to bed during the day;
  • wash with soap and a washcloth (after two days on the third);
  • wash yourself before bed and after sleep if your baby wakes up wet;
  • rinse your mouth after eating (from two years);
  • use a toothbrush (from two years old);
  • use a handkerchief as needed indoors and during walks (on your own from two and a half years old);
  • use a comb while standing in front of a mirror (from one and a half to two years);
  • care for nails with a brush (from two and a half years old);
  • do not take food with dirty hands (under the supervision of an adult throughout early childhood);
  • wash your feet before going to bed.

Any hygiene procedure with a small child should be carried out carefully, carefully, so as not to frighten him or cause discomfort. And even when your baby learns to perform this or that procedure on his own, do not leave him unattended.

When starting a hygiene procedure, think through all the actions in advance, arrange the necessary items so that they can be freely used without wasting time looking for them, without being distracted. For example, when preparing for a bath, think about where to put the jug, where to put the soap, which hook to hang the towel on. Check the water temperature, remove all unnecessary items from the bathroom.

To carry out hygiene procedures with your child, create all the necessary conditions:

  • place the towel hook at height level (but not eye level!) of the child;
  • place a bench next to the washbasin, standing on which he can reach the tap;
  • Attach the handle-holder to the wall so that the child can hold on to it with both hands when washing himself, washing his feet, or taking a hygienic shower;
  • Place a mat (grid) in the bathroom to prevent your child from slipping.


Items that the child will use independently should be selected taking into account his age capabilities. The size of the bar of soap should correspond to the child's hand; the towel and the loop on it should be such that the baby can remove and hang it with one movement; cups for toothbrush and mouthwash should be stable, comfortable and safe; The comb should be chosen with blunt teeth so as not to damage the baby’s delicate skin, and its size should match his hand.

A child’s personal hygiene items should be colorful and easy to remember. Starting from the age of one year, the child is able to find his towel, which always hangs in a certain place and has some kind of colorful landmark (pattern on the fabric, applique, embroidery, etc.).

Convenient organization of conditions for hygienic procedures should encourage the child to be active and independent.

Stages of the process of developing educational skills among college students

The article discusses issues related to the formation of students' skills and abilities. A list of types of skills that students of vocational colleges and academic lyceums must master is given, and the stages of the process of forming educational skills are shown: introducing a method (method of action), consolidating a method of action, teaching students to transfer learned actions.

Key words:
skill, educational skill, intellectual skills, skills formation.
The formation of skills and abilities to independently acquire new knowledge in the process of educational and work activities is one of the indicators of the effectiveness of training. This article discusses the process of developing skills when students study the “Informatics and IT” course.

In the definition of explanatory dictionaries, skill is a mastered method of activity. In order for students to master skills, they must know what components they consist of. Therefore, in the learning process, the teacher must specifically teach students the composition of the actions of a particular method of educational work. For this purpose, questions and tasks are selected, during which individual actions or a technique as a whole are practiced. Only after the student, completing the task independently, accurately applies the necessary methods of action, can the skill be considered developed.

The skill formed on the basis of learning activities acquires a new quality: students, knowing the composition and sequence of actions, independently and creatively apply it in new conditions. This improves the quality of the knowledge obtained [3].

Mastery of a skill is facilitated by repeated repetition of actions, students’ awareness of the structure of the skill itself (composition of actions), and exercise in applying actions according to a model, instruction, memo, rule, or independently. The success of skills formation is determined by the following conditions:

1. Setting students up for the need to perform certain actions in the process of completing a learning task.

2. Clear and accessible presentation of the goals and objectives that students must solve during educational activities.

3. Completeness and clarity of presentation of the structure of the skill being formed, showing ways of performing the activity.

4. Organization of students’ activities to master individual actions or their combination (technique) using a system of tasks.

Skills are acquired through activity and exercise. Exercise is the repeated repetition of actions for conscious improvement. When organizing students’ educational activities, it should be taken into account that exercises will only fulfill their function when the following conditions are met: students have a clearly realized goal for performing actions and the desire to achieve it. Therefore, the teacher’s explanation of the task should be detailed and understandable. It is necessary to show students the sequence of actions and the final result. It is necessary to ensure that students understand the results that they should receive in the process of doing work, preventing errors and identifying their causes. The teacher must help students analyze intermediate results and compare them with the final goal.

