1.4.3. Versatile and harmonious development of personality as the goal of education

A versatile personality is a person with abilities and interests from many areas of life. Being comprehensively developed is now prestigious and profitable. After all, people whose hobbies cover many areas, in addition to their narrow professional activities, have an expanded view of the world. This allows them to view problems and opportunities from different angles. Today, civilized societies and countries form the education system in such a way that the learning process contributes to cognition and acquisition of skills and knowledge from various fields.

How to become a well-rounded person

People, having graduated from school and higher or secondary educational institutions, find work and start a family. It’s good if the position you hold requires continuous development and further training. However, often a person performs the same duties for many years. Over time, life becomes narrowly focused: professional activity, family and communication with friends. And if a person stops being interested in new things and expanding his horizons, he risks becoming limited and, to some extent, boring, stuck in a routine existence and living according to the “Groundhog Day” scenario.

To transform from an ordinary person into an attractive and developed person, you need to make an effort and study information on how to become a well-rounded person.

You should engage in introspection and find out the strengths and weaknesses of your character, identify your abilities and talents, remember your childhood dreams and desires

This will help form a circle of interests for further development. It is worth paying attention to your close circle: friends, relatives, colleagues. Look at them from an objective perspective - are they versatile personalities? Of course, a negative answer is not yet a reason to stop communicating, but it is worth trying to find people who strive to learn and develop in the most dissimilar areas of life. Communication with an extraordinary person is a motivation to move forward and take action. To begin with, you can familiarize yourself with tips on how to become a well-rounded personality:

  • Spare no time and money on travel and go to new unknown places every year. It is preferable to travel not to lie on the beach and visit as many discos as possible, but to get acquainted with the cultural heritage of the country and the flavor of the local population. Thanks to such voyages, a person receives an unimaginable amount of new information and skills.

Don't waste time and money on traveling

  • Constantly explore the world . It doesn’t matter how: through books, feature films and documentaries, newspapers, new acquaintances. Make a list and, if the opportunity arises, start reading world classics or watching the next cinematic masterpiece.
  • Attend all kinds of events : courses, sections, trainings, seminars, exhibitions. Try yourself in unexpected areas: drawing, playing the guitar, learning Chinese, dancing, collecting, and so on. This will allow you to become a diversified creative person, develop favorite hobbies that reveal a different side of a person, and make interesting acquaintances.
  • Be open to new things , abandon habitual prejudices and look at the world differently, through someone else's eyes. Even if something at first seems unattractive and not worthy of attention, it is worth getting to know it and evaluate it differently. For example, listen to music that you didn’t like before, or experiment with clothing styles.
  • Try unfamiliar dishes , learn to appreciate new tastes, cook previously unknown dishes. It’s better to make this a tradition, get acquainted with the cuisine of different countries and look for interesting recipes for yourself. This approach will allow you to diversify your own menu, constantly surprising your loved ones and friends with your culinary delights.

Affected specialists

Emily's performance is brilliant, but she makes a substitution:

  • A healthy, versatile person is multipotential.
  • A child who was bullied in childhood and grew up as a specialist or worker is also healthy.

Emily focuses on multipotentialities and how they should be cherished. - Yes, they can handle it themselves!

The emphasis should be on the affected specialists! They can become creative, but they don't know that they can. They will remove fears and blocks - they will immediately sketch and sing.

Conditions for comprehensive personality development

In the process of acquiring new knowledge and skills, it will be necessary to create conditions for the diversified development of the individual. These are the actions that are necessary to become such a person:

  • Sports activities . This will ensure visual attractiveness, health, vitality and excellent mood. It is not necessary to be exhausted every day until you lose strength; it is better to develop a comfortable schedule for yourself and stick to it. The better the physical condition, the more a person enjoys life.
  • Mastering new types of activities . It is worth writing a list of things that a person has not done before. It is better to develop a schedule and set aside a certain period of time for mastering an unfamiliar craft. This could be playing the piano, Latin American dancing classes, an Aikido section, or design courses.

Try to do something new, meet new people

  • Increasing the level of education . You can and should learn at any age. If a person graduated from a technical school after school, then he should get a higher education. This will allow you to replenish your knowledge, find a well-paid job, move up your career ladder and change your financial situation.
  • Continuous improvement of life areas . To do this, divide your life into sections and analyze them regularly in order to make it even more interesting. This applies to home, family, relationships with loved ones and colleagues, work and hobbies.
  • Sincere interest in the lives of others , friendly help and support. People who show attention and care towards others have many more acquaintances and friends than those who are exclusively concerned with themselves.

You should know that a comprehensively developed person is not a superficial person who has picked up the best from various areas of life. Diverse personal development involves hard work on oneself, gaining new knowledge, and getting rid of ingrained habits that prevent changes for the better.

The main thing is consistency. It is better to develop slowly and continuously than to pour out as much information as possible and immediately forget it.

Milton's patient and automatic writing

But there have long been assumptions in science that intuition is not fiction. There is an interesting case in the psychological practice of the world famous hypnotist Milton Erickson. It clearly hints at what information intuition may have about us, and is associated with automatic writing. Automatic, or trance, writing is a procedure during which a person writes without the active participation of consciousness. That is, he holds a pen or pencil in his hands, but is in a hypnotic state.

During one of his lectures, Milton Erickson demonstrated this method with the participation of a girl named Peggy. While under hypnosis, she wrote down a note on a piece of paper. Peggy then folded it several times and hid it in the pocket of her bag.

