Adaptation in pedagogy is... Definition of the concept, role, essence and conditions


Adaptation in pedagogy is the natural state of an individual, which manifests itself in habituation (adaptation) to new activities, to changed living conditions, to new social contacts and changed social roles. In general, this concept is one of the main ones considered in scientific studies of the body. The fact is that the mechanisms of this process were developed in humans throughout their entire evolution. They allow our body to exist in constantly changing conditions.

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The problem of adaptation was put forward and substantiated by Zh.B. Lamarck and C. Darwin. The term “adaptation” was first introduced by Aubert in 1865. After that, it was widely used in biological literature. Here, by adaptation, researchers understood only functional changes in analyzers and sensory organs. But gradually, as science developed, the concept of adaptation began to go beyond the theory of evolution. It began to penetrate medicine, sociology, social psychology, and cybernetics. This term can be found in other areas of knowledge.

Social adaptation

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What does the process of adaptation of an individual to the environment involve? This is not only the possibility of successful functioning of his body in changed conditions. The concept of adaptation in psychology means a person’s ability to further social and personal development. This means:

  • adequate perception by the individual of the surrounding reality and himself;
  • normal system of communication and relationships with others;
  • ability to work and study, as well as to organize rest and leisure;
  • variability of behavior in order to meet role expectations;
  • the ability for self-organization and self-service, as well as for mutual service in collective relationships.

Socio-psychological adaptation and socialization in pedagogy are concepts that are quite close in meaning. They denote processes that are interdependent, interdependent, but not identical. Socialization, on the one hand, is a mechanism for assimilating social experience. On the other hand, it represents the active reproduction and expansion of interpersonal relationships and connections.

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From the very first days of his birth, a person is surrounded by other people. Communication with them allows you to include him in social interaction. All people acquire their very first ideas about interpersonal relationships even before they master speech. It is in the process of relationships with others that we all manage to gain our first social experience, which subsequently becomes an integral part of our personality. It is worth noting that socialization does not contribute to individualization. A person acquires it subjectively, experiencing situations that leave one or another mark on his psyche.

What it is

Even in ancient Greece, people tried to understand exactly how the mechanism of adaptation works. Hippocrates and Democritus thought about this. They came to the conclusion that a person’s appearance changes depending on living conditions. Later, similar ideas were supported by Lamarck, and later by Darwin.

Initially, the prevailing idea was that the concept of adaptation was associated only with the physiological level. Everything changed with the advent of G. Selye’s theory.

Definition in psychology

G. Selye was able to introduce a new concept - psychological adaptation. He also identified three stages in the development of the process: anxiety, resistance, exhaustion. His idea was complemented by physiologist N. Fomin: on the one hand, changes are occurring in the body, on the other, all systems are trying to work as before. It is this contradiction that gives rise to adaptation.

A. Maslow understood this term as the interaction between a person and the environment, as a result of which spiritual health appears. In the event of a discrepancy between moral values ​​and the situation, a conflict occurs, which the individual seeks to quickly resolve.

Adaptation is a term in psychology that is viewed from different points of view. R. Lazarus had the following opinion on this issue: in the process of learning about the world, a person receives information that does not always correspond to his attitudes. As a result, conflict occurs. How quickly an individual resolves a contradiction depends on adaptability.

Adaptation is a key concept in psychology. In psychoanalysis, it is understood as the work of the personality’s defense mechanisms. They work to ensure that a person resolves conflict situations with the least possible damage to the psyche.

Adaptation is an ambiguous definition in psychology. Many scientists had their own opinions on its meaning. I. Miloslavsky believed that, thanks to adaptability, a person learns accepted patterns of behavior.

Shakes hands

The term was first considered in the ancient world. During this time, the views of scientists have changed more than once.

Purpose of adaptation

The process of socialization represents the formation and formation of personality through mastering social experience. But at the same time, if we consider adaptation in psychology , it is one of the defining and leading mechanisms of personality socialization. At the same time, the main criterion for the success of this process is not at all the degree of conformism and opportunism. Based on the definition of social adaptation in pedagogy, this is a person’s acquisition of confidence and independence, emancipation and independence, lack of complexes and initiative.

The main goal of this process is not at all the unification of personality. A person should not become an obedient executor of someone else's will. To successfully achieve the goals facing him, he must strive for self-realization and the development of his abilities.


Adaptation in psychology is a rather complex process. Moreover, its study is impossible without considering the self-awareness of the individual. After all, it is thanks to him that the mechanism of self-determination (search for a position in life), self-realization (activity in various directions), self-affirmation (achieving satisfaction), and also acceptance of self-esteem is activated. Self-awareness allows an individual to know himself. At the same time, the personality acquires a certain integrity and identity.

It is worth keeping in mind that the self-awareness that manifests itself during adaptation is a controlled process. It is determined by the dynamics of acquiring social experience based on the conditions for expanding communication and the range of activities.

Despite the fact that self-awareness is considered one of the deepest intimate characteristics of the human personality, only it contributes to the constant correction of a person’s idea of ​​himself in comparison with the opinion that others have about him. This is especially evident in adolescence.

How to write a term paper on speech therapy

07.09.2010 257510

These guidelines are compiled to help students gain an understanding of the content and structure of coursework in speech therapy.

Logopedia of pedagogical science that studies anomalies of speech development with normal hearing, explores the manifestations, nature and mechanisms of speech disorders, develops the scientific basis for overcoming and preventing them means of special training and education.

The subject of speech therapy as a science is speech disorders and the process of training and education of persons with speech disorders.

The object of study is a person suffering from a speech disorder.

The main task of speech therapy as a science is the study, prevention and elimination of various types of speech disorders.

Coursework in speech therapy is a student's scientific and experimental research. This type of educational activity, provided for by the educational and professional program and curriculum, contributes to the acquisition of skills in working with literature, analyzing and summarizing literary sources in order to determine the range of insufficiently studied problems, determining the content and methods of experimental research, processing skills and qualitative analysis of the results obtained. The need to complete coursework in speech therapy is due to the updating of knowledge concerning the content, organization, principles, methods and techniques of speech therapy work.

As a rule, during their studies, students must write two term papers - theoretical and practical.

