Why does a person need a goal in life: 40 ideas for a list of goals


Many famous people, including everyone’s favorite Elon Musk, fully admit that we live in some kind of virtual reality.
Just like the one described in the movie “The Matrix,” but we don’t have any bodies in the real world. We are just virtual programs. And if this is so, then many things fall into place. From fine tuning of physical laws to the inaccessibility of stars. In fact, they simply don't exist. And astronomers are right when, measuring the distances to the nearest worlds, they gloomily mutter to themselves that we will never visit there.

There is no one in this Universe except us. Because it was created just for us. Perhaps we're just some superintelligent high school kid's abandoned lab running on some abandoned server. Until the cleaning lady comes and turns off all the electrical panels...

Or maybe another civilization is developing on a planet near a neighboring star... This is the work of another fifth grader. And interstellar distances are so vast because intelligent beings should not intersect with each other. For the purity of the experiment...

Tell the whole Universe!

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Substitution of goals, or I don’t know what I want

Can you say that you know who you are? So, if you really know that you are you, then most likely you fall into the small category of people who were able to develop their own principles, rules, norms, ways of presenting themselves to the world and live their OWN life. Unlike people who were gifted with all this by their parents and who did not have the opportunity in the future to re-realize all these values ​​and understand their real “I”. In contrast to the real “I,” they try to present to the world their idealized psychological image, which has a weak connection with the real ones.

Thus, the question of understanding what a person really wants depends on the need for extremely serious changes, the development of awareness of one’s life and all its aspects, which, of course, does not happen quickly. In this regard, all the “easy and fast” methods of understanding what you want may not work. However, much depends on how strongly a person’s true “I” is replaced by his invented image.

The primary goal in every person's life

At first glance, this may seem surprising, but the vast majority of people live in captivity of illusion.

They simply sleep, eat, work, have sex, strive to protect themselves from external dangers and get as much pleasure as possible. This is where all people's aspirations end.

Have you ever thought that by doing only those actions that I just listed, our life is no different from the life of ordinary animals that have the same needs?

Man is not an animal, which means he must have an even deeper meaning in life.

Therefore, the first thing a reasonable person should do is ask himself questions about the meaning of his existence and try his best to find answers to them. These are the first goals you should have in life. If this is not done, then a person will never be able to become truly happy, successful and healthy.

A truly intelligent person should strive to understand deep philosophical questions about this world, about God, about his true spiritual nature.

Without understanding the laws of the universe and clear, specific, conscious goals in life, it is almost impossible to achieve anything worthwhile. Today you can see thousands and tens of thousands of people who live simply under the influence of their fate. They are puppets, but they don't even realize it.

And even if a person does not want to go into philosophy and spiritual knowledge, then in order to become successful and healthy, he needs to have specific goals in life and know exactly how he wants to achieve them.

Then vague dreams become truly set goals.

Why do you need to set specific goals?

There is a well-known fact that says that we ourselves build our future with our thoughts and desires, which lie at the basis of everything.

The energy of desire is the most powerful energy in the universe.

Statistics show that less than 3% of all people achieve much more than the other 97% combined. And the main difference between these 3 percent is that they know what goals should be in life and have clear and precise goals at all levels.

Do you think it would be possible to assemble a car in production without a carefully developed plan? If the designers had just a vague idea of ​​what they wanted, it is very unlikely that they would have succeeded.

Unfortunately, many of us treat life irresponsibly and simply “go with the flow” in life. They don’t know what to strive for and what exactly they want from life.

Most people live an unconscious life or goals and plans that are imposed from the outside.

The law of this life is that either we plan and build our lives, or others do it for us.

From the above it follows that it is important for a person to set specific and clear goals, as well as draw up a plan for achieving them

What goals do we most often want to implement?

We always have a picture in our heads of how we would like to live:

  • someone wants physical changes: figure, face, appearance in general
  • others want career changes and material satisfaction
  • someone wants to carry out a personality transformation, “grow” themselves spiritually too
  • others dream of devoting more time to their family and children
  • someone dreams of traveling all year round
  • and someone, on the contrary, wants to develop their hobby and monetize it

The point is that few people can clearly formulate why these goals are needed. They want changes, but they cannot plan the steps and cannot formulate the goal itself.

Why set goals

By achieving goals in a state of flow, we provide the best conditions for personal growth. But you need to learn to comply with the conditions for entering the flow - the correspondence of capabilities and skills to the level of complexity of the task.

Flow occurs when a person is fully engaged in his or her activity.

Everything that is not related to the task being performed is ignored by attention and consciousness. The process itself is accompanied by such vivid sensations that a person will not hesitate to pay to experience them again. A person who does not know himself well often immediately sets very difficult goals for himself. His knowledge is not enough to begin solving the required problems, so he puts off work.

A person who doesn’t know himself well often immediately sets very difficult goals for himself. His knowledge is not enough to begin solving the required problems, so he puts off work.