The main indicator of successful development of skills is the systematic implementation by students of more and more complex activities. When determining the difficulty of tasks, it is necessary to take into account that their structure includes two components: the activity offered to students and the material on which this activity will be carried out.

When developing skills, students’ awareness of the individual actions that make up a particular skill is of great importance. The teacher’s posing certain questions helps students understand their actions and creates an indicative basis for solving a problem. Questions may include: What steps must be taken to install an operating system on a computer? What actions need to be taken when creating and editing documents using Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, Microsoft Access? What actions need to be taken to set up the desktop, install or uninstall a program, create a Web page, compose a program in the Delphi programming language, methods of processing and creating images using the toolbar of the PhotoShop, CorelDraw program, use the global and local Internet, install anti-virus program and configure it, etc.?

To develop skills in students, the teacher first shows certain steps of the task step by step, while using visual teaching aids (using a video projector, posters, mock-ups, etc.). But simply looking at or observing the teacher's actions is not enough. Practical activities of the students themselves are necessary.

The content of the “Informatics and IT” course provides for students to master the following skills. Below is a list of skills that are reflected in the standard program of the subject “Informatics and IT”.

The process of developing educational skills consists of three stages: I. Introduction of a technique (method of action). II. Reinforcing the method of action. III. Teaching students to transfer learned actions.

Introduction is carried out in different ways and depends on the content of the material being studied and the level of preparation of students. If the method of activity is not complicated, then students can actively participate in its introduction. In this case, the composition of the action is determined in the form of oral instructions. For example, if you create a program in Delphi, you first need to analyze and process information. After all, when creating a program, it is necessary to first study the problem, analyze and solve it mathematically, and only then create an algorithm and program. When creating a presentation or Web page, it is also necessary to initially analyze and process information, because when setting a design, background, banner, animation, design of a presentation or Web page, it is necessary to take into account compliance with a given topic. In this case, the teacher can verbally explain the process of preliminary analysis and processing of information. When creating a program, a Web page, a presentation, a text document, a table, formulas, setting up an operating system, etc., students encounter difficulties and require students to perform a more complex series of actions, instructions that explain the sequence of task completion. The first stage (introduction of the technique) consists of the primary assimilation of the method of action. The work at the first stage should mainly consist of fulfilling algorithmic instructions.

At the second stage, there is no repetition of the sample sequence of actions shown by the teacher for a specific task. To reinforce a specific topic, students are given exercises similar to the model shown by the teacher. By performing exercises, students learn to transform previously known methods on their own. If the exercise is completed correctly, then we can assume that the students have fixed the topic. For example, at the first stage the teacher demonstrated the exercise: “Find the sum of the elements of a one-dimensional array.” This exercise was solved by creating a program in Delphi. Students performed the sequence of actions of the program shown by the teacher on their computer and displayed the result. At the second stage, exercises for students similar to the demonstrated program are offered. For example, tasks on finding negative members of an array, positive members of an array, maximum and minimum members of an array, etc. Students need to complete an individual task and display the result. The task directs students to perform a number of actions: analyzing and processing data, creating an algorithm, drawing a flowchart, writing a program, outputting the result of the program. To make it easier for students to complete the task, they should be allowed to use the sample. It serves as an indicative basis for organizing activities.

At the next stage of developing educational skills, it is necessary to use tasks that should direct students to use existing knowledge and skills in solving new problems. Training students in correctly completing tasks allows them to move to the third stage of learning - transferring learned actions. Here are some independent work assignments for students. For example, creating a program in another programming language. At the third stage of developing skills - transferring them to a new object - students should be asked to independently consider another programming language. In this case, transfer according to the model is carried out, i.e., students perform the same actions as when solving a learning task (only apply them to new objects) [4]. Transfer is a more complex activity and requires the introduction of additional actions.

Thus, from stage to stage it is necessary to increase the degree of independence of students in completing tasks. This is achieved through exercise and a gradual reduction in the teacher’s direct guidance of student activities, replacing instructions with questions or tasks of varying levels of difficulty. Recorded results of completing tasks allow you to control the process of knowledge formation and the level of skills. The level of skill development is determined by the correctness of the task independently completed by students [5].

At the end of each stage of training, control over the formation of skills is carried out using questions and assignments, based on the requirements of the work program.


