How to earn respect: simple but effective tips

Respect in our society is still one of the main social priorities. And this despite the change of generations and the simplification of relations. “Respected person” is a status that everyone subconsciously strives for. Regardless of age, education and material income. But how to earn respect?

Because it is impossible to achieve results without spending any effort. And yet, how to do this? We are looking for an answer to the question in this article.

How to earn respect - Why do we strive to be respected?

The term “respect” refers to the positive attitude of one person towards another. Supported by recognition of the merits of his personality. But such an assessment, as a rule, is formed under the influence of certain circumstances. And in general, it can become the basis of a long friendship or good relationship.

Respect is a basic human right. Therefore, it is a very important component for personal identity. But it also has a significant impact on the relationships between different individuals.

This is the foundation that neither fashion trends nor a change in style can shift. It is the link between spirituality and culture. Because everyone wants to feel like an individual and receive recognition. After all, respect is authority, a certain influence in society. And respected people feel much more confident than those who have no special merits.

What does it mean to respect a man?

Girls! Let's do a little experiment. Write in the comments: do you think that respecting your partner is important? Now answer honestly: do you really respect your chosen one?

Often women understand how important respect is in a couple, but cannot show this feeling to their partner. Respect refers to a respectful attitude based on the recognition of merit. Agree, everyone has advantages. But in long-term relationships, people sometimes stop seeing each other's strengths and focus on their weaknesses.

Reasons for losing respect for a man from a psychological point of view:

  • The attitude “respect must be earned.” Forces your partner to constantly work hard for the sake of your favorable smile. Of course, even an ideal man cannot withstand such a rhythm, gradually losing respect in women's eyes.
  • Lack of an example of a strong man in childhood. Growing up without a father (or with a “problematic” father), girls do not understand the role of a guy in a relationship. They have an example of a strong woman - a mother who solves any problems on her own. In such a scheme, a man seems an unnecessary element.
  • The influence of modern culture. Many films and TV series also do not contribute to the formation of deep respect for the male sex. Guys are often shown as weak, lazy characters who live at the expense of their family.

In addition, many girls have their own list of a man’s responsibilities. If a partner does not fulfill them, he quickly loses his Prince status.

How to earn the respect of others?

Respect is a two-sided medal. If you want to earn respect for yourself, you need to learn to behave in the same way with other people. Do you want to achieve the desired result as soon as possible? Here are the TOP 10 tips for gaining respect:

  • Strive to improve your self-esteem. Start respecting yourself. And those around you will definitely notice it.
  • Find out which useful traits in your character are poorly developed. And try to fix it.
  • Be honest with people and always keep your promises.
  • Respect others and enjoy their successes. Know how to listen to your interlocutor.
  • Don't pretend, be natural.
  • Be polite, tactful and respectful to everyone around you.
  • Be patient with people, don't humiliate them;
  • Be respectful of other people's personal space. And be sure to respect their freedom.
  • Be more positive, open and friendly.
  • Complain less.

Respect as a feeling and need

True respect is based on being genuinely respectful towards someone or something. This is the feeling that arises in relation to a worthy, admirable person. It is impossible to respect under duress or insincerely; this is not respect, but flattery and hypocrisy.

Respect is also the most important ethical requirement. Only an adult, educated, cultured person respects himself and other people. The need for respect is actualized at a time when a person needs to feel his worth, importance and need for the people around him.

Men have a greater need for respect. It is extremely important for them to be respected, as this is an indicator of status and authority, both at work and in the family. Men more often admit to themselves “I want respect!” and define this desire as a goal.

A woman less often sets herself the goal of becoming respected, although she demands respect for herself more often than a man. Women achieve respect through the realization of other goals and needs. They strive to be loved, and respect is defined as a derivative of love.

Due to their age, children do not understand what respect is; they learn to respect by looking at their parents. Some mothers and fathers do not consider it necessary to respect the child’s personality, equating parenting with manipulation and control. This is the wrong approach to educating the personality of a little person. If parents don't respect their child's developing personality, he won't respect them when he grows up. And his self-respect will be replaced by painful pride or self-dislike.

