Kinesthetic: who is he, 7 main signs, characteristics

Each person perceives the world differently, giving more importance to some feelings and less to others. Based on this criterion, psychologists divide all people into 4 groups: visual, auditory, discrete and kinesthetic. For the first, the main source of information is what is seen, for the second - what is heard, for the third - what is meaningful, and for the fourth, what can be touched is the most informative. Today we will talk in detail about kinesthetics - those who receive the most information and emotions from touch, movements and other sensations.

Auditory, visual, digital and kinesthetic

Conventionally, all types of perception of the surrounding world in psychology can be classified as follows:

  1. An auditory learner is a person who attaches great importance to information that he perceives by ear. He judges the surrounding reality by sounds, and the attitude of other people towards him - by their timbre of voice, intonation.
  2. A visual person is a person whose leading channel of perception is the visual. To remember information, he arranges it in diagrams, drawings, tables. When communicating with a person, the visual person carefully observes his facial expressions and attaches great importance to gestures and appearance.
  3. Digital (discrete) is an individual who, in understanding the world around him, relies on the laws of logic. He carefully analyzes any incoming information and checks it for accuracy using intelligent methods. His judgments are based on reflection.
  4. A kinesthetic person is a person who establishes tactile contact with the world.

Basic types of perception

Some researchers supplement the classification of basic psychotypes with such varieties as gustator (an individual who prioritizes taste sensations) and olfactor (a person who navigates the environment by smells). According to the traditional approach to classification, people who care about the taste of food and the smell of a room are called kinesthetes.


In the narrow sense of the word, the terms “kinesthesia” and “proprioception” coincide; this is the ability to sense one’s body in space. Proprioception is a sensation that occurs as a result of processing information from a specialized type of receptor - proprioceptors. Signals from proprioceptors enter the brain and provide information about the position of muscles, joints and tendons. Without this ability, a person would not be able to perform coordinated movements with his eyes closed. In the broad sense of the word, the term “kinesthesia” also includes the ability to perceive the position and movement of the body due to both proprioception and signals from the vestibular apparatus and vision, which are integrated in the brain to obtain complete information about the position of the body in space, taking into account surrounding objects. Both terms, “kinesthesia” and “proprioception,” have entered scientific use, although authors do not always consistently distinguish between them. Currently, neurophysiological research in this direction is being conducted in the more general context of the so-called channels of perception of one’s own body.

How one or another type of perception is formed

The predominant type of perception is an innate property of the individual. However, it can be changed if you purposefully stimulate the work of certain analytical systems of the child.

PsychotypeFormation conditionsExample
  • regular music lessons;
  • listening to classical music in the dark;
  • listening to important information.
A man and woman of different nationalities got married. When their child was born, they decided to speak two languages ​​with him so that the child would be prepared to communicate in the homeland of his mother and father. As a result of the fact that from birth the baby perceived a lot of information by ear, the auditory channel of perception became dominant in him.
  • use of visualization in teaching;
  • regular art classes;
  • creating conditions for the development of observation skills.
In a family with two sons, a girl was born. Mom, wanting to instill good manners in her daughter, taught her to be neat from childhood, encouraged her to take care of her appearance, keep her clothes clean and choose matching things. This girl later became a designer, since she had a well-developed sense of color and composition, and it was easier for her to work with clarity than to imagine herself in some other field of economic activity.
  • creating problematic situations in learning;
  • solving crosswords and puzzles;
  • providing the child with the opportunity to experiment with different materials.
In a family of lawyers, it was customary to discuss and think about any decisions. Since childhood, the boy was accustomed to family negotiations; he liked to read detective stories and solve puzzles. Having become an adult, he solves all life’s difficulties only from a position of logic and careful analysis.
  • teaching the child the principles of sensory examination of an object;
  • walking barefoot on the floor of the house, on the grass at the dacha;
  • cold and hot shower;
  • teach the child to talk about his feelings and experiences;
  • providing the opportunity to touch surrounding objects.
Parents noticed that their daughter could not wear clothes made from fabrics such as wool and linen. She complained that “the sweater itches” and “the shirt rubs the skin.” Mother washed things with air conditioner, but the situation did not change. In addition, the girl often complained that her room was too cold or stuffy. The parents believed that their daughter was capricious, but the school psychologist suggested that the girl was a kineticist, which is why different types of sensations were so important to her.


