Schizoid personality disorder in adults and children

What is schizoid personality disorder (SPD)?

Schizoid personality disorder (SPD) is a pathological condition manifested by a combination of disharmonious characteristics of an individual, included in the DSM-5, ICD-10 and CCMD-3 classifiers.
They determine the personality structure, often congenital or acquired during life. Features of SPD are a tendency to immerse oneself in one's own fantasies, emotional alienation. Prevalence in the population is 3-5% (according to DSM-5). The final definition was introduced by Ernst Kretschmer in 1921. A German psychiatrist suggested a causal relationship between this personality disorder and schizophrenia. However, further foreign studies refute the theory. Domestic guidelines indicate that before the onset of the disease, approximately 40% of people had SPD.

Currently, the term “schizoid” is descriptive exclusively for this syndrome, that is, it is not identical to “schizophrenia.”

Facial expressions are devoid of liveliness and are limited to a set of standard expressions. The voice is little modulated, which is why the conversation is often conducted as if on one note. Clothing is stylized - it is either emphasized sophistication, aristocracy, or, conversely, deliberate negligence. Schizoids are people of extreme feelings and emotions; they either admire or hate. The hobbies of schizoids are most often peculiar, even original, and, as a rule, one-sided. The social significance of hobbies varies: for some, all their strength, thoughts and energy are directed towards achieving unimportant goals (for example, collecting); others, on the contrary, show remarkable energy and perseverance in creating sometimes very talented and valuable scientific concepts. However, in both cases, they remain completely indifferent to the needs of practical life, everyday interests, and the needs of the family.

Smulevich A.B. ‹‹Borderline mental disorders›› Schizoid personality disorder.

Asthenic in the work team

There are many good workers among the anxious and suspicious. They are hardworking and punctual, strictly follow instructions, rules and regulations. You practically won’t find asthenic people in leadership positions, because they try to avoid risks and responsible decisions.

Often such people underestimate their capabilities. But when performing a responsible task, they can show persistence and determination. Asthenics are suitable for those professions that require scrupulousness, monotony, and standard operations require a high level of responsibility, for example, a procedural nurse. Quite good teachers, supply managers, librarians, and archive workers make anxious and suspicious people.

For asthenic people, stability in the team, fewer reorganizations, reforms, and paid salaries on time are important. An anxious and suspicious person can work in one place for up to 10-15 years.


It is impossible to identify the exact reasons for the formation of a schizoid personality type; research is still ongoing. The following risk factors are expected:

  • genetic, that is, congenital, characteristics of the individual;
  • the presence of any mental spectrum disorders in close relatives - the theory of hereditary predisposition;
  • environmental factors - social status, local mentality, characteristics of growing up;
  • the nature of the relationship of parents or guardians to the child in the process of personality formation;
  • the cumulation of experiences from early childhood to the present - stress, fear, loneliness, neglect from others, any type of violence.

It is not possible to talk about a single etiology, since the topic remains poorly studied even in a professional environment. Therefore, you should not specifically look for the most “convenient” reasons that explain the characteristics of a particular person.

Each clinical case should be reviewed by a psychiatrist, who will be able to determine the individual set of prerequisites that served as the impetus for the formation of SPD.

What is the final result of diagnostics using R. Cattell’s method?

The methodology is represented by 105 professional questions. The questionnaire allows you to accurately diagnose the individual traits of a particular person, called “constitutional factors,” according to the method of R. Cattell. A prerequisite for diagnosing a patient is limited time. The technique allows us to identify the emotional, intellectual, and communicative properties, including the ability to self-regulate, of the diagnosed individual.

Thus, the psychologist receives the final result in the form of a psychographic profile of the individual.

This professional program is used in the work of various specialists: psychologists, teachers, doctors, personnel specialists, psychotherapists.

Signs and symptoms of the disorder

Clinical signs of schizoid disorder are not always the same, since individuals are formed under the influence of different environmental factors. A person with SPD may have the following traits:

  • decreased or lack of emotional understanding – weak empathy;
  • is more respectful of other people's personal boundaries;
  • interests and hobbies are related to solitude;
  • reluctance to maintain active social contacts;
  • care little about the opinions of others, but prefer honesty, pragmatism, and sincerity;
  • does not like excessive attention;
  • prefers non-contact forms of communication;
  • does not tolerate talking about “nothing”, lies, hysterics;
  • self-sufficiency in introversion, loneliness, isolation;
  • tendency towards introspection - “immersion in oneself”;
  • awkwardness, discomfort in the presence of a large number of people;
  • a tendency to choose theoretical, exact professions, as well as those related to art and philosophy;
  • non-standard, eccentric behavior - a strange choice of clothing for most, indifference to praise or criticism, a different perception of banal things from others;
  • less sensitive - physical touch does not bring much pleasure;
  • often, but not always, a weak sexual constitution, low sexual activity;
  • there is no paranoia, distorted perceptions or cognitive impairment.

Social distancing is seen as a protective mechanism. People of this type often have a richer world of their own fantasies, developed abstract thinking, and a special perception of things invisible to others. They often prefer the company of animals, solitude in nature, and quiet places to live. A striking example of schizoid personalities are the following characters: Sherlock Holmes, Gregory House or Batman.

In men

Such men give the impression of being dispassionate loners, devoid of a sense of humor. At the same time, they are able to maintain a sufficient level of social activity, which is required for work or normal life activities.

Unlike autistic disorders, schizoids understand the emotions and feelings of other people, but do not strive for them, as they experience discomfort.

Outwardly “cold” behavior does not mean a lack of desire for at least minimal affection. Schizoids rarely marry, but from time to time they can find partners who respect their emotional boundaries. At the same time, they are more sensitive to separation, experience it more acutely and longer.

Among women

According to Russian guidelines, the schizoid personality type is half as common in women as in men (1:2). American classifiers (DSM-IV, DSM-5) do not provide reliable epidemiological data. The exact prevalence of SPD in the population is unknown, let alone the strong gender differences.

Schizoid women are full of contradictions. Feeling self-sufficient in their detachment, they may need a partner. On the surface they are unemotional, but inside they are impulsive, bright, imaginative personalities.

The priority in the life of such girls is not marriage, but personal comfort. They choose calm men or women who respect introversion. Often, schizoid individuals prefer impersonal sexual contacts by agreement, not allowing anyone to approach their inner “I”.


If you fell in love with a psychologist, you're in trouble. Especially if this is a novice psychologist. Because in your free time, you will talk about your feelings, emotions, and attraction to Baba Gala from the next door at the age of 13.

Yes, you will also draw a mythical monster, choose the face you like most in the Sondi test, listen to many hours of stories about the fine tuning of her (his) soul.

Few can stand this place... let's take off our hats, a minute of silence.

Traumatized by relationships with novice psychologists, men still wander around the world like ghosts, telling terrible legends about them, and there is no peace for their black souls.

But...if you can withstand all this chaos, then a super prize awaits you in the form of an understanding, accepting partner with whom it is interesting to talk, and not only to talk, who is passionate about his work to the point of a squirrel sparkle in his eyes.

In general, love with psychologists is a fascinating thing, but only for people who are persistent in spirit.

PS And in the next psycho-Valentine I will write about the love of narcissists, psychopaths and hysterics.

In the meantime... love each other, but measure it)

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