13 books on psychology that will help you understand other people better

Books on psychology today are no less popular than other genres and directions. Readers are always looking for a copy whose essence will be accessible to them and can solve any problem. There are quite a lot of writers who have published books on psychology in the 20th and 21st centuries, and therefore it is not always easy for people to make their choice. But on the World Wide Web you can find many ratings with similar publications, which are described along with the main features and reviews of real readers. Our editors offer one of these ratings.

Below are 25 of the best books on psychology that can improve certain skills in their readers. They are definitely recommended reading for everyone who really strives for success and wants to live a full life, and not just exist under the control of other people who have managed to reach the top.

"Games People Play. Psychology of Human Relationships”, E. Bern

Ilya Shabshin

consulting psychologist, author of books on popular psychological topics, leading specialist at the Psychological Center on Volkhonka

Berne's model of the Inner Parent, Inner Adult and Inner Child is something that is very desirable for anyone who wants to understand other people (and themselves at the same time) to know.

The international cult bestseller is worth reading for those who are ready to go beyond the usual life scenarios, want to understand the motives of their actions and the behavior of other people and find out why conflicts arise. Bern believes that a person can change his destiny if he wants.

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“Diversity of human worlds”, P. V. Volkov

The author calls his work “a guide to the prevention of mental disorders.” He writes about the uniqueness of characters and their subtypes, pays attention to interpersonal relationships, mental disorders, and examines specific cases from his practice.

The best book about people's characters in Russian.

Ilya Shabshin

The work encourages you to evaluate a person based on his characteristics and helps you understand how to treat others with tolerance and why you need to do so. Why bother with this? To prevent painful situations that arise due to lack of mutual understanding.

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Final chord. Self-education

"Technology of life. A book for heroes” – Vladimir Tarasov

Another book that can be classified as a table book - you can return to what you have written and think about each story. The book consists of parables that look at different life situations and help us find a way out. With each parable, the author gives a hint, suggests reconsidering our relationship to everything around us. Reading this book will allow you to more consciously perceive your own life, and take into account the principles, values ​​and beliefs of the people around you when interacting. Vladimir Tarasov has been teaching for more than 30 years, and he builds his principles on ancient Chinese philosophy, adapted to our realities.

"Where's My Cheese" - Spencer Johnson

On this topic: Polygraph when applying for a job.
How it works and why it is needed At first glance, this book may seem insignificant. Both in size and in essence. But the story in the form of a fairy tale is swallowed in one sitting, makes you think, identifying yourself with one of the two characters. The book is close to “books of one thought”, but deserves attention and a couple of hours to read.

“Your Own MBA” – Josh Kaufman

Book/checklist for self-education. The author is anti-MBA (Master of Business Administration). He tells how you can replace expensive training with self-development. Kaufman collected and quite briefly described all the components of a full-fledged MBA education, and therefore after reading you are left with an understanding of the structure of processes not only in a company, but also in relationships between people. The author also analyzes personal components. The book can add the missing puzzles in your head and, thanks to the literature proposed by the author, continue self-education. For experienced people, reading is also useful - it helps to refresh and systematize knowledge.

Igor Khudnitsky is developing a non-profit project, Business Intelligence Club, for students and young professionals. Owners, entrepreneurs and experts share practical experience with everyone. You can find out more about the club here.

“Red pill. Face the truth!”, A. V. Kurpatov

Oleg Ivanov

psychologist, conflict specialist, head of the Center for Social Conflict Resolution

Andrey Kurpatov is not just a psychiatrist and a doctor, he popularizes psychology and psychiatry, giving the common person the opportunity to get acquainted with important ideas that can later be successfully applied in life.

Based on the results of research in the field of neurophysiology and neurobiology, the author explains in accessible language how the human brain works, why it deceives us, and whether something can be done about it.

The popular science work teaches you how to interact with other people and tells you how to use your brain wisely to solve important problems. This book is for those who want to get rid of illusions and look at their life from a new perspective.

