Communication is the process of human interaction with other people as members of society, which occurs through linguistic and non-linguistic influence and is aimed at achieving changes in the cognitive, motivational, emotional and behavioral spheres of people involved in communication.
Social relationships between people are realized in communication. During communication, participants exchange not only their physical actions or products, work results, but also thoughts, intentions, ideas, experiences, etc.
In everyday life, from childhood, people have learned to communicate and master different ways of communication, depending on the environment in which they live, depending on the people with whom they interact. And this often happens spontaneously, during the accumulation of everyday experiences. In most cases, for example, this experience is not enough to master specific professions (teachers, actors, storytellers, investigators), and sometimes it is simply enough for productive and civilized interaction. For this reason, knowledge of its laws, the accumulation of skills and abilities to take them into account and use them must be constantly improved.
Concept and nature of business communication
Business communication is a complex and multi-level process of developing contacts between people in the service sector. Its participants act in an official capacity and are focused on achieving goals and specific tasks. A feature of this process is regulation, i.e. compliance with established limits determined by national and cultural traditions and professional and ethical principles.
Business etiquette consists of two sets of rules:
- Standards in the field of communication between equals, i.e. members of the same team (horizontally);
- Instructions defining the type of contact between a manager and a subordinate (vertical).
A friendly and attentive attitude towards all colleagues and work partners, regardless of personal likes and dislikes, is a general requirement.
Communication as interaction presupposes that people communicate with each other, exchange certain information in order to establish joint activities and cooperation.
For communication to function smoothly as an interaction, it must consist of the following steps:
- Establishing contact (acquaintance). Requires understanding for another person by introducing yourself to another person;
- Orientation in a communication situation, thinking about what is happening, extracting from a break;
- Discussion of a topic of interest;
- Solution to the problem.
- Close contact (terminate).
Contacts for the provision of services should be based on partnership, mutual desires and needs, as well as the interests of the business. Undoubtedly, such cooperation increases labor and creative activity and is an important factor in the technological process of production and the economy.
Contacts for the provision of services should be based on partnership, mutual desires and needs, as well as the interests of the business. Undoubtedly, such cooperation increases labor and creative activity and is an important factor in the technological process of production and the economy.
Each community of people has its own possibilities of influence, which are used in various forms of collective life. They concentrate the socio-psychological content of the lifestyle. All this is manifested in customs, traditions, rites, rituals, holidays, dances, songs, stories, myths, fine arts, theater and music, fiction, cinema, radio and television. These specific forms of mass communication have a powerful potential for mutual influence between people. Throughout the history of mankind, they have always served as a means of education, involving people through communication in the spiritual atmosphere of life.
Man as a social being is at the center of influence of all manifestations and forms of communication.
The relationships of people in the process of joint activity, to which each person devotes a significant part of his life, have always attracted special interest and attention of philosophers, psychologists, sociologists, as well as practical socialists who tried to generalize their experience of business communication in one area or another, to correlate it with moral principles. norms developed by humanity, to formulate the basic principles and rules of human behavior in a business (office) environment. Recently, the compound term “business communication ethics” has been used to describe the whole range of issues related to the behavior of people in a business environment, as well as the name of a theoretical course devoted to their training.
Contacts for the provision of services should be based on partnership, mutual desires and needs, as well as the interests of the business. Undoubtedly, such cooperation increases labor and creative activity and is an important factor in the technological process of production and the economy.
Business communication in a work group is a process of relationship and interaction during which activities, information and experience are exchanged, which implies achieving a certain result, solving a certain problem or achieving a certain goal.
Business communication in a work group can be divided into direct (direct contact) and indirect (if there is a spatio-temporal distance between partners).
Direct business communication in a work group is more effective, the power of emotional impact and coercion, than indirect, it directly affects socio-psychological mechanisms.
In general, business communication in a work group differs from ordinary (informal) communication in that its process has a goal and specific tasks that need to be solved. In business communication in a work group, we cannot interrupt interaction with a partner (at least not without losses for both parties). Business communication in a work group can be stopped (by participants) at any time.
- Bern E. Games that people play. People who play games: Per. from English – M.: 1988.
