1.4.3. Versatile and harmonious development of personality as the goal of education

The article explains:

  1. Description of a harmonious personality
  2. Qualities of harmonious and disharmonious personalities
  3. Factors that interfere with the harmonious development of personality
  4. 5 steps to a harmonious personality

Many people would like to say to themselves that they are a harmonious person, but not everyone is able to do this. It is often believed that living in harmony with oneself and the world is an unattainable dream that takes many years to achieve. Indeed, this path takes different amounts of time for everyone, but anyone can make their dream come true.

To get closer to harmony in your own life, you need to realize what is stopping you now and what you want in the end. In our article we will tell you how to become a harmonious person, what problems need to be solved and what steps will bring you closer to this goal.

Harmonious personality: distinctive features and ways to achieve

The article says:
Many would like to say to themselves that they are a harmonious person, but not everyone is able to do this. It is often believed that living in harmony with oneself and the world is an unattainable dream that takes many years to achieve. Indeed, this path takes different amounts of time for everyone, but anyone can make their dream come true.

To get closer to harmony in your own life, you need to realize what is stopping you now and what you want in the end. In our article we will tell you how to become a harmonious person, what problems need to be solved and what steps will bring you closer to this goal.

Criticism of personal training programs

Unfortunately, for residents of Russia, training practices are the latest discovery, and accordingly, they raise doubts in the eyes of people. Why is this happening? The answer is quite simple; it is always difficult for a person to believe in promises from the outside until he himself sees a clear result.

The main problem of the trainings was human laziness. The trainer is able to put knowledge and motivation into the heads of listeners, but the achievement of their goals will depend only on their independent work. No matter how much the coach tries to convey to the listener the need for certain actions, until the listener himself tries to implement them, changes will not come. This is where criticism of training comes from. Many people who come to them expect instant changes, but they don’t always get them, because they don’t want to put in much effort or effort.

The positive outcome and benefits of personal growth training will only come when the participants themselves begin to apply their own efforts to achieve them.

Description of a harmonious personality

Every person has the desire to achieve internal balance, balance in the physical, social and spiritual areas of life. The harmonious coexistence of all these aspects is the direct path to happiness.

The ability to ensure harmony between soul and mind, to live without internal and external conflicts, determines the quality of a person, which we call harmony.

A harmoniously developed personality is characterized by ingenuousness, directness and calmness. Behavior directly corresponds to experienced feelings, sincere and sincere. A harmonious person does not wear a mask and always says what he thinks. She will never enter into open confrontation; instead, she will try to understand the reasons for what is happening.

A harmoniously developed personality relies on its knowledge, conclusions, life experience and feelings. It is distinguished by the belief that using one’s internal resources, a person is able to achieve positive changes, first of all, in himself. And he considers this more important than external changes. She is confident in this because she herself made it possible, gained inner value, freedom, self-love.

A harmoniously developed person always has a choice: how to react, what to do, what to participate in. Priorities are focused on health and opportunities, judgment and conflict are excluded. A harmonious person will never be drawn into any situation against his will.

She is always emotionally balanced, calm and in good health. She is interested in a healthy lifestyle and her development in various directions. She does not pursue recognition and power, she shows herself only where she is interested and achieves goals that are important exclusively to her. A harmonious personality does not live in dreams and fantasies, but stands firmly on its feet in reality.

It is not in her nature to wait and hope, so she cannot be unsettled by unexpected results or unpredictable consequences. This is because a harmonious person does not seek the meaning of life, but simply lives and does what he considers necessary. Despite her sociability, she will never continue communication that is not interesting to her and will never stay in the company if she feels uncomfortable. Loneliness does not cause suffering for a harmonious personality; rather, on the contrary, she knows how to enjoy it.

