Principles, objectives and essence of planning. Strategic Planning Process

Every individual living on planet Earth has exactly 24 hours in a day. Why does one person achieve all his goals and get the best from life, while another constantly faces certain problems and cannot become a more successful and happy person? The thing is that in the first case the individual thinks about the future and treats his own life as a long-term project, while in the second case the person lives for today and does not want to think about the future.

People who think that life planning is trivial, boring and restrictive will never be able to achieve the results they want. And this is not surprising, because without a properly drawn up plan for the year, it is almost impossible to expand your own capabilities, unleash your creative potential and improve your quality of life. Any successful person will agree with this.

How to make a plan for the year? How to set goals for 12 months? Do I need to create a draft plan for the year? What are the basic principles of planning your own life? In this article we will discuss these and other issues related to life planning and drawing up a plan for the year.

What is planning

The essence of planning is the distribution of time and material resources, as well as the development of an algorithm of actions to achieve set goals. If we consider this concept in relation to an enterprise, then this is one of the main functions of management. In this case, the planning process will look like this:

  • statement of the mission of the enterprise;
  • in accordance with the previous paragraph, goals are developed that are planned to be achieved;
  • drawing up a general program of action;
  • finding the resources necessary to implement the plan;
  • determining the circle of program implementers and providing them with comprehensive information;
  • recording the results in the form of a certified document of the established form.

Thus, the essence of planning can be interpreted as the development of a system of goals, as well as ways to achieve them. An object is a specific organization or its structural division for which a promising program is being drawn up. As for the subjects of planning, these are individuals or specific departments that carry out this activity.

How to clear mental blockages

The technique for clearing mental blockages is simple and can be used regularly, for prevention, or as an “ambulance” in difficult situations:

  1. Make a list of things you have already started: big and small, serious and not so serious. There is no need to sort and evaluate them: write down everything that comes to your mind.
  2. Write down the completion dates for each of these tasks - a certain maximum deadline.
  3. If you are a manager, decide who will do each task.
  4. Evaluate the actions according to the principle: A – I will do it exactly by the appointed time; B - perhaps I will do it by the appointed time; C – if I don’t do it, then “I won’t die”... and cross out all the tasks in this category!
  5. Choose an “A” activity from the list that you can do within the next 20 minutes and do it!
  6. When you feel satisfied with the completed action, choose and do the next one, then the next one and the next one... Complete all the tasks of category “A”, move on to category “B”.

If you do, an increase in your personal energy level is guaranteed. And you will be able to begin realizing your new goals with renewed vigor!

Basic principles

The following basic principles of planning are distinguished:

  • the principle of unity is that all small tasks included in the plan must be aimed at achieving the final global goal;
  • the principle of participation implies that all persons who will work on the implementation of the project should be involved in the planning process, to one degree or another;
  • the principle of continuity states that the implementation of plans should not be stopped due to unforeseen circumstances (one should limit oneself to making adjustments);
  • the principle of flexibility implies the ability to change the plan in order to adapt it to constantly changing conditions;
  • scientific principle - all provisions must be clearly substantiated in accordance with known theories;
  • The principle of accuracy is to describe final and intermediate results as objectively as possible.

All of the above requirements are mandatory. By following these planning principles, you will be able to create a high-quality and effective action program.

Automation of daily and weekly plans

The most popular question: “In what form should subordinates make plans?”

Ideally, you need to make plans in the form of tasks in the system, where in the future the execution time will be kept track of them and reports will be generated. In my opinion, today the Bitrix24 system is most suitable for this.

What if your company has a different system for setting tasks? Think about how to organize planning with its help based on the requirements for plans that I formulated. And even if you don’t have a system for setting and accounting for tasks at all, it doesn’t matter. In my company, for a long time, plans for the day and week were made in separate text files in GoogleDocs format (very convenient to edit and discuss). And only after some time we switched completely to working in Bitrix24.

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Basic Resource Planning Methods

Resource planning in an enterprise can be carried out in accordance with the following basic methods:

  • the balance method involves finding a balance between the needs for resources, as well as their sources;
  • the calculation and analytical method allows you to take into account all the factors influencing the achievement of the final result, as well as their dynamics;
  • economic and mathematical methods involve the use of specially developed models that allow obtaining the most accurate results;
  • the graphic-analytical method consists of using special means of presenting intermediate and final results;
  • The program-target method involves the development of a set of activities and tasks, the implementation of which ensures the achievement of the final result.

The choice of planning methodology depends not only on the specifics of the enterprise’s activities, but also on the situation that has developed in the internal and external environment for a specific period of time.