The goal is needed to rise above oneself.

In hiring, the manager most often sets too simple tasks. A person performing them does not enter a state of flow, but falls into a sleepy trance. Therefore, you need to strive to work in a state of flow, learn to set developing, interesting goals for yourself.

In reality, Mihai explains, your main battle should be won not so much against yourself, but against the mental disorder that brings a state of chaos into the soul, consciousness and thoughts.

Our main battle is the battle for ourselves, our right and the ability to establish control over our attention. And the most effective way to learn to live in a state of flow is to develop the abilities of self-discipline and determination.

The main thing for which a person needs goals is to develop, have fun and interestingly.

Purpose is needed to reveal identity

When the mind is “ordered”, most of the attention is directed to solving the current task. There is no need to deal with internal disorder and external peace. A person floats in the flow and, at the same time, feels and demonstrates his inner confidence and integrity.

...Happiness cannot be achieved - it is always a side effect of a person’s focus on something greater than himself. © Viktor Frankl [7]

  • Why do you need a goal - to move to the highest level.

The state of flow helps to reveal the personality , due to the deep concentration of mental attention and orderliness of consciousness. In this state, a person’s feelings, thoughts and intentions are better focused on the goal.

By concentrating and directing mental energy to achieve new challenging goals, we develop the ability to organize our consciousness, “be in the flow” and experience a state of happiness. This is why you need to set short-term and strategic goals.

Experiencing a state of flow complicates the personality, allows it to outgrow itself, and act freely. By focusing mental energy on the task at hand, we can find satisfaction in everything we do.

How to achieve your goal?

What is the most important thing in a person's life? There is no need to reinvent the wheel; everything has already been invented for us a long time ago. Just follow these rules:

  • Write down your goal. Beginners sometimes think that this is a useless job, because at first glance it may seem that you already know what to do. But this is not at all true, each goal should be divided into smaller ones and do not forget to write what is required to achieve each. This is the only way to clearly see the full picture of what is required of you. Even the simplest schedule will show you everything that needs to be done in the near future. This is very convenient, right? This way you will achieve your goal within the required time frame.
  • Don't forget to write it down. Putting it into pieces is one thing, but if you record all the information, you won’t forget what you need in an hour. Experts advise keeping this list before your eyes. Let the piece of paper hang in the most visible place so that there is no chance of being distracted from the goal.

Such simple rules will help you overcome the path to success.

Is it important to have a high purpose in life?

The problem may be that good intentions can remain as pink dreams or castles in the air in a person’s thoughts. But when a person comes to his senses and looks around, he will see that his life is rushing at full speed past him, accompanied by a gray series of everyday life. Therefore, the absence of a goal can be stated as the main cause of failure.

Without a specific goal, a person is doomed to meaninglessly wasting his life, or rather, to an ordinary existence. Existence due to the fact that he once appeared in this world, and he does not know how to manage his life, except how to satisfy his need for food, fill his stomach, surround his body with rags, remember to get enough sleep, spread gossip , engage in various entertainments, worry about procreation in order to let worthless people into this world, like himself.

An aimless person is like a tumbleweed - whichever direction the wind blows, that's where it rolls. Therefore, no one knows what awaits him ahead and where he will come, since the direction of the wind is beyond anyone’s control.

It's best to write down your goals on a piece of paper. This signal of primary importance turns on the brain, mobilizing all its resources, knowledge and skills to achieve the main plan.

And since the goal is outlined and clearly stated, selectivity is activated, like a kind of filter, which helps to see, hear and highlight from all the incoming information that part that will help realize the intention.

The key to a meaningful life

How is this hidden revealed? In fact, it is “hidden” in plain sight, literally under our noses. People speak in key words, conveying the meanings by which the psyche lives. Details of appearance, facial expressions, gestures - everything reflects how a person perceives fragments of existence through his mental properties.

By observing this coordinated interaction of particle and wave, you reveal all the cause-and-effect relationships. This applies to both the destinies of individual people and global processes occurring in society. What is happening around ceases to be chaos, “white noise”, the fuss of people from scratch. A single plan is revealed that harmonizes the world into one whole, and the answer is revealed - why I live in it.

All you need is a key - a universal “decoder” that will allow you to recognize not just the sounds made by people, but the meanings behind them. You can get it and learn how to use it at the training “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan.

This forever and radically changes your perception of reality. Allows you to realize your unique purpose and be happy.

Author Evgenia AstreinovaCorrector Dalia Konysheva

The article was written using materials from Yuri Burlan’s online training “System-vector psychology”

March 27, 2019



Tags: psychology - I feel bad

What to do when goals are achieved.

