How to use the Emotional Scale? Part 1. Definitions

Do you often, when communicating with this or that person, catch yourself thinking that you do not understand your interlocutor at all? Sometimes we perceive the irrational, illogical and unexpected actions of the people around us as a completely common occurrence. We try not to think about why this or that person behaves this way and not otherwise. When we do not understand some actions of a person, many of us attribute it to a bad character or a bad mood.

• Predicting people's behavior is a skill that almost every person living on our planet would like to have. Having this ability, you can understand whether you should trust a potential business partner, whether you need to start a serious relationship with an impressive man or attractive woman you like, whether you can count on the help and support of a friend in difficult times, etc.

• The ability to accurately predict the behavior of a person will help reduce the risk associated with relationships and interactions between people to an absolute minimum. But is it possible to acquire this ability?

• Learning to determine the emotional state of people and predict their behavior is not only possible, but necessary! This can be done using a special Hubbard emotional tone scale, which was developed by the American philosopher and writer Ronald Hubbard.

What is the Hubbard Emotional Tone Scale? How to learn to understand this method? In this article we will try to find the correct answers to these questions.

What is it and its history

The Hubbard scale is a powerful psychological tool that helps to correctly assess a person’s behavior and makes it possible to predict his actions.

This special method was developed in the 50s of the XX century. Ronald Hubbard. To systematize all human emotions and place them in precise order on a scale, Hubbard observed a lot of behavior around him and spent a lot of time conducting experiments.

When using this scale, you will be able to interact more effectively with others and understand the reason for their emotions and behavior.

Scientology in Russia

This science has not taken root in our country. The Russian Orthodox Church actively condemned it, demanding that the government ban the spread of Scientology sects. A loud scandal broke out when one of the former leaders of the Church of Scientology, Vladimir Ivanov, publicly spoke in the press, calling his fellow believers swindlers and swindlers. He exposed this organization as a purely commercial one, engaged in recruiting irresponsible citizens for the purpose of extorting money.

To follow or not to follow these methods is everyone’s personal choice. You don't have to be a member of the Church of Scientology to use its theories. The Hubbard Emotional Tone Scale is a fairly innocent teaching. And if it helps you establish contact with others, then why not use it?

Hubbard Detailed Emotional Tone Scale

The scale allows you to characterize a person’s state in a specific period of life, through the depiction of emotions on a scale from 0.1 to 4.0. It establishes 9 tones (0.1, 0.5, 1.1, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0) and provides characteristics for determining the level of responsibility, determination, restraint of a person, his attitude towards lies and aggression.

Emotional tone 4.0

Characteristic nameDescription
HealthStrong immunity to various diseases. There are practically no psychosomatic diseases
Emotional conditionOften feels inspired and engaged
Control over yourself and the world around youHigh level of control over your behavior. Often experience vivid, genuine emotions and do not like to control others
Behavior and physiologyCompletes assigned tasks efficiently. Responds promptly to emergency situations
EthicsHigh ethical level based on reason
Attitude to truthHas a clear idea of ​​the truth with a good concept of it
Sexual behaviorHigh level of sexual interest, which often turns into creative thought
Attitude towards childrenStrong interest in children
Courage LevelGreat level of courage
Speech skill/listening skillActively ready to share knowledge and beliefs. Shows your attentiveness and willingness to listen
ResponsibilityVery high level of responsibility
PerseveranceHigh level of persistence in achieving creative goals
Treatment of peopleThrough their enthusiasm and energy they gain the support of people
Ability to experience pleasure in the present tenseTakes full pleasure in existing in the present tense
The value of friendshipVery good friend
Susceptibility to hypnosisCannot be hypnotized without drugs or medications
LifespanHigh survival potential

