About the creative activity of students in self-knowledge lessons (p. 6)

Every person sooner or later begins to think about the meaning of life, about what contribution he makes to his life and the existence of the people around him. We all want to be useful, loved by loved ones, to receive recognition, to succeed in one activity or another. Achieving these goals is greatly facilitated by understanding the need to develop and strengthen the creative principle in one’s life. Many people gradually come to take it as a basis.

If you turn to the explanatory dictionary, you can find out that a creator is a re-creator, creating life according to his great desire to do so. However, the main idea here is not to act contrary to social norms, to live by your own rules, not coordinating them with the opinion of the majority, but to direct all your strength and energy to unlocking your creative potential.

So what does it mean to create? The meaning of the word goes back to building a life filled with special meaning. In this article we will try to answer questions about what components creation includes and what it is in the most general case.


Communication is an activity in which ideas and emotions (joy, surprise, anger, suffering, fear, etc.) are exchanged.

Structure of communication: subjects—those who participate in communication (individuals, groups, communities, humanity as a whole); the goal is what a person needs to communicate for; content is that information, ideas, emotions that are transmitted in interpersonal contacts from one to another; media are ways of transmitting information, ideas, emotions.


We could not live on this planet alone. A person is designed in such a way that even under a favorable combination of circumstances, he still needs help, the participation of another. Even a little support, a timely spoken word, a smile, a look - all this more than once helped to maintain faith in oneself and perk up in difficult situations.

Many people believe that charity is the preserve of very rich people, who can and should share with those who are much less fortunate. Meanwhile, true help is always born in the heart, that is, inside a person. Anyone can be useful to his neighbor. To do this you need to have faith in yourself and an open heart.


There are different classifications of types of activities: the division of activities into practical and spiritual.

Practical activities are aimed at transforming real objects of nature and society.

It includes material and production activities (transformation of nature) and social and transformative activities (transformation of society).

Spiritual activity is associated with changing people's consciousness.

It includes: cognitive activity (reflection of reality in artistic and scientific form, in myths and religious teachings); value-oriented activity (positive or negative attitude of people towards the phenomena of the surrounding world, the formation of their worldview); prognostic activity (planning or anticipating possible changes in reality). All these activities are interconnected.

Love of life

A happy person is a generous person. He wants to share, he is filled with a feeling of abundance from within, and he himself rejoices at this. His face lights up with a sincere smile when he communicates with other people, animals, nature, the whole world. Such a person spends a lot of time both interacting with others and alone. He knows no fear of being alone. Spiritual practices, meditation - this is his strength, the center of his personality, creative visualization.

One who truly loves life will never harm any creature. He mentally and practically (that is, in reality) makes certain attempts to maintain well-being throughout the world. This includes the protection of natural resources and specific assistance to people.

Thus, a creator is a person who recreates life, a happy, holistic, internally fulfilled person, one who can renounce his own egoism at the right moment and serve with true participation for the benefit of others.


In the variety of human activities, one can distinguish constructive and destructive. The results of the first are cities and villages, flowering gardens and cultivated fields, handicrafts and machines, books and films, cured sick people and educated children.

Destructive activities are primarily wars. Dead and maimed people, destroyed homes and temples, devastated fields, burned manuscripts and books - these are the consequences of local and world, civil and colonial wars.

Subtleties of interpretation

However, the production of a simple stool is not called a creative process. And the above definition has nothing to do with creating a beautiful stool. This is giving something necessary in everyday life a modern design in order to sell it more profitably. Most likely, the process of creation is a type of spiritual activity that brings satisfaction and spiritual joy to the creator. And even the pangs of creativity, the torment that results in the birth of a beautiful thing, fit organically into the creative process.


It is interesting to consider the main type of creative activity - creative activity. Creativity is an activity that generates something qualitatively new, something that has never existed before. Creativity is most clearly manifested in the activities of scientists, inventors, writers, and artists.

An important place in creative activity is occupied by combining and varying existing knowledge and known methods of action. The need that motivates activity can be a source of imagination, fantasy, that is, the reflection in a person’s consciousness of the phenomena of reality in new, unusual, unexpected combinations and connections. Imagination allows you to get ahead of practice and anticipate possible changes.

Fantasy is a necessary component of human creative activity, which is expressed in the construction of an image or a visual model of its results in cases where there is insufficient information about the conditions and means of achieving the goal. The most important mechanism of creativity is intuition - knowledge, the origin of which is not realized.

But the unconscious in creativity, as a rule, is associated with conscious efforts aimed at solving emerging problems. Before a happy thought “illuminates” a scientist or commander, inventor or poet, a lot of work is spent on finding a solution, analyzing its various options, and accumulating suitable material.

