How to win a woman's heart and make her happy

It seems like a lot of guys have trouble meeting women or don't know how to do it at all.

Others consider themselves true pickup artists; they are even paid to teach men how to have relationships. I'm here to say that this is pretty stupid. In fact, getting a woman interested is not so difficult: you don’t need to buy manuals or go to master classes to do this. It is enough to resort to common sense. Of course, you need to practice, without it you can’t get anywhere. But in the end everything will work out. In general, nothing works in the world without proper preparation, and starting relationships with women is no exception. But what could be more fun than learning how to pick up hot girls? Also pay attention to the article 10 ways to impress a girl.

Below are 15 simple methods that you definitely need to know. They are really reliable. I promise, if you are willing to diligently follow these rules, you will find yourself in the company of beautiful girls quite often. Go. 15 golden rules for meeting beautiful women . You might be interested in the article 10 innocent compliments that can offend a girl.

Spend money

I don’t want to say that all women are materialists looking for a rich man. However, they want to feel important: if you buy them a drink or leave a generous tip, they may get the impression that you appreciate the things around you and spend money on them.

This makes it clear that you can be fun to be with. Let's face it : many women love to have fun, but don't want to pay. By the way, this also applies to guys. So you can cry over this fact and acknowledge the devilish nature of women, or you can still fork out the cash. I propose the second option.

Emotional attachment 3

A woman loves with her ears, so she needs regular confirmation of male love. She wants to see that they need her, they want to see her, hug her, kiss her. Sometimes it is quite difficult for men to maintain this connection.

After all, they do not need regular confirmation of their partner’s love. A man's love is more focused on action - he provides for the family, goes shopping, walks the dog every morning, and so on. For him, this is a manifestation of love, respect, help.

But this is not enough for the ladies. They need to know that these daily actions of their partner are not a boring, familiar ritual, but the same love. Therefore, from time to time a woman wants to receive those romantic bouquets and invitations to dates. Even if the relationship has long passed the candy-bouquet period.

Should I pursue girls? How and why you should do this again and again, read the article at the link.

Do you have a good job? Talk about it. No? You're lying

Before you continue reading, let me remind you: this is an article on how to impress a woman, not how to find a future wife. Of course, if you lie to your date that you are a lawyer and graduated from Princeton, and then it turns out that you are a gardener with a high school education, your relationship will not last long. But if you don’t have far-reaching plans, and at the same time you earn good money, use it.

Artists, writers and actors appeal to aesthetes. Lawyers, investors and entrepreneurs are more interesting to business girls. If you are one of them or are doing something similar, congratulations, you can succeed. Otherwise, lie. If you don't like lying, that's great. You'll make a great boyfriend for someone, just not tonight.


What kind of men attract the attention of women? Without a doubt, erudite and fluent in speech. Thus, intelligence is a powerful weapon in the arsenal of one who wants to win the heart of his beloved. And for this, a man needs to constantly learn something new. At the same time, it is recommended to deepen one’s knowledge in the area that interests the object of one’s attention. This will allow us to make plans together in the future, dream, draw a picture of the future for ourselves, and then put all the ideas into practice. All a man's conversations should be filled with meaning. At the same time, he must talk about what inspires and motivates him.

Pay attention

A very simple rule, but the guys somehow manage to screw it up. Pay attention to her, listen to her, act as if her words are important. Women like to think that men are interested in them as individuals. Sometimes that's how it goes. Either way, listen to her and don't just nod your head like a dummy.

Periodically insert your comments and express interest. Even beauties want to believe that they are curious: this is a matter of pride, and not only that. Believe it or not, they also want to have a good time before you fall into bed together and go your separate ways forever.

Material independence6

A man's financial situation is important to a woman. This way she can understand about her partner’s readiness to provide for the future family and help in difficult situations. It’s not normal if a lady chooses a man only based on his financial status. And if money is important to her in tandem with responsibility and reliability, there is nothing wrong with that.

