20 Golden Rules of Communication that will lead you to success in communication (+Bonus)

It is impossible to imagine a social mechanism without the principles of communication on which certain norms, patterns and rules are based. If they are not observed, then all interaction between people will be reduced to the satisfaction of personal needs, which is an absolute degradation of society. This article examines in detail some of the nuances of relationships between people.


Ethical principles of communication can be determined by the culture of speech. According to the requirements of this concept, moral standards are put forward, behavioral manners in specific situations and various formulas of courtesy and politeness are assessed by rules. A person who observes the basic principles of communication, but violates its ethical norms, is often deceptive and hypocritical. The highly moral behavior of a person who does not use basic rules of decency in his life will never inspire confidence in others.

We can conclude that concepts such as communication ethics and good manners are worth studying together. The most common principles of etiquette and moral standards often go side by side with specific dialogue algorithms: greeting and farewell, request and gratitude, etc. Unlike speech etiquette, which is used everywhere (congratulations, gratitude, greetings, sympathy), we remember the principles and norms of decency much less often.

Principles of ethics in communication

There is a so-called golden rule, familiar to everyone since childhood: treat others the way you want to be treated. It applies to absolutely any life situation. We can say that many ethical principles of communication are based on this rule: altruistic, norms of virtue, demanding of oneself and others, the law of equality and justice, etc.

Thanks to the principles of open and sincere communication, a high degree of trust arises, without which contact is not possible. Trusting close relationships cannot be built without honesty, truthfulness, kindness and respect for the people around you. This can also include care, politeness, good manners, etc. The principles of correct communication are inextricably linked with the quality of speech itself. It must contain logic, expediency, literacy, as well as conciseness and meaningfulness at the same time. As for brevity, it all depends on personal desires and preferences. To some, overly extended praises will seem boring, while others will not understand the idea that they tried to convey in a more concise form.

Basic principles of communication

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Basic principles of effective communication

(from the book “Psychology of Success”)

The founder of stress theory, Hans Selye, wrote: “When viewed from the top of the universal laws of nature, we are all remarkably similar. Nature is an inexhaustible source of all our problems and their solutions. The closer we get to it, the more clearly we see that, despite the enormous differences in their interpretation and understanding, its laws always make their way and never become outdated. Realizing this truth will convince us that not only people, but all living beings are in some sense brothers. To avoid the stress of conflict, dashed hopes and hatred, in order to gain peace and happiness, we need to pay more attention to studying the natural basis of motivation and behavior. No one will be disappointed. If in everyday life you learn to follow the principle “earn the love of your neighbor.”

At the same time, Selye writes that before entering into confrontation with others for any reason, you should think about other possible interaction strategies, in particular, remember about adaptation - adapting to the requirements of the social environment. Bill Fitzpatrick essentially says the same thing when he calls on us to “keep conflicts under control”: “Always be calm and impartial. Let others rage while you think of an appropriate response. Should you persuade, agree, apologize, continue the argument, or walk away? What benefits you and those you protect? Continuing the argument often makes your opponents argue even more furiously and strive more, no matter what, to defeat you in the argument. Don't let your rage flare up. Whenever possible, use kindness as a weapon against evil. Neutralize harsh shouting with soft words. Respond to threats with serene confidence. Keep it simple. Do not use profanity or sarcasm. Breathe deeply and freely. Let the anger go. Attack the subject of the dispute, not the person arguing.”

Zig Ziglar expressed almost the same thing, but in different words, the idea of ​​mutual kindness and concessions: “Relationships, both good and bad, are passed from person to person like a relay baton. Try to act as a transmitter of the baton of good attitude towards the people around you. Success in this matter depends not only on your desire to spread good relationships, but also on your ability to do so.”

The fundamental principles of effective communication were derived by the genius of practical psychology, whose epigraph is given at the beginning of this section, and I can only briefly retell his wise advice:

1. Be careful with criticism.

Criticism causes a surge of emotions and the release of anger hormones into the blood and is tantamount to an attack. As soon as the brain recognizes criticism, it immediately orders the sympathetic system to prepare to repel the attack. The heart begins to beat faster, muscles tense, skin turns pale, adrenaline enters the blood, and glucose levels rise.

