Business communication - ethics, types, features, fundamentals, culture

What is business communication? Ethics and features Types and forms Basics of business communication Styles and strategies Conclusion

Business communication is one of the foundations of running a competent business, interacting not only with employees within the company, but also outside it. It is a form of communication between people solving a common professional problem to achieve a set goal. Communication between business people requires compliance with certain norms and rules.

The concept of business communication is significantly different from the concept of everyday communication. There is no place here for demonstrating one’s “I”, for displaying behavior. You should learn how to communicate professionally. It is necessary to understand that personal qualities, although they are also taken into account, become unimportant. The desires, goals, and aspirations of the opponent come to the fore, which one should strive to combine with one’s own, and, ultimately, ensure that the joint activity has a result that satisfies both parties.

Functions of business communication

Information and communication

It consists of an exchange of information, the success of which depends on the degree of concentration of attention, the interest of the parties, the elaboration of the topic, and its value for opponents.


It involves planning the sequence of actions of communicating business people. Helps to evaluate the actions of opponents, which allows you to adjust and control your own behavior.


It lies in the perception of one opponent by another. Gives you the opportunity to analyze the information received, compare it with your ideas and knowledge, and also contributes to personal development.

What it is?

Business communication is interaction in the sphere of official relations, the purpose of which is to solve specific problems, achieve certain results, and optimize any activity. Moreover, each participant has his own status - boss, subordinate, colleagues, partners.

If communication occurs between people at different levels of the career ladder (manager and executive), then there is a vertical relationship, that is, a subordinate relationship. If interaction is conducted on the principles of equal cooperation, then this is a horizontal relationship.

It is business communications that a person carries out every day at work, at university, in schools, and in official institutions. This is the name for communication between teachers and students, bosses and subordinates, colleagues, partners and competitors.

Whether the interlocutor is familiar with the rules, forms and methods of such communications determines whether he will be able to achieve his goal. Partners must speak the same language (both literally and figuratively), understand each other, and have common social experience.

General information

Each participant in such communication has his own status - manager, subordinate, partners, colleagues, etc.

There are two types of business communication:

  1. - vertical (subordination) - occurs when people communicate at different levels of the hierarchical ladder (for example, between a manager and a performer),
  2. — horizontal (partnership) – relationships between people of the same level (for example, between business partners).

To achieve specific results from business communication, certain conditions must be met:

  1. Participants must clearly understand the purpose of the discussion and be interested in achieving it (for example, concluding an agreement between partners).
  2. Do not ignore the rules of business etiquette and chain of command. Business etiquette prescribes not only the rules of introduction and greeting, manners of behavior and conversation, but also how to receive and present gifts, conduct correspondence, etc.
  3. Communication should not be reflected in the personal attitude of its participants towards each other (liking or antipathy towards the personality of the interlocutor).

Terms of business communication

For business communication to be effective, a number of conditions must be met:

  1. Communication must have a clear goal, in achieving which all persons involved in the process are interested. For example, networking, concluding an agreement, coordinating an event, developing terms of cooperation, etc.
  2. Participants should contact each other regardless of likes and dislikes.
  3. Observance of business etiquette, chain of command, job roles, and formal restrictions is mandatory.

Formal restrictions mean both various regulations, routines and protocols, as well as the banal need to control the strength of one’s own emotions and respect the interlocutor.

Also, the manager or other most interested participant must ensure that business communication is manageable. Participants need to be motivated to find a solution, otherwise they will simply be passive observers of the meeting who do not offer any ideas.

What are the stages of business communication?

Communication in a business style is carried out in stages, each time moving to the next step. At the same time, skipping at least one stage is undesirable, because it is a full-fledged procedure that forms successful communication.

