They don't know how to forgive: why Scorpios will break your heart

If a Scorpio man leaves his family or starts an affair, it is usually for one of the following reasons:

  • to develop your career;
  • to help achieve a specific goal, such as power over someone;
  • The sex life in the relationship has gone wrong.

If a Scorpio man decides to break up on his own, then he experiences the situation very calmly. As a rule, these guys are very reserved and stingy in showing emotions. If you yourself decide to leave him, he will become very vindictive. At the same time, he can punish his other half almost instantly, even after waiting for the right moment.

Scorpio never forgets insults and rarely forgives anyone.

Their beauty will break your heart if they break up

This is not necessarily the kind of beauty that can be captured on camera. The beauty of Scorpios lies in their elusive charm. It is visible in their movements, facial expressions, in the blush that appears with strong excitement, in their pleasant voice. And the heart of a person in love with Scorpio melts from this beauty, which captures more and more.

And if you manage to date representatives of this sign for quite a long time, every day your dependence on their attractiveness will only increase. However, the connection with Scorpio does not often last long. And when they leave their partner for good, they break his heart.

Be sophisticated and feminine

A representative of any sign can be with Scorpio, despite the poor compatibility promised by the horoscope.

What's the secret?
Scorpios are true connoisseurs of female beauty. Since they can smell falsehood a mile away, vulgar female representatives repulse them. Therefore, you should not be surprised when such a man chooses a girl who is invisible at first glance - he sees her essence. Therefore, do not try to attract Scorpio with eccentricity or excessive perfection.
Emphasize your natural beauty, carefully monitor your figure, in a word, your physical shape is very important, but it’s better to forget about false eyelashes, wigs, hairpieces, and extended claws.

Their secrecy leads to mistrust

Scorpios are some of the most secretive people in the world, and you'll never know what's on their mind. When meeting with them, you will notice that they avoid answering specific questions and try to avoid the topic. Those born under this sign do not share their secrets with anyone - this is their distinctive property, which suits them quite well.

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At the same time, they themselves are not at all inclined to trust other people. Unfortunately, such secrecy and distrust cannot in any way contribute to the development of stable relationships. Indeed, in such a situation it will be difficult for you to trust Scorpio himself. And behind this lies the danger of constant jealousy and fear of losing a partner.

How Capricorn breaks up (December 22 - January 19)

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Capricorns are known for their tenacity and lack of over-emotionality. Although they are much more sensitive at heart than they seem, when it comes to breaking up relationships, this zodiac sign has mastered the ability to cut off any ties


In relationships, this earth sign is reliable, devoted and reveals its sensuality. He is interested in long-term relationships in which both can go through all the ups and downs of life.

And although they fight hard for a relationship they believe in, if it doesn't work, they simply accept that fact and move on.


This earth sign would rather accept reality as it is than live in illusions. Moreover, they will never convince a person to stay if they have lost interest in him. For down-to-earth Capricorn, this is just another fact of life.

Their dark side will take over

Scorpio is full of secrets that are kept deep in his heart. But this only happens for the time being. At the beginning of a relationship, their dark side is hidden from the partner, but gradually it begins to reveal itself. And the more you date a Scorpio, the more you will see of her.

Calm and friendly behavior will ultimately turn into nervous breakdowns, mistrust, jealousy, and numerous complaints. All this is an echo of grievances once suffered, which Scorpios do not tell anyone about, they do not share their pain with anyone. And when the dark side of this sign becomes dominant, maintaining relationships will become quite difficult.


Representatives of this sign clearly know how to hold a Scorpio man to a Scorpio woman, because they are similar and look at the world almost the same. These are very strong alliances that can break apart only due to disagreements on fundamental issues.

Also, excessive restraint of both partners can become a stumbling block, so astrologers advise discussing issues that arise with each other more often, rather than keeping everything to yourself.

They will not put up with your complaints and shortcomings.

Scorpios are not the kind of people who will pay attention to your complaints about their wrong behavior. If you say that they don't text you much or don't meet with you often, they will take drastic action, but only to annoy you. Scorpios will either stop writing and coming to meetings for a while, or they will start annoying you around the clock so that you won’t know where to get away from them.

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If you allow yourself to act in a way that they don’t like, they will try to make your life unbearable by constantly reminding you of your shortcomings and failures. So you will either have to submit or break up with them.

How to break up with him yourself

If there are only two ways to leave a man of a given zodiac sign.

Take the blame

Scorpio is a fixed sign, that is, once in love, he remains attached to a person for a long time. He is also a water sign, so emotions will always be hidden deep inside.

If you think it will be easy to part with him, forget about it.

A Scorpio man going through a breakup will go through all five stages of grief: denial, anger, intimidation, pleading, and then completely cut you out of his life.

