30 golden principles that will completely change your life and bring harmony and happiness to it

Useful tips

What is happiness? Each person describes this condition differently. And if you combine all the answers together, it turns out that happiness is a state of mind experienced by people when their affairs are progressing exactly the way they want.

Such a person is completely satisfied with what is happening around him. This applies to absolutely all aspects of both personal and social life.

Undoubtedly, each of us wants to become a happy and successful person, because a happy person can be immediately identified from the crowd

, it is noticeable immediately.
He walks confidently, always has a happy smile on his face and is very friendly towards other people. The actions of such a person and his behavior speak completely about him.
The main reasons for the success of a happy person are that he knows how to appreciate every moment of his life.

Unfortunately, not all people are capable of being happy. After all, happiness does not come to us by chance. And if we are not satisfied with something in life, then the time has come to change “something” in a different, better direction.

Changing lives

What is happiness?

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Do you think that happiness is an expensive car, a bank account or a high position? No, this is far from true. The feeling of happiness is completely unrelated to these factors. How many rich people are actually very unhappy, they give up their business and go to live far away in the outback. Or some tramp who walks through the park in simple and inexpensive clothes may feel like the happiest person in the entire Universe.

Therefore, the main thing is how to change yourself from the inside. It is impossible to become happy if you simply move to another city or change your occupation, since your old problems will not go away. This will continue until you want and begin to change, until you feel harmony and joy within yourself.

Where does it disappear to?

In this context, we will talk about personal harmony. Why don’t people feel harmonious and cannot call their lives happy?

Let's consider the reasons for our sadness, irritability, resentment, short temper, tearfulness, anger, apathy, depression and other destructive feelings. Most often this happens at certain moments, which can be called turning points, uncomfortable:

  • transitional age - adolescence, midlife crisis, retirement;
  • bereavement - a loved one, property, work;
  • interpersonal conflicts - unrequited love, discord in the family, quarrels with parents, children, colleagues, loss of reputation, unfair attitude of superiors, etc.;
  • difficult life circumstances that do not allow you to freely manage your time or resources;
  • diseases;
  • loneliness;
  • intimate dissatisfaction;
  • social unfulfillment;
  • stress, chronic fatigue, minor accumulating problems, etc.

Happiness in your personal life


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Know how to thank those around you, the Universe, God, for everything you have and possess. It is known that your day will go the way you started it. Imagine that you quarreled with someone in the morning, ruining the mood of your loved ones and yourself. How do you think this day will go for you?

It is very important to understand that you need to start your morning with gratitude for what you have, for what you already have. You must be able to be grateful for the fact that the sun is shining, and you have arms and legs and you are full of strength for new achievements. The more sincere you are at this moment, the more your energy will increase and you will receive more vigor and joy.

Longevity and optimism

There is a wonderful expression: “You can get sick, but you should never feel sick!” Our personal assessment of our own physical health is always an order of magnitude higher and more important than many medical reports.

Various diseases, such as heart attacks, injuries or strokes, will not have power over us until we begin to perceive them as some kind of breakdown during our journey, and not the journey itself as a whole. People who are even in the most difficult condition and are optimistic, as a rule, feel much better than their peers who constantly whine and are complete pessimists in life.

Suffering from passion

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Qualities such as envy, cruelty, anger or hatred have never made a single person happy, have they? Once you get rid of them, you will immediately notice that life has become easier, simpler and better. And while you send negativity to the Universe and the outside world, you will receive it back, and in abundance. Because what you give is what you get back. After all, the law of attraction works not only in the field of physics, but also in other areas.

It is very difficult to learn to forgive others and be more tolerant of people instead of blaming them. But in order to be cruel and evil, envious and callous, you usually don’t need to make any special efforts; it always works out somehow, of course.

Always try to be better and cleaner. Let this principle of self-development be reflected in every action you perform.


What we think about usually has the ability to materialize. This applies to both positive and negative thoughts. If a person is used to always tuning in to something bad, then usually there is negativity in his life. And when he begins to change his thoughts and turns them into positive ones, then his life begins to change for the better.

In order to find true happiness, you need not only to always think about it in your thoughts, but also try to attract everything positive and good into your life. To do this, you need to surround yourself only with bright people, and try to create harmony and peace in your home. After all, in essence, happiness is always near us, it’s just that sometimes you just need to reach out and take a small step towards.