Examples of a disharmoniously developed personality

Description of the problemMain contradictions
A person leads a frankly delinquent lifestyle: he steals, hooligans, etc.The contradiction between the individual and society
The person has too many conflicts at work. He is very sociable, but communication too often results in open confrontation: with scandal, intrigue, and so on. Contradiction between orientation and character: the tendency to communicate and work activity of the “Man-Man” type is superimposed on a bad, misanthropic character (negative attitude towards others).
Everyone tells a person that he has outstanding abilities, he will go far, etc. However, everything he undertakes ends in nothing. Fluctuations in self-esteem, broken promises, etc. Contradiction between abilities and character: high abilities are not realized due to the fact that a person has a negative attitude towards any work - work seems to him an unworthy occupation.
A person really likes to communicate, but he doesn’t know how: he constantly gets into trouble, makes a fool of himself, reveals other people’s secrets, etc.Contradiction between orientation (like communication) and abilities (low communicative competence).
A person who has been practicing medicine for a year (and quite willingly), but whose qualifications are very low, often makes fatal mistakes.Contradiction within the orientation: inclinations towards medicine are not supported by interests in it.
A person has problems with communication: he likes to “stab the truth in the eyes of others.” Every time I get very worried about this. Contradiction within character: a person simultaneously loves the truth and is afraid of injuring others.
A person is very worried about the fact that he cannot realize his technical abilities due to poor health.Contradiction within abilities.

Factors that interfere with the harmonious development of personality

It sounds paradoxical, but it is the relationships we enter into that can prevent us from finding inner harmony and experiencing genuine happiness.

The meeting of two people, each of whom has their own experience and life values, leads to an inevitable collision of their internal spaces. Over time, they merge: we share emotions and experiences with each other, share the feelings of our partner, get acquainted with his environment, provide a place in ours, implement joint plans, build ideas for a common future.

If one day it happens that he leaves our lives, then what will we have left? Pain, disappointment, resentment? Will life have the same colors with which it was saturated before this meeting? Will we be able to stay on our feet and get back on track, wanting to create and create? Or will we hit ourselves painfully, falling under the pressure of our negative emotions, and wait until someone picks us up?

A harmonious personality will never allow feelings to take over their mind, no matter how strong and bright they may be. She strives to preserve her inner world from the possibility of being broken even by a loved one, and will always find a way to recover after a loss on her own.

Discussions about the existence of a comfort zone and ways to get out of it have now become very popular and fashionable. And the goal that encourages you to take such a step is to gain self-confidence and improve your quality of life.

Secrets of the subconscious. Why is fear needed and how to overcome it?

Any psychologist today will tell us that leaving your comfort zone is not only possible, but also necessary. The most important thing is to do this thoughtfully, calculating every step you take. First of all, you need to determine the boundaries of this zone, understand what is simply unusual for you, and what seems strange, unnatural or unacceptable. In this case, by leaving your comfort zone, you are dooming yourself to a test. And this is difficult even for people who are not complex.

Overcoming yourself and your fears is actually necessary so that you can always stay in the rhythm of life. But at the same time, it is very important to understand the goals for which you are ready to do this, assess possible risks and predict losses. Otherwise, regularly exposing yourself to such violent actions, you will simply “break” and lose your life guidelines.

Very often we present ourselves as who not only those around us want to see us, but also ourselves. This is nothing more than real self-deception. Why is it so difficult for most people to remain themselves?

A person is always attracted by the success and appearance of other people, causing the need to have what someone else has. Envy and the desire to be like another, more prosperous person follow us on our heels. It’s normal when there is a certain ideal that you want to imitate, adopt useful habits, and look for ways to achieve the same success. But at the same time, it is very important not to lose your identity and purpose.

You get angry when you see that someone lives better than you, earns more, has a more attractive appearance. You resent a life that has deprived you of the same opportunities. But this is not so. Your destiny entirely belongs and depends on you.

Complaining that everything is bad for you while others are doing well will not help you achieve your own ideal. You need to enjoy everything that surrounds you and what you do. Then you will understand that you are walking the road leading to happiness.

A person needs to be able to dream, set goals for himself, strive for them - without this, internal growth and harmonious development of the individual are impossible. It is thanks to desires that we are able to realize our full potential for their implementation.

Everyone’s dreams are different, but only one thing unites us: the moment of fulfillment of our cherished desires. Oh, this feeling of euphoria and pleasure - I finally got what I so desperately wanted and strived for. Now we are happy, but what then?

