Where to go to study after 9th grade and then become a psychologist?

Man is the most interesting and at the same time little-studied creature on earth. Perhaps this is why people are so interested in studying other people.

If you have a craving for knowing people, then you will like the profession of a psychologist. Subscribe to our telegram channel, join the group with goodies and promotions.

And from this article you will learn who psychologists are, what psychological colleges after grades 9 and 11 are in Moscow and St. Petersburg, what specialties can be obtained and what salary awaits an accomplished specialist within this profession.

Is it possible to go to study to become a marketer after 9th grade?

To go learn the marketing of yesterday 9

-a grader needs only good certificate grades, while
graders take the Unified State Exam and (if necessary) undergo testing.
To enroll in the first year after 9th grade,
you need to: submit documents; ... if the certificate score is not high enough, “get it” with the OGE exams.

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Types of psychologists

Which college teaches you to become a psychologist after 9th or 11th grade will directly depend on the area of ​​interest.

Psychology can be research (scientific work), teaching and applied (practical activities in psychodiagnostics and counseling).

In a college with a psychology department, after 9th or 11th grade, education can only be obtained in applied psychology. Therefore, we will consider only the types of psychologists within this class. So, psychologists are:

  1. Pedagogical/school . The most common group, whose tasks include analyzing the child’s readiness for school, the success of his adaptation in school and family, diagnosing the level of development, assistance in career guidance and social adaptation. Psychologists of this group work not only with children, but also with teachers and parents.
  2. Children's . Children are studied from the age of early development to adolescence. Their task is to help overcome various difficulties in a child’s life related to upbringing, development, and adaptation in different situations.
  3. Family . They provide consultation to a family that finds themselves in a difficult life situation and works with relationship breakdowns. Such psychologists work both separately with each family member and in a group with everyone at once. People turn to him if there is discord in the family, the threat of divorce, problems with children, elderly parents or relatives.
  4. Clinical . They practice in a clinic, engage in psychodiagnostics and treatment together with a leading doctor. They skillfully use clinical tests to accurately diagnose conditions, developmental problems and mental characteristics of the patient. With the help of this specialist, the doctor is able to make the most accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.
  5. Penitentiary . They work with people in prison. Their task is to predict the behavior of convicts, prevent cases of suicide or self-harm, and help convicts adapt to the conditions of detention. Such a specialist also helps the staff of correctional colonies/pretrial detention centers to prevent emotional burnout, and to support them in difficult situations. They also take part in negotiations during hostage situations.
  6. Military and psychologists of the Ministry of Internal Affairs . These specialists conduct psychological examinations when hiring new candidates, study teams and give specific advice on optimizing the climate in them. Their task is to help employees in a difficult situation, teach a serviceman mental self-regulation, and desensitize a serviceman who has returned from a hot spot.
  7. Ministry of Emergency Situations . Such a specialist deals with an acute condition resulting from the death of relatives and friends, or an emergency situation that dramatically changes a person’s life. Shock and a gap in meaning when faced with a new reality do not allow a person to accept a new situation, and a psychologist here helps to adapt to rapidly changing conditions.
  8. Sports . Help athletes in sports. Their task is to teach how to cope with high workloads, instill sports self-regulation skills, and avoid breakdowns. They help form the most effective team and focus the athlete on winning.
  9. Corporate . They help select, evaluate and adapt personnel, contribute to the formation of a corporate culture, provide coaching and practices to improve soft skills within the company: develop leadership, communication, conflict management, time management and much more.
  10. Engineering . Their mission is to improve and adapt equipment, technology and work environments to enhance productivity, behavior and human performance.
  11. Special . They work with children with different developmental characteristics (slow or peculiar) of a child who has difficulties with socio-psychological adaptation.
  12. Political . They work with the mood, opinion, values ​​and feelings of society to work in the political life of society.
  13. Social . We are busy studying the dynamics of small groups, conducting trainings, sociometry, psychodiagnostics, consultations, etc.