Digitals have a stiff and straight posture. They practically do not gesture, since it does not convey any information to them; They speak quite monotonously - intonations are not needed, and they perceive them with difficulty. The distance is distant, they look either at the interlocutor’s forehead or “above the crowd.” They don’t like touching (in my opinion, only kinesthetic learners like touching).

Although, touches are different. Digitals are a very peculiar type of people

They are more focused on meaning, content, importance and functionality. As one boy said: I fell in love with garlic after I found out how healthy it is.

Digital people seem to be divorced from real experience - they think more in the words themselves, and not in what is behind the words. If a person, after telling you about your difficulties, says something like: “I understand how you feel,” he is most likely currently in a digital channel: digitals do not sympathize, they understand. It was absolutely wonderful shown in “Wild Orchid” by Zalman King.

Remember what they say about the main character: Distance, complete control, nothing superfluous... This is a completely special way of perceiving the world, presenting it and comprehending it. A little metaphor to help you better understand this type of perception. Imagine, you come to a restaurant, there are a lot of beautiful and aromatic dishes, you sit down at a table, take the menu, read it carefully and... eat it.

For digital, what is written or spoken is, as it were, reality itself. If for everyone else words are access to experience, then for digital people all experience consists of words. But in body, by the way, digitals are similar to kinesthetics - a dense body, wide (although usually pursed) lips... They, in general, come from kinesthetics - if what a person feels, the emotions that he experiences, are too painful for him, one way to get rid of them is to retreat into reasoning. And you don’t seem to feel anything anymore, you know.

The problem with the digital system is that it by itself, without recourse to other channels, is not capable of changing information. Words turn only into words, and everything returns to the starting point. If you listen to your own internal monologues (are they monologues?), it will be something like: Why did he call me a fool? Perhaps I did something wrong myself? Or was I wrong? Next time I’ll answer him... How dare he! Why did he call me a fool? Perhaps I did something wrong myself? Or was I wrong? Next time I will answer him...

However, if you only use one system, this is generally quite disadvantageous. You simply do not perceive the many absolutely amazing and delightful things that are around you. This, alas, passes by your consciousness. The digital channel is responsible for speech control.

But on the other hand, I often admire the ability of some of my friends to act in difficult situations without unnecessary emotions, their absolutely fantastic scrupulousness and pragmatic approach. Digitals are capable of composing documents written in such a way that there are no unnecessary interpretations, so that every word stands in its place. For me personally, it has always been a kind of magic. It is a great skill to compress a huge amount of human desires and intentions into a few lines on paper. And I write this without any irony. The digital channel is responsible for the formulation of phrases. As someone who has to constantly work with definitions and make sure expressions are accurate, I know how difficult it is to do this really well.

In one English college, a competition was announced among students for the shortest story. Any topic, but there are four prerequisites:

  1. The queen must be present in the essay.
  2. God must be mentioned.
  3. A little erotica.
  4. To have a secret.

The first prize was won by the student who fit the story into one phrase: “Oh God!” - exclaimed the queen. – I’m pregnant, and I don’t know from whom.

Who is a kinesthetic learner?

Kinesthetics differs from auditory, visual and digital in that it attaches great importance to the sensations obtained through the work of analyzing systems. A kinesthetic person, when talking about an event, relies on what emotions and feelings this incident caused in him. He is extremely sensitive to facial expressions and tactile sensations, and his main way of getting to know the world is through touch.

The importance of taxis

A kinesthetic has nothing in common with a film aesthete. Film connoisseurs can have absolutely any psychotype.

Precision in everything

Kinesthetics in a pickup truck are designed to make the girl like you as much as possible and prepare her for sex.
You need to be very precise in your actions if you want this particular evening to end with you having sex with this girl. First of all, remember that the speed of your movements should match the speed of your speech. And you should speak slowly. A great option to end the evening is to stop in a cafe, some quiet and secluded place, or in a park in the summer. There you start fantasizing, talking about the places you’ve been to. Tell her how great it would be to be there with her, to go somewhere. Speak slowly, move smoothly, whisper.