The path to happiness

The world is structured in such a way that sometimes we cannot influence the course of an event in any way. Therefore, you should not worry about anything. We need to learn to accept what we cannot change and what we cannot influence, and there is no point in worrying about what is not subject to our will.

There are things that we will never be able to influence, so there is no point in arguing about them. This applies to weather conditions, economic situations in the country, some force majeure circumstances and other various weaknesses of people.

The most important thing is to understand that if we are unable to change something, then we just need to experience it and internally accept it for ourselves. Besides, it might actually not be so bad after all.

A person is designed in such a way that he suffers mainly because of how he reacts to what is happening, and not because of what exactly it is happening to him. Our life consists of only ten percent of what happens to us and what happens to us, and ninety percent of how we react to it.

Do it well or not do it at all

Here it is worth immediately warning against such a phenomenon as perfectionism. Perfectionism is a constant desire for perfection, which often leads to the fact that work is either postponed, delayed, or not done at all. Therefore, in the principle of “doing it well or not doing it at all,” it is also important to avoid extremes. There is a very fine line here between a responsible attitude towards completing tasks and an excuse, like, since I can’t do anything well, I won’t do anything at all. This is a very harmful position.

Each of us has some talents and some opportunities. And here the question is not about bringing what is being done to an ideal state, but the question is about maximum efficiency. That is, having set a task for yourself, you should make every effort,

but avoiding self-flagellation about the task being completed may not be ideal.

The issue of energy availability is also important here. If you feel that you don’t have enough energy to complete a particular task yet, perhaps you should postpone it. But it is important again to avoid extremes; if procrastination has become chronic, then we are already dealing with banal laziness or procrastination.

Thus, when completing a task, you should give your best. The issue of motivation is important here - if you are not ready to spend all your energy on completing a task, then it is worth asking yourself whether you really need to do what you planned. Invest your energy only in what truly inspires you. And then the quality of execution itself will be high.

Changing lives for the better

Learning self-respect

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A happy life will be possible only when we recognize some of our characteristics and abilities, as well as a sense of the importance of our personality. You shouldn’t blindly repeat other people’s actions; you need to learn to discover your own potential, and also learn to use your abilities in life.

You can usually achieve incredible results if you have sufficiently high self-esteem. According to psychologists, it is very important to respect and love unconditionally, to accept your personality in everything in order to receive a response from the public.

A person who is insecure is unlikely to be able to reveal any of his specific qualities and talents, attract the attention of people around him, and also gain the respect of other people in society. Such a process directly depends on the internal state of a person, his own assessment.

Farewell to grievances


In order for happiness to follow you relentlessly, you need to learn to forgive all insults and disappointments. You need to look only forward and never regret what has already passed. The past is no more, it is gone forever. That's why it's the past, so you can never return to it again.

If someone offended you, forgive and move on; if suddenly you missed some good opportunity, forget about it. If you don't do this, there is a risk that you will miss an even better opportunity.

It is necessary to clearly understand that a person who carries resentment and disappointments in life will never become happy, since any experiences will corrode him from the inside. As a result, a person, as a rule, develops various diseases, and a bad mood is his constant and faithful companion.

Organizing your day correctly

It is very good if every person learns to properly organize their upcoming day. To do this, you should implement the habit of creating a plan for the next day in the evening.

This way it will be very easy to understand which things are most important to you and which ones are not so important. And most importantly, your energy will not be wasted on something that was not in your plans. Statistics show that the most successful people always carefully plan their next day in the evening.

Choosing a path

Each person always independently chooses his own path along which he intends to follow. If you feel unhappy, then you should admit that you are moving in the wrong direction and it is better to change this path.

You shouldn’t blame yourself for anything and look for various problems that will undoubtedly only destroy your life. Don't do any soul-searching. You are where you are, but you can change the situation and the place you will be in a year from now and in the future.


Translated from Latin, the word harmonia means “connection, correspondence, consonance.” It is also in the ancient Greek language: ἁρμονία is translated as “order, coherence.” This term first appeared in philosophy and denoted the harmonization of heterogeneous or contradictory elements.

The concept of harmony is found in many areas. For example:

  • in music it is a pleasant coherence of sounds or a combination of different voices;
  • in art and aesthetics, harmony means proportionality, integrity and aesthetic coherence of all elements of the composition, which evokes sensual positive reactions.

The word “harmony” is found in the works of the ancient Greek poet Homer and philosopher Heraclitus. In the treatise “On the World,” created in the 1st century BC, harmony is mentioned as the agreement of opposites in all natural entities, in human activity and the Universe itself.