The instinct of personal self-preservation protects the individual from the influence of someone else's will. Among other things, we have a built-in need for independent action. Someone else's will, even positively directed, but not transformed into personal interest, causes an instinctive protest. In this case, the energy of one person is spent on overcoming the resistance of another, and the energy of the latter is spent on resisting someone else’s will. As a result, the useful information contained in the criticism is broken against the wall hastily erected between two people. A person’s reaction to criticism (accusation) can be of three main types: aggressive-defensive, passive-defensive and frustrating (when outwardly it seems that resistance has been overcome and criticism has been accepted, but the personality breaks down).

Dale Carnegie wrote: “In your relationships with people, do not forget that you are dealing not with logical creatures, but with emotional creatures, full of prejudices and driven in their actions by pride and vanity. And criticism is a dangerous spark that can cause an explosion in the powder keg of pride.”

To understand how right Carnegie was, take your pulse, and then ask your best friend to criticize you for five minutes, judging or ridiculing your appearance, height, professional and sexual abilities, accent, level of musical ear and voice, sense of humor etc.

After three minutes, stop it (because in five minutes of such an experiment you can easily lose a friend, but you don’t need that), then measure your pulse again and honestly describe your emotions. Well, how? Unpleasant sensations, isn't it? But it was just a game in which the criticism was not real, as if it were make-believe. Now think about what your spontaneous reaction is when you are criticized. Introduced? Don't you think that when you criticize other people, they have similar emotions? The same feeling of resentment, anger, misunderstanding, desire to respond in kind. Do you need this? I guess not. It is much more pleasant to evoke in yourself and give rise to in people feelings of gratitude, appreciation, and joy. You don't need much for this. Just use these rules when you want to criticize someone.

You cannot criticize something that a person cannot change (gender, height, race).

It is not the person himself that should be evaluated, but only his actions. Instead of saying: “You are so stupid!”, it is better to say: “What you did was not very smart.”

It’s even better to describe your feelings about someone else’s action: “Your action upset me.”

Criticism should be constructive. Instead of saying “You’re doing it badly” or “You’re not doing it the right way,” it’s better to say: “What if you try this method (offer something specific)? It seems more effective to me."

The optimal algorithm for constructive criticism that causes minimal resistance can be described as follows:

1. Identification of a positive emotional attitude towards the individual (“attachment”): “I understand you”; “I find you interesting (likeable)”; “I respect you as a person”; “I liked the way you...”

2. Detection of personal emotional experiences: “...But your action upsets me” (in a narrative manner, communicate your negative emotions about his specific action).

3. Rational argumentation of one’s negative attitude towards the action (escape from the stereotype, non-standard). It is advisable to involve the opponent in the discussion (“Do you know why your action upset me so much?”). The second person must independently come to an understanding of the other side: “Perhaps I’m wrong, I can be wrong...”; “We have something in common. This is ... (to attract to what unites you).”

4. Formation of incentive motivation for new thinking. Choosing new paths and modes of behavior: “What if we do it differently...?”; “If you want, I can offer you this option of behavior...”; “In a similar situation, the following solution to the problem helped me a lot...”

When Lee Iacocca was appointed chairman of the board of directors of the Chrysler Corporation, he was surprised to see what senseless and ruinous decisions passed through this board. His first thought was to give them a lesson in professionalism and demonstrate his competence, but this consideration, of course, remained a thought without turning into words. Lee Iacocca had to use all his tact to express his bewilderment in the most tactful form. Here's how he wrote about it in his book “Manager's Career”: “When I became chairman of the board of directors, I took up his work very thoroughly. I am not yet crazy enough to lash out at the group of businessmen who just appointed me to the post of head of the corporation: they say, “it’s your fault.” But once or twice I asked the board, as politely as possible, the question: “How do corporate managers manage to push their plans through a group of such prominent businessmen? Are they not providing you with any information?”

