How to become beautiful: the most detailed and honest guide

Incredible facts

Beauty has much more to do with our inner feeling than with purely physical parameters.

A lot depends on whether we are satisfied with our appearance and whether we are ready to convince others of our attractiveness.

If you feel unattractive, it's time to stop the endless cycle of self-criticism and focus on how to become better.

There are a few little things you can do every day to make yourself feel more beautiful.

What is beauty

Since ancient times, female beauty has stirred the minds of artists, poets, and philosophers. Thousands of people have puzzled over what true beauty is and why at different times ideas about it change so dramatically.

There is no universal formula for beauty, but you can trace a general trend in those manifestations that people consider beautiful. Sociologists have identified an important evolutionary mechanism underlying the concept of beauty. Beauty makes you want to join it. It encourages people to improve and grow.

Therefore, in any given period of time, something that indicates a person’s high position in the social hierarchy and the strength of his personality is considered beautiful. That is, about good internal and external organization.

For example, there were times when very plump women were considered beautiful. They were idolized, sung and set as an example. But these were hungry times, when most people could not afford to eat normally and were on the verge of exhaustion. At that time, being plump indicated a high standard of living compared to other people, which is why it was considered beautiful.

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Start developing

Today the conditions are completely different: no one is starving, rather the opposite. The abundance of high-calorie refined foods makes weight gain an option available to absolutely everyone.

Today, well-groomed, moderately slim and fit girls are considered beautiful. Their appearance suggests that they have enough time, money and willpower to take care of themselves: go to the gym, avoid stuffing themselves with junk food, visit a cosmetologist, etc. And until the situation in the world changes radically, these basic ideas about beauty will remain with us.

How to become beautiful?

To become externally and, most importantly, internally beautiful, you need not only to win the genetic lottery, but also to adhere to simple daily rules for keeping yourself in good shape:

  1. The key to success in any endeavor is to keep doing it until it’s the way you want it to be. If you really want it, everything will work out.
  2. Time. If you have lived 20-30-40 years without caring too much about your own appearance, it is foolish to believe that you can change it in a day or a week. Start small.
  3. Money. Yes, yes, financial investments will still be required. But we are not talking about millions of fortunes that you will attribute to cosmetologists and makeup artists. No, everything is much simpler - correctly selected cosmetics (care and decorative) will work well, even if they are from “budget” series. And no one has canceled folk cosmetics, although their effectiveness is often much lower.
  4. Knowledge. Before you rush into the battle for beauty, you should know what exactly to do, when and with what frequency. Excessive care is as harmful as insufficient care. And incorrectly selected procedures can do more harm than good.

Where does beauty begin?

The path to beauty is long and thorny. It is important to start it with the right actions so as not to stumble and lose motivation. The following three recommendations are the basics. Deal with them - then the process will go like clockwork.

Realistic view of yourself

Most people, especially girls, have a very vague idea of ​​what they look like. We all have our own image in our heads, but usually it is very different from the real one. We may seem much prettier to ourselves than we really are, or, conversely, exaggerate our shortcomings several times over. But if you want to really upgrade your appearance, you need to find the courage to face the truth.

Stop looking at yourself through Instagram filters and retouching photos. When approaching the mirror, do not try to take the most advantageous pose, but behave naturally. Videotape yourself often. This way you will gradually get used to the real you and learn to accept yourself. Only after this are truly qualitative changes for the better possible.


Self-confidence is an inner strength that attracts people to you. She can more than compensate for any shortcomings in appearance. Surely among your friends there are people who do not shine with beauty, but nevertheless are liked by everyone. And I am sure that they are all united by self-confidence.

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

Eleanor Roosevelt


Someone else's ill health instinctively causes rejection in a person. We want to distance ourselves from someone whose flesh seems painful to us, who shows symptoms of infectious and other diseases. Remember how you react to a coughing person on public transport. Surely you want to stay away from him, even if he is as handsome as Apollo.

Therefore, the path to beauty must begin with getting your health in order. Take the path of a healthy lifestyle. Take note of several important points that seriously affect how other people perceive you:

  1. Take care of your teeth. Visit the dentist at least once every six months, treat incipient caries in a timely manner, and have professional cleanings done.
  2. Treat skin inflammation. Pimples, boils, blackheads do not decorate anyone. Modern medicine offers many ways to treat acne, you just need to not be lazy in using them.
  3. Don't forget about hair health. Trim split ends in a timely manner and get rid of dandruff.
  4. An important indicator of health is smell. You should always smell nice. To do this, carefully monitor hygiene and wash things on time.