Much later, in a somewhat transformed form, the idea of ​​harmony was used in new philosophy by the English Enlightenment figure Anthony Shaftesbury, the German astronomer and mathematician Johannes Kepler, the Italian monk Giordano Bruno, and the German scientist Wilhelm Leibniz.

The writer and thinker Goethe was convinced that the most important thing is to educate a harmonious, free person, whose abilities develop in balance. He called nature a large organism, where harmony of boundaries and forces, freedom and measure, advantages and disadvantages prevails.

How to find happiness

Work on yourself

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A person cannot be born with personal qualities and with a ready-made character. All these skills are developed and come to him throughout life. Therefore, with sufficient motivation, we can completely change our lives for the better.

Those qualities, most of which are inherent to us, as a rule, are our habits. After all, we could not be punctual from birth, or, for example, we got used to being late everywhere, since this became the order of things for us, just as we were not born with fear of the public or of strangers. All these qualities were acquired by us throughout life.

Beauty secrets

Most people cannot find happiness because they are very unhappy with their appearance. You need to accept and love your own body as it is, because not every person may have an ideal appearance, but you don’t have to be upset about it. It just doesn't make sense. And even more so, you shouldn’t get discouraged because of this.

Think better about how you can correct imperfections, or how to skillfully learn to disguise them with the help of clothes or some accessories. Don't deprive yourself of joy and happiness just because your figure or image is not perfect. Most likely, the shortcomings of your figure are compensated by some positive traits in your character or in your existing talents.

Don't ignore the little things

Any little things need to be treated more carefully than we are used to thinking about them, since one single small mistake, which, as a rule, is not paid any attention to, can destroy a lot.

For example, these could be our dreams, plans and plans. Big quarrels usually occur over some little things. Any little thing is always part of something larger, just like, for example, in an illness - first there are minor symptoms, and only later a serious diagnosis is made.

It's okay to make mistakes

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Any person understands that it is impossible not to make a single mistake in life. This is just unreal. Therefore, forgive yourself for them in advance and do not feel pangs of conscience.

Most likely, at that moment in life, under these circumstances, everything should have happened to you exactly as it happened. This was the most important decision at that time and it had its own meaning, even if we do not fully understand it.

If you think that at that moment you could have acted differently, completely differently, know that you could not!

Be conscious here and now

Life consists of past, present and future. The secret of happiness is quite simple - you need to live only for today, leaving all your grievances and troubles, misunderstandings and conflicts in the past.

If a person realizes the importance of his life at a given moment in time, this will make him more attentive, responsible and will allow him to significantly get rid of some worries of his past life. The past is just an experience that you need to accept and forgive both yourself and others for the mistakes and mistakes you have made.

In the future, we must constantly strive for better. The past can no longer be changed, but in the present you can lay the brick of your happy future. All in your hands.

World in harmony

According to happy people, for example, Buddhists, everything in the world is in its place: the movement of the sun, the change of day and night, the arrival of spring and winter. Everything is changeable, everything changes and is in harmony according to the laws of the Universe.

Such thoughts help a person to relax, to accept something inevitable, because it is very difficult to control everything, and there is no point in it.

Observe the beautiful, think calmly and in a positive way, this will provide you with a good life. Nervousness and haste will harm your life and reduce your work efficiency. Calmness is the highest power that helps a person in all life situations.

Use what you have economically

The modern consumption paradigm encourages us to change our wardrobe, telephone, equipment, and so on almost every year. Something has gone out of fashion, something breaks and tears due to careless use, and so on. It is important to understand that any new acquisition is not only a waste of money, but also a waste of energy. All things that surround you are supported by your energy.

Why do you think monks in all religions and traditions live ascetically? In order to channel energy into the channel of spiritual development, it is necessary to release this energy from the material sphere.

By giving up everything except the most necessary, a person is able to save a huge amount of energy and, due to this, achieve success.

Going to a monastery is, of course, not the path for everyone, and not everyone needs it. But limiting yourself to excess will be useful for everyone. Analyze what you spend money, time, energy on. Does all this benefit you? And here the question is not only about buying unnecessary things. One of the most valuable resources is time.

People often waste time on meaningless and unproductive communication. And this also has a detrimental effect on human development.

