The formation of human personality: how it happens and what is determined by it

Today in psychology there are about fifty theories of personality. Each of them examines and interprets in its own way how personality is formed. But they all agree that a person goes through the stages of personality development in a way that no one has lived before him, and no one will live after him.

Why is one person loved, respected, successful in all spheres of life, while another degrades and becomes unhappy? To answer this question, you need to know the personality formation factors that influenced the life of a particular person. It is important how the stages of personality formation went through, what new traits, qualities, properties and abilities appeared during life, and to take into account the role of the family in the formation of personality.

In psychology there are several definitions of this concept. The definition in a philosophical sense is a value for the sake of and thanks to which society develops.

The most common of them are: personality is a person considered as a system of socially conditioned psychological characteristics; a set of human qualities that he acquires by communicating and acting in a sociocultural environment.

It is generally accepted that the word “personality” comes from the Latin persona (or English personality), but it would be more accurate to translate it as the English self – self, I myself.

Persona is a mask that an actor in ancient Greek theater wore when playing a role. But personality is not just a face, a mask that a person “puts on” in society.

A person manifests himself in social connections and relationships. Individual characteristics are stable and determine actions that are significant for the individual and his environment. The formation of a personality is a long process; one does not “put it on” oneself, one becomes one.

In the dictionary D.N. Ushakova

FORMATION, formations, cf. 1. units only Action under Ch. to form" title='what is to form, the meaning of the word to form in Ushakov's dictionary'>to form and state" title='what is a state, the meaning of the word state in Ushakov's dictionary'>state according to Ch. to be formed" title='what is to be formed, the meaning of the word to be formed in Ushakov's dictionary'>to be formed in 1 and 2 meaning. (book, military, railway). Formation of views. Formation of regiments. Formation of the organism. 2. Formed, newly organized military unit (military). Fresh formations have been added to the army. Arrival of formations at the front.









– the broadest concept characterizing the formation of personality. Development is a process of quantitative and qualitative changes in the inherited and acquired properties of an individual.

Already the concept of “ formation”.

This is the process of personality development under the influence of external and internal factors (purposeful and spontaneous, positive and negative).
Another concept is “socialization”.
Socialization is the process of an individual’s assimilation of social experience, which presupposes a system of social relations and the independent reproduction of these relations. Compared to the process of formation, socialization, although it includes both targeted and spontaneous influences on the individual, is limited only to those that are positive.


– a process aimed at a person’s assimilation of knowledge and skills, the formation of certain qualities.



Many factors influence the student. Thanks to these influences, a person changes and develops. Development is a complex and contradictory process of a person acquiring new qualities and improving them.



The leading factor is education, since it has a goal, is carried out by trained people and is based on theory.

Heredity is the genetic program of biological characteristics that a child receives from his parents.

The environment is the material, spiritual, natural conditions of his existence surrounding a person, as well as the totality of people connected by the commonality of these conditions.


The concepts of formation and development are interrelated, but not identical to each other.

Development is an irreversible, directed, natural change in matter and consciousness, their universal property; as a result of development, a new quality, state of the object arises - its composition and structure.

Development is a process of closely interrelated quantitative and qualitative transformations of individuals from the moment of their inception to the end of life.

Shaping – giving a certain shape.

The use of the concepts formation and development is explained by the desire to emphasize the unity of external and internal processes of change in personality qualities.

In psychology, the term formation is reasonably used in the relations of such aspects of the personality as, for example, the formation of character, the formation of skills, the formation of skills, the formation of relationships of the individual with surrounding people, etc., that is, those aspects that are addressed

The term development is used in relation to abilities, will, attention, etc.

Psychologist Robert Semenovich Nemov quite consciously writes about the formation and development of personal memory (in the book Psychology. Vol. 1. 1994. – p. 207).

In pedagogy, we are clearly talking about the formation and development of a team.

By defining the process of formation and development of the individual, we strive to emphasize the unity of external and internal changes occurring with the individual as a result of personality-oriented educational activities




as it is:


Can pedagogy be considered a science? The answer will be affirmative if the following are mentioned:

- its subject;

- specific categories characteristic only of pedagogy;

— objective laws (regularities);

— specific research methods.

All this is named in pedagogy. Therefore, pedagogy is a science. But the question arises: at what stage of development is it located?

I. Marev identifies the stages of development of pedagogy:

Stage 1 – stage of accumulation of facts (from ancient times to 1632)

Stage 2 – the stage of explanation and generalization of facts (from J.A. Komensky to the mid-20th century);

Stage 3 – the stage of mathematization of pedagogy (from 1948 to the present).