This is what concerns external manifestations of ill health. Naturally, internal problems also need to be eliminated in a timely manner, and not console yourself with the thought that no one sees them anyway. A healthy person is full of energy and glows from within, while a sick person is lethargic and apathetic. Naturally, the first one has a much greater chance of being liked.

How to become a well-groomed girl, step by step steps? nails of a well-groomed woman and girl (link)

Manicure is one of the most important indicators of a woman’s lifestyle and cleanliness.

Important: There are many useful tips that can open every woman to incredible beauty and health.

Secrets of home care will help any girl find a way to make her nails healthy with the help of baths and time-tested folk recipes.

After all, very often even the most beautiful nails can look bad. That is why it is important to know what to do in such cases to avoid situations where the nails peel and break. If you have been growing your nails for a long time and now decide to treat them, information about restoring and strengthening your nails will be important.

healthy beautiful nails

Facial beauty

The face is our calling card. He needs special attention. Consider the following beauty tips.

Don't overuse tanning

Unfortunately, the fashion for tanned skin has not left us for the last decades. In pursuit of it, girls expose themselves to excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays, dooming their skin to premature aging, not to mention more serious problems. The face suffers the most.

Cosmetologists advise using face creams with SPF protection at any time of the year. For autumn and winter, a protection factor of 20 will be enough, in the summer - no less than 50. And try to gradually give up the habit of lying on the beach, spread out in the open rays of the sun. You will have to pay dearly for this in the future.

Choose the right care

All products should be selected based on your skin type. At the same time, try to avoid aggressive influence. Avoid mechanical scrubs and alcohol-containing toners. Give preference to soft peelings that gently renew the skin.

If your skin is problematic and there are rashes, do not press or pick at them under any circumstances. This will only make the situation worse. Choose a suitable cream or ointment from the pharmacy and apply the product before bed. Also pay attention to your diet. Recent studies have linked acne formation to the consumption of dairy and gluten-containing products.

Give beautiful shape to your eyebrows

Eyebrows greatly influence the perception of the face as a whole. If you don’t believe me, try changing the shape of your eyebrows in a photo editor. At the same time, you will choose the ideal option for your face.

Today, wide, thick, natural eyebrows are in fashion. Thin threads are a thing of the past. And thank God! But this does not mean that eyebrows can be unkempt and sloppy. Style them using a special gel and carefully remove excess hair. Sparse and too light eyebrows can be corrected with a pencil or special powder.

If you are the happy owner of very thick eyebrows, then it is better to entrust them to a specialist. It will give you the desired shape, and then you can maintain it yourself at home.

Choose the right makeup

To be beautiful, you don't have to wear tons of makeup. However, it will be useful to emphasize your natural beauty.

Remember a few basic rules of good makeup:

  1. There should be only one accent on the face. If you want to emphasize your lips, then leave your eyes alone, and vice versa. Otherwise, the makeup will be too provocative and overloaded.
  2. Choose your foundation carefully to match your skin color. Make sure that the transition between the face and neck is not noticeable. Keep in mind that most foundations darken after application, so before purchasing, apply a tester and walk around with it for at least 10 minutes.
  3. Avoid foundations that are too thick. They do not allow the skin to breathe and look like an unnatural mask.
  4. Lips can be emphasized with pencil, lipstick or gloss. Use bright colors when going out. For everyday makeup, give preference to nude shades.
  5. Blush above the cheekbones will give your face a youthful freshness. Just don't overdo it with them.
  6. The shape and structure of the face can be corrected using a highlighter and sculptor. Highlight the areas that you want to visually enlarge with a highlighter. And those that need to be reduced, darken with a sculptor.
  7. Be careful with mascara. Clumped eyelashes with lumps are unsightly.

Also take a look at our article about what attracts men to women.

Watch your facial expressions

For most people, their face is in constant tension. Over time, spasmed muscles can turn into an ugly grimace, even if the person has naturally pleasant facial features. Negative emotions especially spoil the face. An eternally unhappy person has drooping corners of his lips, a frowning person has a crease between his eyebrows, and a squeamish person has wrinkles on his nose.

To prevent these fatal changes, you need to accustom yourself to watch your facial expressions from a young age. Do not allow your face to be in a tense state, erase the mournful and gloomy mask from it.