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There comes a time when a completed dream loses its value for us. What we tried so hard to achieve suddenly becomes familiar, mundane, and even boring. We feel satisfied, but not happy - and again we begin to desire. And so in a circle - again and again - we fight for the implementation of our ideas, we wait for the fulfillment of a dream that will instantly change our lives for the better, we worry when obstacles arise along the way.

And now another dream comes true! But for some reason the feeling of happiness was not achieved again. The problem is that we cannot maintain this state within ourselves, we do not know how to enjoy the present moment, we do not appreciate the moments that bring joy. And we always want more and more, living our lives in an endless pursuit of a dream.

Does a person need harmony in life?

Greetings, dear readers. How do you feel when you hear the word “harmony”? Personally, calmness, serenity, peace. I am familiar with these emotions and they fill my life. Harmony in life - what is it? People want to find it, but not everyone understands what it is. Everyone has some kind of association with this concept, but no one can explain it for sure. Is it possible to achieve something that you are not even familiar with? Therefore, I want to talk about such an amazing thing as harmony in life, because without it the path of self-development is impossible. This article is for those who strive for self-improvement.

In today's world, we play many roles in life. We are entrusted with so many duties and responsibilities that we simply forget about ourselves. We constantly “need” something and so rarely remember our own “want”. We all walk on the same earth, the same sun shines on us all, but why is one person happy and the other unsuccessful? I will try to explain to you why this happens.

What is harmony

Harmony in life is the sure path to perfection. It is the pursuit of the best, balance and happiness. Since all these concepts are subjective and for each person they are presented in their own way, the main criterion is mental satisfaction and peace. If you ask two people for advice on how to achieve harmony, they will be completely different. One will say, live in harmony with the lunar calendar, while the other will not pay attention to minor problems.

This is an internal state in which a person knows who he is, why he came into this world and how to live this life. A person devotes the same amount of energy and attention to every area of ​​his life. For example, if he devotes himself only to work. Eternal delays, poor nutrition, does not devote time to his personal life. The result is that he succeeds in his career, but his health suffers and his spiritual development is limited. There is no need to even doubt that harmony makes life feel complete and whole.

The problem of disharmony

It is also important to know about the characteristic manifestations of a disharmonious personality:

  • isolation;
  • disturbances in the emotional sphere;
  • unmotivated aggression;
  • behavioral problems;
  • suspiciousness;
  • presence of doubts and fears.

The presence of the above character traits leads to the development of inadequate self-esteem.

In disharmonious individuals, conscious life and unconscious affects interfere with normal life and personality development. There is an intrapersonal conflict, which leads to the inability to make correct decisions and respond adequately to them even in elementary situations. Both external and internal conditions can influence the development of such conflicts.

  1. External ones are characterized by the inability to satisfy deeply significant motives. A person experiences a contradiction between his desire and what he can actually do. It is important to decide on life priorities. Sometimes it won’t be superfluous to visit a psychologist or psychotherapist, because the problem may be hidden deeply, for example, the presence of childhood psychotrauma is possible.
  2. Internal ones may include subjective unsolvability, the problematic nature of the situation that has arisen. Such an intrapersonal conflict can be resolved only if the individual changes his attitude to a particular case, and he develops new motives that allow him to return to normal life activities.

Male and female perception of harmony

Eidetic memory - what does it mean in psychology, examples

Important! Differences in the understanding of personal balance between men and women can be explained by the characteristics of male and female nature and worldview. So, for men, personality consistency is, first of all, mutual understanding with the world and immediate environment. A man feels harmony if he has achieved success in his career, feels useful to society, i.e. For him, external harmony is of greater importance.

For women, intrapersonal consistency comes to the fore, that is, the internal aspect of this concept. Family happiness, mutual understanding with their husband, the health of the child, the opportunity to create home comfort, and engage in creativity are important to them.

If in men's understanding of harmoniously developing relationships, connections with friends are put in first place, then for women, relationships in the family are paramount. The more friends a man has, the more comfortable he feels in the company. A woman feels comfortable having 1-2 time-tested friends.