1. Dmitriev S.V. The purpose of educational technologies is the transfer of knowledge or expansion of consciousness?/ S.V. Dmitriev//Theory and practice of physical culture.-2011. - No. 7.-S. 94–101.

2. Kosobok M. Teaching technologies in the classroom: what teachers don’t know or don’t want to know / M. Kosobok // First of September. School management.-2011.-No. 8.-S. 37–40.

3. Abdullaeva O. S. Pedagogical design of the process of independent education of a student // Young scientist. - 2014. - No. 8. - pp. 757–760.

4. Abdullaeva O. S. Increasing the efficiency of the process of preparing university students for pedagogical activities // Young scientist. - 2013. - No. 10. - pp. 491–493.

5. Abdullaeva O. S. Organization of extracurricular educational work of students in professional colleges and academic lyceums // Young scientist. - 2014. - No. 19. - pp. 491–493.

Learn to wash your face

  • Roll up the sleeves of the child's clothing.
  • Check the water temperature.
  • Lather your baby's palms until foam forms and rub them together. You can play: “Whose paws are these? Scratchy paws? No, these are pens! Whose pens are these? Yes, my granddaughter (daughter)!” and so on.
  • Rinse off the soap under running water, encouraging the baby to act independently.
  • Wash your face, naming each part of it. Learn to blow your nose: pinching one or the other nostril, suggest forcefully blowing out a stream of air.
  • Wash your child's hands with water again.
  • Turn off the water.
  • Remove the towel, inviting the baby to participate in this.
  • Wipe your face and hands dry, naming the parts of the body and face that are being wiped.
  • Offer to look in the mirror: “Look how clean and beautiful you have become!”

When washing, the adult names all the actions that take place before the child’s eyes (“This is water. This is how the water runs! What kind of water? Warm, transparent, fast, gentle. This is soap. What kind of soap? Beautiful, smooth, slippery. Oh, oh! He wants run away. No, we won’t let you, soap, run away!”)

In the second half of the year, the adult, adhering to the sequence of actions, encourages the child to become as independent as possible.

It is very important, starting from the age of one and a half years, to teach your child to use a towel independently and wipe their hands dry. Its increased activity requires frequent hand washing. If you do not wipe them dry, very soon rough skin (so-called chicks), cracks, etc. may form.

Learning to use a towel

  • Remove the towel from the hook.
  • Place it on one hand, then hide the other hand under it.
  • Holding the towel straight in the middle, bring it to your face, pressing it, touching every part of your face.
  • After wiping your face dry, release one hand from under the towel and wipe it with movements of the hand hidden under it.
  • Wipe your other hand.

All actions should be accompanied by a lively conversation with the baby. And at the end, offering to show the hands and fingers to the bunny, the bear, and ask: “What are the hands like now?” Reply: “Dry, clean!” Then read the nursery rhyme “Finger Boy”:

Thumb-boy, where have you been? I went to the forest with this brother, I cooked cabbage soup with this brother, I ate porridge with this brother, I sang songs with this brother!

When reading a nursery rhyme, encourage the baby to show each finger in turn.

If an adult is patient, then soon the baby will wash and dry his hands himself.


Learning to use a handkerchief

  • Know the purpose of a handkerchief. Do not use it as a game item.
  • Be calm about using the scarf for its intended purpose.
  • Finding a handkerchief in the pocket of a dress, jacket, shirt, coat, etc.
  • Take the handkerchief out of your pocket and use it yourself (if necessary, seek help).
  • Gradually develop the ability to unfold and fold a scarf, and carefully put it in your pocket.
  • Pay attention to the cleanliness of the handkerchief.

Learning to use a comb

  • Know your comb and where it goes.
  • Show the functional purpose of the comb and develop the skill of using it.
  • Teach to be calm about the combing procedure, repeat it as needed (after sleep, after a walk, after using a hat, etc.).
  • Allow the child to show independence based on his desire (“I do it myself!”).
  • Transfer the skill of using a comb to a play situation (with a doll), repeating a familiar action in a plot-display game.
  • Avoid using someone else's comb.

Formation of neatness skills

Teaching a child to use the potty is a known difficulty for many parents, especially today: accustomed to diapers from infancy, the baby does not want to sit on the potty. Meanwhile, the second year of life is a critical period. Giving up diapers during this period can be considered an urgent need. At 1 year 6 months - 1 year 8 months, it is advisable to develop the skill of neatness in the baby.

