100 goals in life. An approximate list of 100 human life goals.

Developing self-discipline

A complex goal differs from a simple one in the number of steps required and whether you have the necessary abilities. If there are no abilities, the goal is supplemented with steps to develop them.

How is the goal of becoming a programmer different from the goal of becoming a barista? To become a programmer, you need to read 5 books and practice for six months. To become a barista, you need to take a course and brew coffee for a week. The difference is in the strength of self-discipline and patience in pursuing the intended goal.

To begin with, I recommend choosing 1-2 goals from the example, modifying them to suit yourself and achieving them. Without a habit, it’s hard to move on 3-5 goals every day at once - it’s better to take 3 steps over six months than 5 steps over a week and give up.

Recommendations for setting goals for the year

I just learned to play tennis. The rest were not completed.

  • It’s better to set and achieve a goal beyond your current capabilities than to set a mega-cool goal and fail.
    Goal: do 200 push-ups. My old record is 108, but I reached 101 times. If I bet 120 times, I would have achieved it. I was afraid of complexity and put it off. And if it worked, I would finish it up to 150-200 times.
  • Do not add new things to your plans for the future on emotions, without checking if they are identical to your intentions and capabilities for the year.
    Three years ago I returned from training. In a wave of delight, without thinking, I entered as many as 7 goals - all difficult. He didn’t even take a step towards them.
  • The first vital goal of a person

    Self-discipline and diligence are basic superpowers for achieving almost any goal. With them, ordinary people become heroes, and not with the help of mom and dad, or money at the start. Iron internal discipline is capable of almost anything.

    Goal setting skills are not taught at school and universities, and in vain. The skill of setting and achieving goals significantly increases the chances of a prosperous life. The first goal on the path to self-development is the development of internal superpower.

    These are not necessarily courses on time management, but they are definitely about independently solving complex personal problems. A person must be able to mentally or in writing break down a multi-step task into achievable steps. And solve it using inner discipline and patience.

    Primitive goals

    A man must in life:

    This is what popular stupidity says. Where is the folk wisdom? It must be sought not from the people, but from individual wise people who can guide a person to his strategic goals.

    “The people” are primitive, and they try to set simpler, more clumsy goals for themselves. So that even the most primitive can cope with them. If a person is focused on simple goals in life, he becomes dull, despite his potential. It would be good to learn this wisdom before the age of 25.

    What does not develop degrades. Therefore, we need to move forward. A wise goal means that when it is achieved, a person will grow and develop. Will take on more responsibility, become more self-aware, develop communication and empathy skills.

    The concept of goal and its significance

    There is a law of constant dynamics. It extends to all spheres of human life. And on target. A goal is the result that a person strives to achieve in the end at the end of all his actions. The realization of one goal gives rise to another. And if you have a prestigious job, a huge house in which a loving family is waiting for you, then this is not the limit of your dreams. Do not stop. Keep setting goals for yourself and achieving them no matter what. And the success that you have already achieved will help you in realizing your next plans.

    How to make a rough plan

    It is convenient to draw up draft plans for the future in electronic format. It’s a hassle on paper; you’ll need to constantly edit the list of goals. I made over 50 edits to the last plan.

    For clarity, we break down goals by , like in the wheel of life. We write down all the goals that come to mind for each source.

    Use the templates:

    Template with goals: open, , Google.docs, Evernote.

    Life planning template: open, download, Google.docs, Evernote.

    We take each source of goals, come up with and write goals based on it, without much analysis. First, let's just put everything together. There is a personal meaning to life - we wrote down goals to realize it. There is a purpose - they wrote it out. Old dreams are written out. We did the 100 desires exercise and wrote down the 10–15 most burning ones. We imagine ourselves in 10 years, where and with whom – we write it out.

    We make a plan for the year - write down all the goals.

    I draft it in a week. I spend three more weeks editing, agreeing on goals, and adjusting it to reality. I have all my goals and long-term plans written down in a notebook, more than 30 pages of different wants and dreams. I leaf through it and write down what I would like to implement now, repeat 4-5 times.