Respect for others and oneself includes:

humane attitude, non-infliction of harm (neither moral nor physical), justice, attention to interests and needs, freedom of beliefs and views, trust.

The relationship and meaning of these components of respect differ in different cultures and countries. But respect always presupposes treating another person as a subject, and not an object of relations.

Highly moral people respect not only their friends, but also their enemies. Two respectable people respect each other, even when in a conflict, stressful, unethical situation.

What should you not forget?

When working on yourself, remember that you cannot do anything to the detriment of your happiness and well-being. It is unacceptable to push personal interests completely into the background.

Because if this happens, no one will be able to appreciate and respect you. Learn to disagree with people. There will always be individuals who will be unhappy with your behavior. Or those who will not be able to put up with the fact that you are luckier in life than they are. But there is no need to bend under them, trying to earn their respect. Disagreements are natural. And you shouldn't worry about this.

How to behave in society to be respected

  1. To gain recognition and respect from others, build partnerships. Surround yourself with people who have qualities you admire.
  2. Always be on time. This shows respect for others as you value their time.
  3. Think ahead. Be considerate of others and help them find solutions and strategies that will benefit them.
  4. Share your ideas. Strong opinions and many ideas command respect. Just don't bother others.
  5. Don't be afraid to ask how you can help. Don't shy away from people who need help. Even if they reject your offer, they will remember it.
  6. Play to your strengths. When you do what you are good at, you earn the respect of others.
  7. Recognize the dignity of others. This simple attitude is worth a lot and is the answer to the question: “How can you be treated well?”
  8. Don't be afraid to apologize. When you make a mistake, simply apologize.
  9. Say what you mean and mean what you say. People learn to trust and believe what you say through your words and actions.
  10. Trust your intuition. It's important to know when something doesn't feel right so you don't do it.
  11. Don't sweat the small stuff. Remember that most work difficulties are just small things.
  12. Learn to say no. Respect is cultivated when you can say no and back it up with good reasons.
  13. Stick to moral values. Don't be afraid to show others that you have moral principles that you stand by. The courage to defend one's moral values ​​commands respect even from one's opponents.
  14. Never miss a deadline. The best form of respect is to do things well and on time.
  15. Respect those who are difficult to respect. Behavior is not always worthy of respect, but a person is.
  16. Keep a positive attitude. People respect positivity. (I advise you to read positive statuses to cheer yourself up).
  17. Listen to different points of view. Be sensitive to other people's points of view and recognize the value of each opinion.

How to achieve respect in your team and from business partners

  1. Be prepared to compromise. A person who can work with others to find a compromise solution and shows his flexibility is worthy of respect.
  2. Don't waste other people's time. If you respect others' time, they will respect yours. This means not being late for meetings, and at the meetings themselves not discussing useless things, quickly getting to the point, immediately raising questions, and being concise.
  3. Be a good employee. The more other people benefit from working with you, the more respect you will earn.
  4. Remember your colleagues' significant dates. People appreciate the attention of others to their memorable dates. Try to remember the dates of important events in the lives of your colleagues and give them good wishes on these days.
  5. Don't be afraid to trust others with some of your responsibilities. Delegate as much as possible. Let others show their abilities and respect them for it. In turn, they will respect you too.
  6. Show respect to your colleagues. Respect others and colleagues, even if sometimes it seems that they do not deserve it.
  7. Improve yourself professionally and personally. Respect comes from setting high standards for yourself and working hard every day to meet them.
  8. Build trust in yourself. Conduct yourself in a way that inspires the trust of others and builds confidence. These qualities earn you the respect from your peers that you deserve.
  9. Develop humility. True respect in a team comes from humility and the knowledge that every person you meet has something to teach you.
  10. Try to be consistent in your expectations of people. Consistency is the key to success for strong, respected people. It builds trust and helps you earn the respect of your colleagues.
  11. Don't play favorites. This is especially important if you are a manager. If employees see that you distribute tasks and benefits fairly among them, they will begin to trust and respect you. They will see that everyone is on an equal footing with their colleagues. (Read 145 statuses and quotes about business success).

What do you need to do to make people appreciate and respect you?