Go to the mirror, relax all your facial muscles as much as possible and pay attention to your facial expression. This is how it should be most of the time.

Learn to smile beautifully

Yes, you also need to be able to smile beautifully. Ask your friend to videotape you one day so you don't see. Then watch the recording carefully, mark those moments that catch your eye the most and that you don’t like.

For example, I didn’t notice that I wrinkled my nose a lot when I smiled. For me this was a real discovery - extremely unpleasant.

Then you will again have to resort to using the mirror. Rehearse a radiant smile that you like, try to remember it at the level of muscle memory and reproduce it without a mirror. At first it will be difficult and unusual, but then the new habit will take hold and stay with you forever.

Clothes of a well-groomed woman and girl (link fashion 2016 on the website)

A huge number of useful fashion tips can be found on the pages of the site. In order to keep up with the podium and surprise others with your perfection, you need to regularly monitor your clothes. A well-groomed woman's clothes are not only clean, but also fashionable. Many useful tips can reveal to you the secrets of combining things and accessories. Good recommendations will help you not only choose fashionable jeans, but also completely design a stylish look for both thin and overweight women.

beauty of a plump woman

Body beauty

Let's move from the face to the body.

Exercise regularly

Without normal physical activity, it is very difficult to maintain beauty at a high level. The skin becomes more flabby, posture worsens, excess weight appears, and muscle mass dries out. And most importantly, the body loses its lightness, vital energy leaves it. And without it, even the most beautiful features fade and fade.

Choose an activity you like and do it regularly. It could be anything: running, dancing, cycling, team sports. You can not limit yourself to just one thing, but choose several activities. If you work hard with full dedication, you will notice positive changes in your appearance within a couple of months or even earlier.

Eat right

Many books have been written about proper nutrition. By the way, you can find the best of them in our selection. Here I just want to outline the main points and give you the right guidelines:

  1. Watch the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. To maintain your own weight and the normal functioning of all organs and tissues, doctors recommend the following formula: 40–50% of all calories should be obtained from carbohydrates, 30–40% from proteins, 20–25% from fats. For those who are losing weight or trying to gain muscle mass, the formulas will be different. You can easily find them on the Internet.
  2. Add beauty products to your diet. These include vegetables, herbs, nuts, whole grain cereals, fish, seafood, cottage cheese, and cheese. Their daily use will help improve the condition of the skin, hair, teeth and nails, as well as delay the appearance of the first signs of aging.
  3. But you should give up coffee, alcoholic beverages, sweets, smoked meats, pickles, and canned food. Or at least reduce their consumption to a minimum.
  4. Eat small meals 5-6 times a day. Get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. This way you will never feel heavy from overeating and will minimize the occurrence of heartburn.
  5. Don't eat on the go. Eating should not be combined with other activities. This is very harmful to digestion.

Drink more water

Dehydration negatively affects all systems of the body. Naturally, this manifests itself in appearance. The skin dries out, takes on an unhealthy tint, and age-related changes become more noticeable. Lack of water also makes it difficult to remove toxins from the body, which can lead to breakouts.

Train yourself to drink at least one liter of clean water a day. It's just a matter of habit. For three weeks you will have to force yourself, and then the body itself will remind you and demand its portion of fluid. Right now you can install a special application on your phone that will count how much you drink per day.

Maintain good sleep hygiene

Every girl knows perfectly well how sleepless nights affect her appearance. Swelling, bags under the eyes, unhealthy pallor - these are just a few unpleasant consequences from a whole list.

To be beautiful, you need to feel cheerful and rested. Here's a checklist for organizing good, healthy sleep:

  1. Sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  2. Try to fall asleep and wake up at the same time every day.
  3. 3 hours before bedtime, eliminate physical activity and heavy food, 2 hours before bed - gadgets and TV.
  4. Sleep in complete darkness and silence. Earplugs and a sleep mask will help you.
  5. Ventilate the room before going to bed.
  6. Run a humidifier at night to maintain optimal humidity levels.
  7. Keep your bedroom clean and tidy.
  8. Use the bed only for sleeping. Don't eat, don't work in it.

Take care of your hair

Shiny silky hair is the adornment of any girl. In order for them to always be like this, you need to take care of proper care.

Hair beauty begins with proper hygiene. Wash your hair as it becomes dirty, do not wait until your hair looks like greasy icicles. Conditioner and hair mask will give your hair shine and protect it from aggressive environmental influences.