    Within each sphere, create 3-4 goals. We leave only the most want-to-can-do, mentally imagine how you will fulfill the goal, if you don’t imagine it, cross it out.

    I recommend creating a backup plan: moving there all the goals that do not fit into the annual plan. When you manage and have nothing to do, the goals are already ready.

    If you are making a plan for the first time, it is better to plan simpler goals and 2-3 goals at a time. If you dream of running a marathon, set a goal of running 5 km to start. You will have time to complicate the goal. Initially, everyone overestimates their abilities. If after six months you close the plan, make a plan for the remaining year, with the joyful feeling that everything you planned has worked out.

    Future plans should take into account your experience.

    If you look at the draft and anxiety appears, “How will I manage to do all this?” – lighten it up so it’s rich but not overwhelming. The more experienced you are, the more you will plan your own way.

    List of 50 goals in life with examples

    I offer the TOP 50 goals that are worthy in my opinion. They are divided into 4 areas of life.

    A goal is a specific, measurable result by a certain time. Here are rather the directions that I would strive for. No time frame is given here because the reader may read the article in a year or two. All deadlines have already expired.

    Imagine that I give you blanks to create your own goals. You can copy them into Word and correct them. After all, you are the main expert in your life. The site has an article about setting goals in life. It includes 3 techniques and 5 tips. In pairs, these articles will be much more useful.

    I hope the list is useful.


    • Find a compatible partner and celebrate your golden wedding. Having a loved one nearby is always happiness. Yes, there are frictions and disagreements, but where would we be without them?
    • Learn to build strong relationships with others. Our environment defines us more than our upbringing. We are those with whom we communicate and make friends.
    • Raise 3 children. Not everyone will decide to do this. Most people do 1-2 and calm down. A lot of resources need to be invested in children so that they become human.
    • Raise great-grandchildren. Can you imagine how much you need to invest in your health to survive until this moment? How much should you invest in your children and grandchildren so that they do not waste their lives on emptiness.
    • Buy your parents an apartment by the sea. Apartment or house. These are again resources and efforts that can be understood as gratitude for care in early childhood.
    • Create a family nest that you would like to return to after work. After a working day, you need to restore your strength. If this does not happen at home, then rest is sought outside. This is not going to be good; conflicts will only get worse.
    • Set common goals with your partner. This is a habit that will glue a couple of people together forever. Conversations about dreams and joint plans bring you closer, and actions weave into a warm ball.
    • Show unconditional love to your partner. Love and don't try to change him. Learn to live with a person.
    • To provide parents with a better old age than their youth. Caring for aging relatives is the task of our generation. Now it’s not the USSR with a normal pension, now the pension goes to utilities, and the rest will be as it comes.
    • Maintain quality sex with your partner. We don’t talk about this, so at least we’ll write about it. Here you can monitor your health and learn techniques.
    • Make adult children friends. Children often become distant from their parents as they grow older. This is fine. Children are not property, they are individuals. You need to be friends with them and communicate as equals.
    • Pass on the experience to your grandchildren.


    • Find your unique skills that give you the most bang for your buck. Self-knowledge is an endless process. You can't get hung up on this. This is the support that will make you more effective.
    • Learn to enter a state of flow. Read Flow by Mihaly Csíkeszentmihalyi. There's more about it there. In other words, learn to enjoy solving complex problems.
    • Become a master of your craft. The path of the master is the path to happiness. You can lose money, family, friends, but your skills remain. If you master a craft, you will recover from any fall, because there are internal supports. External supports are easy to lose, unlike internal ones.
    • Find a teacher who will teach you the intricacies of the matter. If you want to learn something, then the most effective option is to find someone who knows how. He will show and teach. You will have to pay for this. Time is also a currency.
    • Start a personal brand. The master has something to talk about and share. Others have a lot to learn. And a personal brand is a good way to show expertise.
    • Fill out the entire matrix of a successful environment. Someday I will write an article about this.
    • To write a book. Information rules today. A book is a way to leave it for posterity. I'm sure every person's life is like a great TV series.
    • Become an independent consultant/entrepreneur. If you have the skills and experience, then why not work for yourself. Taking larger sums than working for hire. Yes, there is more responsibility, but if you have a head, then there is profit.
    • Prepare family affairs for retirement. I wrote above that we need to help our parents in retirement. Now I’m saying that I need to prepare myself for retirement. Build capital to live off the interest.
    • Become an investor. To receive interest on capital, you need to understand investments. Without this skill, there is no talk about capital growth.
    • Learn to sell. If you are a great craftsman, but can’t string together 5 words in a sentence, then they won’t buy from him. They won’t buy it because they won’t understand what the master is saying. The ability to sell is a skill that distinguishes a professional from a simple specialist.
    • Assemble/find a team that is pleasant to work with. The modern world is a complex thing. We cannot know everything about everything. Even the simplest project requires different specialists. If you find a team of craftsmen, the work will be completed at the highest level.
    • Prepare for death. No one plans to die, but it would be better to write a will and resolve all inheritance issues in advance. It’s a good idea to prepare all your relatives. Because subsequently the family did not split.