After all, few adequate women would want to throw in their lot with an unemployed slob. In addition, the financial independence of a partner makes it clear to the lady that he tried, developed his skills, and abilities in order to come to what he has. This will make you think about the man’s literacy and reliability.

Make eye contact

Eye contact is of utmost importance. You can tell a lot just by looking into a woman's eyes. The main thing is not to overdo it. Don't act weird and put on an overly tense face, and for heaven's sake, don't hypnotize her. But if, to your gaze, she responds in kind, half the way has already been passed, even more.

By nature, people are just animals, and eye contact is essentially mating games. Keep up the good work, don't let it slip away, and you'll likely find success.

Don't waste your time

Wasting time on women is one of the biggest mistakes men make. This applies to both short-term and long-term relationships. It doesn't take a genius to figure out whether she likes you or not. I think you can handle it. If she doesn't like you, move on. This isn't some kind of test; you won't get a reward by making her change her mind.

While you're spending hours at the bar or months at work trying to charm her, there may be at least five women nearby eager to start a relationship. But you didn’t pay any attention to them; what was more important was the one that didn’t pay any attention. Badly. But we don't always get what we want.

Is it possible to return your ex's feelings?

How to make a girl with whom you already had a relationship fall in love with you? In fact, getting back into a relationship again is very possible, because you are quite familiar with the girl’s character and preferences, which means you have some advantages. Use this knowledge to your advantage and the girl will come back to you. In addition, when conquering a woman you already know, it will be easier to choose a pickup technique from the ones given above. What do we have to do:

  • Analyze the breakup. You need to understand exactly why your relationship didn't work out. Based on this, you will have to think through a strategy for returning your chosen one.
  • Correct the mistakes of the past. If the breakup happened in your vein, then you will have to prove that you have changed and will not commit any more offenses.
  • Make friendly contact. To show her your positive changes and transformation, you first need to establish friendly relations with her. Any young lady after a failed relationship will treat you with caution, so you shouldn’t immediately go on the offensive and force her to come back. Give her some time and let things take their course.
  • Use the past. Any pleasant memories of your past will make her think about the future. Unobtrusively remind her how good you had it together, send photos together, invite her on a date to some memorable place, use the perfume that you wore during your relationship with her. This technique is incredibly effective, because all people strive to return to where they felt good.

Share her interests

This is a really elementary point, but it is often forgotten. She just came from a Bernie Sanders book signing. What a coincidence, you like him. She can't stand guys who watch sports programs all day long - why waste your time like that? You get it, right? You went hiking in the White Mountains last week and it was absolutely amazing.

In fact, you like Trump, and on Sunday you watched the Giants game, ordered a huge hamburger and pizza, and did not leave the house at all. But what's the difference? Do you want to argue or still spend the night together? Not so difficult, right?

Be unusual

Maybe I will surprise you, but women are not always attracted to guys who are no different from each other. To start a relationship with a hot girl, you have to be unusual. And right now you will ask me “how can I be unique, Leon?” Don't worry, you already have it in you. The options are varied : maybe you write memoirs of adult film stars, you do powerlifting, you like to read the classics, you lived in New Zealand, you worked on an organic farm.

In any case, this should be used. You shouldn’t talk about this all the time, but you need to be able to drop a word in time to interest your interlocutor. If you are still ordinary, it is time to change.


To please a lady, you need to be confident on dates. Women do not like whiners and pathological jealous people, especially if they show their true colors from the first meeting. There is no need to complain about life, about the commercialism of former partners, or make complaints if your companion looked at the phone and answered the message. This will push you away from communication and will definitely not help win her heart.

You should also not make complaints if the girls did not respond with reciprocity or emotional intimacy after the first two meetings. This toxicity will only destroy the created image. You need to be confident and behave calmly. Show that other men pose no danger.

It is also a mistake to be excessively possessive from the first days of dating. You don’t need to call the woman you like every hour and bombard her with questions. Perhaps this tactic works with teenage girls who crave 24/7 texting with guys. A busy and working woman will definitely not like this pressure. And she, most likely, will immediately put an end to this satellite.