It is very important to choose the right haircut. Focus on the shape of your face and hair structure. If you have thin hair that is prone to split ends, you shouldn't grow it to your waist. A short haircut will help add volume; it will make your look more attractive, light and airy.

Appreciate what nature has given you. If you have curly hair, highlight its beauty rather than torture it with endless straightening.

Don't forget about your nails

It would seem that nails are such a small thing, but they greatly influence the overall impression. This is a kind of indicator of a person’s lifestyle. If the nails are neat and well-groomed, it means that their owner takes care of herself.

At the same time, it is not necessary to spend money on a professional manicure every 2 weeks and draw an intricate design on your nails. It is quite possible to get by with home care. Carefully trim and file the unnecessary length, cut off the cuticle, lubricate your hands with vegetable oil. Naturalness and neatness are in fashion today.

What characteristics should a truly beautiful girl aged 12-16 have?

Every girl from 12 to 16 years old has thought about how to become more beautiful and attractive at least once in her life. At this age, teenagers begin to become interested in their bodies and strive to attract the attention of others. A desire is born to show your best qualities, becoming ideal for your friends.

At 12-16 years old, a girl should be kind and radiant. At this time, teenagers are not yet concerned about the problems of the future, creating a strong family, maintaining a marriage, raising and educating children. They are just beginning to experience adult life, falling in love with boys from the school yard.

That is why girls at this age should have such character traits as:

  • modesty;
  • responsiveness;
  • philanthropy.

It is desirable for them to achieve good results at school, help their parents with housework, and be faithful friends.

A teenager must be neat and well-groomed, follow the rules of hygiene, and wear clean, ironed clothes. It is important for girls of this age category to be able to carry on a conversation, enjoy life, and provide moral support to a friend in a difficult situation. Femininity, wit, tact, and erudition are the main qualities that a teenage girl should combine.

Image and style

Properly selected clothes and accessories will help you complete your appearance.

Keep your clothes neat

The great Coco Chanel said: “Better three wrinkles on your face than one on your stocking.” Indeed, it is very difficult to compensate for untidiness in clothing. No matter how dazzling a girl’s appearance may be, pellets, spots, elongated knees can ruin the entire impression.

Here are a few tips to help keep your items in their original condition longer:

  1. Buy a sticky roller to remove small debris from clothes and carry it with you at all times.
  2. Wash different colored items separately from each other.
  3. Always keep your shoes clean and repair them on time.
  4. Pay special attention to the armpit area on T-shirts, blouses and blouses. There should be no deodorant streaks or traces of sweat.
  5. A special machine will help you get rid of pellets. Buy plug-in models to avoid breaking the bank on batteries.

Wear what suits you

The pursuit of fashion sometimes makes girls look stupid. Don't blindly follow trends, try to create your own style.

When choosing clothes, rely on your body type. Determine what type of figure you have: apple, pear, rectangle or inverted triangle. For each type, there are many recommendations on the Internet for choosing clothes. Check them out and try to follow them.

Also learn the universal rules that will help you always dress adequately and appropriately:

  1. You don't need to be too tight on your curves. Remember the rule: if you wear a tight top, then the bottom should be loose, and vice versa.
  2. The same goes for bare areas of the body. If you don’t want to look vulgar, flaunt one thing: either your legs, or your stomach, or your cleavage. And only in cases where the context allows. In general, you can emphasize femininity and sexuality in more delicate ways. For example, focusing on the waist with a belt, exposing the shoulder, ankles or wrists.
  3. Create a capsule of 5-7 basic items that will fit perfectly with each other and suit your lifestyle and appearance. Then you won't have to worry about what to wear every day. Then it will be possible to dilute your wardrobe with bolder accent pieces.
  4. Invest in things that will not lose their relevance after many years. These include, for example, a classic coat, a trench coat, a loose-fitting leather biker jacket, black pumps, lace-up boots, and Cossack boots. Think ten times before buying a seasonal trendy item that will be out of date in six months.

Don't forget about accessories

The right accessories will help you complete your look. It is important that they do not stand out from the general style, suit your type of appearance and do not look cheap.

Let's look at a few rules for choosing accessories:

  1. The size of the bag should not contrast too much with your body type. If you are a miniature Thumbelina, do not buy oversized bags. Against their background, you will be completely lost. Large ladies, on the contrary, are better off avoiding too small models of bags, because they will only emphasize excess weight. The same goes for belts.
  2. Don't go overboard with decorations. If you choose large bright earrings to complement your look, then the same necklace will no longer work.
  3. Use hair accessories: hairpins, ribbons, headbands. But they shouldn't look like you took them away from your little sister.
  4. If you have vision problems, choose glasses of a suitable shape.