After the shoulders, I recommend moving on to the tummy. Find her a reclining position somewhere on a comfortable sofa in a cafe. If the rapport is well built, she will not mind touching. Gradually press your chest from below. If you see that she is ready to continue, you can stroke her breasts. Remember that your movements should be very smooth, slow and confident, just like your speech.

Move on to your chest, don’t linger on it for a long time, pay attention to all areas. Then there are two ways. You can move to your legs, inner thighs, touch your butt. Just don't overheat the girl. Seize the moment when she is ready to go with you to a more comfortable place to continue the evening. Hints of sex are not needed, for her the process should look natural and beautiful.

You can spend 30-40 minutes in a cafe; more simply doesn’t make sense. By that time you will have already eaten everything and drunk as much as you need. And this is the perfect time for you to slowly work through all the kinesthetic levels and prepare her for the trip home. Now all that remains is to take it to your place or somewhere else and there, in a more comfortable environment with wine, warm it up to the right state. Now you know what kinesthetics are. Enjoy it for your health!

If you want to learn even more secrets on seducing girls, subscribe to my VKontakte page.

Characteristics of personality type

The psychological basis of the kinesthetic type of character consists of such features as:

  • impulsiveness;
  • romance;
  • increased sensitivity to room temperature;
  • a tendency to notice such nuances as the fabric in the interior of a car, the relief of the laminate in a friend’s apartment, the color of the curtains in a country house where a birthday was celebrated;
  • developed intuition;
  • the occurrence of discomfort with minor changes in the environment;
  • conservatism;
  • slowness;
  • tendency towards nostalgia;
  • the desire to periodically touch the interlocutor during communication;
  • taciturnity, they like to listen more;
  • the desire to smooth out rough edges in communication and avoid conflicts;
  • bright gestures;
  • developed spatial orientation;
  • a high degree of development of self-control, the ability to hide their true experiences from others (often others think that they are introverts);
  • picky in choosing clothes; they strive to buy comfortable and practical clothes; they pay little attention to brands and fashion);
  • Comfort is important to them, so they try to put things in the same place;
  • They don’t have enough of looking at a new object to understand its design and operating principles; they tend to feel it.

Many adults who tend to be kinesthetic have a childhood history of behavioral problems.

Kinesthetic woman

Women, for whom tactile sensations come first, love to attend SPA treatments: massage, jacuzzi. They regularly go to the hairdresser and manicurist because they enjoy these procedures.

When choosing clothes and shoes, the kineticist lady is guided by the principle of convenience. She will not buy high-heeled shoes because she is not ready to sacrifice comfort for the sake of beauty.

Girls with a kinesthetic type of perception quickly get along with people. With men, kinesthetic women are gentle and affectionate. In relationships, she shows her emotionality and sensuality.

Girlfriends with tactile perception

Girls of this psychotype make vital decisions quickly, relying on their own intuitive sense. These decisions are usually correct.

Male kinesthetic

For kinesthetic men, appearance never becomes a subject of close attention. They wear the clothes in which they feel comfortable, and have haircuts that do not require complex care. However, when choosing a life partner, they choose a well-groomed lady because she is pleasant to touch.

Men who love touch shake hands with other men and hug women when they meet. The desire for leadership is not typical for them.

A man with tactile dominance

When communicating with the opposite sex, a kinaesthetic man is very talkative; he likes to talk about feelings.

Kinesthetic child

During childhood, most children learn about the world through touching objects.

Preschoolers with tactile dominance love to test their capabilities. They often try to draw with both hands, visit clubs and sections of different directions. Parents do not always understand the needs of their baby, so sometimes kinesthetic children are brought to psychologists and neurologists, suspecting behavioral or mental abnormalities.

Growing up, many children switch to auditory and visual channels. Sensory goes into the background. But for some individuals, tactile sensations remain a priority.

The home development environment for such children should involve a change in activity: after intellectual activities, they need physical relaxation.