From an early age, he should experience unpleasant sensations from wet pants and underwear, situationally coinciding with his physiological functions. Only in this case will he begin to develop a behavioral reaction aimed at eliminating the causes leading to unpleasant sensations. This behavior can be formed in a child very early, even in the first year of life. Already at 5-6 months, the baby is able to give signals through his behavior (facial expressions, motor activity, voice). If the mother understands that these signals are specifically for her, and immediately reacts (lifting the baby, bringing her into the appropriate position, pronouncing generally accepted sounds), then she achieves the desired result, and she can be congratulated on the child’s great achievement.

In the second year of life, the method of introducing the potty remains the same. If the baby is accustomed to diapers, then we have to talk not about developing the skill of neatness, but about relearning. The child is comfortable in diapers, he always remains dry, even without controlling his movements. This is why diapers are dangerous: the understanding of cause-and-effect relationships is disrupted, and the ability to manage oneself based on one’s own feelings is not formed. Now you both have to work. After all, you won’t leave your child in diapers until school!

It will help you that after 1 year 3 months - 1 year 6 months the child understands you very well. He still does not know how to express his feelings, impressions, desires in words, but he can understand what the adult’s efforts are aimed at. In addition, the baby really values ​​your attitude towards him. If he feels that his mother (father, grandmother, etc.) is happy about his successes in the most delicate situations, then he will try to give you this pleasure. And, perhaps, the most important thing is that after one and a half years the physiological system of natural functions improves: the child is able to restrain himself for some time from immediate results, and, therefore, regulate and understand his states. Of course, one should not assume that in the second year of life the baby becomes completely independent. It will take a lot of time for the skill of neatness to become a habit.

Development of skills and abilities in a short time

Today you can find many different ways, methods and techniques for developing skills and abilities in any area of ​​life. Many books and articles have been written on this topic, and there are various manuals, including specialized ones. However, any option will be based on four rules that must be strictly followed.

Rule one: one period of time - one skill

In order for the development of a skill to be effective, and for it to become firmly rooted in consciousness and life, to become automated, it is important to pay as much attention to it as possible, and there are good reasons for this.

Childhood is a period in which a person can grasp an incredible amount of information and knowledge on the fly. Look at children: at the same time they learn to handle objects, talk, walk, fasten buttons and tie shoelaces. But even though a child’s mind is open to everything new, it takes him months to master some basic skills from an adult’s point of view.

With age, such abilities to absorb new knowledge and simultaneously master different skills are no longer so acute. Often, even one complex skill has a stressful effect on our body and psyche.

In addition to this, if we master several skills at the same time, our subconscious will try to connect them together, causing them to appear complex. And this, in turn, can cause the most unexpected results. For example, if for some reason one of the two skills you are learning is not given to you or you simply no longer need it, the second skill “associated” with it may “disappear” along with it.

If you are committed to developing a skill of any kind, if it is important to you, devote time only to it. It must be mastered by you in a concentrated form. If this is so, you will be able to master it quickly and efficiently, and after that you can begin to master the next skill, and then by analogy.

Rule two: the first training sessions are for quantity, not quality.

Please note that most of the time, a person learning a new skill will not be very good at it, no matter how hard they try. If you rely on the quality of the actions performed from the very beginning, you will slow down your development.

At the initial stage, it is much more effective to work on quantity. It will be better if you do 50 repetitions with an average result than 10 repetitions with a good result. Only after fully mastering the technique can you begin to hone it.

Even scientific research confirms the fact that with systematic and regular intensive training, errors and shortcomings are eliminated by themselves. You don't even have to do anything to get better, just keep working.

Accept it as truth: a person learns tens of times faster by simply repeating the same actions than if he tried to perfect them over and over again from the first attempts. As for making tasks more difficult for yourself, be sure to read our article “State of Flow.”

Rule three: practice a new skill repeatedly

Let's say you went to some wonderful training or master class, where there was practice. Everything worked out great for you, and even at home that same evening you demonstrated impressive results to your family. But then a few days pass, you were busy with work and other things, and when you decide to do what you learned again, you either do it very poorly or don’t do it at all.

You can make this observation yourself and be convinced of its veracity. And this happens for the reason that at the seminar your body and psyche were in a stressful situation, internal reserves were activated. Plus enthusiasm and a little euphoria - and everything went like clockwork. In ordinary life, everything happens differently.