The first course work should be devoted to the analysis and synthesis of general and specialized literature on the chosen topic. Based on this analysis, it is necessary to justify and develop a method of ascertaining (diagnostic) experiment.

In the second course work, it is necessary to provide an analysis of the results obtained during the ascertaining experiment, as well as determine the directions and content of speech therapy work, and select adequate methods and techniques of correction.

So, let’s present the general requirements for the content and design of coursework in speech therapy.

The initial and most important stage of working on a course project is the choice of a topic, which is either proposed by the supervisor or chosen by the student independently from a list of topics that are consistent with the areas of scientific research of the department.

Each topic can be modified, considered in different aspects, but taking into account a theoretical and practical approach. Having chosen a topic, the student needs to think through in detail its specific content, areas of work, practical material, etc., which should be reflected both in the formulation of the topic and in the further construction of the study. It should be recalled that the chosen topic may not only have a purely theoretical orientation, for example: “Dysarthria. Characteristics of the defect”, “Classification of dysgraphia”, but also take into account the practical significance of the problem under consideration, for example: “Speech therapy work on speech correction for dysarthria”. It should also be taken into account that when formulating a topic, excessive detail should be avoided, for example: “Formation of prosodic components of speech in preschoolers of the sixth year of life attending a preschool institution for children with severe speech impairments.”

The course work includes such mandatory parts as: introduction, three chapters, conclusion, bibliography and appendix.

The text of the term paper begins with the title page . An example of its design can be seen here.

Then the content of the work is given, in which the names of chapters, paragraphs, and sections are formulated in strict accordance with the content of the thesis. An example of its design can be seen here.

In the text, each subsequent chapter and paragraph begins on a new page. At the end of each chapter, the materials are summarized and conclusions are formulated.

The introduction reveals the relevance of the problem under consideration in general and the topic being studied in particular; the problem, subject, object, and purpose of the study are defined. In accordance with the goal and hypothesis, objectives and a set of research methods aimed at achieving the objectives must be defined.

The relevance of the topic lies in reflecting the current level of pedagogical science and practice, meeting the requirements of novelty and usefulness.

When defining the research problem, it is important to indicate what practical tasks it will help to implement in training and educating people with speech pathology.

The object of research is understood as certain aspects of pedagogical reality, perceived through a system of theoretical and practical knowledge. The ultimate goal of any research is to improve this object.

The subject of research is some part, property, element of an object, i.e. the subject of research always indicates a specific aspect of the object that is to be studied and about which the researcher wants to gain new knowledge. An object is a part of an object.

You can give an example of the formulation of the object, subject and problem of research:

– The object of the study is the speech activity of preschool children with phonetic-phonemic speech disorders.

– The subject of the study is the features of intonation speech of children with phonetic-phonemic speech disorders.

– The research problem is to determine effective directions for speech therapy work on the formation of intonation expressiveness of speech in the system of correctional intervention.

The purpose of the study contributes to the specification of the object being studied. The goal of any research is to solve a specific problem. The goal is specified in tasks taking into account the subject of research.

The research objectives are formulated in a certain sequence, which determines the logic of the research. The research objectives are set on the basis of a theoretical analysis of the problem and an assessment of the state of its solution in practice.

The first chapter is an analysis of literary sources, which examines the state of this problem in historical and modern aspects, and presents the most important theoretical principles that formed the basis of the study.

When writing the first chapter, you should pay attention to the fact that the text of the course work must be written in a scientific style. When presenting scientific material, it is necessary to comply with the following requirements:

– Specificity – a review of only those sources that are necessary to disclose only a given topic or solve only a given problem;

– Clarity – which is characterized by semantic coherence and integrity of individual parts of the text;

– Logicality – which provides for a certain structure of presentation of the material;

– Reasoning – evidence of thoughts (why this and not otherwise);

– Precision of wording, excluding ambiguous interpretation of the authors’ statements.

A literary review of the state of the problem being studied should not be reduced to a consistent presentation of literary sources. It should present a generalized description of the literature: highlight the main directions (currents, concepts, points of view), analyze in detail and evaluate the most fundamental works of representatives of these directions.

When writing a work, the student must correctly use literary materials, make references to the authors and sources from which the results of scientific research are borrowed. Failure to provide required references will reduce your coursework grade.

As a rule, in coursework on speech therapy, references to literary sources are formatted as follows: the number of the cited source in the general list of references is placed in square brackets. For example: General speech underdevelopment is a speech pathology in which there is a persistent lag in the formation of all components of the language system: phonetics, vocabulary and grammar [17].

When using quotations, in square brackets, in addition to indicating the source number, the page number from which this excerpt is taken is indicated, for example: Speech rhythm is based on a physiological and intellectual basis, since, firstly, it is directly related to the rhythm of breathing. Secondly, being an element that performs a communicative function, “correlates with meaning, i.e. controlled intellectually” [23, P.40].

However, course work should not be of a purely abstract nature, so you should not abuse the unreasonable abundance of citations. Quoting should be logically justified, convincing and used only when really necessary.

In the second chapter , devoted to experimental research, the organization should be described and the program of the ascertaining experiment should be presented. The survey methodology, as a rule, consists of a description of several series of tasks, with detailed instructions, visual and lexical material, the procedure for completing tasks by experiment participants, and scoring criteria. This chapter also provides a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results obtained.

When analyzing the results of an experiment, it is necessary to use a scoring system. Examples of various criteria for quantitative and qualitative assessment are presented in the following works:

– Glukhov V.P. Formation of coherent speech in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment. - M.: Arkti, 2002. - 144 p.

– Fotekova T.A. Test methodology for diagnosing oral speech of primary schoolchildren. - M.: Arkti, 2000. - 56 p.

– Levchenko I.Yu. Pathopsychology: Theory and practice. - M.: Academy, 2000. - 232 p.

In order to visually present the results obtained during the experimental study, it is recommended to use tables, graphs, diagrams, etc. Histograms can be used in a variety of ways - columnar, cylindrical, planar, volumetric, etc. An example of the design of tables, figures, and histograms can be found here.

The third chapter provides a rationale for the proposed methods and techniques and reveals the content of the main stages of correctional work.