The Red Pill is the first book in a trilogy. It also includes “Palaces of the Mind. Kill the idiot in yourself" about how to make your brain work for yourself, and "Trinity. Be more than yourself,” dedicated to three types of thinking.

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How to win friends and influence people. Dale Carnegie

The presented book describes, first of all, the specifics of relationships between people under the capitalist system. But despite this, the information turns out to be very useful for people living in any conditions and in any society. A special place in the book is given to the topic of relationships between managers and subordinates, as well as between managers and managers. In general, the material is designed for those who need an influx of new thoughts, ideas and goals, new friends, increased status, improved ability to influence others, opportunity and ability to earn more, as well as those who simply want to improve many other qualities of your personality.

The content of this book is extremely effective for using the information received in everyday life. First, effective methods of communicating with people are given. Secondly, ways to influence people are considered. Thirdly, valuable advice and recommendations are given on how to develop yourself and improve the qualities of your personality. The main idea of ​​the work is the author’s conviction that a person’s faith in his own strengths and his success can lead him to his goals and cherished dreams and make him better. The material is filled with many examples and is an effective practical guide.

“Characters and personality disorders”, V. P. Rudnev

Inna Semikasheva

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University. I. N. Ulyanova

Reading, however, is for intellectual readers, but very exciting. Describes the main types of characters using examples from classical literature.

Each person is unique, and character determines how we perceive reality and look at the same things. And to understand other people, you need to know how each of them sees this world.

The book will help you change the perception of yourself and the people around you and will make you think differently about your own mistakes. This is a work about the characteristics of human characters, defense mechanisms and personality and mental disorders, including depression, hallucinations and paranoia.

Literature at the intersection of sciences

Viktor Frankl “Say Yes to Life!” is a motivator book located at the intersection of motivational literature, psychology, history and even fiction. Frankl's actual autobiography is the story of his imprisonment in the Auschwitz concentration camp and later in Dachau during the Nazi occupation. How to survive in conditions when man is the enemy of man, when life hangs by a thread every day and the breath of death is felt more and more strongly? Through experience, Frankl tells readers what you definitely shouldn’t give up in life - freedom of spirit, honesty and faith in one’s own strength. This work shows how in our world filled with bustle, it is important to appreciate the little that is in the present moment.

D. Kenrick, V. Grishkevicius “The Rational Animal”

The subtitle of the book is “How Evolution Shaped the Development of the Brain.” A book at the intersection of psychology and physiology/biology. It largely describes how brain evolution and human decision-making are related. The good thing is that the book is written in the most understandable language and is supported by entertaining stories and examples.

A. G. Maslow “The Farthest Limits of the Human Psyche” is a book from the same series as “The Rational Animal” (Masters of Psychology). The author of the most famous pyramid (not Egyptian!) of needs. A book at the intersection of the theory and history of psychology and human sciences. In it, the author talks in more detail about the theory of self-actualization and the differences between lower and higher needs. If you liked studying his pyramid at school/university, then you will like this book.

Otto Weininger “Gender and Character” is a book at the intersection of philosophy and psychology. The author himself is a rather interesting person, a man who, at the age of just over twenty, became a professor at the University of Vienna and committed suicide early. The author's spirit of contradiction was conveyed to his work, where the scientific side of the gender issue is closely woven into everyday life itself. How the love of two people and the chemical formula are connected, what ideal love is and what categories women can be divided into - all this can be found out in the book “Gender and Character”.

Eric Fromm “The Art of Loving” is one of Fromm’s fundamental works at the intersection of psychology, philosophy and religious studies. “God is love” - such a manifesto is close to Fromm, as well as the fact that not everyone is given to love. More precisely, for this you need to work a lot, starting with working on yourself and ending with your attitude towards the world. A person can fall in love when he loves himself and the entire world around him, all people without exception. Humanism and acceptance are what this author starts from.