The development of the program is carried out in several stages. At each of them, specialists solve a specific set of problems.


First of all, you need to collect data on the required production volumes and quality of goods. They are obtained based on market demand and customer requests. In addition, detailed information about available capacity and resources needs to be collected.

High-quality work at this stage allows you to avoid mistakes and ensure maximum equipment utilization.

Drawing up the PP

Next, it is necessary to describe in detail the production planning process in the document. It is necessary to indicate: the sequence of movement of resources by operation and type of equipment, the names of responsible persons, and the order of actions.

At this level, it is worth describing the operational data. This is, for example, a technological map. On its basis, an algorithm of actions and the machines required for its implementation are established. Additionally, the class of equipment and the qualification level of the employees who will work on it are indicated. If the required number of machines is not available, an alternative path is determined.

Drawing up a production planning schedule

The schedule serves to facilitate the distribution of time at each stage of production. It must contain the start and end dates for a specific operation. As a rule, they are determined by concluded supply contracts. It is worth indicating detailed data in the document and specifying the start date, progress, and amount of work.

Issuing orders

Another name is dispatching. It includes control of the movement of raw materials, following a given route, and the optimal placement of tools.

This stage of production planning is necessary to make the workflow as consistent as possible. When it is implemented, orders are issued to carry out a number of tasks. They need to carefully indicate basic information.


This is the final stage, the essence of which is to ensure that tasks are completed correctly. Monitoring also involves tracking time frames - how well employees met the allotted deadlines. Afterwards, responsible persons generate a report for managers. This paper indicates all detected violations of the regulations.

Basic planning tasks

In order for the achievement of goals to be realistic, it is necessary to draw up high-quality programs and action algorithms. Thus, planning tasks can be formulated as follows:

  • creating a list of problems to be solved in the planning period;
  • searching for scenarios according to which the situation may develop;
  • justification of goals and determination of the degree of their significance;
  • searching for sources of resources, as well as developing a plan for their use;
  • designation of final and intermediate results, in accordance with which monitoring of the achievement of goals will be carried out.

After developing a global plan, it is important to properly break it down into local tasks. They act as a kind of stages, the implementation of which brings the organization closer to achieving the final goal.

Work on mistakes

When working with plans, working on mistakes is very important. And the right solution here is to conduct an analysis on four questions:

  1. "What did I want?" – describe the expected result;
  2. “What did I really get?” – describe the actual result;
  3. "How did I get this?" – honestly, taking full responsibility, determine what you did or did not do so that the result would be exactly like this;
  4. “What will I do differently now?” All people make mistakes. Only those who do nothing make no mistakes. Therefore, if you stumble, simply accept a rule for the future that will help you in similar situations to avoid such mistakes.

If a task is not completed 3 times in a row: you either revise it or simply delete it.

Keep your goals relevant and realistic (ones you can actually implement). As for the tasks, don’t be in the clouds of fantasy, keep your feet firmly on the ground.


Make daily plans within 7 days, implement them, working on mistakes in tasks every day.

Why you need to make plans

The need for planning in all areas of activity is due to a number of reasons:

  • economic development is characterized by a high level of uncertainty, and optimizing the use of resources by drawing up a clear plan helps to smooth out moments of crisis;
  • planning helps create competitive advantages due to the fact that perspective documents have the opportunity to provide for fluctuations in the external environment, interruptions in the supply of resources and other issues;
  • the planning system allows for the implementation of programs for the application of innovations and achievements of scientific and technological progress;
  • a stable operating enterprise operating on the basis of a clearly planned program is more attractive for investment;
  • gradual structural transformations that ensure the systematic achievement of tactical and strategic goals;
  • drawing up real programs by comparing current capabilities and long-term plans;
  • purposeful development of the organization and movement in the chosen direction;
  • the ability to anticipate possible problems;
  • stimulating effect for employees of all levels;
  • streamlining management actions and other activities.

A well-drafted plan allows the manager and his subordinates to systematically move towards achieving their goal. By following a clear algorithm, you won’t have to be distracted by extraneous actions. In addition, the plan often provides options for responding to unforeseen situations, and therefore it will be possible to straighten out the situation without significant material and time losses.

Your goals

The first thing you need to do in life is to set your own goals.

If a person does not have his own goals, he works to implement someone else’s.

A goal is what a person wants to achieve, what to strive for.

When a person looks back on the last six months, he often realizes that he did not achieve anything important, but at the same time he was busy all the time. This is because people don't create their own goals or remember them.

All life can be divided into several spheres and zones. And first you need to look at what exactly you want from life in key areas.