Taking all the blame for the breakup on yourself is the only safe way if you decide to leave, because otherwise the man will definitely become very aggressive. Therefore, ask for forgiveness for everything you can when you break up with Scorpio in order to mitigate your possible punishment as much as possible.

Slow torture

This is the second option on how to break up with a Scorpio man.

If you understand his type of thinking well enough, you will force him to show emotions, and then pull away and then treat the guy like he's crazy. In other words, you need Scorpio to want to break up with you, for which you should take your time and make life a living hell for him. Either way, he will probably eventually leave when he realizes that you have no intention of changing or admitting your culpability in the situation.

They ignore your opinion

Scorpios always dance to their own music, and if suddenly this does not suit someone, he can go his own way, since the opinions of surrounding representatives of this sign are of little concern. And no one can force them to change, since they are very confident people and believe that they can always replace one partner with another.

They have no doubts about their attractiveness and the ability to find love. Scorpios believe that they will certainly meet a person who will perceive them in all their nature. Therefore, if you are not ready for this, then no one will keep you near them.

How does a Scorpio man handle a breakup?

A Scorpio man may make a woman feel like she is the only one in the world, or he may treat her like someone who has done something terrible.

When he is told about a possible breakup, he will not know whether to make the first move towards his partner or simply ignore her, this will consume him from the inside for a while.

This sign may decide that his ex needs to be brought back and taught him a lesson because he can't just sit in the middle, it's not in his nature. If he is confident and okay with it, he will most likely ignore her forever.

However, a more insecure Scorpio man would have his partner tearing off his clothes in despair. It largely depends on who decided to end the relationship, the reason why the relationship ended, and the closure that existed between the partners, something that he has likely already covered.

A woman who breaks up with this man will miss his motivation and strength, and the way he cared for her during difficult times.

However, she won't want to remember how he followed her around, lest he even think that there might be something wrong with his way of following her around. What frightens this man most is that his mistress, of her own free will, decides to simply abandon the relationship with him.

This scares a Scorpio man to the core of his soul and mind. In most cases, Scorpios experience breakups because they were involved in some sort of power sharing with their partner.

These men are obsessed with control, which is why many of their lovers decide to leave after seeing how manipulative and possessive they can be. It may not be easy to get rid of them because they find it difficult to let go and just move on with their lives after a breakup.

While people in other signs may understand that separation implies finality, Scorpio men think differently and want things to get better again without even imagining what moving forward might mean.

A Scorpio man may realize that his relationship is over and that his partner no longer wants him, but he will always hope that she will change her mind someday.

This is the reason why he wants to be friends with women after they break up with him.

Knowing that his ex loves him the most, he thinks that making her love him again will be very easy and he will do everything possible to make it happen that way.

Any woman should know that nothing can be hidden from a Scorpio man, as people of this sign seem to have a radar for detecting lies, secrets and shameful things.

These signs know that gaining power means knowing the unsavory details of others' lives and being secretive about their own.

The problem with them is that it can be difficult to identify the problem with their behavior until too late.

Very secretive and private, Scorpios hide their personality behind a cool mask, but underneath they are full of passion, ready to be released.

To put it bluntly, they may say some nasty things about their partner and there is nothing he can do about it. It doesn't matter if something good or bad happened, Scorpios will always remember everything and pay everyone back for it.

When on good terms with a special person in their life, they will be endlessly loyal, whereas if crossed, they will seek revenge until it is fulfilled. These signs are known for being cruel and bullies according to their zodiac sign. Those who are sensitive and cannot protect themselves should stay away from them.

They take revenge on everyone

Scorpios will never say anything good about their ex. And soon you will notice that they are unhappy not only with him, but also with most of the people around them. You will see how, without forgiving offenses, they break off relations with both family and friends.

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If you quarrel with them and try to correct the situation, they will not make contact, but, on the contrary, will try to hurt you as much as possible. And if they are very offended by you, they will not stop until they pay off in full. And if you start admonishing them, urging them not to stoop to revenge, they will simply send you away.

Why do men leave women?

Not only astrology, but also psychology will help in resolving the issue of when a man leaves a woman. He doesn't always go to someone else. Sometimes he simply breaks off relationships, wanting to remain alone.

What reasons prompt him to do this?

  1. Dissimilarity of principles, goals and lifestyle. This is what people call "dissimilarity of character." When people live different lives, they have no common ground. She likes to go to clubs, and he prefers to stay at home. She loves family comfort, and he prefers to bring guests to the house every day. If partners cannot establish routines where they do not interfere with each other with their habits, then someone will definitely leave.
  2. The desire for freedom. There are simply freedom-loving men who for a long time cannot build relationships with women alone. They want variety, intrigue, the unknown. This is such a temperament and character. There is no condemnation for this. They either live with this, allowing the man to go to the left, or they fight, which pushes the partner to.
  3. Different goals. If a man and a woman made different plans for their future together, then the relationship will fall apart. This could be an option when a man just wanted to stay with a woman for a while, and his partner wanted to start a family. Partners have different plans. The one whose goals will clearly not be realized or have already been realized will break off the relationship.
  4. Conflicts. We do not exclude the option when a man gets tired of constant quarrels and conflicts with a woman. Screams, discontent, scandals - all this tires any man who values ​​calm and harmony in life. If a woman constantly provokes conflicts, then the man leaves.

