Lesson summary “Types and forms of communication.” (Grade 10)

  • What is verbal communication?
  • Speech etiquette
  • Types of verbal communication
  • Features of speech communication
  • Bottom line

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The main type of contact between people is speech. People can make signs, demonstrate gestures and certain facial expressions, but speech was invented to more clearly express their thoughts. It distinguishes man from the animal world. It is an invented means of contact between people. It identifies types, features, culture and etiquette, which will be discussed on the website of psychological help psymedcare.ru.

Speech is sounds put together that make up words, and they already carry certain meanings. Each word has its own meaning, which can be imagined without observing the object or phenomenon in the surrounding reality. Some words even have several meanings, which can be determined by the context in which they are used and with what intonation they are pronounced.

Usually it is enough to study the language of a certain people in order to be able not only to transmit information, but also to receive it orally. However, sometimes speech includes the mentality, morality and laws of the people, which are understandable only to those who live in them for a long time or all their lives.

What is verbal communication?

Speech communication is a method of interaction between people. It uses words that convey important information from one person to another. Moreover, we are talking about a mutual process. One person not only expresses his thoughts, but also perceives the words of the interlocutor, which creates a dialogue that has a duration of time and a complete result.

Speech communication occurs in any area of ​​human life. Wherever an individual goes, everywhere people speak using the language that is official in the country. If a person does not know the language, he needs to learn it (usually children do this) or adapt (usually citizens of other countries do this).

How does a person express his thoughts? Often using words. What forms of verbal expression can there be? Conversation, promise, conversation (dialogue), claims, criticism, swearing, shouting, etc. With the help of speech, a person expresses his thought. But the form that an individual uses in this case (intonation, change of voice, construction of sentences) conveys an emotional attitude to the issue under discussion.

Verbal expressions enrich human communication. But what does this or that form of verbal expression lead to? What motives do they harbor? What is the best way to avoid resorting to such methods of communication? This article will discuss only some common forms.

  • Threats. Do not threaten if you cannot fulfill your words - this is a demonstration of weakness. This method of communication is similar to the barking of a stray dog, which barks at passers-by, but in fact is afraid of them.
  • Promises. Sometimes it’s better not to promise, but just to see how things will turn out over time. Unfortunately, many people are happy to make promises to everyone and on any issue. But only a few turn their promises into reality.
  • Dispute. A dispute often arises only because the instigator of a conflict situation wants to be given in to. Otherwise, the meaning of the argument is lost. Therefore, if they start arguing with you, know that you are expected to make concessions and accept other people’s opinions.
  • Gossip. With the help of gossip, a person often tries to drown out his conscience: “I’m still better than others!” A person resorts to gossip only to demonstrate to himself and others that there are people worse than himself.
  • Criticism. The one who criticizes takes away everything bad that is in the person he criticizes. If you criticize, it means that you take on the bad qualities of another person. They criticize you - they take away your negative qualities. Therefore, it is good when you are criticized.
  • Boasting. Anyone who boasts about his good deeds loses his positive qualities and devalues ​​his actions. Consider whether true virtue will boast of his actions? The one who boasts actually does good deeds in order to be praised. He who does good deeds and does not boast, really does them for the benefit of other people. Moreover, braggarts achieve little, unlike silent people who achieve more.

Lecture 2 communication and speech

Speech communication is an active process of verbal communicative interaction between its participants (senders and recipients of information), which is characterized by a certain motive and is aimed at achieving a specific goal. The communicative process proceeds based on feedback in specific types of verbal activity.

Speech communication is organically included in all kinds of activities of an individual, for example, professional or social, since activity is impossible without communication.

Verbal communicative interaction can be realized between several individuals or at least two. Verbal communication is reciprocal and purposeful as well as social.

The form of manifestation of verbal communication is considered to be verbal behavior and responses of communication partners.

Natalya Romanova - Dictionary. Culture of verbal communication: ethics, pragmatics, psychology

1 …

Romanova Natalya Nikolaevna, Filippov Andrey Valentinovich

Source: https://gudi1991.ru/otnosheniya/dva-vida-obshcheniya-rechevoe-i.html

Speech etiquette

Each language has its own etiquette - a set of rules and norms that allow you to show politeness, tact, empathy and understanding. Typically, etiquette is encouraged in business and work environments, as well as in certain circles. If a person wants to be perceived positively by others, he needs to adhere to the rules of etiquette - use words and expressions that allow him to show sympathy or respect.