As soon as all the dreams on your list are achieved, you urgently need to come up with new ones. For this purpose, there is such an exercise as “List of 100 wishes”. And as soon as new ones appear, they need to be included there, pasted in, collages of dreams made and inspired by them in every possible way. This is very motivating for new achievements. Children's wishes are also very motivating. If you don’t come up with new dreams, you can simply begin to degrade as an adult: it’s very easy to “sprout” at your job, quietly grow a belly and plunge into endless depression. Days, months and even years can pass in complete apathy. Therefore, remember what you wanted since childhood: learn to play the piano, visit Lake Baikal, go hiking, learn Morse code and start making your dreams come true! They may have intangible value, but they will bring you spiritual satisfaction and, say, in a year you will receive so many positive emotions that you will remember with warmth in your soul and later tell your children and grandchildren!

Figure out what you like

You can often hear that people like to do nothing. But often this is a lie, because virtually every person has some kind of hobby that causes a storm of emotions, fire in the eyes. Some people like to cross-stitch, some like to ride horses, some are passionate about music. However, life often develops in such a way that we put off our favorite activities for later in order to provide for our life, our family, and so on. Others believe that hobbies and work have nothing in common and should always remain separate from each other. But all this is nonsense. Answer yourself the question of what you can do and what you can master for your own pleasure. Everything here is quite simple, assess the level of your skills and determine whether the level of your training will allow you to provide you with a decent standard of living with the help of your hobby. If the answer is no, then there is only one way out: study, study and study again.

Have a goal... don't have a goal

geralt / Pixabay
We must understand that having or not having a goal cannot be attributed to right or wrong concepts. Let's say that in order to live happily, most people do not need a goal. But it happens that goal setting is included in our ideal image and then, if we do not set a goal, we experience anxiety, shame, guilt and other inconveniences. That is, many of us would gladly not set any goals, but cannot afford it.

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What are the benefits of goal setting?

Goal setting makes our life much better and calmer. And if you look at why it’s better, the following picture emerges:

We have a meaning in life, we know what we want in the end

And this is the biggest advantage of goal setting. If you wake up every day and know that today you will take another concrete step towards your goal and it will become closer to you.

For example, you are saving money and the next “tranche” in the piggy bank will bring you satisfaction and pleasant thoughts from the fact that your “financial capacity” has grown and increased.

Life does not pass in vain, it definitely takes on meaning and becomes an exciting process.

There will always be control over the situation

It is worth noting that the clearer you understand why you need this goal and where you want to go, the clearer it is how you need to move, in what direction, at what speed, and how much time it will take.

But if the goal is not clear, then there will be nothing to control.

Confidence and enthusiasm only appear when the goal is clear

“Go there - I don’t know where” often leads nowhere, because there is no confidence and desire to do anything at all. The goal should always be desirable, the end result should please you, only then does the desire and enthusiasm to “go and do” appear, as Richard Branson says.

Evaluate your intermediate results

The road to a goal is always divided into small, small steps. But in order to understand what worked and what didn’t, it’s worth periodically auditing what’s been done. I recommend making all entries in your planning and evaluating what has been done and what has not been done, and adjusting the deadlines.

The feeling of “victory” and self-realization increases self-esteem

When the final goal is realized, each of us feels that this is a “victory.” Victory over yourself, first of all, you can praise yourself for not being lazy, but doing everything in your power to achieve your goal.

Often, a non-standard approach, the use of some new skills, and the help of other people greatly helps in achieving goals. Therefore, it is worth using all options. “Expand” the horizon of your capabilities and make new useful contacts - this always has a positive effect on the realization of your goal.

If you don't take control of your life, then someone else will control your life.

Reasons for a person's lack of goals

Let's look at the main reasons why people don't have goals:

  • many are “afraid to make God laugh” with their plans
  • cannot formulate specifically what they want to get as a result
  • there is an intention, but nothing is being done in this direction
  • deferred desire due to lack of time, something constantly distracts, sometimes it stops your age, appearance (for example, I want to dance, but I have a lot of excess weight, I’ll wait until the weight comes off)
  • lack of discipline and a system of “control” over oneself, after a while everything is abandoned, but you had to overcome yourself for at least 21 days and take steps towards your goal
  • fear of change and the desire to “secretly” implement everything with unbearable difficulties, and in such a way that the goal becomes unnecessary, since another, more valuable thing, for example, health, is lost
  • idealization of a goal, when this is the only way it should be and nothing else. They often want something that “was part of the plans and is extremely important,” but it cannot be realized, because the will of another person is also needed, if he is present in your plans or helps to implement them. I want to marry Kolya, but Kolya doesn’t even know this, and may even be married. And then the goal will not be at all environmentally friendly in relation to others
  • lack of a “back-up option” in case something doesn’t go as we plan and, most importantly, loss of confidence and fixation on the “bad version of events”
  • “we run out of steam” over a long distance, and there is no energy and other resources to move on, and any big goal is a “long-term process.” You always need to add 3-6 months, and sometimes more, in case of such scenarios, and resources are also needed

There is another option that often comes across - this is a “wizard in a blue helicopter” who will fly in and the desire or our goal, “in some way known only to him,” will come true. It is a complete utopia to think this way. But many people do just that, plan it, then “hide their head in the sand” and wait until everything comes to fruition on its own.