- Braim I.N. Ethics of business communication. – Minsk: 1996.
- Volgin B. Business meetings. – M.: 2003.
- Golovakha E.I., Panina N.V. Psychology of human mutual understanding. – M.: 2000.
- Dunkel Jacqueline Business etiquette. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1997.
- Debolsky M. Psychology of business communication. – M.: 2002.
- Druzhinina G.A., Chaika G.L. Ways to develop professional qualities of a lecturer. Lecture propaganda: issues of theory, organization and methodology. – K.: 2004.
- Carnegie D. How to win friends and influence people: Transl. from English – K.: 2001.
- Koneva E.V. Psychology of communication: Proc. allowance. – Yaroslavl: 2002.
- Labunskaya V.A. Nonverbal behavior. – Rostov: 2000.
- Nirenberg D., Calero G. How to read a person like a book: Trans. from English – M.: 1999.
- Panfilov A.K. Business style in communication. – M.: 20002.
- Pershin G.V., Albov A.S., Levtov V.E. A reference guide for successful business communication. – St. Petersburg: 2002.
- Conducting business conversations and negotiations. How to achieve your goal // Ed. L.D. Nikolaeva. – M.: 2003.
- Psychology and ethics of business communication / Ed. V.N. Lavrinenko. – M.: 1999.
- Kharchenko N.P. The culture of oral and written speech of a business person: Workshop for self-education. – M.: 2002.
- Yager D. Business etiquette: how to survive and succeed in the world of business. – M.: 1999.
In modern psychological science, the following types and forms of experiencing feelings are distinguished:
13 pages, 6261 words
Reasons for communication failures in intercultural business communication...
... behavior in business communication 1. Specifics of business communication and international negotiations 1.1 The role of business communication and communication in business The most widespread type of communication between people in society (society) is business communication. Without him …
1. Subject.
2. Moral.
3. Intelligent.
4. Aesthetic.
1. Moral or moral feelings are feelings in which a person’s attitude to the behavior of people and to his own is manifested. Moral feelings include feelings of sympathy and antipathy, attachment and alienation, respect and contempt, gratitude and ingratitude, love and hatred. Among moral feelings, the sense of camaraderie and friendship, patriotism and collectivism, a sense of duty and conscience should be particularly highlighted. These feelings are determined by a person’s worldview—a person’s system of views and beliefs. They are generated by the system of human relations and the aesthetic norms that regulate these relations.
2. Intellectual feelings arise in the process of mental activity and are associated with cognitive processes. This is the joy of searching when solving a problem or a heavy feeling of dissatisfaction when it is not possible to solve it. Intellectual feelings also include the following: curiosity, inquisitiveness, surprise, confidence in the correctness of the solution to the problem and doubt in case of failure, a sense of the new.
3. Aesthetic feelings are a feeling of beauty or, on the contrary, ugly, rough; a feeling of greatness or, conversely, baseness, vulgarity.
4. Above objective feelings rise more generalized feelings (similar in level of generality to abstract thinking), such as: a sense of humor, irony, a sense of the sublime, tragic, and the like. These feelings express more or less stable attitudes of the individual.” S.L. Rubinstein calls them worldview feelings.
25 pages, 12060 words
016_Man. Its structure. Subtle World
... to benefit and gain very interesting and instructive impressions. The main existence (of man) is at night. An ordinary person can live no more than a few days without sleep under normal conditions. ... and the invisible Worlds? It refines itself as soon as the activity of the external sense organs and accompanying thoughts fades. The earthly subsides - the Supermundane appears... On the border of sleep already...
The feeling of the comic arises as a result of a suddenly revealed discrepancy between the apparent significance of the character and the insignificance, clumsiness, and general absurdity of his behavior, between behavior designed for a more or less significant situation, and the trivial nature of the situation in which it occurs.
Much more complex than the sense of the comic are humor and irony. Humor assumes that behind the funny, behind the flaws that cause laughter, something positive and attractive is felt. They laugh with humor at the shortcomings of their loved one. Humor combines laughter with sympathy for what is being directed at.