These are the areas:

  1. health and your physical fitness. Your physical body is a machine that needs care
  2. Personal development - your hobbies, interests, what you want to learn
  3. family, relationships
  4. business tasks, work, your career
  5. spirituality
  6. social sphere - what do you want to do for society

When formulating tasks for each of them, you need to clearly define:

  1. what exactly do you want to achieve
  2. how can you get it
  3. how long will it take to complete the task?
  4. How can you stop yourself? Barriers to the goal. You need to know them
  5. How will you know when the goal has been achieved?

Read more about turning your dreams into a set of goals here.


You can't let fatigue build up, otherwise you won't be able to be productive. It is necessary to leave at least half an hour or an hour for rest during working hours - every day.

Rest is an activity for recuperation. It involves spending some time not in normal activities or work, but doing something else that helps a person regain strength. And with renewed vigor, he can get back to work more effectively.

Many people like to lie on the couch, but relaxation can also be active. For example, it is useful to switch your attention from intellectual tasks to physical tasks: 20 minutes of yoga or half an hour in the gym will only increase your energy.

Many people relax through communication, and this is very correct. For example, take half an hour away from sleep and drink coffee with a friend: a live conversation “unloads” and inspires.

Be sure to set aside time for socializing and exercise every day, no matter how busy you are.

Some people also find it important to just be alone with themselves. Just drink tea, look out the window, leaf through a magazine. Don't deny yourself this.


Take a piece of paper and write down your goals for each area and what you would like to achieve in them. Write down everything that comes to your mind. And write down each task in detail so that it corresponds to the 5 points described above.

What should be an effective plan?

In order for the planning process to be effective, a number of requirements are put forward to it, namely:

  • the program must be appropriate and adequate in a specific situation;
  • Plans contain realistically achievable goals and indicators;
  • the documents reflect comprehensive information regarding the current situation, as well as the future situation;
  • the plan is drawn up in accordance with clear standards and rules;
  • the development of long-term programs must be systematic;
  • As part of the plan, it is worth using clear numbers and specific expressions.

It is worth noting that the algorithm of actions for an enterprise differs significantly from the one that a person draws up for himself personally. In the case of an organization, the plan is more rigid and allows for adjustments only in emergency situations.

How is compilation done?

The production planning department is responsible for this part of the administrative activities. Below we will consider all the stages in detail.

The main problem facing specialists is the need for the most rational use of capacity. If they exceed sales volumes, then underutilization occurs. Its consequences include, for example, increased costs. In turn, this leads to a drop in company profits. If income is below the required value, then the company will not be able to produce the required amount of products.

The program is developed for a year. Tasks are distributed by quarters and months.


Planning the production process at an enterprise ends with drawing up a strategy, which is drawn up in the form of an official paper. It has a certain structure. It is worth sticking to it to avoid confusion. It contains:

  1. Front page.
  2. Content.
  3. Basic information about the company.
  4. Data about goods or services provided.
  5. Organizational plan.
  6. Marketing scheme.
  7. PP.
  8. Information about investments and finances.
  9. Applications.

The last point is needed to add clarifications that may be needed during the work process.

How to determine capacity utilization

First of all, it is necessary to conduct a market analysis to identify the most popular products among potential consumers.

The second stage is drawing up a commercial forecast. In other words, managers estimate how much of a certain type of product can be sold. Based on these figures, a discussion is underway as to whether the equipment available is sufficient to achieve the set goals. If not, then a decision is made on the advisability of purchasing additional units of equipment. They need to be listed in the PP. In addition, you need to indicate the amount spent on wages, staff and expenses for business needs.

Display of current production planning in the document

Before releasing goods, it is necessary to establish how it will be carried out. To do this, the organization’s employees should conduct an in-depth analysis of the company’s supply of machines and personnel. Afterwards, the most effective, from a commercial point of view, option is selected. In this case, employees make a choice between:

  • low and high level of automation;
  • using standard or customized technology;
  • productive or flexible system.

It is important to take into account the specifics of the operation of the enterprise. If a product is being manufactured for the mass market, it is recommended to use the conveyor method. It is simple and provides minimal costs. This approach is acceptable for most companies. However, if you have to fulfill special orders, you will have to use alternative solutions. These aspects need to be recorded in the PP.

The Role of Strategic Planning

Strategic planning has the following benefits for an enterprise:

  • determines the general direction of development, in accordance with which a program of further marketing and other research is drawn up;
  • defining a global goal to which local programs of all divisions of the enterprise will be linked;
  • is the basis for searching and distributing resources;
  • involves the development of a number of alternatives that the enterprise can use in the event of unforeseen circumstances;
  • long-term perspectives force management to analyze weaknesses and also look for ways to eliminate them.