Psychologists believe that on the path to the right solution there is a conscious study of the problem and an unconscious accumulation of images, a clear awareness of the problem and an unconscious finding of its solution. A discovery does not happen out of nowhere; it is based on past experience and accumulated knowledge. Modern science recognizes that any person, to one degree or another, has the ability to be creative. However, abilities can develop or die out.

What should a young person do to develop his creative abilities? Of course, master culture: language, knowledge, ways of doing things. The experience of previous generations, imprinted in culture, includes the experience of creative activity.

But it can only be learned through one’s own involvement in such activities. We must learn to ask questions; solve non-standard, difficult problems; consider different solutions; compare divergent points of view; communicate with art; develop imagination, fantasy; not to believe any statement, but, in doubt, to check its truth; apply various means to solve the problem; look for their best combination.

Openness to new experiences

A person who is ready to accept the changing conditions of his own existence always strives for renewal. It doesn’t matter what it will be - an acquired specialty, gaining knowledge, studying any subjects. The main thing is that such a person is not afraid to take risks and does not feel guilty about spending money on himself. By creating life around oneself, a person becomes truly happy.

Why is it so important for us to embrace new experiences? The fact is that we live constantly learning. If what we have learned is pleasant, then, as many believe, we can be proud of our achievements. If this circumstance is not very approved in society, then, most likely, the person will not accept the new experience, will begin to hide it and, as a result, will not learn anything useful from it.

Eternal antipodal satellites

Unfortunately, the world is ruled not only by good, but also by evil. These are antipodes, which fully include good and evil, love and hate, creation and destruction. These are two sides of life - light and dark, which fight with each other every minute with varying success. Numerous verses speak about this. For example: “...people, what do we all need? We build, we destroy, day after day, sometimes we build bridges together, sometimes we burn them in despair...” Creation is good, destruction is evil. That’s why God is called a creator—he creates. And the devil is a destroyer.

Creation is the choice of the happy

What is more important in our time - creation or consumption? At first glance, of course, it’s consumption. We are encouraged to consume and over-consume by a developed economy, infrastructure and general psychological attitude. The average person receives about three thousand marketing signals a day in the form of inscriptions, slogans, stickers, press, TV and everything else.

Signals that he didn’t buy something enough, didn’t look at it, in a word, didn’t use it enough.

But even after consuming the lion's share of everything offered, we are faced with the fact that we do not feel happy. And this is not surprising.

The first rule, which is also the main and last one, sounds simple - creation is more important than consumption. Otherwise - that's it! You are guaranteed a hopeless life as a consumer, ornately intertwined into a thoughtful conclusion: “Everything is good, but nothing good.”

Creation is the only way to enjoy consumption

A person must do something. Voluntarily and lovingly. This is the formula for his mental health. Consumption without creation is doomed to failure.

Ultimately, creation is the only way to enjoy consumption.

This process can be considered a healthy mental metabolism. And if you want to know why society seems to avoid you, or why you are not respected, promoted, seen or heard, it is because society is full of people who need something.

They need built houses, they need food, they need entertainment, reading, treatment and help in their own realization, finally.

Can you personally suggest any of this? And why is your proposal better than all the others?

You have arrived at the scene of an emergency, on planet Earth, simply by virtue of your birth. But the moment you come into this world, you become part of a system designed strictly to listen to the needs of people.

Focus on the task of “listening to people's needs” - and then the world will listen to your needs

It's a good idea to focus on the task of "listening to people's needs" and develop a unique set of skills that you can implement from the heart. Otherwise, the world will also not be greatly affected, and through these same people.

And it doesn’t matter how kind, generous and polite you are. Most likely, you will be poor, lonely and unclaimed. A good person, as you know, is not a profession. A good person is what you should be by default, ideally.

Does it seem cruel, primitive or materialistic? But what about love and kindness - do they really mean nothing? Of course they do. As long as they are a consequence of the fact that you do something for people that they cannot get elsewhere.

One does not simply exclude the other, but rather complements and fills the other.

Many people remember Tyler Durden's expression from Fight Club: "You are not your job." But in general, of course, you most definitely - this is your job.

Your work is not about money. This is the benefit that you bring to other people and the world as a whole. Money is already a consequence

Yes, your “job” and what you mean by employability may be different things - but in both cases, you are the sum of your useful skills. And nothing more.

It could be an inside job. More precisely, most likely it is first internal, and then external. For example, being a good parent is a job that requires certain skills.

It is something that a person can do to benefit the rest of society. Make no mistake: Your “work” is not money, it is the benefit you bring to other people and the world at large. Money is already a consequence.

