Can a person survive without communication? Final essay grade 11

  • Essays
  • 11th grade Unified State Examination
  • Can a person survive without communication?

Man is a social being, and modern society consists of small groups of people who live nearby and constantly communicate with each other. A person who remains alone will most likely be able to survive, but it is unlikely to retain his sanity.

If you look at the scientific works of Charles Darwin, you can see that he believed that man is capable of living outside of society, but then he will stop his development. Only thanks to communication, man reached the highest stage of evolution. Studying Darwin's concepts, it is clear that man cannot survive alone.

Of course, situations are different, and in the world there are people who become recluses of their own free will, or those who end up in prison. The first ones live a long time, they have a goal, and they come to this lifestyle consciously. The latter greatly undermine their health and psyche; being in such conditions, many end their lives by suicide.

Communication is necessary for a person from childhood, our brain is designed in such a way that if we miss the moment and protect the child from communication, then at a later age such a person will no longer be able to catch up with his peers in development. An example is the story of Jeanie Wiley, who spent her childhood in captivity of her own father, who turned out to be schizophrenic. She sat in the basement until she was 13 years old, after which her mother divorced her father, freed the child from captivity and ran away. They tried to go through many rehabilitation courses, but the girl was never able to speak, moreover, her habits resembled those of a small animal, she constantly spat and walked on bent legs, which suggests that evolutionarily we are not given the ability to walk straight. And the kids, who by the will of fate turned out to be real Mowgli (such examples are also known to modern science), have animal habits, not at all because they were raised by the inhabitants of the forest or jungle, but because the source of communication for them was closed when it was most necessary, for development period.

In everyday life, many technologies are aimed at improving communication - mobile phones, the creation of instant messengers and social networks, the development of comfortable headsets. Even televisions and radios are also a form of supporting communication with society. Everyone whose business is built on communication is successful, and all precisely because human communication is one of the most reliable sources of social development.

Thus, lack of communication cannot be the cause of a person’s death. But social contact helps us recharge with vitality and is a source of energy.

The benefits of live communication

Everything that happens to us is stored in our mind in the form of ideas, memories and sensations. Both the good and the bad, the things that worry us, replay in our heads over and over again. When these memories and experiences are positive, there are no problems, because we even enjoy remembering them; but when it comes to problematic events that affect us emotionally, the fact or negative incident itself can end up amplifying in our mind and taking on a more negative emotional connotation and unprecedented proportions.

This means that what we don't express, what we don't talk about, can grow in our imagination and cause even more suffering. If we keep in our memory what causes us pain, sadness and disappointment, this “monster” will settle in our head and will grow and gain strength.

However, the solution to this problem is to speak up.

To speak is to organize what we think and to make ourselves aware of what came first and what happened next. And by arranging the pieces and giving an event our attention, we can sometimes find that what looked like a very large monster when it lived only in our minds becomes mere dust.

Vow of silence and other difficulties

Brief instructions, listing of rules, first meditation. Everyone left the hall in silence. The first days this silence was strange, but then it began to be taken for granted. Honestly, this part was the easiest for me. And I didn’t miss talking at all. We talk to fill the void, but the value of words is lost. But I know that for other participants in the course, silence was a real challenge. When they were allowed to talk, the girl said to her neighbor in an enthusiastic whisper: “It’s possible, it’s possible, finally!” And then they chatted happily until the middle of the night.

Gadgets? Life without a phone was wonderful. No news, social networks, endless unnecessary information. To be honest, I didn’t even want to turn on my phone after the course. There was a clear realization that the endless broadcast of other people's lives gives you nothing except poor self-esteem.

It was much more difficult to stop the flow of consciousness. My inner voice seemed to refuse to shut up. The brain enthusiastically threw up food for thought: “Remember that boy from kindergarten? I wonder how his life turned out!”, “And that awkward incident at school? That was a shame.” When the entire biography was sorted out, I began to remember the books I had read and the films I had watched: “I wonder who in Game of Thrones will die next?” When this supply was depleted, song lyrics and poems were used. Not thinking about anything became the most difficult task. Thoughts are annoying flies, but in the end I managed to get rid of them too. When all the world's problems and our own crises were rethought up and down.

It was also painful at times. Since you sit in a limited number of positions all day, your body quickly becomes stiff and begins to ache. Here you are sitting, trying to concentrate on breathing, and your leg is treacherously cramping. I felt all the decay and hopelessness during the first “meditation of firm intention”, when it was impossible to change position for an hour. The pain was unbearable. I gave in and moved my leg. I also failed the next three times. I managed to sit still only when I stopped concentrating on the pain and it disappeared by itself, dissolving into other sensations.

The meditation technique itself is very simple. First observe your breathing, then observe the sensations on your body. No visualizations, secret knowledge and unnecessary rituals. Sit on the mat and concentrate. But it is precisely in this simplicity that all the complexity lies. You won’t be able to force yourself to meditate at home without prior preparation.

