How to calm your wife down: advice from a psychologist. Hysterical wife - what to do?

Every person has had to deal with hysteria at least once in their life. Most often, children roll it when they want to get something. But children are children... The situation is much sadder with adults, in most cases women. Their hysterics are a very unpleasant phenomenon and can easily destroy both beginning and fairly long-term and established relationships.

A hysterical wife constantly nags her husband: she is constantly dissatisfied and insults

Hello friends. Today I want to write an article for men. Stop giving advice only to women. Men need them no less. And it's all because of us. Sometimes you hear the cry of a man’s soul that his wife is hysterical, constantly dissatisfied, offended, grumbling, screaming, hysterical, and simply blowing her mind.

I'm always dissatisfied with something. Or rather, not something, but someone, i.e. husband. Life turns into a nightmare, you want to run away, or hide in a corner somewhere and not hear this constant hysteria. How I understand you guys, so I decided to help. Give some practical advice on how to stop this and start living a normal family life. And who else can do this except the woman herself. So delve into female psychology and do as I advise you.

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Life of a hysterical woman or hell with your own hands

People's lives turn out differently. Many people's lives are full of fears and disappointments . Fears make you suffer, as do disappointments, but ultimately it all depends on the person himself. Someone’s whole life has fallen apart, but he remains kind and cheerful, while another person has a broken nail or a scratch on his car and this becomes a reason for hysteria. Character determines reaction .

When a person has a bilious and caustic character, then any slightest reason becomes a reason for discontent and aggression. Such a person exudes the poison that fills his soul at the slightest provocation, generously sharing what he has a lot of (bile) with others. When a person internally crosses certain mental limits, such reactions and behavior develop into psychiatric illnesses. In general, the life of a bilious and caustic person is similar to hell , which he created himself. He suffers constantly and it is this suffering that he shares with others . So that he would not be lonely in his own hell, he tries to drag others there, spoiling their mood, causing negative emotions in them.

My hysterical wife freaks out about everything

First, I'll ask you a simple question. Have you ever wondered why girls like to make scandals, get offended, and pick their brains? And in general, for what purpose is all this being done? The answer is very simple - girls love to raise men. After all, these are all factors of education. This is exactly what we will talk about today. And also, I will share with you a trick on how to properly deal with this upbringing on the part of a girl and how not to become a weak man in her eyes.

The truth is that women, from childhood, try in every possible way to educate. First they play with dolls and educate them. Then they beg for a kitten, a dog and raise the animals. And so they grow up and begin to raise men out of habit.

Why are they doing that? Yes, very simple. Because they understand that this is a good way to punish a man for behavior, actions, actions that are not beneficial to her. Or, as an option, to punish a man for not wanting to fulfill one of her next whims, or not wanting to dance to her tune. And of course she begins to educate him for this. The wife is hysterical and is also constantly dissatisfied - this is hell for a man.

Causes of a hysterical attack

Like any disease, hysteria does not occur without reason. The prerequisites for the appearance of this condition may be:

  1. Overwork, stress, lack of free time . Working mothers with small children are primarily at risk. Work, household chores, and caring for children fall on their shoulders.
  2. Diets and malnutrition . Following fashion, some girls persistently go on diets, even when it is not necessary. Restricting food can be emotionally draining. And poor nutrition leads to a lack of vitamins and nutrients, which also leads to mental instability.
  3. Dissatisfaction with intimate life . The absence or irregularity of intimacy between spouses can cause irritation, discontent, and, as a result, scandals. Outbursts of negative energy are aggravated if a woman is too jealous.
  4. Nervous system disorders and hormonal disorders . A woman cannot control her emotions; every little thing becomes a provoking factor for hysteria.

Why is a hysterical wife always unhappy with her husband?

The point of all this education is to put psychological pressure on the guy in every possible way and, accordingly, force him to do what she wants. The sad thing here is that if a man is subjected to this kind of upbringing, she gradually begins to consider him weak. That is, she begins to understand, yeah dear, that means I can calmly influence you psychologically, i.e. I can raise you the way I want. That's it, you are no longer a man for me.

A woman will never respect the man she raises. So, man, don't ever let her raise you. And the best option in a situation when you realize that she is starting to take offense at you, starting scandals, and starting to blow your mind.

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Time is Up!

Time's up

Just don’t react to all this, don’t let her drag you into this so-called brain crusher. Because you won’t achieve anything in all this. If you try to prove something to her, convince her of something, persuade her, beg her. All this is definitely a dead option. Anyway, the hysterical wife is constantly unhappy.

What to do if they are permanent

First, think about how often you and your wife argue and how much. Psychologists say that this matter has its own norm:

  • once every 2 weeks - a small skirmish (talked to each other in a harsh tone);
  • once a month - a major scandal (with a showdown, shouting and even the traditional breaking of dishes).