For a man, a family idyll is the knowledge that his wife, children and a hot dinner are always waiting for him at home. A harmonious family is one where the man earns money, and the woman raises children and creates comfort at home. For a woman, an idyll in the family is the help and support of her husband, his participation in raising children.

How to deal with negative emotions

It has been scientifically proven that negative emotions cause great harm to the body. A person who is constantly stressed runs the risk of developing diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. The following methods can be used to combat negative emotions:

Physical activity.

Running, swimming, cycling, walking - all this helps to get rid of bad thoughts.

Watching comedies will help bring a smile. And laughter and negative emotions are incompatible.

Complete rest

If a person does not get enough sleep, then he is usually irritable and aggressive. It is impossible to find harmony in such a state. In order to get enough sleep, you need to sleep 8 hours a day.


Communication with nature is calming. The singing of birds, the sound of the wind, the rustling of trees help you relax and not think about bad things. If this does not have an effect, you can shout loudly and stomp your feet. There will be a release of negative energy, and positive emotions will be provided.

Keep a diary

It is very useful to pour out your thoughts on paper, describing your experiences in detail. Psychologists recommend writing out the situation that worries you several times and re-reading what you have written. An outside perspective helps to devalue experiences, and negative emotions will go away on their own.


Using meditation to calm yourself is a very effective technique. Pleasant, relaxing music and a cozy atmosphere help you to tune in to a positive mood - you just need to learn to relax.

Ways to change your life

No stops on the way to your dream

Each person has his own cherished dream and each of us knows what he wants. But always, on the way to our dream, certain circumstances arise that block and create various obstacles. Most people tend to resign themselves to this situation, give up and stop on their way.

But those people who did not despair and were not disappointed, did not give up and continued on the path to fulfill their cherished dream, always invariably achieve their goals. They are fully aware of what they are trying for and this gives them additional strength and resources. It should be remembered that initially we are all born winners.

Avoiding negative personalities

We are greatly influenced by our environment. For example, negative people are characterized by their constant whining. They can easily shift their problems onto the people around them, onto all those who are at least a little ready to communicate with them.

But it should be remembered that each person has a number of his own tasks that he needs to complete for his personal success. And if he wastes time on another and solving his problems, then he will simply waste his strength, energy and time on a stranger.

Probably everyone has noticed at least once among their acquaintances such a person, whose thoughts negatively reflected on ourselves. With such people, it is best to limit all communication altogether or completely abandon it. Usually, this is very difficult to do at first, but put yourself before choosing what is best for you? Relationships with a negative, even good person, or a happy and successful life.

You should communicate more with positively minded people, look for new acquaintances who have such qualities. They can very easily charge you with positive energy, which, as a rule, can be directed to solving your personal problems. Try to make acquaintances with people with whom you have common interests.

Learning to give love

Never change your loved ones to suit yourself and give them your love selflessly. It is very important to love not for some qualities or achievements, but just like that. A person who loves usually does not notice any shortcomings in the object of his love, and therefore the question of changing character or habits never arises.

If you suddenly begin to notice that your partner has begun to act in a way that you do not want at all, then you need to understand the actions of your significant other, figure out what exactly is happening to him, in order to understand your family life in order to avoid any more major unpleasant moments.

Towards everything new

Novelty can bring bright sensations and colors into our lives, and can overcome our growth above ourselves, since our stereotypes and various prejudices sometimes prevent us from learning everything new.

One-day, repetitive, routine tasks can lead to degradation of the human brain. It will be more and more difficult for such a person to master new skills every year. In the end, this may end in the fact that a still quite young man can turn into a decrepit seventy-year-old man who is hostile to any new action. Such people are unable to even turn on the “Start” button on the microwave oven.

New chances

If a person begins to think something like this: “What would I do if this day were my last in life, what goals and desires would I realize first?”, then the psychology of life becomes very simple. It is very important not to waste your time, but to be aware of your interests and aspirations. Since life is given to a person once, it is necessary to learn to appreciate it.

