Abstract on the topic “Spiritual health is the core of human existence”

Abstract on the topic “Spiritual health is the core of human existence”


“Spiritual health is the core of human existence”

Author: Matorina Svetlana Ivanovna,

additional education teacher



“Spiritual health is the core of human existence”

The main treasure of life is not the lands you conquered, not the wealth you acquired... The main treasure of life is health, and to preserve it, you need to know a lot.


Each person, depending on age, gender, and position, will give their own definition of health. How many of you can continue the phrase: “For me, being healthy means...”

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), health is understood not only as the absence of disease, but as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. Human health is an integral system of interconnected components. Changes in one of the components inevitably cause changes in all others.

The components of health are: physical, intellectual,

emotional, social,
spiritual health.
Spiritual health

is a component of health, which is the core of human existence. This is the essence of human existence, this is what a person values ​​​​and is important to him. Spirituality makes it possible to understand the relationship between the aspect of spiritual health and other components of health.

Before we continue our conversation, I want to read a useful parable.

Three sieves

... One man came to his Mentor and asked:

- Do you know what your friend said about you today?

“Wait,” the Teacher stopped him, “first sift everything you are going to say through three sieves.”

- Three sieves?

“Before you say anything, you need to sift it three times.” First, sift the truth through a sieve. Are you sure that everything you want to tell me is true?

- No, I just heard...

- Very good. So you don't know if it's true or not. Then let's sift it through the second sieve - the sieve of kindness. Do you want to say something good about my friend?

- No, on the contrary...

“So,” the Teacher continued, “you’re going to say something bad about him, but you’re not even sure that it’s true.” Let's try the third sieve - the sieve of benefit. Is it really necessary for me to hear what you have to say?

- No, there is no need for that...

“So,” the Mentor concluded, “there is no truth, no kindness, or necessity in what you want to tell me.” Why say this then?

It is very important to use the moral of this parable not only when raising children, but also in communicating with each other. Now let's continue our conversation about health and its spiritual component.

A person can take two paths in life: one leads him to health, the other leads him away from health.

Now I will invite you to complete a task designed for children to understand their path in life.


The heroine of our story is a little Paperclip, just like the one in your hands.

There lived a little Skrepochka, she was cheerful, healthy and slowly growing up. But for some reason it seemed to her that she could live carefree, safely and irresponsibly, that she had a long life ahead, and that she didn’t have to worry about her own health from a young age. And Skrepka wanted to try to make his life more interesting.

She started smoking because it seemed to her that it was easier to communicate with friends. And Skrepka imagined how she would blossom in the company of friends, and her life would become like a flower. (show flower)

And then Skrepochka wanted to try alcohol, because she

I felt more mature. And it seemed to her that she was already an adult,

successful and sparkling - well, a real diamond. (show ring)

Skrepochka has managed to try a lot more in her life. But once

I felt bad and realized that I needed to take care of my health. And she wanted to return to the time when she felt healthy. (try to return the paperclip to its original appearance. This turns out to be impossible, in some cases the paperclip even breaks).

So, Paperclip tried to return everything. But …!

Why did I tell you this story? I hope when someone suggests

you or when you yourself want to easily and effortlessly make your

life is brighter and more mature, you will remember this story, about desires, and the consequences of fulfilling these desires. Perhaps then you will have a question: is it worth it?

"Health Benefits"

I would like to invite you to unite in small groups of 2-3 people and think a little:

  • What benefits does health have for academic and career achievement?
  • What are the benefits of health in your personal and family life?
  • What are the benefits of health in leisure time and socializing?


: usually a healthy person has more opportunities to realize himself and his own desires in all areas of life than one who has health problems, including in the spiritual and moral sphere.

In recent years, there has often been talk about a crisis of morality and lack of spirituality. This crisis manifests itself, first of all, in the dominance of material values ​​over spiritual ones, which leads to a distortion of children’s ideas about such virtues as kindness, mercy, generosity, justice, citizenship and patriotism.

As for human spiritual health, much can be learned from contemplating the wisdom of nature. As they say, “as above, so below,” that is, the same laws apply at all levels of the universe.

In hot countries, trees that have taken deep roots are full of vitality, but the grasses and shrubs around them dry out and die during periods of drought. Trees continue to grow because their roots have penetrated deep into the earth and are fed by underground waters. The roots of small plants and shrubs do not go very deep into the ground and cannot reach the life that water gives them.

The same thing happens with people. Those who think deeply, who deeply believe in themselves cope with various life crises and difficulties live and prosper. Those who think superficially and have no faith can prosper only under favorable external conditions. But when difficult times come, such people lose courage and become victims of their own problems.

This is why it is so important to know yourself as deeply as possible.

The first and very important stage of spiritual and moral development is kindness and trust.

. If we do not have such personal qualities as goodness, and our children do not trust us, all our efforts to raise a child’s full personality will be powerless.

Do you want to know how kind you are? After the seminar, each of you will be able to answer the questions of the questionnaire and draw certain conclusions.

Moral norms are not innate, but are learned by the child in the practice of relationships with people around him and depend on the attitude of those around him, on who raises him, and in what social environment he lives. It is important to remember here that it is not enough to give the child the concepts of “good” and “bad”; we must convey to him that, depending on the situation, in one case he must give in

, in another -
to help
, in the third -
to support

What will help us in this situation? This is a practical activity with children: hikes, excursions. This includes caring for indoor flowers in offices, caring for pets in a living area, completing practical tasks at the educational institution, participating in community cleanups and promotions, meeting interesting people.