Hence the negative emotions, stress and worries about one’s “unlucky fate”.

I will please you with the fact that a person who clearly knows what he wants and his ultimate goal goes through his difficulties and obstacles on the way to it easier, he knows that there is no way to do without it. Therefore, he perceives failures not as “unlucky fate”, but as tasks that arise on the way to the goal and which he solves.

Why does a person need a goal?

From birth, the main organizing goal of a person is to maintain vitality and understand the world. The child is not aware of his leading goals, but it is clear how he is driven by them. As soon as he stops showing interest in the world and does not strive to save his life, the movement inside him stops.

With the growth of consciousness, the teenager develops the goal that organizes his life: “Become an adult.”

The more complex a person is, the more complex his goals and the more he needs to direct his processes (manually, consciously or unconsciously). It develops when its processes become more conscious and targeted.

When a teenager achieves his goal in life, society offers him new goals: “Build a career,” “Buy a house,” “Start a family.” Now these long-term goals organize his life.

A person evolves when he moves from a simple structure of the psyche to a complex one and degrades in the opposite direction. When he becomes unable to stay in a complex organization, he moves on to a simpler one.

A person needs a goal in order to maintain and develop internal organization.

Self-organization means that a person sets goals for himself in life and. Organizes his psyche, habits, daily routine in order to achieve his goals. Builds harmonious relationships with others.

Aimless life. What could be worse?

People without a goal have no motivation to live. They are accompanied by despondency and apathy. A man without a goal is like a drifting ship without a captain. Aimless travel on the water runs the risk of colliding with an iceberg or hitting reefs.

A purposeless life literally kills. A person who does not see a clear direction in which he should move is doomed and will disappear as a person. A person without goals is prone to alcohol and drugs and degrades both physically and spiritually.

Who is this person?

Man is more than just a physical body

I'll try in a few words.

Man is a spiritual being. And the path of man on Earth is, first of all, the path of the soul. This is her experience of life in a human body, this is her embodiment here.

I wrote a little about why this is so, here and here. But much will be said in future materials.

This machine, which is called the human body, cannot travel without a driver. Our body is just meat, blood and bones, nothing more. By itself, this entire complex system cannot exist. Unconscious.

What is consciousness? Today, the scientific world cannot clearly answer this question. But it exists and without it the body is dead.

This Consciousness, if we talk about it with a capital C, and not as relating to an individual living being, it is in every organism, in everything that surrounds us. Just as all organs work - harmoniously in one system - this is how absolutely everything works in nature. Everything is one.

What is inside you is also inside everything around you. This awareness has come to people for a very long time. Here are Eastern traditions, religions, and yoga. Everything is one.

To make it clearer, a person has three bodies: external (material, physical), astral and causal. (More about the three human bodies)

Vadim Demchog talks about this very well: the role, the actor and the viewer. To put it very roughly, the role is the body, the actor is the soul, the viewer is God.

And the most important thing is that, existing separately, all this is essentially one whole, indivisible, single. God is the actor in his role, and at the same time he is also the spectator.

Achieving Goals: Stories

Napoleon Bonaparte

- is a prominent historical figure. For him, there was no environment, only a goal. All of Europe had to grumble just at his name, for the great Frenchman threw it at his feet. Even despite the fact that failure awaited him in Russia, Bonaparte managed to fulfill his intention.

When a crisis arose in France, it was overcome by revolutions, Napoleon took advantage of the moment and stormed the city of Toulon and conquered it. Thanks to this victory, everyone started talking enthusiastically about him. Subsequently, he managed to join France in countries that interested him. These are Italy, Alexandria and Cairo.

Successful military campaigns brought Napoleon to the Imperial throne. For 10 years he ruled and was able to make France a powerful state. But the growth of the emperor’s ambitions did not leave him, and fate brought him to the battlefield with Russia.

But with this defeat, the attitude towards Napoleon did not deteriorate, and to this day he is considered the ruler of Europe.

Jules Verne

- everyone knows that he was the most fantastic writer of all time. In his works, the presence of scientific details and fantastic moments still baffles people. His books are read by the whole world, young and old.

Ever since childhood, Verne had a goal of traveling around the world, but his parents were not satisfied with this, and they predicted a serious education for their son. Indeed, Jules Verne became an educated man and lawyering lay ahead of him. But, having received his diploma, he remembered his old dream, and in addition to this he began to write. His first adventure novels were incredibly popular, which brought him a lot of money and luxury. But time passed and Paris began to not suit him, and Jules Verne found himself a quiet place where his writing career continued.