In order for a new skill to begin to form into a skill, for it to develop and its application to bear fruit, it needs to be given constant attention. Think of knowledge as a seed that you need to cultivate. A sprout is a skill, and a flower is your skill. If you don’t take care of the grain and don’t water it, nothing will grow.

It’s the same with skills: make sure they don’t go to waste and wither before they even have time to bloom. Constant work, maximum practice and consistency - this is what is needed for new skills to be consolidated and gain strength, to become more perfect. Add patience to this - and you will definitely succeed.

Rule four: do not use a new skill in important matters

Naturally, this only applies to the stage of mastering a new skill. Imagine that you just went to boxing training for the first time. You liked everything and it worked out well. And so you immediately decide to enter the ring against a professional boxer. What do you think will happen? You will be knocked out in the first minute of the fight.

While you are just learning a new skill, practice, but do not rush to test your strength in “battle”. There are many factors at play here: inexperience, importance of the event, stress from performing unusual actions, etc. All this will most likely lead to dire consequences.

Therefore, at first – only training and development. Gradually begin to introduce a new skill into life, trying to use it in simple situations that are close to everyday ones. And when you gain a little experience, use it for more serious situations, systematically moving forward in the most difficult ones.

We are sure that now your store of knowledge has been well replenished, and the development of skills and abilities will become at least a little easier and faster. We wish you success!

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We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Skill Matrix
  • Halperin's theory of mental action
  • Best of the year. Part five
  • Hard skills
  • General educational skills and abilities: description and main ways of development
  • How to quickly instill a skill in yourself
  • Development of communication skills in children
  • How to quickly learn any skill
  • Social skills: what they are, what they are and how to develop them
  • Genetic psychology


Learning to use the potty

  • The offer to use the potty should coincide with the child’s natural need. It is better to do this before a walk, before bedtime and after it if the child wakes up dry.
  • The physiological need, as a rule, arises in the baby 20-30 minutes after eating. Taking this into account, you can invite your child to sit on the potty before eating, but not immediately after eating.
  • As soon as the baby is wet, you should pay his attention to this and immediately change his pants to dry ones.
  • The child should feel the difference.
  • Make sure your child doesn't fall into the potty. The edges of the pot should be warm and dry.
  • The child should be reminded of a possible need, even when he does not give you signals.
  • An adult should try to catch the moment of the child’s highest need and achieve a positive result in this particular situation. We can assume that this situation is the beginning and end of your problems: the baby will now anticipate it himself. Rejoice, show that you are satisfied, praise him. And the child will repeat and repeat such procedures “desired” for you.
  • You should know that the baby has bowel movements earlier (if there is a need) than urination. It is advisable to teach him to empty his bowels in the morning.
  • You should not keep your baby on the potty for more than five minutes.
  • Do not leave your child alone in the potty, unattended. He is still too young for you to rely on his prudence and independence.


Skills needed in everyday life

I won’t lie: you can do without any of them. But living without these skills, which everyone should still learn, is more difficult, and in extreme situations, some will even save lives.

Providing first aid

No one is safe from trouble. So it is better to know how to help yourself, your family or a stranger in case of injury. Practice shows that many do not even know how to properly stop nosebleeds or what to drink for a high fever.



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Nobody knows what kind of people you will meet in life. Perhaps not everyone will have good intentions. Therefore, basic self-defense techniques, rules for using a gas spray, a stun gun or an air pistol will help you feel more confident.

Behavior in an emergency situation

It’s a pity that so little attention is paid to life safety lessons at school. How to suppress panic, how to behave in case of a fire, what to do if you are drowning or have fallen through the ice, how to get out of a sinking car, how to survive in the forest - you need to seal this in your memory. Then you’ll see there will be fewer tragedies with drowning fishermen and people suffocating in fires.


Looking at some parents, it seems reasonable to argue that only people who have undergone special training should be allowed to give birth to children. After all, clothing, feeding and putting to sleep is not enough. It is necessary to understand how to communicate with a child and how to raise an integral, self-sufficient, mentally healthy personality.

Many parenting methods that worked for our parents and grandmothers are now irrelevant. Society and the position of the individual in it have changed, which means that different upbringing is needed. Read at least the book by Lyudmila Petranovskaya “Secret Support. Attachment in a child’s life.”