In order for spiritual and moral thoughts to develop into actions, desire is not enough; a motive is needed that encourages action.

Our task is to give children more opportunities to make decisions and act independently.

Praise your children as often as possible and believe in them, help quietly, create a situation of success.

I have selected several games that will help teachers raise a spiritual and moral personality in a child. They can be used in classes, on holidays and in any free time, both indoors and outdoors. (Application)

The peculiarity of spiritual and moral education is that its “result,” as such, is very difficult to record. There are no methods that can be used to objectively and with 100% accuracy determine the level of spiritual and moral development of a student. An idea of ​​a person’s spiritual level can be formed through live communication with him, and long-term, covering different stages of his life and development.

Another problem is that spiritual and moral education is a process

dynamic, continuous, not stopping throughout a person’s life. Accordingly, it is almost impossible to judge its final result, as well as to record it.

However, there are several methods used in modern psychological and pedagogical diagnostics to record some individual personality traits and value systems of students, which allow us to get an approximate idea of ​​the stage of spiritual and moral development of a student at the moment.

I would like to bring to your attention some of the techniques that I use in my work. They are usually used in a comprehensive manner, since one technique complements the other. (Application)

How we build our lives

Once upon a time there lived a foreman. He had been building houses all his life, but he became old and decided to retire. “I’m quitting,” he told the employer. - I'm retiring. I will babysit my grandchildren with the old lady. The owner felt sorry to part with this man, and he asked him: “Listen, let’s do this - build the last house and we’ll help you retire.” With a good bonus!

The foreman agreed. According to the new project, he needed to build a house for a small family, and so began: approvals, searches for materials, inspections...

The foreman was in a hurry because he already saw himself in retirement. He left something unfinished, simplified something, bought cheap materials because they could be delivered faster... He felt that he was not doing his best work, but justified himself by saying that this was the end of his career. Upon completion of construction, he called the owner. He examined the house and said: “You know, this is your house!” Here, take the keys and move in. All documents have already been completed. This is a gift from the company for your many years of work.

What the foreman experienced was known only to him! He stood red with shame, and everyone around clapped their hands, congratulated him on his housewarming and thought that he was blushing from shyness, but he was blushing from shame for his own negligence. He realized that all the mistakes and shortcomings were now his problems, and everyone around him thought that he was embarrassed by the expensive gift. And now he had to live in the only house that he built poorly...


We are all foremen. We build our lives the same way as a foreman before retiring. We don't put in much effort, believing that the results of this particular construction project are not that important. Why unnecessary effort? But then we realize that we live in a house that we ourselves built. Because everything we do today matters.

Today we are building a house that we will move into tomorrow.

Thank you for your attention!


Test “Lifestyle” and its components in 9th grade

A person may not have a history of diseases, pathologies of systems and organs, but the overall tone of the body is greatly reduced, sleep is disturbed, and mental activity is unproductive. This, first of all, indicates that a person’s physical and spiritual health are in disharmony, which will gradually lead to the emergence of psychosomatic complications, and then to diseases on the physical level. Reading the Bible is good, but studying the Word is better. The Bible contains God's immutable truths on which each of us must build our lives. We cannot fully accept them until we understand them. And we can understand them only by studying every word, sentence and chapter.

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Life with all its blessings can consume all our time. Worship is a time when we turn to God and Him alone. We stop whining, we stop thinking about ourselves. This is the time when we thank Him for everything He has done for us, His constant presence and much more. There are times when we cannot stop thinking about a problem. We repeat this in our minds over and over again. This behavior can cause mental illness. Reading a good book is both distracting and opens up new perspectives. Moreover, reading is an exercise for the mind.


Plans determine the future; they give us motivation to act. If there are no goals, then today will be the same as yesterday, and the morning is no different from the night. Life turns into one monotonous straight line. Set goals for every day, week, year. Goals that you consider meaningful. Make sure they are realistic. Another example could be the famous healing of Ilya Muromets. For more than 30 years he lay on the slab because he had no strength in his legs. But when the holy elders came and healed his soul, he was able not only to get back on his feet, but also to go to war, bringing victory over his enemies. His heroic strength and fortitude brought him fame that continues to this day.

Note navigation

A mentally healthy person does not have mental disorders and can control his words and actions. And with mental health, there are no psychological problems that prevent a person from living. He knows how to cope with stress; difficulties and external pressure do not prevent him from carrying out planned activities. The concept of public health is quite broad and includes the concept of well-being and well-being of society. The indicator of social health depends on the state of the psychological climate of society.


4. The system of values ​​and motives of human behavior in his relations with the outside world, manifested in the recognition of universal human spiritual values, an active attitude towards the world, an active life position, is called a health component: 1) insufficient lighting, insufficient height of the workplace, periodic distractions from physical work2 ) unventilated room, poor lighting, lack of breaks, monotony of work3) lack of physical break, monotony of work

Mental health, death and illness

Eighth rule: If you can't change something, just accept it. An excellent example is relationships with people of any order - parents, love, marriage, children. By about 12-13 years a person is fully formed, so there is no point in changing him. This is the law of nature, this is how we are designed. You can tell a person that you are offended by their behavior, but don't expect your advice or commands to change that person. They might just hate you. If someone doesn't like you, just don't talk to them. In general, people are the hardest people to change, so if you have problems with love, money or health, you can always change them. The spiritual and physical health of a person in a close relationship together affect the indicator of overall well-being: a violation of spiritual health entails deterioration physical indicators and vice versa.

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