The conclusion contains a summary of the material presented and the main conclusions formulated by the author.

The bibliography must contain at least 25 sources. The list includes bibliographic information about the sources used in preparing the work. An example of its design can be seen here.

In the application you can present bulky tables or illustrations, examination protocols, observation records, products of activity (drawings, written works of children), notes from speech therapy classes, etc.

The volume of one course work must be at least 30 pages of typewritten text.

In general, coursework in speech therapy is the basis for a future thesis, in which the study of the begun problem can be continued, but from the standpoint of a different approach or a comparative analysis of the disorders being studied in different age categories of people with different types of speech disorders.

The content and format of theses in speech therapy can be found here.


1. How to write a term paper on speech therapy: Methodological recommendations. Educational and methodological manual / Comp. Artemova E.E., Tishina L.A. / Ed. Orlova O.S. – M.: MGOPU, 2008. – 35 p.

2. Research work of students in the system of higher professional pedagogical education (specialty 031800 - Speech therapy). Methodological recommendations for completing the thesis / Compiled by. L.V. Lopatina, V.I. Lipakova, G.G. Golubeva. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen, 2002. - 140 p.

Types of adaptation

Thanks to the process of adaptation, the body begins to function optimally in an unusual environment. At the same time, scientists distinguish two types of adaptation. The first of them is biophysiological, and the second is socio-psychological. We are interested in the second of them. It is considered as an adaptation in pedagogy. This is nothing more than a mechanism by which people acquire a certain socio-psychological status, and also master certain socio-psychological role skills. It “turns on” during the period when a person tries to achieve harmony between the external and internal conditions of his activity and life. The result of this is an increase in the adaptability of the individual. In other words, a person becomes more adapted to new activities and living conditions.

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If we consider the definition of adaptation in pedagogy, then this is nothing more than the process of interaction of an individual with the social environment, during which a person faces various problematic situations in the field of interpersonal relationships. This allows the individual to master the norms and mechanisms of social attitudes and behavior, as well as acquire character traits that are important for their normal existence in society.

What is adaptation in pedagogy? This, by definition, is each of the stages in which an individual overcomes problematic situations. After all, in this case, a person uses mechanisms and behavioral skills that he acquired at previous stages of his socialization and development. At the same time, new ways of solving problems, plans and programs of internal psychological processes are revealed to them.

An important contribution to the development of this concept in its broad sense was made by J. Piaget. He believed that adaptation in psychology and pedagogy is one of the most important processes through which a child’s intellectual development occurs. At the same time, he identified two components of this mechanism. These are accommodation and assimilation. The first of these two components is a restructuring of mental activity. The purpose of such a process is to be able to assimilate newly incoming information. As for assimilation, it is considered to be the appropriation of an external event with its transformation into a mental one. In other words, adaptation in pedagogy is, firstly, the acquisition of skills, abilities and knowledge, mastery and competence. Secondly, a change in a person’s mental organization, affecting personal (emotions, goal setting, motivation, etc.), as well as cognitive (perceptual, sensory, etc.) processes.

Adaptation as a research phenomenon: essence and content

Modern society needs citizens who can adapt mobile to new social conditions. Therefore, personality adaptation is one of the pressing problems facing pedagogical science and practice.

Various scientists have developed the general theoretical foundation of the problem quite deeply. The philosophical and psychological foundations of adaptation of specialists in various spheres of life have been studied (G.M. Andreeva, A.G. Asmolov, L.P. Bueva, L.S. Vygotsky, V.I. Zagvyazinsky, E.F. Zeer, V. T. Lisovsky, A. V. Petrovsky, S. L. Rubinstein, etc.); mechanisms of individual adaptation in a team (A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, ST. Shatsky, etc.); psychological aspects of the adaptation process (B.G. Ananyev, A.N. Leontyev, A.K. Markova, I.S. Yakimanskaya, etc.); features of socio-pedagogical adaptation (A.S. Belkin, R.A. Litvak, A.V. Mudrik, V.D. Semenov, etc.). From the point of view of providing psychological and psychotherapeutic assistance to adapters, the adaptation process was considered by M.G. Berezina, N.V. Bekhtereva, V.I. Ivanova, E.N. Koryakina, N.A. Litvinova, B.S. Tetenkin, E.V. Solomatina, T.V. Chernyanovskaya et al. In the context of general problems of socialization and professional development, the phenomenon of adaptation was studied by D.A. Andreeva, Yu.K. Babansky, L.I. Belozerova, E.N. Korneeva, A.V. Mudrik et al.

Various particular aspects of adaptation are also widely considered: in the studies of D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya, Yu.N. Kulyutkina, N.A. Miloslavova emphasizes the dependence of students’ adaptation on the activity of the individual himself in training and education, the role of the family and immediate environment in the social adaptation of the individual was analyzed by L.N. Boronina, Yu.R. Vishnevsky, Ya.V. Didkovskaya, SI. Mineeva, G.I. Simonova, etc.

Many studies note a close connection between the adaptation process and various features of the social community, within the boundaries of which the individual adapts to new social conditions. In particular, a connection has been recorded between the effectiveness of training, which is one of the most significant indicators of the success of adaptation, and such group indicators as cohesion, psychological climate, functional integrity, value-orientation unity, etc.

In modern science, the term “adaptation” is multi-valued, manifested at all levels of people’s lives, structural-functional, spiritual-practical education and belongs to the category of interdisciplinary scientific concepts in the fields of philosophy, biology, sociology, psychology and pedagogy.

Let's consider the term "adaptation". In biology, adaptation is the process of adapting the structure and functions of an organism to environmental conditions. Adaptation is a dynamic process due to which the mobile systems of living organisms, despite the variability of conditions, maintain the stability necessary for the existence, development and procreation.

The adaptation process is implemented whenever significant changes occur in the “organism-environment” system, and the formation of a new homeostatic state is ensured, which allows achieving maximum efficiency of physiological functions and behavioral reactions. Since the organism and the environment are not in static, but in dynamic equilibrium, their relationships are constantly changing, and, therefore, the process of adaptation must also be constantly carried out. Thus, in biology, adaptation is considered (from the Latin adaptatio - adaptation) as a set of morphophysiological, behavioral, population and other characteristics of a biological species, providing the possibility of a specific lifestyle of individuals in certain environmental conditions. The process of developing adaptations is also called adaptation.