    • Master financial planning (keeping records, saving money, taking risks into account). Without this skill it is difficult to make capital. It is difficult to ensure a comfortable old age. Yes, damn it, some people take out loans to send their children to school, others to buy gifts for the New Year. This expense can be easily planned.
    • Avoid stupid goals. This is the basics. Perhaps everything written here is nonsense for you. Then leave at least this goal for yourself.
    • Keep a diary every day for a year. Personal diary - growth technology. You write and learn to structure your thoughts and draw conclusions. If there is nothing to write down, then the day has passed in vain. Forcing yourself to write a couple of lines every day is another challenge.
    • Always make an informed decision. Cultivate the habit of weighing the pros and cons of choices. Think about how much money and time it will take to achieve your goal. Be an adult who can take the consequences on your chest.
    • Love yourself for who you are. A sober attitude towards yourself is the key to health. Many diseases arise due to psychosomatics. A person suppresses emotions, they go to the subconscious level. Further tension accumulates in the body, which leads to diseases.
    • Cover your needs. There are idealists who believe that money is not the main thing, there are materialists who consider the material world above all else. I think the truth is out there. I don’t see anything wrong with a person buying a house, a car, or a dacha. It is necessary to close the basic levels of Maslow's pyramid. You can rely on them for further growth.
    • Accept that everyone will die. This is a sound idea. We will die. How much time do we have left? There is a “life table for 80 years” that visually shows age. Search in the search.
    • Find a hobby and achieve a high level in it. It's more for relaxation and entertainment. I like to play the ukulele. This is cool. Playing musical instruments also increases serotonin levels. That is, your health improves. You may like something else.
    • Learn English to travel freely, watch movies, read books and technical documentation. Any IT specialist or designer can earn up to $2,000 on foreign freelance exchanges. Not a bad start.
    • The habit of doing physical activity every day. It’s difficult to develop, but joy increases, as does health. You can choose any physical activity.
    • Know how to protect your loved ones. Yes, working out with a boxing coach for half a year to develop technique and then sparring is a good idea.
    • Become mentors to others. If you have cool skills, you can teach others. Not necessarily for money, maybe it will be your students. After all, you also once worked with a teacher.
    • Be a worthy student. Yes, for a person to invest effort, he must see the return and benefit for himself. Otherwise, he will find others.
    • Learn a few dances. You need to enjoy life. Dance is one way.
    • Learn to speak publicly. The skill is important. If you want to help many people, then speak for many people. Overcome many fears for this.

    Fifty goals in a person’s life MITRA Center for Psychology and Hypnosis

    Motivation, planning, goal setting - these words have firmly entered the vocabulary of a modern person oriented to success.

    It has long been no secret that planning the future helps you live the present, gives life shape and meaning, trains your will, and allows you to live the way you want, and not someone else.

    To effectively plan your life, life coaches recommend setting not just one goal, but several specific goals, and the more, the better. It is very useful to have a long list of goals, grouped by deadlines, priorities and aspects of life.