It is worth noting that strategic planning is a necessary condition for the functioning of an enterprise. It determines the general guidelines for activities, as well as the organization’s position in the future.

Types of planning

Classification of planning types is carried out in accordance with the following criteria:

  • In accordance with the planning period: long-term (over 5 years);
  • medium-term (up to 5 years);
  • short-term (less than 1 year).
  • According to planning level:
      for the organization as a whole (determines the general direction of activity);
  • for a specific department;
  • according to the project;
  • according to the duties of a specific employee.
  • According to the subject:
      research planning;
  • production process planning;
  • determination of sales volumes and channels;
  • personnel planning;
  • supply of material and financial resources.
  • According to the purpose:
  • strategic.
  • Why is it important to plan your work day?

    Anyone who has ever encountered freelancing, business, or “work at will” (like a taxi) understands perfectly the importance of organizing tasks throughout the day. But, for example, most office workers do not consider it necessary to plan their working day.

    In fact, the main reason for planning your workday is to increase your own efficiency. If you listen to your own body, you can understand that some things work better for you at one time, and others at another. For example, it is more convenient for you to make calls to other companies after lunch, since you have already woken up, but are not yet tired, and monotonous work is completed faster in the evening, so it is better to postpone entering information into the database until 5 - 6 hours.

    Planning a working day takes into account not only the basic elements of problem solving, but also the personal preferences of each person. Time management was not designed to impose the same pattern of highly efficient work on everyone. You must adapt your tasks to the characteristics of your body.

    Organizing and planning your workday allows you to do more in less time, leaving time to do the things you enjoy.

    Strategic Planning Process

    For normal functioning, each enterprise must have long-term guidelines. Thus, the strategic planning process includes the following sequence of stages:

    • defining a mission that serves as the general direction of the organization’s development;
    • analysis of strengths and weaknesses within the organization, as well as threats and opportunities that are present in the external environment;
    • formulation of long-term goals;
    • development of alternatives in case of unforeseen circumstances;
    • choosing a basic strategy on the basis of which the enterprise will operate.

    Personnel planning

    Personnel planning is a purposeful and reasonable activity of an organization, which consists of forming a full-fledged staff of employees at a certain point in time. This is one of the most important tasks, because it is the employees who ensure the stable operation of the enterprise. Thus, the goals of personnel planning can be formulated as follows:

    • development of personnel policy;
    • determining the need for quantitative and qualitative personnel;
    • promotion of promising employees up the career ladder;
    • development of an action scenario in case of unforeseen situations;
    • aligning the goals of the organization and each individual employee;
    • determination of costs for the maintenance and development of personnel.

    Personnel are the basis of any enterprise as one of the most important resources. That is why personnel planning must be approached with all responsibility, providing for full-fledged work both in the present and in the future.

    Enterprise annual plan

    Almost every manufacturing (and even non-manufacturing) enterprise considers it obligatory to draw up a work plan for the year. It specifies such points as the costs of producing units and parts, as well as the cost of finished products, the revenue expected to be received, as well as the amount of mandatory payments.

    The annual plan is something like a forecast. It is based on development trends of the enterprise itself, as well as the industry and market as a whole. These forecasts are based on data from previous periods, taking into account possible deviations and unforeseen fluctuations in the economy.

    In large enterprises, it is not enough to draw up an annual plan just for the organization as a whole. Financial calculations and detailed economic indicators for each division are required. Moreover, such plans must be interconnected and have no contradictions.

    The essence of tactical planning

    Tactical planning can be defined as the specification of an organization's global strategy. We can say that these are actions that ensure the effective achievement of long-term goals. Tactical planning has the following features:

    • involves the development of detailed programs indicating a step-by-step algorithm of actions;
    • has a short-term nature;
    • middle management personnel are responsible for this type of planning;
    • involves solving homogeneous issues that are often repeated;
    • actions must be carried out in accordance with a specific schedule;
    • limited number of alternative solutions.

    Thus, we can say that tactics are a means to achieve strategic goals. These are specific steps, the implementation of which brings the organization closer to achieving the final result.

    Concept of production plan

    Strategy development is one of the administrative activities of a company. To summarize, this includes decisions that affect the volume of raw materials used, the number of employees, and much more. The PP may contain information about:

    • marginal profit;
    • quality control;
    • the required quantity of purchased materials;
    • unit cost of goods;
    • state of staff;
    • application of capacities;
    • analysis of premises that are at the disposal of a legal entity;
    • regulation of reporting;

    Please note that general information is provided here. The structure may vary depending on the profile of the company.