In medicine, the problem of adaptation is associated with the concepts of norm and pathology, which reflect certain states of the human body - health and disease. The adaptive essence of the disease, according to doctors, should be judged not by the outcome of the adaptation, but by the tendency - by any available means, at the cost of the most difficult sacrifices, to optimally balance with the environment. Thus, health and illness are two forms of a single adaptation process (4).

In philosophical and sociological research (V.Yu. Vereshchagin, I. Kalaikov, I.A. Miloslavova, K.V. Rubchevsky, S.P. Tatarova, L.L. Shpak, G.I. Tsaregorodtsev, etc.) adaptation is presented as the process of an individual’s entry into the social environment, mastering its norms, rules, values, new social roles and positions.

The philosophical dictionary considers adaptation as the adaptation of one living being to another living being or to the environment. But a person living in changing social conditions must have the ability to adapt to them, since any social environment requires from a person forms of behavior that are adequate to it (work, family, leisure), i.e. In addition to biological ones, a person is capable of social adaptation. Man is a biosocial being, therefore “adaptation” as a process is considered at both the biological and social levels.

Along with the term adaptation, the concept of co-adaptation is introduced, which means from the Latin “with” - together - to adapt - correlative (correlative) adaptation (6).

The study of adaptation processes is closely related to the idea of ​​emotional tension and stress. This served as the basis for defining stress as a nonspecific reaction of the body to the demands placed on it, and considering it as a general adaptation syndrome. Thus, in psychology, adaptation is understood as the adaptation of the organism, personality, and their systems to the nature of individual influences or to changed living conditions in general.

Many modern theories of the essence of adaptation are based on the research of S. Freud, who claims that a person, consisting of oppositely directed substructures, constantly strives for their unity, while adapting to the environment in order to escape from neuroses with the help of “psychological defense.” According to S. Freud, often defense mechanisms, reconciling the personality with the environment (that is, adapting) lead to the removal of neuroses, but at the same time some of them delay its development, which is negative. In general, according to Freud, adaptation is positive, protecting the individual from neuroses.

K. Rogers believed that every person has the desire and ability for personal self-improvement. To characterize the process of personal development, Rogers introduced the concept of “I am a concept,” which is now widely used. According to Rogers, the degree of a person’s satisfaction with life and with himself depends on how consistent his “real self” and “ideal self” are with each other. In fact, he explains the mechanism of adaptation, considering it the most important condition for self-actualization.

In pedagogy, adaptation (from the Latin adaptio - I adapt) is the body’s ability to adapt to various environmental conditions. The process of interaction of an individual or social group with the social environment includes the assimilation of norms and values ​​of the environment in the process of socialization, as well as change, transformation of the environment with new conditions and goals of activity. This is the process and result of a child’s coordination with the outside world, adaptation to a changed environment, to new conditions of life, to the structure of relationships in certain socio-psychological communities, and the establishment of compliance of behavior with the norms and rules accepted in them (1).

The studies of M.R. Bityanova offer two interpretations of adaptation. The first considers a person as an object of adaptation to living conditions. To adapt a child to school means to bring the student to an understanding of the need to fulfill educational and social requirements and to assume the role responsibilities of the student. Such adaptation occurs not only at the external, behavioral level, but also at the internal, personal level; Certain attitudes and personal qualities are formed that make the child a good student - obedient, diligent, non-conflict. On the other hand, M.R. Bityanova, considering the term “adaptation,” leads to the concept of “readiness for development.” Adapting a child means adapting him to development. In a specific school environment, the child feels himself to be the author of his life, he has developed psychological properties and skills that allow him to meet the requirements and norms to the required extent, he has developed the ability to develop in this environment, to realize his needs without coming into conflict with the environment. The school and the child mutually adapt to each other (2).

Social pedagogy understands adaptation as a type of influence of an individual and a social group with the social environment, during which the requirements and expectations of its participants are coordinated. The most important component of adaptation is the coordination of the subject’s self-esteem and aspirations with his capabilities and with the reality of the social environment, which also includes development trends of the environment and the subject (4).

According to the definition given in the sociological encyclopedic dictionary, “Adaptation is the adaptation of self-organizing systems to changing environmental conditions.” In the theory of T. Parsons, adaptation is considered as material-energy interactions with the external environment, one of the functional conditions for the existence of a social system, along with integration, goal achievement and preservation of integral patterns.

For sociology, it is important to study general and specific laws, patterns of development and functioning of certain social systems, mechanisms of action and forms of manifestation of these laws in the activities of individuals, social groups, classes, peoples. Therefore, the focus of sociologists is on the general patterns of social adaptation, as well as the nature, content, pace, types, forms and types of adaptation. A large place in the subject field of this science is occupied by questions about social regulators, social mechanism and adaptation criteria. In world sociological science, the theory of adaptation within the framework of sociology, as a rule, was carried out in line with the study and analysis of the influence of social norms on human behavior.

According to M. Weber, the main characteristic of an individual’s social action is rationality, which is a person’s awareness of his goal and its correlation with rational means of achievement. A person himself correlates the goal and the means, comprehends the positive and negative consequences of his actions and finds a reasonable measure of the combination of personal goal and social circumstances. Therefore, rationalization, i.e. meeting needs in the most optimal way for a person, according to M. Weber, is adaptation (6).

Another outstanding sociologist R. Merton, developing the concept of adaptation, draws attention to the fact that in modern society general norms and role behavior are impossible. Normative structure, understood by him as the structure of relations between norms, values ​​and institutional orders, can be characterized by their consistency or conflict. And in any case, a person strives to adapt, that is, to achieve a goal by the means available to him. At the same time, the chosen goals and means do not always coincide with socially approved goals and means. Consequently, adaptation, justified from the point of view of the individual, may look different from the point of view of society and will be regarded as a pathological manifestation. Thus, R. Merton distinguishes between the individual-centric and sociocentric aspects of adaptation, which seems very important, since it is of great importance for drawing up a complete picture of adaptation. In addition, he correctly noted that in order to reveal the nature of adaptation, in addition to the analysis of norms, goals and values, an analysis of the possibilities of their implementation is necessary (3).