According to family psychology, such releases of negative energy are normal. They are necessary to defuse tense relationships and do not cause any particular harm to the spouses.

The problem begins in the family where violent and more frequent quarrels occur - almost every day. They are exhausting, do not allow you to live in peace, and in the end can even lead to divorce. To stop this bad tradition, take the initiative into your own hands and first of all try to analyze why you and your wife are constantly fighting? The reasons may be different:

  • not enough money;
  • household responsibilities are not distributed correctly;
  • someone alone makes important decisions without consulting the other;
  • parents interfere in your relationship;
  • she lacks attention from you, and you lack time for this;
  • there is no agreement on the issues of raising children;
  • different characters, temperaments, views, beliefs collide;
  • someone begins to be pathologically and unreasonably jealous.

Daily quarrels can also occur for more mundane reasons: because of the garbage not being taken out, unwashed dishes, socks scattered around the apartment. Determine what causes you to fight most often and try to resolve this problem once and for all.

Global difficulties can always be solved with a constructive approach. Sit down and calculate your family budget together, distribute income and expenses for the month. It’s even easier to deal with small household chores: promise her not to throw away your socks anymore, take on the garbage yourself, but on the condition that she washes the dishes.

If people value relationships, together they can solve any problem. You just need to learn how to communicate correctly - without shouting, through a constructive conversation, keeping all promises based on the results of these agreements. Once we discussed a painful topic and closed it. Believe me: this way all the difficulties of family life will be eliminated, starting with everyday life and ending with unforeseen circumstances, right up to adultery (a loving wife can forgive her if her husband behaves correctly).

Conclusion. Tired of constant quarrels with your wife? Find out the causes of scandals and eliminate them through constructive conversations. If she doesn’t make contact and continues to get irritated over every little thing, then the cause of your conflicts lies much deeper. Maybe hormonal levels or seasonal depression are to blame, or maybe she’s just looking for a reason to break up. Think about it.

Hysterical wife turns against mother

Trust the experience of other men. It’s best if you understand that your beloved is trying to somehow educate you, or is turning you against your mother, do not react to all this. And let yourself understand that now she will go crazy, then maybe she will try to sulk, take offense, put pressure on you. But if she sees that it doesn’t work for you, she will quickly calm down. And remember, she can say that you are not a man, a scumbag and a scoundrel, you are bad, where her eyes looked, she was completely disappointed in you. And similar provocative statements.


Because women know what to say to simply blow and hook a man. And here is attention, the decisive moment. If you start making excuses to her, explaining yourself, trying to prove something, trying to have some kind of debate with her. Everyone, remember, you lost! And to all these screaming provocative remarks of hers, that you are a scoundrel and a scumbag. Your hysterical wife is constantly dissatisfied with you and will always be so if you do not follow my advice.

My advice to you is to react neutrally. Moreover, while agreeing with her. And you can even be slightly ironic, but not explicitly, this will only diffuse it even more. Here's an example.

- You bastard, how could I contact you! You scoundrel, I'm disappointed in you!

And you say.

- Darling, you are completely right. Nightmare! How could you contact me? Where the hell were your eyes looking? Yes, I am the most terrible person on the planet! In general, I’m the guy that your mother probably told you about when you were a child: do you see him? Don't ever try to mess with him!

What to do to cure a hysterical person

Men should understand that hysterics are not always personality disorders; they often manifest themselves in neuroses and serious psychotic disorders.

If a woman is not able to cope with emotions on her own, experts recommend not to let the process take its course, but to immediately seek help from a good psychotherapist for timely correction and treatment of hysterics. In the early stages, such conditions can be successfully corrected and treated with therapeutic measures. If the disease takes a chronic form, it is difficult to cure and requires more time and effort on the part of both the patient and his environment, and the specialist.

How many honest relationships built on mutual love have been broken by women’s hysterics. Everything is good about your woman - beautiful, smart, sexy, loves, but - a bitch! - hysterical.

She walks and walks in front of you all looking so awesome, and then - bam! - and in the fire of her hysteria everything burns: your and her nerves, your peace, comfort and even love. First you endure and extinguish the conflict, then you withdraw into yourself, then you break down and scream like a knife. From powerlessness your hands, mood and penis give up. You don't want this deranged creature anymore. It seems to you that you don’t love her anymore. You're ready to leave. More precisely, stuff a razor and a toothbrush into your pocket and run as fast as you can, without looking back. You want to be alone. And now you are no longer there, your love, as the song says, “did not live to see the morning... and, having covered a lot of mileage, she left to look for another paradise.” Sickening.

Don't you want this prospect? Then take a notepad and write it down. So be it: I’ll teach you what to do with a hysterical woman.

If you don’t love her, kick her in the face: being hysterical is difficult happiness. What's the point of bearing such a cross if you have the opportunity to go through life lightly? There are a lot of women. If you like this one, you'll like the other one too.

If you love, you need to calmly understand the mechanisms of female hysterics and learn to manage them.