Is it worth talking about?

Restraint and the ability to solve problems independently, “not whine” and “not burden” others are perceived by many people as an exceptional virtue. I feel bad, but I smile, talk about the sun and flowers: aren’t I great? Don’t I protect my loved ones from negativity?

The answer is not entirely clear-cut. If we are talking about really close people, and not about tired colleagues during a deadline. The fact is that relatives and lovers often really feel us, our condition, mood, resentment or sadness. But not finding confirmation for them, they begin to worry. You about And the interlocutor feels anxiety: something is wrong. Maybe he doesn't deserve your trust? Or did he offend you without noticing it?

Some people simply do not need to share their experiences - due to internal characteristics. There may not be any childhood trauma or sad experience behind this. It’s just that one person needs a large support group, another needs a conversation with a friend, and a third just needs to be left alone, not touched, and allowed to figure it out on his own.

General experiences

Thanks to communication, a person not only develops intellectually, he becomes richer morally. Moral experience is also transmitted through communications. When one individual shares his thoughts and feelings with another, talks about his everyday situations, he thus conveys information about how to act in a particular situation, and what consequences certain actions lead to.

Only through communication can a person learn about such feelings as love, friendship, gratitude, sympathy, sympathy. He experiences a lot of emotions, the spectrum of which is becoming wider. In every acquaintance you can discover a new world, another galaxy, and all this thanks to communications.

Reasons for isolation and reluctance to talk about your problems

But it also happens that attitudes from childhood prevent you from talking about problems. This occurs if parents considered the expression of negative emotions to be bad, impolite and shameful. This happens especially often in the stereotypical upbringing of boys: “Don’t cry, you’re a man!”, “Control yourself, you’re not a girl!” Girls also get it: “Don’t cry, your nose will swell, you’ll be ugly!”, “Don’t whine, mom is ashamed of you!” That is, the child is forbidden to express emotions and is not taught to analyze them and find a worthy and correct way out: tear the paper if you are angry, or take a brisk walk.

As a result, a person grows up and does not understand how and what to do with anger and resentment, and keeps them to himself. Of course, this will not affect an open and sociable child - he will still tell everyone what happened and who upset him. And the already closed introvert will withdraw into himself even more.

But when you are in pain and hard, you need to understand: it is important to think about how to relieve the pain, and not about how to look strong or comply with some unwritten rules.

First impressions

The bus brought me to an old children's camp with Soviet interiors, rickety old benches, a shared shower and creaky beds. In principle, the conditions were spartan, but I thought that we would generally sleep on the floor, so I was even happy. There is a picturesque forest around the camp, and a river flows nearby. I once watched a video from a Danish hospital for people with mental illness. Our camp was somewhat reminiscent of such an institution.

On the day of arrival, everyone was still chatting animatedly in the common dining room. I sat in a depressed mood and filled out the form. My family didn’t really understand where I was going, and were probably afraid that I had decided to join a sect. After talking with one guy who also came for the first time, I realized that my fears were normal. We came to the conclusion that it’s like going to a monastery if you don’t believe in God. And although meditation had an indirect relationship to religion, there were still concerns.

We gave away gadgets, books, tablets - all devices from which information can be obtained. Smokers said goodbye to cigarettes. Believers wear crosses and rosaries. After which we went to the meditation hall. The employees called us into the hall by name, seating us in a strictly defined place. The girls around me tried to talk before a long silence, and I skeptically assessed the situation, standing in the middle of the swamp: “Why did I even come here?” I was comforted by the thought that I could leave the course at any time. “I’ll do that if I understand that it’s not mine,” I thought. Thoughts of leaving visited me until the fifth day. Still, not everyone can handle 10-12 hours of meditation a day. My neighbor left on the first day.

The benefits of live communication with people

Man is a social being. People constantly interact with each other. Communication often occurs through conversation. What is communication and how important is it for every person?

Terms of communication

Interaction between individuals is carried out taking into account certain conditions. Cultural and social foundations play a major role. Much also depends on who the interlocutor is.

For example, in one area, colleagues may greet each other with a smile or a nod (non-verbal communication). In another, a handshake is required.

It is customary to address elders by “Va”, and to managers by their first name and patronymic. Communication with loved ones and friends can be more open and emotional than with a stranger.

Communication structure

Communication has a so-called structure:

  1. Content. Transfer of information (knowledge, experience, skills) from one person to another.
  2. Target. The need that determined the beginning of contact. Needs can be cultural, moral, creative, social.
  3. Methods of transmitting information. There are communicative methods - conversation, interactive - joint activities and perceptual - mutual perception.

As you can see, people know how to interact with society in different ways. Various technical methods of communication are used.