It is clear that it is very difficult to start dramatically changing your life. First of all, you need to try to learn to enjoy your work or your own family, you need to extract the maximum benefit from life experience and then begin to change everything for the better, to reach ever greater heights.

You need to change your life gradually, introducing more and more new rules into it, completely changing yourself, try to make big changes in your life, with your relationships.

Gradually, any person is able to build his own picture of the world and finally become a completely happy and successful person.

Ability to draw boundaries.

A person should value his personal space. Those around you need to make it clear that there are certain boundaries, and the ability to say a polite but firm “no” makes life much easier. There is no need to wear a mask trying to please others. Being “generous”, “kind” for someone and to the detriment of oneself is extremely undesirable; it destroys one’s personality and tears off pieces from it. While appreciating your own boundaries, you should not forget about respect for the personal space of other people.

Showing emotions.

Often people hide their emotions, fears and doubts within themselves, fearing that others will accuse them of weakness or laugh at them. Such complexes are imposed in childhood by parents, teachers, cultural or religious characteristics. In fact, emotions need to be released, just do it without causing discomfort to others.

The ability to enjoy even the little things.

Joy and pleasant excitement over a small occasion does not mean that there should not be positive events on a large scale in life

Both big and small are important. A healthy person glows with happiness not only from buying a new car, but also because a rainbow came out after the rain or long-awaited flowers bloomed at their summer cottage. The very opportunity to live should make a person happy.

Healthy humor.

Humor that helps you live is the complete opposite of black humor, sarcasm and “below the plinth” humor. What an individual laughs at should not hurt the feelings of others or degrade their dignity.

Conscious consciousness.

A balanced person is clearly aware of his actions. He also sees the motives behind other people's actions. Knowing the real picture of what is happening, a person can reasonably assess the situation and not accumulate negativity

It is very important not to forgive everyone and everything, but to see the essence and not allow resentment into the heart. The better a person knows himself, the more depth he finds in the actions of others.

Life harmony.

A healthy person does not go to extremes, calling himself a pessimist or an optimist, he is a realist. A person developed in the right direction knows that there is evil and good, beautiful and disgusting in the world. Such a person calmly reacts to failures and, of course, rejoices at successes. After a storm, the sun always comes out, so why worry about it?

Calm perception of novelty.

In the course of life, a person’s views, tastes, aspirations and even principles of life may change. There is no need to view the new as a betrayal of the past. Everything flows, everything changes, and, therefore, the personality must develop along with its internal components.

How to live in harmony

Before you think about how to live in harmony with the universe, you need to understand yourself. A person with internal conflict, mental confusion, is alien and not adequate to the world around him. He does not receive energy from the universe, and moreover, she considers him a sick cell that needs to be gotten rid of so as not to infect others. Therefore, such a person has a lot of problems and success bypasses him. When a person can overcome the house within himself, balance in everything else will not be long in coming. The world will become like a caring parent and will give positive energy to your life.

Living in harmony is not that difficult, but it is damn nice. In this article I won't give you a list of specific actions, but I want to point out the important things. I believe that the main thing in this matter is awareness and understanding, and not strict adherence to some rules.

Egogram of your ego states.

Distribution of energy between 5 personality ego states. Let's say you compiled an egogram of the ego states of your personality and you got one similar to the one shown in the figure.

We recently did similar work together with the participants of the Saturday group on changing the Life Scenario. Each group member compiled his own egogram under the guidance of 2 psychologists.

We see that in this personality structure, the greatest amount of energy falls on the ego states: Controlling (Critical) Parent (CR), Adaptive (Adapting) Child (AD) and Nurturant (Caring) Parent (BP).

And such ego-states of the personality structure as Free (Natural) Child (SD) and Adult (V) are less energetic.

This means that in this personality structure the most developed is the Parent, who often makes noise. The Adult principle (high demands on oneself and people, criticism), the Child is suppressed and obeys the rules (uncertainty), and the creative part of the personality (SD).

Of course, this egogram does not take into account the positive and negative aspects of ego states - then the histogram bars would not be 5 but 9. I usually do this kind of work together with my Clients, if there is a need for it.

