Problems and arguments for an essay on the Unified State Exam in Russian on the topic: Personality (table)

The influence of society on the individual

  1. Society always seeks to suppress the individual. A similar example can be found on the pages of the comedy by A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" . Chatsky is perhaps the only sane person who openly talks about his vices and false ideas. For him, Molchalin is an empty and hypocritical careerist; Famusov is a selfish and vicious master; Skalozub is an ignorant soldier. However, everyone around does not want to listen to his revelations; on the contrary, his interlocutors convince the guest that not everything is all right with him, and they are living righteously. Alexander is unable to endure the “politics” of the Famusov house, so he leaves this swamp of limited people, thereby defending the individual’s right to individuality. His example proves that you should not follow the lead of the majority, even if you are the only warrior in the field.
  2. However, not every person can be strong in soul. Sometimes society still wins in the struggle for the right to “own a personality.” Dmitry Startsev, the main character of the story by A.P. Chekhov's “Ionych” , fell into a circle of selfishness, vulgarity and lies, called “the values ​​of county life.” From a pleasant and kind young man, Dmitry turns into a semblance of a person who is usually called “Ionych”. He loses not only his name, but also his personality, forgetting that he dreamed of a different destiny - serving science and people. Therefore, in the finale he is disappointed in himself and in his previous ideals, finding the world around him empty and banal. This is what happens if a person succumbs to the pressure of the majority.
  3. To destroy a person’s right to individuality is not the most terrible thing; it is much more terrible to kill in him the ability to follow the call of his heart. So, for example, the heroine of A. Kuprin’s story “Olesya” is a girl who lived her whole life away from a peasant village, not knowing either the behavior or the way of life of the people living there. She found true love, but chose to abandon her feelings when faced with the threats of a raging mob. Having beaten the “witch” who came to the church, people thought that she had sent them a spontaneous riot that destroyed the harvest as revenge. Then they decided to storm the “witch’s” home. Olesya was forced to flee. But she knew that she could not connect her life with the master, because the peasants would turn their anger on him too, so she left without saying goodbye. Obeying conventions and prejudices, she lost her personal happiness.

“Employees are faced with the need to make a choice regarding their employer” (R. Pindyck)

In his statement, R. Pindyke refers to the peculiarities of the functioning of the labor market and draws attention to the fact that labor supply is determined not only by wages, but also by non-monetary aspects that ensure the attractiveness or unattractiveness of individual jobs.

The labor market is the sphere of interaction between workers and employers. In the labor market, wages are formed (payment for a unit of labor per unit of time), reflecting the complexity, danger, required qualifications and other aspects of the work. Moreover, the attractiveness or unattractiveness of some workers is determined largely by their non-monetary aspects.

One of the non-monetary aspects is the psychological climate associated with this type of activity. A number of professions involve increased nervous stress, which in the long term can lead to the development of a number of diseases. Other jobs, on the contrary, are associated with a pleasant environment for a person. Accordingly, when applying for a job, they take into account not only the amount of wages, but also the psychological climate in a given workplace.

As an example from life experience, I would like to consider the work of a controller in a prestigious theater. Many people are willing to pay large sums for a ticket to such a theater. Controllers have the opportunity to see famous artists almost every day. This explains that with a fairly modest salary, there are those willing to take such vacancies.

Another non-monetary aspect of the job is the ability to work flexible hours or close to where you live. Most people would like to have a workplace located close to home, and a work schedule that would allow them to find time for family, education, hobbies, or other activities. Consequently, other things being equal, employees will choose an employer that provides a choice of the territorial location of the workplace or the opportunity to work on a flexible schedule.

As an example from the media, I would like to consider the job of a cashier in a supermarket. Many large retail chains have begun to offer cashiers the opportunity to independently choose their work schedule and specific place of work. This increased the attractiveness of this profession in the eyes of candidates.

To summarize, I would like to note that the labor market operates according to the same basic laws as other markets. Some of its features are related to the specifics of labor as a factor of production.

The problem of personality development

  1. A sense of responsibility helps a person develop the ability to self-sacrifice and self-confidence. K. Vorobyov’s story “Killed near Moscow” has such qualities . Alexey Yastrebov cultivated courage and exactingness under the yoke of danger. Alexey is well aware of the fact that a real personality is capable of saving not only the Motherland, but also the right to personal interests and beliefs - that is why he rises to meet a German tank and wins a victory not so much over him as over his “I”.
  2. Personality formation is a difficult and long process, but the cherished “finish line” is worth the effort and patience. of the novel, L.N., experienced the path of mistakes, losses and moral experiences. Tolstoy “War and Peace” - Pierre Bezukhov. He rushed from side to side, like the wind, which does not know which direction it needs to achieve its goal. Pierre survived betrayal, captivity and war, but this not only did not break him, but strengthened his character for new victories. In the end, he matured, settled down and found happiness in love, and discovered his destiny in the family and home, where the fate of his wife and children depends on his ability to lead the course in a long voyage.

How to make arguments for a social studies essay (task 29)

Today is an unprecedented topic: how to select arguments for an essay in social studies, task 29. We have already examined the question of how to write the essay itself in social studies . I highly recommend reading that article first before reading this one! In that post, I did not address the question of how to select arguments for an essay. Now is the time! Yes, dear friend, if you liked the post, like it: you may not care, but I’m pleased!

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