Irony splits the unity from which humor comes. It contrasts the positive with the negative, the ideal with reality, the sublime with the ridiculous, the infinite with the finite. In its pure form, irony suggests that a person feels superior to an object that evokes an ironic attitude in him.
The tragic feeling, as well as the humorous feeling, comes from their real unity. The highest tragedy lies in the realization that in the complex course of life, good and evil are intertwined, so that the path to good too often inevitably passes through evil and the implementation of a good goal, due to the external logic of events, entails regrettable consequences.
Considering the question of the peculiarities of the emotional and sensory world of a person, it is necessary to highlight some forms of experiences.
What are the forms of experiencing feelings?
Affects. Affect (translated from Latin as emotional excitement, excitement) is a rapid and violently occurring emotional process of an explosive nature, which can give rise to actions that are not subject to conscious volitional control. It is affects that are primarily associated with shocks—shocks expressed in the disorganization of activities. The disorganizing role of affect can affect motor skills. Affects are usually accompanied by motor overexcitation, but can, on the contrary, cause numbness, speech inhibition and complete indifference (despair).
Affects are caused by strong stimuli (words, behavior of other people, certain circumstances).
Persons with an unbalanced type of nervous system, with a predominance of excitement, are more prone to affects. In a state of passion, the volume of consciousness narrows; it is aimed at a limited range of perceived objects and ideas associated with experience.
One of the most common types of affect these days is stress. Tension, or stress, is a mental state caused by extreme conditions for a given individual and manifested in stiffness of movements and uncertainty when performing new actions that threaten any danger.
Stress, like affect, disorganizes human activity and disrupts the normal course of behavior. Stress, especially if it is frequent and prolonged, has a negative impact not only on the psychological state, but also on one’s physical health. They represent the main “risk factors” for the emergence and aggravation of diseases such as cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases.
5 pages, 2175 words
Personality and activity of a musician
... from the surrounding reality, a person who has this property tends to experience it in the form of musical images. The purpose of this work: To analyze the personality and activities of a musician. Objectives: Consider ... and despondency. However, the talent of great artists transforms these negative emotions into the heady wine of poetry and beauty. 2. Activity of a musician 2.1 The play of a child and the play of a musician...
Passions are often related to affects in psychological literature. Passion is a strong, persistent, long-lasting feeling that, having taken root in a person, captures him and owns him.
One should also distinguish between passions and hobbies. “Passion,” wrote Karl Marx, “is the essential force of man energetically striving for its object.” The object of passion can be a variety of areas of knowledge and human activity, certain things, or a person of a different gender. Passions are characterized by persistence, the length of time during which they manifest themselves and control a person.
Hobby differs from passion in its changeability and in the fact that it is organically connected with the basic life attitudes of the individual. Hobbies are most often characteristic of impulsive people, capable of quickly igniting and also quickly extinguishing. A hobby can develop into a passion and can exist side by side with a person’s existing
passion, temporarily even compete with it.
When talking about different types of emotional formations and states, we should highlight mood.
Mood is a relatively weakly expressed emotional state that captures the entire personality for some time and is reflected in a person’s activity and behavior. One mood can last for weeks and sometimes months. The mood can be sthenic or asthenic - joyful, sad, angry, good-natured.
The reasons that determined the mood are not always realized by a person. Mood can be transferred from one person to another during their communication.
A person’s mood significantly depends on his individual characterological characteristics, in particular on how he relates to difficulties.
Let us now consider the concept of “emotion”.
Traditionally, the term “emotion” in psychological literature is understood as:
· Emotion (from Latin - emovere - shock, excite) - a special class of subjective psychological states, reflecting in the form of direct experiences, sensations of pleasant and unpleasant, a person’s relationship to the world and people, the process and results of his practical activity. [1; 436].
· Emotion is a mental reflection in the form of a direct biased experience of the life meaning of phenomena and situations, conditioned by the relationship of their objective properties with the needs of the subject. [2; 407].
Thus, emotion is a direct, temporary experience of some permanent feeling.
P. Bard, D. Cobb and others identify the following types of emotions: emotions are divided into 1) positive (joy, delight, etc.) and negative (anger, grief, fear, etc.), that is, pleasant and unpleasant.