He disobeyed his parents and set about building his destiny the way he needed it. And now everyone understands that Jules Verne did not do it in vain. He became a role model for travelers.

Main goals in human life

The goal is self-realization

Each of us wants to self-realize in our own field. Career, profession, affairs and plans. Each of us has our own life plan to achieve some heights. What do you want to achieve, what to achieve, who to become, how much to earn, what to be proud of? What do you need for self-realization in your career? What should you do for this?

Make your plan to achieve what you want. Break the goal into smaller ones. Make your wishes more specific. What to do? How to proceed? What to achieve? When should this be done? Make a detailed plan for achieving self-realization in life for a day, a week, a month, a year, a five-year period.

If this is important to you, then you need to pay attention to it first. If you don’t try to make your dreams come true, you will definitely regret it in old age. So get your act together

So get your act together.

Joshua Hibbert, Unsplash

Goal in personal life

We want to love and be loved. We dream of creating a family where everything will be fine. We want to spend time with loved ones that makes us happy and creates positive memories.

For this reason, do not sacrifice your relationships and your family while you are achieving success at work and in business. Otherwise, it will be a meaningless struggle, when there is no one to share the victory with. Without family and friends, you will be an orphan in this world. You will be a stranger.

Chris Nguyen, Unsplash

Health goal

Physical health is important to be happy. If you don't have health, then you don't need anything.

Poor health reduces productivity and makes it less feasible to achieve other goals. Eat balanced. Get enough sleep and rest. Play sports. Good health and an athletic body will make life more wonderful.

In addition to physical health, there is psychological health. Don't allow yourself to burn out, become depressed, or live with stress. Practice taking a break from work if increased workload deprives you of strength and happiness. It won't be selfish. This method will help restore your energy balance so you can return to completing tasks with a vengeance.

The goal is happiness

What do you need to be happy? Hobbies, interests, recreation, travel, friends? By paying attention to our desires, we become happier. Find things that make you smile and add positivity to your life.

What can't you live without? Without what is life incomplete?

What are the main goals in a person's life? Everyone has their own. If you are not sure about your goals, then you need to think about it. Make a list of important things and avoid all secondary ones. This will only hinder you from achieving what you need and want. This will take time and effort. Put aside unimportant things so you can do important things.

Tyler Nix, Unsplash

What can you do now to change your life? Make a detailed list of your goals

And then cross out everything unnecessary and unimportant, except for 5-10 goals. When you clearly imagine what you want, the fog of uncertainty dissipates

You stop wasting your time and energy. You clearly move towards your goal, without missing out on things that are important to you.

What are your main goals in life? Or do you prefer to go with the flow of life, hoping for a miracle? Maybe there are dreams worth fighting for?

Believe in yourself and in your strengths

Believing in yourself is perhaps more important than achieving the final result. As a child, I dreamed of becoming a figure skater and really loved watching figure skating on TV. After some time, my parents sent me to the figure skating club. There I met guys who had already participated in various competitions and went to the Olympics. I dreamed of becoming just like them. And I was very inspired by their results. My life was filled with bright events. And my goals inspired me to train and achieve results. And although my dream did not come true, I did not become involved in sports professionally. But I carried figure skating into adulthood as a hobby. I still remember the passion and ambition that I had in my youth. They have stayed with me forever and help me in any business I undertake.

After all, having goals and dreams helps us be more positive and optimistic. Especially in those moments when life doesn’t turn out exactly the way we want. Without goals and desires, life becomes darker and we see no way for development. I very often imagine myself achieving my goals. And I mentally transport myself to those places and times when my dreams and plans come true. I call this "mental escape." This exercise gives me a surge of energy and motivation. Basically, it motivates me to keep working and follow my chosen path with self-belief. In addition, such an exercise, combined with small but confident steps towards the goal, may be enough. To change the perception of life, from meaningless to exciting and limitless.


The simplest one is music. Almost every second person in his life dreamed of becoming an artist as a child. But how often do we hear that you can’t make money from music and that you should go to law school. But you can master some related profession. For example, improve your skills in playing an instrument and play with different bands, that is, become a session musician. This option, of course, is not the simplest, but it is quite realistic.

You can also try to get a job and improve your skills as an assistant sound engineer. And subsequently develop from assistants into a full-fledged sound engineer. But the simplest and most modern option is sound design. This profession combines all the previously described options. Learning this is quite simple and does not take much time. This profession is already in great demand abroad, and in the future it will become very popular here too. Your task is to formulate a competent goal. And as we see, this can be done even if you are interested in music.

A dream makes a person's life full of meaning.

But without specifics, a dream will remain a dream and will soon become a disappointment for a person, so it is very important to set deadlines for your dream as quickly as possible and determine specific outlines for your dream. That is, make a goal out of a dream. For example, traveling to distant countries is a dream. Visiting Phuket in September is a goal. Do you feel the difference?