The first thing you need to understand is that people don’t become hysterics, they are born. This is a type of nervous system. Not looseness, not arrogance, not calculation, but the weak nerves with which she was born. Some were born in a good, strong, brick house, and some were born in a hut made of palm leaves in the wind. The hysterical woman’s nerves are like a squishy little house, which she is constantly forced to put “props” on so that it does not collapse.

If you happen to fall in love with such a woman, find your advantages in this. Real, neo-operetta hysterics are emotional, broad-minded, and imaginative people. They are not selfish, sincere, loyal. You just need to know how to handle them.

The main mistake in dealing with a hysterical person is to leave when the hysterical mechanism has already started. I believe you have the best intentions in thinking that this is giving her a chance to come to her senses. I'll tell you what's really happening.

While you are not there, she does not calm down, but stresses herself out. Always. In all cases. There are no exceptions. The chance that you will “sit out” a hysteria is zero. Of course, if you are dealing with pure and honest, albeit very unpleasant, emotions, and not with naked calculation, the purpose of which is to “press” you into something.

Two main points that you should know about hysterics: 1) they are based solely on emotions, 2) a woman herself is not able to cope with these emotions. He wants to, but he can't. Does not work. It happens.

The more a woman remains with her emotions one-on-one, the more difficult it is for her to get out of them, even with your help. If a woman, left by you in a state of hysteria, comes to her senses when you return, know: you were dealing with a calculation that failed. The woman realized that acting out a hysteria had no effect on you, and changed tactics to achieve her goal.

A woman herself cannot stop a real hysteria, even when she realizes that it is only to her detriment, that now everything is under attack - your plans, relationships, love. A woman who is hysterical drowns in a whirlpool of her own emotions. Demanding that she pull herself together, or throwing one away, is the same as turning around and walking away from a person who is being carried away by a mountain stream, without extending your hand to him.

Now let’s talk about how to extend this hand. Men, in most cases, don’t understand, don’t know, don’t know how. It’s easier for them to pull a drowning man out of a crater by the scruff of the neck with their teeth than a woman out of hysterics. But it only seems that female hysteria is an incomprehensible, uncontrollable process. He is uncontrollable - for her. You, understanding how it works, can easily control it.

The basis of female hysteria is always fear. Even if from the outside it doesn’t look like a woman is afraid, she is afraid. To extinguish hysteria means to dispel the cause of fear. First you need to find out this reason. There is no need to reinvent the wheel here; ask the question “head-on”: “What are you afraid of?” A woman will either say it right away, or think about it and say it later. Often she herself does not realize that behind her hysteria there is a banal fear. A woman can, out of the blue, as it seems to you, fuck your sweater, but in reality she is frightened by the fact that you, in your “deep thirties,” are bought clothes by your mother, whose boobs you just can’t tear yourself away from.

Don't make excuses, don't run over, don't leak. Ask kindly and calmly: “What scares you?” and let me speak. The sooner you ask, the sooner the hysteria will end.

By not leaving a woman alone with her fears, you will preserve your peace, and, possibly, your relationship. She will appreciate it, believe me, and when she comes to her senses, she will repay you a hundredfold. Of course, this approach only takes place if there is love. Mutual, of course.

How to cure your wife of hysterics if she considers this a normal phenomenon? Still, it was good, and then, out of the blue, she started to turn on. And again twenty-five! Another quarrel and tears... My wife is hysterical. I'm so tired of this. From scratch he makes a mountain out of a mountain.

When a wife behaves like this, it’s unbearable. It’s hard for both me and the children. And sometimes she can bring the situation to a scandal with those around her. How can she live like this?!

My wife is hysterical. And I am simply powerless in the face of this “catastrophe”. After her emotional storms, she sometimes asks me for forgiveness. And he says that this will not happen again. I used to believe her and tolerate her. But there is no strength anymore...

What kind of men do women love most?

And you will see how she will be simply in a stupor, she will be in shock. Because all women, when they start to take offense at a man, nag them, accuse them of something and other these situations. They expect that the man will explain, make excuses, prove that he is not like that. And then oops, the man agreed with her. He even began to slander himself even more. Is your wife hysterical and constantly unhappy? Okay, I agree that I don't deserve you.

Well, of course, it’s clear that when you agree with her and start talking about how you are the worst person. She begins to understand that you agreed with her. But even at the same time, you begin to exaggerate her statements to some ridiculous proportions. She understands that this is all simple irony. And in no case should this be confused to mean that girls love bad boys. No, that's not what I'm talking about.

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The truth here is rather that women do not like men who are easy to train, who are submissive, who try to explain themselves and justify themselves to her. And of course, who can be easily forced to do what she wants. Everything is extremely simple. And this is where I am leading this thought. Remember that women always test men whether he will be trainable or not.