  1. Be a peacemaker. Sometimes to keep the peace you have to do what you don't want to do. Maintain peaceful relationships with others and establish it wherever possible.
  2. Hold yourself to high standards to earn the respect of others. Try to meet these standards every day.
  3. Listen to others, not just yourself. When you listen to others, you show that you care about their opinions and take what they say seriously.
  4. Have a decent appearance. People impress others within seconds. Pay attention to detail in your appearance to show respect for others in your clothing.
  5. Focus on quality, not quantity. Make what you do meaningful by giving of yourself to the people or causes that matter most to you.
  6. Don't kiss others with the kiss of Judas. Sometimes it's not what you say, but what you do afterwards that matters. Therefore, avoid meanness and deceit.
  7. Smile. A confident, kind smile always evokes a positive response from others.
  8. Be the connection. Bring together people who see each other as a valuable and useful team.
  9. Make time for others to gain respect from others. We respect people who take time out of their busy schedule to pay attention to us and show us that they care about us.
  10. Treat others the way you would like to be treated. No wonder this is called the golden rule, thanks to which you can rise in the eyes of people.
  11. Do small acts of kindness. Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, or a listening ear. A small act can change the life of both yours and others.
  12. Never gossip. As they say, great people talk about ideas, ordinary people talk about things, and little people talk about other people. Gossiping and gossiping do not inspire true self-respect.
  13. Avoid hypocrisy. Be who you are behind closed doors. The measure of who you are is revealed when no one can see you.

How to raise people's respect for you

  1. Maintain equanimity in difficult situations. Keep it simple and stay true to yourself.
  2. Remember that feelings matter. Be mindful of other people's feelings. It could mean everything to them.
  3. Don't try to be everything to everyone. Sometimes we get caught up in pleasing everyone and end up pleasing no one. (Read statuses and quotes about self-love that boost your self-esteem).
  4. Know your boundaries. Set clear boundaries for yourself and stick to them.
  5. Keep it simple. Take what is complex and make it simple. Simplicity is the key to recognition and respect for others.
  6. Use feedback. Don't be afraid to ask others to explain things you don't understand. Being able to explain these things to you motivates and inspires others.
  7. When appropriate, share your knowledge generously. The benefits of such generosity will come back to you a hundredfold.
  8. Always say "please" and "thank you." Gratitude and politeness calm and inspire people.
  9. Stay active all the time. Don't always wait for instructions from others. Use your own skills and resources to get things done and solve problems. Make it a habit to figure things out on your own. Don't be afraid to challenge yourself from time to time.
  10. Learn from others. Admit how much you don't know so you can learn from your colleagues' experiences.
  11. Be a mentor. Find someone you can help and mentor them.
  12. Don't curry favor with others and become a buffoon. Show yourself respect and be consistent in everything you say and do.
  13. Be grateful when someone does you a favor. A simple note or small token of appreciation can mean a lot to others.
  14. Avoid contradictions. Remember, whatever you say, you must also do.
  15. Mind your manners. Good manners open many doors.

How to earn self-respect and rise in people's eyes

  1. Know your triggers. Be mindful of what might irritate you so you don't let it get you down. (In the article on how to deal with anger and irritation, you can find useful tips for yourself)
  2. Watch your body language. Make sure it matches the words you are saying.
  3. Dedicate time to reading every day. The more you know, the more you can do.
  4. Identify those in your life who tell you the truth and keep them close. Rely on people who believe in you and are not afraid to tell you the truth.
  5. Meet others. Developing close relationships and wanting to learn more about others shows that you are worthy of respect.
  6. Remember people's names. And give them a reason to remember yours.
  7. Be curious. The more you study or become interested in something new, the more you will learn.
  8. Choose who you spend time with carefully. Your environment either elevates you or challenges you.
  9. Be stubborn when it matters. People respect those who stick to their point of view when it is necessary for the cause.
  10. Speak clearly and firmly. If you can be expressive, concise and firm in what you say, it leaves no room for misunderstanding.
  11. Show a sense of humor. Humor will come in handy in almost any situation. The ability to defuse a tense situation with an appropriate joke is worthy of respect.
  12. Take action instead of waiting for the right time. Be your own teacher. If you wait until you are ready, you will have to wait for the rest of your life. Take risks and earn respect.
  13. Don't be a martyr. Don't do anything you don't like. Remember, respect comes from authenticity.
  14. Keep the naysayers away from you. You might even want to cut negative people out of your life completely.