There are other types of psychologists: forensic, legal, criminologists, psychodiagnosticians, neuropsychologists, etc. Therefore, when choosing a college and university, pay attention to the chosen specialization.

It is impossible to become a psychologist immediately after college! To do this you will have to graduate from a higher educational institution. But it is much easier to enroll in this specialty at a university immediately after college in a related specialty.

What will the passing scores be in 2020?

In the history of Belarus, world history, geography, foreign languages, if this is the second specialized subject - from 15. In social studies - from 25 points, if this is the first specialized subject, from 15, if this is the second specialized subject.

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Stages of admission

Source: cdnimg.rg.ru

To enroll in college, you will need to go through several stages:

  1. Choose a suitable college and specialty.
  2. Write an application and submit documents with copies.
  3. If necessary, pass the entrance examinations provided by the college.
  4. Expect results. Some colleges post enrollment lists on their website, some send SMS notifications.
  5. After enrollment, you must provide originals of all documents within a certain time frame.

Acceptance of documents begins on June 20 and continues until August 10-15, depending on the direction.

Required documents

To enter the college you need the following documents:

  • a copy of a passport or other identity document;
  • certificate of secondary education;
  • applicant's application;
  • 4 photographs 3x4;
  • documents confirming personal achievements (if available);
  • medical certificate (form 086у).

How to write applicant applications

Source: gomel.news

To enroll in a secondary vocational educational institution, the applicant is required to fill out an application. Depending on the status of the institution, the application form is slightly different.

To study at the college, you must enter the following information on the form:

  1. Full name, passport details, date of birth, telephone number and registration address.
  2. The chosen specialty and form of training (budget or contract).
  3. Information about secondary education: name of school/gymnasium, year of graduation, average score. Certificate number and series, personal achievements (medal).
  4. Clarifying data: foreign language proficiency and whether the applicant has previously received education at a college.
  5. Next to the required column, make a note about the need for a hostel.
  6. Signature of the applicant, date of writing the application.
  7. Confirm that you have read the college's regulatory documents.
  8. The obligation to provide original documents upon receipt is certified by signature.

Choosing a university

When choosing an educational institution, find out which one suits you best. Here it is worth taking into account both its territorial location and the availability of a good hostel; if you are going to study in another city, it would not be a bad idea to read the reviews of those who studied there.

If we consider Moscow, the best universities where you can get a diploma in psychology are:

  • Institute of Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis;
  • State Academic University of Humanities;
  • Moscow State University named after Lomonosov;
  • Russian State Social University;
  • Institute of Psychology named after. Vygotsky.

Psychologists' salaries

You shouldn't expect a lot of money at the start.

On average, salaries in Russia range from 14,000 to 80,000 rubles. If you manage to find a job in Moscow, the specialist’s payment doubles - from 35,000 to 150,000 rubles.

With each year of practice, a specialist can gradually increase the cost of his services, as well as earn money from training (trainings and courses), and focus on working with psychologists rather than patients.

In addition to salary growth, with experience a psychologist has a chance to climb the career ladder. In some organizations and government agencies, a psychologist may well occupy leadership positions.

Pros and cons of the profession

The positive aspects of working as a psychologist include:

  • the opportunity to understand your life and find harmony;
  • the ability to provide professional assistance to people from close circles;
  • the opportunity to learn new things and develop comprehensively;
  • Demand for the profession – the opportunity to find a job after graduating from university;
  • with constant self-development and improvement of your professional skills - good competitiveness.

The disadvantages of choosing this specialty include:

  • the presence of great responsibility for the psychological health of the patient (the advice given can affect the person’s future, including causing harm);
  • the need to be prepared to accept the point of view of another person, even if it completely contradicts your personal views;
  • inability to refuse to solve the problem faced by the patient;
  • empathy for the tragedy of the person who has applied, which can lead to personal problems and depression in a specialist if he is inexperienced and does not yet know how to let go of what he has heard.

Best Psychology Colleges in Russia

The basis for choosing a psychology major at a university can be the specializations offered by the best colleges in Russia.

Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College

Source: avatars.mds.yandex.net

Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College is recruiting applicants for specialties that require dedication, responsibility and a desire to help people:

  • Nursing;
  • Medical and preventive care;
  • Social work;
  • Medicine;
  • Orthopedic dentistry;
  • Midwifery;
  • Medical optics.

Interregional Center for Rehabilitation of Persons with Hearing Problems (College) of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Russian Federation (Pavlovsk)

Source: avatars.mds.yandex.net

The Interregional Center (College) of the Russian Ministry of Labor provides the opportunity to receive secondary vocational education for people with hearing impairments. Among the specialties offered:

  • Organization of sign language communication;
  • Law and organization of social security;
  • Adaptive physical education;
  • Social and cultural activities;
  • Design.

After choosing a university with a psychological profile after college, a graduate can master a specialization and provide psychological consulting services to people with hearing impairments.

Samara Social Pedagogical College

Source: sun9-24.userapi.com

SSPK accepts graduates of 9th grade for full-time study. Applicants who have completed 11 grades are offered part-time study. The college provides secondary vocational education in the following areas:

  • Law and organization of social security;
  • Corrective pedagogy in primary education;
  • Special preschool education;
  • Teaching in primary school;
  • Law enforcement.

College of Leningrad State University named after. A. S. Pushkina

Source: postupi.online

College of Leningrad State University named after. A. S. Pushkin produces qualified teachers, lawyers, and software engineers. Applicants can choose one of the specialties:

  • Applied Informatics;
  • Social work;
  • Law and organization of social security;
  • Tourism;
  • Preschool education;
  • Physical Culture;
  • Teaching in primary school;
  • Pharmacy.

Irkutsk Regional College of Teacher Education

Source: avatars.mds.yandex.net

Irkutsk Regional College of Teacher Education is a young, promising educational institution (founded in 2011). College students confirmed the high quality of education by winning 4 medals at the regional stage of the international championship “Young Professionals”. The college trains teaching staff in the following areas:

  • Physical Culture;
  • Musical education;
  • Preschool education;
  • Applied Informatics;
  • Pedagogy of additional education in the field of social and pedagogical activities;
  • Pedagogy of additional education on organizing work with youth and youth associations;
  • Special preschool education;
  • Teaching in primary school;
  • Musical art of the stage.

Humanitarian College of Omsk

Source: avatars.mds.yandex.net

The Humanities College of Omsk is a leader in education in its region. SSUZ cooperates with 130 enterprises and institutions of the city and region, providing its students with places for internship. Recruitment of applicants is carried out according to the following programs:

  • Special preschool education;
  • Corrective pedagogy in primary education;
  • Law enforcement;
  • Law and judicial administration;
  • Insurance business;
  • Social work;
  • Commerce;
  • Finance;
  • Preschool education;
  • Applied aesthetics.

Required personal qualities

A good psychologist must have a number of special qualities.
It is important to understand that in order to become a psychologist, it is not always enough to study at university. Here, as in any professional industry, there are a number of qualities, the presence of which will help make you a good specialist. Next, we will talk about what traits you need to have in order to confidently step into the profession of a psychologist.

  1. Love for continuous learning. The profession in question presupposes the need for regular self-development, expanding one’s knowledge, techniques, and mastering new practices.
  2. Friendliness, ability to find a common language with any person.
  3. Persuasiveness. The ability to convey your thoughts to the listener.
  4. Responsible attitude towards your business.
  5. Tolerance, the ability not to judge people for their actions or thoughts.
  6. The ability to correctly express your emotions.
  7. Having empathy, the ability to empathize with other people.
  8. Ability to be a good listener. For many patients who find themselves in a psychologist’s office, it is important to be listened to and shown sympathy, sometimes they simply have no one with whom they can share their pain and relieve the psychological burden.
  9. Lack of xenophobia.

If you do not currently have the above qualities, you still have enough time to develop new skills and work through fears, if any.

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