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After all, for them, this is a way to test how strong a man is at one time or another in their relationship or communication. If he can be trained, that means everything, he becomes weak and uninteresting for her. She loses attraction to him and, accordingly, will most likely not continue the relationship. If the partner cannot be trained, she begins to feel that she is drawn to him. Her attraction to him intensifies. Well, she sees him as a strong, attractive, man. The wife is constantly unhappy only with a weak man.

Now let's take a closer look at why all this happens and how to avoid it.

Prevention of quarrels and misunderstandings

Having mastered the art of family negotiations and found your own way to exchange wishes, you must not forget: problems that arise should be voiced immediately. Don’t keep silent, don’t put it off for later, don’t put up with them. It will only get worse, because discontent tends to accumulate and multiply. Teach your spouse to do the same. Set aside time at least once a week for a calm, constructive conversation.

Living together encourages people to be more flexible and adaptive. It is better to try to find a reasonable compromise than to stubbornly defend your point of view, no matter how absolutely correct it may be for you. In the question: “Do you want to be right or happy?” there is only a grain of joke. In any situation, there are many options for solving the same problem.

Feelings and spark in relationships must be maintained consciously and regularly. The pink season of falling in love inevitably passes. But romance and intimacy can be preserved. Even in the 50th year of marriage, it makes sense to invite your spouse on dates, come up with ways to be interesting to each other, find your own places and routes where you can feed mutual feelings.

Some men may object: why so much effort and trouble? Well, each person must always decide for himself. Your choice: live with an eternally dissatisfied wife, go into the unknown, leaving your beloved family and established life, or take responsibility and initiative to revive general happiness and harmony.

Find out the reason for the tantrums

Hysteria is a way of getting what you want. Two types of women regularly throw tantrums:

- spoiled in childhood.

If the parents spent little time raising the girl in childhood, fulfilled her every whim, did not teach her to overcome difficulties and help around the house, then she begins to resort to hysterical fits already at the age of 3, if her parents do not buy her a toy or take her to kindergarten, and with age her selfish antics only intensify.

- patients with neurosis.

If in childhood a girl was calm and obedient, then the manifestation of hysterics with age may be one of the types of neuroses. Some psychologists call hysteria the first degree of insanity, especially if it is accompanied by streams of tears, simulation of fainting, headaches, heart attacks and threats to commit suicide. In this case, when the first symptoms of hysteria appear, you should call a doctor and give a calming injection.


Often hysterical symptoms imitate various deviations of internal systems:

  • damage to the central nervous system;
  • vasospasm;
  • angina pectoris;
  • infectious diseases;
  • myocardial infarction.

The main symptoms of hysteria in women include pain in the heart, spine, chest and abdomen. Even under the influence of painkillers, they do not weaken.

Other rare symptoms: twitching of limbs, eyelids, loss of voice, complete loss of speech, stuttering, sometimes blindness or deafness occurs.

The wife is hysterical. Is there a way out? Learn to ignore and remain silent

If you truly care about your wife and you have a child together, then you should try with all your might to save the marriage. To do this, you will have to be patient and persevering. As the saying goes, what a person “absorbed with his mother’s milk” cannot be changed by anyone.

Tantrums are theatrical performances by an “actress” who has no special education. Therefore, the hysterical person is afraid of publicity and throws tantrums only in the presence of the people closest to her. In order for her husband to fulfill her whim, a hysterical wife can bring him to a nervous breakdown, but she herself always controls her behavior and, despite her terrifying appearance, does not feel any shame. She easily calms down and can even ask for forgiveness if her husband gives in to her and she gets the desired result.

Even if you cannot completely ignore the hysteria and go to another room so as not to become a participant in the performance, do not succumb to provocations and do not allow yourself to be manipulated. Don’t let the hysterical person drain your energy, try not to be a participant in the theatrical performance, but remain only a spectator from the sidelines.

Let rude words and insults pass your ears, as if they were directed not at you, but at the theater hero, which fortunately you are not. If the screaming, crying and yelling suddenly turns into death threats or assault, call 911 immediately. This is already a nervous breakdown and your wife needs a sedative.

Don't listen to your friends' advice

Husband and wife are one Satan, so no matter how much your friends advise you: “Why are you suffering with her, don’t ruin your life, pick up your feet and run,” do not rush to file for divorce. There are very few modern women who are calm, balanced and hardworking.

Most of them are fixated on external beauty, luxury and wealth. Therefore, it is unknown what your next woman will be like, most likely, she will be the same. After all, only some men, after divorcing their first wife, draw the proper conclusions and work on themselves.

And if he remains with the same outlook on life and low self-esteem, then he will again attract hysterical people who are avoided by men who are confident and successful with women.

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Who are these hysterical women?

They are called women with emotional swings. One moment she is calm, smiles at those around her and looks like a child, but literally a few minutes later she turns into a beast that rushes and rushes for no particular reason. Either a real princess, at whose feet you want to lay the whole world, or a fire-breathing dragon, from which you want to run.