Consequently, the emotional tone of sensations and impressions is the main part of emotions; They also distinguish 2) mixed emotions, when both positive and negative shades are combined in the same experience [; With. 71].
24 pages, 11662 words
Emotions. Regulatory function of emotions
... a person's control over himself and his emotions. Controlling emotions is like a sport: it is useful for a healthy person, but harmful for a sick person. Control of emotions is socially necessary, but for a neurotic or emotional person... the goal of restraining them is one of the important components of a person’s control over himself and his emotions. Six steps to managing emotions: Become aware of emotions. You can't manage what you don't notice. Important …
Emotions differ in 3) intensity and duration, as well as 4) degree of awareness of the reason for their occurrence.
In the psychological literature, emotions are divided into sthenic (from the Greek - stena - strength), which increases the cheerfulness of the body, and asthenic - weakening it; by modality: when there is danger, fear arises, when a loved one dies, grief arises, when something desired is achieved, joy arises.
Emotions are included in all mental processes and human states. Emotions arose as a means of allowing living beings to determine the biological significance of body states and external influences. The simplest form of emotions is the so-called emotional tone of sensations - direct experiences that accompany certain vital influences (for example, taste, temperature) and encourage subjects to maintain or eliminate them.
Domestic and Western researchers point out that the emotional state has an external expression, manifested in facial expressions (expressive movements of the facial muscles), pantomime (expressive movements of the whole body) and “vocal facial expressions” - the dynamic side of speech (intonation, timbre, rhythm, choice of voices ).
In the process of communication between people, expressive movements are enriched, differentiated, acquiring the character of a figurative “language”, a specific code for conveying diverse shades of human emotions and feelings.
Thus, in our work we will distinguish between the concepts of “feeling” and “emotion”, where “feelings” are one of the forms of a person’s experience of his relationship to objects and phenomena of reality, characterized by relative stability, “emotion” is a direct temporary experience of what - constant feeling. However, when considering personality, we will highlight and refer to the emotional and sensory world of a person as a general characteristic.
The formation of a person’s emotional and sensory world is a necessary condition for his development as a person. The objects of a person’s emotional and sensory world are, first of all, those phenomena and conditions on which the development of events that are significant for the individual depends. Formed feelings become leading formations of the emotional sphere. Speaking about the formation of emotions and feelings, about the experiences of a primary school student, as well as about the individual uniqueness of the emotionally sensory world and the creative activity of children of this age, one cannot help but touch upon the problem of the concepts of personality and individuality of a person as a whole.
What is personality and what is its relationship with the concept of human creative activity?
In the general development of man, two interconnected lines are observed - biological and social. They can be clearly seen if we look at the process of human development from the moment of his birth. When a person is born, they say that a person was born as a biological being, but it is by no means possible to say that a personality was born. The process of human biological development is closely combined with the acquisition by him of a significant number of social properties and qualities that characterize him as a social being. In the future, a person enriches himself with knowledge, assimilates moral norms and rules, learns to follow fashion, develops the ability to more successfully perform a particular job, develops and develops in himself many properties and qualities that characterize his own essence. Thus, in the process of social development, a person becomes a personality from an individual. [ ]
Personality is a specific person, in the totality of those spiritual, mental characteristics and qualities that characterize him as an object and as a subject of transformation. Reality based on its subconscious and attitude towards it. Personality is a specific person as a bearer of consciousness and self-awareness. [ ]
Self-awareness is an individual’s awareness of his capabilities in specific conditions of life and activity.
As a person’s consciousness, self-awareness and understanding of the meaning of his existence are formed and developed, a personality takes shape and develops.
A personality is the more significant the more it reflects the tendencies of the social process in its qualities and activities, the more clearly and specifically expressed social features and qualities in it, and the extent to which its activities are individually creative in nature. In this sense, the concept of personality is complemented by the concept of individuality.
Individuality characterizes the dissimilarity and differences of one person from another, one person from another. Individuality, as a rule, is distinguished by special traits of character and temperament (for example, a balanced - strong-willed and purposeful person), the originality of creative activity and abilities. In other words, the concept of “individuality” includes that special thing that distinguishes one person from another, one personality from another, which gives it a peculiar beauty and uniqueness and determines the specific style of its activity and behavior.