G.M. Andreeva considers adaptation as an integral part of socialization and, as its mechanism, defines socialization (from the Latin socius - comrade, companion, accomplice) as a two-way process: on the one hand, a person assimilates a system of knowledge, norms, values ​​that allow him to function as a full member society; on the other hand, he is not only enriched by social experience, but also actively reproduces the system of social connections, realizes himself as a person, influences the life circumstances of the people around him (6).

In social science, the concept of adaptation refers to the process of a person’s adaptation to the conditions of the social environment. Thus, the concepts of social and mental adaptation arose, the result of which is the adaptation of the individual to various social situations, micro and macro groups.

The goal of any adaptation is to eliminate or weaken the harmful (destructive) effect of environmental factors (biological, physical, chemical, social) environment. There are specific and nonspecific adaptations. Specific adaptation causes changes in the body that are aimed directly at eliminating or weakening the effect of an unfavorable factor. Nonspecific adaptation ensures the activation of various protective systems of the body, which is advisable at the initial stages of adaptation to any environmental factor, regardless of its nature. Nonspecific components and stages of physiological adaptation are described by the Canadian physiologist G. Selye under the name adaptation syndrome, or stress, consisting of three typical stages. The first, the “alarm stage,” is characterized by a generalized reaction of the body’s functional systems, aimed at mobilizing its defenses. The second stage of “resistance” consists of partial adaptation; the tension of individual functional systems, especially neurohumoral regulatory mechanisms, is revealed. At the third stage, the state of the body either stabilizes and stable adaptation occurs, or as a result of depletion of the body’s resources, adaptation failure occurs. The final result depends on the nature, strength, duration of stressors, individual capabilities and functional reserves of the body (3).

An analysis of the literature showed that researchers provide the following classification of types of adaptation:

1. in a broad sense - the process of adapting the structure and functions of the body to changed conditions of existence;

2. physiological - a change in the sensitivity of analyzers as a result of their adaptation to changes in the strength of existing stimuli;

3. professional - the process of people adapting to the changed conditions of their professional core activities;

4. sensory adaptation is an adaptive change in sensitivity to the intensity of the stimulus. Characterized by the range of changes in sensitivity, the speed of this change and the selectivity (selectivity) of changes relative to the adaptive effect;

5. social adaptation is a constant process and the result of an individual’s active adaptation to environmental conditions.

The uniqueness of a person’s adaptation is determined by his individual needs and capabilities and the nature of the adaptive situation. The adaptive process is the sum of interactions of various combinations of activity, behavioral and information-psychological nature. It is the optimal combination of activity and psychological components in the real adaptation process that serves as a necessary condition that allows adaptation to be carried out effectively and quickly. The personality adapts by interacting, and interacts by adapting.

The main types of adaptation process are formed depending on the structure of the individual’s needs and motives:

· The active type is characterized by a predominance of active influence on the social environment;

· The passive type is determined by passive, conformal acceptance of the goals and orientations of the group’s values.


the susceptibility of individuals and groups of people to the influence of national traditions, forms of behavior, manifested in the assimilation of national attitudes and stereotypes without internal resistance and sufficient comprehension. In children, conformal reactions are more developed than in adults, in women - more than in men.

A person is an active subject of self-development. He is capable of developing in a wide variety of directions. In the process of personal development, it is necessary to take into account that the social environment is not really stable; an individual who differs in his socio-psychological characteristics is included in the social environment in different ways. So, V.G. Bocharova argues that personality and its formation are predetermined not only by the genetic program, but also by the social one. A person prepares not for life in general, but for life in certain cultural conditions where social relations of a community or group arise.

Summarizing the above, we note that adaptation is the process of satisfying the needs of the individual as a result of his active involvement in the requirements of the environment, new relationships, types of activities and the ability for further development without harm to health.


1. Bayukova, N.O. Pedagogical support for the adaptation of younger schoolchildren in an educational and developmental environment: abstract of thesis. dis.: Ph.D. ped. Sciences / N.O. Bayukova. – Magadan, 2007. – 21 p.

2. Bityanova, M.R. Child’s adaptation at school: diagnosis, correction, pedagogical support / M.R. Bityanova // Sat. method. materials for administration, teachers and school psychologists. – M.: Pedagogical Search, 2004. – 123 p.

3. Kaznacheev, V.P. Modern aspects of adaptation / V.P. Treasurers. – Novosibirsk, 2000. – 192 p.

4. Korel, L.V. Sociology of adaptation: questions of theory, methodology and techniques / L.V. Korel; IEOPP SB RAS. – Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2005. – 423 p.

5. Romm M.V. Personality adaptation in society: Theoretical and methodological aspect. – Novosibirsk: Science. Sib. publishing company RAS, 2002. – 275 p.

6. Philosophical problems of adaptation theory / ed. G.I. Tsaregorodtseva. – M.: Nauka, 2000. – 322 p.

Physiological factors

This group includes the biological characteristics of a child of a certain age. These are his physiological and anatomical indicators, health status, level of working capacity and fatigue. This can also include some features that are observed in an individual in the functioning of one or another body system. Some scientists believe that the adaptation process is also influenced by factors such as heredity.

As individual characteristics that are considered during adaptation in personality psychology, the type of nervous system is taken into account, as well as the ability to adapt to changes in the usual environment. These factors, as a rule, are the reason for the differences that occur between the processes of adaptation to preschool educational institutions in different children.

Another important indicator that affects social adaptation is, in pedagogy, nothing more than the age of the child at the time of his admission to a preschool institution. According to scientists, children from 5 to 20 months adapt worst to changing conditions.

The gender of the child also influences the effectiveness of adaptation processes. According to researchers, girls adapt best to new conditions. It is much more difficult for boys to accept changes in their environment.

Characteristics of the concept of “adaptation” and factors influencing it

Zoya Gavrilova

Characteristics of the concept of “adaptation” and factors influencing it

The problem of adaptation of young children to preschool educational institutions is one of the main ones in the work of educators and parents. And for a child this period is a serious test.