“On the Characters of People”, M. E. Burno

Larisa Milova

family psychologist, procedural psychotherapist, genetic psychologist and trauma therapist

The essay helps to understand the “naturalness” of people’s weaknesses (including our own), difficult feelings and actions. It describes the worldview of each character quite well.

Psychiatrist, psychotherapist, doctor of medical sciences and professor M.E. Bruno reveals the essence of different characters and gives examples from his practice. The professor examines what type famous writers, poets, artists and musicians belong to, and uses the example of their work to explain the characteristics of each character.

Perhaps in the descriptions you will find yourself or your loved ones and understand why relationships work out with some and not with others. And finally fix the situation.

Burno’s work is recommended by the Department of Psychotherapy, Medical Psychology and Sexology of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education and the Professional Psychotherapeutic League as a textbook on psychotherapy.

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Books on numerology

"Numerology and Discovering the Inner Self: A Complete Practical Guide"

Author: David Phillips

About the author: David Phillips is one of the most popular numerologists of the 20th century.

About the book: a complete and simple guide to numerology. In an easy and accessible form, David outlines all his many years of experience, embodied in a number of techniques for calculating numbers and their impact on your life. The publication is also suitable as a simple textbook even for children.

Who is it for: for beginners and numerology professionals.

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“Numbers of Destiny: Pythagorean, Indian and Chinese numerology”

Author: Andrey Kostenko

About the author: Andrey Kostenko

About the book: after reading you will learn what influence the name and date of birth have on a person. There are three number systems to choose from: Pythagorean, Indian and Chinese.

Who is it for: for those who want to learn the basics of numerology.

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"Classical Numerology"

Author: Juno Jordan

About the author: After retiring as a dentist, Juno Jordan devoted 50 years of her life to the study of numerology, living to be over 100 years old.

About the book: 50 years of studying numerology are embodied in this publication. Your name and date of birth will tell you about your predispositions, talents, weaknesses and strengths. The publication is one of the best in the field of numerology studies.

Who is it for: for everyone interested in numerology.

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“Accented personalities”, K. Leonhard

The term “accentuation” was introduced by Leonhard. By this he understood overly expressed character traits, which are an extreme version of the mental norm and border on a pathological condition.

The book is written in lively and simple language, so it is quite suitable not only for professionals, but also for anyone interested in psychology.

Larisa Milova

In the work, which has become one of the most popular in the field of psychiatry, the author conducts a psychological analysis of accentuated personalities and analyzes examples from fiction.

“Understand human nature”, A. Adler

Adler, the author of the term “inferiority complex,” talks about the adaptation of the individual in society, the significance of the period of infancy and early childhood, the development of character, its individual traits and manifestations.

Adler says that the foundation of any relationship in society is understanding the other. And mutual understanding can only be achieved by understanding human nature.

Larisa Milova

He argues that a person is responsible for his actions and is able to change behavior, which plays an important role in interpersonal relationships.

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Let's start with two popular (one might say pop) biographies

"Steve Jobs" – Walter Isaacson

On this topic: How to do business in Belarus.
Instructions for a businessman The personality, which has become a cult, marked a revolution in the technological environment under the slogan “Think Different”. The book tells one of the versions (actually there are several) of the biography of Steve Jobs. We are trying to understand what kind of person he was by his actions and the stories of the people who surrounded him. After reading the book, everyone will draw their own conclusions. But what you can definitely take away for yourself is the importance of attention to detail and the ability to achieve seemingly impossible things.

"My life. My Achievements - Henry Ford

Like Steve Jobs, the hero requires no introduction. The number of modernizations and improvements that Ford introduced into the automotive industry is difficult to calculate. The book contains his principles and beliefs, which even after 70 years can be used as tools for personal effectiveness. Henry Ford's rationalistic view of things and processes, described in the book, contributes to the formation of systems thinking, which is sorely lacking in most people.