These are real hysterics who have problems with self-esteem. When she is in a suspended emotional state and experiences elation, she should not be praised; when her confidence falls, she turns into a huge bundle of nerves. A woman throws hysterics and scandals with or without cause, but after a while she becomes calm.

There are several signs by which you can understand that your wife is hysterical:

Why even get involved and build a family with such women? It’s easier to get away from the shocks and find a balanced wife. But if a bitchy woman is a beautiful, smart, successful and interesting person, then the man will be very tempted and will not be able to resist the lady. In such cases, a man should know a few rules for taming bitches.

How should a man behave with his hysterical wife?

Rule #1.

A hysterical wife is karma for a man. Let's work it out. Distance in response to capricious behavior and reinforcement of the good If the wife begins to insult and provoke, there is no need to respond in kind, ignore her speeches or silently accept the blow. The response causes outbursts of anger. If you ignore or silently listen to attacks, she will feel powerful and will belittle her husband.

To avoid conflict, you need to keep your distance. As soon as another outburst of anger begins, you just need to get up and leave or end the telephone conversation without explaining anything about it. If you were sitting in a cafe together, then just pay the bills and leave. Of course, such behavior will make the woman even more angry. But she needs time to be with herself to think about what happened and understand her guilt.

In many cases, the lady calms down, the volcano calms down, and she realizes that she acted rudely. She will call and apologize herself. In this case, you should not give her lectures on correct behavior, but simply accept her apology, making it clear that you are not ready to tolerate such an unreasonable attitude towards yourself.

Rule #2.

Do not start arguments or criticize. When building a family with a hysterical wife, it is worth remembering one important rule:

Do not criticize family members and children with her, do not look for shortcomings in the chosen one and flaws in her appearance.

Even if you cannot come to a common opinion and have different points of view, there is no need to argue and furiously prove that you are right and impose your opinion.

You need to calmly speak out, saying that the decision or opinion will remain unchanged. Although the wife will be unhappy, this will cause much more respect than retaliatory attacks, shouting and waving her arms.

Rule #3.

Be able to stay within certain boundaries. As soon as your wife tries to hurt you or prick you, you cannot respond in kind. They are only angels in appearance, but inside they are very vindictive and vindictive. Therefore, once again it is better to refrain from insulting. In a relationship, the main one is the one who has stable self-esteem, who is not offended for any reason and knows how to forgive and not take revenge.

With such a man, she will behave more calmly, and all her attempts to provoke you into a quarrel and emotions will be in vain. A man should behave respectfully and, in case of any provocations, simply step away, and not be offended and take revenge in return. Any bad behavior of a woman is caused by the fact that she has a deeply hidden resentment, so you should not give an extra reason.

Hysterical behavior not only repels men, but also negatively affects women themselves. The psyche is disturbed, control over oneself, one’s thoughts and behavior is lost. With frequent emotional breakdowns, a woman can go beyond what is permitted, without completely understanding what she is doing.

Only balanced, restrained, strong men can get along with such women, who can stop the attacks of their beloved, take control of her, and not respond to her with the same inadequate reaction.

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With which men do women turn hysterical?

Psychologists identify 7 main types of men with whom women lose their minds and control of emotions.

Calm alcoholic

This is not yet the stage when a man goes on a rampage, takes things out of the house and beats his wife. This is an “amateur alcoholic” who drinks a certain amount almost every day, which increases over time. Many women are not ready to put up with this and begin to look for ways to fight. When all attempts have been used, but there is no result, the wife’s psyche is shaken and hysterics arise. In this case, a man should think about his lifestyle and eradicate a bad habit.

Creative personalities

Such people have a different way of thinking and perception of the world, including relationships in marriage. These geniuses are not always recognized by the people. In this case, they are not able to earn a decent income and help their wife with household issues. They are always in search of muse and inspiration. What kind of life tires a woman, and she becomes a bore, always nagging her husband.


There are men who think only about themselves. As a rule, they marry calm and flexible girls. At first, wives put up with this behavior of a man and don’t pay much attention. But when a woman realizes that her husband doesn’t love her that much and is busy only with his own life, then her peace of mind begins to be undermined, which leads to quarrels and hysterics. The woman is trying with all her might to attract attention.

Tyrant and dictator

These are men with a cruel character, the behavior of a despot, for whom it costs nothing to hit a woman. If after the first such incident a woman does not leave the man, then she should be prepared for the situation to repeat itself periodically. Life will become real torture. The wife turns into a downtrodden, hysterical person. A similar situation is observed with a man who suppresses his chosen one morally.