Natalya Pravdina in her book “I Attract Success” writes: “Accept people for who they are. Remember the fundamental laws of the New Thinking - we are not here to control others, but to achieve happiness, pleasure and success in our own lives. Your kind words for others will not go unnoticed. In this case, you radiate positive energy into the Universe. She will come back to you, but not necessarily through this particular person. The universe will find a way to please you, don’t worry.”

And, in conclusion, let us remember the words of Dale Carnegie, who wrote: “Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do so. But it takes strength of character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving.”

So let’s show character and self-control, dear reader, and take another decisive step towards success.

2. Find the good in people and tell them about it.

This principle is a logical continuation of the previous one. It is not enough to refrain from criticizing and negatively assessing the actions of your neighbor; it will be even better if you note the positive traits of a person’s character or behavior. Remember that each of us craves recognition and a sense of importance. I have already said that many of our needs and desires have roots in the deep history of mankind, when people lived in close-knit communities and fought together against harsh environmental factors: predators, hunger, cold and hostile tribes. It was then, hundreds of thousands of years ago, that the need arose to gain recognition and approval from fellow tribesmen, because the most useful member of the primitive community received the best piece of meat, and the most useless remained hungry or was kicked out of the tribe (which meant inevitable death). Since those distant times, an insatiable thirst for recognition, popularity and glory has been living in a person and haunting him, and in order to satisfy this deep-seated need, people sometimes even commit meaningless acts (getting on the pages of the Guinness Book of Records) or committing crimes (and getting on the front pages of newspapers or the Internet).

In order to quench this passion in people and thereby earn their gratitude, you just need to note their positive traits and do not hesitate to tell them about them with admiration. Hand on heart, you admit that in any person you can find something that we like, that we would like to learn from him, in which he surpasses us. So tell him about it and look at the result. Listen to the words of Carnegie, who urged others: “Be candid in your appreciation and generous in your praise, and people will remember your words, cherish them and repeat them throughout their lives - repeat them many years after you have already said them.” you will forget."

3. Consider other people's needs.

Every summer I go to Maine to fish. I personally love strawberries and cream, but I find that for some strange reason, fish prefer worms. Therefore, when I go fishing, I don’t think about what I want, but focus on the desires of the fish. I do not put strawberries and cream on the hook as bait, but lure the fish with a worm or grasshopper.

Dale Carnegie

Do you want something from another person? Wonderful. But if you directly tell him that he must do something to meet your needs, then this is unlikely to cause much enthusiasm on his part (unless you are his lover or favorite child). A person’s natural egoism forces him to do, first of all, what he wants or likes, and not his neighbor (or, even more so, what is distant). How, then, to involve other people in the implementation of your plans? It's very simple: connect your plans with their needs.

To do this you need two things:

q understand the structure of his needs

q make it clear to the person that performing certain actions (that you need) will satisfy some of his needs.

It takes some practice, but gives amazing results. Just remember one more rule, try not to start the conversation with your needs (unless you are trying to satisfy his need for generosity or masochism). Start the conversation with his desires, and then show him what he (alone or together with you) needs to do to satisfy them. This principle is widely used in advertising. For example, sellers of electric heating devices do not write in newspapers: “We have a surplus of products in our warehouse. Help us sell oil heaters and fan heaters." They write: “How nice it is to warm up in winter” or “How cozy it is in a house that is always warm” or even simpler: “We will provide you with the warmth and comfort of a family atmosphere.” And you yourself will come to them and buy their products.

4. Be genuinely interested in other people

“You will get everything you want from life if you help other people to the best of your ability and get what they want from life.”

Zig Ziglar

Man is selfish by nature. This quality is inherent in him at the level of biological instinct, and civilization has only been able to drive this instinct into a certain framework. A person’s own inner world is much more interesting than the experiences of other people. Your own pain, your sorrows, your dreams seem many times more significant than the experiences of other people, even if they are objectively stronger (although how can one talk about the objectivity of experiences!). So how can you make other people interested in yourself, your plans and intentions if they are just waiting for someone to be interested in them?