The best option is to call in the evening or on a weekend and offer to go out for dinner or lunch. Messages should be in a casual format. In correspondence, you can find out about some of the lady’s preferences in order to know where to invite her next time.

Be mysterious, not pathetic

Women don't like ugly guys. They are not at all happy with the desperate attempts to take them by storm. It's funny, but a determined woman is, on the contrary, very cool. But not the other way around. Therefore, you need to confuse the object of your sympathy. The best way to win a woman is to make her doubt whether she likes you.

Are you asking them out on a date or are you really just looking for a drink? Are you walking home or flirting? Do you even like her or are you just fooling around? She does not know. A confused woman is vulnerable, and beauties are doubly vulnerable, because they are used to running the show. Sometimes it's good to unsettle them.

Performing noble deeds

How to win a woman? To do this, you will need to perform feats for her. The fact is that women prefer to see men next to them who are capable of noble deeds. And to do this, you can, for example, help a friend solve a problem that has arisen, take an old woman across the road, or feed homeless animals. Any of these actions will certainly win the heart of your beloved. After all, it is quite difficult to find a woman who could resist a man capable of feats. And even if they are elementary little things, such behavior will allow you to prove your superiority over others. Moreover, it is recommended to perform noble deeds in the presence of a lady of the heart. This will allow her to once again be convinced that she made the right choice.

Be funny. Can not? Do not try

Women love funny men. If you make her laugh, she will go with you to another bar, if you make her laugh there, she will call you home, if you continue to make jokes there, then I think everything else is clear. It's important for women to have fun, though.

But if you don't have a sense of humor, don't even try. Nothing ruins a situation worse than a guy who isn't funny trying to get a woman together. You can't learn to be funny, it's either given or not. If you have such talent, use it. No - be super handsome, smart or rich.

Recommendations from psychologists

How to win a woman? Why doesn’t everything work out as smoothly for a man as he would like? What do psychologists say about this? It is not at all easy for a man to conquer a woman due to the fact that many girls in one way or another try to create an image that allows them to seem like an impregnable fortress. With all their looks and conversations, they try to convince the guy that they can be happy without emotional worries and longing. That is why a man in love, even if he can be classified as a brutal and self-confident person, will be very worried about the fact that the girl most likely does not like him, and she will refuse him reciprocity. For a guy who is strong in spirit and strong in body, experiencing sincere feelings, such an outcome will seem no less tragic than the end of the world.

What do psychologists say about this? A man must conquer a woman. After all, girls from childhood will never run after boys. This behavior is developed on an instinctive level. It is nature that forces girls to take a wait-and-see attitude.

If a man wants to conquer a woman, then he must learn the following:

  1. You shouldn’t sincerely believe in the unapproachable gaze of the girl you like. On the way to conquering it, it should not become the main barrier. The fact is that the cold look of ladies is a defensive reaction that has become a habit.
  2. You should not give up when you see a beautiful young lady with an arrogant appearance. In most cases, men hesitate to approach such women. Consequently, for them, the courtship of representatives of the opposite sex will be especially valuable. Experienced men recommend not to get lost in front of beautiful girls. After all, sometimes winning their heart is much easier than it seems.
  3. All girls dream of meeting a persistent and courageous young man. In this regard, their disagreement with a kiss or a date is nothing more than a desire to make sure how serious a man’s intentions are. This also allows young ladies to pamper their pride.

But at the same time, psychologists warn that all women are clearly unpredictable, and finding an approach to each of them is the main task of men. So, how to win a woman's heart?

Be confident, not arrogant

Don Quixote once said: “If you want to be a knight, act like a knight.” The same principle works with women. If you want to seem like a confident, successful man among women, behave accordingly. Remember that arrogance does not mean confidence; on the contrary, it shows timidity.

Be yourself, but behave in such a way that the woman understands that you are worth it. It doesn't matter to you whether she's interested or not, you're doing a great job anyway. Women are crazy about confident guys until they become cocky idiots.

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