The group members had a logical question about how one can change the personality structure without resorting to deep psychotherapeutic techniques based on new solutions therapy.

Development and harmonization of personality structure.

Considerable changes in life can be achieved on your own by consciously redistributing mental energy from overly developed ego states to “underdeveloped” parts of your personality.

The harmonization strategy is a problem-solving strategy for consciously cultivating previously ignored ego states.

How to find happiness

Work on yourself

A person cannot be born with personal qualities and with a ready-made character. All these skills are developed and come to him throughout life. Therefore, with sufficient motivation, we can completely change our lives for the better.

Those qualities, most of which are inherent to us, as a rule, are our habits. After all, we could not be punctual from birth, or, for example, we got used to being late everywhere, since this became the order of things for us, just as we were not born with fear of the public or of strangers. All these qualities were acquired by us throughout life.

Beauty secrets

Most people cannot find happiness because they are very unhappy with their appearance. You need to accept and love your own body as it is, because not every person may have an ideal appearance, but you don’t have to be upset about it. It just doesn't make sense. And even more so, you shouldn’t get discouraged because of this.

Think better about how you can correct imperfections, or how to skillfully learn to disguise them with the help of clothes or some accessories. Don't deprive yourself of joy and happiness just because your figure or image is not perfect. Most likely, the shortcomings of your figure are compensated by some positive traits in your character or in your existing talents.

Don't ignore the little things

Any little things need to be treated more carefully than we are used to thinking about them, since one single small mistake, which, as a rule, is not paid any attention to, can destroy a lot.

For example, these could be our dreams, plans and plans. Big quarrels usually occur over some little things. Any little thing is always part of something larger, just like, for example, in an illness - first there are minor symptoms, and only later a serious diagnosis is made.

It's okay to make mistakes

Any person understands that it is impossible not to make a single mistake in life. This is just unreal. Therefore, forgive yourself for them in advance and do not feel pangs of conscience.

Most likely, at that moment in life, under these circumstances, everything should have happened to you exactly as it happened. This was the most important decision at that time and it had its own meaning, even if we do not fully understand it.

If you think that at that moment you could have acted differently, completely differently, know that you could not!

Be conscious here and now

Life consists of past, present and future. The secret of happiness is quite simple - you need to live only for today, leaving all your grievances and troubles, misunderstandings and conflicts in the past.

If a person realizes the importance of his life at a given moment in time, this will make him more attentive, responsible and will allow him to significantly get rid of some worries of his past life. The past is just an experience that you need to accept and forgive both yourself and others for the mistakes and mistakes you have made.

In the future, we must constantly strive for better. The past can no longer be changed, but in the present you can lay the brick of your happy future. All in your hands.

World in harmony

According to happy people, for example, Buddhists, everything in the world is in its place: the movement of the sun, the change of day and night, the arrival of spring and winter. Everything is changeable, everything changes and is in harmony according to the laws of the Universe.

Such thoughts help a person to relax, to accept something inevitable, because it is very difficult to control everything, and there is no point in it.

Observe the beautiful, think calmly and in a positive way, this will provide you with a good life. Nervousness and haste will harm your life and reduce your work efficiency. Calmness is the highest power that helps a person in all life situations.

What is the harmony of human life and how to achieve it

What is harmony?

Regularly and universally using certain words and terms, we often don’t even think about their meaning. The life of a modern person can hardly be called harmonious, since everyday vanity and the burden of many problems make it difficult to realize the beauty and integrity of the world around us, and this is the essence of the concept of harmony.

Let us consider the meaning of the word “harmony” in more detail. In antiquity, the concept of “harmony” was studied by philosophers and thinkers, one of whom was Pythagoras. He put forward the idea of ​​harmony of spheres, which formed the basis of idealism and exists to this day in the new philosophy of Shaftesbury, Kepler, Giordano Bruno, Leibniz in a modified form.

Harmony was considered as the main feature of existence as a whole, as the orderliness of the Universe, opposing itself to chaos. So, if you follow the worldview of the Greeks of the ancient period, together with the terms “symmetry”, “order” and “measure”, harmony forms the basis of beauty.