Stages of communication

Surprisingly, communication occurs in a certain sequence. Here are the main stages of communication:

  • Visual contact. The ability of an individual to perceive someone like himself in the objective world.
  • Greetings. A sign of approval and friendliness. People greet each other with gestures or words.
  • Exchange of conventions, that is, formal information. You can ask about the affairs and health of your interlocutor. If people have common, deeper topics for conversation, then the conversation will continue. If not, it will end with a gracious farewell.

Basic functions of communication

Creative communication simultaneously performs several important functions, namely:

  1. Self-knowledge. By interacting with others, a person gets to know himself more and better.
  2. Self-validation. Communication helps you feel like a complete person.
  3. Exchange of emotions.
  4. Coordination of events and achievement of agreement in joint activities.
  5. Transmission and acceptance of up-to-date information.
  6. Influence on the opponent. Obtaining a certain benefit.
  7. Meeting new people and finding your place in society.

Communication allows people to move forward. Helps you develop and not stop there.

Consequences of a lack of communication

Each person has different communication needs. They depend on temperament, personality type, character traits.

Extroverts, people with an active, active position need constant meetings and conversations. They communicate on the Internet, public transport, and shops. Introverts prefer to communicate with a small circle of good friends whom they can trust.

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Accordingly, in the first case, a lack of communication can manifest itself very clearly and cause many negative consequences, including depression and anxiety. A person without sufficient communication may develop a tendency towards apathy and the search for vivid impressions. There is a risk of becoming addicted to alcohol.

Introverts are more tolerant and calm about the lack of communication, covering it up through work, hobbies, and other pleasant activities. The very need for other people is less pronounced in them; it can be easily satisfied by caring for animals, walking with them, playing computer games, and watching movies. Internal defense mainly works against depressed mood and apathy, masking the consequences of deprivation with headaches.

The next consequence of a lack of interaction is the loss of the ability to communicate. You also need to be able to talk, express your thoughts, feelings, and feel compassion. These skills require constant replenishment. Without support and development they fade away. As a result, you seem to want to make friends with someone or talk, but you simply can’t step over yourself, you mumble something, you can’t express your opinion or give a compliment.

Communication from a psychological point of view

Psychology considers communication to be the most important mechanism inherent in a person. This is what makes people people. Lack of communication has a detrimental effect on the human psyche. Closed people gradually become antisocial. Such individuals are absorbed only in themselves and their problems.

All this sooner or later develops into hypochondria. Psychologists do not recommend keeping everything to yourself. It is necessary to share your experiences with others. Otherwise, you can become callous and rude. Communication heals.

Features of communication

Interaction is carried out through verbal and non-verbal signals. Not only words help in communication. Sometimes just looking at a person is enough. It is easy to determine the mood of the interlocutor by facial expression, body position and gestures. For example, flared nostrils, crossed arms, and looking away indicate that the person is irritated.

The brain scans and analyzes the behavior of others and sends its findings to the subconscious. And it, in turn, tells you how to behave in the current situation. For example, is it worth starting a conversation on a particular topic? Without saying a word, a person is able to show his true face. Sometimes nonverbal communication is enough.

Types of communication

There are types of communication. Here are the main ones:

  • Formal. A generally accepted form imposed by society and culture. As a rule, it consists of good-natured, meaningless greeting phrases.
  • Secular. Superficial conversation using accepted, standard phrases.
  • Primitive. The so-called exchange of pleasantries. Communication does not bring true benefit.
  • Manipulative. Interaction is carried out with the aim of obtaining a certain benefit. A person strives to turn the situation in his direction and puts pressure on his interlocutor.
  • Role-playing. Communication according to the rules. Each interlocutor has his own role. Subordination is in effect. Communication is accompanied by certain rituals.
  • Spiritual. The most effective and useful form of communication. There is no place for formalities and irrepressible flattery. The interlocutors deeply understand and accept each other. Such interaction and mutual understanding reigns between friends and lovers.

Possibility of discussion

With the help of communication, a person develops also because he can hear an alternative opinion on a particular issue. Without the opportunity to discuss some important issue and get a point of view different from his own, the individual acquires the habit of thinking narrowly and one-sidedly. Sometimes an outside perspective is simply necessary for an objective perception of the surrounding reality and understanding the strategy for further action and development.

The opinion of another individual is also not the final authority; sometimes the truth is obtained through a long discussion, which would not be possible without communications. It turns out that without disputes and conversations, the individual would stew in his own juice and would develop much more slowly.

Why does a person need communication?

Communication and interaction with others is the key to normal human development. Complete isolation leads to degradation. Without communication, a person will simply cease to be a person. Communication is necessary to carry out joint work activities. This is how people learn to understand each other.