Traditionally, adaptation is understood as the process of a person entering a new environment and adapting to the conditions. This is a universal phenomenon of all living things, which can be observed in both the plant and animal worlds.

Adaptation – from the Latin “I adapt” – is a complex process of adaptation of the body, which occurs at different levels: physiological, social, psychological. Adaptation of the body to new conditions of social existence, to a new regime is accompanied by changes in the child’s behavior, sleep disorders, and appetite.

Adaptation is an active process that leads either to positive ( adaptability , i.e. the totality of all useful changes in the body and psyche) results, or negative (stress)

At the same time, 2 main criteria for successful adaptation : internal comfort (emotional satisfaction)
and external adequacy of behavior
(the ability to easily and accurately fulfill new requirements)
. When a child enters kindergarten, a new stage in his life begins.

Social adaptation is the process of mastering a system of knowledge, norms, values, attitudes, patterns of behavior cultivated by a particular society, social community, or group.

adaptation situation is associated with the relative isolation of the child: the emphasis is on the biological component of adaptation - the process of adaptation to the influence of various environmental factors . The implementation of culture is carried out by the child through the mediation of an adult. A social adult interprets general cultural values ​​in the context of the child’s individual characteristics.

The admission of a young child to a preschool educational institution is accompanied by the problem of his adaptation to new conditions , since adaptation capabilities are limited. The occurrence of the so-called adaptation syndrome

is a direct consequence of his psychological unpreparedness to leave the family.

A feature of early age is the mutual connection between psychophysical development. Any changes in the baby’s health affect his psyche and nervous system. Young children are characterized by instability of their emotional state. Separation from loved ones and changes in their usual lifestyle cause negative emotions and fears in children. Prolonged stay of a child in a stressful state can lead to the development of neurosis and a slowdown in the rate of psychophysical development.

the adaptation period depend on how prepared the child is in the family for the transition to a child care institution . adaptation period for children easier, the family needs professional help. A kindergarten should come to the aid of the family. Kindergarten should become “open”

on all issues of development and education.

The pedagogical literature covers to a greater extent the issues of adaptation of young children to preschool (A. I. Zhukova, N. I. Dobreitser, R. V. Tonkova - Yampolskaya, N. D. Vatutina, etc.). Adaptation is defined primarily as a medical and pedagogical problem, the solution of which requires the creation of conditions that satisfy children’s needs for communication, close interaction between family and public education, good medical care for children, and proper organization of the educational process (N. M. Aksarina A. I. Myshkis)


Considerable attention is paid to the problem of children’s adaptation to the conditions of public education in modern studies by scientists from Western and Eastern Europe (K. Grosch, M. Seidel, A. Atanasova-Vukova, V. Manova-Tomova, E. Khabinakova). It has been proven that admission to a preschool institution is associated with significant unfavorable emotional and psychological changes in personality, the correction of which requires targeted intervention.

Research by specialists has shown that the nature of adaptation of young children depends on the following factors :

• baby's age. It is more difficult for children whose ages range from 10 months to 2 years to get used to new conditions. After two years, the child adapts to new living conditions much more easily;

• health status and general level of development. A healthy baby endures adaptation difficulties much easier ;

• formation of substantive activity. It is easier to interest a child in a new activity or a new toy;

• individual characteristics. When adapting children of primary preschool age, you can notice that all children behave differently on the first day of kindergarten: some cry and refuse to eat, but after a few days everything returns to normal, while others are outwardly calm on the first day, but may cry on subsequent days. ;

• living conditions in the family. If a child has not established a daily routine, has not developed personal qualities, or does not have the necessary skills and abilities, it is more difficult for him to adapt to the conditions of a preschool educational institution;

• experience of communicating with adults and peers. Before entering kindergarten, it is necessary to create conditions that require new forms of behavior from the child so that adaptation mechanisms . Children who have repeatedly encountered new conditions adapt more easily to kindergarten.

Objective indicators of the end of the actual period of adaptation of young children are: good appetite and deep sleep, cheerful emotional state, active behavior, restoration of skills and habits (eats with a spoon, goes to the potty, weight gain indicators that correspond to age.

Individual psychological factors

This group includes the level of development of the child’s intelligence, self-esteem, emotional state, as well as the stability of certain character traits. According to scientists, admission to a preschool educational institution leads to an effective sharpening of the child’s characteristic temperament. At the same time, phlegmatic children feel the greatest discomfort. Cholerics adapt most quickly to a changing environment.

In addition, adaptation in pedagogy is a mechanism that is influenced by:

  • the degree of attachment of the child to his parents;
  • the specifics of the child’s development of communication skills;
  • the child’s tendency to demonstrate independence;
  • degree of mental development;
  • existing habits.

Social and psychological factors

In psychology and pedagogy, adaptation is a process influenced by:

  • social attitudes;
  • the nature of the child’s environment before entering the preschool educational institution;
  • specifics of the kindergarten environment.

The presence of the above factors allows children to most effectively establish contacts in a new interpersonal interaction.

According to some researchers, the main criterion by which the level of social adaptation in pedagogy can be determined is nothing more than the child’s absence of permanent disturbances in his behavior, which border on a neurological disorder. If such a situation does occur, then we can say that the baby is maladapting. He has not yet been able to adapt to the new conditions of the preschool educational institution.

Main types

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The term "adaptation" refers to different processes that can affect both the physiological and psychological levels. This division allows us to better understand the characteristics of each type of adaptability; this is important for understanding the development of society.


Its clearest manifestation is evolution. It means that species that were unable to adapt to their environment became extinct. Animals with different traits appear in a population. In the course of natural selection, the strongest survive and begin to reproduce.

Despite their size, dinosaurs were unable to adapt to environmental changes, so they all went extinct

In order to understand that it is not necessary to know the definition of adaptation, it is important to understand the features of the process. During adaptation, species developed survival mechanisms, such as protective coloration.


It is more difficult to find out what a person’s adaptation is, since he exhibits not only biological characteristics. In life he has to adapt to the demands of society. He gets used to going to school, working, following certain rituals.