The dream is to one day have a child, despite doctors’ prohibitions. And the goal: to find the best doctor in the city, pass the necessary tests, improve your health and give birth to a healthy child. I think this is an excellent example from personal experience.

Formula for achieving goals

When drawing up a plan, a dream becomes a goal. If you begin to take actions in relation to a goal, then this will lead you to results.

Goals are always divided into short-term and long-term. It all depends on the deadline. Therefore, you should always work with a goal and evaluate everything that concerns it down to the smallest detail: how many resources are needed, what the deadlines are, when you intend to start doing it. A clear distribution is necessary and all this should be written down in your planning.

Goals always have a final result, they must be realistic, specific deadlines, they must be achievable, and correctly formulated.

A dream is just an object of your imagination, a “flight of your fancy”, something desired, but, as a rule, difficult to realize. But all this is only until you decide to implement it.

Advice. On the eve of the New Year, we recommend taking an A4 piece of paper and dividing it in half. On the left, write 2022 and note what you achieved in 2022, what goals were achieved, what new habits appeared. Write everything you managed to achieve, receive and accomplish in 2022.

Write 2022 on the right. And here you should write about 20-50 of your wishes. Let them be the most incredible ones that will take your breath away. But sit down and do it. But then, select from this list about 10 desires that “ignite a fire inside you.” And start working with these desires. Setting SMART goals will help you.

The reward for efforts towards a new goal is the experience of a “state of flow” or “optimal experience”, described in the book “Flow” by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.

Useful literature on the RECOMMENDED page and also a very useful book by Beverly Batchell “What Do You Really Want?”

A clear goal in life always makes it possible to grow as a person, self-esteem increases, material security increases, a person feels physically better, he leaves the “comfort zone” and moves forward. And movement is Life.

Do you know where you are going and what your goals are?

What is the difference between a goal and a dream

The difference between a dream and a goal is huge. A goal is always some kind of final result. And in order to achieve it, a plan for achieving the goal with specific deadlines for its implementation must be developed.

Recommended on the topic: Wheel of Life Balance - Setting and Achieving Goals

Here is an example of goals for 2022:

  • For 6 months (from January to June) reduce weight by 20 kg
  • In 12 months or a year, earn and collect money in the amount of 2 million to buy a studio apartment (it’s better to describe in detail where)

List of human life goals

So, if you want to be happy, you need to have big, inspiring goals in your life. A harmonious personality has goals in all major areas of life: spiritual, intellectual, social and physical.

Remember that you need to strive to be selfless, and your goals should not cause suffering and pain to more than one living being. Yes, yes, a harmonious and reasonable person values ​​not only human life, but also the life of other living beings: an ant, an elephant and even plants.

Physical goals

An approximate list of what goals should be in life at the physical level:

  • Achieving physical health
  • Maintaining body cleanliness
  • Drinking enough clean water
  • Proper and healthy nutrition
  • Development of body flexibility
  • Establishing the correct daily routine (getting up early and going to bed early)
  • Getting rid of any diseases
  • Slowing down the aging process

This list can be continued for a long time. The main thing is that these goals do not limit a person too much to his body, which should be simply a tool for achieving the main goals of life.

Social goals

What you need to pay attention to in this area:

  • Establishing good relationships with parents
  • Harmonious relationship with husband or wife
  • Good relationships with children and grandchildren
  • Respectful and non-violent treatment of all living beings
  • Live according to your nature (male or female)
  • Build harmonious relationships with all people around you (friends, colleagues, etc.)

The sphere of relationships is very important in a person’s life.

Goals in the intellectual sphere

At the intellectual level, there may be the following goals:

The ability to set your own goals Developing your creative abilities Learning languages ​​Working on calming your mind (very important) Being able to distinguish between the eternal from the temporary, the spiritual from the material Gaining the ability to change your destiny Obtaining a scientific degree or something similar Developing willpower

At this level there may be many goals, but they are not and should not be the main goals of life. The most important and main goals in life are set on a spiritual level.

Goals in the spiritual sphere

What goals in life should be in the spiritual sphere:

  • Achieve selfless unconditional love for God
  • The ability to live in the present moment
  • Developing sublime qualities in yourself: selflessness, humility, etc.
  • Eradicating self-interest, selfishness, pride, lust, desire for fame
  • Be able to see the manifestation of God everywhere and in everything
  • Don't be dependent on something or someone in this world
  • Develop inner peace, cheerfulness and tranquility

These goals are an order of magnitude higher than all previous ones, since they are inextricably linked with our true spiritual nature. Be sure to put them in your life.

Achieving goals with the help of people around you

You cannot underestimate the people around you as a resource used for the process in moving towards the intended goal. From them you can get inspiration, push to move, support and motivation. For example, to solve a lack of motivation, you can resort to creating your own blog. It turns out there is nothing simpler. To do this, you can use some free platform or create your own at certain costs.