    The common idea of ​​50 vital goals for a person is a win-win for the following reasons: firstly, 50 goals are enough to cover a long period of time.

    Secondly, fifty is not such a large number, so goals become accessible, realistic, and do not subjugate your entire life.

    A list of, say, 300 goals would be more difficult to implement psychologically: such a number of goals would one day simply hang over the psyche as an unfulfilled burden. Fifty is quite possible to achieve, and even allocate a year of active life for each goal.

    Here is an example of a list of goals divided into life areas.


    1. Treat all teeth
    2. Quit smoking
    3. Buy a gym membership
    4. Get rid of fear of heights
    5. Get up at 6am every day

    Friends and surroundings

    1. Go out once a week
    2. Make a personal birthday calendar for friends and their children
    3. Meet people who share your hobby
    4. Send all long-scheduled emails
    5. Arrange a meeting of classmates

    Family and relationships

    1. Go on a romantic vacation with your wife/husband without children
    2. Call grandma
    3. Make a family photo session with children as a souvenir
    4. Get a dog
    5. Gather several generations of the family for a family holiday

    Career and business

    1. Get a raise
    2. Find a source of additional income
    3. Increase the number of customers by 50 percent.
    4. Delegate some powers to employees
    5. Take a refresher course in your field

    Finance and well-being

    1. Double your annual income
    2. Pay off debts
    3. Reduce spending on unnecessary things
    4. Reach a net income level of 5 million rubles per year
    5. Create an additional passive source of income

    Personal growth

    1. Learn French
    2. Quit smoking
    3. Get a car license
    4. Master new directions in your work
    5. Study new sales literature


    1. Visit Machu Picchu
    2. Go to the Rembrandt exhibition
    3. Visit friends abroad
    4. Swim in the Volga
    5. Ride an elephant


    1. Forgive the offenders
    2. Learn to live in the “mode of being”
    3. To mature
    4. Stop fooling yourself
    5. Be happy

    Be happy,

    Your Mitravat

    To sign up for a consultation, leave your name and email address in the form in the lower right corner, and click the “Sign up” button.

    Why do you need to dream

    There are five main purposes for a dream.

    Feeling better

    When we dream, real biochemical reactions occur in our brain. Hormones responsible for joy and inspiration are released, and new neural connections are formed.

    In moments when we feel bad and want to give up, we just have to immerse ourselves in dreams for a while, and long-awaited relief immediately comes. Just don’t get carried away with this method of self-therapy. You dreamed, brought yourself to your senses - and again get to work on making your desires come true.

    Development of imagination

    Active daydreaming has a positive effect on all cognitive functions. It has a particularly good effect on the imagination. When creating new pictures in our heads, we use several parts of the cerebral cortex at once.

    There are no restrictions in our minds, so we can imagine anything. Dreaming helps us see the unusual in ordinary things, establish non-obvious connections between objects and phenomena, rise “above the situation” and look at it from the outside.

    Increased motivation

    This is one of the main functions. Due to the fact that we can not only imagine a future result, but also feel the whole range of emotions associated with it, a dream has a high energy potential. At the moment of daydreaming, the brain comes into an excited state, we feel a surge of inspiration and strength to work. Motivation is growing.

    It is important to use this energy profitably. Direct it to active activities, and not waste it. Then truly incredible opportunities will open up for a person.

    Transformation of reality

    Evolution has endowed man with the ability to dream so that he can actively improve the world around him. If it weren't for the bold dreams of our predecessors, we would still be living in caves and dressing in animal skins.

    The ability to abstract from reality and imagine something that does not yet exist is characteristic only of representatives of the genus Homo Sapiens. Therefore, you need to appreciate this gift of nature and actively use it for its intended purpose.


    By being in touch with our dreams, accepting and respecting them, we learn to be in harmony with ourselves. By dreaming, a person discovers new facets of his soul, learns to see himself from different sides, and tests the boundaries of his capabilities.

    Exercise 10 goals from Brian Tracy for the naive

    Brian Tracy is a renowned consultant and self-development coach. His typical exercise goes like this: write down a goal, make a plan, take action. No one would ever think of doing that

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