The answer is simple and lies in the sphere of natural exchange - the prototype of modern trade. When a farmer needed a plow, he came to the blacksmith and exchanged it for a bag of grain. If the potter needed a jacket, he would bring clay jugs and plates to the furrier and offer them in exchange for leather clothing. If you want to receive attention from your interlocutor and help in fulfilling your plans, do not skimp on attention to him or let him know that you are ready to help fulfill his desires. At the same time, one subtlety is important: do not turn relationships into trade, because my example with natural exchange is just a metaphor. People rightfully do not like to be manipulated; they want sincere, selfless interest, in exchange for which they will give you everything. Paradox? Undoubtedly. But man himself is paradoxical and contradictory, so this should not be surprising. Someone must take the first step by showing sincere interest in the interlocutor, while being fully aware that the second person is not obliged to show reciprocal interest and participation in you. It's funny that the less you expect positive feedback from another, the faster and more complete it will be. This is somewhat reminiscent of the work of poets or warriors working in the “Zen” style. In order to create a brilliant poem or perform a perfect technique, you need to let go of your mind, relax and forget about the result. Here, for example, is how Carnegie himself superbly demonstrated this technique in real life:

“I was standing in line at the post office on the corner of 33rd Street and 8th Avenue in New York City to mail a registered letter. It struck me that the clerk who accepted registered mail was tired of his job: weighing envelopes, issuing stamps, giving change, writing receipts - the same monotonous, boring routine from year to year. So I said to myself: “I’ll try to please this guy. To please him, I must, of course, tell him something pleasant, and not about myself, but about him.” So, I asked myself, “What is it about him that I can truly admire?” Answering this question can sometimes be difficult, especially when it comes to strangers, but in this case it turned out to be easy. I immediately saw something that I genuinely admired.

And so, when he weighed my envelope, I remarked with admiration: “I wish I had a head of hair like yours.”

He looked up, slightly surprised, but his face broke into a smile. “Well, they’re not as good as they once were,” he said modestly. I assured him that although they may have lost some of their former beauty, they were nevertheless still magnificent. He was infinitely pleased. We had a pleasant conversation, and in the end he admitted: “Many people like my hair.”

I bet this guy couldn't feel his feet when he went to breakfast that day. I bet that when he came home that evening, he told his wife about it. I bet that when he looked in the mirror, he exclaimed: “It really is a beautiful head of hair!”

One day I told this story publicly, and then one person asked me: “What did you want from him?”

What did I want from him!!! What did I want from him!!!

If we are such despicable egoists that we cannot give people a little happiness and at least to some extent honestly recognize their merits without trying to get something from them in return; if our souls are shallow, like sour fruits of a wild apple tree, then we are doomed to failure, which we fully deserve.

Oh yeah, I wanted something from this guy. I wanted something that doesn't have a price. And I got it. It was the knowledge that I did something for him when he had no opportunity to do anything for me in return. Such consciousness remains in our memory long after the episode itself has passed into the past.”

5. Call the person by name

Which word do we hear more often than others? What word is most connected with our soul, hopes, plans, dreams? Which word is mispronounced the hardest for us? Disrespect for which word is it difficult for us to forgive?

You already understand that this treasured combination of letters is our own name. People are willing to pay a lot of money to have a soap production company or a distant asteroid flying in the darkness of space hundreds of millions of kilometers away named after them. Therefore, the easiest way to show respect for a person is to address him by name (patronymic).

To remember names, you need to develop a special habit. When meeting a new person, during the conversation you will learn some information about him - perhaps the names of his children or wife, his birthday or zodiac sign. During a conversation, try to use the name of your interlocutor more often, associating it with the facial features of a new acquaintance or his manners. Immediately after communication, it makes sense to write down all this data on a piece of paper, and then transfer it to a notepad or home computer at home. By periodically reviewing your notes, you can play a game with yourself, trying to remember who this person is and what you remember about him. This way, this information will be fixed in your memory. You can be sure that when you meet this person after some time, you will make a lasting impression on him by asking how his child (Seryozha or Masha) is doing at school. And don't be afraid to overload your memory. Jim Farley received the ministerial post because he memorized the names of 50 thousand voters, which largely influenced Franklin Roosevelt's victory in the US presidential election.