Business communication is based on the performance of certain sequential actions. Thus, the manager needs to:

  1. Form a motive. After all, communication is created meaningfully; a person makes contact for a specific purpose. Business communication in an organization cannot be effective if people do not know whether they need to negotiate or not. Therefore, you definitely need a motive why you should or should not cooperate with a partner. For this purpose, a preparatory stage is allocated, during which people analyze the need to participate in negotiations and determine the significance of future interaction.
  2. To set up a contact. This should be done when partners meet for the first time. They need to build friendly relationships. When meeting, partners usually shake each other’s hands, greet each other, and then begin to discuss the issues for which they actually gathered.
  3. Identify the essence of the issue. It is clear that business partners do not make appointments just to talk or enjoy tea. The reason for their collection is a specific problem that worries both parties and requires a solution. Therefore, the partners discuss the essence of the issue and proceed to discuss all the important points.
  4. Exchange information. In the process of business communication, you can share useful information with your interlocutors that could be useful for them to analyze your transaction.
  5. Find a solution to the issue. It is important that the solution to the problem is beneficial for everyone involved in the negotiations. If there are contradictions, then they should be resolved first. Otherwise, it will not be possible to reach an agreement. Once a confidential conversation has been established, ways to resolve the issue of concern can be discussed.
  6. Conclude an agreement. The solution to the problem adopted by all participants in the conversation must be secured by an appropriate agreement. Business negotiations are always aimed at results, creating a specific product of cooperation. Therefore, it is important to achieve the necessary agreement and impeccably comply with all the points contained in it.
  7. Analyze the outcome of the negotiations. At this stage, communication between partners ends. After a certain period of time, they meet again and analyze the results obtained. For example, they calculate income and determine the need for further cooperation.

Thus, the concept of business communication is based on certain principles and has its own forms and characteristics. A manager simply needs to be able to properly structure a conversation with his clients, subordinates, and partners.

After all, the role of business communication is to establish mutually beneficial cooperation. If a person knows all the intricacies of negotiations, then he will definitely succeed as a businessman. We can say that business communication is based on the ability to create all the necessary conditions to achieve the intended goal in business.

Forms of business communication

The two main forms of communication are contact (direct) communication and indirect (mediated).

In the first case, the interlocutors communicate face to face and have the opportunity to evaluate each other’s non-verbal behavior, so the effectiveness of such contact is higher. In the second case, interaction occurs using any means of communication - telephone, letters, etc.

More specifically, the most common forms of business communication are:

  1. Meeting.
  2. Presentation.
  3. Business conversation.
  4. Negotiation.
  5. Telephone conversations.
  6. Exchange of official business documents (application, agreement, power of attorney, memo).
  7. Consultation.
  8. Interview.
  9. Public speaking, conferences.

In turn, using certain forms of business communication, participants can take a confrontational or partnership approach. The first option is a confrontation: each side intends to win. The partnership approach involves finding a solution that will be acceptable to all participants.

Types and forms of business communication

Types of business communication:

  • Verbal – using spoken words;
  • Non-verbal – taking into account facial expressions, gestures, posture of the participant;
  • Direct – direct oral communication between opponents;
  • Indirect - often in writing.

And also communication between business people can be:

  • Oral – oral exchange of information;
  • Written – by exchanging letters;
  • Telephone – business conversation on the phone.

Forms of business communication

Business correspondence

A form of indirect communication. Information exchange occurs through letters. Requires knowledge of how to write business letters that accomplish a specific goal.

Business conversation

Used to solve various work tasks. Conducted between a leader and a subordinate. The goal is benefit for the development of the company or enterprise.

Business meeting

It is a corporate form of business communication. The goal is to resolve urgent issues that cannot be delayed. The meeting can be held among those occupying management positions, as well as by the head to coordinate the work of personnel.

Public speaking

It is for informational purposes only. The goal is to establish a business connection between employees. The speaker must have oratory skills, a number of personal characteristics, and comply with certain requirements that allow him to achieve the desired result from the speech.

Business meeting

They are held between company leaders to indicate the goals of cooperation, determine their positions, and make a single decision. They allow you to eliminate important problems, set and solve problems for the development of companies.


More often it is a consequence of a clash of different points of view. Allows you to argue within the norms of cultural communication and discover different views on the same problem, find out the opinion of the participant in the conversation and put forward your own opposing position.

Telephone communication

Oral exchange of information, which is carried out using telephone communications. It has its own characteristics that should be studied for competent communication with an opponent over the phone.