  1. Tactfulness is a person’s desire to demonstrate through words his desire to cooperate, avoid inappropriate topics and not upset the interlocutor, even if information is known that will certainly lead to negative consequences. Each nation has its own rules of etiquette, which makes them different. In the course of evolution, each nation has developed its own ethical standards, which are welcomed in the speech of everyone who lives in a given country or uses the language of a given state.
  2. Precaution is the ability of an individual to foresee the possible consequences of his words. Accordingly, he uses only those expressions that will lead him to the desired result.
  3. Tolerance is a person’s calm attitude towards the words and expressions of his interlocutor, which he may not like or do not agree with his opinion. Respect must be shown to all people, which will avoid aggressive forms of general
  4. Kindness is a positive attitude towards people, their words, thoughts, methods of communication, etc.

When people argue, they usually resort to the “Saying words that hurt” method. Having known each other for a long time, people know what they can say to make another person cry and emotionally hurt. Why is this being done?

People say words that hurt, often for the intended purpose of causing pain. Their soul hurts, they are angry or offended, so they want to evoke similar feelings in their interlocutors. Since they know what you don’t like to hear, they say exactly what hurts you. At these moments, they have no control over their conversation because they are in a state where they are not afraid to say something that could end up hurting them even more (for example, if you break up or stop communicating with them after this conversation).

It's quite rare that the reason people say words that hurt is to show you how words can hurt. Being under the influence of anger or resentment, a person wants to punish or take revenge on you for what you did to him before. And he wants to show how unpleasant it is to be told words that hurt. It is at these moments that absolute lies are told, since the goal is to hurt you, and not to tell the pure truth. Therefore, much of what you may hear is deception, which is aimed only at punishing you and causing pain.

Can you trust a person who is ready to agree with everything just to achieve what he wants? Imagine a person who tells you the words you want to hear, agrees to do whatever you want for you. But there is one “but”: in response, he will ask something from you, he will want you to realize the goals that he strives for. Can you trust a person who is willing to be good only until he gets what he wants? After all, as soon as he reaches the goal, his motive for doing what he previously did will disappear.

Should you trust a person whose words only meet your expectations? They tell you what you want to hear. How can you know that you are not being deceived just to get what you want? After all, if you are told the words that you want to hear, then some of it is a lie, since there are no people who think exactly the same way. There are always topics that are not shared by those people who agree on something else. It follows that if they agree with you on everything, they do so not because they actually think the same as you, but in order to ask you for something in the future to realize their goals.

Saying the words you want to hear is a kind of desire to appease you, to “suck up” to you. They want to win you over so that they can then demand their own. So, is it worth believing such a person who is ready to do anything, just to then rightfully demand something to realize his goals?

On the one hand, etiquette in speech is a deception when a person tries to seem to be what they want to see. On the other hand, in intelligent circles, where people have no time to sort things out and establish contacts with each other, it is easier for them to resort to a permissible form of communication - etiquette.

Secondly, nonverbal means of communication complement the content of the statement.

Here is what the famous researcher of stage speech S. Volkonsky wrote about this: “Do not cling to the word, do not think that the word has meaning; a word has an infinite number of meanings, and only intonation determines the real meaning of each given case.”

Thirdly, nonverbal means of communication indicate an attitude towards the interlocutor, since they express the speaker’s feelings.

We clearly feel the arrogant disdain of the one who “coughs out words through clenched teeth,” and we feel deep respect for the interlocutor who speaks well with pauses of attention while waiting for a response. Wanting to show our negative attitude, we can use appropriate intonation to give an offensive meaning to the usual formula of politeness such as “thank you”, “be kind” and fill the most neutral words with tender feelings.

Fourthly, nonverbal means of communication make it possible to judge the person himself, his state at the moment, and his psychological qualities.

Types of verbal communication

The main means of verbal communication are words. Each word has its own meaning, sometimes more than one. If a person wants to contact people of a certain cultural environment, he needs to study their speech. Sometimes within one nation there are different subcultures that form their own unique speech, which uses the state speech, but in a modified format.

All people have speech if they grow up in a cultural and social environment. Absolutely all people from childhood learn words, how to compose them and express their thoughts through them. This becomes the most convenient and fastest way to contact and achieve your goals.

There are two types of verbal communication - oral and written. Oral speech involves the use of the speech apparatus and hearing. Written speech is the transfer of words on paper, which is then read by the recipient.

Other types of verbal communication are:

  1. Cognitive (cognitive) – transfer of information, knowledge.
  2. Emotional (conditional) – conveying one’s emotions and experiences through words in order to evoke similar feelings in the interlocutor.
  3. Active – exchange of skills and information in order to form a common activity.
  4. Motivational – the exchange of plans, ideas, desires or tasks with the aim of evoking internal desires in the interlocutor.
  5. Material – exchange of products of activity.
  6. Mask contact is when people simply cooperate on a formal level.
  7. Secular - communication on topics on which one is supposed to communicate, and not on those on which one wants to.
  8. Formal role-based communication between people, taking into account their social status and the difference between them.
  9. 9 Business – exchange of information and data on a specific topic in order to achieve certain goals or cooperation.
  10. Interpersonal (intimate-personal) – when people communicate because they are interested in each other and want to be together. Here people reveal themselves and get to know each other.