How to earn the respect of colleagues?

Becoming respected in the team is also very important. Because work is the place where we spend a significant part of our time. And we communicate with a large number of people, as well as our professional qualities. Both a manager with many years of experience and a trainee can earn a high rating. But the best way to gain recognition is to follow the recommendations developed by psychologists.

  • Be competent in the field where you work. This applies even to those who are just starting their careers.
  • Love yourself. But if this quality is not sufficiently developed in you, develop it.
  • Accept criticism addressed to you with dignity, do not close yourself off from it.
  • Respect others. Including even those who disrespect you.
  • Never speak about another employee behind their back. And don't allow gossip.
  • Express your point of view, justify and defend it.
  • Follow the code of conduct.

And don’t forget that we still greet people based on their clothes. Therefore, you need to dress at work in accordance with the dress code. And it is advisable to ensure that your appearance is always impeccable.

What is disrespect?

Is it easy to understand that people don't have the slightest bit of respect for you? Or maybe they even despise you, skillfully disguising their attitude under the guise of condescending politeness? If you are not alien to observation, then recognizing your true attitude towards yourself will not be difficult.

Disdain towards a person’s personality develops based on two main factors: subjective and objective. Objective ones include your behavior and actions, and subjective ones include the formation of an opinion about you based on the reviews of people around you.

To correctly determine that you are being treated without the expected respect, you need to pay attention to the following characteristic signs:

  • Clear hostility. The most obvious sign of disrespect, expressed in open confrontation. During the conversation, they may start interrupting you, and if you try to find out the reason for what is happening, you have every chance of running into a scandal. They don’t listen to you, switch to other participants in the conversation, or end the conversation altogether.
  • Regular criticism. If a person treats you with disdain, then his only goal for maintaining contact with you will be the desire to stroke his pride at your expense. For the sake of frankness, it is worth noting that such a person generally does not care whether you are doing the right thing or not, because he will perceive any of your actions with hostility and, therefore, criticize the decisions you make and the actions you perform.
  • Nonverbal communication. Observing the gestures and facial expressions of others can be considered a very useful skill. Even if a person openly says that he values ​​and loves you immensely, his nonverbal behavior may indicate that he is lying. Shaking your head at your words, constantly “sticking” to your smartphone, closed postures, a distant look - all this serves as sure proof of a negative attitude towards you.
  • Denial of obvious rightness. How often have you encountered the fact that your interlocutor completely refuses to admit that you are right? You can literally bombard him with undeniable facts, but he will still insist that you are wrong. Such behavior indicates, first of all, that your opinion is not taken into account, and the decisions you make are sought to be sabotaged, thereby showing disdain for your authority.
  • Neglecting your time. Punctuality is a clear sign of respect. If you value a person, you will never allow yourself to be late for a meeting with him or to overwhelm him with your problems. This principle also works in the opposite direction.


Time is one of the most valuable human resources and treating it lightly clearly indicates a lack of respect.

  • Refusal to help can also be seen as a lack of respect. For example, you helped your friend more than once, but when you turned to him for help, he began to excuse himself by being busy. Moreover, this will be repeated more than once, and sooner or later you will simply stop counting on this person, feeling deep inside yourself an acute sense of resentment.
  • Refusal to spend time together. Friendship involves spending time together. If you value a person, then you will be happy to maintain personal contact with him, call him up and meet, and take an interest in his affairs and successes. When your friend begins to show by his behavior that he does not crave personal communication, while making excuses with his personal affairs, then this alone should make you think about the cooling of the relationship between you and a possible loss of respect for you.
  • Ridicule. Disrespect can be both overt and passive. Hidden (passive) disrespect is expressed in offensive jokes and veiled ridicule of a person.

How to gain the respect of subordinates?