In your blog, you need to create a page describing your own goals with approximate deadlines for achieving them. Next, you should notify your future readers that all stages of movement towards the intended goals will be published on the pages of the online diary. Now all that remains is to send the link to all your friends and acquaintances, as well as work colleagues. If you manage to gather a large audience, then this will serve as a motive not to get into trouble.

The blog must include comments so that guests and readers can discuss the entire process, give advice, criticize, etc. For example, write progress reports every three days. This will discipline and motivate you to do something for your intentions. The feeling of responsibility to the blog audience also motivates and charges them emotionally. This way, from the first blog entry until the achievement of the set goals, the entire path to the main goal will be traced.

Scientific evidence

The following figures from the world of science can be considered striking examples of goals. For example, Burress Skinner, while studying at Harvard, put himself under a very strict study regime, spending only 15 minutes a day on extraneous matters. Sounds impressive, doesn't it? An even more amazing example is Alexander Lyubishchev. Back in 1918, he set himself a life goal - to create a natural system of organisms. At that time he was 28 years old, and he gave himself 90 years to reach his goal. Then he drew up his life plan, where he divided these ninety years into five-year plans. There was no time for jokes here; all activities were accompanied by reports. Weekly, monthly, annual, five-year. Based on the latter, a plan was drawn up for the next 5 years of work. Alexander worked in this intensive mode for the next 54 years. But this does not mean that everyone should put themselves in such a framework. Do you need to have a global life goal? Perhaps the answer will be negative, it all depends on your worldview, life philosophy and level of personal development. In this way, goals in the social sphere are also formed.

What does determination lead to?

To better understand why it is so important to have a goal in life, let’s look at some illustrative examples from the works of great writers. Literary arguments inspire and motivate the reader.

  • One striking example is the main character in Tolstoy's novel War and Peace . Pierre Bezukhov lives for his own pleasure and wastes his life recklessly.


  • At a certain moment, a desire arises in him to rethink his existence, correct his mistakes and start living differently. For the first time he thinks about his purpose in this world. The young man is looking for a new meaning in life that will help him become happy.
  • In the process of his improvement, Pierre goes through various tests. Finding himself in difficult life situations, the young man learns to show high morality and restraint. Do not give in to weakness and do not be led by your own emotions. In search of himself, Pierre finds the meaning of his existence in love. This feeling gives the young man hope for a bright future. His goal becomes the desire to help other people.
  • In Pushkin’s work “The Captain’s Daughter,” the reader is presented with two purposeful characters. Petr Grinev sets himself honest and noble goals. Courageous actions strengthen the character of a young man and help him become a worthy officer. Entering into battle with a sense of duty to his homeland, Peter manages to overcome all dangers and adversities. His devoted love helps to achieve the favor of Marya Ivanovna.
  • Grinev is contrasted with the character Shvabrin, who is ready to do any meanness to achieve his goals. In his actions, he is guided only by his own interests. He is not afraid to betray and defile a person. His actions are guided by cowardice and cowardice. Deception and hypocrisy played against Shvabrin. He never manages to achieve his goals through dishonest means.
  • In the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time” it is shown what actions done dishonestly lead to. Grigory Pechorin is obsessed with immediate goals. The main thing for him is to win and no matter how. While searching for his meaning in life, he shows cruelty and involves those around him in difficult situations. Playing with other people's feelings makes him unhappy and lonely. Pechorin loses in his dishonest game.
  • The Italian thinker voiced an expression that has become popular - the end justifies the means. This point of view has a right to exist, but real-life situations often prove the opposite. If a person violates generally accepted norms in order to achieve his goal, then sooner or later he will be punished. Such an example is presented in the works of F. M. Dostoevsky.
  • In the novel Crime and Punishment, the character Raskolnikov wants to achieve his own goal through crime. Rodion commits murder for material gain. He is deeply convinced that the death of one person is a justifiable means of saving hundreds of other lives. Raskolnikov is inspired by noble goals, but he chooses the wrong way to achieve what he wants. Mental anguish devalues ​​his actions and leads to a negative effect. You cannot set goals to achieve which you use unjustified means. Raskolnikov receives punishment for his rash actions.

I wanted to achieve my goal through crime

  • Sometimes, in order to realize a plan, reckless actions are committed. One such example is described in Bulgakov’s story “The Heart of a Dog” . The professor is obsessed with the idea of ​​conducting a scientific experiment. For the sake of his goal, Preobrazhensky consciously takes risks. However, not everything can be foreseen in advance. An unusual operation leads to unpredictable consequences. As a result, the professor becomes a hostage to his own actions. In life it is not always possible to make the right choice. The end must justify the means, otherwise all efforts come to nothing.
  • An illustrative example is the biography of the American writer Jack London. His works contain many famous stories about true friendship, love and devotion. For a long period, the writer’s work was not recognized by anyone. He had to fight for his place in the sun.
  • “Martin Eden” based on real events from the biography of Jack London. The writer talks about his difficult path to success. In order to get closer to his goal, the writer had to make considerable efforts. Thanks to his hard work and perseverance, the author gets the desired result. Intellectual and mental work on oneself was rewarded. This work became motivating for all readers.