    The essence of planning lies in the rational distribution of time and material resources, as well as the drawing up of a clear algorithm of actions to achieve a specific goal. It is worth noting that this is not just a mandatory process, but also one of the fundamental functions of management. To ensure that the plan is not declarative, but mandatory, it must be given the form of an official document. Its implementation is controlled by senior management. Monitoring the achievement of planned indicators should be carried out not only at the final stage of work, but throughout the entire period. this allows you to respond to deviations in a timely manner and make adjustments to deadlines and work methods.

    When drawing up plans, it is necessary to be guided by a number of mandatory principles. All goals and objectives should not contradict each other, but have a single direction. It is also worth noting that it is advisable to involve all persons who will be responsible for its implementation in the process of drawing up a plan. It is important to understand that no matter how the circumstances develop, the program should not be suspended. Adjustments must be made to suit the current situation to ensure continued full operation. Plans must be flexible. Algorithms of action must have a scientific basis, and the specified results must be characterized by maximum accuracy.

    Planning is one of the necessary conditions for the effective functioning of an enterprise. This is primarily due to the fact that the economy is characterized by a certain degree of uncertainty. A well-drafted plan allows you to foresee and smooth out negative aspects in advance. There is also an opportunity to gain significant advantages among competitors. With the help of a detailed plan, you can systematically introduce the latest developments and technologies into production. In addition, it is important to provide for structural changes in the organization. The planning strategy should provide for the possibility of certain problems arising, as well as ways to respond to them. We can say that this is not just an algorithm of actions, but also a tool for motivating employees.

    Where to look for goals to create a life plan for the year?

    There are several sources of goals. One of the main sources is your own meaning and lifestyle. For people who know exactly what and why they live, finding goals is much easier than for individuals who are constantly searching for the meaning of life.

    If you have determined the meaning of life for yourself, then you can easily determine those things, phenomena, events, etc. that will or will not be of any value to you next year. If you don’t yet know exactly why you were given life, then think carefully and answer the question of what exactly you would like to achieve in 5-7 years.

    A person who has determined for himself that his personal meaning in life is the desire to understand himself, to understand what exactly he is, and why he is where he is, should have the following goals for the year: reading specialized literature on philosophy, religion, psychology, self-development and self-knowledge, expansion of one’s own boundaries of consciousness, analysis of the hidden facets of one’s own “I”, travel, communication with diversified personalities, etc.

    For people who have already defined their personal mission and global purpose, their own values ​​and certain elements of internal philosophy will be an excellent source of goals for the year. If you are one of these individuals, then be sure to take these aspects into account when drawing up your plan for the year. In this case, your goals should be consistent with your values. Properly set goals must reflect your values ​​or at least bring you closer to them.

    Another source can be a global goal that you have already set for yourself. If you have such a global and large-scale goal, then your goals for the year should correspond to it.

    A person whose global goal is to realize himself as an entrepreneur should have the following goals for the year: finding suitable personnel, creating and developing a website, searching for new clients, attending thematic courses, searching for people with similar interests, advanced training, etc.

    If your global goal is to create a family and have children, then your goals for the year should be the following: self-development, self-improvement, finding a suitable partner, reading specialized literature, attending parent training courses, communicating with specialists, communicating with people who have already had children , improving relationships with your significant other, parents, relatives, improving health, etc.

    Our innermost desires and desires are another great source through which we can find goals for the year. If you have long wanted to get your body in order and get rid of excess weight, then your goals for the year should be formulated as follows: reconsider your lifestyle, stop eating unhealthy and high-calorie foods, get rid of bad habits, find a suitable sports or gym , agree with a qualified trainer, rearrange your day so as to find free time to visit the gym, agree with your significant other or parents so that on training days one of them will pick up the children from school, etc.

    All the things, tasks and problems that you never had the time, desire or opportunity to solve can be turned into another source of your goals for the year. Let all your “don’ts” become part of your 12 month plan. If you've been feeling low on energy lately and just waking up, you feel tired and can't lift your head from the pillow, then set yourself a goal to understand your own daily routine to understand where your energy is going.

    Do you dream of learning how to draw beautifully, but don’t want to take courses? Do you want to become a vegetarian, but don't want to give up meat? Are you jealous of your neighbor's swimming pool, but can't find the time to buy a membership? You can turn all your “don’ts” into specific goals and make them part of your plan for the year.

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