When teaching a kinesthetic child at school, you need to consider the following features:

  • such children have difficulty telling stories, it is easier for them to draw or show what they have learned, what they have learned;
  • the level of voluntary attention of kinaesthetes is low, they are often distracted by external stimuli;
  • such children learn information better while moving;
  • they show true interest in models, layouts, visual diagrams;
  • the most significant points in the material being studied need to be highlighted in bright colors or associated with them in some way;
  • physical contact with the teacher helps the kineticist focus on the material being studied (you can take the child by the hand, put your hand on his shoulder);

It is possible to accurately determine a child’s psychotype only at school age.

Who can they work for?

Kinesthetic who is this? In his adult life, he occupies such professions as a machinist, farmer, mechanic, trainer, carpenter, cosmetologist and massage therapist. Many people confuse a kinesthetic person with a person who has attention deficit disorder. People with ADD are easily distracted and often fidget when forced to sit for too long. On the other hand, kinesthetic learners simply need more body movement.

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What are masses in kinesthetics? These are muscles that a person builds simultaneously with learning various sciences.

Positive sides:

  • excellent hand-eye coordination;
  • quick reactions;
  • excellent motor memory (you can duplicate something by doing it once);
  • good experimenters;
  • the best in sports;
  • have high energy levels.

Kinesthetics is the study of people trying things, touching, feeling and manipulating objects. Body tension is a good indicator of their emotions. They gesture when they speak, do not listen well, stand very close when speaking or listening, and quickly lose interest in long conversations.

People who have a kinesthetic learning style often struggle. Traditional teaching methods do not suit them. Their minds simply cannot comprehend that they are doing something by listening or watching.

Main features:

  1. Learns best when physically involved in hands-on activities.
  2. Can work in a laboratory where he is able to manipulate materials while learning new information.
  3. Learns best when can be physically active in a learning environment.

Take advantage of instructors who encourage classroom demonstrations, hands-on student teaching experiences, and field work.

Kinesthetics can be seen in writing or drawing. He presses down hard on the pencil. Enjoys working with tools. If you write things down several times, you will remember them better. Often plays with coins or keys in his pockets. Often knows how to solve puzzles and mazes. but doesn't like to read the rules. It is easier for him to do what is required, but not to study why it is necessary.

A kinesthetic person will learn new things faster if he is shown an example. He is able to repeat what is shown, but reading and cramming are difficult for him. Children at school do not like to sit at a desk. To understand the material, they need to move.

How to deal with a kinesthetic learner

If you remember the importance of tactile sensations for kinesthete, then you can communicate constructively with it. For the most part, such people are tactful, calm, and friendly. However, they are easy to offend. In order not to provoke quarrels, you should not touch the kineticist’s personal belongings without permission.

When choosing a gift for a person who values ​​tactile sensations, you should buy an aroma lamp, eau de toilette or slippers.

When communicating with kinesthetic children, tactile contact is important. They need to be kissed, hugged, and held more often. Affection and tenderness from parents will help the child gain basic trust in the world, which underlies successful socialization. Many kinesthetic babies need a plush friend for a restful sleep. There is nothing wrong with this, so you should not prohibit your child from taking toys to bed.

In order for a kinesthetic to achieve his goal, he needs the support of loved ones. They need to be pushed to take decisive action. This is due to the fact that a kineticist often does many things at the same time. Without outside help, it is difficult for him to distribute his own resources so that he has enough strength to complete everything he has started.

The habit of making a plan for the day, week, month is a tool with which it will be easier for kinesthetic learners to achieve goals.

It is difficult for others to interact with a kinesthetic person because this individual constantly invades the personal space of others.

What to do if the client turns out to be a kinesthetic person

When a representative of a particular field has to deal with a kinesthetic client, he needs to use the following algorithm:

  1. When establishing contact with a tactilely oriented client, a person needs to maintain an open posture and demonstrate location. A sales consultant, for example, can stand next to a potential buyer, and an office employee, demonstrating interest in solving the client’s problem, should lean forward slightly.
  2. In the process of clarifying the client’s request, the specialist must use non-verbal body signals. If the client suddenly becomes silent, you need to bring him back to reality with the help of an unobtrusive touch.
  3. To motivate a potential buyer, the seller must provide him with the opportunity to touch the product and check the strength of the material using sensors.
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