The relationship between individuality and personality is determined by the fact that these are two ways of being of a person, his two different definitions, and the discrepancy between these concepts is manifested, in particular, in the fact that there are two different processes of formation of personality and individuality (as noted above):
a) the formation of personality, the process of human socialization (the individual’s acceptance of social functions and roles, norms and rules of behavior developed in society;
b) the formation of an individual - the process of individualization of an object (the process of self-determination and isolation of the individual, its separation from the community, the formation of its individuality, uniqueness and originality).
The concepts of “personality” and “individuality” capture different organs, different dimensions of a person’s spiritual essence. The essence of this difference is well expressed in the language. With the word “personality” epithets such as “strong”, “energetic”, “independent” are usually used, thereby emphasizing its active representation in the eyes of others. We often speak about individuality: “bright”, “unique”, “creative”, meaning the qualities of a person’s independent essence.
We judge a person not only by his thoughts, actions and deeds, but also by his emotions and feelings, which are always aimed at something. In the emotional sphere, particularly striking individual differences are found between people. All the characteristics of a person, her character and intelligence, her interests and relationships with other people are manifested and reflected in the section of emotions and feelings.
The main differences in the emotional sphere of personality are associated with differences in the content of human feelings, in what, to what objects they are directed and what kind of person’s attitude towards them they express; this circumstance is particularly used by psychologists when constructing tests designed to study personality. By the nature of the emotions that the situations and objects, events and people presented in the tests evoke in a person, their personal qualities are judged.
A person’s feelings, in the form of direct experience, express all of a person’s attitudes, including ideological, ideological, all his relationships to the world and, above all, to other people.
Typical differences in the emotional characteristics of a person can be expressed:
· in strong emotional excitability;
· more or less emotional stability.
These differences in emotional excitability and stability significantly characterize human temperaments.
1 Pershin G.V., Albov A.S., Levtov V.E. A reference guide for successful business communication. – St. Petersburg: 2002.
2 Kharchenko N.P. The culture of oral and written speech of a business person: Workshop for self-education. - M.: 2002.
3 Debolsky M. Psychology of business communication. – M.: 2002.
4 Braim I.N. Ethics of business communication. – Minsk: 1996.
5 Koneva E.V. Psychology of communication: Proc. allowance. – Yaroslavl: 2002.
6 Panfilov A.K. Business style in communication. – M.: 20002.
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Types of business communication
Business communication can be divided into direct (direct contact) and indirect (if there is a spatio-temporal distance between partners). Direct business communication is more effective, emotionally powerful and thought-provoking than indirect communication. In general, business communication differs from ordinary (informal) communication in that its process has a goal and specific tasks that need to be solved. In business communication, we cannot break off interaction with a partner (at least not without losses for both parties). A feature of this process is regulation, i.e. compliance with established restrictions determined by national and cultural traditions and professional ethics.
In the way information is exchanged, a distinction is made between oral and written business communication. Oral business communication, in turn, is divided into monologue and type of dialogue.
Monologue types include:
- First welcome speech;
- specialized lecture (advertising);
- information speech;
- report (at a meeting, meeting).
Dialogue types:
- business meeting - short contact, mainly on one topic
- business meeting - a lengthy exchange of information, points of view, often accompanied by decision-making
- Negotiation is a discussion with the aim of reaching an agreement on a specific topic.
- An interview is an interview with a journalist intended for the press, radio and television.
- Fifth discussion;
- meeting (session);
- press conference.
- telephone conversation (with remote control), excluding non-verbal communication
In direct contact and direct conversation, verbal and non-verbal communication is most important. Talking or messaging on the phone are the most common forms of communication. They are characterized by direct contact and various forms of communication that make it easy to combine the business (formal) and personal (informal) parts of the message.
Written forms of business communication represent numerous official documents: business letter, protocol, report, certificate, report and explanatory note, act, declaration, agreement, charter, regulation, directive, decision, decree, order, mandate, power of attorney, etc.