6. Encourage other people to talk about themselves, and talk about what interests your interlocutor.

Each person differs from others in life experience, type of occupation, set of knowledge and hobbies. At the same time, any person wants to believe that at work or at home he is doing important, interesting or necessary things. By putting assessments on all this within himself, he subconsciously expects confirmation of his significance from other people, and the simplest way of such confirmation is the attention to him from the interlocutor.

When you listen carefully to a person (who may be preoccupied with the problem of preserving the ozone layer or the problem of removing ear mites from his kitten), you thereby please him for two reasons: you show respect for him personally and show that the problems that concern him are really important and significant.

If you want to please another person, start a conversation about his profession, political views or hobbies. Perhaps you will broaden your horizons by learning the results of the latest football match, and if you already knew this, then you will “only” expand your circle of friends, which is much more important.

A few more rules of conduct:

Gratitude is one of the most important virtues, supporting the relay of kindness and help on Earth. Remember to express your gratitude for all the good things that other people do to you, and they will want to repeat it more than once.

Respect the principles and feelings of other people (everyone has different maps of the world, and you cannot criticize or even laugh at someone else’s map just because it is different from yours, just as you cannot blame people for a different skin color). Just because you think the other person is wrong doesn't mean that they actually are. The great Einstein showed that everything is relative. Truth is no exception. In the time of Ptolemy, the rotation of the Sun around the Earth was the truth for all scientists, however, later Copernicus proved the opposite. Moral truths are even more changeable, because of which so many copies are broken. A person who bought three jeans for thirty rubles in the Soviet Union and sold them for a hundred automatically became a criminal (article “Speculation”), and in modern times he could only be congratulated on a successful commercial deal. Therefore, do not rush to correct, condemn and remake other people. Remember the biblical parable about the man who noticed a speck in his neighbor's eye, but did not want to see the beam in his own organ of vision.

If you have the opportunity to help people (without harming yourself, or if it costs you little) - do not miss this opportunity!!! You won't miss putting money at favorable interest rates, will you? So why do you so often miss the opportunity to “invest” positive emotions and a sense of trust into interpersonal relationships, which will then be returned to you with the trinity?? Remember: a person is an amplifier of emotions. It equally powerfully enhances both joy and anger. If someone has done good to you, feel that joy, enhance it, and then pass it on to someone else. This relay of kindness and joy will return to you at an unexpected time (perhaps at a decisive moment in life, when you feel really bad). And vice versa, having received black evil energy from another, throw it on the ground, flush it down the toilet, send it into space, and then you will not get this boomerang back.

Types of ethical standards

The basic principles of communication are divided into mandatory and recommended. The first includes the famous medical concept - “do no harm.” In order for communication to be mutually pleasant and effective, you should not resort to insults when there are differences in points of view, or humiliate your opponent. It is necessary to exclude such behavioral tactics as harshness and rudeness from interpersonal relationships. To interact well with people, it is helpful to maintain self-esteem, modesty, and respect for others. The connection between ethical standards and motives for communication is quite obvious:

  1. Emotionally positive motives include bringing joy, satisfying the interlocutor’s need for respect, understanding and love, as well as interest.
  2. Neutral motives are often the goals of information transfer.
  3. Emotionally negative ones include indignation at an ignoble act and an expression of anger at the unfair outcome of a situation.

All these motives are inextricably linked with high internal moral standards. It is worth noting that actions dressed in an ethical form, but caused by low motives (to deceive, condemn, etc.) are not ethical.

Ethical standards and the consequences of non-compliance

When the ethical principles of verbal communication are absent or partially observed, this can manifest itself in human rudeness, insult, and opposition to others. Indecent behavioral manners are expressed in the condemnation of actions unacceptable for any individual, and the widespread imposition of one’s own opinion. This can lead to misunderstandings and damage on the part of the two parties involved. It is noteworthy that a highly moral person, driven by ethical motives, experiences discomfort not only when he involuntarily does something wrong, but also when he sees negative manifestations around him. Failure to comply with basic norms of behavior in communication can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts and even a breakdown in relationships between participants in communication.