Despite the fact that types of business communications vary, they are almost always characterized by several stages:

  1. Preparation. This is setting tasks, goals, collecting and analyzing information, determining behavior strategies. After all, a business meeting or negotiation is not organized in order to chat “about nothing” and find out how things are going in the personal lives of the interlocutors.
  2. Planning. The meeting can be held spontaneously, but it is still believed that a professional must have a clear plan: what he will say, how to argue, what exactly he wants to get from the other party.
  3. Discussion – discussing ideas, proposals, finding common points of interest, making a joint decision.

This scheme is most relevant for negotiations. Other types of communications may not include all stages. A cold call or issuing instructions, for example, may not involve any discussion.

Business communication and management styles

There are several leadership styles and manners of presenting information in business communication, each of them has its own characteristics that distinguish it from others.


In this case, business communication is based on the absolute power of the leader over his subordinates. That is, the boss wants all the tasks that he sets for employees to be completed clearly and strictly within certain deadlines. At the same time, he does not consider it necessary to take into account the opinion of his subordinate.

This leadership style implies an interaction in which the leader identifies the idea, and the responsibility of the employees is to implement it. It does not matter whether those who are repaired agree with it, the goal must be achieved by any means, whether they have their own points of view on this matter or not.

Choosing this style of business communication is bad for the development of the company because people do not have the opportunity to express their ideas, which can be truly valuable. Subordinates cannot take the initiative that could help the company develop productively.


In this case, business communication is based on the coordinated activities of all employees. Here, subordinates can boldly express their ideas and freely express their own opinions. This is even welcome. After all, for such a leader it is important that his employees can realize themselves. The more truly creative ideas a subordinate presents, the better for the company.

A manager who has chosen a democratic style of communication is always friendly with his employees, fair and adequate. It is important for him that his company develops well.

This type of interaction is the most effective of those that currently exist. After all, it helps every person to emphasize their importance, move up the career ladder, and realize themselves in one direction or another.

By constantly communicating with a boss who is always ready to help and support, the employee has the opportunity to gain useful experience, undoubtedly necessary for his future life.

When business communication is based on a democratic style, labor productivity increases significantly, employees are always interested in their activities and are happy to do everything in their power to make the company prosper.


This type of business communication in the modern world is characterized by the fact that management does not care at all how the work of its subordinates is organized and what results it brings. In most cases, the choice of this style is associated with formal leadership. It is also possible that the boss is simply quite young and has no experience in running a business or organizing the work process of his subordinates.

Of course, this type cannot be effective and help the development of the company, because it is simply impossible to carry out activities productively and grow professionally in this state of affairs. Employees usually get used to such an atmosphere in the team and consider it normal.

Official business

The most important style of business communication is the formal business style. It is usually used by managers to enter into contracts or draw up other business documents. This type of communication is significant during meetings and negotiations; it shows the boss as a competent specialist.

Personal communication does not imply the use of official statements. But at official meetings with partners, you need to demonstrate your competence and knowledge in the issues discussed in this style. From the first minutes, this type of communication prepares people for the conversation to be businesslike and serious.


This style is used by people working in the field of education and science, for example, university teachers. This method of transmitting information is considered effective, but within the limits of its focus.

When seminar participants discuss a particular issue using a scientific style, they acquire knowledge about the subjects or phenomena being studied at the moment. The principles and forms of business communication in this style are characterized by the fact that speech should be strict, concise and self-possessed.

Business communication styles

There are not only types of business communications, but also styles. When it comes to professional interactions, the most commonly used are:

  1. Official business. In turn, it has administrative-clerical, legislative and diplomatic substyles. A business conversation is characterized by speech clichés and certain communicative forms.
  2. Scientific. Used in preparing reports, speeches at seminars and lectures.
  3. Journalistic. This includes any public speaking, including through the media.
  4. Colloquial and everyday. Informal relationships also take place in a professional environment, and in some companies they are even encouraged. Colleagues do not always communicate exclusively through memos. However, it is necessary to understand where such a style is appropriate and where it is not.

Business ethics

Ethics in business communication is one of the most important components of successful cooperation between partners.