Ways to change your life

No stops on the way to your dream

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Each person has his own cherished dream and each of us knows what he wants. But always, on the way to our dream, certain circumstances arise that block and create various obstacles. Most people tend to resign themselves to this situation, give up and stop on their way.

But those people who did not despair and were not disappointed, did not give up and continued on the path to fulfill their cherished dream, always invariably achieve their goals. They are fully aware of what they are trying for and this gives them additional strength and resources. It should be remembered that initially we are all born winners.

Avoiding negative personalities

We are greatly influenced by our environment. For example, negative people are characterized by their constant whining. They can easily shift their problems onto the people around them, onto all those who are at least a little ready to communicate with them.

But it should be remembered that each person has a number of his own tasks that he needs to complete for his personal success. And if he wastes time on another and solving his problems, then he will simply waste his strength, energy and time on a stranger.

Probably everyone has noticed at least once among their acquaintances such a person, whose thoughts negatively reflected on ourselves. With such people, it is best to limit all communication altogether or completely abandon it. Usually, this is very difficult to do at first, but put yourself before choosing what is best for you? Relationships with a negative, even good person, or a happy and successful life.

You should communicate more with positively minded people, look for new acquaintances who have such qualities. They can very easily charge you with positive energy, which, as a rule, can be directed to solving your personal problems. Try to make acquaintances with people with whom you have common interests.

Learning to give love

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Never change your loved ones to suit yourself and give them your love selflessly. It is very important to love not for some qualities or achievements, but just like that. A person who loves usually does not notice any shortcomings in the object of his love, and therefore the question of changing character or habits never arises.

If you suddenly begin to notice that your partner has begun to act in a way that you do not want at all, then you need to understand the actions of your significant other, figure out what exactly is happening to him, in order to understand your family life in order to avoid any more major unpleasant moments.

Towards everything new

Novelty can bring bright sensations and colors into our lives, and can overcome our growth above ourselves, since our stereotypes and various prejudices sometimes prevent us from learning everything new.

One-day, repetitive, routine tasks can lead to degradation of the human brain. It will be more and more difficult for such a person to master new skills every year. In the end, this may end in the fact that a still quite young man can turn into a decrepit seventy-year-old man who is hostile to any new action. Such people are unable to even turn on the “Start” button on the microwave oven.

New chances

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If a person begins to think something like this: “What would I do if this day were my last in life, what goals and desires would I realize first?”, then the psychology of life becomes very simple. It is very important not to waste your time, but to be aware of your interests and aspirations. Since life is given to a person once, it is necessary to learn to appreciate it.

It is clear that it is very difficult to start dramatically changing your life. First of all, you need to try to learn to enjoy your work or your own family, you need to extract the maximum benefit from life experience and then begin to change everything for the better, to reach ever greater heights.

You need to change your life gradually, introducing more and more new rules into it, completely changing yourself, try to make big changes in your life, with your relationships.

Gradually, any person is able to build his own picture of the world and finally become a completely happy and successful person.

Taking care of your body

If you are grateful for the very first gift you received in your life (your body), then you should take care of it. This means making “healthy” choices in your life. Exercise and physical activity, a balanced diet, and a healthy diet will allow your body to rest when it is tired and take care of it when it needs it.

Your body is an instrument that allows you to experience many wonderful moments in your life, so you need to take very good care of it.

A harmonious life is impossible without a harmonious body.

How to get happiness

Take while giving

Before you can take anything, you must first learn to give. Wealth cannot be exclusively material; this also applies to the inner fullness of the soul. In order to have the opportunity to gain material wealth, you first need to learn to show generosity towards your loved ones. If you see that a person needs money more than you, then just help him.

There is an unspoken law of money: “The more you give, the more you receive in return.” As a rule, money spent for the benefit of others will return to you in increased quantities several times over. A person should learn to give first in order to receive more later.

Many businessmen have been guided by this principle for a long time. They understand well that they first need to make an investment in their business and only some time later, make a profit from it.

Everything that happened was for the better

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This is one of the basic principles of human life that must be thoroughly understood. If a person is internally tuned in to changes for the better, this immediately helps him catch a wave of luck and discern new opportunities.

Even if life has handed you a sour lemon, you need to be able to extract lemonade from it. Every situation in life, as a rule, has two sides: negative and positive. And very often it is the bright side that is much more difficult to find, but this does not mean that it does not exist.

Responsibility for life

Successful people understand perfectly well that their life is the result of their own efforts and desires. They are able to cultivate a positive outlook, can set high goals and always achieve what they want.