For a full analysis of the psychology of communication, I recommend:

Mini training - how to learn to communicate correctly. Pride. We remove obstacles on the path to mutual understanding. Loneliness. Replace isolation from the world with the joy of communication. 17 reasons for conflicts in communication. Analysis, management and conversation management. Love. What is true love.

Business Communication and Ethics

Along with the general principles of communication, we can highlight ethical standards that relate exclusively to the business world. The main feature of contacts in a business environment is the presence of many formalities. As for moral standards, they are the same for all spheres of communication.

Any organization needs to strive to improve behavioral principles: developing ethical standards, creating special commissions for training and instilling good manners in employees. Thanks to this, the moral atmosphere of the entire enterprise will improve, which will lead to increased loyalty of employees, the implementation of the right moral choice when making decisions, and strengthening the reputation of the company.

Despite the importance of cultural behavior, there is no absolute criterion and no person playing the role of the highest judge and preacher of the ultimate truth. If you want to live in a highly moral society, start with yourself: praise others, and make complaints about yourself. Don’t dwell on your employees’ failures, but learn from your mistakes.

Watch your behavior, and then you will see how the world will change for the better. The basic norms and principles of communication in the field of business relationships cover not only interpersonal connections, but also the vertical of office contacts, for example, “subordinate-manager”. And also horizontal - the relationship between two employees with the same position.

The basics of ethical standards and rules are necessary in all areas of life, be it communication with friends, colleagues, or family. These simple rules of interaction help to build harmonious relationships with people; you can always count on outside support, since those around you want to do business with a well-mannered and tactful person.

In order to cultivate spiritual traits in society and preserve the moral heritage, one should first of all pay attention to oneself. If each person makes a small contribution to the ethical development of the world, then it will certainly change for the better.

More about business communication

There are several principles and rules of communication in a business environment, adherence to which will make your interaction with colleagues and partners more successful:

  1. The ability to empathize and put oneself in another person’s place, that is, empathy.
  2. Acceptance of another employee, regardless of his goals and views, showing goodwill.
  3. Preserving your individuality when communicating with other people, that is, authenticity.
  4. The ability to clearly express your thoughts and answer questions honestly, to be specific.
  5. The courage to make decisions, to offer your own options for getting out of the situation - initiative.
  6. Directness in actions and words, that is, spontaneity.
  7. The belief that sincere relationships improve interactions between people - openness.
  8. The ability to express your thoughts and emotions. Accepting emotional expressions from people around you. The ability not to hurt their feelings.
  9. The ability to extract experience from various life situations, to soberly perceive criticism, but to be the author of one’s own assessment of oneself (self-knowledge).
  10. Willingness to provide assistance at any time, high degree of involvement in the situation.
  11. Responsibility for your decisions and actions.

Well, let's put everything on the shelves

The fundamental principles of the psychology of communicating with people are a framework, a harmonious structure that gives a visual map of what is happening and what to fix in order to communicate correctly with people. These are natural mechanisms that shape our communication, and not speech techniques of persuasion, argument or manipulation. Such a comprehensive approach to the psychology of communication helps you independently understand how to communicate and speak correctly with any people, taking into account the basics of communication and the uniqueness of each person.

Each principle should be applied first to yourself (!), and then to your interlocutor.

Independence /self-sufficiency shows how self-valued, emotionally and energetically independent and integral you are. Can you not “catch on”, not “fail”, not be tied to your interlocutor.

Conflict . In any interaction between mature people, their desires are present, and as long as the communication is in the zone of common interests, everything goes smoothly. Why do you communicate, what do you want and don’t want? Are you expecting? What are your claims, conditions? What do you do in a conflict situation - how do you conflict?

Comfort . How comfortable and good do you feel? What can you do to make it more comfortable? How long are you willing to endure discomfort? What prevents you from relaxing?

Expression of emotions and feelings . Stiffness, shyness, timidity, and uncertainty extinguish your emotions and, as a result, communication is deprived of richness, fluidity, naturalness and pleasure. The chapter “How to Control Your Emotions” provides recommendations for dealing with these issues.

Respect, care, love . A careful and caring attitude towards your own resources - integrity, body, energy, business, money and as a person in general.