Communication using speech - means, options, specifics

Man is a unique social being with a universal and flexible communication technique called speech.

What is communication through speech, and what is its peculiarity? Verbal communication is an active and complex process of verbal communication between several individuals or even a group of people, among whom are senders and recipients of information. This process is also characterized by a certain strict motive and goal orientation.

It should be noted that verbal communication is quite extensive and is included in almost all spheres of life of any person. Whether it’s personal life, professional activity or creative realization, all this is almost impossible without communication with others.

Means of speech communication

The unit of communicative communication between people is the word, as a kind of speech instrument that can be expressed orally or in writing. Words, as an information unit, form certain sentences, which, depending on the need and setting, can both request information and approve it.

The production of words and the formation of certain sentences directly depends on which of the existing language systems the interlocutors use. As a means of verbal communication, words have quite extensive functionality.

It is completely logical that any form of a language system acts as a central element in the possibility of verbal contact and exchange of information between people in society.

Meanwhile, speech and language also play a cognitive function. This is expressed in the fact that it is through speech that a person’s consciousness is able to express the specifics of its activity and, thanks to it, to perceive the world around it.

It is also worth emphasizing the accumulative function of speech - it is through speech and language systems that certain knowledge and life experience are preserved.

A person draws knowledge of a different nature and all spheres of life from the same books, diaries, and memos that are created. In turn, through writing.

Speech also plays a constructive function, since it is in the form of speech that a person forms his thoughts and reasoning, even if he does this in the form of an internal monologue. There is also an emotional function of speech, which consists in the subject expressing feelings and emotions, and a contact-establishing function, which makes it possible to establish contact between several individuals.

Verbal communication options

As mentioned above, speech is a unique and only option for verbal communication for a person. However, besides this, it is also a universal tool with enormous functionality. So, for example, a person’s communication can not only be aimed externally at interaction with other individuals, but also be internal.

All existing options for verbal communication are closely interrelated. For example, one of the striking features of any type of human verbal communication is the utterance of speech, words, silently or out loud, in order to convey meaningful information to others.

Most often, any options for communication through speech are classified according to the techniques used by individuals to interact with each other and the tasks assigned. Thus, communication can be formal-role, secular, so-called “mask contact,” interpersonal, business, or even manipulative.

Mask contact is considered to be a rather difficult and undesirable option for communication between people. It represents a purely clash of interests, the development of a conversation during which there is no desire to understand and take into account some of the individual characteristics, character and personality of the interlocutor.

Small talk, first of all, is characterized by its pointlessness. To formulate this definition more simply, small talk is a dialogue between individuals not about what they think or would like to talk about, but about what is supposed and customary to talk about in a given group or at a given event.

Formal-role communication is the establishment of regulations and regulation of relationships. Plays a leading role in this communication. First of all, the social status of the interlocutors and their position in the team, society, the level of hierarchy they occupy.

Business communication is characterized. Mainly. In the desire of the participants for some common result, achievement, for the purpose of which the process of exchanging strictly necessary and comprehensive information is carried out.

An interpersonal form of communication or, in other words, intimate-personal communication is precisely that form of communication during which the personal traits of the interlocutors, their deepest feelings and emotions are revealed. As for manipulative communication, it is characterized by the desire of one of the participants to control another individual through communication.

Specifics of speech communication

Today, speech continues to exist and develop, becoming an increasingly important mechanism of interaction between representatives of the human species. The direct process of communication through speech can be represented using the simplest diagram, where there are two subjects and a connecting link.

The first subject is the speaking individual, who has certain information and transmits it to the second subject, who is the listening individual or group of people. The connecting link in this system is speech itself, which is a universal tool of formulation.

Transmission and acceptance of any form of information accessible to human consciousness. The specificity of speech communication lies in its versatility and the wide range of target tasks that it can pursue. This also emphasizes the fact that speech contact is very closely intertwined with the human being’s need to influence others.

An example could be a banal desire to force someone to do something, to evoke certain emotions and feelings in others, to convince them of something. In view of this, one of the main components of speech is always the morality of the individual, which, depending on its level, excludes intentional lies, deception and deliberately untrue information.

Source: https://psytheater.com/obshenie-s-pomoshu-rechi.html

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