What to do when you feel bad and want to cry - how to find a way out of the impasse

Maybe close your eyes and not look at the people around you? After all, you involuntarily begin to envy: happy relationships, prosperity in the house, smart children, a rich and vibrant life... But from your own - you only get upset: it’s a continuous “Groundhog Day”, and there is no end in sight to the problems. Why is everything bad , what’s wrong with me?

If you are tired of a series of problems, you lack joy and happiness - download step-by-step instructions for creating a successful life with your own hands. More than 7,000 people have already used these tips from Elizaveta Volkova!

I have a friend who left all social networks so as not to feel like a failure. Just look at Instagram alone with all its slender figures, snow-white yachts and Cote d'Azur... The longer she scrolled through the feed, the worse her mood became. Does this happen to you too?

And it’s not only famous bloggers who look stellar in their photos. Friends, classmates, colleagues - judging by the same social networks, many of them already have everything you dream of right now: a successful personal life, nice apartments and houses, beautiful cars, an eventful vacation.

And you often have nothing to brag about - it’s just routine. Do you feel like a squirrel in a wheel, for which every morning the same “Groundhog Day” begins... It seems?

Why does everything come so easily to others, but you have only problems? And I even want to delete my account so as not to see other people’s happy faces and not get upset.

Of course,
you can remove yourself from all social networks.
But will this make you happier? There is another way out, and I will tell you about it now.

All problems are only in your head

You understand that your life is yours alone, right? No one but you cares how you live it. Whether you spend the time of your life overcoming difficulties or finding happiness is up to you.

It is important to understand and accept the fact that everything good and bad in our life begins with “good” or “bad” thoughts. This is exactly how the world works.

Look at those who have already made their dreams come true. They are now on the crest of success - and primarily because they worked with their thoughts. Yes, in exactly this order:

1. believed that everything in life is possible;

2. convinced themselves that they deserve the best;

3. overcame fears and doubts;

4. learned to see new happy opportunities.

That's why they succeeded!

Happiness, success, money - everything is achievable with the power of thought. But how can you change your thinking to become successful? I suggest a small test...

Tears won't change anything

Remember your childhood, when you hurt your knees and cried that they hurt. What was happening at that moment? That's right, you felt pain! But what did you do? Nothing! You were just crying! How did you get rid of this pain? Act one, you were returning home. Act two, showing the wound to the parents. Act three, they smeared your knees with brilliant green.

What to do if everything is bad</p>

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