Interest, curiosity . By showing sincere interest in your interlocutor, you give him the opportunity to tell and talk to you. First of all, look for and focus on the good in people.

Sincerity, openness . It makes sense to say what is, but be careful, because the truth can cause harm. With openness, there are nuances in business relationships, but close relationships without attunement, openness and soul-to-soul contact wither and lose all meaning.

Adoption . The life of every person is a vessel of his individuality. The human environment makes it possible for different worlds, embodied in the body, to interact in a single space. Acceptance, or rather the perception of another person without involving, following or resisting his positions, aspirations, limitations. The higher the level of independence, the easier it is to accept another person as he is, while remaining completely himself.

Complementarity . It is very productive for development to communicate with people with different strengths from yours.

Compatibility . Sometimes normal people have strong conflicts, not because of irreconcilable ideological fanaticism (apple-pc, iphone-android, bmw-mercedes, Christianity-Buddhism, meat-eaters-vegans, punctual-slobs), but because of the structural incompatibility of energy and characters.

Silence . Learn to maintain your own space of peace and non-involvement in conversation. To be centered and be “here and now”, and not just in emotions, images and words. Working with emotions and practicing meditation helps a lot.

Dynamics, distance . Any communication has a pattern of relationships, with the exception of “fellow travelers on the train”). This determines the communication distance and the “rules of the game.” This is a big topic discussed in “The Psychology of Relationships.”

Implementation, problem solving . Communication is not just a pleasant conversation, it is also a help to the cause. How much communication situations contribute to solving specific life problems - connections, ideas, knowledge, understanding, energy. The features of life tasks will determine the specifics of communication - a person with teaching tasks will implicitly teach something, a person with power tasks will also implicitly command, agitate or hold positions at any cost, a person with sex tasks will bring pleasure, etc.

Basic qualities of a business person

You can also highlight the basic principles of effective communication that every business person should have. These include:

  • work activity – creativity, initiative, love of work, diligence, ability to accept responsibility;
  • sociability, friendliness, sensitivity and politeness towards people;
  • in relation to oneself - modesty, self-discipline and the ability to self-criticize.

Psychological properties important for business communication include the following:

  • high but adequate self-esteem;
  • creative potential;
  • the ability to quickly make adequate and effective decisions;
  • the ability to speak to people in their language, insight;
  • the ability to make and maintain useful business contacts;
  • a useful habit of keeping your word;
  • the ability to complete the work started;
  • the ability to connect with people, hard work and resilience.

The following social skills are also required to survive in the business world:

  • insight that will help you feel the situation and, based on it, establish contact;
  • stimulate the partner’s speech activity;
  • the ability to psychologically accurately determine the end point of communication;
  • correctly predict your partner’s reaction;
  • keep the initiative of the conversation in your hands, but at the same time tune in to the emotional tone of the interlocutor;
  • provoke the emotional reactions you want from your partner;
  • be able to overcome psychological barriers;
  • correspond to the emotional state of the interlocutor or business partner;
  • set goals and achieve them through mobilization.

Definition of Effective Communication

Communication is the process of transferring information between people using various methods. Depending on the selected data sending channel, it can be:

  • verbal;
  • pictographic;
  • non-verbal;
  • spatial-symbolic;
  • written.

Communication can be called effective when the two parties understand each other perfectly. Moreover, even the use of one language does not guarantee that the information received will be perceived correctly.

Effective communication makes it possible to minimize cases of loss of meaning when transmitting data. To strengthen friendships or marriage bonds, run a successful business, or build a personal life, you need to learn to communicate and constantly develop this skill.

Even animals have the simplest exchange of information, but only in humans this process has been brought to perfection. Sign and spoken speech were gradually supplemented by written, figurative, and pictographic methods. As a result, communication has become more complex, it has become more difficult for the two parties to understand each other, and communication has become the object of numerous studies.

The information transfer process consists of 5 elements:

  1. The one who shares data (communicator).
  2. The message itself and its essence.
  3. The method that was chosen to send the information.
  4. Recipient, audience or recipient of data.
  5. The resulting stage at which conclusions are drawn about the success of communication. They move on to it only if the previous four have taken place.