Emotional tone 3.5 and 3.0

Characteristic nameTone 3.5Tone 3.0
HealthHigh resistance to common infections, practically does not suffer from coldsAverage resistance to common infections. In small cases, susceptible to psychosomatic illnesses
Emotional conditionHigh level of involvement and interestModerate satisfaction and interest in the world around you
Control over yourself and the world around youCapable of freely expressing one's emotions and rational thinkingThere are obstacles that prevent you from freely expressing emotions. Democratic and able to think intelligently.
Behavior and physiologyPerforms assigned tasks at a good level. Has the ability to achieve athletic achievements. Moderate ability to complete assigned tasks and projects. Can play sports
EthicsRespects the ethical standards of the group and is engaged in their improvementComplies conscientiously with instilled ethical standards
Attitude to truthDoesn't like to lieExpresses truthful statements with caution. Might lie
Sexual behaviorPermanent. Experiences high sexual interest Interested in procreation
Attitude towards childrenLoves childrenModerate interest in children
Courage LevelGreat level of courage only when the risk is worth itShows courage only in small risks
Speech skill/listening skillLoves to share his opinions and deep beliefs. I’m ready to hear the same thing from others. He expresses his thoughts hesitantly. Be wary of other people's beliefs
ResponsibilityAccepts and takes responsibility for his words and actionsNeglect of responsibility
PerseveranceReady to be persistent only for creative purposesShows persistence in the face of small obstacles
Treatment of peopleGains public support through creative thinkingKnows how to behave correctly in society, which is why he receives public support
Ability to experience pleasure in the present tenseMost often happy with their existenceOnly sometimes satisfied with my existence in the present tense
The value of friendshipGood friendGood friend
Susceptibility to hypnosisDifficult to put into hypnosisMaximum level of preparation for action, but can be subject to hypnosis
LifespanGood survival potentialGood survival potential

Emotional tone 2.5 and 2.0

Characteristic nameTone 2.5Tone 2.0
HealthSusceptible to common diseasesOccasionally susceptible to serious illness
Emotional conditionOften feels bored and indifferentOften indignant
Control over yourself and the world around youAverage level of ability to think rationallyBrings destruction to itself and the world around it. Needs control to avoid harming others
Behavior and physiologyMost often does not show activity, but, in extreme cases, is capable of performing actionsCapable of minor beneficial and destructive actions
EthicsShows insincerity regarding ethical standards. Not particularly dishonest or honest Low ethical level. Despotic. At every opportunity he behaves dishonestly.
Attitude to truthShows indifference and insincerity to the truthLikes to twist the truth in his favor
Sexual behaviorLow level of sexual desire and no interest in procreationDisgusted
Attitude towards childrenShows toleranceChildren make you nervous
Courage LevelDoesn't like danger. Not brave, but not cowardly either Recklessly rushes towards danger
Speech skill/listening skillOften engages in superficial conversations. Doesn't like to talk about serious topics, only everyday questions Speeches are threatening. Laughs at the words of others
ResponsibilityHigh level of carelessness, does not inspire much confidenceShows responsibility only for its own purposes
PerseverancePoor concentration on assigned tasks, does not show persistencePersistent only in destroying the threat
Treatment of peopleNot caring about the support of others towards himCriticizes and finds fault to achieve what he wants
Ability to experience pleasure in the present tenseVery rarely enjoys the present timePleasure in the present tense is obtained in extreme cases
The value of friendshipMediocre friendBad friend
Susceptibility to hypnosisCan be subject to hypnosisGood for hypnosis
LifespanAverageLow level of survival potential

Emotional tone 1.5 and 1.1

Characteristic nameTone 1.5Tone 1.1
HealthSusceptible to diseases that deposit substances in the bodySusceptible to neurological diseases
Emotional conditionFeels angry oftenFrequent fear and resentment
Control over yourself and the world around youDestroys everything around. If it doesn't work out, he might destroy himself. Unable to control his emotions. Likes to use underhanded methods to gain power
Behavior and physiologyDestructive actions are a priorityCan perform minor tasks
EthicsOften behaves dishonestly. Exhibits immoral behavior and destroys all ethical standards Constantly lies. Negative ethical level.
Attitude to truthLikes to tell lies that cause destructionConstantly hides the truth and distorts lies
Sexual behaviorCapable of violenceSexual deviations and promiscuity
Attitude towards childrenShows child abuseUses children for his own purposes
Courage LevelCapable of rash courage, even to one's own detrimentShows cowardice very often
Speech skill/listening skillHe talks only about destruction and hatred. He does not like conversations with meaning. Listens attentively only about negative things. He gives the impression that his words carry meaning, but in fact his intentions are malicious. Loves to hear only about intrigue and destruction
ResponsibilityTakes responsibility only for the sake of destructionIrresponsible and capricious
The value of friendshipMediocre friendDangerous burden for other people
Susceptibility to hypnosisCan be subject to hypnosisResists hypnosis, but is constantly in a light trance
LifespanPotential for early deathLow level of survival potential