They will never even think of blaming the world around them for some kind of injustice, and the analysis usually always begins with themselves. They take their mistakes and mistakes calmly.

A happy person will never despair in case of failure, he will continue to look for different ways to get what he wants. Or he begins to set new goals for himself. His motto in life is: “Everything will work out. Good is always on my side!”

29. Respect for yourself and the people around you

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Self-esteem is undoubtedly a necessary condition for a successful and happy life. If you understand your own value, then you can learn to respect other people, show your attention to them and be completely open to the world around you.

If you treat your own personality with respect, it means recognizing your merits and characteristics, and understanding well the importance of your life. A person needs to understand that people are very similar and need to treat them the same way as you treat yourself. After all, qualities such as kindness, humanity and understanding undoubtedly contribute to good mutual understanding.

Male and female perception of harmony

Eidetic memory - what does it mean in psychology, examples

Important! Differences in the understanding of personal balance between men and women can be explained by the characteristics of male and female nature and worldview. So, for men, personality consistency is, first of all, mutual understanding with the world and immediate environment. A man feels harmony if he has achieved success in his career, feels useful to society, i.e. For him, external harmony is of greater importance.

For women, intrapersonal consistency comes to the fore, that is, the internal aspect of this concept. Family happiness, mutual understanding with their husband, the health of the child, the opportunity to create home comfort, and engage in creativity are important to them.

If in men's understanding of harmoniously developing relationships, connections with friends are put in first place, then for women, relationships in the family are paramount. The more friends a man has, the more comfortable he feels in the company. A woman feels comfortable having 1-2 time-tested friends.

For a man, a family idyll is the knowledge that his wife, children and a hot dinner are always waiting for him at home. A harmonious family is one where the man earns money, and the woman raises children and creates comfort at home. For a woman, an idyll in the family is the help and support of her husband, his participation in raising children.


Every day we face many challenges and choices. Some of them may be easy, others more difficult. If you solve all your problems creatively, then your life will be filled with adventure.

Conversely, if you turn off your creativity, your life will become torture.

Creativity is a wonderful tool that allows us to turn our dreams into reality, play into work and work into play, allowing us to enjoy life even when it seems empty.

Creative people are those who can finely craft the diamond of their life.

Inner personal freedom

The problem of inner freedom is as old as the world. For many centuries, people have been striving to understand their essence, the world, to find freedom and harmony. Why do we often feel like prisoners of life, refuse opportunities, are afraid to decide to change, to go towards new discoveries? Freedom is a life choice; you can live by the rules of others or find your own path, act according to the dictates of your heart.

A free person is distinguished by courage, confidence, a clear position in life, and commands respect. Such people often become leaders, help others understand the world around them, find their calling and values.

Limiters of internal freedom - thoughts, prohibitions, negative attitudes, fear. We often drive ourselves into a “dungeon” on our own due to lack of faith, lack of positive thinking, the presence of complexes, and a negative attitude towards ourselves and the world.

Life is the same for everyone

But still we see a special world,

From the existing obstacles,

The strongest of all are the shackles of the soul. ©

Negative thinking and attitudes distort the picture of life, exaggerate the colors and present everything in gloomy tones. But there is always a way out: discover potential, “learn to fly,” strive upward.

The book “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” by Richard Bach will help you understand and feel inner freedom. The main character is Jonathan the seagull, he strives to learn to fly higher than other birds, but the flock does not support his aspirations, why strive upward, be like everyone else. But faith, burning desire and constant training work wonders. He became free, learned to fly, and later taught wisdom to those who wanted to find freedom.

The book carries a special spirit of freedom, everyone can fly, the main thing is to believe. A person’s inner freedom is the rejection of negative assessments of others, the ability to live by one’s own ideals and goals. It's better to make a mistake than to live a life that isn't yours. It is important to find self-expression: sing, dance, draw, reach your horizons.

The path to freedom is a road of untrodden paths, understanding of one’s own inner world, the ability to live, overcoming fears, complexes, and the opinions of others. A person’s internal freedom and non-freedom depends on the ability to go beyond the usual, think outside the box, creatively, understand the world around him, and feel flight. There lives a “free seagull” in everyone; we often don’t let it into the sky, preferring a bird in our hand.

How difficult it is sometimes to overcome all restrictions and boundaries, to follow the dictates of your heart, to get off the ground, to fly towards your dreams and goals. But anything is possible.

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