Creation is the main reason why surgeons are respected more than comedians. This is also why mechanics are respected more than unemployed hipsters.

Tyler said, “You are not your job,” but he also founded a successful soap company and became the leader of an international social and political movement. He was completely his job.

The Universe will always support you in your desire to benefit the world.

People have needs, and through them they evaluate the people they meet. These are the simple mechanisms of the Universe. And she will always support you in your desire to benefit the world, there are no exceptions.

Nobody cares about your rich inner world “in isolation from production.” “Who you are inside” doesn’t matter at all until it benefits other people, planet Earth, the Universe. Or - for starters - to yourself.

Let's say inside you have great compassion for the poor. Great! How does your creativity manifest itself in this problem?

Has this compassion resulted in any action on this matter? Or you hear about some terrible tragedy and say: “Oh, poor children! Tell them I'm thinking about them..."?

Therefore, you should not focus only on something that you want to happen to you. “I will make a lot of money,” “I will marry well,” or “I will travel around the globe.”

Creative approach

The goal of a creative approach is to overcome automatic thinking and develop alternative solutions. There is one significant difference between creativity and problem solving. Solving problems means destroying them, and creating means bringing something new into the world. When you get a big and tasty problem in your hands, you no longer need to think - you have an obsession. What if you suddenly had no problems? What would you be thinking about then? What did you do? The Creator is always focused on what he would like to bring into the world.

The primitive tribes living in the jungle consider the passing plane to be a miraculous sign. For them, airplanes are, if not gods, then chariots of gods. The unknown often seems incomprehensible. Due to the lack of information, creativity is perceived as a mystical matter - in the same way, the inhabitants of the jungle lack knowledge of modern aviation. In reality, creativity is a skill that can be learned and developed like any other: through hard practice. To become a creator, you need to create regularly.

Substitution of concepts

It is interesting that creation and creation are words that differ in one letter, and, in principle, mean the process of producing something. But very often they carry completely different semantic loads, although in V. Dahl’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Russian Language, released in 1861, opposite the word creation is “see. Creation". The construction or erection of something contrary to both people and God, for example, a concentration camp (the most cited example, because it is evil in its purest form), can never be called creation, but creation can be. Of course, they often play with words, they say that the destruction of the same concentration camps is good, and the creation is evil. Probably, creation and destruction are terms whose use is appropriate in a global sense - to destroy the world, family, life, worldview. That is, to break something good, harmonious, to do something that will cause concrete harm to both the person and the world. The term “destruction” should not be applied to the demolition of dilapidated housing. Casuistry is explained as resourcefulness, substitution of concepts, play with words. Now it is held in high esteem, and coupled with the sacramental phrase “everyone has their own truth” leads to catastrophic consequences. That’s why it’s so important to be able to choose the right word from dozens of synonyms, and even better, to direct your thoughts correctly. And therefore, from childhood, children must be taught to understand the difference between good and evil. In life, everything is clearly placed in its place. The concepts of white and black, love and hate, creation and destruction have always been on opposite sides of the river called life.

Creation, destruction, maintenance - processes of change in the material world

When creating something, we must understand why we are creating it and for what purpose.

When supporting something, we must be aware of the value of the object that the person is supporting.

When destroying something, we should be sure that we really don’t need it and that it actually harms us, and not because of our perception.

Often a person spends his life and supports what he does not love with all his soul, in order to achieve those goals that he does not want at all, for the life that he does not want. It is also necessary to understand that everything will be destroyed sooner or later, and therefore you should not become too attached to material things. After all, even if something will exist for us all our lives, then at the moment of its death it will become alien to us. However, the spiritual is eternal . Good luck.

The presence of the soul is mandatory

If the author puts his soul into his creation, this can be an indicator of creativity. This is, of course, creativity, which will never be treated as soulless mechanical work, even with high-quality performance. There is one more word that is very suitable for the term under study - improvement. Not in the sense of “living conditions,” although the creative process is quite appropriate here, but in relation to the whole world around us. The desire to make human life more beautiful, safer, more worthy is, of course, a process of creation, it is an improvement of the surrounding reality.

Dust of time

The 150 years that have passed since the publication of V. Dahl’s dictionary could not help but make adjustments to certain concepts after so many wars and revolutions. So some researchers believe that the terms creation and destruction refer to cosmic concepts and are applicable in higher spiritual spheres. Everything that is contrary to God is evil, destruction, hatred. Everything that contributes to the improvement of divine harmony is creation. This is always an optimistic, joyful process that contributes to the endless development of both the human individual and society as a whole. And these are not subjective concepts at all.

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