In the Dictionary of Synonyms

development, forging, development, education, maturation, development; organization, creation, founding, formation, composition, establishment; part, agricultural formation, evolution, formation, creation, detachment, generation, device, connection, generation, formation, cobbling together, establishment, emergence, lithogenesis, construction, pneumatic molding, turma, deployment, bending, acquisition, morphogenesis, establishment, arrangement, assembly, birth, foundation, formation

Origin of the word

The roots of the word “formation” are German (from former or formieren). Difficulties in spelling borrowed words are usually caused by a transfer of spelling from the original version. Since the German version of the word, as always, is laconic, the interfix “ir” and two suffixes are used for the harmonious pronunciation of the Russian variety.

The noun is derived from the verb form “to form” (to create something from existing parts). The meaning of the word "formation" is not too different from the meaning of the original. The interpretation depends on the scope of application: philosophy, pedagogy, psychology, natural sciences. Shaping is the process of putting something into the required form. The object on which this action is performed changes in accordance with the section of science.

Philosophy and sociology

The oldest of sciences, as always, gives the term universality. Therefore, formation is a process antagonistic to decay. Chaos and stagnation are contrasted with stability and integrity. In this regard, synonyms for the word “formation” are: building, development, formation, evolution. Of the number of antonyms, the most used are “disbandment”, “destruction”, “liquidation”.

In sociology, the term has been used for a long time in the meaning of “creating the required result from any controlled processes.” Specialists form public opinion, citizens’ loyalty to a certain person, company, even the consumption of certain goods (which are absolutely useless).

All these processes occur on the basis of detailed study and monitoring of the situation and the population. Formation in sociology also refers to a formed group or collective. On the pages of some media, the terms “gang formations” and “terrorist formations” appear constantly, no matter how regrettable.

Phases of personality development

There are three phases in the formation of a child’s personality


Lasts from birth until adolescence. The individual assimilates social experience - he adapts, imitates, adapts. During adaptation, there is an active adoption of social norms and mastery of various forms of activity. Having shown his own individuality in the group, the child cannot express himself as an individual until he masters the norms existing in the group.

He feels the need to be like others, adapting as much as possible in society. We can talk about a kindergarten or school.

Group activities can provoke the emergence of favorable conditions for the formation of the child’s personality and those traits that were not previously inherent in the individual, but which are characteristic of other members of the group.


The child has a desire to oppose himself to others, to stand out. A critical attitude towards the norms of society and established social rules is formed. The impetus for individualization is the contradiction between the result of adaptation and the need for personalization that was not satisfied at the initial stage. The search begins for methods that help in gaining individuality and fixing it. This can manifest itself in behavior, clothing, speech, and so on. If, during the formation of a child’s personality, he has successfully coped with adaptation, then gradually he begins to understand that individuality is being lost. The individual mobilizes internal resources and begins to search for a society capable of providing the necessary personalization.


The child has a desire to find his place in society, to fit into society. Integration is easy if society accepts the person. Other results are also possible. A person tries in every possible way to preserve his difference, which leads to aggressive interaction with society and people. Integration is characterized by contradictions between the subject’s desire to demonstrate his own individuality and the community’s desire to cultivate and approve only those individual qualities of the subject that correspond to its preferences.

How to change your worldview: tips from psychologists

You may be asking the question: “If a worldview is formed independently through a passive path, then why change it?” But this view of the world remains superficial. Would you like your personal values ​​to depend on other people's opinions? You can change your worldview, but in adulthood it is more difficult to do this.

How you can try to change your worldview:

  1. Analyze your beliefs. Think about your attitude towards life. Self-analysis is a powerful weapon if used in moderation without turning it into self-flagellation. Identify the things that don't satisfy you.
  2. Weigh all the pros and cons of established beliefs. What happens if you remove some of them from your life?
  3. Work on problem areas. Since the initial worldview is formed through the family, problems with the perception of the world almost always arise due to improper upbringing and childhood trauma. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a psychologist to work out all the pain points.
  4. After analyzing and processing traumas, remove from your life all beliefs that cause discomfort or do not bring you any benefit.
  5. Motivate yourself. It is important to remember why you abandoned your previous beliefs. Discipline, patience and self-control will help you stick to your new position. And the realization that you have freed yourself from the burden of attitudes that interfere with you and have become a better person will be your guiding star on the path to a new “me.”

Many factors influence the formation of a worldview. If you want change, but are afraid that it is too late, then take the course “How to remove self-doubt from your head. And in just 14 days, believe in yourself.” In just 2 weeks, you can believe in yourself and never doubt your abilities again, regardless of age or upbringing.

The most important factors influencing the formation of a successful personality

A person's personality develops over a long period of time. During this process, the individual’s worldview, moral principles, and priorities change. The formation of personality and how successful a person becomes in life depend on these conditions.

Factors in the formation of a successful personality are as follows:

  1. Balance. The first step to a person’s success is harmony between the inner and outer world. It is possible if the individual knows who he is, what he wants and how to achieve it.
  2. Assertiveness. It is an important aspect on a person’s path to success. If he tries until he gets the desired result, works for what he wants, the dream will definitely come true thanks to the efforts made.
  3. Determination. If actions are performed purposefully, have a logical basis and comply with moral principles, the individual develops.