Over the centuries, the meaning of the word harmony has changed, new adjustments have been made to it, and its connection with beauty has been interpreted differently. Already in the aesthetics of the Renaissance, harmony began to be considered not only the main feature, but also an inexhaustible source for creativity.

Modern theorists describe harmony as the unity of sometimes opposing, contradictory elements or entities.

Harmony in our lives

What is the secret of a harmonious person?

Let's try to move from theory to practice and understand how much harmony means in the life of a modern man or woman and where to look for it. Why do people with inner harmony more often achieve success in life and quickly find contact with others?

Personality harmonization occurs in stages. It takes years to form a harmonious, balanced human personality, and not everyone eventually comprehends the essence of harmony, even having achieved impressive results in understanding this state. Harmony can be internal and external.

Inner harmony manifests itself in a person when he clearly understands what he wants in his soul. If you think about the inner world of a harmonious person, then it is not disturbed by internal disagreements and contradictions; he lives and acts according to his inner convictions. A harmonious person is one whose emotional, spiritual, intellectual and physical components are in complete balance and do not contradict each other. The secret of a person who has revealed his inner harmony is simple: he does not allow himself to be carried away by bad thoughts, and drives away anxiety and sadness, i.e. he is simply happy accepting himself as he is. This attitude allows him to achieve success and prosperity.

Every person dreams of success in life, one way or another. In any society, a person’s success is judged by three main criteria:

Does the person consider himself successful?

What goals did he manage to achieve in life?

Harmonious relationships between people in society

“To be in harmony with others, you need to be in harmony with yourself.” – Martin Gray

If we consider that internal harmony is directly related to the success in the life of each individual, can we consider people who have risen high up the career ladder and have power to be harmonious?

A harmonious life gives a feeling of satisfaction from the fact that a person is the creator of his own destiny and leads a full life, rich in pleasant events. The first rule for achieving harmonious relationships with other people is to treat them the way you want them to treat you. Not everyone can be independent from the opinions of others, confident in their own abilities, motivated by a clearly set goal and at the same time have strict self-control, but this approach helps to achieve success through harmony with oneself and the people around.

Understanding harmony occurs differently in men and women. Both men and women sometimes commit actions that contradict their inner beliefs, which creates an internal imbalance. In search of a solution that would smooth out this imbalance or get rid of it altogether, many resort to spiritual practices or seek harmony in the family, surrounding themselves with close, loving people. In the relationship between a man and a woman, harmony is also achieved due to their differences, both internal and external.

The main signs of a harmonious woman:

The ability to create a sense of order around oneself, to surround loved ones with care and love.

A combination of inner and outer beauty.

Balance in relationships with parents and employees at work.

The ability to be flexible and adapt to the situation.

The ability to create and create.

Purity and chastity.

The main signs of a harmonious man:

Confidence in yourself and your actions.

Knowing how to be sincere and grateful.

Showing generosity and at the same time restraint in relationships with loved ones.

Respect for others, their tastes and preferences.

Resilience and strength of character.

The ability to be patient and sometimes even sensitive towards a child and wife.

“There is harmony. the relationship of qualitative differences and, moreover, the totality of such differences, as it finds its basis in the essence of the thing itself.” – G.V.F. Hegel

Harmony cannot be achieved in one day; this internal state arises in a person’s life thanks to the ability to live for today, love oneself and be honest with oneself and others. Each person has his own path to achieving harmony, which is no less important and valuable than the goal itself - achieving internal balance in relationships with oneself and the world around us.

How to achieve harmony in yourself and in relationships with people?

There is probably no clear answer here. Everyone seeks inner harmony by their own means and methods. You can engage in self-development, create, take risky actions, or simply live for today.

The main thing in all these actions is that a feeling of happiness, freedom, peace fills a person to the brim and helps him move through life easily and energetically. Success and self-sufficiency are closely related to how fully a person was able to fill his life with harmony and order.