Emotional tone 0.5 and 0.1

Characteristic nameTone 0.5Tone 0.1
HealthOften susceptible to accidents and chronic organ diseaseIll chronically
Emotional conditionOften experiences apathy and griefFeels deep apathy
Control over yourself and the world around youOrdinary control only over oneselfHas no control over himself. Suicidal.
Behavior and physiologyPerforms uncontrollable actionsAlive only as a biological organism
EthicsSubmits to everything. No thought process Absent
Attitude to truthPresents facts whose reality it does not representDoes not react
Sexual behaviorVery rarely are attempts made to procreateDoes not show any attempts to procreate
Attitude towards childrenConstantly worries about childrenIndifferent
Courage LevelAlways a cowardAbsent
Speech skill/listening skillHe speaks very little. Shows apathy. Practically does not listen to what others say. Loves talk of pity Doesn't speak or listen
PerseveranceShows persistence towards self-destructionAbsent
Treatment of peopleLies to gain sympathy. Often cries for pity and causes anxiety among others Criticizes and finds fault to achieve what he wants
Ability to experience pleasure in the present tenseAbsentAbsent
The value of friendshipA big burden for othersConstantly needs help, so becomes a burden to others
Susceptibility to hypnosisVery easy to hypnotizePractically no different from a person subject to hypnosis
LifespanA quick deathPractically dead

Famous Scientology adherents

Despite the fact that Scientology is a fairly young science, it has become incredibly popular in our time. This is probably one of the most successful modern teachings that provides an alternative to traditional religions. Scientology methods are followed by many famous politicians, actors, musicians, athletes and other public figures. The leader of Scientologists among celebrities is, of course, Tom Cruise. Thanks to the fact that he praises this teaching at every convenient and inconvenient occasion, even those who don’t even watch Hollywood films began to know about it. He regularly participates in charity events, emphasizing that this is done in the name of good, as taught by the Scientology religion. In addition, he even opened several Scientology centers to spread this teaching as quickly as possible.

For John Travolta, in his own words, Scientology helped him cope with the loss of his mother, and since then he has also become an active follower of this movement. Together with his wife Kelly Preston, he can compete with even Tom Cruise in promoting Scientology.

Among other famous names you can also find Will Smith, Lisa Marie Presley, Kirstie Alley, Nicolas Cage, Elisabeth Moss, Chick Corea, Isaac Hayes. All of them are very successful and sought-after actors and musicians, which constitutes the best advertisement for Scientology.

Hubbard's Complete Emotional Tone Scale

Highest tone 40.0 Serenity of existence 30.0 Postulates 22.0 Games 20.0 Actions 8.0 Inspiration 6.0 Aesthetics 4.0 3.5 Joy 3.3 Strong interest Conservatism 2.9 Moderate 2.8 Satisfaction 2.6 of interest 2.5 Boredom 2.4 Monotony 2.0 Antagonism 1.9 Hostility 1.8 Pain 1.5 Anger 1.4 Hatred 1.3 Resentment 1.2 Lack of empathy 1.15 Covert resentment 1.1 Covert hostility 1.02 Anxiety 1.0 Fear-0 .01 Failure -0.1 Pity -0.2 Shame -0.7 Guilty _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-1.0 Blame -1.3 Regret -1.5 Control of bodies -2.2 Protection of bodies -3.0 Possession -3.5 Approval from -4.0 Necessity of bodies -5.0 Worship of bodies -6.0 Sacrifice -8.0 Hidden -10.0 Being a body -20.0 Being nothing -30.0 Can't hide – 40.0 Complete failure Lowest tone

As you can see, whose emotional tone is in low positions, they are apathetic, indifferent and always avoid communication. If you cannot find a common language and achieve mutual understanding with your interlocutor, then you most likely have too much difference in emotional tones. In this case, there can be no talk of any kind of friendship or cooperation. One will perceive arguments with enthusiasm, the other with complete apathy.