The performance of any company depends on many factors. Including relationships within the team. But some managers take years to gain authority among employees. Although there are those who manage to immediately establish contact with people. Psychologists advise adhering to the following recommendations.

  • Maintain subordination. A subordinate is, first of all, a colleague. And only then a good friend or an enemy.
  • It is important to have a good understanding of the organization’s work and be able to apply knowledge in practice.
  • Don't strive to be perfect.
  • Express all criticism of employees only face to face.
  • Know how to admit your mistakes to your colleagues.
  • Get to know the people under your command well. This will allow you to understand how, in addition to bonuses, you can motivate the team to action.
  • Failure to fulfill work duties must be stopped. And if praise is appropriate, praise. This will further force the staff to perform well.

The work of a boss is interesting, but difficult and responsible. Because finding the middle ground between excess power and weak character is not easy. Therefore, the leader must use clear language and express himself in such a way that it is impossible to misinterpret the phrase.

Why is it important to respect a man?

What happens when a girl stops respecting her boyfriend? From a girl's point of view:

  1. She notices more and more flaws.
  2. Irritation grows: “he doesn’t help around the house,” “he leaves dirty dishes,” “he chose a stupid gift.”
  3. Libido decreases: a dissatisfied woman is not able to relax and truly want a man.
  4. The quality of sex deteriorates: a feeling of discord in the family is created.
  5. Mutual grievances accumulate, claims mount, quarrels break out for any reason.
  6. The female position changes from “this is the perfect guy!” to “why am I wasting my time with a loser?” Although the person objectively remained exactly the same as on the first dates!

How does a man feel at this time?

  1. Every day he sees less joy in the eyes of his beloved, more pent-up discontent.
  2. It seems to him that his partner has become less attractive. This is explained by hormones: a satisfied woman “exudes” oxytocin, the hormone of love, and a dissatisfied woman “smells” of cortisol, the stress hormone. In other words, there are no more pheromones, the “chemistry” disappears.
  3. The house from a “safe haven” turns into a place of military action, where he hears: “I should do this, I should do that,” “I did it badly,” “How long can I wait,” “But Vika has a husband.”
  4. As a result, the relationship collapses. Everyone believes that the other is to blame. In fact, the reason lies in the lack of respect.

Girls, tell me, have you come across similar examples in life?

Personal qualities that will help you gain respect

According to

American psychologist Geoffrey James, there are 6 qualities that will help you earn respect in a team:

  1. sincerity - hypocrisy will immediately make you a suspicious person with whom you need to be on your guard;
  2. curiosity - if you are really interested in what is being said to you, the interlocutor feels it;
  3. the ability to keep secrets - when colleagues understand that they can safely entrust secrets to you, you will immediately increase your authority in their eyes;
  4. expertise - people always respect knowledge, so it is important to constantly improve;
  5. willingness to help others - if you are ready to help others achieve their goals, your colleagues will definitely appreciate it;
  6. the ability to set personal boundaries - no one respects weaklings who are unable to keep their distance. If you're given an impossible task, explore all your options and promise to do the best you can, but don't say you'll solve it. If you see that someone is too dependent on you, gently wean them off by clearly defining how much support you are willing to give. The stricter you set your personal boundaries, the higher your authority.

Thus, in order to earn respect in a team, you must, first of all, respect the people with whom you are doing a common business.

Make your own decisions

One of the best ways to gain respect is to demonstrate leadership skills. And the best way to become a leader is to make decisions. And this applies not only to the workplace. Whether you are with friends, random new acquaintances, colleagues or your family, people will respect you unquestioningly if you demonstrate your decision-making skills. This shows that you understand what you want and you are willing to voice your thoughts without fear. Even if others disagree with you, you know that you are capable of making strong and effective decisions based on your point of view. This shows that you respect yourself, which in turn makes others respect you.

To be or not to be…

It is very easy to respect those who treat you with respect. But what about others who are objectively not worthy of respect? Why do you need to respect people?

The choice here is actually small: either reciprocate, falling to the level of “disrespect,” or start with yourself, more precisely with the ability to respect yourself, which gives rise to the ability to behave with dignity in any situation and respect for others.

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