Important ! When expelled from a social group, the individual experiences negative emotions.

During the interaction, a person understands how he treats the organization’s personnel or what to do in different situations. The higher his adaptability, the easier it is for him to achieve success in all areas. It is difficult to understand what exactly adaptation means. For each individual this process takes place individually.


The adaptation of national groups also proceeds differently. The main difficulty is that the process is hampered by racial conflicts.

In everyday life, an individual ethnic group may be given offensive nicknames, be oppressed socially, and not allowed to work or study. Despite the modern development of the world, this problem has not yet been fully resolved.

The ethical issue is the line of acceptable influence. If an ethnic group moves to live in the territory of another country, is it obliged to abandon its traditions and completely adopt those of others? In such a situation, it is impossible to unambiguously determine whether adaptation will be a benefit; what it is is considered separately in each specific case.


This is an important variety that determines the social life of an individual. It includes adjustment to certain requirements of society. For example, in Russia it is customary to respectfully call a person “You”; anyone who does not follow this rule is considered a violator.

Adaptation is a definition from social psychology. The term refers to the ability of an individual to understand the requirements of other people and change according to them.

The ability to switch to social roles also relates to adaptability

An organization may have its own rules of conduct. If a beginner can adopt them quickly, then he has a high level of adaptation. In modern pedagogy, this term is also of great importance - for students, getting used to the educational process takes place under stress.

Features of human adaptability, from the point of view of social sciences, are considered within the framework of social science. This information is of great importance for understanding the features of social development.

Knowledge about adaptability will be useful in the professional field. It can be difficult for a newcomer to join the team, but some get used to it quickly, others slowly. It is important for a manager to understand how to properly manage a team in order to reduce stress levels.

Types of socio-psychological adaptation

Considering the concept of adaptation in pedagogy, we can talk about the existence of the following:

  • Progressive socio-psychological adaptation. It is characterized by the achievement of unity of interests of the individual and the goals of groups in society.
  • Regressive socio-psychological adaptation. This type is formal. Moreover, such adaptation does not meet the interests of society, as well as the development of the individual and social group.
  • According to some psychologists, the regressive type of adaptation to new conditions does not allow an individual to self-realize and demonstrate the creative abilities given to him by nature. Socialization of the individual is possible only with progressive adaptation. Otherwise, the child will develop a tendency to systematically violate norms of behavior, which will cause new problematic life situations to arise, to which the lack of experience will not allow him to adapt.


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Under unfavorable circumstances, disadaptation occurs. It can happen for various reasons. In a deviant form of behavior, a person chooses ways to achieve a goal that are not approved by the social group.

The non-conformist type manifests itself in a refusal to follow accepted guidelines, while the innovative type is aimed at finding new solutions. Both options can appear at different ages.

Thanks to deviant behavior, humanity was able to actively develop

Pathological maladaptation can be interpreted as a serious mental disorder. It develops against the background of organic lesions and deviations in physical health. You should not expect adequate actions from such a person.

It is necessary to distinguish between deviant and pathological forms of behavior, since these are different processes. They, interconnected, influence the individual. Mild maladaptation appears at a time of conflict between internal values ​​and environmental conditions.

A person either overcomes the problem or gets depression, apathy, and neuroses. Psychologically, confrontation brings serious discomfort, but after resolving the conflict, the individual receives qualitative transformations in the psyche.

Not every person can determine the type, the ability to adapt, what it is briefly. The term refers to important mechanisms that ensure the normal existence of society in the world.

Adaptation problems

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The process of children adapting to a new environment at 4-5 years old has practically no differences. However, if we consider social adaptation for older preschoolers in psychology and pedagogy, it is a mechanism that significantly expands the level of problems that arise when a child masters a new living space for him. The thing is that at the age of six, children are already quite close to moving to a new educational institution. This leads to a change in their social status, which increases problems with adaptation. This may also be related to the development of the child’s mental apparatus. Most often in this case, teachers note the lack of attention, hyperactivity and aggressive behavior of the student.

The problem of school adaptation in pedagogy is not a new topic. At the same time, today we can say that its relevance has increased many times. This is due to globalization and mobility, political and economic changes, new approaches to the structure of the education system, etc.

Entering school, studying there, and moving from class to class require special efforts from children. However, the most acute issue of a child’s adaptation is precisely when moving to a new educational institution. This is caused by the following:

  • Informatization of society, introduction of educational standards and development of technological progress. All this greatly complicates the adaptation process.
  • Requirements of Federal State Educational Standards. In order for the first-grader’s skills to match them, the child will need to make considerable psychological, moral and physical efforts.
  • In addition, in addition to the usual educational skills and knowledge, young schoolchildren have to achieve personal and mega-subject results. After all, only in this case will children meet the requirements for primary school graduates.
  • An endless stream of new information. A first-grader suddenly finds himself in a new role, as well as surrounded by a system of rights and responsibilities that is unusual for him.
  • School adaptation in pedagogy is considered a process during which a child assimilates and accepts a new social situation for himself, masters his new status as a student and acquires skills in new interaction systems (“child-peer”, “child-teacher”). At the same time, the little person begins to develop new behavioral characteristics.

    If we consider the concept of school adaptation in psychology, it is worth noting that it is characterized by the following criteria:

  • children’s mastery of a new life situation for them, which they see in the unity of its elements;
  • the student’s acceptance of a new status and social position for him;
  • restructuring of the student’s way of life, initiated by an adult.
  • Social adaptation presupposes the child’s ability to:

    • respond to the teacher;
    • listen;
    • perform assigned exercises independently;
    • analyze and organize the execution of tasks.

    An important aspect will be the ability to maintain contacts with peers and give an adequate assessment of both oneself and others.

    In the process of adaptation to school, the physical preparation of the body is also important, because a rather impressive load falls on the child. His body begins to work to the limit. This poses a risk of overwork.

    In addition, school adaptation in pedagogy is also considered from a psychological point of view. The degree of rapid adaptation to new conditions largely depends on the child’s readiness to enter school, that is, on his:

    • desire to learn new knowledge and complete teacher assignments;
    • desire to successfully master them.

    The ability to process information and remember is also important.

    Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia - adaptation

    (from the Middle Ages. Latin adapta-tio - adaptation, adjustment), the body’s ability to adapt to various.
    external conditions environment. A. is based on the body's reactions aimed at maintaining the constancy of its internal functions. environment (so-called homeostasis). A. ensures normal development, optimal performance and maximal life expectancy of the organism in decomp. environmental conditions. Adaptive reactions (A. reactions) are divided into fast and slow. Fast reactions (innate, formed during the evolution of the organism) provide the so-called. urgent A. (for example, withdrawal of a limb in response to painful stimulation, increased breathing during physical activity, increased sensitivity of the eye to light at dusk). They are very economical: a result beneficial to the body is achieved with a minimum of costs. Slow reactions are aimed at long-term A. and are formed gradually, under long-term conditions. influence of external factors environment (A. to a lack of oxygen while maintaining performance at altitude, A. to previously unbearable physical stress, etc.).

    Among various systems of the body that carry out A. reactions, the leading place belongs to the center. the nervous system, which coordinates the processes of the organism as a whole; The endocrine and autonomic nervous systems also play an important role in this. In the process of A., 3 phases (stages) can be distinguished: indicative-adaptive (accompanied by time and dysfunction), unstable, incomplete adaptation (active search for a stable state corresponding to new conditions) and relatively stable adaptation.

    The capabilities (limits) of A. of a particular person are determined by his heredity, age, state of health and degree of fitness, which becomes especially important. For example, mental workers who usually lead a sedentary lifestyle have opportunities for physical activity. loads are underused. Therefore, even small loads quickly tire. You can expand the capabilities of A. with the help of regular training, hardening, etc. In this case, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the body, since inadequate loads can turn out to be either useless (if they are insufficient) or harmful (if they are excessive) for health.

    An adequate physical regimen for each organism. and biol. enhancements should be installed on the advice of a physician. It is important for schoolchildren to achieve optimal A. to the conditions of training and education. Rational daily routine, hardening of the body, optimal level of movement. activity is promoted the most. favorable course of processes A. I. O. Tupitsyn.

    Social A.—a person’s adaptation to the conditions of a new social environment; one of the social-psychological mechanisms of personality socialization. In ped. In practice, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the child’s process of adaptation to the changed conditions of his life and activities when entering society. educational teacher institutions (kindergarten, school), when joining a new team.

    The new social environment places special demands on the child, which to a greater or lesser extent correspond to his individual characteristics and inclinations. Admission to preschool will educate The institution is associated with the inclusion of the child in a group of peers, each of whom is endowed with their own individual characteristics, and together they form the first social community, in which they will have to establish relationships. Until this moment, almost all of the child’s communication experience was limited to relationships with close adults, who acted as the undisputed authority in resolving all life issues and the standard for mastering speech and behavior skills. If the child was the only one in the family, then he often had a “monopoly” on the attention and support of adults (in large families, the presence of brothers and sisters mitigates this situation). A change in situation leads to the loss of a “monopoly”: for a teacher of children. every child in the garden is one of many. Not every desire can now be immediately satisfied. On the contrary, there is a need to subordinate one’s impulses to the requirements of discipline, and in relationships with peers to take into account their desires and inclinations. The situation becomes somewhat more complicated if the child does not join a newly formed group, but an already existing one, in which a certain style of relationship has developed. As a rule, a child who does not suffer from developmental disabilities and is not spoiled by the every-minute care of his parents quickly and well adapts to new conditions, i.e., A. is successful. If voluntary regulation of his behavior is not yet available to him, the organization. Det's requirements institutions may find themselves under an unsustainable burden. A developmental delay will put him at a disadvantage compared to his peers, and worries about this can lead to nervous strain and breakdown. Facilitation of the process of A. largely depends on the parents, who should actively contribute to physical activity. and mental development of the child and, most importantly, the formation of his communication skills.

    When entering school, a child’s life enters a qualitatively new stage, when his participation in educational activities comes to the fore. Discipline requirements are even more regulated. The peer group is being renewed. At this stage, readiness for school learning, both intellectual and personal, is crucial. Having mastered the beginning in advance. teaching skills activities and having experience communicating with peers, the child, as a rule, adapts normally to the conditions of systematic school training. In this regard, children who did not attend preschool. institutions sometimes have certain intellectual advantages, but usually suffer greatly in terms of establishing relationships and discipline. Problems in mental and personal development prevent normal entry into new conditions, doom the child to the role of a laggard, and this in turn can lead to the occurrence of chronic diseases. psychic trauma and behavioral disorders. From teachers to criticism. situations of maladjustment of a child require increased attention to his individual psychological needs. characteristics, an individual approach to training and education, and sometimes joint psychocorrectional work. with specialists from other areas.

    Lit.: Human Adaptation, L., 1972; Man and Environment, L., 1975, B about b and s in a M. I., Social norms and regulation of behavior, M., 1978; Kon I. S., Discovery of “I”, M., 1978; Adaptation of students' bodies to school. and physical loads, ed. A. G. Khripkova and M. V. Antropova, M., 1982.

    Adaptation of schoolchildren with developmental disabilities

    According to available data, more than 80% of modern children experience learning difficulties due to certain health conditions. That is why adaptation is also considered in special pedagogy. This makes it possible to solve the problems of a child with developmental disabilities and eliminate his isolation from the society in which he grows and lives.

    Disorders of social adaptation affect children's attitude towards their environment. They become anxious and gloomy, depressed and touchy. As a result, they develop isolation. Children begin to avoid a wide range of social circles. They isolate themselves within “four walls,” where they may experience hidden (masked) depression.

    Growing up, a child with disabilities begins to realize that he is not like everyone else. This contributes to the formation of low self-esteem, social passivity and a narrowing of the scope of active activity.

    Adaptation in correctional pedagogy is, first of all, the psychological rehabilitation of children with learning difficulties. It may represent a release of nervous tension. In addition, the teacher should strive to correct his pupil’s self-esteem, develop his memory and mental functions, imagination and thinking, attention and overcome passivity. At the same time, it will be necessary to develop in the child responsibility and independence, an active life position, help him overcome alienation and develop communication skills.


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