A few months later, the famous hypnotist received a phone call from her. “I found a note in my bag. Where did she come from? I assume that its presence is connected with you.” “What does it say?” asked Milton Erickson. “Will I have a wedding with Harold?” Peggy answered. “Please tell me, at the time of your visit to my lecture in April, did you know Harold?” “No,” the girl answered, “I was engaged to Bill. And nothing hinted at our separation. I recognized Harold in June, and before that I had only seen him a few times.”

Obviously, for several months the girl’s subconscious had information about her future relationships. Since consciousness could not yet accept this information, during hypnotic immersion she hid the note in a deep pocket.

The benefits of a well-rounded personality

Why should you strive to know and be able to do as much as possible? It’s simple – diversified personality development will allow you to change your life beyond recognition, make it meaningful and bright. It will also help you get rid of the gray, monotonous everyday life filled with everyday worries, negative emotions and the heaviness in your soul from the awareness of your own unfulfillment.

Of course, a lot depends on the environment that surrounded a person while growing up. And those whose parents or other relatives were so have a much greater chance of becoming a well-rounded personality. As a rule, in developed families, children are instilled with various knowledge and skills from a very early age, so that already in their youth they become successful, self-confident, interesting and educated.

It was more difficult for those who lived surrounded by people who showed no interest in anything, who went with the flow and saw no point in changing anything. Children from such families usually grow up the same way, only in adulthood realizing the need to work on themselves and further education in different areas. Therefore, parents should think about the future as early as possible and make every effort for the comprehensive development of their children’s personality. It doesn’t hurt to simultaneously strive for improvement yourself, because children most often become like their father and mother.

It’s never too late to become a versatile person; it’s better to start from childhood!

So, what do knowledge and skills provide in different areas:

  1. The intellectual level of the individual , erudition, memory, ability to solve non-standard problems, create creative ideas and methods increase.
  2. A person becomes more moral , cultural, open and responsive. Thanks to new information and skills, awareness of the main values ​​in life comes.
  3. Professional qualities and the ability to learn improve, and the value of the individual in the labor market increases. After all, today you won’t surprise anyone with a standard resume, but extraordinary hobbies and skills can “hook” employers.

No matter how old a person is, it is never too late to change the usual course of life, to become more interesting, better and more educated. After all, the desire for comprehensive improvement guarantees an increase in the level of development of society as a whole.

Who is a multipotentialite?

A multipotentialite is a person with many different interests and creative pursuits. © Emily Vapnik. From her words: a person who is strong (professional) in 2-3+ completely different areas, and not a specialist in one direction. In Russian: a versatile personality.

Briefly what is discussed in the video:

  • Emily was interested in everything. I played with one thing and moved on to another.
  • The child is hinted at specialization: “What will you be when you grow up?”
  • Society imposes the idea of ​​“specialization”, professionalism in one thing.
  • But Emily is special . She and others like her are multi-potentials.
  • Multipotentials are special and have cool skills that are inaccessible to “specialists.”
  • Multipotentialists move the world, they need to be protected.

Full video:

Characteristic manifestations of a harmoniously developed person

You can call yourself harmoniously developed if you have the following manifestations:

  • the presence of a calm mood, the predominance of positive emotions;
  • the main support in life is “I myself”, I don’t blame my problems on circumstances;
  • a positive attitude towards oneself, even when certain shortcomings are identified;
  • flexibility of emotional state;
  • having a healthy lifestyle;
  • acceptance of the fact that there is “evil” and “good”, that there is a “dark” and “light side” in the world;
  • a real look at what is happening in the world around us;
  • good relationships with family members, colleagues and friends;
  • having life goals and achieving them;
  • general life satisfaction;
  • the ability to limit oneself in desires and choose priorities;
  • moderate manifestation of temperament;
  • friendly attitude towards strangers;
  • the ability to properly spend energy;
  • desire to learn new things;
  • unity with natural resources, a sense of the beauty of nature;
  • presence of creative activity.

How many times can you become a professional?


Malcolm Gladwell described the 10,000 hour law, loosely interpreted:

  • To become a professional you need 2000+ hours (a year of 40 hours a week).
  • To become a high-level professional you need 6000+ hours.
  • To become a world-class expert – 10,000 hours.

Even if you want, you can become a programmer in 1000 hours (six months, 40 hours a week).

A university student spends 5,000 hours over 5 years. Half of the subjects are specialized. In 2500 hours, a “professional” is trained. Often - a professional slacker.

Let's take a 22-year-old student who graduated and realized that no one needs him. The student walks a lot, but learns quickly.

He has 2 options: whine or study. A smart student chooses to study.

What can we achieve by age 60?:

  • Master 20-30 professions.
  • Or become a high-level professional in 10 professions.
  • Or become a world-class expert - in 2 areas.

This is an ideal option, but even if you divide everything by 2, it’s still an excellent result. The only question is a person’s desire, time and energy.

Specialization, a product of capitalism

If you want to earn money, do what you get paid for. Specialization or monopotentiality is a consequence of capitalism.

They pay little for a simple skill (cleaner, salesperson, accountant). They pay more for a set of skills - specialization (director, doctor, football player). They pay a lot - for rare skills or for experts in the field.

It’s a paradox, but at school they raise a versatile personality, multipotential with an extra-curricular outlook: sports, religion, drawing, languages, etc.

Most people are specialists. And they send their children to specialists. This is also called culture, making a special cog out of your child. Being a future lawyer is almost a death sentence. My verdict is “Mechanical Engineer”.

Another useful child of capitalism is the entrepreneur. Such a person is at least a specialist in 2-4 specialties, albeit related ones. And often he gets used to it and loves to learn so much that sooner or later he ventures into a completely new area for himself. Like me, I'm a writer.

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