It would seem that there is nothing wrong if a man tries to build his career and achieve great success. But such people also have a domineering character, which will manifest itself in relations with their wife. If she is his “blessed with berries,” then they will have a lot in common and fewer problematic situations. But if the wife is lower in status and does not look like the wife of rich people, then the man will not treat her with due respect. What kind of attitude will clearly make your husband nervous? Wives of careerists should look beautiful everywhere: at home, on a walk, in a restaurant and at a party, wear elegant clothes, and have appropriate manners and behavior. In addition, she must develop herself, be able to maintain a conversation on any topic.


As a rule, a girl understands before marriage whether her future husband is prone to flirting and making advances toward other women. But she hopes that marriage will change him and he will be faithful to her all his life. But expectations are far from reality and self-deception leads to mental disorders. The wife constantly controls her husband, arranges checks, rummages through the phone and social networks, which makes her a jealous hysteric.

Good for all sex.

Men want to be good for everyone: parents, friends, colleagues, but not for their wife. What kind of husband would be happy to have money for friends, give them an expensive gift, shelter friends who have nowhere to stay, forgetting about the interests and well-being of the family. The wife's opinion is not taken into account. It’s surprising that with such behavior a woman turns into a vixen who does not accept her husband’s friends and hides money.

Scandal for your health!

Don't hold back or hide your emotions. There is absolutely no benefit from this - neither to you nor to your loved ones.
Firstly, it is harmful to health: people who experience everything within themselves are prone to hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. Secondly, constantly holding back irritation can lead to the fact that at one point it breaks out with even greater force. Thirdly, you can hide the cause of resentment or anger, but not the condition itself. And it’s unlikely that it will be easier for those around you if, saying that everything is fine, you sit all evening with a gloomy look in front of the TV or stand by the window, wiping your tears. Of course, breaking dishes and screaming is not the only way to return emotions to normal. Everyone knows their own, “bloodless” methods. Women in such a situation, as a rule, want to speak out - after all, they are more emotional than men. So talking to a friend can change the situation for the better. Walking around the city helps some, while others escape anger and stress by hand washing (preferably large items).

If you are one of those who, in order to relax, definitely need to “say everything that’s boiling over”, then consider a few points. First, don't let your emotions control your actions. Remember the wise saying “The morning is wiser than the evening”; now it is very useful. And if, in the heat of a scandal, you have a desire to immediately pack your things and go to your mother, or get a divorce, or quit your job - postpone this decision until the next morning, or even better, the next day.

Second, make sure that your loved ones do not suffer too much from your mood swings, attacks of resentment, or even aggression. Of course, you have every right to all this, especially now, but what should they do? They cannot understand the full range of your experiences, no matter how hard they try. Maybe it would be better if you explained that your condition is not always controllable and asked them to be patient?

Third, you should not feel guilty about this. Irritability, anxiety, and anger do not mean that you are a bad wife and mother. This is a completely normal reaction to a change in situation. A little time will pass and everything will fall into place.

Fourth, remember that we can still do a lot to become more balanced and calm. Moreover, it is often enough to use the simplest relaxation methods and “remake” your day a little.

Hysteria in women: how to deal with it. What to do when hysterical and how to calm it down.

Hysteria is one of the most common phenomena that occurs in women. This behavior can cause serious mental disorders, so it should not be ignored. A hysterical wife jeopardizes not only her health, but also the psychological climate in the family. You can help her calm down at home, but it is better to consult a doctor.

Regardless of the reason for the development of hysteria, it is impossible to leave a woman alone with this problem.

The first thing a husband should do is bring his beloved to a conversation and understand the reason for this behavior. Any aggression and denial on the part of the spouse will only aggravate the situation. You should show maximum understanding, listen to your wife to the end, prove that you love her, and are always ready to support her. This approach will defuse the situation and calm the hysterical person a little.

If your wife is hysterical, redirect her attention to something else. Talk to her about the child and his behavior. You can jokingly point out smudged lipstick or mascara. This will distract her from the pressing problem and give her the opportunity to calm down.

If all of the above methods are useless, you can choose a more radical way to calm her down: splash a glass of water on her face. Your wife won’t like this action, but at least it will somehow make her calm down.

What psychologists say about hysteria


Hysteria is a form of neurosis, a mental disorder with vegetative, sensitive, functional and other disorders. People with a weak nervous system are susceptible to this pathology. Most often, hysteria occurs in women and it can be associated with various stressful situations, pregnancy, and hormonal problems.

What happens to a woman during another hysteria is more correctly called hysterical psychopathy. This mental disorder is manifested by violent emotionality, a sharp change in behavior and is always accompanied by tears.

Types of hysterics

Hysterical attack.

The cause of such psychosis can be unpleasant words from a loved one or an unpleasant situation that has arisen at home or at work. Such hysteria is accompanied by tears, screams, stomping feet, sharp gestures, tearing of hair on the head, etc. During this period, the woman’s consciousness turns off and a few minutes after the seizure she may not even remember what happened to her.

There are two ways to stop this psychosis: with cold water or sharp pain. Hysterical attacks can occur regularly, so the woman should be shown to a psychotherapist.