4.0 pent-up hostility - lack of empathy

Why dodge and fuss? A person in the absence of sympathy acts more simply: his motto is renunciation of emotions. He doesn't feel sorry for you, believe me. It seems as if he has forgotten what pity is, but he does not allow himself to be pitied. In this tone, you can meet a frigid woman who does not understand the meaning of love and intimacy, or a fatal beauty who accepts courtship and gifts lazily and does not give her feelings to anyone. Alas, she simply doesn’t have them.

To get rid of the pain that sincerity can give, Lack of Sympathy refuses to feel. While wanting to achieve his goals, a person in this tone denies himself open anger: without forgiving anyone, he does not believe that he himself can be forgiven for a sincere manifestation of emotions. It is much easier to extinguish anger in the name of an abstract, ambitious idea. Most often, Lack of Sympathy is ambitious and goes head-to-head towards its goal. But he has no one to share the joy of victory with. Lack of Sympathy does not want to share your sorrow or joy.

How to raise your emotional tone

“It is impossible to suddenly jump from the lowest tone to several tones higher. This journey will be gradual, so be patient."

If possible, travel, make new acquaintances and try to maintain conversation topics. Find a hobby that brings you pleasure, and later find like-minded people in this matter. Step by step, your emotional state will improve, and you will realize that life contains a lot of positive and bright things.

List of positive human emotions

Positive emotions
A person has many positive emotions. Here is a list of some of them:

  • Joy
  • Delight
  • Pride
  • Gratitude
  • Bliss
  • Calm
  • Love
  • Sympathy
  • Anticipation
  • Respect
  • Trembling
  • Interest

These emotions are characterized by the fact that in a person they are associated exclusively with “pleasures”, and accordingly, they warm the soul and encourage the desire to experience them again.

Application of the scale

To correctly determine your emotional tone, you need to carefully observe yourself: how you react to situations, how you relate to the world around you, what emotions your communication with people evokes, and much more. By correctly determining your emotional tone, you will be able to determine the tone of your interlocutors, which will help you find the right approach to everyone.

This skill is especially necessary in a career and when looking for a partner. The ability to find the right approach to others already promises success. The scale will help you control your emotions; it makes it clear what limits it is better not to go beyond, which will make you more aware.

If you are in the lowest positions on the scale, then this indicates the presence of psychosomatic diseases. These problems need to be worked through with a psychologist, psychiatrist or through therapy.

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Why does a person deny negative emotions?

A person denies negative emotions
The reason a person denies negative emotions is extremely simple. So why does a person deny negative emotions? Here's the explanation:

  • They bring unpleasant sensations. This can be both physical and mental pain.
  • Feedback is often instilled by adults. Limitations like “don’t be afraid,” “don’t get angry,” “don’t scream,” “don’t cry” are all denials of negative emotions.
  • This category also includes tirades like “you’re a boy, if you cry, they’ll laugh”, “they hit you, but you bear with it - a man shouldn’t show his emotions” , “don’t behave aggressively - otherwise it might provoke someone and they’ll beat you.” " Thus, pain and negative emotions are closely related.

However, if prohibitions on expressing negative emotions come from childhood, then no one teaches a person to express positive emotions. He initially knows how to laugh until he drops at what is funny, rejoice at unexpected luck, experience euphoria from love, and much more.

But do all negative emotions need to be denied? After all, sometimes a person needs to “let off steam.” Otherwise, her emotional and physical condition will become even worse. It is for such moments that methods of psychological relaxation are practiced.

List of negative human emotions: which emotions are dangerous to health and harm a person?

Negative emotions
Negative emotions can be harmful to health. Here is a list of negative human emotions:

Negative emotions

These emotions are dangerous to health and harm a person. How does this happen? Here's the explanation:

  • The fact is that there are organs that resonate with them.
  • Accordingly, one or another negative emotion can cause illness and even illness.
  • Let's say tension causes digestive distress because it affects the intestines.
  • Anxiety affects the cervical nerves.
  • Confusion can cause insomnia.

However, that's not all. Closely related are fear and kidney disease, anxiety and dyspepsia, anger and liver and gallbladder diseases. Therefore, try not to give in to negative emotions, let them pass you by.

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