Philosophy of ancient commanders and politicians

On this topic: “Belarusians are afraid to speak well about themselves.”
Complexes of our startups in America The following group of books does not lose relevance even after many centuries. If we project the stories of commanders and politicians onto our lives today, we can draw direct analogies. Some see these analogies better in films, others in paintings, and others in books. For the latter, I advise you to read “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu and “The Prince” by Nicolo Machiavelli. In addition to the main plot, the books describe a context that is invisible to the eye and understood only after reflection.

“Under the Shadow of Saturn”, D. Hollis

Hollis writes about eight secrets of male psychology, psychological trauma and how to heal it, as well as the fear that rules a man's life.

A book about how difficult it is to be a man in the modern world, to fulfill various social roles and meet expectations, is worth reading for both men and everyone who wants to understand them.

Larisa Milova

From childhood, certain expectations are placed on a man, but they are not taught to listen to himself. The author explains how to cope with trauma and learn to build trusting relationships with yourself and others. The work is supplemented with examples from his psychotherapeutic practice.

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“Psychology of Women”, K. Horney

A book for those who want to learn to better understand women and see the differences in the psychology of women and men.

Larisa Milova

Horney disagreed with many of Freud's views regarding women. For example, with the fact that every woman envies a man’s penis and unconsciously wants to give birth to a son. For her point of view, she was expelled from the ranks of the American Psychological Association.

But this did not stop her from creating her own theory of the psychology of women, which is presented in the work. Horney touches on the topic of sexual dysfunction and social inequality, writes about the problems of marriage, motherhood, sexual relationships, femininity, love and fidelity.

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Scientific (academic literature)

When talking about academic or scientific literature, I immediately want to divide books into subcategories. From the category of what is outdated and no longer relevant for modern people, but what else can be used in the practice of communication/education, etc. But still, I believe that for every book there is a grateful reader.

Sigmund Freud “Beyond the Pleasure Principle”, “The Interpretation of Dreams”, “Leonardo da Vinci”

Direction/scientific school – psychoanalysis

Strictly speaking, not all academic and practicing psychologists recognize Freud’s right to be called a scientist. Moreover, many of his contemporaries openly accused him of charlatanism. In the book “1913. Summer of a Whole Century" contains a fragment of correspondence between Freud's student, Carl Gustav Jung, and the father of psychoanalysis, in which Jung accuses Freud of excessive subjectification and using students for his own interests. Eric Fromm, in his book “The Art of Loving,” about which I will also say a few words, completely accuses him of his own psychological inferiority. Nevertheless, his works will forever remain among the classic academic books on psychology. Of the three listed works, all are quite difficult to read, so the reader will need considerable concentration on the material and attentiveness, as well as knowledge of the foundation of the Freudian concept. For beginners and lovers of psychological literature, I can recommend Leonardo da Vinci, since the book is dedicated to the famous artist and inventor of the Renaissance. Moreover, the work is at the intersection of biographical literature, psychology/psychoanalysis and art criticism.

Yu. B. Gippenreiter “Communicate with the child. How?"

Direction/school – domestic school, experimental psychology

Let's start with the fact that Yulia Borisovna is a candidate of pedagogical and doctor of psychological sciences, one of the most respected specialists in developmental and experimental psychology in our country, currently teaching at the department of general psychology at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. Her wonderful lectures can be easily found on the Internet. The proposed book will be useful to everyone who has younger brothers/sisters/children/little relatives. We were all children once, so this book will not leave anyone indifferent. Written in accessible language, it reveals effective and outdated educational models and teaches how to properly communicate with a child. The ability to listen and help without pressure is what Gippenreiter’s book teaches. She also has a sequel called “We continue to communicate with the child. So?”, which focuses on studying aspects of a child’s growing up. Gippenreiter's books are included in the list of recommended books in almost all psychological universities in the country and are rightfully recognized as bestsellers.