Changing lives for the better

Learning self-respect

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A happy life will be possible only when we recognize some of our characteristics and abilities, as well as a sense of the importance of our personality. You shouldn’t blindly repeat other people’s actions; you need to learn to discover your own potential, and also learn to use your abilities in life.

You can usually achieve incredible results if you have sufficiently high self-esteem. According to psychologists, it is very important to respect and love unconditionally, to accept your personality in everything in order to receive a response from the public.

A person who is insecure is unlikely to be able to reveal any of his specific qualities and talents, attract the attention of people around him, and also gain the respect of other people in society. Such a process directly depends on the internal state of a person, his own assessment.

Farewell to grievances

In order for happiness to follow you relentlessly, you need to learn to forgive all insults and disappointments. You need to look only forward and never regret what has already passed. The past is no more, it is gone forever. That's why it's the past, so you can never return to it again.

If someone offended you, forgive and move on; if suddenly you missed some good opportunity, forget about it. If you don't do this, there is a risk that you will miss an even better opportunity.

It is necessary to clearly understand that a person who carries resentment and disappointments in life will never become happy, since any experiences will corrode him from the inside. As a result, a person, as a rule, develops various diseases, and a bad mood is his constant and faithful companion.

Organizing your day correctly

It is very good if every person learns to properly organize their upcoming day. To do this, you should implement the habit of creating a plan for the next day in the evening.

This way it will be very easy to understand which things are most important to you and which ones are not so important. And most importantly, your energy will not be wasted on something that was not in your plans. Statistics show that the most successful people always carefully plan their next day in the evening.

Choosing a path

Each person always independently chooses his own path along which he intends to follow. If you feel unhappy, then you should admit that you are moving in the wrong direction and it is better to change this path.

You shouldn’t blame yourself for anything and look for various problems that will undoubtedly only destroy your life. Don't do any soul-searching. You are where you are, but you can change the situation and the place you will be in a year from now and in the future.


By giving you receive.

The law of receiving and giving energy says: “by receiving, you give” and “by giving, you receive” - this is the law of harmony of life.
HARMONY OF LIFE. Balance of “give” energy and “receive” energy in the flow of life.

However, for most of my Clients, the balance of receiving and giving energy is disturbed in one direction or another.

Your “get” energy prevails.

This pattern of thinking and behavior is characteristic of people subject to the “Everything for me” driver (at the expense of others). People with dominant "get" energy operate from the belief that all resources are limited and need to be obtained as soon as possible before others take them. This is the position of “lack and lack for me.”

Typical words:

  • "I can afford it".
  • “Come on, it’s cheaper.”
  • “In life you need to do everything.”
  • “I need to take care of myself first.”
  • "The others will wait."
  • "You need to live for yourself."

Your energy to “give” prevails.

This pattern of thinking and behavior is typical for people subject to the “Please others” driver (forget about yourself). People with a dominant “giving” energy operate from the belief that in order to receive love, one must first earn it by working for the benefit of others. But your own desires can wait. This is an “abundance for others” attitude.

Typical words:

  • "I can not afford it".
  • "I'll be patient."
  • "I don't need much."
  • “I’m used to being content with little.”
  • “You must first take care of your neighbor.”
  • "I live for others."

Harmony of life. How to “receive by giving.”

As you already understand, extreme options are disharmony.

Harmony is the middle path, the constant balancing of the energies of “giving” and “receiving”.

By blocking the flow of “receive” energy, sacrificing yourself for the sake of others, you simultaneously block the flow of “give” energy.

By blocking the flow of “give” energy, taking all resources for yourself out of fear of losing them,” you are also blocking the flow of “receiving.”


Enter the alpha state of consciousness using the Up, Close and Glue method and enjoy the silence within.

Imagine yourself standing at the center of the Universe with your palms extended forward. Let your right palm symbolize giving and your left palm symbolize receiving.

Imagine how the flow of energy from the Universe passes through your palms, mixing inside your body and exits through the top of your head in a single stream, going out into the Universe and returning to your palms again.

Say silently within yourself: “I easily give and receive, I am in one flow with the harmony of life.”

Open your eyes.

Read the best materials from a happiness psychologist on this topic!

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