In terms of content, communication can be divided into the following areas:
- Material - exchange of objects and products of activity;
- Cognitive - knowledge sharing;
- Motivation - exchange of motives, goals, interests, motivations, needs;
- Activity - exchange of actions, operations, skills.
Communication can be divided into four types:
- Direct - carried out with the help of natural organs given to living beings: arms, head, torso, vocal cords, etc.;
- Intermediate level - in combination with the use of special tools and tools;
- Direct - requires personal contact and direct perception of the other person in the process of communication;
- Indirect - carried out through intermediaries who can act like others.
All forms of business communication are primarily aimed at “negotiating” an agreement that meets the interests of both parties, through a mutual exchange of views (in the form of various proposals for solving the problem under discussion) and achieving results acceptable to all participants in the negotiations. Often, an agreement can only be reached after a comprehensive discussion of the issue, since all negotiations reveal different interests, and the partners direct them through the prism of their own needs. The benefits (or drawbacks) of an agreement for partners are also important, especially when evaluating new solutions that are only offered during negotiations.
Public performance
Public speech is one of the forms of business interaction and art, about which it is said: There are few good speakers, but how many people in the world know how to listen to them (J. La Bruyère).
Public speaking as a component of business communication should have the qualities of a good interview and at the same time be not only convincing, but also eloquent, reasonable, logical, thoughtful, and beautiful.
Requirements for public speaking:
- The speech should be engaging and useful from start to finish. A French proverb says: A good speaker must have a head, not just a throat!
- it must be composed correctly in compositional terms and contain an introduction, main part and conclusion.
Public speaking requires careful preparation even for experienced speakers, but for beginner business people it is simply necessary. Preparing a speech is a creative work that brings joy and improvisational excitement to the author.
To make an effective speech, it is not enough for a business person to simply choose his topic; You also need to think about the purpose of the speech. Choose a topic that suits your audience. The topic should be interesting, important and understandable to the listener. This mainly depends on the following factors:
- Main interests of the audience;
- Group interests;
- burning interests;
- Specific interests;
- themes of new products;
- The theme of polar opinions is inherent.
When choosing a topic for a speech, you must:
- Check whether the topic will generate sufficient interest among the listener. It is necessary to choose a topic that concerns the audience, affects their interests, and provokes the need to support the speaker. This, in turn, depends on whether the speaker can make the listener feel that the question is about urgent, useful and desirable action.
- Find out whether listeners are capable of action. To answer this question, it is necessary to correlate not only the interests of the audience, but also its characteristics.
- Use logically sound argumentation that takes into account the emotional culture of the audience and their beliefs.
Choose a suitable topic. The choice of topic depends on the place, time and mood of the public, on the relevance of a particular moment. The official reason should sometimes be used as a starting point to develop your chosen topic, which in turn can become more interesting and important.
Business communication during negotiations
A business meeting involves the exchange of opinions and information and does not imply the conclusion of contracts or the preparation of binding decisions. These may be independent, preliminary negotiations or an integral part of them.
Negotiations are more formal, more specific and usually involve the signing of documents defining the mutual obligations of the parties (agreements, contracts, etc.). The main elements of preparation for negotiations: Determining the subject of negotiations (tasks), searching for partners to solve them, understanding their interests and the interests of partners, developing a plan and program for negotiations, selecting specialists for the delegation, solving organizational issues and preparing the necessary materials - documents, drawings, tables, diagrams, samples of products offered, etc. The course of negotiations fits into the following scheme: Beginning of negotiations - exchange of information - argumentation and counter-documentation - development and decision-making - completion of negotiations.
The first stage of the negotiation process may be an introductory meeting (discussion), during which the subject of negotiations is determined, organizational issues are resolved, or a meeting of experts preceding the negotiations, with the participation of heads and members of delegations. The success of negotiations as a whole largely depends on the results of such preliminary contacts. Six basic rules for establishing relations between partners during preliminary negotiations and recommendations for their implementation, proposed by American experts, deserve attention. These rules, by the way, remain important throughout the negotiations.
Rationality. You need to behave with restraint. Uncontrolled emotions negatively affect the negotiation process and the ability to make rational decisions.
Understand. Insufficient attention to the partner's point of view limits the possibilities for developing mutually acceptable solutions.