There are many reasons for a man to leave his family. However, each person is individual. Also, a man is individually affected by his zodiac sign. If your man is a Scorpio, then you should consider his psychology and behavior at the time of separation and return to the relationship.

They can use you

You can never be sure for what exact reason Scorpio is near you. It is unknown whether he really loves you or is simply using you for one purpose or another. It is possible that by dating you, he is taking revenge on someone else in this way or trying to cause jealousy. Scorpios are very cunning, they can use you in millions of ways, and it is very difficult to unravel their motives.

They do not forget anything and do not forgive mistakes.

If you make a mistake with a Scorpio, it will be ingrained in his brain forever. Scorpios will be unable to either forget or forgive. And they will remember your mistakes at every convenient and inconvenient occasion, although, it would seem, this is already a very old story. At the same time, Scorpios will always watch you closely, and as soon as you stumble again, you will definitely be in trouble. This way, you will always feel like you are walking on a razor's edge. It is unlikely that such a life will be attractive to you.

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How to keep love forever

It must be remembered that after breaking up, reuniting with Scorpio is impossible. If you want to prevent separation and live with him all your life, take a few simple rules:

  • prove that your loyalty and commitment to a man is as strong as his trust;
  • don’t let him dominate, otherwise he will lose respect for you, be yourself;
  • always remain a little mysterious to him, even after decades of marriage.

As you can see, Scorpio can be completely different - kind and cruel, jealous and indifferent, generous and vindictive. It all depends on what kind of woman is next to him. But if he meets his ideal, he will do the impossible for her.

They are prone to violence

One of the biggest and most dangerous shortcomings of Scorpios is their tendency to violence. Of course, not all of them suffer from this, but, unfortunately, it is not possible to know this in advance. At the same time, there is a high probability that the representative of this sign himself is for the time being unaware of this flaw. After all, it can appear completely unexpectedly, with the onset of some extreme situation. For example, in a fit of jealousy, they can go berserk and cause you not only mental, but also physical trauma.

Scorpio's feelings - what the secrets of his soul will tell about

Scorpio needs to give himself completely, leaving nothing for himself. It's like energy vampires who will leave nothing of you. Their inner strength is simply amazing. They are able to convince only with a glance. Often, Scorpio doesn't even need to be told to get something. It's as if he has the ability to telepathy. He is an excellent manipulator of people and has intuition. Therefore, he always gets what he strives for.

It is very difficult for representatives of this zodiac sign to find their soulmate. Firstly, because few people stick with it for more than a minimum period of time. Secondly, not everyone meets the requirements of these rather arrogant people. Therefore, Scorpios have to not only dislike those around them, but also show their antipathy.

Their love can't last forever

Although Scorpio may tell you that they crave a lasting emotional connection that will stand the test of time, you shouldn't take their word for it. It is possible that he himself thinks so, but in this situation his fate is controlled by the planet Venus. It influences the fact that Scorpios are not prone to long-term relationships. They are amorous and very impulsive. Therefore, hoping for their loyalty is a futile exercise.

So, dreaming that Scorpio won't break your heart is too risky.

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Showing feelings

The Scorpio man is stingy with emotions. But during the period of conquering a woman, he behaves like a real knight. Falling in love turns him into a hero, ready to perform feats for the sake of his beloved, but only if a woman notices his efforts and appreciates them. If the manifestation of Scorpio's passionate feelings goes unnoticed, the man becomes disappointed and ends the relationship.

Scorpios value beauty and attractiveness in women. An ideal woman should combine the ability to take care of herself and be a good housewife. But appearance takes first place: a man may not pay attention to an unprepared dinner and take his beloved to a cafe, but she must look perfect. Therefore, girls seeking to conquer a Scorpio man will have to strictly control their appearance.

Compatibility of a Scorpio man with an ardent and temperamental woman is impossible. He hates pressure and encroachments on his freedom, but he himself strives to control his beloved, to encourage her to adapt to his ideas about women.

If he feels that they are trying to manipulate him, he breaks off communication.

The worst insult a woman can inflict on a Scorpio man is cheating. He does not forgive this and considers it a personal betrayal

Scorpio himself respects his principles and does not cheat on his beloved. In his youth, he often experiments, dating girls of different types, until he understands who best suits his ideas about his soulmate. The Scorpio guy, unlike his peers, does not collect his love victories in order to brag about them to his friends. He simply does not consider them as competitors and is guided in his decisions only by personal interest.

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