What is ethics? In general, its concept includes a set of norms that regulate human behavior in society. The word itself denotes the manner in which one should behave when communicating with other people. Business ethics implies almost the same thing, only it concerns exclusively managers and businessmen. It represents the rules that must be followed during business negotiations.

The head of a company cannot always conduct a conversation flawlessly. But every mistake made can lead to failure. To prevent this from happening, you should be able to admit your mistake and take steps to prevent it in the future.

  • When greeting, you must politely say hello by shaking hands with all participants in the negotiations. Don't squeeze your hand too hard.
  • Before starting a conversation, you should offer your partners coffee or tea. This tradition appeared not so long ago, but nowadays almost everyone uses it. Drinks are offered to make a person feel relaxed and have a more positive attitude.
  • If an unpleasant mistake was made during the negotiations, you must apologize to your partners for the inconvenience caused. After this, you can continue the conversation.
  • When discussing business issues with your partner, try to answer all his questions. If for some reason you cannot answer right now. Apologize and ask for time to think about it before a specific date.
  • Have a pen and notepad with you and write down all important information. At the end of the negotiations, you should not go back and ask again for information that you have already been given.
  • Don't raise your voice, speak clearly and clearly.
  • When dressing, adhere to a business casual style.

Ethics in business communication also involves following certain steps in business communication.

Features of business communication

Why does business communication require preliminary preparation for communication in advance? Firstly, people spend personal and work time on official meetings for a reason, and no one wants to wait for the initiator to collect his thoughts. Secondly, the other party is not always interested in any interaction or is committed to cooperation, but sees it completely differently.

As you know, there will be no second chance for a first impression. It is necessary to be able to establish contact so that all participants are in the mood for discussion. If the other party did not initially plan to work together, then you should at least interest the interlocutor and arrange a meeting with him at a more convenient time.

At the international level, business communication has its own peculiarities, because different cultural characteristics can greatly interfere with the progress of negotiations. For example, Americans are accustomed to arriving at a meeting on time and after a short greeting getting down to business. Arabs are also punctual, but business conversations begin from afar, first discussing nature, weather, food. The Italian does not see anything terrible in being late for a meeting and also does not immediately begin a business discussion. And the Japanese will avoid direct gaze during a conversation.

Thus, we learned what business communication is, what its features are, what forms, types and styles are characteristic of it.

What are the principles of such communication?

To conduct successful negotiations, it is necessary to create a certain atmosphere. To achieve this, it is important that partners feel as comfortable as possible during the communication process. Therefore, it is necessary to know what the basic principles of business communication are that should be followed.

These include:

  • Control over emotions. The concept of principles of business communication must necessarily include this point. This is a very important point, since emotions can destroy even long-established relationships in a second and show a person from the negative side. You should not react if the interlocutor behaved unrestrainedly. Everyone should clearly understand that work and emotions are incompatible things.
  • The desire to understand the opponent. When business negotiations are conducted, the parties must be attentive to each other's opinions. If one participant constantly talks only about his own interests, without listening carefully to the other side, this will not produce any positive results, and the relationship will most likely fizzle out.
  • Concentration of attention. Very often, during the monotonous process of communication, truly important points can slip away. During the conversation, it is important to be able to focus people’s attention on the topic when it is observed that partners have stopped listening carefully and delving into really important things.
  • The truthfulness of the conversation. Running a successful business is based on trusting relationships. Let your opponents leave something unsaid or deliberately be a little disingenuous in order to exalt their own merits. But in fundamental moments it is necessary to say things that correspond to reality, which you can back up with action. This is how reputation in business is earned.
  • The ability to separate the interlocutor from the subject of communication. In no case should you mix your personal attitude towards your interlocutor and work issues. This also differentiates personal communication from business communication. It often happens that a very unpleasant opponent can be useful to you and it is not worth missing out on the benefits for the success of your business. Naturally, we are talking about things that do not violate the basic moral principles of a person. And on the contrary, it happens that very good people in your life who impress you turn out to be insolvent in business terms.

These are the basic principles of business communication that every person who wants to learn how to negotiate correctly and build a good business reputation should take into account.

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