Communication. If your partners are not very interested, still try to consult with them. This will help maintain and improve relationships.
Reliability. Incorrect information weakens the strength of argumentation and also negatively affects reputation.
Avoid a didactic tone. It is unacceptable to teach your partner. The main method is persuasion.
Adoption. Try to accept the other side and be open to learning something new from your partner.
The best days for negotiations are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The best time of the day is half an hour after lunch, when thoughts about food do not distract from solving business issues. Depending on the circumstances, a favorable atmosphere for negotiations can be created in your office, in your partner’s representative office or on neutral territory (conference room, hotel room adapted for negotiations, restaurant hall, etc.). The success of negotiations is largely determined by the ability to ask questions and receive comprehensive answers. Questions are used to guide negotiations and elicit the opponent's point of view. By asking the right questions, you can make the decision you need. The following types of questions exist. Information questions are used to gather information needed to form an opinion about something.
It's important to use screening questions in every conversation to find out if your partner understands you. Examples of control questions: “What do you think about this?”, “Do you think the same as I do? Benchmark questions are essential if you don't want your partner to push your conversation partner in an undesirable direction. With these questions, you can take control of the negotiation and steer it in the direction you want.
Provocative questions allow you to determine what your partner really wants and whether he understands the situation correctly. To provoke means to challenge, to incite. These questions may begin with: “Are you sure that you...?”, “Do you really think that...?”
Alternative questions give the interviewer a choice. However, the number of options should not exceed three. Such questions require a quick answer. In most cases, however, the word “or” is the main component of the question: “Which time is best for discussion - Monday, Wednesday or Thursday?
To achieve mutual understanding, confirmatory questions are asked. If your partner agrees with you five times, he will also answer yes to the sixth question. Examples: “Do you agree that...?”, “Are you sure that you are happy that...?”
Opposing questions are aimed at gradually narrowing the discussion and bringing the negotiating partner to a final decision. It is considered impolite to answer a question with a counter-question, but counter-questioning is a skillful psychological technique that can be very beneficial when used correctly.
Introductory questions are used to find out what the interviewer thinks about the topic at hand. These are open questions that require detailed answers. For example: “What effect do you expect from this decision?
Guiding questions are asked to determine whether your partner continues to hold previously expressed views. For example: “What is your opinion on this issue?”, “What conclusions did you come to?
Single questions means that the person you are talking to repeats your question as a sign that they understand what you are talking about. This ensures that the question is understood correctly and the respondent has time to think about the answer.
Questions that open negotiations are essential for effective and engaged discussion. The negotiating partners immediately developed positive expectations. For example: “If I offer you the opportunity to solve a problem quickly... without risking anything, will you be interested?
The final questions are aimed at a speedy positive conclusion of the negotiations. It is best to first ask one or two supporting questions, accompanied by a friendly smile: “Did I manage to convince you of the advantages of this proposal?”, “Are you convinced of how easy it is to solve everything? And then you can easily ask the question how the negotiations will be completed: “What time do you prefer this offer - in May or June?
The success of business discussions and negotiations largely depends on partners' adherence to ethical standards and principles, such as accuracy, honesty, correctness and tact, listening (attention to the opinions of others) and specificity.
Exactly. One of the most important ethical standards inherent in a businessman. The duration of the agreement must be observed to the minute. Any delay is a sign of your unreliability in business.
Honesty. This includes not only loyalty to the obligations assumed, but also openness in communication with the partner, direct business answers to his questions.
Correctness and tact. It does not rule out that the negotiations are being conducted correctly, with persistence and energy. Factors that disrupt the flow of conversation should be avoided: Irritation, mutual attacks, false statements, etc.
The ability to listen. Listen carefully and with concentration. Do not interrupt the speakerphone.
Specificity. The interview should be specific, not abstract, and include facts, figures and relevant details. Concepts and categories must be agreed upon and understood by partners. The speech must be supported by diagrams and documents.
Last but not least, a negative outcome in a business meeting or negotiation is not a reason to be harsh or cold at the end of the negotiation process. The farewell should be such that contacts and business relationships can be preserved for the future.