In order to achieve your goal, desire alone is not enough. You need to work on yourself and make efforts. Even if it seems to you that the goal is not achievable, you should not immediately give up. You can always find a way out of every situation. Every person faces difficulties. Take them as an opportunity to learn the right lesson from the current situation and another chance to overcome yourself and become stronger. Whatever your goal, it will help you move forward and discover new abilities.

Each subsequent goal opens up new opportunities for a person. Achieving what you want should not have a negative effect on others. The goal should not absorb a person and deprive him of adequacy.

In many life situations, a goal becomes a lifeline for a person. When faced with illness, lack of money, or disappointment, a specific goal helps motivate a person to further action. The German poet J. W. Goethe once wrote: “Give a man a goal for which to live, and he can survive in any situation.”

Reaching the goal

Start moving towards your goal, and you will feel a new surge of strength and inspiration. Life will bring you more pleasure. New opportunities will begin to open up. You will increase your confidence in the future and improve your everyday mood.

In the process of overcoming difficulties, you will learn to optimize your actions and build the right strategy. With each victory, the feeling of self-importance and strength will grow. You won't be able to stop halfway. Achieving your goal will become a habitual process. Life will take on new meaning.

What should be the goal?

Having a purpose in life is not enough. It must also meet certain characteristics:

  • It's worth starting with the fact that your goal should be filled with positive, positive content. Try to avoid the negative part “not” in your dreams.
  • Try to make sure that your goals and methods of achieving them are relevant and within your competence. The most striking example is that women often formulate their desire like this: “I want my husband to stop smoking.” But this depends little on you; fulfilling this goal is only within the competence of your husband. You can want as much as you want, but you are not able to complete this task. That is why think only about what exactly you can accomplish, and not someone else. Quotes about the meaning of life will be an excellent motivator.
  • The main rule in goal setting is specificity. It shouldn't be abstract. To fulfill our plans, we need to clearly understand what we want. A good way is to close your eyes and clearly imagine what you want as if you already have it. If you say to yourself: “I want to climb the career ladder,” it sounds quite vague. But specifics completely change the situation. For example, tell yourself, “I will present the annual report and management will praise me.” This already sounds like a real goal.
  • Determine for yourself whether the methods of achieving what you want conflict with your own beliefs, worldview, and so on. Of course, you can set yourself the goal of becoming president, but first ask yourself, is this possible? Dreams are dreams, but goals are a little different.
  • Well, nowhere without motivation. This point is considered one of the most important. Lack of motivation means that the goal will ultimately not be achieved. For example, you decided to become a lawyer, but you have no desire to study and work in this industry. It turns out that this goal is not yours and wasting time trying to achieve it is a lost cause.

These rules are the basis for achieving any results; everyone who wants to not only set the right goal, but also achieve it, should know them. And let this be the most important goal in life.

My goal is the meaning of life

Evgeny Izotov, 25 years old, hotel manager, St. Petersburg. My goals:

  1. Finding happiness.
  2. Development of your business.
  3. Home construction.
  4. Buying a car (I’ll decide on the brand later).
  5. Go on a trip to Europe.
  6. Create your own tourism website.

Thanks to some books I read, I concluded that my main goal in life is to know happiness. And there will be happiness - everything will be. When I saw the car, I had a desire to buy it. When I learned about my friends’ goals, I also wanted to have my own home...

Anastasia Trofimova, 20 years old, studying, Moscow.

I have set a very simple goal in my life - to be useful to people. Simple life situations brought me to this understanding, such as giving up my seat, giving a helping hand, etc. It is the feeling of joy that people feel the need for you that instills in me faith, hope, forgiveness and simply life.

When to stop

This is not about completely abandoning a goal if working on it does not bring the desired result. It’s worth stopping, at least for a while, if:

  • The man took on an unbearable load. It’s better to take a little break and break one big task into several small ones. In such cases, you should not refuse help;
  • The task involves the investment of a large amount of resources (finance, time, effort). In this case, it is worth reconsidering the very scheme for achieving the goal. Some items may need to be changed;
  • There is no time left for rest or other tasks. It’s bad when completing a given task takes up all of a person’s free (or working) time. It is also worth reconsidering priorities and thinking about what needs to be fixed;
  • Achieving a goal brings only negativity. In this situation, you should think about whether the right task has been assigned to the person.

Don't refuse help

When you reach your goal, you cannot give up. Giving up is the same as losing. The effort and money spent will be wasted. You need to believe in your abilities, because a confident person is able to achieve any results.

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