Hysterical behavior.

This hysteria in women manifests itself in a different way. A representative of the fairer sex strives to become an object of admiration, envy and surprise. To achieve this, a woman dresses brightly, has her hair cut and made up, and constantly comes up with some unusual stories to attract the attention of the public. You can notice such a hysterical person by behavior in which there is excessive affectation and theatricality. Both young and old women suffer from such psychosis. Often their appearance and behavior do not correspond to their age and social status.

A good mood is your doing: relaxation exercises for pregnant women

  1. Often, when returning home, we transfer our work activity and excitement to the family. Having failed to get rid of the day's impressions, we take out our bad mood on our family. To reduce the risk of scandals of this kind, establish a tradition: when you return home, immediately relax. Sit in a chair, relax and sit quietly. Listen to your favorite music. Try to completely immerse yourself in the sound, disconnecting from all your thoughts. You can make yourself tea and drink it slowly, in small sips, while also thinking about something extraneous, for example, where this tea grew and who collected it. It would be nice to take a walk in the fresh air, especially since walking is especially beneficial for you now.
  2. If you often feel mental and muscle tension, learn special relaxation that will help you find balance.

It is advisable to perform the exercises in a separate room, without prying eyes. To begin, take the starting position - lying on your back, without a pillow, legs slightly apart, feet turned toes outward, arms lying freely along the body with palms up. The whole body is relaxed, eyes are closed, breathing through the nose.

  • Lie quietly for about 2 minutes. Imagine the room you are in. Mentally walk around the entire room along the walls, then in the opposite direction.
  • Focus on your breathing. Feel how you breathe, feel that the air you inhale is colder than the air you exhale.
  • Take a shallow breath and hold your breath for a moment. Tighten all your muscles at the same time for a few seconds. As you exhale, relax. Repeat the exercise 3 times.
  • Lie quietly for a few minutes, completely relaxing and focusing on the feeling of the heaviness of your body. Register all environmental sounds in your consciousness, but do not perceive them. The same applies to thoughts. Don't try to overcome them - you just need to register them.

Perform tension-relaxation exercises for individual muscles of the body one at a time. Start with your legs, then move on to your gluteal muscles, chest muscles, arms, and face.

  • In conclusion, mentally “run through” all the muscles of the body: is there even the slightest tension left somewhere? If yes, try to remove it, as relaxation should be complete.
  • Lie down quietly again - relax, breathing evenly, without delays. You feel rested, calm, full of strength.
  • Open your eyes, close them, open them again. Stretch as you would after sleep. Sit down very slowly, without jerking. Then stand up just as slowly, trying to maintain a pleasant feeling of internal relaxation for as long as possible.
  1. If you suddenly find yourself in a stressful situation, you can find ways to help yourself and calm down. Here are some ways to relieve stress:
  • Calming breathing. Slowly take a deep breath in through your nose. Hold your breath for a moment, then exhale as slowly as possible. Imagine that with each deep inhalation and long exhalation you are partially releasing stress.
  • Look around and carefully examine the room you are in. Pay attention to the smallest details, even if you know them perfectly. Slowly, without rushing, “go through” all the items one by one in a certain sequence. Focus completely on this “inventory.” Say to yourself mentally: “Brown desk. White curtains. A bright vase for flowers,” etc. You will distract yourself from internal tension, directing your photography to a rational perception of the environment.
  • Engage in some activity, preferably physical (feasible) labor. In a stressful situation, this will act as a lightning rod - you will direct your energy in a “peaceful direction” and at the same time be distracted.

The impact of tantrums on the family. How to live with a hysterical wife

Many men don’t know what to do if their wife is hysterical. Not every representative of the stronger sex is ready to tolerate such emotional outbursts in their family. Most men want a family in which there will be peace, mutual understanding and harmony. Living with a mentally unstable partner is simply unbearable for many. If a girl behaved adequately before marriage, and after marriage began to regularly show hysterics, sooner or later the same outcome awaits her:

The man will immediately leave her.

At first, the husband will try to understand the reason for the hysterics and try to calm his wife down. But even the most patient husband will not be able to withstand such regular shaking, so divorce is inevitable. Only some husbands can tolerate an unhealthy situation in the family and accept a woman for who she is.

A man who really wants to save his marriage should stock up on endurance and patience, since this problem cannot be eliminated quickly.

Professional treatment

A man must remember one important rule: if my wife is hysterical regularly, then this is not always a banal mood swing. Often the reason for this is serious mental disorders and neuroses.

In this case, she needs to see a psychotherapist, who will promptly correct the emotional disruption and help cure hysteria at an early stage.

At the initial stage, this disorder can be treated quite successfully. Chronic psychosis is treatable, but requires patience from the patient and her loved ones, since such therapy takes a lot of time.