Wear nice and neat underwear

Even if no one sees you in it. The way you dress for yourself speaks volumes about your level of self-esteem. The more it is, the higher the attractiveness, although this connection is not obvious to most people.

Try wearing luxury lingerie under your regular everyday clothes sometime. You will be amazed at the effect! Self-confidence will increase several times, mischievous sparkles will appear in your eyes, even your gait will become more feminine.

Rules for a well-groomed girl

Young girls have long discovered several basic rules, if followed, they can rest assured that they will look well-groomed:

  1. Whatever you do, always make time for yourself: for a massage, for cosmetic masks, manicures and other procedures.
  2. Maintain cleanliness in everything: clothes, shoes, cleanliness of the body, cleanliness of water consumed and environmentally friendly cleanliness of daily food
  3. Eliminate bad habits: smoking, biting nails, eating at night
  4. Choose beautiful feminine shoes that make your legs long, slender and graceful. It doesn’t have to be a heel; there are many beautiful flat shoes
  5. Give preference to stylish expensive jewelry. It is better to buy one quality decoration than ten cheap plastic ones.
  6. Watch your speech: get rid of harmful words, obscenities, slang. Read more classical literature
  7. Practice a beautiful gait. It is she who creates the overall impression of the girl

well-groomed beautiful young girl

Being attractive is not difficult if you regularly find time for yourself and don’t “cheap” on creating an image.

Inner beauty

External beauty is inextricably linked with internal beauty. If you have chaos and discord inside, no amount of manipulation with your appearance will help you become beautiful. Therefore, we need to work on two fronts at once.

Don't chase ideals

One of the main reasons why most girls consider themselves ugly is an unsuccessful comparison. Photoshopped models look at them from well-promoted Instagram accounts, next to whom anyone, even the most beautiful girl, can feel inferior.

My advice is simple: do not go to these pages. You will save time and save self-esteem. The photographs that are displayed there have nothing to do with reality. They set a very high bar, which in fact turns out to be false and confuses millions of girls. Don't fall for this nonsense. Live by your own rules.

Get rid of negativity

People are wrong to think that the processes in their heads are hidden from others. The thoughts and emotions that accompany a person most of the time are deeply imprinted on his face. Therefore, try not to focus on the negative, drive away bad thoughts, smile more and enjoy life.

Don't be selfish

A constant focus on oneself, an obsession with one’s own appearance is a common feature of today’s girls. To stand out from the crowd, it is enough to at least slightly reduce your egoism and begin to show sincere interest and kindness towards other people. This immediately adds 100 points to beauty.

Selfishness blocks the flow of vital energy, while kindness and altruism, on the contrary, open the flow. There is no magic in this. This is an ancient physiological mechanism associated with the evolution of the species.

To begin with, you will be imbued with kindness and love for the people closest to you - relatives and friends. Find out if they might need your help with something, think about how you can please them and make their life better.

Then you can gradually expand your circle of people. You may enjoy doing something for the benefit of others so much that you decide to do charity work.

Love yourself

This advice may seem trivial, but it really works. Moreover, without it, all the others do not work.

All the manipulations described above will be meaningless if you do not learn to accept and love yourself.

Only love needs to be understood correctly. This is not indulging all the whims of your body, not passively admiring yourself in the mirror, not denying your own shortcomings. This is a calm acceptance of those features that you cannot change, and active work to improve what can be improved.

I'll explain with an example. In my youth, I was very worried about my short stature. All my friends were half a head taller than me, and compared to them I was completely lost. I spent a lot of nerves and energy trying to redo something that was beyond my control. Then I was able to accept this peculiarity of mine and even love it. If today they offered me to somehow miraculously increase my height, I would refuse.

Therefore, you need to calmly concentrate on what nature has given you, and look for ways to emphasize and improve it. This will be the same self-love that can move mountains.

I suggest reading our article on how a woman can love herself.

Increase your resistance to stress

Did you know that the skin and nervous system are closely related? They originate from a single embryonic germ called the ectoderm. Subsequently, the ectoderm divides into two tubes: from one, the brain and nervous system are formed, and from the other, the skin. But the connection between them lasts a lifetime. Therefore, any stress or malfunction of the nervous system immediately affects the skin.