Why do we need business ethics?

If we talk about business ethics and ethics in general, we cannot help but pay attention to and discuss the topic of speech culture.

Knowledge of psychology and the rules of communication plays a significant role in building business relationships, as well as in the interaction of colleagues and work partners. If you have an idea of ​​how to behave in a given environment, then, most likely, you will avoid many of the mistakes that are common to entrepreneurs. In order for your business to be successful, you need to thoroughly study the characteristics of the personal qualities that are necessary for management activities. Patterns of human behavior, opportunities for developing entrepreneurial potential, the psychology of working relationships, as well as technology for the survival of a business person in a competitive environment.

The subject of the study of ethics is the motives of a person’s actions, character and actions. In the business sphere, these are relationships between partners, as well as the reasons for success or lack thereof in personal activities.


At first glance, it may seem that in ordinary life careful adherence to the norms of decency is not so important, that only active people are faced with ethics and principles of communication, in particular. But sooner or later the understanding comes that a successful conversation and pleasure from it is impossible without observing the basics of ethics. The key point when communicating is maintaining parity, that is, accepting your partner’s interests, recognizing your equality to each other and maintaining a relaxed and easy atmosphere. Oddly enough, every person does not immediately realize the rule of parity - for some, the awareness of the need for this principle comes in childhood and is laid down by their parents, while for others they have to figure everything out with their own mind. The moral and ethical principles that a person observes are a litmus test of his unique qualities and level of development. They are the basis for the manner of speech, attitude towards opponents and interlocutors, and the key needs that are inherent in a particular person.

Components of moral health and principles of pedagogical communication

In the formation of the above principles, the main role is played by the so-called components of moral health, namely moral beliefs, traits, habits, abilities and actions. If for some reason a person has a high cultural level, then he is more likely to struggle with his negative inclinations, which will certainly affect the quality of his contacts with other people. Humanity is the main motive inherent in a person who observes ethical standards. Such a subject empathizes, sympathizes, shows kindness, mercy and decency. A person who interacts with a humane person feels significant and important to the interlocutor.

The basic rules and principles of communication include:

  • showing mutual respect for each other;
  • democratization and humanization of relations;
  • tolerance, social justice and tolerance;
  • objective and unbiased attitude towards the interlocutor;
  • respecting boundaries and recognizing the personal dignity of each person;
  • honesty in relationships;
  • acceptance and understanding of the interests of the interlocutor.

If you begin to regularly use these simple norms and principles of communication with children and adults, you will soon notice how your level of interpersonal interaction has increased. You will also learn to better understand people and play out scenarios of possible developments in your head.

Techniques for effective business communication

Here are a number of techniques for effective business communication:

  • A comfortable, pleasant environment is important.
  • It is better to give the beginning of the conversation to the interlocutor.
  • You should not interrupt your opponent, even if it seems that he is wrong. It’s better to let him speak out to the end.
  • Use the technique of partially repeating the words of your interlocutor to show your interest in the dialogue and find out whether you correctly understood what was said.
  • If you disagree with a proposal, put forward an alternative, supporting it with effective but clear arguments. Ideally, there will be examples that prove that your approach is successful.
  • Don't forget to summarize when ending the meeting. The main thing needs to be emphasized.
  • Whatever the outcome, thank the other party and offer to continue the dialogue in the future.

Means of non-verbal communication are also important:

  • Pose. Open, i.e. one where there are no crossed legs or arms, the whole body expresses goodwill and sincerity. When the other person says something, lean slightly towards him. Nod occasionally; such a gesture does not mean agreement, it indicates acceptance and attention.
  • Rate and volume of speech, diction. Do not waste your words; it is optimal to pronounce 120 words per minute. Check if you can be heard well.
  • Appearance . Carelessness, sloppiness, and inaccuracy sometimes indicate disrespect for the interlocutor.
  • Gesticulation and facial expressions. Try to “mirror” your opponent in order to win him over and inspire frankness and trust. To do this, discreetly copy the facial expressions and gestures of your interlocutor, avoiding parody.
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