What to do if you fall in love with a woman: psychological reasons, scientific data and advice

Love is a wonderful state, and it is not surprising when women experience this feeling towards men or vice versa. But quite often it happens that a girl suddenly realizes that she has fallen in love with a woman. This can happen to anyone, at any age, and completely unexpectedly. Such feelings are confusing, especially if the woman considered herself to be of traditional sexual orientation. But is it worth panicking and denying the attachment that has arisen? Or it’s better to try to understand yourself, understand why this happened and what can be done.

Why does this happen

Decades of clinical research show that individual sexual preferences vary, ranging from attraction to people of the opposite biological sex to exclusive attraction to people of the same biological sex. There are also those called bisexuals - people who are attracted to both women and men.

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Discovering sexual potential and choosing an orientation is a complex process. It is influenced by many factors (starting from birth and throughout life). It is very difficult to answer the question of why a woman fell in love with another girl. Anything could have influenced this. If throughout her adult life she dated guys and felt attracted to them, but suddenly something changed in her mind, there may be several reasons for this:

  • her sexual preferences were not previously clear to her;
  • she consciously denied that loving women was considered the norm;
  • her attraction was suppressed through religion or culture;
  • Serious changes occurred in her body that affected her hormonal levels.

It also happens that these reasons act together. It is difficult to understand for sure why a girl fell in love with another girl. Only a highly professional psychologist can establish the cause.

Signs of mutual feelings

When feelings arise for a girl, in addition to confusion, fear is often experienced. She is afraid of being rejected, of being misunderstood and judged by the people around her, which is why she continues to experience mental anguish. In some cases, a declaration of love can be positive, and it turns out that the feelings are mutual.

I fell in love with a woman</p>

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