In the process of joint labor activity, a person is formed as an individual. The individual is aware of his role in society. Communication helps you find like-minded people. The following factors clearly demonstrate the importance of communication:

  • The ability to compare yourself with others. To a certain extent, this is necessary. Society evaluates the actions, qualities and deeds of a person. Moral barriers are being formed.
  • Personal identification. By communicating with others, a person gets to know himself better and understands who he really is. Communication allows you to find confirmation of your “I” in the eyes of others.
  • Positive emotions and stress management. Communication helps you better cope with negative emotions and lifts your spirit. Support and approval from others is inspiring.

The benefits of communication

There are other reasons that prove the benefits of communication. Communication allows you to reconsider your own worldview. Good advice from a friend or loved one helps you look at the current circumstances from the outside. The experience of others protects you from mistakes. By interacting with others, a person learns to make decisions, gains new knowledge and skills.

By communicating with other people, a person is able to help those in need and receive support in return. This is how friends are made. Communication expands self-awareness and improves the quality of thinking. Life is filled with bright colors and brings pleasure.

About the art of communication

It is important not only to realize the benefits of communication, but also to understand how to communicate with each other correctly. A person learns this art from childhood. First he is taught by his parents, then by his teachers, and then by his work environment. The following recommendations will help you conduct a proper dialogue:

  • Look the person in the eye. Eye contact will quickly establish communication and help you find a common language.
  • Consider the other person's feelings. Try not to touch weak points. Then communication will be a joy.
  • Trust is paramount. It is necessary to be friendly and not doubt the veracity of what your opponent says.

The tips presented are the key to a successful dialogue.

Qualities required for communication

Social enthusiasm, sociability, friendliness, activity, desire for new acquaintances - without these qualities it is impossible to build a real dialogue. It is easier for a sociable and active person to take the first step to find friends. Social enthusiasm and friendliness allow you not to get lost in society.

Therefore, it is recommended to develop these qualities in yourself. This advice is especially relevant for introverted individuals.

Why does discomfort occur during communication?

Sometimes it's not easy to find a common language. The so-called discomfort in communication occurs in the event of psychological pressure from the interlocutor. This can be confirmed by a raised and restive tone and a desire to constantly interrupt another. But often the psychological pressure is invisible. All you get is unpleasant sensations.

Psychologists advise communicating only with those who evoke positive emotions. Then communication will be a joy.

Communication is a second wind for a person. Its absence has a detrimental effect on the individual. Regular interaction with society is the key to mental well-being .

Option 3

(443 words) Man is a social being who is designed to live surrounded by his own kind. People have always lived in a collective, because only together they could survive and oppose their common strength to the wild. Therefore, if a person is in forced isolation, his psyche changes greatly and even collapses over time. This explains the fact that a person cannot do without communication. This pattern is confirmed by numerous examples from the literature.

For example, A.P. Chekhov, in his story “The Bet,” described an experiment that a greedy lawyer, tempted by a large sum of money, conducted on himself. The hero entered into an argument with the banker, intending to prove that he could serve fifteen years in voluntary solitary confinement. After that he was to receive two million rubles. The bet took place. If in the first years the prisoner behaved as if he was preparing to be released and used his time to benefit himself, then in recent years he abandoned self-improvement classes and lost interest in everything that is characteristic of people. He even outwardly ceased to resemble a person. In his letter to the banker, the reader finds evidence that the hero has gone crazy and could no longer be considered a full-fledged person. The prisoner rejected all the achievements of civilization and declared that everything in the world was indifferent to him. He even refused money. Having protected himself from social contacts, the hero lost everything that made him human: dreams, interests, ideals, goals, feelings. This example allows us to conclude that people cannot do without communication without losing themselves.

Without communication, a person ceases to be himself, because his psyche undergoes significant and irreversible changes. This is proven by an example from Jack London's "Straitjacket". Darrel Standing ends up in prison, but his rebellion against the cruel and unjust rules of this institution ends in even greater torture and torment. The hero is pulled into a straitjacket and left in solitary confinement. Each time his stay in this state is increased in order to suppress the warlike spirit of the prisoner. Darrel was unable to communicate with people while tied up and pinned down in solitary confinement. Because of this, his creation began to project something like hallucinations, creating the illusion of a full life. The hero seemed to travel in time and look through his past lives. Under the influence of physical suffering and social isolation, Darrel virtually ceased to exist in reality. His entire existence took place within the framework of consciousness. His psyche has become distorted and adapted to the hardships of Saint-Quentin prison, but we can no longer call the hero a full-fledged personality, since he does not show his personal qualities in any way. Outside of society, a person loses those features that make him related to other people, so he is not able to do without communication.

Thus, a person cannot remain “human” without communicating with people. Therefore, we should not remain in isolation and distance ourselves from society if we want to maintain a normal psyche. In social contact we express ourselves and receive an emotional charge, which is transformed into vital energy.

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