Eric Berne "Games People Play" and "People Who Play Games"

Direction – transactional analysis

These books are a “simplified version” of Bern's monographs. But I won’t say that they are written in simple language. Their strengths are an interesting and original view of people’s relationships, a large number of examples and their analysis from the point of view of TA (transactional analysis), a unique view of communication (the essence can be conveyed by Shakespeare’s quote: “Our whole life is a game, and the people in it are actors"). Health, according to Berne, is a way out of the script (for example, “I am a bad mother,” “I am a victim,” etc.) and consciously playing roles in society. The first book is devoted to examples and analyzes of games, and also explains in a condensed form the model (skeleton) of transactional analysis as a direction in psychology. The second continuation book focuses on the theoretical and historical understanding of the emergence and development of games and scenarios, starting from the first years of life. In some ways, the book is similar to works on developmental psychology, only seasoned with special TA terms. It is possible for an untrained reader (not a specialist) to read, but it will not be easy! But the complexity of perception from the top is compensated by the benefits of the acquired knowledge.

Karen Horney "The Neurotic Personality of Our Time", "Psychology of Women"

Direction – neo-Freudianism, psychoanalysis

Horney is an American psychologist and scientist who devoted a lot of time to studying the structure of neurosis, the reasons for its appearance and its influence on American civilization. The book “Psychology of Women” will be of interest to representatives of both sexes, as men will be able to take a fresh look at women, and women – at themselves. Readers can find mistrust between the sexes, fear of women, overestimation of love and much more in Karen Horney’s book. Since the book is academic, it will be as difficult to read as the first and third books in the collection. But believe me, it's worth it!

Anne Rooney "Psychology in 15 minutes"

Rooney is not a psychologist, I’ll say right away. But her book does not cease to be less valuable because of this. Accessible and visual material (with pictures), interesting presentation and capacity transfer this book from science fiction to the category of informative textbooks on psychology. Rooney collected the Stanford prison experiment, Stanley Milgram's experiment, Ron Jones's third wave and other useful materials on psychology into a single text.

“He: The Deep Aspects of Male Psychology,” R. Johnson

Johnson draws a parallel with the myth of Parzival and uses this legend to reveal the deep psychological processes in men. The author tells what it means to be a man and how his formation occurs, explains the origins of aggression and bad mood, and also explains the role of a woman in the life of a representative of the stronger sex.

Johnson has a similar work, but only about women - “She: Deep Aspects of Female Psychology.” In it, using the example of the myth of Eros and Psyche, he reveals the subtleties of the female worldview.

Remarkable works by a follower of C. Jung about the peculiarities of psychology and the life path of men and women.

Larisa Milova

If you're asking yourself, "What's happening to me?" or “Why is he or she like this?”, these books are for you.

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“Why Good People Do Bad Things” by D. Hollis

A book about the dark sides of our soul. About why people gamble or drink excessively, do things that don't match our understanding of them.

Larisa Milova

Everyone has a shadow side, but not everyone is ready to admit it. It hides in the unconscious, but manifests itself in our actions and actions. Hollis writes how to recognize your Shadow, change behavior, overcome internal contradictions and learn to act consciously.

The book will be of interest to anyone who wants to find the strength to deal with “inner demons”, understand the essence and nature of the Shadow and find out what motivates other people when they commit certain actions.

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“Psychology of emotions. I know how you feel”, P. Ekman

We constantly experience some kind of emotion: we are afraid, happy, sad or angry. We clumsily try to hide them, and sometimes we think that at one glance we understand the feelings of another, but we are often mistaken.

The author explains how to catch the hidden signals that the interlocutor gives through facial expressions and gestures, and how to control and correct your own when necessary.

The ability to recognize emotions in yourself and others is the basis of mutual understanding between people and the opportunity to make your life more comfortable.

Larisa Milova

Even the most insignificant, barely noticeable changes in facial expressions - be it the position of the eyebrows and eyelids or folds in the corners of the eyes - matter. They are the ones who indicate whether a person is afraid or simply surprised, upset about something or tired and wants to sleep.

For clarity, the book is illustrated with photographs and examples. On the last pages there is an emotion recognition test to consolidate what you have learned.

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