Treatment and preventive measures

The main therapeutic measures to eliminate female hysteria are aimed at strengthening the central nervous system:

  • active lifestyle;
  • giving up bad habits of alcohol and drugs;
  • adherence to sleep and rest patterns;
  • balanced diet;
  • relaxation therapy (physiotherapy).

To normalize hormonal levels and reduce the manifestation of autonomic neurosis, gynecologists prescribe medications. It includes such a complex of treatment and sedative therapy, mainly from natural ingredients: tincture of valerian, motherwort. Of the traditional medicines, Persen, Corvalol, Novopassit and Afobazol have a good sedative effect.

Signs of hysterics

The hysterical wife is extremely selfish, she is driven by increased pride, attention to her person, the desire to be in everyone's sight and the desire to dominate her partner, suppressing his personality.

A characteristic feature of hysterics is the simulation of various illnesses, for example, migraines, in order to attract attention to themselves in any way and force them to fulfill their whims. Often, women show others unusual manifestations of their illness - fainting, seizures and other inhuman suffering.

Such women often start a scandal for no apparent reason, the purpose of which is to get what they want through blackmail and hysterics.

Knowing her husband’s weaknesses, the woman begins to put pressure on what hurts most, trying to make her dream come true. A man should not rush to blame a woman, since in most cases she is a hostage to psychosis and frayed nerves.

An attack of hysteria begins acutely and is expressed in the following symptoms: raising the voice, redness of the skin of the face, crying, sobbing, slurred, chaotic speech. The girl begins to scream, stomp her feet, and theatrically wring her hands. However, these emotions are clearly exaggerated. At these moments, they are characterized by deceit, dramatic behavior, and posturing.

Many women claim that when they are hysterical, they experience clouding of consciousness and do not remember most of what they said.


The symptoms of hysteria vary in their manifestations, but they are easy to recognize:

  • hysteria always begins at lightning speed;
  • screaming and raising the voice are the main symptoms of a nervous breakdown accompanied by hysteria;

  • blush on the cheeks, rosacea of ​​the skin of the face and neck during attacks;
  • aggression accompanied by breaking dishes, damaging furniture and household appliances;
  • excessive hand gestures;
  • foot stamping;
  • unclear voice, obscene language;
  • rapid breathing, complaints of heart failure;
  • inability to take a full breath of air.

How to stop a girl from throwing tantrums

If the wife is hysterical, this is somehow understandable, but the girl is hysterical... You need it in the future. We will still consider this issue. The best way to prevent hysteria is to nip its preconditions in the bud.

Try to talk, find out what is bothering your beloved, and whether you can help her with something. Perhaps earlier you showed tactlessness, uttered words that seemed offensive to her. Hug, kiss, just sit next to your woman, perhaps this is exactly what she needs most at the moment. Reassure the anxious girl, promise that everything will be fine with you, and you will make every effort to achieve this.

Sometimes acting as a vest can be very useful. Give your friend the opportunity to speak out, cry, and let off steam. Let her complain about the people who offended her (boss, girlfriend, neighbor). If she understands that you are her reliable support, protected, strong rear, a real man who can lift the clouds over her head with a confident hand, then she will stop being hysterical.

Let the girl be a little capricious, advise her to describe all her “troubles”, for example, in an online diary. When the bad mood passes and the problems are forgotten, you can laugh together at the far-fetched reasons for the hysteria.

If talking doesn’t help, you can film the girl during the hysterical period on a video camera, and then show the recording. Let him admire how she looks at this moment and draw the appropriate conclusions.

If a girl calls you and is hysterical, under no circumstances speak to her in a raised voice, do not adopt her behavior. Communicate softly, calmly, as much as your endurance allows. Tell her that such serious problems should not be solved over the phone. Advise you to wait until you arrive home, and so that the waiting time is not painful, let him take a bath and sleep. Perhaps this will work, and when you arrive home the lady will be calm and reasonable, and then you can talk.

“Wife, maybe you need some water?”

All men know about the existence of female hysterics, but not everyone is yet personally familiar with the symptoms of such illogical female behavior. In some places, the stormy noisy sea “rests” in comparison with the following pictures of what is happening:

- tears/snot

- loud squeals for a completely stupid reason

- emotional and temperamental conversation with obscene language in a raised voice

- incomplete understanding by the girl herself, which is why, in fact, all the fuss

- lack of any logic in reasoning and accusations

- recalling all your worst actions from the category: you didn’t hammer in a nail, you didn’t take down the curtain, you didn’t buy cucumbers

- sometimes (very rarely) a dull, absent, offended look at the area of ​​the nearest window. Eh, such a harmless, and such a rare symptom.

And everything would be fine if every hysteria was accompanied by only a couple of such signs. But if all these characteristic features are combined simultaneously in a small fragile creature, replacing each other with lightning speed, nothing but “The Exorcism of Emily Rose” comes to mind. But this is not our option. It is urgently necessary to learn how to behave correctly when a woman is hysterical.

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