If these factors are present, a person will be able to achieve his goal in the shortest possible time.

Who and what influences the process of individual formation

The process of personality formation occurs under the influence of a number of factors. There are 4 main sources from which an individual draws knowledge and experience. Let's consider what factors influence the formation of personality:

  1. Heredity. This factor determines a lot in a person: it is he who lays the foundation for the formation of personality.
  2. The world. From it a person gains knowledge and experience. The environment in which a child grows and develops leaves a serious imprint on his psyche. If he lived in poverty, as an adult a person tries to save and plans expenses wisely, even if he has enough money.
  3. Education and training. Parents and other adults surrounding the child convey their experiences to him through communication. It is from them that children first learn about the dangers and joys that occur in life. The values ​​and moral guidelines that parents give to a child remain with him for life. The same applies to psychological trauma suffered at an early age. Children also adopt the behavior of their parents, and as adults they often project images of loved ones onto their partners.
  4. Own experience. This is a decisive factor in the formation of personality. When experiencing certain events, a person becomes aware of them and draws conclusions. The experience gained is considered unique. It is he who gives the individual an impetus for self-development and allows him to move on.

There is also a fifth criterion, without which the formation of a person as an individual is impossible. It's called attachment. This feeling can arise in relation to people or things, ideas.

It is very important to understand who and what influences a person to a greater extent in the process of forming his personality. In this way, it is possible to correct the influence of these factors on the individual.

Internal attitudes under the influence of which a person is formed

Internal attitudes are part of an individual's worldview. They are a kind of foundation and influence the mechanisms of personality formation.

The first internal attitudes are instilled in a person by parents. Over time, they change under the influence of society and the individual’s immediate environment.

Harmony of external conditions and personal characteristics as a decisive factor

Harmony between personality characteristics and the conditions surrounding it is an extremely important criterion for further development.

For example, people who are talented from birth often stop working on themselves and improving, which is why they miss the chance to succeed in a particular field. Here there is a conflict of an internal nature (the individual is too self-confident) and external (the innate talent is not enough to move up the career ladder or develop in the creative field).

We also must not forget about the factors influencing the formation of personality and the conditions in which the child grew up and was raised. If they were initially bad, but the person had enough motivation to grow, he defeated external factors. The opposite situation also happens: a child spoiled in childhood does not want to develop and make independent decisions, which is why he stagnates or even degrades.

What mistakes do parents make when raising individuals?

When shaping a child’s personality, it is important for parents to avoid such common mistakes.

Categorical prohibition

The main mistake of education. Be patient with your baby and respect him. Without learning to understand it, parents make inevitable mistakes that lead to mental and physical problems. By ignoring the desires and interests of the child, responding to most of them with categorical prohibitions, you can even skip the initial stage of some disease. Example: you notice that the child has started eating lime. The first reaction of most parents: dissatisfaction, screaming, a ban on approaching the wall. Correct reaction: visit the doctor. The doctor will probably tell you that there is a lack of calcium salts in the baby’s body. In addition, such an attitude will create in the child a desire to perform certain actions on the sly. Many become secretive and distrustful.


When shaping a child’s personality, overprotection is not the best helper. Excessive care can have a negative effect on the baby. When he reaches a certain age and tries to show independence, this is often met with hostility. Example: a child wants to use a spoon himself, but the mother, fearing that he will get dirty or not be able to cope, continues to feed him herself.

Overprotection manifests itself in violent action, which can result in the emergence of neurosis. In other cases, guardianship unless absolutely necessary can result in the child never being able to make friends, because the mother and grandmother are always nearby. The individual may have difficulties with socialization; he does not acquire the ability to express and defend his opinion. Possible consequences: psychological problems that can only be eliminated with the assistance of specialists.

Excessive demands

For the full development of a child’s personality, it is necessary that he not only knows, but also understands what is allowed and what is prohibited. If you show excessive demands on him, without giving clear explanations of the reasons why you need to do as you say, then this will not lead to good. What traits will the personality acquire? Irritability, stubbornness. The best option: parents explain in detail the reasons for their demands, and over time they become the child’s personal beliefs.


The first factor provoking children's protest is lengthy lectures. Parents often believe that their child will learn information better by listening to long and repetitive lectures. There is no need for them. This approach has no constructive component. Particularly taboo is other children being held up as examples. Gradually, the child will begin to perceive them as personal enemies. Boring notations often cause a negative reaction, losing their educational value.

Immense pampering of a child

Parents who spoil their children too much create a big problem. This phenomenon is no less negative than lack of influence. Spoiled children, who do not know anything to be denied, who have no responsibilities, eventually face the impossibility of overcoming even minor life obstacles and problems. When a situation arises when their desires and reality do not coincide, they lead to overstrain of the nervous system, which can result in a breakdown.

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