5. Driving

There is no point in talking about how convenient it is to have a car and how much time is saved if you have your own wheels. But what it is advisable to pay attention to is mastering extreme driving skills. And not to feel like a cool racer and ride without looking around. But only in order to be able to get out of difficult emergency situations, to feel confident on any road and in bad weather.

Foreign languages

Learning and using foreign languages ​​is a great way to train your brain. In addition, this skill will be useful in work and travel. New facets in cinema and literature will open up before you, because watching and reading works in the original is much more interesting.

The most universal language is English, but more and more people want to learn Chinese. After all, it is the most common in the world today.

7. Cooking

The ability to cook deliciously is considered the prerogative of the female half of humanity, although men are often even better at this craft. It’s not for nothing that most famous chefs are men. But culinary knowledge will certainly be useful to everyone in life, and gender does not play a role here.


If you do not have a staff of servants, then the subtleties of housekeeping will certainly be needed. Proper washing of clothes, secrets of maintaining cleanliness, floriculture - this is only a small part of what you need to know in order for comfort and order to reign in your home.

Interior Design

For those who want to reach a new level in arranging their home. Interior design is not only about beauty, but also about convenience and functionality.

Think over the layout and color palette, plan the arrangement of furniture, select different lighting scenarios - it’s quite possible to learn this by spending a certain amount of hours and effort.

Style Basics

No matter how sad it is, we are greeted by our clothes. Therefore, you need to know how to dress appropriately for different situations and events, what outfits are suitable for your body type, how to combine colors in clothes and select accessories. You don't have to become a stylist to understand the basics, which will be enough for everyday life. By the way, this also applies to men.

Cosmetology and makeup

There is no need to understand the intricacies of makeup and spend half your salary on cosmetics if you are not interested. Find some good products for yourself and get familiar with basic makeup techniques.

It is more important to learn how to take care of your skin. At least cleanse, moisturize and protect from the sun. This will get rid of acne, age spots and other problems, delay the appearance of wrinkles and even maintain health.

12. Massage

This skill will significantly elevate you in the eyes of your family. They will line up to get their portion of relaxation and relaxation after a hard day.

You can master massage techniques yourself using video lessons and books, but it is better, of course, to take courses. A professional will tell you and show you the right techniques and techniques.

Hairdressing art

Even a novice hairdresser can trim the ends and bangs, do the styling and haircut, and cut the hair of her son and husband. This will give you the opportunity to get rid of the unnecessary hassle of going to the hairdresser. And it will save the family budget.


Taking beautiful photos at an amateur level is not that difficult. You don't need a professional camera or super expensive equipment for this. The skill of the photographer is crucial to successful photographs. Knowing the basic rules and principles will significantly improve the quality of your photographs.

15. Chess

After the release of the TV series “The Queen’s Move,” this intellectual sport is experiencing a new round of popularity. And one can only rejoice at this, because chess perfectly develops both hemispheres of the brain, logic, abstract thinking, memory, and helps train attentiveness and the ability to maintain concentration.

There are even studies that older people who play chess are at lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.



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What you need to know about diapers

  • It is recommended to use diapers only in early infancy, combining them with diapers (for example, at night or every other time).
  • Diapers should be used selectively, based on the situation (for example, when getting ready for a walk, visiting, or under special circumstances, such as a child’s illness, a long move, etc.).
  • It is necessary to take into account the physical condition of the child. If he is weakened, nervous, anxious, restless at night, then he needs diapers at this stage of his “borderline” nervous state. Then, as they say, choose the lesser of two evils.
  • In the second year of life, adults should abandon diapers when caring for a child, gradually accustoming him to feasible independence in such a delicate matter: he must be aware of the need that has arisen and report it to an adult.
  • The attitude towards diapers in the second year of a child’s life should change: it’s not diapers that keep you on the hook, but you that keep them in check. You can do without them at home, but if you need to go somewhere, you can wear diapers just in case.
  • It is easier to wean a child off diapers in the summer and at home, when you don’t have to resort to labor-intensive changing the baby’s clothes. Then stop using them while walking. This is possible, because after 1 year 6 months the baby experiences the need for natural functions less often than in the first year.
  • Scientists believe that the constant use of diapers is especially unacceptable for boys: his genitals are in a state of greenhouse effect, which can adversely affect sexual function in the future.

“Practical encyclopedia of early development” Article provided by the publishing house “ROSMEN”

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