As soon as we get a little nervous, acne begins to “bloom” on our face. And this is not the most unpleasant consequence. Some people may experience persistent eczema or rosacea from stress.

It is impossible to completely eliminate stress factors from life, so you need to focus on increasing the resistance of the nervous system to them. Meditation techniques and regular forays out of your comfort zone will help you with this.

Hang out more with people you like to be around

The critical gaze of other people can seriously undermine confidence in one's own attractiveness. Therefore, minimize your contacts with those who directly or indirectly criticize your appearance, make tactless jokes about you, give advice on how best to dress, apply makeup, etc. All these manifestations indicate his bad manners and disrespect for you. to you. Why waste time on such people?

Communicate with those with whom you feel cozy and comfortable, who respect your personal space and do not try to assert themselves at your expense. But at the same time, be tactful, friendly and polite.

Be Passionate

It is difficult to imagine a more attractive sight than a person immersed in his favorite activity. When we do something that gives us pleasure, a huge dose of happiness hormones enters the bloodstream. The people around us also want to join this source of vital energy, so they are instinctively drawn to us and feel sympathy.

Find something you like. If you've never been passionate about something, don't expect it to immediately grab you and captivate you. Interest will grow gradually, filling your life more and more.

Mistakes in self-care

Trying to get closer to the ideal, many tend to go too far. What “excesses” can instantly nullify all efforts to take care of yourself? First of all this:

  1. Eyebrows that are too plucked or unnaturally bright and clear (as if drawn with a felt-tip pen).
  2. Nails that are too long, especially with bright and catchy designs - pebbles, aquarium painting, pendants, etc.
  3. Incorrectly selected accessories. One beautiful bracelet of good quality is better than a whole scattering of cheap market items.
  4. Too thick a layer of makeup - “plaster” on the face.
  5. Harsh, overly rich perfume. The scent of a real woman should be subtle and not give the impression that you are in a flower bed.
  6. The desire to “show everything at once.” Choose the accent of your look: neckline, eyes, lips, legs or arms. Emphasize the selected area, leaving the rest neutral.
  7. Fake tan in dark or red shades - grilled chickens can be appetizing, grilled girls are not.
  8. Focusing only on appearance. Grooming is character, behavior, competent speech, and self-confidence. Develop, learn, improve yourself not only externally, but also in your soul.

Be cheerful and cheerful
As you can see, always looking well-groomed and beautiful is not so difficult, you just need to want it, be patient and put a little effort into it. And remember: one of the main qualities of success lies in self-love. And this is not pity and self-indulgence, but the belief that you deserve the best, but to achieve success you still need to work on yourself, because there is no limit to perfection.

Cupping massage

It is a cupping massage using oils that can give the skin elasticity and “take away” extra centimeters.


For example, a chocolate wrap can not only tone the skin, but also relieve stress.


Face masks

It is face masks that deeply nourish the skin and give it a healthy, radiant appearance.

face mask

Anti-wrinkle masks

There are many recipes for anti-wrinkle masks that can effectively restore youth and even tone to the skin.

Makeup: creating a unique look

This is where there is limitless scope for creativity, when creating a make-up. A little work and you look well-groomed every day. You don't have to spend hours creating something incredible. All you need is powder, blush, eye shadow and lipstick. This minimal set will help you create great makeup. The main thing is that these funds combine well with each other. Of course, a lot depends on the skin. To look well-groomed every day at 40, you usually have to try harder and use additional products to hide skin imperfections. But it’s not just a matter of age – young girls’ skin can be no less problematic, and makeup will take no less time. It depends on how lucky you are.

Smile: alluring charm

Girls, smile more often!

A woman with a smile on her face will always look more attractive than her sullen friend. But just smiling is not enough. It is important which teeth you show. Beautiful and white? Or yellow and crooked?

In the second case, go to the dentist immediately!

He has everything in his arsenal - plates and braces, veneers and other things that will give your teeth a perfect look. Yes, it’s not always possible to correct your bite; sometimes it’s too late to get braces due to age, or your teeth grow so long that you can’t achieve the ideal. But you can almost always whiten your teeth. And white ones will already look much more beautiful. And this does not mean that now every time, in order to look well-groomed, you will need to run to the dentist and shell out a tidy sum. Usually, to maintain the effect, it is enough to use a whitening paste from time to time.

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