10 important life lessons we must learn

Life lessons

The advantages of age, no matter what you say, are gaining invaluable life experience. After fifty, sixty, and even more so after seventy, much becomes clearer in the minds, sorted out and crystallized into capacious definitions. Which can also be called life lessons. Let's see what people who have lived, who have seen everything and learned the true value of many things can teach us. Like, for example, blogger Barry Davenport.

Live here and now

Many of us do not live for today, especially since sometimes circumstances are not the best, but we dream about what will happen to them in the future. And thus they do not notice or appreciate many of the joys that befall them now. Meanwhile, according to Barry Davenport, wise from life experience, the future is an illusion, and the real reality is only here and now. Whatever it is, do not turn away from it, do not turn into a somnambulist. Learn to live in the present moment, overcome difficulties, build your well-being, achieve goals, catch the bird of happiness by the tail, because this is your unique life - complex, unique, the only one. And then the future will turn out to be its best side for you.

Develop one skill that will help you grow.

If you want to change your life in a year, spend the next few months learning a new skill.

What skill will help you grow your business or career? Or develop your personality? Is it better communication skills, leadership skills or design skills? Would learning a new language or new software improve your business? Will it help you to face your clients with more confidence? Take lessons or courses that will help you develop your skills. This can make a big difference in your life.

The most important thing in life is loved ones

But many believe that it’s just the opposite, and they devote all their mental strength and time to their career, making money, entertainment... Over time, we begin to understand that there is nothing better and more valuable than the human warmth and participation that our loved ones give us: parents, spouses , children and friends. They are the most important things in our lives, and not a position, a car, an apartment, a dacha, and the list goes on. Maintain trusting relationships with loved ones, appreciate their attention, take care of them, because they are your strong rear, they are always on your side, and, realizing this, it is easier to go through life.

Happiness takes hard work

Many people seem to expect happiness to come to them naturally. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. The people you see around you who seem so happy and carefree have been through hard work. They worked on themselves and improved until they found happiness.

Happiness is, for the most part, a choice. You have to want it and be willing to do it to achieve it. You may have to let go of your pride or your ego, and there are many lessons you may have to learn along the way.

Children don't belong to us

They are given from above so that we can raise and educate them, cherish and groom them, guide and prepare them for adult life, experience the strongest love for them and die of fear for them... And then, when they grow up, calmly retreat into the shadows and give them the opportunity to live your own life. Children are like a precious vessel, beautiful and fragile, which needs to be filled with the right content. Like a delicate plant that needs to be cared for so that it grows, blooms and bears fruit.

The period when a child cannot live a single day without you, when you are the center of the whole world for him, is, unfortunately, short-lived. Remember this when you want to watch TV or chat with a friend on the phone, and your baby asks to play with him, or read, or take a walk. Seize these moments while he needs you, enjoy them, because they are so fleeting. About a decade and a half will pass, and he will not invite you for a walk in the park, or bring you a book to bed to read before bed.

Life lessons - learn them correctly!

Nothing cheers you up in the morning like an unnoticed door frame!

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